Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
Parents Will la noticing tne Dcauiiiai prioi suit, ana rtend- vsi.t, .ntf blouse. 0ur north window. While these are only a very ltyt of the many pattern, we carry, it will tiv'e you an iia of the fine quality and style, we handle. Brinf . bov here to fill all hi. want.. iw I Suits $2.50 to $10.00 ; BAT, BALL AHD CLOVI FREI WITH EVERY SUIT J. LEVITT Suspension 10CAL BRICrS kxoii, f Eagle Creek, waa In diy Wedneaday. m Popular Hula at I'opuUr Pricee, Hut C. f.Joldi'mltn'a. Sr. it, of Heaver Creek, was In Herman Siniin. or i arua, wag in HH alty on Tburaday. flllUm J "i"'. of Heaver Creek, M la lhl Hty ' Wedneaday. yr, Ms""''1""'' "f Shubel, waa in pit cltf Thursday. N Novelties n Millinery ovary fer al alia (' Ooldamltb's. William Hiiinr, of Cams, wna In IH, cKy " Wednesday. Mr. Jiiliii? Moahberger and (wo u, it lii thla rliy on Tburaday. Sr. Frederick, of Molalla, was In Ofoa CHy on Wedneaday. - tod Kaiii'"'th, of Reaver Craak, tu In tbla ' "r (,n Wedneaday. Mr" and Mix. Ilcorga Curbaaon, of gkubl, were hi ihia ruy tm wednee far. Albert 8 li'M'iilxirn, of Carua, mada limine 1 1 1 1 to thla city on Wad eta . toy 81'IkIii. of I'ortland, who, baa wi vltltlDK "I'h frtenda In tbla rtly In returned in hla home. Sr. Lake and Charles Caato, of Circa, I" 'IiIm rlty yeaterday on kotKw" Mr. Al Si hoenborn and ' Mra. Tboai McCarthy, of Carua, were In Ortfua fit) mi Tburaday. Sr. and Mix. Calvin KocTter and Unit dauhtT. of Canby, were In thla dty oa Thiirx'tiiy. Anong I Iw Oregon City bualneaa tliiton of Wdnesday were Mr. Hurat 4 Clsrrnrr Mallalt. of I'alon Mill. SM Lii" Strohmeyer, of Port- laod. la vlaitinr wlib Iter parenu, Mr. M4 Sri tiiinlimnyar, of tbla city. T. Cimret. nf Heaver Creek, waa In illi city u ii hualnraa trip Wednea 7. Sr. mil Mm. Kdward Howard anil m, dtr-il -Halphwere lnbll Wj jrrttrrdiiy , write IiiiIiiihii. of Braver Creek. m la thin rlty on Wedneaday, hav U Wouithi lii- a load of oata. . Joseph Htudeman aiid hla aiater. Im gtuiiemun. of BbubaL wre vlai mi with friends In thla rlty on Wed Miy. Ti X l t lub of Gladatone. will aits lam men Inn of the year at Gliditvni' Mi boolhouae on Friday iHs-aoon t 1 :io o'clock. In. IhotnUxiirdTi-ft tonight for I Aogfli'H, tel., to apand about four $125 IN to the person guessing the nearest to the total number of inches of display advertis ing that will appear in Satur day Mornings Enterprise. We will give a check for $25; to the five guess ing the next nearest count $ 1 0 each; to the ten guessing the next nearest count $5 each. All checks to be applied on purchase of three new Southern Pacific Towns of WORDEN, ORE. DORRIS, CAL. Mt. HEBORNE, CAL. Use This Coupon either by mail or The Consolidated ThreTownCo. Gentlemen: ' , k I got that the' total Bomber of Inches of. display adver tlsiDg that will appear in Satorday Morntngi Enterprise will be Yoors Ret'y. Tow Take Pleasu re assortment of boy' new Bridge Corner TJtt 7,'"",n" br Mra i. M,1 "?d Mr, ,,ow'd Latourette.of I'ortland. were In thla city on Tburs- Mra. M. U Latourette. Known larraera of f.rn. i .. city tranaactlim bualneaa on Tbura- Mra. JKar. of thla rlty. who haV been vUltlnK e the home of her aon rank JaKRar, of Carua. hat returned to hr home In tbla city, CJua Hchuebel, una of the prominent farinera of Hhuhi.l i.. ..... Jj!,r,,"J' " while her vlalted wi.h dim oroint;. HchiietMfl. Attorney' Kred J. Melndl. of Port land, waa In thla i-ttv . i..i yeaterday. and whlla In tbla city waa the Kiieat of hla rothr-ln