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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1911)
HOHNftTQ ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY. NOVEM..KK 2K191L. FRIBBLES OF FASH10M, . 'tstrt WMM Met thlrta In A tN atyla . Tha Too f waists aaatrhlag th suite, glvtog th effect of UrM atec Coat, CWMlMN tO It M StrOB JViHady's Mirror Bs r, say th Dry (lood Eroaa- Mai iBetead f the pUUi aatia ftNia- datlao ati waists ar soeaated rr ax ar Mil sad trlamsaed with it liinu aaiar wtrr. embroidery la bright lacaa ar also need lac rlors. MoUtUc . la this way. 811k cvcid hairpin art novelty and hav th advaatag of mm ellp- ptnc eat f tb hah?. They art mad ta sight shadesgTsy. Sahara, tw " shade of brow gotdra aad four shades of brow. . .-a. Th Brat astasia bats ara soger loaf ahap. with faacy feather trimming. -. tee rather alga aad betas sharply of th pretty aow waieta of China aQk hare aailor collars mad 'Croat a aaan'a allk handherchlet Tba aock ta hollowed oat from tba middl. cat to at tb, throat of tb wear. It la roaaded la th back aad cat In a T la Croat Tb plats, awnalab aalrt wiat to on always la demand. Tb walat tUoetrated to finished with aoft col lar aad caffs aad bit b nod wtta tb applied yoka. . judic CHoixrr. i afar MutM setter ki cat la rraaa M to ascbes boat waur. to tkta . tvi Bsmbar. Til, bad a wai a t saintly fomiM te yau aaaO. If aa auto sen mm adlttoal a tor latter aoata. wale aeeaapt etrrevy. THE CHILDREN. Chat Abvt Jwoail Wear d tHs ' . Lite. Evaa th in lots ar Imitating tbrlr . sisters at wearing empire Haea-aad WT awatat aad faartnatlng they ara. v Oraaa to tb children's color thto year, aad It to vary amart la aD shades with a teach of black. , Kxtrcewly styBsh ar tb aw toatb- ar bolta wttk tba hi Oat bowa of tb I'll ... Rwna HI Lin. A fitrl wb waa grewtag aat f bar cloth datrailnd t tbta do a by active etervhM tier doctor totd br aotalag waa ao tblaaiag aad alp ro ducla aa t bnd frquaUy from tb walat N. QyauMstlca aad ladoor paalral ax rcta war baufal ro br. but aba at runted bard wttb tbm until on day, watrblac bar small aUtvr play wttb a raMwr bait, a baprty ktai atrark bar. Tbraftr ab- atartd i b- a day fur a tone tramp in tb country, raktaf wttb br a porkrtfal of discard d aif balls. At two aUaat to tort a is sh tbrw tb ball aa far aa II T would go. ran to find It atxt. waa It was reaebvd. atoopad to pick It up without todlnt br kaa 8b roo vry rrt. lifting bar arms abovo bar bd aa far aa tby woald atrotcb. tba roauwed bar ord aary brisk walk aatll tb ball waa tbrowa axala. 8b found ar aovai tblnnlng xrr rts full of ardra. noch mora fun than coaiBkHiplac bodlng. aad tb 0a air Ufa Unprorvd br baltb and cow plxha, wbll tb atooplng waa bring ing down br agar. Aaotbar 'gtrl tblaad ' beraotf by atooplng frqnatly to plrk prbbl from a atony beach. 8b learned a kit boat abctla and aand denbumt wbll ealttrattng allmncoa. la both tbca Mtboda tb ITrt woald b loat If atooping wr not doo froaa tb waist wttb aabent kn. It la anor bcnoflclal to InKnar ( breaths aad kap tb lunga Inflated wba brad Id. Tba GiH With Pal Eva, It to aatoafatbia that away gtrto wa dtoplay xcllat taste to dros often bar a knowledge of what suits tbem la Jewelry. On frequently see ar tlstlc gowns (polled by tb Insistent not of aa 111 cboaaa brourb or aork lac, and ao oa thing can so mar the charm of tb face aa earring that ara an becoming. fal btooda cbooa -rubles or gar aeta. which salt only the dark haired. dark eyed woman. Fair women aboald reawnibar that tb taraaoto to a I wart