Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1911)
a a I 617 MAIN STREET . MILR0ADT0 PAYS100 FOR RIGHT OF W M. O. AND GEORGE HICHAM r.rr 8MALL VERDICT IN CON DEMNATION SUIT. A jury In Judge Campbell's court Saturday In the condemnation salt of the Clackamas Southern Raftrna Company arainst M. D ant r-Mr- Bigham awarded the defendants tinn ' ""'" iue rauroaa comnanv tn 1st rm uu m rin m mnn jti rn ni iim It is renorted that th. ' the railroad nnVraH t h. ' IIW.UT;wh mMM 1175. - w.:uuaui The Bfghams were the only persons on me route or the rallrnarf tn damages. All other Dersons tun ik. rth nt .r r .. i ngnt or way. Testimony intm. duced bv th defendanta t skn the railroad vnuM iiainii from the value nf th. tnnH tk. erty Is on the side nf a Mil i Soon to he nuH aa t,ii, . v O. B. 1)1 ml pit and rt n m. v " ui..t:u i a ii ( . ii . sented th railroad T.. u..- w V U 1 . ITTUIC represented the defendants " " ' - .. niim CORRESPONDENCE OAK GROVE. Mrs. B. F. Allen mother of Air Alt , of Risley's Station and Mrs w v Lehman of Mllwankia diaH .,1,.. Of Mllwankle. dUt at h- hnniA In nnrtt.nii t-. j . nis. Alien waa 7K tmpi i , 1 1 - - been an Invalid f, .i . months. Th ftineral r1,. ' va BUVUk BIA held at the r.ald.n,.. .t , " air urday. E. C Warren was In Oreeon Clfv nn bORlnets SaturdAr mnrnln-F The Oak Grove Girls' Band wa n- WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City s Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. ., . Oroduflfe Nurses Pac 2243 HomeD-298 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Vaughn and Twenty-fourth SPOKANE Cor. Sts. vs. PORTLAND June 1. I 1. 17, IS. ataut jmiww w-'jaf- - - r- Stmdays, X:S0 P. M. ,s LADIES' DAY1 FRIDAY. . Bors U-def 12 rrtw to TIsM-ari t Something Doing All the Tfone at Holmes7 A series of twelve sale days, something new every day. Gj?eat Val ues Evesy Day from June 19th to July 1st. And in addition to the Excellent Bargains a premium will be given with each 25c purchase. The premiums are classified in 6 classes, a coupon will be given with each 25c pur chase. Use them any time during the sale. Not good after sale is ended. Come in and investigate. Your dollars do double duty. PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. tertained at dinner Saturday by Mr. L. E. Armstrong at the Coegrlfr deli cantean. At .1.. o'clock the band played at the Welch Grocery Company In Sell wood. Mr. Welch will have a coffee demon lit rat Ion at the store and the band will give a concert from 1 to 2 p. m. Madge Ellis left for Sllverton Sat urday to visit friends. MILWAUKIE. The Mothers' and Teachers' Club held a very Interesting; meeting Thurs day afternoon at the reading room. Mrs. Maggie Johnson was re-elected president, Mrs. C. B .Hanson, vice president, Mrs. Buck, treasurer, and Mlsg Irene Carter, secretary. A com mittee was appointed to wait on the it ir, if -. a . i v..i.j tor a playground. Also the advl.- billty of engaging a music teacher for j the school . . Work on the new Lewelllng bual- n's block. Is progressing. I Work on the bridge across Johnson r i. i ...u.. t v. i "- " . - concrete abutments are being put In place. W. H. Counsel has oiled the stret in front of his residence. It would be a good thing If others would follow his example. Engineer Campbell has made a sur vey and profile showing suggested grade for Monroe street, and har re quested the property owners to meet with him at the Council rooms Sat urday evening and discuss any delred alterations. The work on Main street Is pro- Bressiug nicety, ine street is Deing c"vere wim cruancu roc du igr , lne roauway mm tue grsumg or wmo-i ingron street is Deing punnea to com- iiiiiiin ' . . urooKmouni, me Deauuiui norae "l mT- "u nanBuiauii, w - ST - -J rt .. "e w erry gamenng wea- nesuay, ine occasion