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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1911)
MOUNINO KNTEUPH1BE, TUK8PAY, NOVEMBER 21,'1M1. Wrrr s,h STORE of PROGRESSIVENESS Ladies' Fur Specialties L, ..nance and aur thereoah familiarity with ill hind and have tauoht where laeallefaatlon la apt to aria. Wa knew ff TUrl ....... lurl. ana anln warl.ll.a .. . k. .one wii7i -w "- ww r Lii arv ' " for which they ara r? tZt Hal will yea eeie what you want Wa have rtkL NIAH ttALt BLUE JA- WOLF. AU66IAN OT- t. bivIA MINK. AUITWAUSH runin ana many to J. LEVITT BUYERS ARE SLOW 111 CATTLE I WEI U&MtiiSti r V Suspension Bridge Corner 10 RIWAKO . .....i nrl conviction M ! '"" ",.... who r; of .ubecTioere in" LalMa " , ..... b- Lrf kM ' madly ,u iia :iuir Ik " T girl i4 to row . nb -j aT- ar m m i r ' 1 -- I I I -I Nlolmeh A Llndborg HIGH CLASS TAILORING 1 1 lot MIDng tldg Portland. Phone Main 6161. Ths Portland Union Stock Tarda Company report ai follow.: Receipt, for the week were 1.67k Cattle; 17 Calvea; 1534 Hoga; 19 Bheep; CI Ilurava. Tb cat) la market etarted tba week with a draggy condition and buyer Were aomawbat alow In taking bold. Tba ateer market showed an advance of 10 to 16 cnta. but killer claim thai quality conaldered, tba market waa about ate,ady at tba formar ek'a prlca. Tba ateer market lack ad lona tbrouKhout and tba cow mar ket il l1 mil ihrn a anaiinv condition. Uxn1 cow aold for aa mucb money aa they did tba week before but there wa a slower flran up. There wera hill .non.h calvea ff a-liod OUBlltY on tba market to ahow tba prlca con (111 l.ti. Hull aold at etrong price. I Tba li'-j tnarkat cloaad Um k at tlx. in l&n liiwr than tha waak prev- Imia. topa '!''. l t'llS- A food part ' of tha auppllra wrra mad up from lix-al Irrritorv In far of Incraaaad rarvlpta tba i klirrp markrt ahowd a hlhr ranga I of valura. a frat part of tba aupply u frdr quality, but lamba or any thini that Imikod Ilka mutton brouRht ! advanrd prlraa aud tba demand waa ' not auppllH for klllabl mutton. I The following prlcea ar repreaen- . latlva: l. 1204 airir vmarri nueai ("errata. flit to $110 pw aek; praalpa, li.ia w !.; turnips, w Frunaa, on baala of 1 4o for it and 60c; beata. $1.60. ba(a, f 1 60 I'OTATOES Heat buying I6 to It per hundred. CNIONSOragon. f 1 26 to tl.M per hundred; Australian, $2 per buodred. Llvaatock, Maau. UEEF Ue, weight) BUere,' (4i and IVtje; cowa,'4V4; bulla, I i-J VEAly cairaa nnog irvm a h 13c, according to gra4. MUTTON 8beep, Sc an ic: lamba, 4o and 6c MOOa 125 to 140 pound hog; iJc and lie; 10 to J00 pounda, lOo and 10KO. ORCHESTRA IS TO BE I FEATURE OF MINSTRELS LOCAL DRICrS A Hhawman went to 8- . .. i..k. nr .K,ilal waa . .. ft mar. of Sulfa, OkU., waa in city (Sunday. .... .. riiturailo waa In -it. u..ittav wi .... , . u-i-kKaf. who baa been 111 , yter, U Improving. . 1 MkM im,m In uuan i am vti. vi , ctty on bualneaa Monday. - r,n. rimk of llever Creek, la tola rlty on bualneaa novum j. la tbla city Monday on wuaineaa. .. nt llaaeldale. waa I tba Ort;on Cy laltor Mow. all. .Ii. U. . Hit a.? rill Klal WlV PortUnd f 1 iK a t i .a ataiakr-t 1 laT i. mmm aa " tm Haturday. , r and Mra. I larenre iiui'". PorlUnd. were In thla city Bunday :lini rvlallvea. . i . i , ......... n fc.a.alnaaa and I bore vlalled frletxia. ... . ... I . tlaa. r aiiin i r w . n. n uiin. v iitFrru at ii ijit iv thla rlty Hunilay vlaltlng tne m llrl and Mable tTancia. Jin. rrnk Jaccar. of Carua, waa On-inn CKy Hunday laiung ner ihT lu -law, Mra. Jaagar, of thin T. Mai TrlmlM-ll and