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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
HORSING CrrEKPKlaE. FRIDAY. MAY A 1911- dattc.'s i;znoES An UcsivtsaWe Connection ILlVilYSPOPULin mi Br JUrtkM r. ' mm mat awwtta; tto g&ry aT am 4 ; by eJs utar Bto )nf aa fay bur era aa aim; j FfrCBB Iff U EKEPTia ! art ma k Mt4iii : w. ' mm baa' mmnrn jV f mmm tw Was af trmtm r riam. Ma, "awe X iuj hi tW xfin Ear T in aaaaajaaaa . ar. . a f V f- CaasarawtiM itaii Uuus u h M 57 H (D) tWa Ctoy wi mm iMr mm J I FrTn I knaiaa mmmbt mat ' wMfcMMOTtent . -' i I I Ul III j5 ' a -wo! tam' O 1 1 a was m a. fttaV j V VJ ! Iiku cm etoa4 tt. WX rae 1 ,4 tmt ft i iwi aVahart brktoa at ear ua Mrwf i sett laarary l iriri iiraiiaiit ; tw n awiu m ew mif mow mam mt mow a m mreal tmmjm 1 inn 1 1. to ima ir as tw BVmaaa er-wfir ; M t ,,,,, lltL wee baa hfinl to inwi aaaafly ar anmm w rw tw) arr.e) . rarwr.. wto tw? Kwc a avea af r oj'il rwar ur Bear BUM niT af r - Ota Mt rtw ri O. &,r ra ' ' f O- ir 4U nTJ tlW. r . m rm 1m TW. m . . , Tt aer t4 I trnwl It m (W ,mm TW WMa- to W mr ir. TV Mf kkMT it ' THE PRINCE'S AMBASSADOR Ir CCR KAX THOH.NC BCh. 3U MW MMt4 r. w tarVM M mi . inwnni f : ? ' " rMta CW wrf f wr MfMi gnarffa. , rw .f af W nM!c fW. fMM LMaVtai rta fW a4l I T WTta " aaa bm B attWf W ar W k f BMW a'vw ar a. fW aa rtlora l'wirli-t ( rw a-fvto. My ariraa at taa aa Mat nraMrM r fatwr aa4 waaa. TV Mj4 ta rv aaarana lraa rw frwufm M ts rrrra4 tmr tmvmtmt W.irv WMn4 j waa hn, aa4 aar brWfi Makr wa "( aW tw W W4 aa hta ai taat afl raaarar antk aa vtfa fatt aary Caw grata kxnr jaytaaac taf fclaa ar Wt ka4 aaaaaa af mm, ri f WT T. i Itla a-j a4 inwW lis -r rrar rt u AJMnnrma W - ay Ma arrji aaaraa ant M aat4 aatmaa. M -bm j Wrr aa SQwtWMa ikafw w a r ' taa Utaaia Oat 4t ntNrracity S y aaTar4 ftar at ha wia tar aVti j W awi LfU4 taca. Mat raa Lam' aart. a4 aa fir al W brVMHu aai rw m cm ay Mr raarv. V aa a a aaw ataa. 4 mm jm ckat a aaJ4 aaak taa rw mmrr aa4 TVa fciirt r tmmmn trmm tV liai Ck krtai aair a4 t WtAiWaa to tWaa a by m arWJy vtQnal rW tra 1nmM n at nvK rarwr W4 fr. w f I aW3 ( to M. flmnW aa4 W9 Tr wa-HL hr.- jo, rri aarrj V. w .kuj I 4 laaaM ar mtr tfum ' aiaait aa ivaaaai aaaa awr im aary j -fine W aaa f to otot aw. gawl avito er aa u f fw rayai vany r7il ' law tofttra IW akarma j artfT ' - ir--- :m , -m ram mr Tuf i is a- a trtinadaK tf M 1 ' W aattfe Kraac walrwraaa fkat raa a toa4 araaiMKc W kar faftofe rmmmt, araa tarrwaan-t data tW fcrat rhtnaa af Laaxtf aartafy Maa m aa taaafifal. aa if igWia 1 1 a4 wlrwi aa ta tW attttr Wr rwt la'iai ft faaarKa. TW caa atta haMt waaa wartM aaaaa a aaa aanig rw ia aV m mtr4 ay fW atjya gmm)m4 mt tw M aaaat' to 3aa4 trtafi MaaaC Ttora aa aw to tor to (Ma raaw C aa4 mmt aaw Wfara W aa aaf to aV tar aaaaity taat mt carta tW w mmt mim yar cf a4 a aa &taaa faaas tor rara aa anA- ' fe Mi ; t laaa aa atarrVn a gin oa Vm Hm I tWa la w aw talot 5w fbat ; I I kaa WaH ffca oaly reiwUtVa aaae J mf (art I ahall W happy ta a raorra o vrusaxu. caaat to aaaat tWaa aVnuaa. fantov awra, aW an aot t rarait Wr aafara au aw atarrvto. a4 ir