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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. i : : i : ' I fl li r.OntllllG EliTERPRISE oslbgon cnr, oregoh L E. SRODIE. Edited ana PuMlaMr. SMan4-slaae natter 1mm- WT 111. at th tuM efltea at Vi Crtjravna. wM the Act of March touu scuctimoii. Owe W, by Mall U M Ma -Maatna. by mall I N . rvr laaatha. W Bit,. t.M Par twL by earrtsr.i. ! CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Vet Pas, par Mica nnl lmartioa 1 (a first Put, pa tnca, addad htaarttoea. .lse Piafaand poaltioa amy pac. par hsoh flrat saeamow Ita SWwTsd poaittoa any pas, par sseh tMH twacrtlona OSa tint eapar ethre thaa fire aaaa. par IV tlr Inaartloa laa Sn papar atbar thaa flret pace, par laaa aeda4 hMsrtkma M Uacata la ar ttwa; la racQlar aWar tara Vo Una. Weata. Par Bala. Ta Kaat. ata, ewe Mat a word flrat SBeertlea; eaw-kalf aaat ach additional. Rataa far adrartlahut ta Aa Waakly Bntarpiiaa will ba Uta aano aa ta tka dally, for adrartlaamatita aet aapaoially far Uia waaktv. Wliara tbe aavartlaaaaewt . la Uaaafarrad from the dally ta Ua n y. w I lb out cnaaca. tba rat will aa mob for rua of tha papar, and lea aa for a padal aoaHkas. Cash ahowld acaotapaay party la unkaowa ta baataaaa efflea at tha Katarpriao. ' team) advertising at local aavartasfesa' ratea. rcua advertising and apaelal trsaalint iMTverttstng at Ho lo lee aa bioh. aaow 1 ma to apactal eondltloBa awraratnc tha F1ra Bala and Baakrupt kW adrar- taamenU tte Inch first Inaartloa: addl- Joaatl teaartkma nint asatt laa feaeh. ftawa Itama and wall writ's artiotaa r man l. wita tntaraat to local raaaara. wtu be sladly aooapbra. Hajeotee miaaa aafiata aaver raturaod unleea aeeompaa aa ay au.moa as prepay CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. a"Wve)"W-4- d .: . - d THE MORNING ENTERPRISE Is' on sale at tbe following stores eery day: Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars Seventb and Main. Secrekt Confectionery Main near Sixth. .'. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Scboenborn Confectionery 8eventh and X Q. Adams. Sept 12 In American History. 180G Andrew Bull Foote. naral hero, born; died 1863. 1861 B leg of Lexington. Mo, began. 1878 General Henry A. Wise, noted - tMroslaTerist, ex-0Ternor of Vlr , v gtnla - and a Confederate veteran. - died at Richmond; born 1800. 1888 Richard A. Proctor, astronomer, ;; died In New York; bora 1834. ?. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Son sets 0:11. rises 0:34; moon rises 8;18 p. m.; B-J39 a. dl. moon In con jiuictlon with Saturn, passing from wrest t east of tbe planet. 4 1-3 de grees north thereof. This date, 1811. perihelion of great comt of that year. .QUEENSBURY LAND8 JOB. ,, ,' . The Marquis of Queensbury has had ''1 more luck than be perhaps expected when he came to this country In search of a Job. Things are not as rosy as they onco were for titled folks on the other side Discussed by an Aviator, War Correspondent and an Army General By Lieutenant CONNEAN. French Officer. Wrio Has Been Flying Under Name of Beaumont Y THINK THAT WITHIN X TEN OR FIFTEEN YEARS AEROPLANES WILL HAVE COMPLETE LY REVOLUTIONIZED PRESENT IDEAS OF NAVAL WARFARE. PER HAPS EVEN THE DE VELOPMENT OF AVIA TION BY THAT TIME WILL HAVE MADE THE Ccncrsl MODERN DREADNOUGHT A3 OB- I SOLETE AS THE OLD WOODEN BATTLESHIP IS NOW. It does not require a vivid imag ination to foresee the conditions with which WAR AT SEA will be fought with AEROPLANES rising from the decks of warships, which will be rather of the nature of mobile aerodromes than battle ships. Of course it is IMPOSSI BLE to predicet EXACTLY what lines of development the aerial sys tem