Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1911)
RPK SE tVlATHl" INDICATIONS. , . winds. t.m-flhow.r. Sunday, '"di' Tho niy 4Hy newapaaa be- twaen Portland and) Salem j elreta- laUe In every eeetlon af Claaha- mas County, with population af 90,000. Ara you an advertiser? WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I56G vol i NO. ! OREGON CITY, OREGON, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1911. Pn Wekk, 10 Cbww THE BONE OF CONTENTION MASS MEETING FAVORS LOCKS Dl TOR SEEKS DAMAGES FOR co;s? STATE SENATOR INTIMATES THAT HE MAY STRIVE TO SUCCEED HAWLEY. - iCADA MAN ' Jirj ' TY-J?" szsijrsz - ""'71 V i I wo' y j u w m. KBLLINOONK SAYS MIDI. , rill LI" HIM WAITING AT THE CHURCH. flES AN ACTION FOX $2000 T"y Thousand " Aopreeenta - Hla lorrow nd Humiliation Two Hundred the Amount Spon on Fickle One. POUTLANI1. Sept. t. A few days W. II- Kallandonk. a woalthy re tlr4 capitalist of Eetaeada, bad fond traama of attain becoming a bride groom, in frt tbe twain Of olity la( umm.-ra, went ao far aa to take out a m'irrlitge - llcenae, . Tod, tkrougn W. I? URocbe. of tba law trm or S bnabel - La Roche, ba commenrfd ault for fJO.100 for hniu-b of promise agalnat Mra. Julia Huffman of thla city, aged IS. Afff,.riHiin tu the complaint filed in U Circuit Court baras tba twanty tbouMiid la for woundad feellnga, walls -lb remaining two hundred rep nMnia the financial and of tba court iblp and engagement. marriage llcenae for tba wadding wu issued August SI, and tbo pair V(r, io hava bean united at 11 o'clock the next day. Daforo 11 o'clock lha Ritacada caplullat and rttlrrd rancher stalked Into tbo of Stm of Ma attorney a. Tbo ffllnlator arrived a few mlnutaa later. Jllnuiea flew and tbo brlda came -i gradually tba mlnutaa lengthen. 4 Into a quarter of an hour. Alarm then became genuine. However, fully aa hour elapsed before hopo waa abandoned The clergyman . waa die liaed and Mr. Kellendonk, humlltat 4 and dlsireased. atartad for tha kom of Mra. Hofniana. lira. Ilofmann, aeordlng to Attor iy Brhnabel, told her Intended hue band that ahe had decided It would be brat to wait a faw days and auo tended In "stalling" him for tha time plng. The next day, the attorney a tiyt, hla client went bak and waa told that Mra. Hofmann had Juat left for the Cnlon depot with an elderly nan. WHAT IF CHRIST SHOULD COME TO OREGON CITY M. E Church TONIGHT W'r not singing In tho chorut In th overcoat bualneaa. W feature them aa "haadllnara" his taaton. .' Our nttle. label JL System",.!", your varcoat this winter la a name ay "onymoua with quality and style. ar showing an especially fine taction of Ralnooata Imported dl rct from England. $18 to $30 Look at them In our windows. Pficii Brothers EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Like Othera. eth and Main aVa. . - VIEW OF PROPOSED NEW LOCKS ON BA8T BIDE OF WILLAMETTE RIVER, BHOWINO ROUTE OF CANAL THROUGH MANUFAC TURJNQ DISTRICT. REVOLVING SAW mm ufe CLARCNCI HILL MCCTt TtRRI LK DCATH WHILK WORK ING IN BULL RUN. , eaaaaaaaMBWaai WAS WG TO QUIT THE B Having Saved Up toma Money, Youth Intended to Laava For Hla P J r n t Jl! omj n Watt Virginia. ' Coroner William J. Wilaon and At torney Gilbert L. Hadgaa, returned lata laat night from Bull Run, Where tba former con ducted an Inqueet over tha re malna of Clarence Hill, tha nineteen vearld youth.- who waa billed at tha -iepandorI aawmlU. .Afior mak ing an Inveatlgatlon, tbo Jury render ad a verdict finding that tha demlao of tha Ud waa entirely accidental. There la a' aay atory connected with tba fatal accident, which waa brought to light by tba coroner'a In veatlgatlon. Oolng to Dull Run and entering tha employ of the Pennen dorff i when their mill waa flrat atarted a few montha ago, the' lad had worked hard and economized, bli ambition being to acrape together enough money to take him home to the loved onea In West Virginia, hla native atate. By dint of hla labor and little denlala, Hill bad amaaaed In the neighborhood of 1250, and In t.nrfod tn milt tha aawmlU yeaterday evening, leaving Immediately afto warda for uobeiia, weai viriini;i. where bla relatlvoa live. Friday evening, Juat a few mln ntea before quitting time the lad. In eome unaccountable manner, allpped in auch a way aa