law, Mar hall J. Uaella. W. W. Rvcrhirl cma r.r luant renl.lciltg of Mnlalla nj tary of the (lerman llorae Company at Molalla, waa In thla city on Tbura day. Mra. Ilurlburt, of (lladatone, haa (one to Nebraaka. where aba will vlalt tbrt month. Nebraaka la Mra. Iltirlliurt'a former home atate, and ane win viait Hh relatlvea there. For Rule on Wmi bit XV Iota, Rood houae, bam, lota of fruit; aplendld view, for only 11500, caah, balance teruia. Bee ma about It aoon. J. L. 8WAFKOJID, Cor. 8th A Main. Orejon City. Hev. and Mra. William Proctor and little datiKhter,. after vialtlnK for a week at. the holiie of Mr. and Mra. John McOetchle. of Gladatone, bave lft thla city the firm of the week. Rev. proctor point; to Koreat Grove to commcne hla dutle, while Mra. Proc tor and dauRhter will vlalt In Walla Walla, Waah. Fred Waahburn and dauRhter, D lorea. of Portland, who have been tbe RU)ata of Mr. and Mra. Henry Henn InRaen. have returned to their home. Mlaa Waahlmrii altaiuivh alrl. Ih ib anriiiiinliahMt l,w.iiii,.ni of PorUaniL and-JictJoclULtlini. rsn ai ma auniveraary or the IM-Rree of Pocobontaa at the Knapp bull 0.1 Wedneaday were Rreatly appreclat. ed. Prlea Broa. Play Overlanda Sunday. The Price Itroa. baseball Mrretja tlon will go agalnat tbe Overlanda of Portland neat Sunday at Canemah Park. A hot game la expected. Barnard Kllgel to Wad Mlaa Thoma. Urenue to wed waa raaued Tbura day to TbeoblaU Tbonia and Bernard Kllgel. PRIZES CONTEST CLOSES FRIDAY EVENING May 5th at 9:30 P. M. No person connected with The Enter prise or the Consolidated Three Town Co. allowed fo compete In this contest. Present Your Coupon at this office in person or by mail. J. . . . ' .. , . - . . 3 ' ' Aal ' . . Company Temporary office 506 Main St. MORNING ENTEUPniOE, FRIDAY, MAY VAID EJUS IM MPOTCW aaaaaaKaaaBBBBBi OOVKBNOH WIST TO SET ackh asi6e as PResenvc ' rOH WILD CAME, HUNTING WILL NOT BE AUOWED Game B.fug. Will Educate Farmara and Lead to Forming of Othara In Different parte of State. PORTLAND, Or., May .-(8peclal) Wild blrda will have a refuge about the etato capital, A prearva Includ- 1 liifj about 15,000 anrea will be aet aalda lire huntcra will not be allowed and thla protection will become effective May 20. l.nda aiirroundlng the atate Inatl tutlona will be Included In tbe pre aerve by Governor Weat. The law on tbla aubject, paaa;d by the laat aea alon of the LeRlalature, provide thut the atufe game warden may emer In to contracte with land ownura to have their farma Included. Hunting there on may be punlabcd with a jail aen-t-nc aa well aa a One. Thla V rt-xarded the moat-lm, (Hirtaut atep ever taken for the pro tection of wild Hunt In Oregon. It la expected that thouaaoda of blrda will be ralacd on theae landa and that a few yeara they will apread all over the Willamette Valley, Increasing very Urgely the preacnt feathered population. William L. Flnley, prcaldent of the Oregon Audubon Society, haa . been active In aecurlng the eatabllNhment of tbla game refuge. He Lellevet that education of the furmera and land owners will accompllah uiore In tbla direction than mere legislation. He hopea later to establish similar pre serves In other pans of the atate where the as me objecta will be ac complished. A big one near Rose burg l already projected, where a large bind owner haa offered to aid the plan. ; Mr. Flnley heads the Board ot Game and Fish Commissioners. Other members named by the governor are: M. J. Kenney, Portland; C. F. Stone, Klumatb Falls, and C. K. Cranston, Pendleton. Theae four will aelect a fifth member to complete the board. .SURPRISE AT CANEMAH.. Young People Gather at Smith Home and Oanca In Nearby Hall. Loula Smith, of Canemah, waa tbe recipient of a Buriyiae party on Tuea day evening at tbe home of bia par entat Mr.