Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
.-' jV,'v, MORNING EN TEH PRISE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. 1 .- 14 Useful WAS GIFTS for Men i 1 jJo LIE VETT Men's Gloves, Men's M.lrls, MenV. He and hose combination sets, Men's hankcrc.iicfs In gift boxes, Men's foncy suspenders for Xmas, and numerous suitable gills for men. Should tb lon of money be Je- slrsd. do not fall to wk (or It, m w do not rqulr It for busln pur pose, but merely for tb sake of loaning ; also help yourself to our pos tag stamp. O r atnographr will "Heir them for you. If you see anything In the office that you would Ilk to have a. a souvenir, help youralf; take It wltb you. If It U too heavr we will od it to your t(1rlr4s. If you will kindly Id u know where 'you live. 'Don't b backward, by all mean. I'rofan langug la at all tlm time. xpectad, peclally If lad lea ara preaeut. lie aura and hav yoor out-of town telephone call char gad to us. WHAT JO MAK t Presents That Will Oaliflht tha Trav alar and Huhwi(, Dainty accessories fr tb traveler ara the toothbrush esse nod ppongx t im photographed here. Itt.tli of lbe ara mada of coarse gray crush, tb a a a ! no mvw iba tnaat an conviction I ul naraon or persona, wbo Wfutly r.mor copies of Th , Cla Enterprise rom tae of subscriber after , Lr aaa bora placed there by . Irtkav J, ara jo Kkyr ht said you eonld mo a bill ft anjbody ba ever aaw." I TauM aha Most aW. i r NMmen A LI nd berg HIGH CLASS - TAILORING S0 tailing Bldg., Portland. Pnona Malif tlSI. . ara jofl a aprlntarf LOCAL BRI CPS . r rt L K. Gardner, of Carua, waa at city on Monday. ' ita Rrraatar, of Portland, waa In city Hunday vlalling frlenila aipr VS IIIa. of Canby. waa In this oa Monday vlaltlng frlanda. . Rudoluh Ballar la vary 111 at wltb Iba Bouthrrn I'arlfle Company, and rantly of tha Walla Kargo Com pany, baa arraptad a Kaltlon In tha Oregon City poalofflfa. Tha largMit fancy-work Una and Hkhardatm'a allka al U C. Ely'i. rrank llradlay. of Ihla City, baa purrhaad a fl.apaaangr Ford auto-tnohll-. malting tha purrhaaa from tha Klllott ti.many Saturday, and la now learning oprata tha machine T H Und-ay ot 8lld,, wara In thla tlly on bualnaaa Mon.lay. nd want Iron, thla city to Carua where they will apend Chrlatma. with their daughter. Mra. Gardner. . . II c palnton. of Jt-nulnga Lodga. who Joined tha newly org.nUer Bona f veteran. In hl. city Saturday night, waa appointed commander of tbe organisation. Mr.. W. A. Holme., of P-rkplaca. ... taken lo 8U Trant-. Ho.u.l Portland. Krlday. anJ on ,urd"' mornTng underwent a aerlou. .urglcal or-.lon. Hr E A. Uon.mer prform In gtba oiieratlon. Keducad price, on all niMln.r. for ,h. holld. ya. MM 1- n'uni W K. Rtavan. and family 'uto' II I W" " . h-r thrr will .K hnmi. mna hereafter m.ha mair ..- ' ... .. to ,e, to O0"0 They have been realdlng In tna l.lla country. iv.i,n ana '" kk.. .nj her condition la aer- Mia. ''".L wentW Portland and r ! t',"r,c uVd.y whera they JUAart (ilnther. of Shubel. wa. In .'" pUra with MIM 7.unv n. City Sunday, tlaltlnf ralaUTea J." urgndmothar. Mra. NN"II. no il bare "m Pearl Kalmbach. of Parkplace. P arcepted a poaltlou In tba W. A. ma ttora. R'm Bertha Korener. of St. Johna, HM Mloa Redonla Shaw Saturday k gunilav I rie (In-Kory. tha well known M ralattr.