to throw him into tha teeth of a rapidly revolving cut off aaw. In an InaUnt, ha waa fright fully cut through the body, Juat above tha hip. Ho died before aaalatance could reach him. gome time today or tomorrow, all that la mortal of tha youth, will leave for the "Panhandle 8tate." not aa ha bad planned, and aa hla family fondly expected, but prepared for In terment. The remalna will bo ehlp ped from Oreahara. A brother, Harry Hill, living In Weat Virginia baa been notified of the accident ELWOOD MAN HELD I Deputy Sheriff George Brown, Sat urday ' evening, brought in a man named -Armstrong- from Ellwood. Armstrong will be held on a statu tory charge. - Ills wife and another woman followed him in. ah year-old girl Is Involved In the case. M'LOUGHLtN STARTS . MONDAY". Two Hundred Scholars Are Expected ... . . vff vmirhlln InStl- ttito will "open for the regular fall term tomorrow. Tbe usual force of five, teachero and a muslo teacher will tie on nnuu ou j- , bre expected. Not all the Will be on nana iam uimuiun will. com. In-from time to time as they arrive homo. .aaMaM-W" 4 STEVENS- NOT TO RUN. Multnomah Sheriff Balka at Another I vrm. PORTLAND. Sept. I-Sherlff Rob . . . 1 in nnt ha a candl- dfttO for another term next year. Deputy snenn w. n. ""-"-- who haa been at tho bead of the ex- . j . f ha nffloa for ectllive ueimrinintiii " --- - . aeven.years, will b.. candidate or the place, ana ao wm . . denuty county aasessor Sheriff Stevens' decision not to be a candidate for a fourth term baa Seen known to hla " n for aomo time. .Following the an nouncement that he la out of It Hoi llngsworth and North have loot bo time In announcing their aspirations. Rend Iho Morning En'rprlsa.. WANT SIIICER HILL Realdenta and bualneaa bouaea In tha north end of town are circulating a petition aaklng tbe City Council to have work on tbe Singer HIU aide walk puahed to completion. Tbe petl tlon eeta forth tbe fact that many people are dlacommoded every dSy that tha walk la left In he present condition. Tbey have walked down and up through the atreet. and after the rain eeta In tbe roadway will bo extremely muddy and will work con alderable of a hardship on achool children and othera who hava to waa the hill. . -ii . LATOURETTE WRITES . BOURNE ABOUT LOCKS C. D.' Lntourette. attorney for the Hawley Pulp A Paper Company, on Saturday made public a letter ha baa written to United Btatee Senator Bourne, In which Mr. Latourette rv.a lha niirchaaa and reconat mo tion of the Weat Side locka, rather than the building of new iockb on iu Kaat Side of tn river. Tna teuer ioi- 'W,6regon City. Or., Sept. 6. 1111. Hon. Jonathan Bourne, Washington, D. C. My Dear Jonathan: Conatderable excitement haa been aroused by tha publication of tbo plana for the new locka and oanal on the Eaat 8tde of the Falla here at Oregon City, owing to the discovery that thla canal, if constructed along tho lines marked out by tbo engineers, would run right through tho very heart and vltala of aeveral manufac turing planta, including tho Hawley Pulp & Paper Company's mllla, which company I represent aa Ka general counsel. Up umU tho plan came out I waa advised and believed that the canal would run between all theae planta and tbe river ao that there would ba no Interference with the manufacturing Intereata. which are the main stay of business In thla city, but tba engineer now Informa me that auch a plan would bo 1m practicable, owing to the large ex pense In blasting out a channel, which would far exceed the money available for the purpoae. The route aurveyed and reported on by the en (rlneera who run along tho line-or leant realstance from a point In block 2. right up through artificial channels and under and through 4he (Continued on page I.) '. Age YdttReady? Tomoff ow is the day. Big Head-on Collision 2 Giant Locomotives Clash Together SEE THE MEN JUMP FOR LIFE. 