-and Mra. P. ir.'BtnlthrtBC occuafonTernjTTiiT'Msl blrthdByair" nlversary. The Smith home waa pret tily decorated with carnations, fern a and dogwood blossoms. The young man, In whose honor tbe affair wis given, waa presented with manyglfta. One of the featurea of the evenlng'a entertainment waa the danclg enjoy ed In Stokea ball nearby, and Ice cream and cake wero served at the Smith home. About 63 were In at tendance, and all bad a moat enjoy ablo time. Present werefMlse Bunny Owen by, Misa Ada Froat, Mlaa Mayme FREE! D contracts f or- otir I at oar office Umg. Mlaa) Ruth Hedgea, Mlaa Beryl Long. Mlaa Kvelyn Hedgea, Mlaa Mln. nie Klemaen, Mlaa Martha Meyers, miss Kveiyo liotacnu, Mlaa Verna Meade, Mlaa Jennie Bchatj, Mlaa Rata Carotbara, Mlaa Cora Smith, Mlaa Rena May, Mlaa Ella White. Mlaa Helen Smith, Oliver Froat, Alfred Klemaen, Eddie Vonderabo, William R. Stokes, Tom Lindsay, El boo Long, Pet Long, Arch Long, Dick Long, Fred Freeman, Beldon Oanong, Erpeei Young, Rhea Cole, Harry White, La Vern Marshall, Oscar Smith, Edgar Nuttal), Raymond Critzer, LouU Smith, Edward Smith. Carnott' Smith, Milton Smith, Mrs. Cbarlea Spencer, Mra. Jl. Templet on, Mra. Anna Mar shall, Mr. and Mra. Earl Smith, Mr. and Mra. Duncan Shank,. Mr. and Mra. Clayton White, Mr. and Mra. Samuel Stevens, Mr. and Mra. P. H. Smith.- POCAHONTAS HAS NEW ROBES. Flrat Annlv.raary Ja Occaalon for - BHIIIant Display. On. Wedneaday evening the Degree of Pocohontaa celebrated the anniver sary of Ita organization In thla city, which waa one year ago on Wednea day evening. One of the features of tbe evening waa the Initiatory work being put on In their new robes, which are beautifully braided, beaded and fringed, and preae tiled a very attrac tive appearance. The bead gear were of bright colored fcatbera faatened to beadbanda. On tbe floor were attractive Indian mate, tepeea constructed of bright colored blankets, and the electrollera were ahaded In red crepe paper. The ceremony waa very Impressive. Huge American flags were used to good ad vantage among tbe decorationa. Three candidates were Initiated Into the mya terlea of tbe order, and twelve ap plications for membership were filed. There are at preaent 70 members be longing to the Degree of Pocohontaa. and during the past few. months the membership haa grown ' conaldera bly. The affair waa held at Knapp'a Hall, and following the regular routlojjof uuBiiiess toe rouowing program waa given: Duet, Mra. Irvln Rau and Mlaa Clara Dcutte; recitation. Miss Alta Curt la; Piano aole,' John Flnucane; recitation. Mlaa Delorea Waahburn, of Portland; aong, Aletha Cross; rec itation, Clara Nobel; piano solo, Lit tle Mlaa Jeremiah; violin nolo, Helen Surlier, accompanied by Rose Justfn; club swinging. Miss Zimmerman; violin solo, George Randall, bf New Era; reading, Miss Myers; piano solo, Mlaa Green, of Portland ; ad dreas, W. L Little, great United Statea representative of the Improved Order of Red Men. Supper waa aerved after the program, and thla waa fol lowed by dancing until a late hour, the mualc being furnished by John Flnucane and Mlaa Myers. ' The committee In charge of thla entertainment consisted of .Mra- Henry Hnnlngsen. Mra. Sophia , Phillips, Mrs. .Walter Symes, Mra. Jessie Uurna, Mrs. Mike Gross, Mra. Dora Hamilton, Mra. Richard Bittner, Mrs. Laura Simpson. ' '-TMe-FACtS-ON MAIN STREET. Herman Burgoyne Opens Beautiful Delicatessen -Here Thla Week. .'