aW d4 a"t to tW ckotra af a aoabaa4 rarapfy wlia rartaia (arlatooa to tW will rba to la ta waa to ! aaad for rbaritabta inr Mtm rn "to UwOy aoa4 la arartoc aff tiuMiac datta tko .i. awt yaaaf UnWt ba4otialoa. wfeoaa ou". aan or Tvaasardala. waa ' af taa aidaat to Ca(1aa4. Ilia fatbar aat a oh oovaa ar Mroa ha If n abollaWd by tw Karllak pMpla. tvtni TWaawraaia waa aa poor aa a aor h awaw. but bad aacb Ulaata for antr tototog paopu that ba raialoa4 hla ho rial txmiHem. lia mM .. . ..i. aooc Wttar I baa aav bii la Imum aa4 cava toflalta Oallbt at faablonabla faartlow by taa rarlral ot a da or popviar to taa aarly yaara of rw aloa taaat catitarr callad taa blublabd ting, la tw frb of a rVfnno ha waald if! a I kla daaca to oarf art lm Ior4 Taaaafd4t waa hy thr-a ftybf rapraaaaiaiioM with dlfflrtiiry mala tolnlac blmaaif In I ha 1tndon drawlri raowa, whlla Hlldrw Mtran wia rii oararlnf to arraoia for friitiln off ar cambllrif drhta until liar ntarrlnjr- or wtian alia limjlrt rarrlra h-r Inbrrlt iF mat. ana lha ranuli waa a maa ot Iota at flmf light. Twaaardala'a unrlr. John Foatar who bad mad a larga fortnna on lha inonnn ntock Etrbanca. Imd mm UoA bla aabbaw that It ha mihiI1 lu. bara blmaaif and aatlla down ha would toira bin tba btilk of bla fort una with wairb to ra-aaUbllNh lha former aplcn or ar tw aarla ot TaMurilnin lim tbua far tba ronnc man had howo do aa at mmtng tba riilrem.Miia Mr tocaad laora dlapoaad ta pay hla way aorlaty bf alnrlng a comic aong or ai a birbland fling than by main Mining a ataady gait and rl.:.l.lllttio ia iamiiy aatoa. 7Tara ta wtbutg ao wall aaloulatad to aaioa rawag naa aa la. prarld 4 that Unt U la tba right dlraotlon Twaaaardjla'a ka for Mlldrad HtranK tot bia to IblDklug. ftoppaalng ba aa4 aUd dowa lgatbar II aara rowld mt tarn rar aiOlotaat prop, art 10 matrb that wbl-b would mm TVara ar arj rut aa.' rw a4 raOawtra X -wy I aW3 fa k to tmormm rwmAjimmm ta rtirt to taa aaa I mi aK ria tai to a atoiTUjw w aay rsrt wwp fitaaCy ranaH at aM ffartjy etoar I aWt mm to wcrvi a avarr? a t ot Mto favy. fir tw Aatr raw kat w aaciry. fcat I tUJ at aat IWI bar anaiifiui tml iM toa Waxratto ptofto. afaaaVug m-m aa raaar wi fwtaiilt;' Tba arrSarfwrW f to aaaman m htc tfo 14 to w aftorwy trarattag fraaa AawrVa to taaitta. Ito InuM Wit beat a ray af rw atl ot Edward fcraaar aa4 aaat Mr. Tmmr to atow arT-tofa fr T vwaardala "Vriarw ya at-afhta) tW raiata af fW U" aa Mr Taatrr. 1 XJ aU'r ww-ft I 4-lt m if l-aar faw wC3 tWa ba to aay a atara wbatbar tbai aatl W atoaV TW avar bar mt tW graaaa waa a rarwy anra aa4 waa aH by tW bay-air aIf, f to htatLard Tto- wi waa ainrtac and daarlag at a jmm-rm atwaf baiL ll waatofl W?f bia forraw aa Wr tafm tWar awt rrta . aa4 aW rt away wtrb tba aar Wlf afW airrvfr. d:wrvd Warn, ar ba tor-k doaaa I auttrr wbVb taair a waa bara lata IW arid UWrUfag a tttia witb aof blag u WpfMTt tt. It la mm arM mt Ibla tolaalMaara Ita nomitM rwt I aat aot artuiaa ta aarfla aa aty aavbrw a fortaaa aa ba W aaarrVa a girl on wboa lloaasa t yow itltl to War tbnw atada la tba wilt Tba artorwy amliad a mm aaalla and aald: tr. liTa tWt mt