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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
CNT- MORNING EXTEUPRI8E. WKD.NKSHAY.- NOVKMHER a. :111. s. i r t- ! I nosmr.'G etitebpeise catcoai crrr, orxgo E. C. R004E. Etoe aewr a. IV'.l a rae peat eVa u , "Vy Oia,'et. t f as Set W Mmi a. tar- . TWSJ Sf SCBCIVTIHk isaa Var a a MiUml he The. IWn U a ems. U UU eown- 'try that Is generally attracted by oM I world aa4 pages try and to UU flM aa aping of coronation aad , rvmrt nnmiIn, a Mtk en tnang ... i rmto aa pr muw a tu sorely be. vowel a wry gratify tag. Bt. fortunately, the agreatioa I ner Hkety to be very sartoaaly con sidered. A Hittn of tart. instead introducing aura oer-emoales at JJJjp rWtt function IU msugmra--! ja lion of pci4at aad nmon COHTRACT ADVERTISING RATES' J" U T7 rral IBx thai IMfl SlA lraai -, rvt rm. mm nu t4M - i la rrwu a departure rxm that eemorra- Uc simplicity aka should elwsys mark repeMicaa laatitatkma. Aaa la truth there to far snore dignity aad tmpr Ireo la a Sttlag elmplk-Hy a I than ta the ovefcjaded pomp aad de tanking of elaborate tunc loan swch m a., mm' orid coroaatkoa. aaf Ml ! Biftfest Btscball Crowd In The History of the Game Simaa . hi mi ....nT?:.....! aaa rw" din Mm (taw aa. k M raw aiti ih e1nwAaVoi BBWBnsTtassnnwaa w a Weota. Far Mai. Ta Rirt. m uaiiini Uim far llama WwU) fcterarte en a ta imm ee as th Sar tfc nHf WVn im wTSiImuS Iraaafni.S tea taa eaaqr at eta i . I . wna - o rata via ka a ae' aai i " a L0' ati ii laaaa at'tagaj it inaaag "!Vaa fclmlMai ii4 . i a al n I aVartaMjMMaVr ta Mc aa i n 11 j Wa ftaJ aJ autnal aia aai aV aw ffrat 1niiirn aaaa. "womJaarttua at urtt. n kMaraat to Ml I !. ! Maillll MM- IM ay an aa to pranw aaataaar"" CITY OFFICIAL NEWtfAMR. TMB MORNING CNTCRFRItX li"J ami at tb toUowizm ataraa Haaltoy Broa. Drags Mala street. J. W. McAaatey dears Bateau -aa4 Mala. K. a Aaderaoa. Mala aaar Six la. M. K. Dwjb Cocfartloaary 2ert door to P. O. . City Orac Sura Etoctrto HoteL It U ta ordar for ikmt ekrxTauLa Ko aaya that taa awrallty of taa BiW Is of aa taferlor aaaiity to pra srat taa vorta wit. aa ortxltuU d ""Y of avorala. la ta tnoaaUis U p ui so wall to kp ta ta roa av&ndsvrcU aa4 acrpt la trarhtac of taa 6raoa o taa MoaeL Ho rapJ41y foraixa laatttutioaa toaekad after Aaiericaa becota Aav ricii4. Atoady ta lataat Cat aeta partUmeot has coaimearcd Im- I peachaeat pewwdinji aiast oaa of taa soTcrvseoL Ta aaxt thine probably ariU ba avaatoiial Uvaatif tioaa. Tbat spirit vaica aays rt ih ait earaUo look oat for Itaelf aa4 s will look; after aasber on aavors stroa:y of ellikn. If or aacea- tors b4 porsoad that policy would today b nlaus aiany of th bWaalnas caJoT. T Nothiac to mora pitiful thaa a Ufc that to so rapt ap la itself that it ClTce no taoa-ht to th vclfara of others. Scram sad X, Q. Adajaa. Nov. 8 In American History. lTTZ-Wmisa WW, emloeot lawyer. bora la Marylaad; died 1834. 1981 - Betinre of Maaoa and 80deU. axeato af the Confederate garers- aaenC ea board tbe Brttiab at earner Treot by Csptaia Cbaiies WDkea. C. 8. a deUrata latoraatlonal tarideat of the cirn war. MBS-Groer OereUad was elected - preatdeat of tbs United Sutra for tba aerond ttma. lSOe-Prealdrl BooaereU aailed fron wasalastoa for Pana - Thai ScatU woraaa who whipped a judge most believe that horsewhip to aaor effective than the recall 8om ' people are just lcnorant enooch to realise their Unerase and soma are ao Ignorant that they doot erea know t Moral heriosn to often greatest of hick the world ssys tba least and which ta eiercteed la humblest pheres. toi-r . ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Tram mocm today to noon tomorrow.1 0n acts 4 4X rises 9M: moon rtoes - - : boos at perigee, aeareat ana. Us. dlstsat 2S.400 snlies; ' T p. as, Memry at apbeUoa. fart beat froai ana., A FOOLISH SUGGESTION. Tea suggestion that president la 1b aogaratjoa ceremonies should last a week to likely to meet with scant fa vor. Tba asotivee for tba suggestion are either stercenary or an patriotic With the business mes of Washington tho idea to financial as they would doubtless reap a big pecuniary hsr veat by its adoption. LIVE WIRELETS (BT EDGAR BATES.) rront rarious parts of the North west coma complaints about persona getting -stung" by subscription snarta. in is time of the year to the nsrvest season of these (harpers and as a rule there are plenty victims or tneir fluent talk and glibe tongue. Ton can do business with your home people just as chesply as with these outsiders and have the full assurance or dealing with honest people, people who make a living and spend their money in your own borne town. fix uu Dara-ueaaea oaroer ever uy u seu you a bottle of hie hair ionic r a - a We take off our hat to that plucky school marm oufon the O. w. P. line Electing U.S. Senators by Direct Vote a y Grave Peril. Vast Majority of Legislators Bribe Proof Br Cardinal GIBBONS M C ) mm ALTL'uA S DV1S UU TEDIS CUP TEAU l I - v V-l I I w .-r t j . . K. 1 f I i r - Vi. V ! f al mm TAt e Itsse etwrw rbe DavW rap teas Vaa ptrked to fyf 1 1 al Aajwrtca the ta'eraatlkal plat aeee reaahi e IkSkteM thfMchuvt tae eeaetrj bappv a tbey are now Asd N aa B twaaae thai WUla A Lsraed lb a r toe I rhi4. t sia( Aastrsiia. lUese a-i sgw lb Ooaal singtea rbalRPa asid that would at re ta Atn ia as a bar of tbe c bUarta team LsrtaW changed his aUad. sad r raaged his bsjalaeaa aSlra aa tsal V was piwatbi fnr him t r This Wa elcal eery amr plater, for aUbowt Urw4 ee lar toam ABMrtcas raio te brta bar- WHY, A STATEDaS- A State aaa leak aetal. eeurwy altorded by ervtslea. It l ,Ke JI2 ' IK Slee setn- OalTrJ aad abtoet te rtai a,,, lasttee. mt Its eaMr aywtUrs. see IHet all tM lews tof-ae7LT pe4tor a'e sewpllee u. Tt safety ef ywee latsreets Is The Bflnk of OrcoQ Gift at n nvr ia n -r ae lw I, ifiiH i wmi a wwfa r laaaB U l.a l l I aa THE FIRST NATlONaU D ot OREGON ClTY, OREGON ! m . CA-1TAU Aaosu j Teai s P'airal waaaasf Snelsaas I rn I Qladctono Lumbar Cc" UNOALOW MATKRIAL OF ALL KIND1 Umber. Ulh. shlaglee, fence poets so doors. Tinidjl all k'.adt ot testae lias. Irteea rtakt k. . MOTUwi eeiiVery PHe Main 7S1. (oarsateai (YARDS AT PARK PLACI) 'a i 7 v I Wants, For Sale; Etc : wwi to i ' a4 aaa M f a Mail aatMaaal l-aaa mtt rmrm. M ear tot arS i win rr mm is Casuraasor taa aa .n wera. Mai at m.y. ' Res pw. h-T. a Maaaur at ! as aa j a am l w1 laa aia. M I mtaaaikailf f arrae. wto a taa aei t mm bm to t eserae Is I . araaia. r aatr Mtaaaaaa WANTIO. ' WATri-TTirtta and lora people t aa my o lWiiut of arrow -aeatia ruts. India i tr.akau. :d atami J an rurtus ir i.' jprts Will bti) ! of toil is tfcu t. Have ettrne bxm4 ! Uitii la etNi4haad furniture j at t.ivii. f-u louag. UUh V4 I ar nna II asd Real Cat. proartisa k J raa Office -TV DR IXNA R IIOtCrCksT PortUsa. m b . fZ. .f vt .. iia JIM. trans -a. CltANINQ ADO B, &Mj5$ a I " 1 r. - vi WVTiax-tHna& Wtllametia IlKrt KUtb atraal asd ' Hsllruad atia (Krat.n City. . 4 p Pnot eeprrtcbt Sy Anfrtraa Press Aaeoclatlea. 