-"Th? Falls," one of the moat at tractive and up-to-date confectionery atorea In the coutry, waa opened to the public laat night, and aa a delica tessen la In connection, the dining room waa filled with patrons at the noon hour on Thursday. The confec tionery la In the Cole building near the auapenaio bridge, and its proprie tor la Herman Burgoyne, a Clackamas County boy, whose home haa recently been In Portland, where ha Is pro prletor of the Burgoyne. rooming bouse, one of the leading houses of thai o.ltv. The Interior of "The Falla" la fin ished In mission furniture, and tinting of the walla and celling correspond. The aoda fountain, which la one of the moat attractive and up-to-date la ornamented with 15 electric Ughta, and the latest automatic glass washer Is found In connection. At the rear la a large plate glass, and on each aide are electric lights. At the rear of the room la another large mirror. Electric light flxturea of beautiful de sign are to be found on each aide aa well aa In the center of the room. At tbe rear of thla rom la the kitch en, and on the lower floor la the candy work room, where all of the candiea aold bv Mr. Burgoyne are made, the confectioner being Herbert Brown, of Mediord, who recently arrived In thla city. One of the latest Ice cream freezera haa Just been Installed on EXCURSION PARES EAST 1911 During the wonthaf May June, Juljr, August and September, on datea ahown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC will aell round trip ticketa from Oregon City Via Portland aa follows: TO FARE8 Chicago .$-73.00 Council Bluff 60.10 Omaha ; 60.50 Kansas City 60.50 8t. Joeeph 60.50 st Paul ;..:".".: easo 8t Paul, via Council Bluffa .... 64.40 Minnaapolla, direct 60.50 Mlnnaapol a, v a Counc I Bluffa 64.40 Boaton 110.00 New York 109.00 St. Loula 70.50 Waehlnoton, D. C 108.00 SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23v 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. . June 6, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and 28. . Auguat 3, 4, 5, 14 15, 16, 17, Si; 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, a d 7. Stop-overa within liraite In either di rection. Final return limit . October Slat. For farts one way through California Inquire of any Southern Pacific , agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY, Ganeral paaaangar Agent . Portland, Oregon.. 5, 1911. thlar soor. whUh to operated by elec tricity, and going at a tremendous speed. A earbonator haa aJao bean purchased by the proprietor, thla to be used in making hla sodas. Many of the people of thla city taitad tbla bualneaa house on the opening night 'GRAND JURY GOES SLOW. PORTLAND. May 4. The grand jury la proceeding slowly with tbe police graft Inveatlgatlona. Monday will be devoted to hearing evidence from wltneaaes who have been deni zens of the underworld. REAL ESTATE. The following are the real estate tranafera that have been filed In the o'z&ce of the county recorder; Mary Emma Moore and John A. Moore, Agnea Alice Mllln. Clara May and L. L Plckena to Emma McDon ald, part of 1 to S ot block 29. Oregon City; $10. M. J. Lee, trustee. 