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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1911)
UORNIffO ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 1911. MORNING EOTERFiUSE O&XGOIT CITT, OREGON . C K. BROD4E. Editor and Fvelleher. ' "Baterad mm mm eond-elaaa aaatter Juh T , at in post ocrmm at iiraaoa in," UN . 1m TOMS tf SOBSCttPTWN. 1 m) Year, by mall ' oar atoataa, by Mil '"e Mt by earrlsr uvcrrans iates "trot fut Mr mea tlrM laaartkia.. tret ff. Mr Inch tdM tauwikwa .lc "afetisd position any mm. per Inch fleet atesrtton ls -i mti i posit loa My pa, per taeti aaoe taesrttone 1 '" paps Mkw taaa first paa-a. per mch tlrM laasrtloa 11a ua caper ether thu flrat pace, Mr hMfe Mm1 Inaantsaa Be Leeela la par Dm; la raamlar eaer laara te feM. Waata, FNar Bale. Te Rent, etc.. eae t a on flrat Baeartlea: aa-hatf eeat -ca eadlttoaai. RatM An ihmIUm as Wasa-lv Kntarartaa will a tha earns aa la tha ally, far advertiesaMata est sepselauy vr the wssaly. tha advertlesaeset traaafeiM fraaa the dally ta tha wash v, wltkaat ehaaare, tba rata win b Be a taea far m of tha papsr. end 10a aa tab far apeetal aoaJUoa. - Cash aaoaM aeeaaapaay erasr whara .-arty la awkaowa la business office af 'a Katsrprtse. Laaal adverttatac at lal adrsrt tains BMW, Clreua edverttatac and apeetal trajMrfvni "W ta aesclal coadltloaa gu orates tha Mala" a4 Baakrupt Bale" aCvar- us ssa an ure. nisi itoa; aaai At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITT AT MIDNIGHT News heasa and wail wrlttaa artielso t assi ii, wiia nuiNi io locmj i sauna, IB ba eiaaty aooeptad. Rejects aun- -itta aar rataraad unlp aceoeapan a by MiaH ta prepay aoaiaaa. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. June 18 In American History. ISU Coajtraaa dei-iarvd war against tjreat Britain la Henry Jarvla Ka.rmond. Journal . 1st. r-oasmKinan. frteod and rapber vt A bra ban Ijut-uin. dW: born IXO. ISB-William Hart.-V A. a wall Ikwi painter. died: born IX2Z Judge rTUmm Howard Tart nominated for president at Chicago by ta HapabUeaa national twtia. 1910 Tbaodora Baoaarait wileenj la Mvw lark ctty on laCaia Iroai taattac trip ta Afrka. ASTRONOMICAL .CVtNTt. ooa today toi ta aata 7 ML rlaaa 4dA; UaTf a. am. a :' ' I ' " 1 . - ' , CLU3S TO GET L07 CHAUTAUQUA KATE COPlIt OF PROGRAMS TO ! MAILIO AND OTHtRl LIFT AT T0RI FOR PUBLIC V v V - - jfV a . . laV ' I . si' V 'i " '- - ' Tha program of th WllUmatla Valtoy Obtitauqua, ! ba hM at tiladatou on July 4 to July It, In- clualva, has baan publiahad and will ba dlatrlhit4 this waak. Tha book lat la lurcar than av-V bafora anl awry pron lntaraa'a-1 In Iba rhau tauqua should hava a revjr. A larca numlrci of coplaa will ba aiallaJ, but, for tha benefit of tho.a who do not rvoalva I ham In thU way, roplea will ba loft aft Wadoaaday at tha Young Man s Christian AavH'atlon and J. K. Qlira bookatora In Portland. Coplra may alao ba obi l nod at Huntlay Ilroa.' drug slora and tha Flrat Na tion a I nank nf Dramii tit. Sarratarv Gary announcHj Halurday that cluoa of tan will ba allows! aeaaon li'kt for f J. Tha regular price la IJ.W. mm -jwsBEis JO CD (I'M LIGHT AOVANCK IN HAMS AND ACON IXPKCTtDPOTA TOIS AOVANCI. Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYE. rk , MAY R0BS0N AT HCILIQ THEATRE. Charmlna ana finnm impmi i ii - - - - , . yiTu, orr Dniuaai comedy aue- eeaa. Tha RatnranatlnB nf nnr U - ...... : 7 and Taylor mm, for tV.? jjtT SpTlal niioa matiBM sinni j "uam opeciai Brary resident of the city ahooJd attend tba McLovgnlin memorial ex erdaaa this artaraooa. It la never too ktt to mend." e The "Wild Man" has been found. He Isa't wild at all, unless chasing the almighty dollar la a alga of wildneea. He aaya he alept In the woods for economical reasons. Tha Clackmaa eountr men who -tarted on the Herculean task of 'mllding a railroad aometlme ago are naking the dirt fly. The way stock labacriptions are pouring In now re rninda one of the line, "bat thoea who cime to scoff remained to pray." AH property valnea depend upon tbe --osperity of the community. If onr manufacturers are prospering, and the merchant likewise, the farmer will Prosper, too. The persistent demand fir goods "Made In Oregon" will help i.rlng greater prosperity to the people f Oregon. TV0 WIHAPPY WIVES SUE FOR DIVORCE 'ABEL HEILMAN SAYS HUSBAND MADE HER WORK WHEN 8HE WAS ILL. JOHN DREW IN "SMITH." Famous Actor Opens Short Engage- mam ax namg Tomorrow, while John Drew baa tha principal character In "Smith" which cornea to the Heillg Theatre for three nights, commencing Monday, June 19. he doea uui piay me rote which givea the comedy Ita name. That falls m wan Boland. who played the principal fe male role with Mr. Drew In "Incon- atant George" last atason. The char acter la that of a pretty and whole- aome young country girl, a parlor maia in a bouse waere-Taomaa Free man (Mr. Drew s character) ta mak ing a six weeks' Tlait. Freeman la ao utterly disgusted with the fashionable. snaiiow, nrrage-p'.ying men and wo men who surround him thu k ia gradually drawn towards Smith aa the one natural and -fresh-minded person In the group. For a while 8mlth feeling that she and Freeman are sep arated by the Inexorable law of caste, holds back, her attitude bringing about a aeries of lore scenes which are both charming and from quite a new point of view. 8mlth. being In her first position, la In care of the cook who gives her pointers In her love affaire to tha vast amusement of both Free man and the audience. Mabel Heilman has filed a suit for vorce against John Heilman. They ere married at Stratford, Texas, on December 18, 1907. Soon after their arriage, she aaya. her husband treat I her cruelly, and while she was III he was compelled to work and earn er own living, although he was strong 'd abl to support them both. She ' ks to resume her maiden name, 'abel Cummins. She Is represented y L. B. Relder. Eva Linn has filed a suit for di vorce against Charles A. Linn to whom ie was marritd on October 2, 1901. lere were no children. Mrs. Linn ys that her husband deserted her. ie is represented by J. G. Rlchard - m. MAY ROBSON IS COMING. The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" Coming to Portland Thursday. The funniest of all comedies, "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary." which comes to the Heillg Theatre Thurs day. Friday. Saturday and Sunday, nights, June 22nd. 23rd, 24th and 25th, with special priced matinee Saturday, baa been successfully presented by May Robson In every large city in the United States, and duplicating the nuccess at Terry's Theatre, London, England, where Mian Rnhum ,-,,!. - ' ! the time of her engagement from iuree weens to nearly three months. Her Immediate recognition by a critical audience of London, was one of tbe beat compliments to her talents and capability as an ar ress. The press was unanimous in praise of "Aunt Mary," the unsopnle tlcated aplnster, and her blending the humorous and pathetic, without ap parent effort, was commented upon in flattering terms. The shrill un trained voice and the awkward ges ture of the provincial becomes aoft ened and musical when she apeaka of her tenderness for her nephew. Jack. The very naturalness of her acting carrlea conviction that Miss Robson ia an exceptionally clever woman, and the only one on the stage today pre aentlng the somewhat difficult role of an eccentric old maid. You laugh with her when her experience In New York develone her h nmnr an