'TIS NO FAKE THE REAL THING TOMORROW TOMORROW aaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaa - The Gatidl . . ASTOR MARRIES- MADELINE- FORCE CONGREGATIONAL MINISTER IS OFFICIATING DIVINE AT 'THE WEDDING. ONLY A FEW WITNESSED CEREMONY Affair Waa Kept Secret Till Juat Be fore tha Aator Yacht Left for Honeymoon to an Unknown Place. NEWPORT, R- I., Sept. I. Desplto the storm of comment and protest which haa awept the entire United Slatea since tbo announcement of their engagement a few montha ago. John a cob Aator and Miss Helen Madeline-Fordo were today married. The ceremony took plac at the summer home of Astor in this city, which was decorated elaborately for the occas ion. In addition to members of the famlllea of the two contracting par ties, only a few Intimate friends were present at tho nuptials. Tbe divine performing the mar riage waa Rev. Joseph Lambert, pas tor of tbe El wood Congregational Temple, of Providence. It waa a' sur prise to members of his congregation that Rev. Lambert bad consented to marry the pair, aa following the In dignation with which the clergy in general greeted the first announce ment of tbe wedding. It waa suppos ed by a great many tnat E. 8. Straight, a retired minister, would of ficiate. TbouRb he haa forsaken the pulpit and followa the trade of a carpenter, Straight haa for yeara made It a practice to pertorm mar rlagea. v Following the ceremony, the pair boarded the Astor yacht "Noma.", which weighed anchor and left out for an unknown destination. Just be fore leaving, Astor made the follow ing statement to the army of news paper men gathered at the pier:' Now that we ar happily married I do not care how difficult divorce mi rwmarrlaee laws are made. I vmiothlze heartily with the most straight-laced people In most of their Man hut hl leva remarriages should be made possible, aa marriage la the happiest condition ior tne maiviauai and tbe cotnn)llnity., , IMIIAWAY STIRS lUPJOIfJCITEIM A timid horse attached to a light buggy threatened to ran away yeater day afternoon and for a time created quite a atir on Main atreet near Seventh. Tbe buggy and bora belonged to Fred Egglman. Mr. Eggimaa had Just climbed Into the rig and atarted to drive away when the horse became frightened at a- streetcar and turning, tried to run directly aeroea Main street Dave Williams and others who were atandlng by aelsetf the bridle and pulled the horse up, but not .till be hadTlmT)edTwtrtdera-sljaltTnnr atralned the harneae badly. It took aeveral mlnutea to get tbe horse loose from ne buggy, dui t waa finally accomplished and Mr. Eggl man drove off. GUIDE POSTS PLACED THROUGH THIS CITY fluid nosta on ' the Pacific High way were established Saturday at both ends of the Oregon city ana pension bridge and at Third and Main where tbe Highway takes the 8outh End Road. The construction crew arrived about noon with their automobile truck, but tbe paasenger truck, with part of the equipment, did not reach Oregon City till the middle of the afternoon. . Post a will be erected to Canby where tbe party will probably apend tbe night. Frank Jaggar and othera are expecting to go with tbe party to the Marlon county line where they will be met by another party of Mar Ion county men. The new posts are about ten feet high and tb sign la a metal aquare with the name of tho highway and the direction plainly stencilled upon It. Tha automobile truck and the sup plies attracted much attention while wailing for the second macnine to arrive. NOT TILL TUESDAY WILL KRAMER ADVISE ruirinn Rent. A. International unloa officials will neither sanctton nor disapprove a strike of Illinois run i-al ahnnmen he fore Tuesdav at tho earliest, according to a statement today by W. F. Kramer, cnairman oi the board that has the situation un der consideration. "T ! tha desire of the internatlon al officials to cancel the recbeck. now being taken on tbe strike vote beiore they take any definite action. "Railroad officials," said Mr. Kra mer today, "have averred that the first strike vote was not thorough and that many of the men voted blindly. It Is our purpose, therefore, In taking this second canvass of the vote, to satisfy ourselves that .every man will understand the situation." SAYS HER HUSBAND BEATS AND ABUSES Sheriff Mass brought Mrs. George Cline. of New Era. to Oregon City. Saturday night, to sign a complaint against her husband George Cline for beating and otherwise mistreating herself and family. A warrant will probably bo Issued for Cline before Monday. Portland Schoole Open. PORTLAND, Sept. 9 All of Port land's nnhiin schools will ooen for tbe fall term