3. Lee and Bertha E. Lee, to T. J. and L. A. Brandea, north half of lota 7 and 8. block 2, Canby; $1500. J. A. and Lillian Cobb. F. S. and Dalay Dillingham to T. J. and L. A. Brandea, aouth-half of lota 7 and 8 of block 2, Canby; $1800. John O. and Charlotte Roth to Katherlne A. Rltter, lot 7 of block 2. Canby; $200. " i. . John E. Edgren and Amanda Edgren to Vinton K. and Elizabeth E. Paisley, tract 5, Outlook; $1. , Christian and Bertba Bittner to S. C. Fletcher and Ida M. Dundaa, land In section 32, townablp 4 aoutb, range 4 east; $1. William Langaford to Annie Lang ford, lot 2 ,'C,M Buena Vlata; 11. W. 8. and A. M. Scounce to Scandi navian Lutheran church trustees, land In acctlon 10, township 5 south, rsnge east; $5. John 8. Smith and Lola F. Smith to James R. and Laura E. Kabler, land In Oak Grove: 11200. i imru oiaivs 10 A. D. imuimonu, 686.42 acrea of section 8, township 3 south, range 6 east; Patent. John and Cora Potter, J. P. Deegan, Grace Deegan et al to Clackamaa County, land in aectlon 36, township 2 aoutb, range 2 east; $1. John R. Kelso trustee, to Mlleg Mc Donnell, 42.13 acrea of aectlon 3, township 4 south, range 4 eaat; $800. Alfred Schneider and Clara Schnei der to Fred Madison, northeast quar ter of northwest quarter of section 8, and tbe northeast quarter of tbe southeast quarter of aectlon 5, town ship 4 south, range 3 eaat; $2,800. Clarence E. and Nettle O. Iaham to Eva K. Parkman, 6.96 acrea, J. D. Gar rett donation land claim, sections 31 and 32m, township 1 aoutb, range 2 eaat; $3200. . . - - Edwin A. and Clara M. Hyde to William Oscar Wood, southeast quar ter of northeast quarter of southeast quarter, aectlon 29, Jpwnshlp l south. range 5 east, 80 acrea; iio. C. C. Smucker to Antone F. .-and Alma Will, land In aectlon 8, town ship 5 aoutb, range 1 eaat; $13,000. L'H O. and Regina Sannea to C. J. nd Thea Wbllertz,' hlock 71, Ptune land; $1650. - . Carl O.'and Regina Sannea to C. J. nd Thea Wollertz, 26.04 acres, aec tlon 29. township 3 south, range 1 east; $5000. John Jordon to John Attebury, lota 25 and 26, block 11, Hyde Park; $200. Peter and Maggie Naedeau to D. D:. HoKtetler, 20 acrea Jariua and Jane Bonney donation land claim, town ship 4 south, range 1 weat; $550. -John H. and Rosalind GlbBon to G. William Rlckaon, tract 4, less 60x220 feet, Gibson's subdivision of tracta 10, 11. 12 and 12, and weat 480 feet tracta 1 and 2, Logus tracta; $800. John W. and Grace E. Loder to Jonas Berglund, northeasterly half lot lJ. tract 67: Willamette tracta; $275. Chris and Anna Lorenz to Victor and Emma Berg, 29.14 acres, aectlon 18. township 4 south, range 1 east; $3250. Frank E. and Marv F. Patton to William and Magdelena Lumn, acrea, aectlon 6, township 2 south range 1 eaat; $10. ' R. L. and Nellie J. Parriah to Ferd inand and Emilia Pose, northeast quarter of northeast quarter, section 8. northwest quarter of northwest quarter, aectlon 9. excepting 4 acres; 76 acrea In all;- $4000. Daniel and Annie Lynch to ThomaB J. Lynch, aouth half of northeast quar ter of aoutheaBt quarter, aectlon 12, township 4, aouth, range 3 eaat, 160 acrea; $1. Robert F. and Margaret J. Wllmot to 8usetta E. and J. H. Reed, 2 acrea aectlon 2. township 2 south, range 2 least; $800. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamaa County. In tbe matter of the Estate of Ernest Marshall, a minor. It appearing to the Court from the petition of Julia Callff: Thai-aha-aalhe-dtily. appointed, qualified and acting "guardian of the person and estate of Ernest Marshall, a minor. That said Ernest Marshall Is the owner of a one-ninth interest In and to the following described real estate situate In Clackamaa County, Oregon, to wit: The East Half of the North East quarter of Section 15, T. 3. S. R. 