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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1911)
! 3- I WIATHIN INDICATIONS. J Oregoa city Mala Sunday j brisk southerly wind. 4 Oregon RIn Huaday; south- trly wind. VOI. II-No. 120. OREGON CITY GIRL TELLSOFSIIOOTING MIR. JIBlt tUCKtlt BARACINO 010 NOT KNOW OUN WAI LOADED. PULLED TRKXOt JUST FCX FUN 0j Hr Parents I Wedding Causes Coupl t f I Lm Angel. Honeymoon It Happy On. X)H ANGK1JW. No. ll-ISpec mi) " do not know now It all hap pened. Tb gun was In my band. My buaband aald II wu nut loaded. II wet tiandlng be for m. My Inter wa. on lb trigger. Then an trrealatlbl dealr crept over ma to (Krh my finger, ju.t to see If tb trUier would work. did not awn know tb gun wa pointed toward my husband. Titan rim tba explosion. It am4 lo ma to tbaka tb room. . I dlJ not a my buaband fall. I did nut know ba waa abot.'t ut hit body on tb floor. I knelt at hit bead and aaked blm to speak to ma, but he waa dead." la tba word, told between aobt and convulekoae of grief abaklug br Under fram, Mr. Jessie Burnceno, formerly of Oregoa City, th pretty American brid of a Italian, told tba iry of tb accident! shouting which reused lb death of th man lo whom ha waa married twetv daya iro. "W wr r"y happy." lb girl aid. "I met Mr. Barareno a year a.o It waa after I ram lnch from buainese collet In Bpokan. II con ducted grorery la Oregon -City and railed tbr oa day to Mak pw chase Tbaa I ralUd again. I rould n help loving blm, -)la aald ba rould not balp loving ma: than b railed at my hous. My family objected to lb marriage be raua ba waa a foreigner. W derld ed to com to U Aagelea to l mar ried "My buaband had a beautiful voire. I played on tb piano. We war prac ticing tb opera together. II waa fond of mail. So waa I. W (pent many a happy hour together tinging tnd playing. Then thla earn" Th widowed bride went oa h alow crept arroaa her fare: "Only twelve daya ago w arrived la Loe Angalea and war married and rented n apartment II brought ma aome Ml of roualo and we played and tang I had never Imagined w rould be ao happy. "Nlrk waa moving a trunk Into a rorner. Th gun waa la lb path of tba trunk. I picked It up and aaked Mm If It waa loaded. II told m It w not. I Angered tb gun. I did not know where It pointed, la fart I ran t tell how It happened. It waa all dona ao qulrhly, I only know that my Anger waa oo tb trigger Than I felt I muat anap It Just for fun. I bore down oa It Juat a little. It did not yield, and I pulled a little harder. Tbe hot followed and th flaab and vlae ronfuaed m for a moment. ' ball turned, xpctlng to b rblded for allowing th gun to go off. and half wondering what the neighbor would think of tb note." land:controversy is heard by jury The evidence In th ault of John Hlrlinor, a poneer of Clarkamaa coun ty, againat th Portland Cement Com pany for possession of a atrip of land In lot 1, block I, Houlh Oawego. wat beard by a Jury Jn Judge Campbell' ' Jiirt Saturday. Th argument will "f mad Tuesday after which th case will go to th Jury. Blrhner aakt pejislon of th land and $175 dam lea. An altercation between Rich Her. hi aon. Henry, and Aman Moore, president of th Portland Cement Company, which la building a 11,000,. 