- of Molalla, waa In Ibl '00 bualneaa Monday. "' Cl.r. Field, ha. returned N after a few day.' wltn "Hi In Portland. Jimea (lar.lner and daughter and ' kuahand, were among tba Oregon 7 ruitora Monday. f. hndoliib Koerner 'of Bt. John.. fo kaa been the gueat of Mr.. W. H. h. returned 19 her borne, "r. J.mea Evan., of Portland, frmarlr of Canby, waa In thla city wy vlaltlng relatlvea and friend.. H. A. Iterkman nt McMlnnvllta. W.. 1 ""I. city on Sunday and Monday, 'urnlng to MeMlnnvllla Mn'"y Ing. . . Mr. nd Mr.. H. K.' Ijalourefe. Mr. Mr. John McQulnn. of Portland, '""a Mr. and Mra. C. XX Latourotte mdy. , 0. MumpoWer, tfna of the promln rid.uit. of Clark amaa. w. In : 'My Monday, raglaterlng at tbe CW-trta Hotel. "t Hn of furl In Oregon City nr Chrlatm.. girt, at D C. Ely'a c- Sfhuehel. left the latter part ' Mt ek for Coo. nay. on legal Dual and will be CtJaa for .avaral Mr- C. Bohoenhelni, who fall nar lw ""me aevaral day. ago, I. Impror but U tiu unable to leare bar Ved' B"V,rtl 0f n"r ,b, W'r P. Rand, who wa. In Harney r"y durln the .ummer and f. raturnn nt in auend winter. , Mr. Rand, ba been em- lkyd hy tha aovarnment. ' Win City Kome.tead No. -1484. r0therh(in4 f imirlrin Yeom0, lira a m..n,..r..le ball at the 1" 0. W k.n a.tnrittf avenlng, Da- '.! Richard., niece of Mr.. ijllllam h. Howell, and Tom Lube, "inland, were In thl. city 8"n' T"1"! t the home of Mr and Mr.. H.Howell. I V - BPMto. formarly connected at 8t of John., with menu. . a-a".eKar P,,nund. wb6 b.. J-" In Jh'a cUy .Inc. Friday. '""J0 McCarrer". 8undK4jr .nVaw C T Wood -ho re brother In law C. J- " t .bled on Twelfth and ater vary lh"r.:V,'.nC Jl.l.ed at hi. uinea -- of Mr. anu "- Cbarlei D. C Ely .jaewher by the borne Hancock. it win pay y Xa before - ' ....k..rn will UUbr",,hUdyy,nrMday'and .rrlve In th la city nm employed n th. O roatt.ftio nuru.a - rrier -r. will alao be an '".... during CbrUtma. week. J'perlenclng holiday nv 01 me pii-- t to Bantam cltlei Th clrK ruah, a. k. ..I.tav r i -p. n)W Drum .V",U cltle. and to Kurop.. "" " . .v.. -uv wa. a t m wnaon. " "- gueat of frlenl. In any eve...... h , Nobel h.. P1T rjmburger. tock. Cream, Any quantity city Portland Batnr- ola and in Main .tract n Humphry., who wa. Jl . .w d.V. mc . whll. .pHttmr. Injured a 'w.dy,h'onl9 hi. finger kindling wood at hi. bom ,n(t being nearly """b, "that the Anger and It l no bone wa. "...1 k. .aved. although the Done riu i" . unI,nt aiienutju and Monday - . m. a nnra ,0 tha injury - ;ommenclng to lt w '"u"VhfimVhry. b,s digit atn. torn. r thl. city ;,PCdent to hi. way heremH 1 th an arc buggy. Tn ""';,,. which be wa. the rear of the bugRy. WJ me fa.t. bringing to Oregon City. d ened In the wb.el of ha "fV. "iged to have to come out. but he th,t be th. th t.hlcl. ''.Vcuy with wa. able to t to rOegon w; out much difficulty. ,d in ererythlng they y " -to . -I hava known It to be done. "Where. M1" f. B.itimor. In tbe panltantlary- American. HAS rHOEHEARSAL Much entbualaam marked the meet ing of the Philharmonic Society Mon day night In the banquet ball of th Maaonlc Temple building. Owing to the change of night tbe attendance waa not up to laat week, and the dif ficulty of obtaining a hall available for tbe aame night throughout tbe aeaaoo 1. giving tbe officer, of the .0- clety conalderable worry. At' preaent th feeling aeema to fa vor tba uae of tba Congregational church, notwlthatandlng the fact that Wedneeday night la tbe only night tbe cbtirrh room I. free, and that the night Itaelf la not particularly accep table to tha majority of tbe member ahlp. The banquet room of the Ma aonlc Temple Monday evening, would tie the practically unanlmou. .elec tion of th entire memberahlp. except that It I. .ttuated directly beneath the billiard room of tha Commercial Club. The definite aolutlon or the matter baa been laid over until next Monday niaht when a written vbte will be taken. New mualc, which ha. arrived from the Eaat for the orcheatra. will be uaed at the rehearsal next rrlday In the ladle.1 parlor, of tho Commercial Club. The mnalcal rep ertoire of tha organliatloo I proving attractive to Inatrumentallat. from out of town, aeveral offer Having oeen received from player, willing to pay the eiDenae of Journeying here for the opportunity of practicing with the lo cal men. It la the