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian, and that said rnest Marshall baj no other property' and there ia very little In qnroe, from aald property, tha It la necessary for the aupport, education and nurture of aald minor that aald property be aold, and It will be fo.' th hut intireat of said minor and tbe persons interested in aald property that the aame be eoia, mai iae pro ceeds thereof can be used to educate said minor and auch part thereof as will not be necessary for use for such purpose can bo Invested so as to bring better returns than can be possibly made from preaent arrangementa. That the persons and those Inter eated in aald landa and the next of kin of aald Erneat Marshall are: Ju lia Callff, his mother, Hftrvey Mar shall, Susan E. Rhodea. Alice Marshall, John A. Marshall, Jatnea Frank Oglea by. Charlea . E. Ogleaby, George A. DeShtelda, Marlon DeShielda, Ftancea DeShlelda Yank, William Marshall and D. M. Marshall. That t for the heat Interest of aaid estate that aald aale ahould be at pri vate sale for caan in nana. t, I. Iharwfnrai nrrinred that the Bald next of kin and persons Interested in aald estate anoear at the Court House, la Oregon City, Claoaamaa county, . .,,.. . ih. Conntr Court room. on Monday, May 19th, 1911,' at 10:00 a m and show cause if any they hare whynn order and license to aelt the iniaraat nf eatd Krneat Marshall in and to aald real estate ahould not be granted. ..... April Z7tn, 1911. R. B. BBATIB, - j ' v Judge. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. Sta. VERNON - - va. - PORTLAND May 2, 3, 4, 5. S, 7. Oamea Begin Weekdaye at 3:30. r Sundays, 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boya Under 12 Frea to Bleachers , Wedneaday. ELECTRIC HOTEL. Tbe following are those registered at tbe Electric Hotel: John L. Ma son, San Francisco; O. A. Cheney. G. Z-Chester, p. M. Boyles, O. E. Dib ble. Molalla, Or.; J. R. Elllaon, -James Pastall, Molalla, Or.; g. Powell, Port land; Geo. H. Gregory. John Toneckey, W. H. Mattoon. Eatacada; E. Ring atead, Wllbolt; J. E. Huber, Wllhoit; A. Lees, Geo. N. "Wella, Scotta Mills; Geo. A. Rutherford, Highland; J. H. Wood, Indlanapolla, In.; 8. W. Law rence, Portland; O. W. Hawn, Port land; Wilson, Seattle, Waah.; N. E. 8cbraeder, L T. Smith. Portland; CharUa BIndschaedler, Portland; Ii Mcllenry, Salem; C. Baty, Canby; L. 8. McDonald, Omaha, Neb.; C, C. ( happell, St. Paul. BOYER ESCAPES AOAIN. Returned to Boys' and Qlrle' Aid 80 clety 8taya Twenty Minutea. George Boyer, tbe incorrigible boy who escaped from the Beys' and Girls' Aid Society, In Portland, laat week, and walked home, waa returned in custody of deputy D. E. Froat Tues day. BoyeP stayed with the Society only twenty minutes, and arrived In Ore gon City almost aa aoon aa the deputy who escorted him to Portland. The Society haa agreed to leave the "bor in charge of hla parents for the future. ' Read the Morning Enterprise. CORRESPONDENCE 8TAFFORD. It began to rain a little on Monday ana rained some Tuesday morning and although but a quarter of an inch fell it Is doing an Immense amount of good. An old man, whose only appellation haa been "Old John," who haa been ataying the laat number of montha at Mr. Aern's, and baa .not been very well some of tbe time, thought he would return to Germany where he haa a daughter and Mr. and Mra. Aerns went with him last Sunday-atad left him In the banda of friends be yond Lenta. He la German and can' not understand English but fortunate ly ia not destitute. The young Stafford nine looks pret ty well In their