Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1911)
MORNIKO ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 1911, Mothers Take Notice of Our Boys Wash Suits Our beautiful bovt wash suits and blouses of the eel , cbrated "MOTHERS FRIEND" make are now on display at this store. Nowhere is there such a large assortment to choose from. Over twenty-five different patterns and a large number of styles. These wash uits of the celebrated "Mothers Friend" make have the style and workmanship that make them in such demand. Priced fiom $ 1.25 to $3.50. J. Lovltt SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER 132 ARE AWARDED BY OAC. DIPLOMAS rORTVNINI CADKT OFFICERS GIVEN COMMISSIONS FOR NEXT YEAR. LOCAL DRICrS , y Mlnerr, of Hlafford. has moved from thai P'c Cenemah. All millinery reduced at Mre. C. (;olilmllb'e. HrlTt Robbing, of Heaver Creek, was f ' c,,3r on Saturday. Hurbenk eeed potatoes at Rigger A Hon William OrleeiitDwalte, one of tne wrl known farroera of lleavtr Creek, , m this city on Saturday. Great millinery aale at Mlaa C. Gold miina. Miss Ktliel fau field, of Portland, la In thla city vlaltlng her parent s Mr. nd Mra. David Caafleld. lr.' K- A. Sommef, formerly of Ore gon City, baa moved hla office to 1017 Corbet! building, Portland. . Mra. Jamea RoaWe left on Paiur day for the Weet Hide, where aba la tbe aural of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Gray. u,. J w. Yoder. of Marauam. af ter vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. C. K. Qulnn, of ihla city, hae returned to ber home. Mr. Herman llurgoyne, of I'orlland, be baa been visiting In thla city, paa returned to ber borne. Mra. Duvall. of MItwaukle, waa In thla city visiting frienda on 8atur oar Mra. Duvall lived In tbla city pefort going to Mllwaukle. , Mr. Mlnkler. of Portland, arrived la thla city leal evening by auto, and left for Molalle. accompanied by EL r. Fli'lde on flahlng trip. Mr and Mra. Joeeph Myera, after i eolournlng for tbe past three weeka at rails City. Oregon, bave returned to their home In tbla city. Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea O. Morris, ruminant residents of Mackaburg. ere among the Oregon City vlaltora OB Hatttrday. Mra. T. F. Hrttt. of Portland, form erly Mlaa Helen Kenno. la vlaltlng .1 it.. Mumirf Kiirn. of Mr. and Mra. William Koblneon, of tbe Weat Bide. i..,i nil itohart Rallou. of Golden dale, Waab.. have arrived In Oregon City for a vlalt with their granapar enta. Mr. and Mra. O H. Van Hoy. vi. mnA Mra Juatln l-aaeaon and k.i.. tava hMn here for tbe past 'four weeka. left on Friday eve- " ..... aivaaa fir where the will Ming " . . v. live. Professor Robert Goeta, formerly one of the learners of the OrKon City I 1 1 L k- ... .1 1 .LI. ...... . .. . linn m:iuFi, waa in inia coy uu uusi- nnss Haturday. Mr.. Goets recently completed a successful term of ecbool ai Newlterg. He will leave next week lr ('nil County, where bq will epend me summer lliM.itfi'l uwm aa Ihtmirli lhara tviiiM lie no . much difference between Ice cream. Compare the kind you get at lliintlcy'a. IL H. Coe, of Canby, waa In tbla city on Saturday, having brought In 300 pounda of strawberries to the mar ket. Jlefore arriving here be dlapoaed of too pounda of fruit. Mr. Coe atatea that the crop la abort tbla year, ow Inir to the late front a. Ilia berries are of the flneHt flavor. Dorothy Dyrom, wbo baa been Upending the paat two weeka In thla city with her aunt, Mra. Duane Ely, will return to ber home today, ac companied by Mr. and Mta. Ely, wbo will apend the day at Tualatin with relatlvea. Pure cream and augar for Ire cream; fraah niira fruit tulraa for flavoring: pure, properly carbonated water; ab solute cleanllneaa at our fountain; thaaa are the reaaona why the crowd a go to Huntley Ilroa. Co. for fountain refresh menu. U J. Lageaon, who baa