of naval warfare will take, but while war vessels of some kind will undoubted remain a ' necessity there is ,NO QUESTION" that changes of a moet SURPRISING CHARACTER are in stored By JAMES t. J. ARCHBALD. Wsr Correspondent , THE FORTHCOMING CON FLICT, WHICH I EXPECT WILL BEGIN BEFORE "-LONG, TMB AEROPLANE WILL FIGURE FOR THE FIRST TME AS A , FACTOR. . Frnt is the ONLY' eountry in . tha world that ha taken ad- and Queensbury, long on title and short on puree, found It neeeary to ba up and doing In ordar to have tha ghost walk. There Isn't muck, a mar quia can do ncroee tba big pond and so Queensbury elected to com bat and tab a chance In tba gam. Hardly bad ba landed when an an terprlsing Western newspaper offer ed him a Job aa a writer on sporting matter, and Queensbury prompty ao cepted tbe Job. Tha paper geta good advertising and tbe marquis geta good pay, ao It la a good tblng all around. Queensbury la a first class author ity on sporting topics and abould make good In bla new position. Be cause of tbe spirit be baa abown lei us bope tbat de doe. a Oklahoma reports a bumper crop of broom corn, but the feather duster will continue to do business at the old stand. , , s Perhaps If Mr. Bryan bad his way Congress would Investigate the crimes of '96. '00 and 'Os. wedr- The Boston Globe hits tbe nail on the head by calling It "yellow-Astor Journalism.' The tariff la to be an Issue In tbe campaign of mi", they tell us. Just as If any one can remember wben It wasn't so , ... ; The Kaiser lsnt looking for war but he Is ready for It If France sends it along bis way. R.faaaftrIJTiiMhtha. Skins of seals and hyenas were be ttered by tbe Greeks to be effectlT protections against lightning. Noisy. "What are tbe wild wares saylngr softlr murmured the emotional woman as she stood on tbe silver lining of the mighty main. Nothing. Maria," replied tbe man hoarsely. "They are Uka some people we know they mske a great deal of noise, but dont say anything." Lon don Tlt-Blta. EDUCATION. V We aO have two educations one from others and another, and the more valuable, which we give ourselves. Il b this last which fixes our grade in society and eventually our actual condition m this life and the color of our fate hereafter Al the professors and teachers in the world cannot make you a wise or good man without your own co operation, and if such you are de termined to be the want of them wiO not prevail. John Randolph. THE IDEAL The ideal is in thyself. The im pediment, too, is in thyself. The condition is but the stuff thou art to shape that same ideal out of. What matters whether such stuff be of this sort or that, so the form thou givest it be heroic, be poetic? Carlyle. By General JAME4 ALLEN. Chief of United Stsres Sig nal Corps snd Hesd of Aviation Division 57T ITIIIN a year thin country will be as FAR AD VANCED as any nation in strength of aerial forces. I hope by the end of that period to have twenty aero planes operated by forty officers. I also hope the ALLEN good work already done will PROMPT congress to give GREATER aid to this branch of the service. We have established one of the REST aerodromes in tho country at College Park, Md. The six of ficers practicing flying there are making' very CREDITABLE progress. SPEED IS HARDLY ESSENTIAL FOR THE GENERAL USE OF THE AEROPLANE. OF COURSE FOR MESSENGER WORK WE SHALL WANT A MACHINE THAT WILL GO FROM SIXTY TO SEVENTY MILES AN HOUR. BUT FOR ORDI NARY WORK FORTY MILES AN HOUR IS PLENTY. . vantage of aerial navigation for military purposes. . She has a MAGNIFICENT ORGANIZA TION of air machines snd flying men. Germany is FAR behind her, and England is FAR behind Germany. ; , .' ' ' ' r New Head of the Sherman on His Li lAtV5' I t:va .... 