A vam cry with her In her moments of pathe tic sadness. "Aunt Mary is not an Imaginary type of the tender, big hearted country womae. They exist everywhere, and are easily recognized, and at the end of the play you have a sort of feeling that yon would like to have Juat auch aa Aunt Mary. Seata go on sal Tuesday, June 10th. SCHOOL ELECTION TOMORROW. J. E. Hedgea Is Only Candidate For Director. The annual election for school direc tor will be held tomorrow afternoon V, t0 4 'c,oc the City Hall building. J. e. Hedgea, tha only can didate, was requested to become a candidate to n..i . HiuiRii, alter havine aerved two years on the dty ehool board. David Caufleld. nor Ranxatt ..4 0. W. H. Miller h. k. . m , rwiuicu juumjmm or eicuon ana B. If. Coopei clerk Of electloa Th a...t ers' meettna for tha nnrnna. a Ig the reports of the directors and clerk will be held tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock In tha rnnnt. rv.M v Thla meeting la open to the public. Wllllame Bret. Buy Building. llliama Brothers' Tna.f.. r DDT nM Purchased tbe building form- .-r.7 orcupieo ny E. J. McKlttrick s ho store. Thla company has been having headquarters In the office of .17 "nd W- KPPbender. and the building to be moved Into will be thorourhl rtnnnt a m - - . . n uira new fe baa been purchaaed. ER ROHANtC All her life alm-e.atie waa Oftrea Roae Robinson Of Ml,. Uiula has bevu a "factory girl." When wvrk la eieady. abe told a rvivrter. aba makes fu&O a week. She tay fl a week for a room and bul little wore tban that fur food. Out of her aavtnga abe bad ac cumulated about ten yea re ago fl.UOU, which aeema marveiuua. Then abe put her money In a build ing and loan eaxorlatlon. It failed, and abe lost tbe eutlre amount. Despite tbe loan of her bard earned savings. Kuee Koitluaou Unan again to put money in ibe avlu bank. She low baa something more than ttMU, Long ronttaued toll at meager wagea and pinching evooooiy are B4ihlng new In the annaat of labor operatives, and la thla respect Row Koblnson la nut different from others. She baa saved more money tban moat of each work era, and- Bnt batea. "It waa my wlab as a young wom an." abe aaya. "to bare a Utile girl of my own. But It waa not meant tbat my wink should be graitfled. for no man baa aaked me to marry him." Though disappointed and chUdleaa, this hardworking woman decided te save her money for "soma baby" to tie aelected after ber death by the Chris tian Missionary society. Listen again. "Whenever I put a dollar away I wooldTaay to myself. Tnere ta a pair of aboea for Rosy.' or. "There's a book for her.' That made it eaay. and I waa surprised to find now much I could aave." Tbat la Rose Robinson 'a romance. Denied what women must desire, ber life ha flowered Into a sweet devotion ever aae Ber friend say aha la tbe happiest woman they know. They say abe ha aweet face. No doubt of It In tbe face of auch a woman there must be wlnsomeues and tbe softening lines that come from eubmlsalon to Provl dence and devotion to a high purpose. Giving makes her happy. She has giv en even more tban tbe widow who. aa tbe Master aloud over agatnat Ibe treasury, cast In ber mite. She has given InBul'ely more Iban tbe rt n givers of iir moderu day. Sbe ba given- herself: An advance of one-half cent la bama and 1 rent la bacon la expected on Monday morning, while fresh beef will be. It la thought, one-half rent lower A aimllar decline will be made In freah pork, while mutton and lambs tit be down about 1 cent a pound Urt will be unchanged at the low level. The price of potatoes struck the highest mark on record In Portland for thla period when old stock ad vanced to IS per cental and the price of beat new quality waa moved to Ik The extreme