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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1911)
MO(RN0NG 'ENTEKPROSE -WEEKLY. CNTCkPRISC. ESTABLISHED I56G The only dally newepapor be- tweet Portland and Salem; elreav lata In every section of Clacka- . mas County, with m population of 90,000. Are you an advertiaerf t,r.;o.cAT.oN. . """" oorlonl Wednesday. OREGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1911. Pn Wm, 10 Cent. l-NO. 83. 'ff Popular Mayor, Who Declines To Make RDfiW'rl W Race For Re-Election This Fall u,,w FIERCE DEBATE NOT BE CANDIDAIt PERPETRATED BY WAIT MP DOUGALL ,.af GOVERNOR SCORED MAYOR ANNOUNCES THAT IS NOT IN THE RACE FOR RE-ELECTION. . HE L CIN0 IN FAVOR of & a. av .aV at. sfo MOTACKED V SAYS ALABAMA EXECUTIVE i.... Movamant la LirwP was"' fining Which Tanda to WtKn Authority of Governors. I ... . .vl- w J . Rant'. 12. wiln."rf Nw Jersey, and o'N"l. ' Alabama nioaa FDor V i.. inli laitva and I iworun over in- - LduB, lfr. iha conference of "Lor wiiaon, aa champion of ,rour in (iovernor ",bo bud previously denounc.d L Southern ..xcullve waa his IB Hl""1 " r . ..... ..f hla uoallloO. word, walked through 4 ceee- ilqdow i ma yi k1- .... ,tr. Uld ol reemrr iua v...... tor liHiilmiies. " ,ook no fur' .iiacuaalnn. Whan Warama ended Governor Wilson r ..-vi.l v. iIia Hand remarked that ha did not wish , ,,liundara,d. Governor O; later Mid that ha had stepped , . Mra.. O'Neal. Ut hi no mincing of words In r,.i...n . rinunt-latlOII . of tha Alui"" . , Vtim, referendum and recall. hart la a movement which pnui , piherrnr-riiiy u-eexiiu u of tha country," ha aald. "that . k.n r.thar than atrenxth- Cwcatlve authority, and that la nttfia of Initiative ana reiereu 1 ..j ..n Tha (iovernor haa I ana - - ... u.i.i nr amand a law agwvr ' kiad by the people and adoptad Marendum." II ROAD B LL TO i SUBMITTED TODAY MTUNl), Or.. BopU U. (8p Ii-i commlltpo or aavan appomi L Mbmlt a model bill for atato- ruad niinvvinnt will report L laulon of tha 8tat Road com- uoa tomorrow' morning. L (rat reaolutlun, Introducod by h. Albert, of Halam, ombodlea kanandallnn that aUto bignway rotd eommlHMlon bo atabllabad, i reaolutlcni Introducod by A. 1. ot, of Hood Itlver, raqulrea pro m for a county bonding and an- MicL to Wher reHolutlona woro Intro- 1 by L. R. Wchator. of Portland. iiloDt are called for In two of i to employ itata. county and leonvlcia In the Improvomenta of IpabJIC hllthwayg. .Mr. webater a Vilo proviaing for auto aid for MMnt rmcl conatructlon, pro W tbe only dlvlalon that occurred y, ud wa arKtied hotly before It I lully adopted. I I Bpenre, maater of the 8tato MW, tod A. I. Maaon, of Hood Rl lud C. U Khaw. of Albany, both pwrt of the urange. atood out (Mt tbe readlutlon, making It clear tbe granKPH of the atato are op- f to tbe plan (or approprlailng from the atato to aaalat tho tw In road work. CK COMPANY TO PLAY HERE tl Wolbert, Noted Actor, To Bo Member of Caet Franklin Rtock Company will U inuiHrriMit In nmrnn PltT near future and tho coming of i iplendld oritanlxatlon ehould bo I1 wllh lntreet. William Wol V ho bai for tho paat tour . played wllh tho Bakor Block liiy In Porthmd. la tho moat cap- o Itage dlrectora and ha nraon- ' f recti thin company, therefore Wall U overlooked and thoatro- lri ure(l of perfect perform- 'Capacity houaea ahould pro 1 wring thli ennngement N ,it J" s I rP i 4 OWN LITTLt AWM' pr- $20,000 IS RAISED FORNEW RAILROAD FARMERS ENTHUSIASTIC IN SUP PORT Of LINE INTO RICH MOLALLA VALLEY. HfflPERTY TO EE BONDED AT ONCE Sufficient Money Subeeribed to Flrv leh Qradlna And Build Treetlee Ralle and Equipment Will Bo Bought A apeclal atockholdero meeting of th Clackamaa Southern Railway Com pany waa railed to order Tueaday af ternoon at tho office of tho Secretary In tho Andreaen Building, and Im mediately adjourned