Deing a party in ' nnnnr ni Mrs i j in njtmmmnn-m birthday anniversary. Mrs. Hagemann, whose home Is In Mauston, Wis., was on a visit to her sons Bernard, of Mll waukle, and Charles, of Gladstone. The rooms of the Hagemann home were prettily decorated with roses and marguerites. A bountiful dinner was served at noon. A number of guests from Oregon City were present. Carpenters are . busy on the resi dence of L I. Gray. Mrs. B. F. Allen, mother of Mrs. Fred Lehman, died at her home In Portland Thursday evening. The ser vices were held at the home Satur day at 2 p. m. MI88 CAUFIELD ENTERTAINS. Prizes AreWon by Mrs. L. E. Jones and Miss Merle Ksok. Miss Marjorle Canfleld entertained st "five hundred" at her home on Fri day evening In honor of.ber guest Miss Ethel Rlgdon. ' The prizes were won by Mrs. L. E. Jones and Miss Merle Keck. The decorations were of roses. Refreshments were served. Those present were Miss June Charman, Miss Nieta Harding, Miss Annie Shannon, Miss Alice Shannon, Miss CIs Pratt, Mis Veda Williams, Miss Zlda Goldsmith, Miss Dolly Pratt, Miss Jless Danlton, Miss Helen Dalo- ton. Miss Winnie Hanny, Miss Merle Keck. Miss Vera Canfleld, Miss Ethel Canfleld, Miss Nell Canfleld. Miss Rlgdon, Mrs. J. N. Winner, Mrs. M. Dr XAtovretU, Mrs. I EL, Jones and mre. n. -iraignu t , . .. .; MORNING JSNTEKPlUaK, SUNDAY, JUNE 4. A.t A TWELVE DAY- HI ESTACADA COUPLE- GET MARRIED HERE MRS. M. T, LAMB BECOMES BRIDE OF L. E. FOLSOM WELL KNpWN BUSINESS MAN. L. E. Folsom. a business man of Es - tacada, and Mrs. M. T. Lamb, of the same place, were married by Justice of the Peace Samson Saturday after noon. The couple met only a few months ago at the home of a friend, and It was a case of love at sight The bridegroom Is a son of C. M. Folsom, a well known farmer living near Estacada. Mrs. Folsom Is a daughter of Mrs. J. W. Howell, nf Warnlc, Or. The young couple were accompanied by several friends from l-. ,.., i i .. j . , j turned to Estacada where they will go : ---,..- U.UB , to housekeeping. MISS LOUISE WALKER TO PLAY. Pianist To Be Presented In This City By Miss Eva Benson. Miss Eva Benson will nresent Miss Louise Walker, of this city, In a piano recital assisted by Mrs. Herbert O. Reed, Impersonator, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John II Walker, 603 Seventh street. Oregon.. City, next Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The luiiuwmg iiumoers win De given: i nuuj jviozart ; ""fm" vp. in no. a. . . .Bcnnoert Douegieito Bacn , Rondo Op. 61, No. 1 .Beethoven Impersonations Child-Prattle ' . Two Little Authors Mrs. Herbert O. Reed. The Cuckoo Arensky Norwegian Bridal Procession. . .Grieg Humoreske Dvorak Impersonation Closing Exercises. Mrs. Herbert O. Reed. Theme with Variations, Op. 142.... ' Schubert Electric Hotel, The following are registered at the Electric Hotel! Arthur DeLong, 8 B. Beal, San Francisco; J. E. Argo, Spokane, Wash.; O. H. Barber, H. M. Phillips. A. L. Lake, O. Kobl, Logan; D. C. Yoder, Hubbard; A. Williams, san Francisco; W. Martin, Portland; unaries Mccormack; 8. Price, R. C, Cllne, Castle Rock- TWaah.: C. W Helm, Castle Rock, Wash.; John Pe ters. Wllsonvllle; S. Johnston, J. J. Hcott, Albany. saa Real Estate Transfers. The following real estate transfers have been filed In the office of the County Recorder: J. J. and Caroline J. Stangel to Sophrona H. Jory, Albert H. Fisher, section so, township 4 south, range 1 east; iiooo. Walter W. Hall to J. D. Waring. lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 27, 28,' 29, 10, L 32, diock li; is. Archabel Howard and Bessie How ard to Lacy M. Bailey land in section 33, township 2 south, range 7 east; $10.00. " Barbara Kucbenrelther 'to Mrs. Nellie Kinkier, all of block 20, Mll wankle Park; $1. . Dan a. and Anna Scokwy to J. L. McCnIIoch, land In section tS, town- 1 Qty. Oregon ship 2 south, range 2 east; S70O0. J antes H and Anna E Deeeon to Hands lieydon Lumber Company of Michigan, 40 arres of section 15, 26, 35. 