tb most beremlag atoft for their typo. Bat they , cab bis wear sap phlraa and opato. saooaatoo aad in thyata. Babtoa. garneta nad emeralds, to pa at, amber aad pink coral aboald sp peal to dark women, fur they are la definitely becoming to them. Mo woman with light eyea aboald b tod need to wear emeralds, ao matter how beaatlfnl they are. If sh due will find that they steal tb light r eyea. waring tbem almost faded. Tb woman wttb dark eyea. If'fbe will wear pink coral, will find that her ays shin with added brllllaac Far Tired Feat. After a toag walk, when the fret feel wary gad aacoerortM. try bathing tbem In warm water wttb a little d eotofn added to It Dry tbem aad rah la aom starch or plala rVrtet powder. On a railway journey it la a d htoa to take a pair of light nip pers la tb traveling bag and to change the outdoor boots when la tbe train Alcohol to a good medium altb which to rub tb feet, aad bathing tbem la aalt water to good for an feet, aad they are always benefited by tb starch powder rah afterward. Cotton stockings of tb finest and Softest make are excellent wear for tender feet, and many people like raab a Many people bellere la soaping tbe heel of a stocking ao aa to prevent blisters, aad ahaklng starch powder or boraclc add tato tb stockings be for potting tbem oa la anolner preventive f those crippling worriers. casMtss Rioaniowa. same material t the back. Tber mak almost any little costume look rigbt Have you seen the nw and 'i n:t lut It pretty wooden dolls wood v-u to the heads, it look as if even i ll might become betrlooms. 8ashes are now worn by evrn the Unlnent of trlrln. babies of (wo r three or f'ur. and even Infants In !i-lr UrM abort di-en". Tliey ai;e of rartoun : siae and vlen and look very iiinnliiK on tbe from or buck of tb wim- child's lingerie frock The clicnilne nlhfgciwn N a fmorite ne wllh Kiria. The one l.i tin- ml Is full ami roou:y. ret Is .verr oliiinle to aiake, meaning only the kIi u:l-r snd underarm seam to aew njv The nx k edge la Onisbed with benjinir JUDIC cnot.I.ET - This May Manton pattara U cut In sixes for girls of sla. eight. Un sn4 twelve , fsars of sa. 8nd M earns to this vlbem. giving nuaiber. 7104. snd It will b prompt ly forwardod te you by mail. If in hapt - ssnd aa addltlensl tw not stamrt tor tettse psatsg. wnteh losarss mors ptenpt asirvari'- Imp!, bt EsasMial. , sialaa athor - la my manoscrlpt hard to edit? Editor No. It requires i oaly sacood'a work to every other peg Bhtlng Aot bur Erasing a wont on it t ' Editor-No; patting It la quo ' tatloa marks. ' tba " laWlfylirff m Hairaff. 1 Tto halrsss Is to meet m at stock.-. . .- ' k ' "Good aoooga. dak. -Bat how shall I know her 7" -Writ her to hold a nniloo dollar ta bar left hnd."-P1tislire; Post . 1 1 ..".-' . '' r . fiimpi Aids t hsaaty. Ekin of a coarse quality la tb despair of a girl of refinement who wishes to lay some claim to beauty, tier rase la not a hopeless one. however, as con- adentions application of tbe complex ion broiih will readily prove. Tbe se cret of success Ilea in I be movement of tbe brush, which should alwaya be rotary and not too strenuous. Liquid green soap is the best clean in? orent with tbe brush treatment. but it is so strong tbst only occasional applications may be mad If nsed more than twic a week It dries snd cracks tb skin. i'ractice this brush treatment etery night for a month, and tbe Improved condition of the skin will doubt 1 bring shout a decision to continue It la- deOnltely. , Powder Puffs. Lisle thread stockings act as sa ir ritant to tender