to the Oregon City Commercial Club, where waa held one of tho moat auccesaful moot Inga over held In Clackamaa County. On of tho largest crowda of farmera ever gathered In the Commercial Club waa preaont and all were en thualaetlc for the early completion of the railway line. The offlcera of the company went over carefully the de tails of what had been accomplished op to the preaent time, with the amount of alock laaued. tho amount of money received and the amount of ubaorlptlona payable In work, and 6ther Interesting detalle which were of intereat to all of the stockholders. NEV ROUTE TO BE CLAWAS GETS f " ilnQlng In the chorus In f feoat bualneae. r"ur,thom hdnr, jJjM label l System In your h wmier is a name av "Hue . ... . I ('no, ;$tato$3o v t th.-. . . " in our windows. fc brothers fr i ii... Not'V,! CLOTHIBRB i aJ ' eVe. -.,-r a niMlCK. Who Subscribed u" - ' a noes atock In Clackamas Southern at Big Meeting. -a i.. .l. hv Harvey IS Croaa. Colonel Dya. W. A. Hantly. X . rMiw rrint nmch. George . rMlvar PntlblnS. O. D- EDy d other;,' and It w the unanimous .. .ii ha the hulldlng of tne opinion ut - -- - Molalla railway was one of est enterprise ever begun In Clacka- maa County, and the npl.t.n of . -..M nnnn the WST (Or a greater development of the Inter or districts than any uu. . """'' . k. H.vlond In Clackamas n.. hla time. The directors (Continued on page, two.) CHOSEN FOR CANAL FRANK BUSCH URGED AS SUCCESSC! Incumbent Thanks Reeldenta of City For Honoring Him Three Councilman to Be Elected. GEORGE C. BROWNELL. WIFE SAYS HUSBAND DROVE SON FROM HOME Charging that her husband forced her thirteen-year-old aon from their .home, Mary Stevens Tuesday filed suit for divorce from Aaron Lewis Stevena. Sbe alleges tbat he haa treated her cruelly, and allowed her hardly enough money to supply the bare necessities of life. They were married April 27. 1911, In Portland. The plaintiff allegea that on August 4." 1911, tbe defendant drove ber son, Victor Arrowsmlth. from their home. She aska for 76 a month alimony during the pendency of the auit PLAN IS TO AVOID FAR AS POS- BIBLE HARMING MANUFAC TURING PLANTS. ONLY ONE MILL WILL BE AFFECTED Major Mclndoe In Letter to Secretary Latourette, Declares Route Will Be Determined By Values ' Placed on Land. Poxltlve announcement waa made Tuesday that the route first suggest ed for the Kasr side canai ana iocks around tbe Falls of the Willamette, which waa objected to by tho manage ment or the Hawley, Pulp ft Paper Company and the Crown-Columbia Pnir. a Pimr romnanv. bad been abandoned. A decision will be made between two other routes, maps of which have been sent to Secretary ijitnuretfa of the Commercial Club. Neither of these routes will affect the property of the Hawley Pulp ft Paper Company. It la announced, and one of them will do little harm to tho pulp plant of the Crown-Columbia p.i in a Paner Comaonv. Tho other one Is directly through the pulp plant of the latter concern. Both routea start at Third street v. n Thomson. Aasttetant United Statea Engineer, waa In Oregon City Tuesday arranging the preliminaries for the right of way. Th exact location of the ew rree locks at Oregon City will be deter mined after definite prlcea na been obtained for the right of way, but the locks will be constructed on the East side of the river, according to a lAti.r received here Tuesday ny Mr. Latourette from Major J. F. Mclndoe, of the Corps of Engineers, unuea States Army. The letter follows: Portland, or., Sept ii, mi. Mr. M. D. Latourette, 8ec'y. Commercial Club, Oregon City, Oregon, r.... air. 1 I hea- to acknowl- .a nf vnur letter of 8eot 9 tncloslng copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting or Business interests and citizens of Oregon City. 2. On Saturday I was advised by the Chief of Engineers that the Sec retary