1111 j KIM. tXJ.VNAA muat soon look t their toarela ss money gettera If tbe 1 reworas or au. ran mi tall players climb to much loftier heights Tbe I gross receipts of tbe first game In tbe worid'e rhsmptonahlp series were I I k. n. . ..... i vmiv uj ii-ii ruiauauiSTa. maay or wnom parted from 110 ! bard essb tut more for alngle aeata w bbh tbey bought ef a peculator Tbe : New Tort snd Athletic players divided t 1.000 among tnemaelvea. and Ibe i reel tsaa will not be Inclined lo say tbat It was too morb. Their opinion ss to Ibe srtions af ibe rltors who ralaed tbe prVe of seats to prohibi tive Sgurea and kept many devotees of the game from sttendlng are quite different. Tb crowd la tbe Glanta" stsdlum. s wrt of wblrb Is aboas lu Ibe picture, wss he greatest that ever wau-bed n stbletic event in Amer.cs A S02E w ANTK1-Il- aa4 guia. U or rhsar touagster lo make rtxtr Christmas money vaa? Tbe Morning Eater prtae sia pay oe a big com-' ataaMi for brtaigag la trial SsbarriptUrtj f yoaj at to know more about l rail or writ to U Circulation Man ager of lb Murnlsg Entr prtae. Orerosj City, sad learn all aUmt skat yon will have to 6y Tae more yon turn la the more yoa wlir make and vs rss msk a lot If you . I sat la. OUCAOO TAIU1M Mtu . Her rris asd ta 1, rlessfac. praa;s aal Tbre d aws aoatk at pat. UHCl Ant, J. AIJ1A SACCR. Inttoit tfing Isatrsmaata, Ctfww sad wbtaffs. ia hnai for any orrsaina. CU a Hotel CITY NTKft q who refused to be bluffed. After un ruly pupils had caused two other teachers to throw up the Job. along comes this miss who showed that ibe has tbe right kind of stuff In her make-up. Its a aafe bet aha Is a Clackamas county girl. aaa With the ever-Increasing use of tbe ssfety-rszor the old story of being threatened with a razor will have Ut ile weight In divorce cases. a a Few of us know Tbat after Investi gation It was found that the plant at Willamette Is the beat equipped shoe factory In the state a a Some women are asking about that Saturday afternoon session of domes tic science at . the Hlgn School. Thla la regular March weather flrat a half hour rain and then out comes the bright sua for a little while. Then a little more rain and more sun. a a The next time that sutomoblle sales man atarti telling yon what a iplendld climber his car is, don't smile, but take blm sp to Eleventh and Jefferson streets and ask blm to 'bow you." We have do statistics on thin but we only know. of three cars In town which hae delivered tbe goods to the top of the hllL CIIE election of senators by tbe rotes of tbe people involve tbe destruction of s strong bulwgrk against dangerous pop-alar encroach ments. , ' Tbe reason given for tbe contemplated change is tbat man of our state legislator are charged with, being venal and that it ia easier to corrupt the legislature than the whole people. In replj I would aav: If joa cannot trust the member of tbe legislature, bow can jou trust their CONSTITUENTS from whom tbey upringf If yoa cannot confide in oar legislature you cannot confide io human government nor in human nature itself. If a few of our leg islature have been found guilty of bribery it ia MOST UNJUST to involve all the others in their condemnation. I have sufficient confidence in the moral integrity of our legislature to L convinced that the great majority of them have never bent the knee to Mammon. TO G1VC THE MASSES THE RIGHT OF ANNULLING THE ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE IS TO SUBSTITUTE MOB LAW FOR ESTAB LISHED LAW. , To recall a judge because his decision do not meet with popular approval ia an intuit to the dignity, the independence and the self re rpect of our judiciary. Far lesa menacing to tbe commonwealth ia an occasional corrupt or incompetent judge than one who would be the HABITUAL SLAVE of. a CAPRICIOUS MULTITUDE, who has always hi ear to the grotu'liying to find out tbe verdict ef the people. t . v , Personal Opinion MAX by MILU0AN. manufacture. Let us put down in our little day-book another memoran dum, lest we forget, while mas ticstlng the toothsome turkey. ta be thankful that Oreicon City revels )a prosperity In the fsce of adverse conditions generally. It wss a atreak of luck the man was not killed who wss butted Into the sir by a streetcar while driving across the track st midnight Saturday. This Is