feet when the feet ache and burn rob soles, toes and instep wttb cold cream every morning. Remember that thoughts fix tb ex pression of tbTael and ao Try Id bar tbem alwaya beautiful . Bicarbonate of soda, wblrb Is noth ing more than common baking soda. Is s valuable tooth cleanser. rrectpltated chalk, used as a tooth powder and afterward rubbed on dry t the tops of tb teeth. Is s car for recedlsg gams Milk, rubbed on tb skin of tb far. allowed to dry and later removed by a warm bath of warm water, to ex cellent as a complexion beaotlflar. ) .... . v , . ; ' : , , ; Hi Pays for the MOKNINU ENTKUWUSK a whole yen r I ' . " l)eceihhef3l, 1911. " ? ' " 1 ill Take advantage of ihi$ offer hy toying for a renewal Si I of your iubaeriftion at IJargain Perinl rate, and tell your - () I nfighbors aboHtthiirn(iiir - !r v THE -MORNIKO ENTER 11. ISE " O A WHOLE YEAR .-,.-r m - BY MAIL I jl : - - . - . w ws'sf w's'TTJ-r-yww Blind fiwifHRMr. I An Eesnamisal Mathu UntK tk. .11 a . I .... . It to a at.ndin. dux! that .U blind 8m.ll Kaiher.m.. who a, d : 7 ' ' " w. na. w j. snt, Blixbth Schumsuch to , William - 1. . - - oeen neia 10 ih mmi 1 Man in Kinnaa iota a t 1.1..1. a r. 1. 1 m ana ahta tit Knlrf an almnaf bidden to touch 1 ha Ink h.A . ' " -"s . vmm ninoit nu gmUM conn, for very con cidenta.., s . ,,e , ; "- w' . . . rlu,K VTtV' -v-s s-i iii'Miin f grwa, imii tt f nm . .. swimmers perfectly alders hi distances, tboago 00 more galdance to given to tbem tba a some species of rail or whistle coming from tb winning goal. A blind man. In fact, desiring to go In a straight line possesses tb carious power of being able to do so almost exactly. A pro vincial mayor Instituted a aerie of contests In aa open lake between bllod men and ordinary ones of a bowl equal skill snd strength, snd tbe result was marvelous so far as the straight steer ing of tb blind waa concerned. Lou don Globe. rug Her mother, on dlwotrriim the state of affnlnt. had epr-.d inire surprise tbsn iear When the fit tbet of the fncnllT returned nt nlclit bis little ditiiithter met him at t ti dior and asked: Tap, ho nincb does a bottle of Ink rostr "Ob. about n cents." "Klv ivntsr' etclslmed theaagrler ed yoangster in m loo of dw di(rit "And "to thtnR nmf mn mum ivTiuTT make all that fns sismt one Utile dot tie of In.- " Many A lierne anas. A very handsome species of snake Is toe rnioor-erus viper, wdich bears, sa saonntina Its nsaie Muggests. borna oo Its bos. It to most lies utl fully colored when freshly emerging from Its cast akin, bat Its form to by bo means elegant being very thick la body, with a ball- doglike head. It msy sttaln s length of more tbsn sis feet and la a eery deadly reptile. Between Women. -now exasperatlngly clever aba tor "Tea. but bow coosollngly homely! ruck. Net Q sofa. Tou'r going to tb smoker tonight. aren't yooT" , -Nop.- "Why. tb boys srs eipectlng yon. Didn't you promise tbem yoa'd be there r Tea. I Intended to be present: bat you see. we bare the recall system In our family, snd my wife bss Inst ei- srctoedlt--Cbk-sgo rterord Herald. 