Wr propoaMt baaWnd. Caaaa from tW Rrltlab irhimn At tW tin" af Wr atarrtara to tba daog1itr af tW fttor la tba will ba waa aair to tw Maroala of Battrr- aiitartar. Bat tW C trills. wW waa a wVtowar with ao cblldran. atorriad a aarood wlfa. wW bora bUa rklldraa to tawnt tba titla. at tba (Jn tbat W waa bair to tba asaraalaata ba want to aatarb-a for aa btraaa wlfa aad atar- rVd tba tatatara daaalttM. uiMrwt Mtranra rootbar. Jk orbra of your Brltlab artatrary. ba Pirwd oot bad ly, lia gambled away tba arttlamanta. draak bard and III tratad bla wlfa. bba dlronad blm. and aftrr tba Wrtb of a a Wtr to tba tltla ba bad aipartad ba wrut to tw tbaa wlldar part of AatrrVa. wbrra ba tank lowar mnA tawar till b barama loat to bla fiynm-r arnaalntanaa. Ha mat bla dratb at tba and of a ropa thrown orrr a brarwb ot a traa." Tba afUrnv nanaod' rh two nun aat i 'it a raw momenta looking at trb wfirrilbrn the form-r reanmrd "rba teatator baa tirorldtl tbat hla granddaughter ahall Inherit onl In rto ahe marrlea one who ran ebow a record for ateadlneaa. aobtietr and In- Irloilr' worth atMtre the a r era re man Of hla are; otherwfaa hla property goea to rhnrlty." After a few momenta' allenre Mr fouler, riding, aaldr I regret, air. that you hare token ao long a Journey with o unntlafactory a reault." I am well paid." waa the renlr. When the reanlt of thla Interview waa rommunlrated to the rounle In. tereated neither repined, nor did Niey bid adlatt to each other They derided to be married and trout to lurk for getting on In matrimony with no cap! ffll lint their wita The earl la now nun lo aong and dunce tnan at awell 'iitcrtalnmentM. while tha rniiniM. give- Inatnu-tlon In certain gamea of iirda In the lidlea of our drat clrclea. The foritmea they might bara an JoTed httra endowad Inatltatlona of harltr. Afler all. ara tha wtya of I'rorldence In keeping up fortune ao lnrnitftt,eT Onr nncaatora decrtad thee anlona bet wear Brltlab tjtlea and American fortunea. la tbla caaa at teaat tba poor baa coma to ita own. JMr mmri at grwaa. w mt mm ar pr ar . Iwriam rajaa far wWb tW mi tw f trie- krtto ifur rrwi to tH'btti a a t W bri r W j twwmwmuj mmr-u m t af to tar I rrewtsg. aW gtra wWt la a:w4 Wr baa baa Tbe Iftt a kaat lWlar CtoT ar aajrr a-nrrt aWt tW aaaw flat. a4 if Ir to rta to W a gna4 aTjir to a Wfet tw mtmr aad tattawavb. atuty n la t aftir jaw. aoawpaaird by fW fafarv Jtoua. to ew tW my ! em tlar I tbJa Brtle rwt to aaad ratber aerr;y. a iw wwoar obrt af tw grw it baat fawttoaj to baa frVadw l a Wtora Matt Nraaa. a -wWf Iftaaea taft . to wbirb tWre- arv awir a few aay aboajt balf a Vaea. 1 ibe ewa bwld rtoa at awre aad reovaia etaad tog aatU aW to twarM la a rmM rwHBi. at a tea ar ttrty. tw 1 rvrw. at mot aertaiary If a ataa la already -tii at fW Ubto W aWajld rtv wbra wnaueu -out to tba UW Mm wb, r- trrj .ara- '4 or twtr aaanra d thla erett at botela and rowraaraata if airaaara ar part at tWtr UU. tt It 1 om.oal Heidelberg atabtU la'1 keep tbat nmrteoaja praciw. an. I It a aald tWt Harvard fod'Hfa la tbla fmmtry aiao Vim. if a wowtaa la iaing Iwa tlx- alei of a fWarer ar trata