been vlaltlng In the Baat. having gone partly oa business and nleaaure, returned to Oregon City on Friday. While In the Baat be vlalted frienda at Ray and Leramore, North Dakota. At tbe latter ulace be arrived Juat after one of bla old frienda bad died, an 4 he acted, aa pallbearer, the body being taken to Denaon. Minn. Mr. Lageaon accompanied the body to that place, and vlalted relatlvea there. At 8t. Paul, Minn., he vlalted hla orotner, J. 8. Lgeaon. He alao vlalted In ntnannt and Htarbuck. Minn., and at Tioga. North Dakota. Mr. Lage- aon'a brother, K. J. Lageaon, oi wu eon, Minn., la the treaaurer of the Wllmers Lnd Company, ad during the former a atay at Benson thla com pany made many targe oeaia. mi. ....... .M thai there are thouaanda of acrea of land broken In Montana, and while paaalng between uuioru and tbe Rlack Hla he aaw aliteen i.... ... ninwa In operation. Mr. Lageson, although an Eaaterner, aaya there la no place like Oregon. Read tb Morning Ea'arprlae. CORVALUB, Dr., June 17 (Spec ial). The Oregon Aicrlcultural Col lege gave diplomas to 132 thla week. inree of wnlrn were degrees of Master lif Hl'tenc. anil 178 Itnchalor nt K-I. ence. with one graduate In miotic. Tbe imrneiora aegreea were gucn gran imfaa nf tha riai.nrt irimita nf anirlnaar. lug, 63, agriculture, 22; commerce, 21: uomesnc science ana art, li; pnarm acy, eight; forestry, five. Honors were awarded to 13 stu dents, two each In the departmenta of agriculture, civil engineering, me chanical engineering and commerce, and one each In pharmacy, mining, elM'trlral engineering, forestry! and domestic science. Malnr MarAlnander awarded com missions for next year to 49 cadet of ficers of the regiment, including tne colonel, lieutenant colonel three ma jors, 15 captalna, 16 lieutenants, nnd 14 second lieutenants. v of a claaa of postmasters, which will on Monday and Tuesday be Instructed in the met nous or conducting posiai aavinga ban as. me ureaon iiiy uai.a will be opened on June 26. MRS. BUCKMAN WINS SUIT. Court Awards Her S&SS.3S In Assign ment or m. u. Kruoer. Tha anlt nt Mra Jana liuckman to obtain her pro rata of the property Of H. O. Kruger, wno asaisuru iui ia benefit of hla creditors, waa decided Haturday In tne circuit uouri, me plaintiff being awarded 6B8.SB. Khe aaked for 1768. She waa represented by Attorney Btipp. Mr. Samson Sella taeheta. Justice of tbe Peace Bamaon went to Jones' gcboolhouae Saturday nlgbt to auction basketa for tbe benefit of the Aberoathy baseball club. Price ra. Play Today. Price Bros.' team will play the Pop Corn Kinga at Cane ma h Park today Tbla will be the second game between the teams, the first having been won by the Pop Corn Klnga. 1911 Mitchell Automobiles Dog License Market Active. Tbe dog license market waa unusu ally active ' Saturday. Abont tblriy flve were Issued, making a total of 105. MUlard Hamilton obtained tbe last one for a pet of which be la very fond. ' MMOJM LAUDED (Continued from Page 1.) MRS. BROWNELL RECEIVES. Ladles of Presbyterian Church Oe- llnhtfullw Cntartalnad. Mra r.Mirrr, c. Tlrownell entertained the ladles of the Presbyterian church In a most delightful manner laat week at her heantlfnl new home at Concord Station. The afternoon waa moat de lightfully apent and refreahmenta were aerved beneath tbe beautiful oaka. The following were the gueata: Meadamea Frank Moore, Ed Btory, J. O. Btaata. O. D .Eby, D. C. Ely, F. Greenman, Ed Shaw, Jonea. 