30. township 3 south, range 3 -ast: $-0. Myrtle Toore io Charles Tooie, lot 15. block 28. Gladstone ; $250. William M. Smith and Sarah A. Smith to Charles T. Parker, lots 1. ! 2, 7. 8. block 93, Oregon City; $10. i Sherman and Amanda J. Sherman I to Isaac E. Staplts, 75 acres of section i 34. township 2, south, range 4 east; : sio. 1 A- 8- Johanna Thompson to O. (!. Brown, lots 1 and 2, block 13. Wind sor; 450. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned 'administrator of the estate of Mary Voght, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk nf the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and the Judge of said Court has set Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1911, at the Courthouse In Oregon C'ty, as the time and place for hearing anv and all Ohlerflnna tn aalil final count and the discharge of said ad mlnlstrator. HENRY L. BENTS, Administrator of the Estate of Mary Voght, Deceased. " - L. 8TIPH and DIMfCK A DIMICK, Attorneys for Administrator. I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR . LIQUOR LICENSE. i N'' Is hereby given that I will, j " lne nxt TfKUr meeting of the c,tr Council, apply for license to sell '"l,,or. t my place 0f business. 712 -.i.-i, iur i noa oi six montos. u a. nuueu 1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notlo- g hereby given that I will. ln" regular meetlng of the City Council, apply for license to sell liquor at my place, of business, A nex Building, 405 Main street, for a period of three months. J. A. BUTLER. NOTICE OF APPLATIoirFOR' LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice la hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for license to sell liquor at my place of business, The Cobweb Wine House, 4irMaln street, for a period of three months. B. B. BRADY. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LIQUOR LICENSE. FOR Notice Is hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for licence to sell liquor at my place of business, The Depot Saloon, 219 Seventh street, tor a period of three months. CLAU8 KROHN. ' LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the city council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, 619 Main street for a period of six months. U RUCONICH. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT " , V BONDS. Oregon City, Oregon. , Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned Finance Com mittee of the Council of , Oregon City, Oregon, at the office of the Recorder, of said eltr. until th- t. day of Jane, A. D. 1911,' at $ O'clock . -I..-., . ymmm .'k . 18, 1911. p. m. fur tbewale of not less than par value and accrued Interest, of Improvement bonds of Oregon City, as the same have been authorised to be issued, fur the sum of $5004 29. Said Uinds have been Issued In the following denominations: One for 1101.29 and eleven for 1500.00 eiKh. Said bonds are dated April 20th, 1911, and will mature In ten years after date, ami bear Interest at the rste of 6 per Centura per annum from date, payable semi-annually, said Interest to be evidenc ed by coupons attached to said bonds. Interest and principal paya ble In IT. S. gold eojnat the office f the Treasurer of Oregon City, at """Oregon City, Oregon; Oregon City reserves the right to Iske up and cancel said bonds or any of them upon the payment of the face value thereof with accrued interest to date at any semi annual coupon interest paying period, at or one year from the date thereof. Said bond are Issued In pursu ance of act of the legislature of the state of Oregon., known as "The Bonding Af as the same has