at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. It ! predicted that there will be a record-breaking attendance, as tho opening day is later in the fall than usual. FOR SALE Holder Patent, three horse wagon evener; new; whole sale price 94.75. ' Will sell for $3.60. It la a rare bargain. Oregon Com mission Company. . STRONG RESOLUTION TO THAT EFFECT PASED AT THE BIG GATHERING. P DULL HINUTEJDUrlJG SESSION With Both Factiona Forcibly Explain ing Poaltlona, Intereat of all Waa Kept Keyed to the Highest ; Possible Pitch. THE NET RESULT. Be it resolved by thla aaaem- blage. called by the officers of tho Commercial Club, for tbe purpose of demonstrating to tbe the United 8tatea government and tbo officials thereof, that tbe overwhelming sentiment of thla community la . In favor of w the construction of -the -canal and locka on the Eaat Side of tbo Willamette River at Oregon City : .: , First, that we have long hoped for and sought tbe opening of tbo Willamette River to free traffic through locks at Oregon city ana to conetrucuon oi new w locka. S Hnninil that through the ef- forta of' the Commercial" Club, O the citizens or tnia community, w a and especially tbo represent- at tlvaa In Pnnrraaa who hava U- 0 alsted us in the matter of the ap- Drooiiatlon. the canal ana iocm is now assured. A Third that tn avarvnna who 0 haa aas'isted we tender aaaur- ance of our appreciation or tbeir o successful efforta. , . Fourth, that we unreservedly a favor and urge the construction East Side of the River at Oregon City, the exact direction and alt- nation thereof to be determin- o ed by the government through Its sroperly constituted engin- a eers or othera, avoiding as far aa they reasonably can damage to tbe milling interests of Ore- con City. O) Tbe property owners and bualneaa men of Oregon City went on record by a unanlmoua vote . Saturday In favor of the construction or tree locks on the east side of the Willa mette) River at Oregon City. Colonel Charles H. Dye obtained an amend ment to the original resolution de signed to protect the milling Inter ests of Oregon City from unnecessary molestation, fanj of those presenr, fearing that the amendment would tend to retard construction of the locks, voted against It, but it was finally carried by a vote of 28 to' :5 and then the resolution, aa amended. went mrougn wunoui a oissennug voice. There were some fireworks at the big me-tlng, and J. E. Hedgea. presi dent of tbe Oregon City Commercial Club, fired tbe first gun. "We have bad broken promises from our congressmen anent ' tho (Continued on Page S.) Someone Has Saicl that if you keep in a good humor until ten o'clock in the morning that you will be cheerful and happy all day Likewise the man who Is on time until ten o'clock in the morning is pretty sure to be on time through-i out theday. Nothing: will help you . toward success so much as an accurate watch. Nothing will hinder you so much as one too fast or too slow. II your ; watch needs repairing or regulating, and all watches , do at least once a year, bring it to us,- the -charge is nothing compared to the satisfaction It means to you . and in the time it saves. . . . f ' ; ' . " Btttmeiste & Andtesen OREGON CITY JEWELERS Suspension bridge Corner TWO BOOKS a D III In Case Ho Doee Not Decide To Raco For Repreeentative He Will ' Perhape Seek to Head , Senate. 8tate 8enator Walter A. Dlmlck, of Oregon City, baa Intimated that ho may become a candidate for Congreaa from the Flrat Oregon Diatrlct. to aucceed Congressman Willis C. Haw ley, who baa beta on to tne jop ior unnl Mri anri haa aa far aucceaa fully reaiated numerous efforta tbt have been made to pry mm ioom. from bis $7,500 per annum connec tion, i State Senator Walter A. Dlmlck, w4 may enter the race for congreaa againat WIIDa C Hawley. Dr. Dlmlck la nothing If not ambi tious, politically, and be has certainly been "unusually, successful since his entry Into tbe political game. . Three years ago he waa elected to the House Of Representatives, and last year bo waa chosen to aucceed J. E. Hedges In the State Senate, where ho- made a r editable record. Hla measure pro viding for handling State funds la (Continued on page two.) Today :. CHEYENNE'S BRIDE ; CAPTAIN BARNACLE'S BABY THEIR ONLY SON r THE GRAND V s ;