hot weather that re cently at ruck Texas and Oklahoma, rulued a large per rent of tbe early potato crop of those atatea. The re- ult ta that while Texaa haa been a free shipper of new potatoes to Ore gon. Washington and In fact to Call fornla and other nearby atatea, tbe Lone Star etata Is now a buyer and new pot a tots are being ahlpped there from California. Quotatvena ear Oregon city, POTATO K8 Ileal. I'M. good It It: common. I. Buying, carload, alec. 12.10; ordinary, 11.90. riX)VR AND FKED-F1our la ateady, selling from IS to IS SO; very little) of cheaper sradee. Feed la higher and rising slowly. Bfaa brings WAThw t Buying) Oray, from tit to I7; white, from IK to 111. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country bring from lie to 10c, fancy dairy from tor to lie, cream ery up to isc. EQCiRt Buying i Are rangltg from xuc to nr. according to grade. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tle good etock offered. Hens will bring le. If In extra good condition more. Old rooatera are poor at to to lOe, brolt- era bnng rreeo tic to 14c. with good uomana. WOOL (Buy;itr rYool prices are ranging rrom IJC to ISc. Mf It A In . . .. . vniii-louiinr i-neea on nut. hair have been way up. soma having brought aa h'xh aa S9e locally. Quo tatlona are 17 He and demand la strong from 111 M to I17.S0. aborts lit to 110. rolled barley J 1.50 to Itl.Sx. process ""r wnoja corn 11 tn fit cracked con- t to tit. Wheat 111 to 1 4 J. - HAY (Buvlna.l Tinurfks n . Clover, tit to 114; oat hay. 114 to l: mUed. tit to 14; alfalfa M v V i as, HIDES (Buying Green hldee, te .! fiUr-. Hc to Hc; dry hldea, Ijjeto 14c Sheep pelu, ttc to 7Sc Hr,l,fDwrRV,T8-Lc, Drt nrm at from te to 10c on appiea and prunes, feachea are le. .8.AT8,Ud to too for flae. fL1?: ck hlf trouod 40c; 7t for 100 lb. eacke. Portland Vegetable Markets. 8ACK VSQKTABLKS - Carrots. t,.,5.1-?0 r r-B'P. H-ts ILS0: turnlpe, tl.2SOtl.t0; beets, People who "Invest" in entererieee premlslna batrs..n- . ara usually dlaappelntj. "'"rw" Itra, money aaaaea to ether. Ihg tentrtl The meney aaver ahauld When yew deeeelt yeur meney Inga Department ef thla ba Uha na ehanoe Hth u. . a Tim Cartlnost,. fc" ' nk. It remain, undsr'!.!! a aama a sure and ateady rat ef Interest. There u "tret ZZ In thla hind an Investment. " " niLl , Th aeenar yeu begin, the aeener will you h. i. ...i- a,. i.... ' "s m aeaasuu- . PHHHlH The Bank of Oregon City - "TTriii'jj"M""aal n ci i.A-mnwmi awaiasatt '. r J. irfi. . THE FIRST NATIONAL Bm of OREGON CITY , OREGOW CAPITAL, faOJMMOu ranee IWacal Bonhlnf Bualneea 10pen fra. a a -wis,, aome future oerbonrh wlirti713(ABLM') ' Asparaanta. 90cf reraee !'! !r 7Vfi I 'bb-W. oew, ft per uunu.traweigot; raultnower, L0t a! do,B: felery, California. 75e C90c per dosen; cueumbera. 11.40 12.25 per dosen; eggplant, isc per lb.; garlic. lucC12e per pound; lettuce, toe per doien; hothouse lettuce, SO Oil per box; peas. 9c0ue p,f pound; peppers. SOcfSSc per pound' radlahes, ite per dosen; rhubarb. in ?.lJ?I.vox"'il Pro,. c; tomatoes, I7frii2t. POTATOES-Oregon. Jobbing price, mo per hundred; n-w pot.toea, 7c 7Hc per pound. I17S per 100; Australian. , - w " HEOLIG THEATRE -...Mm uriur niiwvs. rnone Main 1 and A llJt, SATURDAY SUNDAY NIGHTS, JUNE I7 i High Claaa Vaudeville ' World 'a Greatest Character Artist Albert Chevalier A Belated by Cdno Olonche Showoltcr a Prima Donna Soprano Myron W. Whftney . Famous American Basso Prices: I) 60, tl. 74c, toe, sSe. ISc. ; SKATS NOW SELLING. AT HEILIO THEATRE NIGHTS beginning MONDAY, JUNE 19 CZZ-ZZZZZl - Sptaelal Prtc MaUne Wedneaday C'barlee Prohman preaenia The Favorlt Actor JOHN DREW In W. Somerset Maugham's Comedy Success SMITH I Eicellent Cast Magnificent Production n,:;Rvenloga: 2. l 10, 1. 