been amended, and are Issued for the payment of a portion of the cost of the Improvement of Center street In Oregon City, Oregon, from the north side of Seventh street to the north side of Ninth street, end shall not exceed the sum or 35604.29 In the aggregate. The right to reject any and all bid I reserved by the undersigned Committee and the Council of Ore gon City. By order of the Council of Ore gon City. WM. ANDRESEN, F. J. MEYER, R. L. HOLM AN. Finance Committee of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Oregon City, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received oy the undersigned Finance Com' mittee of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at the office of the Recorder, of aald City, until the zisi aay or June, 1911, at 4 o'clock P. m., for the sale of not less than par value and accrued Interest, of improvement bonds of Oregon City, as the same have been authorized to be Issued, for the sum of $8259.63. Said bonds have been Issued in the following denominations: One bond for $259.63 and twelve for $500.00 each. Bald bonds are dated April 20th, 1911, and will mature In ten years after date, and bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per centum, per annum from date, payable semi-annually, said Interest to be evidenced by couoons attached to said bonds, Interest and principal pnyaoie in u. B. gold colt, at the office of the Treasurer of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Oregon; Ore gon City reserves the right to take up and cancel said bond Or anv nf iii-m upon me payment of the face v-iue mereor witn accrued Interest w uaie or payment at any semi annual coupon Interest paying per- .w, i vt one year rrom the date thereof. , Bald bonds are issued In pursti - anoe of act of the legislature of the state of Oregon, known as "The Bonding Act" as the same has been amended, and are Issued for th am BEAVER street in Orgon City, Oregon, from the south side of Second street to the south' side of Seventh street. and shall not exceed the sum of r.259 (53 In the aggregate. The right to reject any and all Mda la reserved by the undersigned Commit tee and the Council of Ore gon City. By order of the Council of Ore gon City. WM. ANDRESEN, F. J. MEYER, R. I HOLM AN. Finance Committee of the Council of Oregon City. ' PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONOS. Oregon City, Oregon. Seeled proposals will be received by the undersigned Finance Com mittee of I he Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at the of flee of RecorJer, of Oregon City, until the Slat day of June. 9tl, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the sal of not leas than par. value and a cr rued Interest, of Improve ment I kinds of Oregon City, aa the same has been authorized to be Is sued, for the sum of $9503.44. Said bonds have been Issued In the following denominations: One for $253.44, one for $250.00 and elgh teen for $500.00 each. Said bond are dated April 2th, 1911. and will mature In ten yeara after date, and bear Interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from date, paya ble semi-annually, aald Interest to be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds, Interest and principal payatue in u. 8. gold coin, at the office of the Treasurer of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Oregon; Ore ton City reserves the right to Uke up and cancel said bonds or any of them upon the payment of the face value thereof with accrued In terest to date at any semi annual coupon Interest paying period, at or one year from date thereof. 