tbe second sccldent tbst hss hap pened st the Seventeenth street cross ing within a month, and tbe third within a few months. This must be a place oj danger, and some mesne should be provided to prevent tbe numerous accidents at that noint. e a It Is tssy to criticise the other fel low after a thing is dene but It does seem that somebody blundered when tbe street Improving began in not de ciding on a definite plan as to a uni form parking. Where a street of wld parking Intersects one of narrow park ing tbe effect Is a patched proposition. And not alone doe this criticism ap ply to different streets, but one street Washington is marred by an odd block of parking between Eleventh and Twelfth, thas destroying the symmetry of sn otherwise creditable street. . ' , - Minister find csuse for worry be csuse of the fsct tbst more men do not sttend religious services and take part In tbe work of the church, leav ing this Important duty to women and children. There I a reason for all things, and the reason for this parti culsr state of affair surely lies with tbe clergy Itself. Ministers are too prone to indulge In childish sentiment, . i i ...... . "iohbiijiih ioo orien in a way as totppesl to sentiment rather than to reason, it will Uke years to rectify the harm done by nfls-dlrected energy in tne past. But let preacher now begin to make the cause of relld an element of dignity In tbe affairs of men, and a cause of which to be proad. and men will flock to the now empty pew. ' , Tbe press of the country conveys ns news daily mat things are dormant In tb business world, snd thst bsrd time are peeping In on tbe situation. Tbi Is hard to believe In Oregon City where business Is going on st tb same merry psce as In th nalm- lest dsy of prosperity. The character of our Isrg Industries Is such that business I good her at all tme. Depression of business (unless great ly prolonged) does not mstertallr ef fect tbe subscription lists of large dally papers, snd consequently th newspaper trade doe not feel tb queeete a readily a other line of Sugar as a Nrv Hceterer. On of the rritet values of auiar. spart from its high sfesmlng power, tbe rapidity with which It ran be ab sorbed and burned In tbe bodily engine Tbe careful and exhaustive reaearrbea of Lee. Mommi. Ilaiiey and ScliumtMirg snowee tbat ther was no food wbU b would restore working power to fa nguea muariea of both men and ani mals as quickly and effectively ss pur ngsr. Indeed. It was suggested by releasor i. mar tired bualnes men carried beyond tbefr regular him b nour would And a few lump of piire ugar on or the neat of temporary re wrauvea snd "plck-me-opa." far as perwr io Sk-ohol.-Pr. Woods Ilutrb- Uukiu in Woman's Magacln. Th Luneheert f a Feet. Euge Field, sud of countenance and ready of tongue, ome atrsyed Inte a New Vorfc resfanrsnl. says tbe Rich mond Tlmea-Dlfipatrh. and nested him self for luncheon A voluble wilier came snd said. "Coffee, tea. cmtrutsre. milk, ham so" egg, beefsteak, mutton chop, flfcti balls, hasb n 'eana" nd some more to Ibe same puroae. Field looked af him Ions- and .-tie snd at last replied: Oh. friend. want mine of h. things. All N,k is sn ornnjre snd a few kind words." . eisyersts. Rodolck - .ny. old man. yo have been through the ordeal of proposing. wds I does a fallow do efter r mm th question? Vat Albert-Why., be questions pop. of eours. - Chic to news a f Amartraa Aaaartaitaa BiitiM r m titiitti tits tb fanaoaa IwliuP Its vis lata natloosl cup looked rataer allav Wltb lamed. Bests C Wrlgnt sad Uasrk MrLaoghlta a t ailed Stairs repr aenUtlves lb cballeacer apt war to have th beat rbsnr Is tear to brlnf bach tbe revetrd trophy Tb rbal lengers rhaneea for V iry sr aaade twofold by toe fact tbat the Asa tralaaiaaa this year are not ss form! dabl aa In years pa at For several year Amrrtrsa least plsyers bai tried to perauade Larned to maay tbe trip tu tbe antipodes, but ecb tear b rfsed I go The reason why be roods'! g waa be cauee ef bualaeaa preaaur. The Aniertraa team I erbednted to arrive lo Au-tralU Not 72. Lsrued win - the rlngtea. player and tbe other tw double men It Is sum supposed tbst MrfjingbUn win shar tb burden of tbe singles with Larod. also captain lb team. VXeaii aterv. -When waa a toref. lad" aa',1 Duetlo Rtai. -I bad to .