1 iEfe : JfcTXJB HARVET M. TRIMBLE of Prlm-eiou. III., who w elw-ttirt com mander In chief of lbs O A. R. st the fortv-Rfib anuiiiil in-iiiiiiuent held at Rochester. N Y.. Is one of the I! known 'f llvliu Grand Arm men Born In Ohio, be has live! In lltluois shut- isia. was a student st Eureka college wben he enlisted for tbe civil war In the Ninety third Illinois volunteers., lie wss promoted to the position of nvriresnt major and in 1864 to adjutant Except for a period of fourteen days when be was a prisoner of war. be partlcUated In every movement of hla r-itliiii-nt. Includ ing tbe Mlssisaippl campaign, tbe Tasoo Pasa expedition. Chattanooga. Alia- finally the grand review at Washington. and wounded. Judce Trimble has been was president of tbe Vlckaburg park tbe bar la 1807 be practiced law and served bis county and district as county and circuit Judge. Judge Trimble favors, tbe Sherwood pension bill,' whlcti Democratic Leader Underwood has eomlng seseion. FIGHT OH STORAGE EGGS HAVING EFFECT While tbe situation has been very much improved since the state of ficials began to worry violators of the pure food law who sold storage eggs as fresn stock, there is still consider able trouble with substitution In tba Portland trade. Local eggs are so much better than can be possibly offered by storage operators that purchasers soon dis tinguish the difference and therefore the number of complaints regarding poor quality4 is Increasing. Tbe situation has become so bud that several of the leading handlers of eggs along Front street, Portland, have quit the' sale of the Ice house stock altogether and will hereafter offer only tbe guaranteed local stock. One Front street house, which is closely allied with an Eastern Ice house importer. Is still trying to ma nipulate the market so tbat the East ern can take the place of the local stock. However, Eastern stock is not giving satisfaction except to the cheaper buyers. IIIDES (Buying Green hides, 5c to 6c; sailers, S'ic to 6Hc; dry hides, 12c to 14c. Sbtep pelts, 25c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Local prices are firm at from 8c to 10a on apples and prunes. Reaches are 1 So. SALT Belling 50c to 90o for floe. 60 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. acks. Portland Vegetable Markets. 8ACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.25 $1.60 per sack; parsnips, 11.25 GI160; turnips, $l.t5$1.60; beets, $1.60. ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon $275 per 100; Australian, $3.60 per 100; Tias,, $2.25 pet crste: Califor nia, $2 per crste Oregon Cftv Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted He lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 I'os. 8e, from 160 lbs. to 200 lbs. 8 Ho. BACON, LAKD and HAM. are Arm VEAL CALVES Vesl calves oriag from tiii to ioc arcordins; to arada. BEEF STEERS Beet steers for the local markets are fetching (Vcto 6 Vic II vt eeignt. ' SHEEP r arm at e to 5a lira weight. Ouotarrana Tor Oregon City. r OTA TOES Best, Buying 1 cents pound. FIXJUR AND FEET-Flotir Is steady, selling from $6 to $5 50; -very little of cbesper grades. OATS (Buyng Gray. $23 to $24, white, from $25 to $28. BITTT5R (Bujmg Ordinary country brings from 15e to 10c, fancy dairy from 20r to 12?. cream ery 22e to 2BC EOOS Best grade 25 cants. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tle good stock offered. Oood bens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 10c to 18o( with good demand. WOOL (Bnritg1 ool prices are ranging front 14 to 17 cents. - FEED Shorts $2 to $30; rolled barley, $31.60 to $3250; process bar ley, $33.00; whole corn, $39.00; crsrVod corn, $40 00: wheat $32.00 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.) Timothy- $18 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, beet, $12; mixed, $10 to $12; alfalfa, $13 to $14. APPLE MARKET SLUGGISH. Demand For Pssrs snd Prunes Much Stronger With Bright Outlook. T? Northwestern Fruit Excbangt, G. A. R. Was With March to the Sea The regiment lost 41S men in klllad department commander In Illinois and commission. Following hi admission to promised, congress wiD psss st the tn- of Portland, reports as follows Tbe demand for apples for future delivery has a sluggish tendency, and It requires a good deal nf persistency snd enthusiasm to bring buyers to (he point of actual orders. Tbe East ern trade by which IS meant tbe ter ritory east of tbe Mississippi, con tin ues to show indisposition to buy ahead, and the sentiment Is pesHlmls' tic and bearish. What business h being done Is in the western half of the country: some orders are belrns booked for export to the Far East- ! China and Australia. The Exchange reports sales as folioys: One car extra fancy Idaho Jona tbans at $1.60; 1 car extra fancy Uanos at $1.10 f o b. Idaho; four (41 cars Italian prunes at 65c f.o.b. Ma ho. The Exchange Is negotiating sale or zo.O(M) boxes Washington Wine- saps for export; mostly 4 1-2 and tier; 10.000 boxes for October dellv ery, snd 10,000 for November dellv ery. Extra fancy grade not required but fruit which will grade to a good fancy. The Exchange wants to hear Immediately from those of Its mem Ders in position to supply sny pHrt or in is oroer. i ne uemand tor prunes is more active and the market generally stronger. This strength Is specula tlve rather than based on snot mar keta, aa Eastern auctions are showing comparatively low prices for Italians. One car Italians reported sold New York on spot, first by the Taklma Valley Fruit Growers' Association through the Florida Citrus Ex change: 2 crates 5x5 at $1.20; 2 crates 6x5 at $1.20; balance 6x6 and 6x6 at 95c delivered: freight, refrigeration and auction charges to be deducted In showing f.o.b. equivalent. The Hungarians In the car at 75c to $1.00 mostly 80-90C. Car P.F.E. 9151. Al together there were sold in New York on the 1st, 1,755 crates North western Italians (5x5) $1.05, $1.10; 6x6 Bsc to $1; 6x6 95c. On Septem ber 5. csr Yakima Italians sold Hln neapolls auction averaged 85e. On 6th. car Yakima Italians offered Chi cago auction; sold 85-95c: 800 with drswn at 85c bid. The pear market shows signs of cleaning up. but prices still rule low. Chicago 5th, California Bartletts aver aged in auction $1.19; mixed car from Yakima: Bartletts sold (400 boxes) 75c: car Medford Iiartletts sold $1.40- $1.50. Minneapolis 6th, car Zlllah Wash., Bartletts averaged $1.03; Toronto '6th, car Medford, Or., Bart letts, by Producers' Fruit Company, sold $1.65 to $2.30 averaged about $1.80. On September 1st at Chicago, two cars Medford Iiartletts sold; one by Producers, 'tl.3!V$L7rii averaged $1.68. At Cincinnati 4th, California Bartletts averaged 77c on one car, $1.26 on another. A Turkish Serpent Superstitlen. The people of all serpent ridden countries hsve many thsrms, spells and Incantations which they repeat or perform for the purpose of exorcis ing such obnoxious visitors. In Tur key everybody, from tbe sultan lo tha gsmln. aplasia to the eerKnt king, Cbah Mlrsn. Wben tbey route lo con tact with a serpent ibe first exclsms 1 tion is. "In tbe name of Cbah Mlrsn. go awsy and bide ihynelf." Of course Cbah Mlrsn has lieen dead for centu ries, but the Turk argues tbal tbe ser pents do not know anytplng about this. If they knew tbst tbey were