panne to apeak to frVtida any oea In the par ly abcajld rle while aW U aj-aklnc. ana ir on a train one of them rViald 4Tr bla at. A aaa a abowld alwaya re ma I a stand ia aaiii ino wooten at a Is 14 in ted. pnliiag tw bair tmrk tt tb otfleat or tb im wareat if there are nor toe -nt. ' If a US a by rha eve all mil . womaa aalataa- on a ear ar atib. wiy and aW learea tli train before be duMi be sUmld rUe and lift bis bat bea aaylng ituA,j. It b at rter-ewaary t a man to ri If a wotnaa goes in aol twit of a r'xiin many tlntea. Tlila wonkl li at ret h log aa act of roaneay to the tiolnt of lb rldlctiloaM. alrbmgh tber are few eiceaslrely polite men who Inalat on keeping tbelr manner rlllied to tbU degree. A iuan ahonld nerer remain aeated whlla W talk to a woman who Is atanding. Tbla applies to offl. ea aa well aa drawing rooms. A courteous employer can always get good work from hla employee Calling Cards. Kren connerratlve women are carry ing card measuring less than two l.y three Inches, ao that In the case ot a deep mourning rard there la only anf flclent blank apac for tha name. The smallest woman's card menanrM t .w jt im nea, I e 'largwi .TCtrr? Inches, with four ' coming , tween. The pasteboard la of only medinm llilckness. Tha atlff card Is out of ante. This year preferenea la given to the ahaded old Kngllau lettering and the black and ahaded French acrlpt, tha tatter Imlnr tha rery latest atyle. Tha alis of tba Mterlng la regulated by therngtfa of tba name to h en gmved, and tha afxe of the curd I reg-nlnt-,1 by tha length of lb name. Ate You a Subscribe to, the 4 " a -a der IMcvr Daily? Unaxpaotad Queat. fne reason why hospltulliy is eier clued with little freedom In these day Is Hint we are ao fettered hy conven lloiinlliy nod ao resolute In n dcterml liiiloti to keep everything at concert I'lich Mint we ara besloe nurselvea If fieople piiy us surprise visits. Terhaiis It la aa well lo add that a visitor would Utter send a message In advance by ttmt or telegraph, since surprises are sometimes most Inconvenient. If, how. "er. a 'guest, either a relative or a friend, comes, when It anlta her lo do o. the resources of any ordinarily ca pahle housewife ahould be eqnal to tbla emergency. , J. I MrwJ', "'PHaa 1$ to be aa etMoeeeful aa tba laureate of Oregon ) y demaad ft m.t a aad bar tha aupport of all. Tba new dally baa L, J""- Mwo It to booeMng Oregon City and Clackamaa County Tour aupport naaa more atreogt. tor a work. 7 s Will You Help Boost your own Interests?! i-baSr VZV::tUOn,nt l"" "d U o. I LL?Vaw4'''', ''" IM ltJ to 'JZTLL'J.'J'J'l 2.00 , ' I , Never conceal unfinished work un- blotter, In pigeonhole or draw- era, depending on memory to find It. If neceaaary to leave unfinished work, It ahould be placed on tba ek In eight, unde a weight, ao If you do not coma back In the morning the other man will know just where thing are and what to do. , Don't touch penclla, eraser or pa per on another man'a deik unleee he la there. The Golden Rule appllea well here aa elaewhere. a wtrb rP to Wr iwyal ktgbaiaa as4 row gv ti aae aa aty a ratary " Taparair rartaiaaed