100 plant at Oawego, over he owner hip of the land occurred tome time o Th elder Wchner wat wounded n th head and Moor alo waa wounded. Bonn after th fight Blch ter sued Moor for damage ana Moor retaliated, tulng Blchner. leorg C. nrownell and William Htone represent th plaintiff and A. II. Wlnfre. th defendant company. Ovarojatt and Cravanatta w ar howing. Our aalaotlon eomprltat ' euch mtka at Alfred Benjamin, Clothcraft L Byatam and Paragon. Can you beat thamf 8uoh makaa ar : only aold by th batt atorat In tht ctuntry, i 1 2.50 to i35 - Ntat time you'ra'down our way them. Pficit Brothers l tXCLUalVt CL0THIIM Nl Llk Othr. Ith and Main . Imiiiircr nnniirn !ir uhwac rm uh IS FOR MONARCHY YUAN DtCLARKS THAT fU PUB LIC CANNOT Bt CSTAB LltHCO AT PRCSINT. FOREIGN WTERfTOCE FEARED Banewed FlgMIng Thought Prellnv Inary t Attach on Han VangW la Being Hunted. PKKIN. Nov. It. Premier Yuan 8hl Kal believe that China cannot eatabllah a republic with aufflclent dlaatcb lo prevent foreign Interfer ence. Therefore, he It endeavoring to re-ettabllah th monarchy. Tbla la hit preaent attitude, at eipretaed and Implied to member of th National Ataembly, foreign Mlulalere and oth er whom he baa neen. The Premier bellevet. cr pretend to believe, that the provlncea of Chi ll and Mo-nan ar aafe, although It It well known that main force la all that retalna them to th Government. He aayt th maatea In moat of tba provlncet ar rebellloua. but that the province aeceded without giving tb uhject much thought and that a Httl preaaur would bnug them bark to th fold, particularly If Wu rang I recaptured. Rome member of the legation think that Yuan Bhl Kal ha the cap ture of Wu Fang In view and that th renewed fighting around Hankow yeaterdav and today I preliminary to an attack upon Han Yang. Additional troopa are being aent eoutn. but the eiplanailon given by the Premier la that thiy ar Intended to relnforc loyal troopa In llo-nan. Yuan declared today that th fight rebel attack. ARTISANS CUMIIGS FUNERAL Th. funeral of Wllllim dimming, aJSl c'lerTand aon of Mr. H.,.. Montour, was nem i " Inn church Saturday afternoon at z o'clock, the tervlcea being conductei . .. ii.. I II i jiniiHitorotlKn. iui ...i-.. r mhich the deceased waa a member, attended in a body. The floral piece wr numerous and mog nlflcent. and were from the pegree learn of th Knight, and La ulca of Security. Poatofflc employe., young men from th. Montour board Ing boM. many from friend.. The Mdle. quartet of the Pre.bvte -Inn church, composed of Mr. K. H. ' . ..- u; is tsreen. Mrt. Leon T;'.'.nd M7t. AI.nFrot. Im rendered om , mimAi We'll iTiidorstanu.- u.-- ...... -- . H-antltul Ule of Interment CONDUCT waa III aiouniaiu i" nii " vt-x.i.. In " l A,i.r.on. who, ..tray. Remalna at Nehalem In Cemetery Stanley Wllliama, " ""."v. Mr. William Harvey Inspector, had charge of tb service. The pallbearer., all P""loffl nloye. wer. Wllll.m B. Howell. Carl joehnke. noy Trulllnger. John WcW son. Frank Fug n Frnk ,,,ea: rtrlcka Th poatofflc waa closed from I to 6 o'clock out of respect to th memory of Mr. Cumrolngs. , Mr. cummlng. wa. th. onjjr ton of Mrs. Halen Montour with whom Mr Cummlogs lived 11. bad b Ma a rel .lent of Or.ton City for i i r Mr. Cummlng. la nrvlved by hi. mother. Mrs. Montour and alt ur, Mra J. W. Daveniwrt, of thlt city. Hit father died about twelve year, ago. - . ' ' """" ' WtCKLY CNTCRPRISC ESTABLISHED 1566 OREGON CITY, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1911. THANKSGIVING CALAMITY OF TH$ HANDSOME ROYAL CHILD frliwMi Marie ef Beumanla, Whe Will Ba Twelve Dea. 27. 