of War had approved construe .,. t . oanal on tha east side of the river at Oregon City and I was au thorised to enter into negotiations i.. n.nn.rfr owners for the neces sary lands and rights of way, the ex act location Or tne canai 10 u u.icr mined after definite prlcea have been obtained. Two- tentative routes nave been laid dut. and my assistant. Mr. Thomson, will call upon tne proper ty owners for offers of prices for which they will sell the necessary land to the United States. The exact route selected will. oT course, depend upon the reasonableness of the prlcea offered. y T MINDOB. Major, Corps of Engineers. ' Four Couples Get Licenses. Licenses to marry have been Issued to Eugene E. Lewellan and Martha Mel vlna Tucker; Frances M. Carol and William Oliver; Mildred D Vom ind Charlie Unlcume and Lydla Wodll and J. H. Spaar. , SECOilD FAIR PRIZE TEACHERS URGED TO WATCH PUPILS' HEALTH COUNTY COULD HAVE WON FIRST HONOR IF WORK HAD START ED EARLIER. EXiW CENTER OF ATTRACTION . . i . - Credit Due O. E. Freytao And O. D. Eby, Who, Virtually Unaided, Arranged Display- Benton Again Victor. Hall. Clackamas County! The glad tidings reached this city late last night that Clackamaa coun ty had won second prise in the com Detltlon of counties which have ex hibits at the State Fair. It Is a great victory for the work of obtaining the dlsDlar was begun only a short time before the fair started. Benton won flrat nriia hut Ola ludrea had a dlf flcult task' In deciding between It and nlBckamaa. A nil rich! here It mlcht be well to say if the public-spirited .... . ...a . . . . men or tnis county naa tanen noiu ot I ha. work earlv and with tbe vlxor and vim of other counties first price would nave Deen tneir reward, vir- tuallv all the work wts done by O. 1C. Frevtaa and O. D. Eby and too much praise cannot be accorded them for the auccesarul outcome oi tneir SDlendld efforts. The county court n fbv. who With O. E. Prevtaa, Deserves Much of tho Credit For tho Clackamas County Vlotory. appropriated $225 for uae la purchas ing the samples used in tho exhibit and tho prlxe won la $250. ' Pretty good Investment, Isn't It? And the advertising tho honor of befnt second .u.a tha cnuntv cannot be estimated. It Is freely predicted If the work la started early next year uwcaamu county will take first prlae with ease. Benton county, wnicn ror tnree con secullve years had been awarded tho first prize, has an exhibit fully as good If not better than during previous CHILD CASE INVOLVES INTERESTING POINT Superintendent of County Schools Gary Tuesday mailed copies of the course of study in tne eiemenwrj schools to about 200 county teachers. Copies will be mailed to the other teachers as the schools open. The pamphlet was prepared d u n. Al derman. State Superintendent of Pub ii. inatmrtinn. and is considered the best ever Issued In thla state. Par ticular stress is laid on pnysioiogy and hygiene, and the teachers are urged to keep a careful watch over the health Of tne cnnaren. remuui cleanliness, ventilation ana exercise are ureed as requlattes. It is also suggested that wherever possible, shower baths ahould be furnished for the children to use after playing. The pamphlet offers many auggestlons to the teachers for conserving the health of the pupils. STORM SWEEPS OVER VILSOiNILLE SECTION A severe storm swept over Wilson- nia. mrf stnffnrd Monday evening 8everal large trees were blown down and potato vines and corn stalks were lain aa flat as If they had been run over by a ateam roller. . cti.r-1 it m una went toruuKu the storm swept district Tuesday and says the havoo wrougnt waa severe. u ika nniatnea and corn, how ever, that were affected will, not be -...nonlv In lii rod Tha Storm also visited other parts of the county, but the loss to crops waa not neavy. Mayor George C. Brownell an