dealr of Director John tnn however, to make the orcheatra a trlctly local affair even at the coat nt loalna- lnatrumentalle otherwlae juinhln A commendable fea ture I the fact that neither conductor nnr 1e. der I. oald. th mutual enjoy ment of the mualo rehearaed being the Mile reward. The, Commercial Club .uppllea the room for rehearaal. Th orcheatr. la the InitrumenUl .action nt 1 he Philharmonic .oclety and wltb nt ilnnht the mualcal event of the city", hlatory will be th forthcoming public performance 01 itu voice. uu Inatrumentallat. COMMERCIAL CLUB JINKS POSTPONED Tha entertainment planned by the Hoard of Governor, of the Commer cial Club for next nmtj "" been postponed until January 1. The reduced rate, of $10 for re.ioent mem ber. and 5 for non resident member, will be discontinued next Friday, and the entertainment wa. planned In honor of th. new member. Th mem bershlp hn been Increased by more than thirty, and every buslnes. house In the city, but one or two, I. repre sented The entertainment wa. post poned owing to th .tore. b.lWlop. ed thla week in the evening. An elaborate program will be arranged for tho New Yaar'a festivities " . .... uiera MEET TODAY. The Live Wire, bold their regular weklv luncheon at th Commercial Club today. x GOOD OFFICE RULES. (Complied by Willi Bugg.) Gentlemen upon entering will lev th door wld open, or apologize- Thos. having no bus nes. houM remain a. long a. P"hl; Jk chair and lan against th wall; It wia preserve the wall and may pre cent U falling "I u. Gentlemen are requested to .moke. ,irinf nfftce hour.: tobao- especially ' k 1 -m:f 'UY TOoraaaoaH BOLBaa. dge of which are bound wltb plain blue allk. TU caaea are lined wltb bit rubberized allk. Tbe lniual 01 tbe reclpleat of tb gut suouia oe embroidered oa tbe ouUlde or tue flap of tba caaoa. ' A caae for tb ro nib and brush, tbe w.ah rag and other toilet acceaaorte may be added r s H , A Conductor on the Underground Railroad . By JAHED WIUJAMSON .Cofrrlsht by Amartran I'reaa Aaaa cluiiuii. Uil. aroxu case to th outfit Instead of pal Din toe favorite color of the one who la to re ceive tbe gift may b used for binding tb act and for working tbe monogram. Crochet Table Set. Crochet table acta ar now popular, and any woman who can crochet will find that th bouewlvea of her ac quaintance will be gratified to recelv even the simplest handmade outfit. Tbe dolly illustrated here t worked In coarse lluen thread or a moderotelj fine crochet cotton. Tbe imtteru con abt. .Imply of a combination of wheel, or rosettes. If a larger dolly Is wanted the row of single treble, around the Inside wheel tuny le In creased until th border Is" wide enough to make tbe dolly of the d. alred width when the outer row of wheels Is added. To make esch wheel crochet a ualu of twelve atlt-Her uud J)ln It to form a ring. Then on the ring work thlrty-elx treble. Fr tbe second row make one treble betwecu ear two treble of the preceding row wltb a chain of two between each tre ble. For tbe tblnl row turn, crochet four trable Into every third bole ot tbe preceding row with four chain be tween enrh of the four trebles. For the fourth row cro bet four treble In the center of tbe group of four trebles of the previous row and connect by rhiiln of four." For tbe fifth row crochet twelve trebles In the center of the group of four treble, cook a chain of two and 111 J " . . 1 nAm w eo and clgnr. of tn nnesi o.