1911 SCHOOL TEACHER TO - WFD PORTLAND MAN teater O. Fellow, a clerk In th Portland poatofric. and Mitt Alio E. Hitter, a young tchool teacher of Needy, will b married at tb flap tint paraonag thla afternoon by th Rev. 8. A. Hayworth. Tbe ceremony will be tolemnlted at 8 o'clock. Mia Hitter hat taught in thlt county tevernl yetrt. Mr. Fellowa it a ton of OrUndo Fellowa. ot Highland, and a roualnofMlat Iva Hirrlngton. Deputy County Clerk, of Clackamna county. Judge Campbell officiated Saturday at the marriage of Mlaa Amy Denny and William Waat, of Portland. HAWLEY COMING HERE TO INSPECT CANAL rnn.r..unn llawley will com here November 28 to Inspect th We.t Side '.nd route, auggested ; v . announced that he will apend all of the following dny In this city. A Com mercial Club commltto, probably, will go with Mr. Hawley when he in spects the Kicks. The Congressman la making a tour of the district and hi schedule It at follows: Novem ber 1 addretaea rural high school at Onkvllie In vening; November 80, Foreat Grov In ooy and Hlllsboro In evening' November tl. "leaves Hllla horo. arriving at Tillamook In the af ternoon; November 12. leaves TUla mook in the morning by boat for Bay oi.. .nrt n.rlbaldl. spending short am a. n n w I 'if v biiiii i ii n trrrv: a,i ai k no- .rne -"la, by team and . - niy.. whnrt ba will ' " .. for insnectlon of th i.. Mnvemher !3. leavet No- hnlem via Hlllshoro and Portland for Attorla; November 24. Aatorla .nd Clatsop county; November 15. t Co lumbia county! November 20. - ad dre.aes Salem Y. M. C. A.:. Novm her 27 addresses Salem Six o'Clock Club- November 28. leave. Salom at a a m. on Oreogona for an Inspection It th 'Wlllsmette River. Clackamas Ilaplds and Oregon City lock, arrlv . ntv on th same after noon; November 29. Oregon City; De-, cember 1. Albany. : If yon ar not reading the Mornlna Enterprise, why not? Tearnd Bar gain Period Is now on. See ad on back pag u t . n,.u . , FUTURE. TAFT ATTACKED BY LAFOLLETTE AID! MCOILL M'CORMICK CRITICIZES PBC8IOENT FOR TARIFF TANO. PATCCCE COURSE IS SCORED ' , T ; - . Bupportera, gay Manager, Are Dla ' -appointed Becaua FoMclaa " Of Rooaevait Have Not Prevailed. , WASIUNOTON, Nor. 18. (Spee laL) Firing th opening gun of the LaFollett campaign for the Repub lican prealdentlal nomination In 1912. Medlll McC'ormlrk, on or Senator M. LaPollette'a political managera, open ed th direct attack on Prealdent Taft'a policies In a statement laaued today In which he severely criticized the President. "I Imagine that It la not forgotten that President Tsft'a most active sup porters In tb 1908 convention were the verr Republicans who ar now clival nnnoalnr hla renomlnatlon." say the ataiement. "They believed- by - reason of hla association with Roosevelt, and for other reasons, that Taft was beat Btted to carry out th nnflnlahed nollcle of his Dredecessor. "During tbe first special session of Congress many were bitterly disap pointed when Taft algned the tariff bill. iJiter they were startled by hla praise, of Senator Aldrlch whom they held responsible for th tariff law vio lating Dartv nledajea. They wer shocked hv hla Winona apeech. "When th Balllnger-Plnchot con trovery resulted In tbe dismissal of Glavla and Pinchot, culminating In the discovery that the ao-called Wick ershim report had been antedated b direction of tb President like many other progressives, I began to doubt Mr. Tstt'a quail flcatlona for the Pres idency. "Senator Cummins waa called to Washington to attend the executive mucuses In regard to the railroad bill but after hla first visit waa never asked to return. Railroad presidents called at the White House. Tbe pur pose of the bill as finally drafted waa to permit the elimination of competi tion in the railroad business. The