8. W. McCan. DesLarzee, Mohler. Burley, Landsborough. Matilda Cbarman, W. C. Oreen, George Howell, O. Erlcaaon, F. Grace, Oeorge Drown of New Era, Eberly. Long, Pace (O. A.) and Mre. nradshaw. Cooper, Allen Frost, Me Oeehan, SUfford. Robertaon, O. A. Ely, and Mlaa Cooper, of Fairfield, Iowa. BROTHERHOOD PARTY JUNE 24. a ,ii.. a wur Fancy Aorona and rlni Naektlea For Men. a a armr waa 'mhde In the Oregon aty Enterprise on Baturday In regard v j... nf thji danclna nartv to be given by the Brotherhood of America at the Willamette Hall. Thla affair win k. at Tan on Saturday night. June i .nit nmmiwi to be one of tbe moat n'invatil vanta of the season. Tbe tmtiiarivwt nf Amtrlca will show a . . v.i anaata what they can no in bit Ing them a good time, and thoae'not .ii.nitln. will no doutt miss me simc of their Uvea. The ladlea are to wear fancy calico aprone and depoalt neck- .1.. n m.iih thnaa IO De oniainmi by the gentlemen. Refreahmenta will be aerved during the evening. RANDALL TO LEARN BANKING Postmaster Goes To Olympla To Re ceive Instructions, Postmaater Randall left for Olympla. Wash., Baturday to become a member It will not be long before the road Is an actuality." Merchant Pralaaa Work. John Adams, tbe drygooda and clothing merchant declared that a good showing bad been made by tne promoters for tbe amount of money thai hud iwten BDent. "Tha rradlna- la also of the best. said Mr. Adama. I waa greatly, as tonished. Tba road la certainly being i.natri.t.-f. most economically. It will cirtalnly be a good thing for the county and Oregon City. Several p .Inn. tha trin Friday have an n inn- A.! that thev will take stock In tbe enterprise. The restdente of the territory which the roaa win moei benefit ahould take all tbe atock poe- ikia it win ana ereaiiy to lauu values. I am aure all wbo bave aub- scribed for stocX would be willing to .l. m..r. if thav could Bee the work , i n ...... . a 1 . .k.t kaa Kaon aprrimnllaDed." I am dalicnted wun tot wora vui baa been done," said Frank Jaggar, .rfiT.aatr "T think the cradlng Is hain accomDlisbed economically. The . .aA...a. marl win he or areai rjenein w iuo .rmar. in tha territory it traverses. Tha nromotera deserve credit for . . . Ki,vAa .. wnat tney nave ccumi)nu. Mm Levitt Enthualastlc. r t .n tha Main street merchant. waa one of tbe moat enthusiastic over tbe progresa of tbe work. He aald tnat ha waa certain tne roaa wouia i tah t had lota or money vo pui in the enterpriae, continued r. w vltt. It la certainly a fine chance for ... i.u.inL.111 Tnai tne roaa win .u. fynm tha start there is no dOODl . aii nthara who were aeen were de- with tha work and BDoke in the highest praise of tne enterpnso ami untlrlna- efforte of tbe promotera. un.. than tk neraona luenucu a -.o.tir naturdav nlaht at Liberal In in. - . . . . the interest of tbe railroad. AddreHaB were made by O. B. Dimicg. irana t . ur a Unntlav J. R. KDV. IT u awift nnhert Snodcraaa. Dr. Morw an lamaa Kalaon. All Dreaent were enthusiastic over the outlook for the railroad, and aeveral realdenta or tne n.i.hKnrhiwl i aahacrlbad for atoca More than S 15,000 baa been aubacrlbed by persons living In tbe vicinity of Uhoral. Oradlna will be aurted on thla part of the road In about a month The Risk la Ours. Wa want avarv woman In thla City to know of the beneficial results that follow a treatment of Resell vegeta ble Compound and alao that we will pay for the medicine If It doea not help you. Many women are In so serious a condition that they are In need of prompt aurglcal treatment but. In traattna- tha ordinary ailments pecul iar tn tha ramala aa. Raxall Veceta- ble Compound may be relied upon to assist In restoring normal conaiuons, and thla without nag to me paiiem We offer Buffering women In Oie- gon City tbla preparation with the guarantee that it contains noining harmful' that the Ingredlenta are such at are rommonly need by reliable phy sicians In treating theae ailments; that we will tell you or your physician exactly what these Ingredlenta are; and further, If after treatment, no beneficial aymptoma are noticeable, w. will rotiirn avarv cent VOU have paid, ua for thla remedy we will take the rtak. Pamamher Reiall Veaetable Com pound la Bold only at our atore The n