no longer under his Influence tbey would destroy tbe whole human race, Lon don MalL ' A Hard Blr-J. Customer What sort of chicken do yon cap thlst .Walter That sir, Is, t believe, a JTIymouth Rock. Customer Ahl I'm glad It has soma historic In terest I thought It wss ast aa erdJ aary cobblestone. COLLEGE BLOUSE. Just What's Needad Far Athlatl part. HIW DKMION IH SLOISS. At all tlinee of tbs year ihe college girl needs a supply of shlrl wslsts or blouses for tbe different sports b par tlculsrly electa. Tbe model plHureo Is a smart little sffulr Just bum roi her reuulretueuta Curried out in s daintily striped flannel or lu some ser vlceable wswh material It Is stunning Harmful -Stylas In Woman's Dress. The following extract la clipped from a r.-iit 1lirlul lu ihf Ladles' Home Journal, and "pIty-'tlsr-'-tle true:'VJ.uU men's position of defereuce towsrd women Is changing admits of no uur . tion. It Is noth-eable on every nana. But let women quietly ponder ask "Why Is It T"' and they will tind that the Insidious loss of resect based on the little things tbst men bsve slwsys sssoclsted with them sail thst woUten sre losing sight of-tbt feminine foolishnesses tbst are sadly growing on modern girls snd womeu. Smsll in themselves, yes. but now It Is one smsll thlug. snd then It Is an other, and after sablle the whole mess of smsll things . becomes s fur tTniaaDirniisiTlBa gradually mi mstloo thst baa received s sutvewloa of constsnt little Jars U round tu lisve become weokeoed. Believe it or nut as women msy. tbat is wtiere the i.a.o sexes stand today In Ainerhn. and li la a position neither pleiiHiiiit nor tie, slrsble. Women sre puiijtii: Hiein selves down slowly, but none tbe iei surely, In tbe eyesjuf men by tuelr growing tendency to place ibe emplia sis on tbe things tbat sre uot worth while. Tbe women wbo represent tbe best of American womanhood recog nlze this coudltloo sod deplore It Just ss murb ss do tbe uieu. snd It is s grievous pity tbut the sensible portion of Amertcsn women bave not more In fluence on tbst larger majority of ths sex wbo are todsy playing with tbi-lr greatest source of protection, tbe re spect of nieu. Shrinking Wssh Goads. Keep your materlsl In ihe-ssm emotes ss wbeu bought, opened only enough to lie euslly lu the tub to cover tbe good snd U-Mve Mutfli-lent length of time to be thoroughly xhruiik. Then ley a broom s-roM ihe tub snd care fully hung the mitterlnl on It. still fold ed. Thus It will drain In the tub snd dry. On removal the good wilt be aa pressed and atnnotb a wben bought A little salt In the water will slao set the color si the wiuie time. Pieturssqu Evsning Frock. Tbe soukou'm evening frm-kM nil make for ptrtureiie effects, snd tbe cos tnme In tbe cut is a charming example of this mode It Is glrlUb. though qnslnt and effective In truutmcnL Thr raotia or rnirroN snd LAca material umd 1 p, cnlfr((0 Wf sotlu of the rnim ahnde. The ol black telret acroaa the front of ths skirt Is s novel lentnre. held In rnce s It Is. with an exquisite pinr si s rose. Shut In Purantj. Tersguny la hIiui im on the we-it, north snd euat by hunUreds of miles Of thick, almost unluliubltel frc.t country. On ths south the greater part of the outlet is barred by swampy Isnd, practically without population From the day of Us discovery to the present time the country has had only one artery of exit and entrsnce, the Parana river. A Stftoh In the Side. ' Bending down to a sitting posture several times In succession Is sn ex cellent remedy for stltrh In ths aide. 1 ; ' f7 J. f Honor represents human power. It Is of vital Importance to you whether Its force Is exerted for or against you. Money saved Is your friend, ready to help you when you need help moat urgently, - The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK III TBS COUNTY 0 ft LATOURkTTTsI Pra-Meat f J. METui, THE FIRST NATIONAL, BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, SsASOO OO. Transits S O-nersI Ssnhlnf welneae. Oven fee. I A. M, t) a, Corrsot - rrof.Huuir-.Wm thlt lttl - i:r-n - thi bone of some thing dead.