administration railroad bill went to r-ongress with a notice that it must not be touched. In Congress the pro gressives amended th bill. Th Pres. Idcnt proceeded to punlMi them. He as not ashamed to nse his patronage the Rennbllcsns from dar ing to differ from him In regard to a Inula bill. . "In the matter of patronage the Prestdent'a course can b commend ed nellher for Its morals. Its logic, nor Its political wisdom. As Senator Cummins pointed out. In every prob lem confronting the administration the President sided with those oppo rg the legitimate demands of the people. "It Is not that h Is not well mean Ing, but he I unable to understand tho' need, of the times and the ap preciation of the American people, and Is not even abl to appreciate his own Inconsistencies." BACHELOR GIRLS ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Kenneth Stanton entertained the members of the nschelor Girls' ClMb at per home at Gladstone Fri day evening. Dutch whist wss plsyed, the prise being won by Miss Helen rt-Kiitnn. Refreshments were served. Thou sttendlnc wr . Mis. Mtry Helen Oau.ton. Ml. ..Bos. Dan UntjJ Miss Edna C.uflel,-. MIM ra v field, Miss Msnde tlalOKiy, Mi. '' nnldsmlth. Miss Beit Gangly, M la Wvnne Hannv. Mis Uleta Bardm utu June CharmarL Misa a i men - 7, , ( w, , , " . : r' V v '.' ''A VASIIiailBEATSICAUnELDDECUilES OW130T0 3 FINl WORK OF LATOURKTTK KtCFB NORTHERNS Rt FROM MAKING BIOGER BCORE. place kick rams m out Princeton, By Winning front Vale Wlna "Big Four" Champion-" ehlp Harvard Take Game From Dartmouth, PORTLAND Nov. 1 J-Srvoll 1 Out kicked, outplayed, amothered un der tb a peed and line plunging of th t'nlvenity of Waablngton'a formida ble team, flgbtlng gamely to the laat minute tb Unlveralty of Oregon went down to overwhelming defeat today on Multnomah Field by the ecor of 30 to I. " Experience waa tb telling factor In today' gam. Oregon mad a aplendld fight for a green team, but It waa up agalnat an aggregation that worked with tb preclalon of clock work. Thelr .team work , waa . refect. Coyle. Sparger, Wand and Mackte etone played a beautiful gam . for Washington, wbll . Itoorett waa th atar for Oregon. - HI handling of punta brought cbeer upon cbeel om th crowded grandatand and bleach era. When Latoarette pulled off a a particular run of alxty yarda through a broken field la th third quarter th crowd went wild. Hla forward paaalng waa well executed. Main played a ateady conalatent gam and Bradahaw, Oregon' right end, did -aome very neat tackling. H also handled lla paaaea In a nice manner. Washington aoored on touchdown In the firtt quarter, two In th sec ond tnd on In th fourth. Coyle kicked goal each tim. Uatourette mad nice place kick from tb twenty-yard line In th sec ond quarter. Thla waa 'Oregon' only ecora. Latourett made another at tempt In the third quarter but Waah Ington blocked. Tb rooters of Waahlngton made a nice showing during th Intermission between halves. Three hundred of them In the college colors formed the letter V. W. on th gridiron. Then they formed a gigantic O. Oregon' rooter also farmed their letter and at tbe aame tim let looa hahdreda o( colored streamers. About 10,000 persons saw th gam. Th lineup follow Oregon. Waahlngton. Kellogg .., Presley C. Noland Griffith i a. Hall Bliss U T. Chsndler Grimm L. K. Harris Pullen R- G. Bradshsw -. ?Mtton R. E. . Latourett Ccyle Q R Walker Wand U H. Main Sparger R. H. Jones Mucklestone i F. B. Referee Varnell. Umpire Forbes. PRINCETON WINS FROM YALE. Third Fluk Victory Olvea Tlgera Collage Championship. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Not. 18. (Special). With three atralght fluke victories, the Princeton Tigers today won . the "Big Four" championship by defeating Yale 6 to S. Th con test was won by White, the fast Ti ger left end. to whom may also be credited the victory over Harvard. The winning of the championship this year was decided entirely on three playa the two sensational tourhdowna made by White and the freak field goal by Dawltt, when the ball took a lncky bounce over tbe goal posts after having struck ths ground, and defeated Dartmouth last Satur day after she had consistently out played the Tigers. Prlnceton'a . end. .howed their speed to good advantage, smothering the Yale runners on punta. Camp, of Yale, evened up matters by long gains around th end after the -lineups, wblrh. occasionally broke Into the kU-klng exchanges. Yale finally getting tbe bull ' on Princeton's 40-yard line. Then fol lowed a repetition of the play. which defeated Harvard when th Crimson met tbe Orange and Black and by the tame player. White, tb Prlnctoo lel't end. After Camp had bn hammer ed through center. Ketcnnux pasHed hlKh to Quarterback Howe, bo miss ed the ball. White broke . through, scooped tbe ball on the dead rim and fled toward the Tale gol,wtth tba Yale eleven at his heels.; Ho firm hid across tlie Hn amid the thunders of the crowd, aud Baker kkkod gwal.' In th second period Prlncef-i punted to mldfWld. Camp. ft gbtiru? like a demon smashed the Tlcr Ho twice for a 10-yard gain each tim. On the 20-yard line Princeton rallied and took th ball, punting out of danger. Camp Anally grabbed a punt and mad a run to Princeton's 80 yard line. One mora How fell down, mtsvlng ' a drop kick for th goal. Yale recovered the ball, however, and fell back on Camp, who, with Spald ing, advanced' the plgrkln to th 15-yard-lira, - Once moie Howe failed to virtr a-oal and hls-rivaf. Uewitt. whom "i: ' 2 -hlI , j - --, - - - , - 'ui.(aiM of SaWitiir ' and Phllhtn, carrl4 the Jj.lJ t,th.TIr f-yard Jte. Bl'tt he analB'gTeeied with th f . a' (C4tHN a) t wo. . j f"' TO BE CANDIDATE FORMER MAYOR DECLARES HE NEVER THOUGHT OF EN TERING CONTEST. im receives c:i mwtz Andrasen Refuse ' To Discua Can- dldacea of Dr. Beetle And i.. Ex-County Judge Race ' To Be Exciting. E. G. Canflleld, formerly Mayor of Oregon City, announced Saturday night that h positively would not be ; a candidate for th office at th com ing election. It waa rumored that Mr. Caufleld had been asked to mak th race, but he declared that h had never nad any Intention of doing ao. Grant B. Dlmlck, Dr. A. l Beatl and William Andreaen, who ve an nounced for the office, said Saturday that they wer In th race to atay. Mr. Anareaen. who for almost two week wa tb- only - candidate,- de clined to mak a atatement regarding th' tasdldacie. o Dr. Beati. and JudgwvManlck. Several of Mr. Anre- p" aen'a frlenda, however, declared that be would win. Judge Dimick aald that several more petition had beea presented to blm and that he thought all of them would be In early thla week. He de clined to express n opinion regard ing the outcome of th race, A.lde from announcing that be had beard petition wer being circulated in hla behalf. Dr. Beatl refused to talk about th race. It la th conaenau of opinion that there will not be any other candidate and that the race will be on of the most exciting ever held la thla city. Friends of all th candidates are de claring that their favorltea will, win. and give reason upon which they base their opinions. Judge Dimick aald that he did not Intend to mak an campaign, unleaa there were unexpected development that neoesstt.ted hla doing ao. - Mr.