daughter, Ixwilae. . . -a.. 11 8ii(mk, were in tma cy i ... ... a we f.t. Trl t. v wiaiiiiia ur ai nil bm rm jarn n a im ti Mr. and Mia. Tbomaa McCary and ... . . A llpl haDUrii, were In thla city Mob- v tl 1 1 1 1 . . m n.l.aa Alt A 11 f niiunm mil, ti inn( vww i aa a wmina? I a- n rii i ti mi mr'fli w m in uinuu i v . . . larnii u. a. Miirquam, a prominrin . u Mirniiini waa in inia cut v" . . . . . ...l.iapln at Mm It 8. c'oe. of Canby. after vllt- her back to her old place. Tbomaa II. Kalnlmigh and i. II. falrrlouah. who left here a few day ao for (le Mountain Mlnra. where tbey Inttnd to apend the win), and avtxi wera furrxl lo return owinc to the klR . anow fall, left again Mon day evening, eipecilng to make the trip without trouble, aa the anow baa been nicliefl y the heavy ralna. Tbomaa Oerber. of Crania !. in. thla . rlty . Hunday vlalilng frlenda.- Mr. (ierber recently under went a aurglral operation at tbe (irmnta I'aaa lloapltal for appeodlcl ii. it. formerly lived In thla city. being connected with the Weetern I'nloa Company, and I holding a aim Uar poaltkm with that company. Mra Caaale Bvana, of Canby, waa In thla city Monday vUltlng frlenda. ivank White, who formerly lived In Oregon City and went from here to Redmond. Or., where ne bbb oeen In bualneaa. baa returned to Oregon City, and la vlaltlng at the home of Mr. and Mra. IJoya wiiiiame. air. vi -v 1 1 . . . anmniltanled B far BB Portland by hla wife, daughter and granddaughter. Mra. rred umett. la prubable that they Will make tbelr home In Portland. 29 Hlerra 2 Hteera llJj 10t Hteera 1 178 32 Hteera 1205 30 Cowa 1012 j Cowa US 122 Cow a M Cowa 6 Calvea 310 1 Hlag 1170 i nun o 6 Hull 1310 232 Hoga 1" - S17 Hoga 2 ISO MOg --LJL..I. 196 u ttnaa 3bS 2X1 lmba .... CD 7U MmbB .... "1 7 Lamba 15 633 Yr. Wetbera 9 15 85 6.75 6.85 6.26 4 86 4.75 4.60 4.00 6.60 6.00 4.60 4.36 6.5 6.70 6.60 6.00 150.0 Off car 4.85 Off cara 1.75 Off car 4.65 Off car More than the oaual lutreat at tacbee to tha orcbeatra work In con .ut. ih. Woodmen Mlnatrel ntertalnment next Ktlday nlgbt at Bhlvely' theatra. It win t tn nrai iit.mni to orgHctze a high cluaa irlctly local orcbeatra. under a regularly engaged proiemuonmi con ductor, and mualc lovers of tba city are keenly anxldu for He aucceaa. Italdea thla, It will give another proof of the many aided actlvltle of the Commercial Club. r n lAkn.rnfl. who haa had iv. t, i- - - - charge of the mualcal part of the program, la a mineral aurveyor auu engineer, recently from gonora, Meg Ico, wboae prlvata tntereata have i.......M tim north for the winter. There la a probability of hi acquir ing a permanent reaiaenre ueer u.r i. .klnh nam tha city will auil v. i , .u " " - - - - gain an exceedingly gifted mualclan, mi well aa a valuable citizen. BIG BALL PLANNED BY ARTISAN CADETS REELECTION IS THOUGHT CERTAIN ti ivTA r.m Nov. 20 (Spec ial I It I predicted here today tnat Hamuel trompera. preaioent w i" . i i-.. ration nf I bor and Anient . r --.-- . hla fellow offtcera. will be re-elected by largo majortile at the convenumi. iru. m ha tha aeneral oplulon at continuation of tbe aeaalona here '"a hot fight on the floor will be pre cipitated tomorrow, when the Social lata' reaolutlon demanding Gomper reatgnatlon from tba isauonai vi Kederatlon will lie on. It la believed that either Rich. motid. Va.. or Hocheater, w. x- .... n. invention, and that tne .... - ISI6 galhering win oe Kranclaco Prevailing Oregon Dty prlcea are aa followa: B-rulta, Vegetable. DRIED FRUITS - (Buying) -Prune on baal of 6 14 pound for 4 MMIDE8-(Buylng) Creen hide, 6c to 6c: aitr. 6o to 6c: dry hide, tic to 14c; .heep palt. 26c to 76e Hay. Grain, Feed. HAY-(Uuylng)-Tlmothy. 