7tr. too. Matinee II 10 to tie. U COMINO TO HEILIO THEATRE 4 NIGHTS beginning THURSDAY. JUNE U Special Prtc Matinee Saturday. The Favorite Corned rean MAY ROBSON In Her Brillant Comedy Hit The Rejuvenation of Aunf Mary" Bvenlngs: tl to to ISo. Mallaao 1 to lie. eat go on aai Toeeday, June to. 3-0--C-0-0-0-C-00''0'-0-0-0-0-( Health and How to . Acquire It Wt B. R.PR1TCHARD. Secretary of Chicago' Health Department e0O0O-O-0-0-O0O0OO 00 ' O thoM who ai ambitions enough to be rich in health I would ay make use of thia prescription : Take s HOPEFUL, CHEERFUL view of thin cti. The ' bl'ggr the dot the BETTER. Don't WORRY thmg, whether you can help it or not. If you can help it it, bat don't worry. . j . ' EAT OOOO FOOD AMD PLENTY OF IT, INCLUOINQ MILK. CREAM AND CCQS.. . 4f tt at n Sleep st least TEN HOURS out of the twentr-fdnr in a room with the window open. ' Taks EXERCISE.' every dsj'ont of doort,: tut not enough to make yon tired. , ' ' ' . C:7 rir ia at all time filled with all aorta of 111TURITIES. ' 1 1 rart that eity people take g trip into the country BsssasBBaaaasamaaajasasassasaBB O I II lOM'IfflVffll vim - 1' 1 I H asss 100; Teiaa, I1.1S per crate; Califor nia, 2 per crate Oregon City Stock Quotation. HOGS Hoga are quoted He lower. Front 111 Ibe. to 1(0 Iba 9H. from ISO Iba. to 10 Iba. me. VEAL CALVES Veal calve bring from Ie to lvo according to grade. BEET STEERS lee! 4eera for th local market are fetching I Vie to H live weight SHEEP ie arm at c to ta live weight. BACON, LAKD aud HAM, are nrm Man Leaves Bag In Saloon. J. Burner, proprietor of a ealoon at Fourth and Main streets sss a oag containing an aasortment oi towel article and clothing left a bis p'4 of business Thursday by a trenger, who aald he would retura m a snan time for his belongings. There ia nothing about the bag or the arttclea It contains to arouse suspicion. MAGAZINE BINDING Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in them that will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. I I '.V - -sa. . . V .V " 'X- POiIMi'D BSD AWAY U tl CASTLETON flTCHtl IAU0ONI AND SEAVIM HIT . HIM HAND. LOS ANGELES, Jus IT Base lal), Portland rompe aty etOjav outer gam today, veraoa ioun oj i acor of U to t. Cutletoa wu aani d all over the lot, the Beaten ml lag four arorea I each of tbe Sra two Innlnga. stela never had te atai blmaelf. but be kept the locals ne lag moat of th time. He held Be (an a men to eight bit. Veraoa m I mn .rmr. and Portland MS. The results Saturday ear as W Iowa: . Paclflc Coast Leagiie-Portlaol a Vernon 3; Ban Francisco 4, Sacra to 3; Oakland I, L Angeles a. ...Northwestern Leairue Portlind M. Bpokane 14; Seattle I, Ttcoma I; Vk torla e-3, Vancouver 14. American League New Tort I, trolt I; Chicago I. Philadelphia I: Cleveland 17, Bostoa 14; Wsaiw ton St. Louis game, postponed, tm. National League-Chicago 1 PW delphla 1; Cincinnati roo'7 St. Louis I, New Tork l! PlttaWr Boston game postponed, rain. V" STANDING. Pselrle Cosst W. Portland 41 Ban Francisco 44 Oakland ' Vernon ! Sacramento It Los Angeles M Northwsitsrn, W. Spokan ,. 3 Taooma H Vancouver .... 17 Portland 1 Seattle .... 1 Victoria U U. N It 41 41 in -in .at JW .. 11 4T . MSP THE M0RNIN0 SNTS,'J . Is on aal at th followlnf itore very dayj 4 4 Huntley Broa.-Drul" . Main Street- ( J, W. MoAnulty-U"" t Seventh and Main. t Becrest Confectioner". f Main near Sixth. 9 ', M. 0. Dunn Confectioner Next door to P. 0- , City Drug Stor 4 Electrlo Hotel. Walter Uttle CotifectlofT 814 Seventh Street. M. VolkmarDruM , 4 Seventh near Center. 4 Schoenborn Confectionery Seventh and X Q. Adam CALL ON F. D. Stcfccv Vfctn vttu wish tot.'-- titocotile.; At Eltt rJ Pitta Cztzz ' '' : ' ' ,irr.sA-T2ir:V'T. 3