nounced Tuesday that he would not be a candidate for re-elect Ion, and that be wbuld liMe to see FYank Busch elected to tho office. Mr. Buach has been urged for sometime by friends to make tbe race, but ho has not definitely determined to do so. When Mayor Brownell waa asked If he Intended making the race for re election he said that be appreciated 1 very much tho splendid vote which he received when he waa elected, and he desired to take thla opportunity to thank the people for tho confidence they had reposed in htm by electing him nuror Ha declared that he had tried to do his duty, bnt felt that, he could not anrora to oecome a mr date again. He aald the duties of the office interfered with bis Dusineas and took np too much of his time. When asked if he knew who would be candidates for the office. Mayor Brownell said ho did not Ho de clared that there were many worthy and capable men in tbe city, out mat he. personally, would like to see) Mr. Bueeli-eteeted Whether an appeal can be taken from an order oria-decree of a Juv enile court la an issue Involved in a caae which J. E. Hedges will argue before the 8upreme Court tomorrow. Thla interesting point haa never been decided, and the action of the highest ha state will be received with interest especially in the larger cttlea, where there are so many juv anlt ..flu. The case is that of Foster against Myers and lnvolvee the custody-of Loreta Hoag, a ten-year-old girl. The County Court hero granted the cus tody of the child to Mrs. iiauie my ers, of Marquam, in a contest lnsiitut a k tha. mnthitr Mrs. Foster, for merly Mrs. Hoag. The uircuu w)un refused to set aside or modify the or der on the ground that it waa not an .....i.hi. nnla. and dismissed the appeal. Tho Supreme Court la called upon to decide wbetner tne oraer appealable and whether any appeal lies from an order or decree of a Juvenile court Mr. Hedges epre sents Mrs. Myers. MISS RUTH fUGE AND LESTER FRANK WED Ul.i Uiith Wire and Lester Frank were married at the Baptist parson age Sunday afternoon by Re. 8. A. Haywortb. Both are wen -anown iu Oregon City. Mr. Frank is an em ployee of the Willamette Pulp ft Pa per Company and Miss Fuge is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fuge. Thai vnnnv rounle will take np their raidnce on Main street The cere mony waa witnessed by the members of tbe Philathea class of the Baptist Sunday school. Miss Fuge waa a member of this class. Mr Busch is a very capable busi ness man. aald the Mayor, "and is a man of high character and ability. He la very much interested in the up building of tbe city. Tbe election will be held the-first Monday in December, and It is prob able that there will be more than one candidate for Mayor. Three council men also will bo elected at that time. Mayor Brownell's retirement will bo regretted by tbe residents of the city who hoped that he would agree to serve at least two terms. His record la one of tho beat ever made by a mayor of Oregon City. MAN. GIRL ACCUSES, HELD TO GRAND JURY (Continued on page I.) num. will CONTEST IS HEARD County Judge Beetle Tuesday took ..r.A-r arivtaamant the will contest in volving the estate of the late William Phllin Welsmanaei. ine lemuuwu was beard Tuesday of laat week and Monday and Tuesday or tnis weea. Suit was filed against the executrix, and one of the beneflclarl of the will, Mrs. Ola M. Ogle, of Canby. by Mrs; Daniel Lyona, Mrs. Roaa Howard and another sister of Mr. Welsandel, and his mother, Mrs. Sophia Wels mandel. The will, which was execut ed December 10 last, waa attacked on the ground that the testator at the time waa not mentally capable of making a will and was unduly In fluenced. He had lived at the home ot the executrix, but was living with bis mother when the will was made. The testimony showed that the tes tator had been 111 for two