112 to 15: clover, fl to 19; oat hay beat, 19 to 110; mixed. 19 to 112; alfalfa. li to IH &0 OAT8-(nuy1ng)-Oray. $27 to t:. wheat. $28 o $2; oil meal $53 . Pbady Brook dairy feed. $126 per loo pound. KEED-(8elllng)-8bort. $27 to lled barley. $37.60; proceaa 7 . ' .-.oca. .hnla corn. $37; bariey, .'W-. ' ... ." .,7. cracked corn. $38; white. $26 to $27, bran $27 to $28. m Butter, Poultry. EqB- t 2r'rvn,rV. Ordinary k...i.r r to 0c: fancy COUUll J B""'i - . . . .. . .,..mar SOfl tO I6C. POtXTBT " ( 10c '"EOOS-Oregon ranch egga. 40c to There Is a Wonderful Difference between the light afforded by an or dinary car bon incandescent and the brilliancy of the new MAZDA lamp. The latter radiates two and one-half times as much light with the same amount of electric current. A 40 Watt MAZDA Affords Twice The Light of the 50-watt carbon lamp now in general use and costs one-fifth less to burn. T We r recommend v its use to our customers, as it more than cuts their light bills in two, making electric light so inexpensive that no home, however humble, and no store, however small, can afford to be with out it. - Ask us to show you the new MAZDA lamps and clusters. ; - The cadet of tba United Artlaane .. mak In. nreDaraiiona iur a n.iar-h'a hall Saturday night, December 2. Fo orcbetra D-,i.n will furnlah the mualo for the dancing. There will be a lata D.i.nrf and manv from that car iw . wl .. city are planning to attend. The hall .. decorated, and 1. - - .v. ..nit.r tha Buoervlalon of thapuln. Mra. May Naumann. will i h.r.. Reireanmema win w Uli .v.- .. i..nn. ara the commiuew i ui i.f.w.m. o-ntiona. Mra. Etta SchelU Mr. .. k. u.ikar Ur. Orpha Hen nlngaen; refreahmeoU. Mr. Paulln- gchwartx. Mra. Minnie wuw-. i .miiiM. Mra. Mar Naumann, 1 W t,irilliail"' Mra Luella McFarland. Mra. Emma Thoma. Mra. sad'a tAJ- DEPUTY TO LIBERATE FISH- H W. Trembath Take Conlgnmnt of Trout to Foreet Grove. .r nDutv Ftah War den' and apeclal dlatrlbutlng agenU left Monday morning for Foreet Grove with a consignment of trout n"1 Ing 30.000. 10,000 of which will be left at Turner, and 20.000 at Foreat OroveVwher. they will be distributed. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OPHCE 7th ond Alder Streets Tin. make the fifth trip Mr. Trem bath ha made with trout fry. and o far 600,000 have been distributed, but It will be necessary to mak two more trip beforo the work of dis tributing will be completed. This work la being done unaer mo ui vlsion of Master Came Warden W. U Flnley. " u.t Arelwala. Tha following are registered at the Electric Hotel: Carl Ramsby, Molalla; . WUllam Hardin. Bull Run; M. H- Jlendrlcka, Tacoma;" Jamea Mason and wife, Sa lem; J. T. Dals. Tacoma; P.Craw ford, F. S. White and -wife. South Bend, Wash.; A. C. Million, Sandy; a u Rurna IJberal: 8. Miller. J. O. Rygy. 8ulfa, Okla.; H. 8. Everts. Battle Lake. Minn.; W. Hasktns. city: W. M. Kirk patrick, California; W. W. Arthurs and wife, Portland; J. P. Croff. St. Looii C. Nelaon, Portland; O. A- Marquam, Marquam, Or.; m. J. Laselle. city: A. M. Klrchem, Orwgoo HtyJ Harry RoataJl. L M Ta etty; ; O. Gotta, Portland. If you are not reading tka Morning Enterprise, why not? Year-end Bar gain Period la new on. Ee ad on back page- SC. .mmmmkkmmmWKmmKmWmWKkfmWKIImmWmmmmmlmmmWmmm I X 7 Heart tolieart Talks. ey- EDWTN A. NYE. rwr PALL OF A MAN. bm m One hundred trolley cars. Fifty taxl.aba and auioim.o.. rnur -iBl.teeelag motor barge -nm 100 paB-engen. aboard