(wnd s g d deal of time minding tbe stuck ..a father's fsrm. Ml never forget tbe dsy wbea father told m to take a rope sad hold a couple of bull rsivea " ' -What did Ibey oof "Tbey eronbed my hand with tbe rop sod then turned around sod atet. wswl .aa ... m r fesr-ai sa luej. -Unruly d.'anoairioar "No: wonderful Inailnri Tftey rec ognised Mil , giaor , (maU stockholder .--, hlnrVa gtsr FOR SALE. FOR BALE lisarh. XI rapacity paaarngars loqalre Is; Stqart. rlty. fawt lone. First class. CONCOKIJ irape. 1 rau a pound. Bring tour tajiket II. a Stark weather. Ri.lay tttatloa !OR HALE Klir.m aouae aad two e ta Habincta street; lUool rsn isu tij Fourth street. I raoa Mala :tu. OR RENT. FtJif RF.NT-:ovacr farm. 7 acres la rulil.atU. gnud hous. bam and "nttuildr.i; tao wella and sev eral sprtnsa. g,j mimr, Und roll log rd drains well w, E. Jon, Heater Creek. FARM LOANS. r Ait uAKe- Wmica a ""ulmlcs. Larers, Orr Oty. or. ATTORNEY. j J T Attora.y .l-La.. M """d, sbatraci f trntaaad. ut Ntt f Strset lev Notice Is berahy rS Uat meat fur th Istininan ut street. Orvfoa OtJ I from th smith SM st aag to lb suuth a 4 af Teat bsv beea letted sal est Ordlaaar No. LSI af Onr Tbe kola coat af tkt ( meat to IXCTtU ass meats ar ao ss tat ag will bear tniereat at Oak: from and after tb isct s ' ember. iil. after kaai " property sgatast to St meat la levied may to ad. asaseameat aad a Nrsw' of Sfta per eeataa aasi The property sasssai t Improvement be as bnf th part of JefferM stratf lo be Improved aad unit sbuttloc oa astd pSfldf frso4 slrerl fankera I part Of said Series M, part Of said Jeff eras) Mat uinrf. uye wDiis we! ra tc (Continued froi pwl served fna ShereL county. This meaas uat residing only a ww atoF Clty ar out of tosck vJ munlty snd sr epM day bafor recetvisf asir Oregon City. Pt' been In cotreapnedese mil Maaley reUtiv JtSt and has rwrelted tbs Salem. Or. OH 1 Hon. Tom P. Rssdilt Orspt Mr Dear lYtend: I"" ."Tu.'"!"- '-Tew your lenwrf I law Bna Otar a..b I .v.. aaaass roa aty. i r CHIaWIEU -Attorney Law. Destarhe, A4rokaL will are. te la all sosru. m.k eoflm. S-TiZ. Cltv. Orwawa. Butt PER ANQ COTwacVoR?" rtotlv to tb ttMrfntnj a hmn frost Oregon City. I Ing me so fully reUllw I think with y 5 can place the matter before ibe PoatoflVe rjaF tbe Inaptor lht U of rural routes No. 1 wood may b MtZf not at nrnt co" 7. dallvsry aervlc i . A I, route rormeu. (Via Miila aronld VSTf F M, th Doatal faelllu The matter IH HARXT J0HEBondr and Oeneral THIS CLEAWEB T I "1 A SS aawaw fl: hV NS TTnTTTTOfTTI llfZ 'law i . si -I I uK.-lkAU you .are "From Missouri" '-.j a 9 . m l - , Lct Us Show You i &' v Cmwtaesj tmr Omm Test, a J-vTatWeClaJmifa,,, rcifi 1) ic Coast DiMtributlng Offlca fta Domestic Vacuum .Sweeper Company f"il,AND, ORE. awl a . 1. . aartlc "V With besl wUbat.!"" , Truly y'. S W. c . Tbe following ; Tnsday'a luBfD"iit lea Cold rv.llel Tr JIHd Porker P" j Comblnatloa Ilread Jf W',OwV WhlpH OJ Coffee 4 TT (Continued ft 910.00 " "ripafS ' WEWAyTAQ00DUVB 0KSTIvEviiHYTOWN W,,T oa atiotjlaju defeat of svr I . M.asss advocated by u"'Vas' A Democrstio Congr "7a t Kansaa Dtoirk ! Rapresentotlv . deceased. 1 In Kentucky J"T7V Democratic no'"jV ernor by A mJ". f 20,000 to 40.000. f lalstur wa i . j I sort tb chttlea 'James aa U"