years be fore his death, and physlctana said he suffered from tuberculosis. How ever, after his death an autopsy Bhowed that ho suffered from cancer. J E. Hedges represents the executrix and C. D. and D. C. Latourette tho plaintiffs. - A. A. Armstrong, who haa been in a mill at Elwood. waa held In 11.600 ball in Justice ot tho Peace Samson s court on charges preierreu bv Frankle Dwlgglna, eleven years nit mnA hr mother. Mrs. Ella V. Cook. The alleged crime Is aald to have been committed in tnis city. Testimony was given by the girl and her mother, but tbe defendant through his attorney, waived exami nation. The girl lived at tne Arm strong home. Acetylene Plant Installed." nr a. i. Fteatle. who has the fran chine tor furnishing gas in Oregon, City, has Installed an acetylene plant In the home of W. B. Jennings, Jen nings Lodge. Dr. Beatle is preparing to establish several units of the sys tem proposed for this city. Ball of 95 Forfeited. J. W. McGregor, arrested on. a charge ot drunkenness by Policeman Green, forfeited his ball of 15. UNLUCKY BHAII DETERMINED TO Will AI.TA. Pal. Sent 12 iSoectalV Total wreck of the Wright biplane In which he hoped to win a I50,ouv news paper prize for crossing the continent today brought Aviator Robert O. Fow- ler"a flight from San Francisco to New York to an inglorious end near this little mountain town. Fowler waa uninjured, and saya be yet will be the first aviator to croaa tne con tinent He will make another trial. AftAr Ma aucceasful fllrht from San Francisco to Auburn yesterday, Fow- ler was- supremely connaent toaay when he started to tune up his ma chine at Auburn. All went well until Fowler reached Colfax, which town he passed at 9:55 a. m. At that timo he was 1000 feet in the air and waa making about 66 miles an hour. As Fowler neared this station no do gan to have trouble, and, feeling that hia md nor waa color wrong, he start ed to volplane toward the earth. Just as he neared the ground tne ruaaer want antlrelv wrone and the ma chine crashed down on a hlllalde a short distance rrom the soutnern fa cine station here, piling Itself up in a mass of splintered wood, twisted iron and rent canvas. Fowler leaped from the saddle or the flyer Just as It struck the eyth and. except for a few mtnor brnisea, waa uninjured. He was much disap pointed at tbe unlucky termination ot hia flight hut ralnlced to learn that his engine was only slightly damaged. CUPID'S ANTI-TIP ' WAR UP TO CAMPBELL AT THE GRAND TODAY v A BOY OF THE REVOLUTION . ARCHIBALD THE HERO. (Comedy) ' HAIR RESTORER AND THE n INDIANS. (Comedy) BOB ROWDY v (Comedy) Circuit Judge J. U. Campbell, of this city, is to hear In Portland argu ment on tho demurrers in the cases brought by Justices Bell and Olson Involving their claims for payment of salary and the offseta claimed by Multnomah county for marriage fees, which tho county contends should Be turned Into the county treasury. When the question waa presented to Presiding Judge Catena in Portland for assignment to one of the circuit Judges there for hearing, none was inin n -hoar It axceDt Judge Mc Ginn and the attorneye for Hell and Olson did not wish to have tne Hear ing in hla department. Judge Mo Glnn Is the only one of the Judges who has declined to accept any fees for himself for performing marriage ceremonies. While the present suit involves the salary enly of the two Justices, It haa a much wider-aspect Nearly all of it., ttiita-aa In tha state have accepted fees for performing marriage ceremonlea, as wen as jusu wi ma peace. According to one theory, all of these Judges are liable to indict ment and to civil aulta for recovery of the money. Some lawyers contend that tho county la not entitled to tho tees, but that bridegrooms are en titled to have their $5 gold pieces re turned. ' . , Patnmtxe our advertisers.