- Awd resen announced eeveral- week ago that h personally did not Intend to make an active canvass, hut friends had Intimated they would look oat for hi "Interest. T " " Dr. Beatle, who I the only on of th candidate to outline a platform, la expected to mak an active cam paign. ' ',- "Can a Rich Man Be a Christlanf Th above aubject will be dlscusaed at the Baptist church tonight by Rev. 8. A. Hayworth who la preaching a series of popular Sunday evening aer mon In the Interest of men and Re ligion Forward Movement. The In fluence of rlcbe oa men' lives will be discussed and their proper mm pointed out Mr. Hayworth ha mad a Ufa study of this question and will discus It from the standpoint of the teachings of th Nw Testament - .Tlicre Js nothing that a ... ; ,;-,':'.. ' 7 .-it. ... s2 aa. '. piXT iaiC inote tiiaii a gtHHi aoiift, oei. v oinrr ihm, ' ' ' .' . .. Briwb anl JkliiTor can t)e had for so low a prit'e that no , - r' v . ' ' ' ' '. 'wotpanV fiutfit should le without them. ' ' "VVc invite yon to inspect cur splendid line of Manicure J ' and Toilet Sets in Sterling Silver, Guaranteed Silver - Plate, and Genuine Ebony. Make your selections now. We will gladly set them aside for you until Xmas. " : "f ..j. Burmeister Oregon Cily Jewelers tim ay Ivrnt Partla) HI,, i lata l weary a.' V L mm CMtfy. MM mm!'.. B 4 MAM. Ar y) Mvcrr Pn Wm, 10 Cera 31 P0STC3TICE AT t;rv era nc::: $100 IN COIN, 100 MONEY ORCC AND EXPRESS PACKAOIS j ARE STOLEN. CCZTJITP CF SEE B ShHfr kjaa Think That TWt Wa Commttt By Tve traar P. , era Been In CHy Fri day Night, The poa to Sice, Well-Fargo Office, and Southern Paclfle Railway Office, which ar In th aanw batlsV rag at New Era. were robbed arty yesterday morning of 180t la goM Saturday morning of 110 la goM coin, a $100 money order, and vrl xpreaa paakagea. Railway tickt wot acattered over the floor by th hnt It ta not thowcht . that anr wer UkeiU Th TWWCar. T gained admittance to th nsaT) T removing, a paal of ta fw-t ;-, ' also mad away with 2. A box of candy w tSk- Caj. grocery stor whlc 4 ti-4U0!? building. .. .":; '''v-"". Jimmies and hr taKraaCa Tf i. burclars were foaad la. taB- HWC Sheriff Mats, wh ad tm lavw gatloa. thlnka It proabJa th the e . thought they wer ' Itarntrti 'WVV' they were In th buiUti Jf-''; a hasty departar. M aya th lot'. wer of poor qaaUty. Th xowy wS taken from th safe wfttVV m JKZ ed by Mrs. Duetln. tba pOtnritr whan th left Friday vralns. . combination waa ,., sot krme at , how the men open4 th ,at la myatery. . ' .' -' ' ' ' t-'rif. Sheriff . Maas say that two saw wer seen acting aosplckmaly la Nw Era Friday night, and It la bUr4 ; (hey ar the men who committed taw A robbery. " " ' mm km TO BE HD Ql 15 A meeting of th CTactauaaa School League wa held In County Bupertn tw.Amn Rin'a nfria Sainrdav eve ning. , Th purpo of th moetaw.' was to reach an understanding ry gardlng th apelllh and arlthmtl contest that Is being conducUd by the v it wat decided to hold an , OrtWjk 1 cal contest March li. ' ft li taouJV," that many puplla ot th caty schools will Uk part la that wootsJ.' A handsome modal will oa, gtr. the winner. ; ' v A track meet win be in ; il either In Oregno City oryCaahy. ,Th f:-J date will be aaacnmesS later. - a Ra4 ra Morataf tw-rpru... .- Jv true woman of refinement ap- i m..:i,.i. c.a 4 c.:i i i. . s Rndre2' . SusjenMca TjV 1