'Said bonds are Issued In pursu ance of an act of the legislature of the State of Oregon, known aa "The Bonding Act' as the same has been emended, and are Issued for the psyment of a portion oi the cost of the improvement of Twelfth street In Oregon City, Oregon, from a point mo reet westerly rrom Main street easterly to the east line of Taylor street, and shsll not exceed the sum of $9603.44 In the aggre gate. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved by the undersigned committee snd the Council of Ore- By order of the Council of Ore- aon city. WM. ANDRESEN, F. J. MEYER, R. L HOLM AN. Finance Committee of the Council or uregen city. AMONG THE CHURCHES SUNOAY.CALENDAR. First Baptist Corner Main and Ninth streets. Rev. 8. A. Hay worth,. pastor.- Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:48 P. m, Sunday School at 10 a. m. At 11 a. m. the Sunday School will "",w me cmircfl same- UIU w, short Children', day program wlU he given in conjunction with the I preaching service. The pastor will deliver a short address. Evening preschng at 7:45. pastor's subject, ."CUBIC it Mr" l!lr h. Iant Sto&e BUILDING Cathode Cor. -erater as Tsaoj Rev. A. Illllebrand pastor, m. Ill Water; Low Mass 1 1 a, wit aa moo; High Mass lOrtla a-TNt sermon; afternoon service 4:M Maaa every morning at $:M. , . ' J Congregational Corner Mala atl Eleventh streets, Ksv. Wai. M. Pr tor pastor, residence t9 Thlrs: Sis day School 13 noon. John Lost, superintendent; morning tervtci 10:30, evening 7:30, young peopa) 6:45. Weekly prsytr meeting Thar day at 7:30 p. m. Sermon at 10: by Rev. Roy Carter, of Wallacs, Idaho. Sermon at 7: 4J by Rev. Wil liam M. proctor. Ghrtat 1 uimh Tor. Elshth hf I. Q. Adaata straata. Mv. P. chm4t r altar, ree. M J. Q Aduui; a IS a. m t praarblns aftornuon of frat and third gundays at I ID la Knritak oih-r Sunday aarvka ntornliuj si II N with p MMhlng In Uarmaa. Christian Scisnee Nlmb ud Cas ter streets. Sunday service 11 a a. Sunday school II noon. Wsdnesdif evening ( p. m. Owtnin gvangallcal-ror. flints ao4 Madlaon atraats. Rav. F. Wkwwalcs tor. rea. 711 Mlla..n; . B U a ; Herman Hctiradr. n itr. mom in avrvlc II. yornf v00'"! p. m anfl praarhln at I P av rrsrw. maetlna- Wednesday at I II h Gladstone Christian Rer. A R. situ key, pastor, res. Gladstone. Bos day school 10 s. m . N. C. HsndrkUi supterlntendent. Morning servk 11 o'clock. Brotherhood service! K will speak In the evenlnj. 8P music ,b rthe choir. Mountain Visw Union (Cont)- ; 1 n tn Mrs I If Oulnn. Bible Study every Thursday aft noon; E. C. Dye will preach T. o'clock Sundav evening. Methodist Main street cor. it" Rev. H. F. Zimmerman ptw. cor.. Sixth and Washington 9:48 a. m., C. A. Willi -T stone, suptt morning serrlaWJ , Bp worth League 6:30, rice 7.30. Prayer meet HI day 8 p. m. Morning mblTi , Religion." Evening popular "Ten Nights In a Barroom."J trated with stereoptlcon pctrw. Special music. . Presbyterian fleventh slrest ferson. Rr. J. R. lAoi?1? psstor, Res. 710 Jefferson; a ., Mrs. W. C. Oreen, supt; T In- aarvloa 11a m PraraT BW Ing service 11 a. m. Ing Thursday I p. m. Psrkplsse Cenarao na-K. 3 .iw, V. I lJ f .l I r ' . a. m., Bmery rrannh sunt.) P" " V, trricm aaoh Sunday, allml"ir twean It a. tn. and 1:U p. njfvJk tlan Bndaavor Thursday vsnss " d. m. St Paul's Rev. C. W. Roblnsoa, Paul's Rev. C. W. Roblnsoa jr. Dally services: Mornlnf fr r, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, K i.; evening prayer, 7:30 p. av aarvlxaa- Mnla- RncharlSt I tor. r, ra day services: . Holy Eucharist 1 1 m.; morning prayer, 10:30 . Holy Buohariat and sermon, U m.; evening prayer and srr 7:30 p. m.; S. S., It m.; TboT evenings, sernion at 7:10 P- United Srathran Cor. dghta sn4 Ttf' llsv. h. F. Clark sastnr. ras. . M. IS a. m.. Frsnh Pnr'. ten, supt.) morning aanrlo n.: S. CD. 6 B, m.. aranln tvK4 ulii. ., u - M- arasc' "'T M T?0- B' "' 1 p' m'' sept. len LiHtiersn Cor, irsn Cor. Jsffa-on "f . r. vf. K. Krttty l.s JarfsreoAi . rae, r wf .w a (t.J Bi I" 1