new aulta of gray with red caps. - ,. School closea upon tbe 12th, which haa been celebrated in moat Northern states with appropriate exercises as May Day. We have not heard as. yet whether ' tbe Mlseea Grace Intend to so celebrate it or not. , Miss Mary Scueiwe la staying with Mra. Fred Baker. Mra. Martha Hamilton and Infant are still at her mother's. Land lookers have begun to come around againand prices are steadily going higher. . Jim Tiedman and wife visited her mother and sister last Sunday. - Mra. Gage called upon Mra. MUen, who doea not recover entirely from the hurt to her back. . Piga are In good demand. One man bought aome alx weeks old for'$2.60 and had a chance to aell them again next day for three dollars. The editorial in the Enterprise, "Hogs and Literature," waa pretty apt ' a Mra. Sharp had a genuine old fash ioned rag bee on last Thursday and busy Sagera sewed over 40 pounds for her, Mra. Ola Barnes being the cham plon rag sewer, as she sewed the greatest number of balls, and the en vious remarked she would have had more In number if they had been smaller. Mra. Ed Sharp and Miss Ida Elligsen prepared a regular banquet for dinner to which all did Justice. Such reunions are enjoyed by all. Lon Francis and Oscar Larson were circulating a petition to alter the road on what ia called Furaman Hill, and have it go around near Hampton Rob- bins house, making a better grade, but necessitating the building of a bridge across a ravine. Miss Julia Weddle'a school, below New Era, closed laat Friday and he returned home on Sunday last. All are glad to welcome her home again Mr. Gage Is renewing hla youth by blowing out stump roots in hia plowed fields and with the help of bis horses and sled collecting them Into piles and burning ' them. Harry Gebhardt and Fred Baker have finished seeding the lastneld'wMcWrrtreblifirdrTented of Mr. Gage. 1 ' SHUBEL. . Mr. Berg is building a granary for Herman Moehnke. Will Dobble haa his house almost completed. John Heft Is doing aome carpenter work for Steve Hutchinson on Suavle's Island. Tbe entertainment Saturday night waa a successful affair, nearly $50 be ing realized. Charley Groasmlller'a spent a" few In Portland during the past week. E. F. Glnther haa returned Jiome from Oregon City where he haa been on the Jury the past two weeks. The Shubel baseball team defeated the Molallaa April 23, 6 to 0, and Sun day they defeated Mountain View 6 to 4. Mr. Kllnger la clearing land. ' EC Per c.h e roo S t'a itio n WILL MAKE SEASON AT , . I Oregon City, in Farmers' Feed Barn PprfirflW. Sired by Polly flrat dam, Queen; Second dam Et rtUlgl CC. Coiof dappie bV Weight 1800 pound. Tormc. To innramare with foal $12, Sinjle enrfco J8. Sea I CI 1113. Mnio. To Insure colt to stand and tuck $15. Crxv will bf taken to prerent accidents, but will not be retpos-1'-. hould any occur. If mare is removed, sold or traded, money be comes doe at one. ; . j" : , T 7 . ' G. W. Bbyer, Owner and Henry Toedtemeler, of Stafford, "via. Red at Herman Moehpkeji Jor a few daya. - R .Glnther has completed' Mis water tyatem to hla house. ft, ; -' , There will be a necktie social given at our neighboring achool at Clarkea on Saturday night. May 10. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Behoeaborn, of Oregon City, wore out on a vlalt Sun day. John Bcbram and family, of High land, vlalted with George Stephena' yeaterday. ' i MEADOWBROOK. ; At a meeting of the achool board it waa decided to extend the school term another month. Mr. and Mra. Kay returned from Portland Monday, where they had been to aee their aon Troy, who la alck with typhoid fever at the Good Samaritan hospital. Geo. Ball ia helping J.. W. Studlng- er with hla new barn on his mountain ranch. . Tbe Fourth of July booster meeting waa not very well attended Monday evening owing to the heavy rain. O. T. Kay informa ua there la aome real work being done on the Southern Clackamaa Railway. Mra. Thorlngton. of Oregon City, haa taken charge of Hotel De Heckert on Canal atreet. Dr. Todd, of Molalla, waa exercis ing a new Ford' auto In town Thurs day. Mlaa Mary Alice Holman, of Port land, is visiting with her nephew, O. ' N. Holman on tbe ranch. Otis Morrla la taking down a drive of 25,000 tlea. i George Kay is oa the alck Hat this week. Mayor Allen will aoon realgn his office and move to Portland. A few new cases of meaalea in town tbla week. A. D. Larklna is making some Im provement on his property on High land street. Wants, For Sale, Etc NotlMa under thea rlaaatflad haaataiaa will b. hue led at one; crnl a word, flrat Inamtion. half a ernt addltmna) tnaar tlona. one inch card. II par month r half Inch card, (4 lln.a II par month. Cash must accompany order unleM an. haa an open account vtth tha papar. No financial raapoaalblllty for errors: wher. errors occur f re corrected notice will b printed for patron. Minimum cbaraa lee. WANTED. WANTED Two furnished House keeping rooma for man and wife. Call Enterprise office. GIRL WANTED Girl for general housework. Experience not ao im portant aa wlllingneaB to learn. Ap ply 1006 Main street Oregon City. WANTED Yon to know that we buy all kinds of Curloa, that we are la -the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also have a good .- assortment of second hand Fuipltpre and Tools on1 hand' for aaV to those In need.- Come- an J " see;' perhapa we have Just what you want. Indian Carlos and trinkets for aale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE , YOUNG, Main near Fifth'atreet FOR -SALE. . FOR SALE 8pltx pupa." Inquire. 442 Locust Street FOR SALE Toung pigs. Call Home phone, O. M. May, Beaver Creek.' FOR SALE 1 fine thoroughbred Jer sey bull calves, $ monibk old. R. L. Badger, Oregon City, OrR. F. D. No. 3. Phone .Beaver Creek Cen tral. CLOSE IN 4 lots facing Madison St., grand view, very cheap; $440. Terma. CLYDE A McRAE, , 1003 Main St., Oregon City. FOUND. TAKEN UP Three Jersey calves. Owner can have name by paying for pasture and thla notice. R. McCUntock, Oregon City, Oregon, R. F. D. No. S. FOUND Two-year-old mare, atrayed in my pasture. Owner may have aame by paying thla advertisement Henry Snyder, near Weat Side School House, Oregon City, Route No. 5. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walka and reinforced concrete. Rea. Phone Mala 111. ATTORNEYS. mv Atrnrneviat-T.aer Mniwf loaned, anatracta rurnianea, land tltlea examined, est a tea Battled, gen eral law buatneee. Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN A SCHUEBEL, Attorneya-at-Iaw, Deutacber Advokat, will prac tice in all court a. make collections and aettlementa. Office In Enter priae Bldg., Oregon Cltv. Oregon. FREYTAG'A MONEY, Real Estate Dealers, have choice bargalne in farm landa.. city and auburban homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranches. See na for good. buys. Near 8. P. depot ..' .. B. H. COOPER. For Fir lnearaner and Real Batata. Let a handle your propertlea we hay, Mil and exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg.,N Oregon City. Oregon. F S .: 1 I ' - 1 ) II i