avail nrna- Htore. Huntley roa. vo. Price $1.00. Wants, For Sale Etc. wars. Ann wtll ha taaariaa at aava eaaa Wr4 . a Mat addltloaal i . .w, tack aaraV tl Bar Dl oa till aa.H k H - - at nar aaiia ...k. ....laaair anSar unlase an4 k.. m unam with tha oaser. N m 1 -IKiHlw fn. ' a arrotra aeenr tree aarrctetl aaUoa WUI fcf aartBtaa lor Miraa. am wtmw Htve you erer looked into the detail of contmction nd the mechanical fegture together with the handsome appearand of the MlUheU Automobileg to find the reasons why they being bought by people throughout the atate, who know the value of a good car. If you are at all interested we will to pleased to demonstrate the car to you with Jull information and can assure you that it is well worth investigating before buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell you a car we will take care of your car one year free of charg. Price $1650 Other motklj chaaper. FuDy equipped" F. O. B. Oregoa City. Pkoae us for oUmonrtratwa and We wffl call at your koawi lor you. Some Cooi Bargainalla Second Hand Cars C. G. Miller, Agent Gang Cor. 6th and Main Sts. WANTED. WANTED $1000 loan on good prop erty. Address a-iu, care tnierpruw. FOR 8ALE 7arm team. 2300 pounda, set of harneaa, 3 M amcneu wagon, $385. Inquire at thla office. WANTED Experienced girl or wo- t. a. TSaw won wnr ersariAra. nntiM wui m. il ruii' land; good wagea and pleaaant place. Apply 1008 Ham St., uregpn City or 693 Eaat Salmon St., Port lano. miMTin Tna tn Vmow taat WS buy all trinria nf Curioa. that we are id tbe market for second nana rant t.,r. mwiA Tnnla We alao nave a mnA aaanrtniant nf aaoond hand rnrnttnre and Tools on band tor la tn thnaa in neeo. ixnae ana u. narhana we have luBt wnai yoJ . f - . . . want Indian Curfoe and tnnaeia ..l. .h.ii. an tna lhat are very unique and alao very rare, uanmus. YOUNG, Main near Fine, etreex. ACREAGE One to five acres In sight of Oregon City, flee ana five i acre; good level land; one mile from car line. Clyde McRae, 100$ Main 8U Oregon City. umirnv nntlfv all nuaineaa men " J .-.A ..ira .hat i will not be res ponsible for any debta or bllla con- traetad hv my Wile. Laasie V. vhu- enbauer, after June 10, UU- rem bulc. pidu rnn HA! X SO acrea. T mllea aouth Oi uregon city on aioiana road and 1 mile eaat. Inquire Mra. 8. O. London. Oregon City R. F. D. No. 3, box 111. LOST. t nor tbiawn 12th and Waablngton uvu. -- . streets and the Bang oi uregon uu, a small allver cap to a fountain pen. Please leave at the Bank of Oregon City. FARM LOANS. gage; $500 and upwards; one year or longer. Apply at once. Croea ft Hammond, Attorneys at Law. Bea ver Bids Oregon City. UH.PgW AND CCrTACTOW. HAJUIT JOW- B-Jlwar anal f -mMtraaafWa-ar -naaTllllair Oaal givea on all elsaaea of work, ooDcrete walks ana reJnSneoaal eonerete. Ree. Pboa Mate UL ATTORNKYm. , r anv himm Ms kwaet, ahwtraota furnlafca-. haM title exaaalaea, eetatee settleal, sjaav era! taw naane Over Baaik Oregon City. FARM LOANS Dimlck ft Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN On first mort- XTRaW ft WHTJbMbU tm Lavw. Dewaaeker Advekat. Mm ta all eourta. sank and awtUemeata. Offloe ta prtae BM. Oragaan Cttr. x h. cooraa, ro- Fir afad Real Batata. La ytmr piupeftlea we bay arrhaaee. Offlea) In " Bldg, Oregon City. Oregoav OKEGON CHTY'S BIG PEPARTMENT STODLE I . . t - . a a. awam W 9 17 RICK SHOE STOCEC tst-' - rr anA 4.e.rttfl the stock ovct to t5S. We mad. a cash bid for the entire McKittrick-shoe stock and the creditors accept or Tvr . Alas- .4-1, a- m.a awaatrat to fee solo ottt at once. ; ; VY e nave - - Bid Sont SaBe Men's suits, regular price $ J 5.00, $ 1 6.50 $17.50 and $20.00, YOUR CHOICE ton Soits worth $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00, YOUR CHOICE 300 Roy s' Suite V1 Regular price $5.00 and $6.00 YOUn CHOICE $1490 .$13.99 WHS MS Bit SAlf Of SIK