-l'srls Hire. Ths Psrfscl Wsmsn. Not In chaructei. but In physique, flere sre her inessurements: Height five fH-t three Inches to flvejfeet seveu Inches; welnlit. I'.'S to IW MumU A plumb line dropied frtim Ibe tip of ber nine fells at S po'" iue ,p front of ber great toe.- fler shoulders and ber hips touch a straight vertical Uue. Her wsUt tajxTS so ss to tooob st each end a line drawn fnw tbe out er third of her collar lna to her ulpe; bust, tweniv elfc'lil l tblrly'slx tucbes; hips, six to ten Inches more thsn ber bu at; w n lat tweuty two to twenty eight lucuea - Her upper srm ends sl ber wslst line, so that she can rest ber ellow on s tal"e while standing erect sud her forearm eitemls so ss So penult her fingers to touch a point Just below the middle of her lliliih. Iler neck and ber tbkh sre of Ihs same circum ference, sud ao sre tho rslf of ber leg and ber upper srtn. - Her legs sre sbuut one ha If ber belgbL or ss long ss a line drawn from her chin to ber Onger tips. From ber wslat to ber feet sbe measures about a fool more than from ber waist to the crown of her head. scl twelve tt fourteen IBCDear head on a line with the central plane of ber body. The size of ber glove Is Just twice tbe al of ber show Those of us who do uot measure up to these requirements msy console ourselves by relleillng Ihst perfect beauty grows very monotonous. .- Fsr Dull Csmplsalana. Women who sre dull In coloring should never surround tbemaelves with biilllsnt shades Tbey will only ac centuste tbe point which tbey wish to conceal. A dull Jewel Is never com bined with s btmotlful brilliant The coutraat la too great to show off either to sny sdvsutage. Womea of tbia type should learn s leamm .from the jewelers, surrounding themselves only with such buea ss will harmonise with tbelr own Indifferent coloring It mnat not be aupoed. however, tbat tbe wardrobe will t unattractive because It niuxt tie selected from tbs somber shade There sre s great many colors In the softer 'tones which sre very Ix-nutlful - v.. A soft gruy ran slwiys be worn to sdvsntage by drnb women, as It throws whstever color they may bsve Into high relief The suhdtii-d plums snd purples are slab sttrsctlve. ss is thai ntnklsh brown shade called ashes of -oaea Blue In almost any tone except the most brilliant Huts, such ss electric. Ysle blue, etc., rau I worn by . wo men who belong to this etna. For evening wear lavender, pink In its lighter tone, yellow combined with some deeper tone such na gold or blue, which will give It character; a bsby blue snd s very soft shade of rose are tbe colors which should be selected. Those to be s voided are brown In al moat auy tint, green In sll Us varta Hons, red snd black and white. Powder Puffs. If Hp pencils are used It should be with discretion, snd tbe blending should be iMTfccL Cae sn application of cold cresm to remove the duat and grime from a dry skin and a soft cloth dipped In slcohoi to cleanse sn oily skin. rises sachet bag-! favorite scent In bureau, dressing table, boxes, cbest snd drswers. The perfume thus gle en will he subtle and dellcute. File tbe nails a trifle each morning to keep tbem In shspe. one or two strokes being sufficient to keep them In order If this plan Is pursued. An excellent heliotrope toilet