- - "Vp'l'ron'h. floor, a. th .p.Uoon. T.1!0; 0.ror' when w. ar. .ngaged. If thl. ha. not th deslrsd effect. lngl If we ar In buslnes. conversa tion with anyone, gentleman are re not to wait until w ar through, but Join la m f cularly fond of speaking to half a . mnrm at a tlm. Put your ft on tb table, or lean tk. It will be of great ...A tho- who are writing Person, having no bu.lne.. to trenj. . Ill rail or.en or evu. p.Ti " " selves. I tub rur. poilt. draw a tltch up under the chatn ot four In tb two preceding rows, cnain two more and mak a group of twelve treble, and so ou to the end or tne tow. This will complete one 01 im. Wheel. Twelv of these wheels .re reoulred for the dolly. For the ceo tar or the dollr conntK t each of tbe callop that edg th wheel with chain of twelv. For th uext row w-k. .i.rhi..n trebles ou each of these chain. For tb next row turn and make on trebl and two chain between each of tb two trebl of tb preceding row. The three other row. are done exactly like the third. fourth and fifth row. of the wbeel, The wheel, may lie ntted for the ont- Id row Into position and Jolnea raw nlace with a needle and thread. An ineinerlenced crochet worker Will find thl dolly a ry eaay affair to mak. The pttrn merely repeats tt lf, which aimpllfl. th dalgn. CouiparatWaly few person of the present geuoralloa would know tuv meaning of tb underground railroad Tb underground railroad comprised a abolltlouUts IH4 to IHOO-wbo wer eugsgeo in neiping ruuawa .lav to reach free territory. Any oo of these railroader If caught at their work, especially during tb lust years prior to th civil wur. wouui hav beeo baoged Inatatitly. Un venliig 10 lue wiuier ui colporteur, riding o ' borseb.u k. topped at a country boo near Nali yllle. Teno- and. calling for the own' r announced to blci tliat be lnteudml to Urt a series of religious meet log lo tbe neighborhood Mr Hoone tb geutleman he ddre4Mi. lwtoei with true suiitliero bosj(tttllty. asked tb atruuger to dismouut ana tie uix gueat for as loug a period aa be Uke4. I'm Dot bHt Is usuuiiy euiieo a rellgloua umn. suld Mr. liMue. oui I reaiMM-t tbe clotb. and I " oo ail 1 can to yo . auu Tbe colporteur, who gave hi. name . . . . . ... . . A 1 .... 1 .. I).via Mugieion. nccepiru tatlon. removed bla eaddletmgstbeo used In lieu of a suit esse turned bis horse over to a oegro slsve auu weoi Into tbe house. "I Judga. suit. remarked JIr..Une "from yo accent that yo' a' from V no'th. While 'yo' ore welcome In my bouae."l trust that yo' have none of the abolition notion, prevaleut among yo' people." -1 can orove. air." replied tbe colpor teur. "from tbe Bible that tbe Institu tion of slavery 1 a divine Institution. Tbla waa perfectly satisfactory to Mr. Boone, wbo guv Dimseir no mr ther concern about bb guest", pro- slavery proclivities, n one day caught Mr. Singleton talking wltb one or oi neCToea-Blll. a young man wltb wife and child whom be iBooue f expecting to sell, separating the faro- lly. But at a frighteoeo- glance iroia Bill, wbo ew bis msster coming. iur colporteur drew a bundle of tracts rrm his pocket, gave tbem to tbe slave, auu by the time the msster came l' wa enjoining tbe negro to repent and If aved. Mr. Boone failed to busihh-i that the northerner w.s tampering wltb bl. slave. One evening party of gentlemen from the" neighborhood gathered In Mr Boone'a bou for a game of poker always popular In tbe aouth. and t which Mr. Boone considered himself proficient. He apologized to Singleton for not Inviting him to take a bsnd. giving as a reason that the latter" vo cation was not In accord with the game. The colporteur sat bewlde ins table w.tcblng tbe gam. occasion allv aaking a stupid qnestlon with re gard to It. For Instance, be wished to know If the one snot, as be called tbe ace. wa. tn lowest card In tbe pack and If tb knave would take tne nop Finally one of the players, winking at the others. Invited tbe looker 00 to take a band. Of course be defined, but tbe playere continued to force blni to play. and by their united efforts succeeoea. But Mr. Singleton could not be pre vailed noon to take out bis money. o ana of tbe party wbo hnd won liberally hoved ten