1 . Suld Ink Bag. Ancient Ink waa made by a smiees Ing oat of dead cuttlefish after tb body wss perfectly relaxed. Palmers got tbelr sepia from tbla same squid's bottle. Tbla likewise Is the true aonrc of tb genuine snd original India Ink. for which there baa never been any satisfactory substitute fouod. Tbe Ink bsg to big as man's thumb and can squirt alg feet, darkening more than a hogshead of wster, so tb squid ran aiske nnseea a dart and dash and g 1- swav when squid en tin sea Deb cunie sroaod. New Turk lYrsa, . Deatptlv 0ma. Ingenious iiuiHMhtlona in the of gema are e tret rated upon careiesa buyers. If the sioue Is sot "clear set" U is a ivmiiaratlvely asy matter, it Is contended, to ion cesl a Haw by painting I lie surface of tbe metal wherein the stone la set with s pigment composed of mastic and borat Ivory J ""X ra aald to bar been stolen. Now would ask if this Drocetxllne la according to law, snd if it Is giv ing the prisoner a fair deal. Stolen goods are usually held by tbe court as evidence against tb prisoner, snd not given promlsrloiialy to whoever sought to claim tbenj. It seems that everything found In Msntbey's room Were esrted off, regardless of wheth er he bad bought any of tbem or not ) It has been learned that Manthey h -recently turnedTTn two books of j stamps to t. Adams' store, which ; represents" an outlay of about $00 and , at rues ar lh principal articles given ror stamps it looks to me sa If Manthey wss not getting a squar deal. The poor fellow must surely have some friends, who will not allow him to b charged and convicted snd sent to prison for something for which be Is not guilty. Respectfully, II. P. TATLOR. Orgoa City., est H Culd De. Joe Blank want snooting Issi sotoma after reed birds, lie wss a poor shot and. though bis guide brought blm to many a cops full of birds, oon fall be for his gan.. Tb first eight or Bin Blisses tb gaid ssld nothing, bat on tb tenth b ssid. as tb uninjured reed birds ros in great cloud. "By gosb. sir. y mad tbst tot shift their quarters r-Loa am Tims. F0RUI1 OF THE PEOPLE To tb Editors I see bv aa artlcia la tba Weekly EnUrorU that frat RtAL CITATC T8ANrtR. W. W. Cobaln to rrank n. rord. 61 acre of section . townahln i south, srng 1 east; .ooi. John E. Schenk and EWina Bchenk to Christ and peter Blerenthaler. 60 acres of sections , , 7, g, township , rsngs 4 east; io. T. W. and Plorenc Gartner to Nelll and O. W. Kinney, J acres of ectlon Jl. township I south, range 4 east; $10. John Btewart and Clara Stewart to Charll-IC Duffy, southeast quarter of section 20, township I south, rang 3 west; 20. , Allc Culy to Els! L Calkin, cres of section 2, township I south, rang t ast 550. 8chumsurh to Martin Kllnaa. lots in and 29, Oak Grovs park; $10. D P. and May Warner to W. E. Drooka, 3 acres of section II, town ship S south, rang 4 east; $100."--Hut of Oregon to B. J. Cowllshaw, 10 acres of section 18. township S souih, range 0 east; t $1,200. u Oregon Wster Pow.r Townslt to M. M. Brown. 19 51 ars of sections v sou z, township south. 4 sast-$L rsngs and Elifsbetb BW Edward Wount. " township 4 tan BksM m.m rntira!lf 0 w Hampton. Jr land In sectM ulngs Addition: $1. Georg T. Poteet snd Rn"J tt to Andrew Story. 6 tem Hon 7. township 4 south, tw east; $4,000. Georgia Meldurm snd M w. s drum to Otto Melndle. J iV section D. ta C. of ltr W"", D. L. C. township I wats. rw" est; $1,700, NOT EXPENSIVE Tratmsnt at Hot Lake, Including medical attenUoa. bor4 baths, costs no nor than yoa would pay to llv at any first hotel. Rooms can ba had from T cants to $110 par "T la tb cafeteria ara served from 10 esaU op and in th I'l" oual grill price. Baths rang from 10 cants to $1-00. We Do Cure Rheumatism . HI Hot Uke Mineral and mud slven under tlfia dlrecUon have eurel " . - ina tnousanaa. wm - trsted booklet deacrtptlrs 01 Hot Uke BanatorlBin V tb msthods amplor"- sidi. as 11 is . w on tb main H" d.-w. r. n. tni pedal xcurslon rs to b had at all tln-sgents. 1 i-2 HOT LAE SANATORIUM MOT LAKC, OKIQON. VAtTCtl fis PICCC. Prcs.-M.r M