A count lea horae or n. ic n. foe, or I anoy, auer " a . .. .. .. a . n I . . ..... ... i .i.i. .i.. u..n,iav evening ... ...... held up In Herald .. ... , . . ni, - . n n.. . . u ..... . . . . .. . mi. iiii, i . i . ira. i nuniaa urace, ui " " Jien til aquerw " ----- turned to ner nome. eiifr , flowlug Willi men. - " ii na cniinri . , i l uiiianu. . ,1,1.11. a aril n... .......... . a contractor n,,,dl ' . . .ul a atunlV "Mlorlng. mi.. Martha Parker. Harry ku -- lllmer and Mia. Rooth. of Portland ranh 1 " ' f . ruah hour vera In thl. rit. Rundav gueat of In tli lia-laTliC or i" IF DictYottHctKnock, oi? wei?e Yois Asleep You can't make money by waiting ontil opportunity has passed, it is calling you now to etlT TKTr m majority of fortunes throughout the country have been made through the increase i real estate values i in i i "re in tins city nunnay Mr. and Mra ('. J. Parker. Mra. Mra. J. Doremu wa at Oak i'imvb,1.. vi.iiln. her alater nit ii.ii. .i. ........ w gmvan MaT nine uaiiKiiiei. hi i " - Ur. ii. u ui.. t.u pease, or -- .. 1 I . -- - 'ilxlRtone. r (' am... .,kn v..ntlv arrived .IIIY-., 1TIIII . frnm ii.tii. r..b vtlnh.. ha ac- .Millie V I ... - n Oaten a twialllon with the VCll " "I In thl. city of typhoid fever, mv "i home of hla parent, Mr. and Mr. C. C III.I....U.I. I. Imnrnvlnl. , . . . . ..J .nit r. ai,d Mr. Dava nagnru bby, of Kiiaen. were visiting at tne In the ncigiii " krr .. M ""..e.lon. eail. lintler me . Htooi.lug down to r-iv he fe.l flat- . , . nm.0m- awlftly the motor... . . - - ,g car put oo M nl!, .Vr.. . onM all frgo Company In thl. city. cro-t..wi. . Charle. Iiabcock. of Portland, who la, w.tera a d m. HI In thl. city of typhoid fever, at BW,r.d uromid tb- im Ilia home of hla narenta. Mr. and Mr. one mini Htiimbled. C Ilulx'ock. I Improving. a h a rTawi'irn. Til"""'"'"" of llfel 1. It not -o in o... "-'... e. Hb,,' of Kugen;. wera visiting at the A ,. -tumble- r,n.. ' hom. of Mr. and Mr. F. 8. Maker on I. Mm .d fall of"'"' "w ""iHtay. Mr. Haggard I nopn - trou.,v alTetie... -nJ ftt, ""KerV .... A man - ",. become u- C. Rawllnga, or Ainany. J"""" morally. oi- e- l-nt printer and bookblndT of thai of M Bp.e. lJ. waa tranaactmg - Tn, b.uer ia... - - , n). "n uiy Monday, being " - - . im,(.ih nu " ... alla bom. from Portland, whara h. had of tba . 0)ip ,. . and k... . ...i . n l" ...i.i... Imcause Ot U. ";ii on Duaineaa ini' multltuuea go naiu . . i , Thomai Hanard.. rt?. Evin a .mall ... "wung bi. aiater in unu. - dM h the ioa oi - --,. nv.r t it. week, ha returned to Ore- rda 7 mu.t w,It or f.u over M City. Mr. Haxzard report, htf. ngr to g l axperlenced cold weather whlla him. "Canada, . '- l km. Uved to hlma-lt lon ... . ..... i.Mna If each man uvea . , v misb Georgia Cfoa. n w , h arop nd ue w . "r parents Mr. and Mr.. H. c"' on hurt would com. to hi t" f (llad.tone. returned to VW and no hurt wo u-.i. .' .k... aha will Iowa. . . .nnihar. a evening, w .... - , m. be attidla. at the Unlveraity hi uregon. rgr? ST- 3-ar mT' 1 . - -.v tiki bn m nnaa. Miliar, whw . . klng a vacation. 'VT'rrank tltlon a. bookkeeper for J? ni...k . ..i .h. haa hem ior Buach. a poaltlon h-I!taVMinor tha nut thirtaM vear. Miaa mi. la .rJI.: .;rr.... vount woman. Iowa. ...... n another. a But w. .re n" " " -h so od A Ik. a riri PIl v " e- tbe anilde ana - 0. ,d the Matterhorn ro- otn th-- ""' .00W" .Lime. B carefni or vour healthy start for an infant? . MulinoTownsitc Company. Incorporated. Room 9 Beaver W, am Jou. M RL L. BOVIWAN Agent : ; - : : ,-- ew IUVII UUIII w - - d her mgny trlan to