one-dollar bills before Dim Th colporteur continued Dis siupiu auestlons and remarks abont tbe game. but from the first Held very gooo banda. He did not seem to know their value, often liettlng most on tbe wesk it. But somehow be won more on poor bands tuan tne oinen uiu Urge onea. Bv midnight Mr. Singleton, playing qb borrowed capital or rather cspitnl that hnd been forced noon blm-bsn relieved at) the company, except Mr Boone, of tbelr cash In hand, and they were obliged to drop not. The host' pride wa touched. Tbe Ules of a tract distributer from th north. who didn't know tbe value of an ace. coming Into Tennessee ana cleaning out a company of southern gentlemen was nrenosterorm. He squared bim elf before Mr. Singleton and propos ed to finish the game between tbem. doubling tbe stakes. Mr. Singleton tried to withdraw, begging to be per mitted to return bla winnings, but the proposition w.s ecouted. u " forced to proceed. The hands be held were remarkaoie. anvliiw when he dealt tb carus. Within an hour he bad woo an Mr. Boon' csh In bnd and th balance In bl. check book. 'I'll pot op one o' my Digger, be aald. 'Which oneT asked 8tngleton "BUI, I've Intended to aell bim any- Bill w.s considered equiv.ieni 10 $1,000 In chip, and In half an hour wa. owned by Mr. Singleton, inw Bill', wife. Chloe. and ber picxsninny were put up together, and In anotner half hour they, too, bad been lost to their master. Singleton's manner changed. "Gentlemen." be aald. "you're buck- tnir airalnat the wrong man. i n not afraid to declare myself a converted gambler. I've tanght you your mia take. Good night" He went to bla, room and tbe next morning left tbe place for Memphla ik kia vtnnlnirs. Bill. Chloe and their At Memphis be took pa. aage on a boat for Cincinnati, wher be turned bis sl.v f.mlly over to th aunerlntendent of tb underground railroad, with th remark that It was for him to irambl for lave than to help tbem run aay to north era free territory. ( iws your mm A $3000.00 STOCK OF SHOES. W hav th ln of Ladi and Children' the vr ehown In Oregon City. W. ar going to ll th at coat to gat acquainted. $4.00 Shoes at $3.50 Shoes at 01.05 01-50 As a further inducement we will give FREE with every pair of Ladies' shoes one pair of Baby's-shoes Merrill & Gave Corner 9th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY HYDE JUROR FLEES; TRIAL- IS HALTED KANSAS CITY. MO, Dec 11. Un doing th work of week of court pro cedure, and bringing to a atandstlll the aecond irfal of Dr. B. Clark Hyde. charged with the murder of Colonel Thomaa H. Swope, Harry Waldron. a Juror In th case broke out of bla room In a hotel here eariy toaay. eiuo d two deputy Marshal set to guard the Juror and escaped. The first bint or tn juror. ecape cm. from T. Halloway ana Frankjae- per. Deputy Marahala, wbo lounawe irininm torn ivtr from th door, of th room Waldron bad occupied. Wal dron waa nowhere to be seen, a fore of deoutie waa Bent tmmediaie- lv In nursuit To prevent bl roommate ana ibhuw- Juror, O. W. Palmer, rrom upmnuus hi. plana. Waldron conairucieu uuu. my man of bedquilta and slipped It Into hi. place In tbe bed. The room waa In th rear of tne hotel, next to a bathroom. Waldron removed a iap le from the transom In the door over the bathroom and climbed over. When Palmer arose thla morning he nudged bla dummy bedfellow to aroue him. and then pread the alarm. When the new. ot Waldron'a diaap rwarance u carried to the court room Juat befor tlm for court to con vene, attorney for both ide Immed- late,rwenl ".k. .7n Tthe'trinafe- card w.. received. mine me enw;. ui , . the case. Prosecutor conaiing stale would .tart at once an Invest igation to determine whether Wald ron had been Induced to escape. Walsh, atrorney for the defense ,aalj he would ask that elisor, be appoint ed