water Is rmde of half a pint of extract of roso, three ounces of extract of neroU, a pint of tincture of vanilla and seven drops of oil of bitter sltuonds. ,-A tiny bug of tinted or Doily Tar den ribbon lined with chamois and holding a small powder puff can be tucked Into the wslst It proves eery bandy when shopping or on ft pleasure trip 1 It Is no longer considered good form to shnie null lu accentuated points or other wine render tbem conspicuous. Bring them to a wsll rounded oval In the cmter. snd do not polish them taai highly. We have the best at low est price. Lay fa winter supply now. Korrsct Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co uth AND MAIN STS. Orsflon City. rC0Ajj CQAuTl Patronise our advertisers. Wants, For Sale, fit Mstlsae aaaW Ifcesa sisasirtat will ba inM4 at wi cm t 7T' htaartlosi. halt a ssat sSSIUssal hi? Ilowe. tis laeh rare. rmvu, ssaa aara. ( aaaat si asr auatk. reaa saaat aaeeetaar asUsia, has aa sassa sssuaat with ts. i, riaanelal rMfMiaalbllllv tor .rrrti -tiiij-srrnra oemr frs aurrvri.4 SMlss'aiib ss-lalad tor saAn . Mlnlmuai assras WANTKD Collectors to see ay ai lection of all sorts of cvrloi, t llquea. and Indian trlnksu; suasi for stamp collectors; eotai tor numismatists, arrow heads for vts eologlsts, etc. I buy asd mQ i sorts of curios; also sll klsdj g secondhand furnltura an - (leorga Young, M sin, near rYDi street 1 WANTIaMMii advartlasaesti br Ik I a eoluma. pnoas vary rsss able. Saw rataa at Dead of m-sat Read tba Morning tCmerprist. WANTKD Ton to snow rtist ts terprlse Job prtntwg dopsrtSMst h tha moat complete la Us tW outside Portland. Try It for yag next printing WANTED llrl or woman lor r era I housework, experience stew aaas asaa aa-W fclfW aa,1 t..k ii.. assre- j w -w ww w wwssrwssr,BFpsjrssr SSrSSSSSj street. Oregon City. TaL MtH S44S. WANTED Carpenters st Misul I'lessanl school Immedlatsly; tin two wood cutters. II. I. Lunt js.-xturjrv w ' FOR RSNT. UP 8TAIRS of pretty broenbuaplof for rent, furnished tastefully for light housekeeping, one mlnatilk from East ham school. Four yspUi or teachers can be nicely acca modsted at $3 each per Etottl Electric lights and toilet up lUln. everything handy snd coBreslsst. sleeping porch overlooking stsosl house grounds. Msks srrsnftswsti before school commences. Mrt Henry Shannon, (03 IHvislos ItrwC FOB SALE 10 thoroughbred isul plga. Mary Ewlman, Orsgos Ctth Or., R. F. D- No. J. FOR SALS. FOR BALK Bpscc In this whs Bell that old plow or harrow; psi don't usa It since you purctMsi your new one. ' LAUNCH FOR BALK. We are offering our launch at a bargain It's a tfVft seat 611 beam and a 1HI- P. lndery 4-oyclc engine. It's aot I frail pleasure launch, but a k built for service. THE JACOBS -STINK CO. 5th and Morrlsoo, Portland, Of. FINE Jersey cow for sale or trs4 inquire of A. A. Moure. B ger Sewing mscblne. " "r street, Oregon City. Or. J, "FARM LOANS FARM LOAN8-D1lck a Olmw. Lawyora. Oregon City, or. ATTOPNtYSf 0. D EBT. Attoraeyjit-IA. loaned, ahatraotc flirnl"7j 1 Utksa exsmlned. aststes rt'; aval law buslaes. BU Oragoa city. U'REN A BCHTIEBKU AtlornyH Uw, Deutscber advokst. MJ tire In all aourta. msks eel' and settlements. Office ' prise Bldg, Oregon CUT. Orl 7ultRNDCO"CT0JL- HAR11T JONKS-Dundar and 0J Contractor. Bstlmstss eaasrw glvw on an ot W ., work, concrete walks rBAT 1 ttmm Phone Msia w INSURANCE. tl. H. COOPIIR. For Fire hi and Real Eetate. JTZ yotar proaertlee ws M'JZ eichaagw Office la JMg Oraso C"T. E. Ws Melltof NowornfoT" Una of, new and secondhsno tare. . , - - CU$T0Mllt rrt.uaa ,u aw. . n ibjMsjsss, r"ww - - Hsnd Furnltur. ' ll leikaaS Bgaalsa aW M I In th. new irlok Bu'""" Sixth and Main Urssts.