to take charge of the Jury ontll , Waldron could be found. A.ked a to whether the matter would result in a mlitrtaL Judge Po-terfleld aald that wouUJ depend upon Wal .Iron's course during bl. period of liberty, should be be captured. In a written state ment Prosecutor Conkling said: 'The action of Juror Waldron will -be rigidly investigated by the state, under the order of Judo Porterfleld, not only to ascertain the extent of the of the misconduct, but alao wbo. if any one. induced It" Domestic trouble I. aald to have' caused Waldron to grow restless un der confinement as a Juror. He owned and conducted a dairy farm on the out skirta of the cUy. On November 2 Waldron'a andden llmeaa cauaed an adjournment of court December lat , Waldron'a phyalclan pronounced Wa able to serve, and tbe trial waa re- j sumcd. Waldron'a idlaposltioa waa at that time pronounced due to bla worry : over home affair. .. . WOODMEN ELECT OFFICERS. The following were elected by tbe Oregon City Camp No. 56666, Modern Woodmen of America: CounsuL J. F. Ramsby; adviser. F. P. Croaa; banker, U J. Lageson; clerk. L D. Taylor; es cort, W. H. Cnrti: watchman, W. R. Dann; sentry, E. F. Portouw; mana ger, R. E Woodward; physician. Dr. C. H. Meissner. One new application for membership waa received, and on O. A. C. Short Courses Begin Jan. 3, Conttoce For Weeks Every cltiaen of Oregon Is cordially ta? attend the abort courae of the Oregon Agricul tural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven dl.tlnc YOU Uve course, will be offered In AgricuHure Me- W W chanlc Art. Domestic Science and Art, Com- npH mere. Forestry and mualc. BYerT. coTV ?' ARE1 ?gned o HEJLP the Btudent In hi. dally wort. J I IS. jigneo n profitable winter on t- T ing. No tuition. Reaaonable awmmodatlona lnVUeO For beautiful llluatrated bulletin addreea H. M. TEN N ANT. Registrar. CorvaUla. Oregon. Farmer a Bualneaa CQura by Correepowdence. , ' ' " " "l to WsulO Net Noticed. Applicant-Yes, madam, t wish secure bourd. but I mnst Inform yon Hjiu. umdam. Mn RitmdletOh. that will be all. right i exim ted to ent tb 1VU II. ... i - meat None "f the otlieis ever do. HOLIDAY SPECIAL I have Ju.t received a. Urg ahlpment of SUrer war and In order to make room for my other Block In my .mall Quarter, have decided to mn a Special Sale, beginning next Tuesday. December 12. and cloe out the entire stock ot Silverware. NOTICE THESE PRICES: 26-plece Set in hanlsom caae. Regular price $2150. Sale price ' ' 12 piece et Regular price $6. Sale prico " Carving Seta. Regular price 5. Sale price ....SS-TS Steak Seta. Regular price 4. Sale price $i TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WHILE IT LASTS. W. LEONARD RUNYAN Watchmaker and Jweler. Maaonlo Building ervtrance. I Them a a Moor. . . OTboma. Moor often wrote t akoct poem almost Impromptu. He conmmed over two years In reading ant! I prepar Ing material for "Lalla Rookb and two yeara more to writing; that tal tabhi poe- " k NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake. Including medical "tentlon hoard and hatha, coat, no more than you would pay to lye at hotel. Room, can be had from 75 cent, to $250 per day Meat, in the cafeteria are aerved from 20 cent up and In the grill at the usual grill price.. Bath, range from 60 centa to $1.00. Wc Do Cure Rheumatism Hot Lake Mineral Batha and mud given under scien UBo direction have cured thousands. Write for lUnav t rated booklet deecripUv of Hot Lake Sanatorium and tb methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium la aooee aibie a. lt la located direct ly on the main line of the O..W. R. A N. railway, and apeclal excuralon rate ar to be had at alt Us. Aak agenta. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKE. OR SO ON. . , . WALTER M. PIERCE. Prcs.-;r. C't- I -rS. Eg .1-