IW prar Terv brt tW w3 iW Wad tto ready to start In at w - , Tba w-M raw 1 rm-aiar aaa-toweed. tWt baa rwyal blgtows Pruea rrerfee- kit bad gnat to baat wild ganr to aWasTb AfrVs. AtaiW If rat a(ao4 ut a eakWaeajNT tW prime bad eraf to ajaaaa to arroaapaay tW mer Aartai a bar forthrnaalBg juttrwey to waide. WW tba Dtisw-e asd Cowat rMt trrtvea) to M. reeWrg t W enaat af a aaaag't tba prht-a to lb per an af hat toiTatary. wW bad rbaagmt bla wbiakera front a esoatarW ta tu . beard aad Bia bur froaa Wttg l ahsrt Re waa adatHted t tw arlBeeaa aal tbat laatat Eraret Vin naateaeratela. eperlal ewvas af tw prtora. Wr betrotbed. mm permlaato to wait apoaj bar. A day waa art. and fto rnaial. after mwm teg rrderJale aad gifts, aaked perati ao) aa IW priac' repnaealatlv to acrocapaay Wr o Wr Joarwy. 'per Oaaloa waa acrwnkd. and tba wit day tba rojal party started a a special trala. WW did leant Erwet do Pat r taint Prdeor aa bla royal rqastera rep reaefarve ever all mbers, aettla blaa aelf dow ia iw ptineeaa roaapaay ad aootictllxe Wr rompU-tely, Ha waa a very entertaining ma a. and tba prl&ceae was delighted wltb blm Meaawbll tW prince blmaelf was lot patiently waiting at the other end ot tW ear aa opportunity to com to eioeer relation wltb bla betrothed Having waltd for aa bir for a anm- roosa to join bia aappoewl Boaster aad weired ,. W took tba matter to bla awn band, west to IW roral mm- partment and called to tW count: May I speak ta yoo a moment. count?" "peak to me? No. lam renreaeat- tog bla royal highness tba crowa prlne. betrothed lo the iniriraaa. and am to W resnerted and treated aa If I were the prince himself. There for I am not to be laterm Med In de livering the prince'a meaaagea by my secretary or any one else." lie waved bla see ret a it awar. TW prince colored at aocb treatment, but could do nothing to change the situ ation without making It known that be waa making a sort of eavesd of blmaelf to hla betrotbed. lie went away very mncb angered with bla friend the count But la ao hour be returned with a Da Der In hla handa Coont." be aald. "here la a dlanatch from bla royal blghaeaa the prince. He deslree me to deliver a private message to hi Wtrotbed. tha IMivm. Aiena. "Not much." replied tba count. "Tha prince has Intrusted me with alt age to hla betrothed In order that n spnrvm one msy react) her, rihaae Ta.rt AaMy If e)e Veto to Mto Taaaa Tttoai TW btxti Wee. oaiaal f WaeWH baruea It to ga artity IW patrbar wW gaibrra to lb mff-t astaabar mt laarrta aay todl vhbaal BaraaWr mt a kta II Wa ewre ( at vMrtaa4fy to dttagwlab btawetf bwaifVtaaCy tWa aay eWr mt IW team aad to cveautr! to ar4aa-e with bia warb Hat mtmro mm b learn to beU j awry by bat aTrae aballt: bat ath k ' mtr. to mot rnal l.rad If W la a great ' iwarlar WMb mtmtt tobbl prwrtbaw. bawavrr. H to a4gbtly dUfervavt. A Baayer aawt ana aat.'y bate I to Miffy to rwvrr bla aaaitto wvit. bat aaaat bat a bailing eye a wait ftoth aaabaa raaaet to far aa ial' aWre ! af n anlliiatbaa. Fur toslawc. Iltu . Wagwer to a great abortatap. bart a tromurt tort It la pttoisjal attrk warb tWt baa Btod bim a basabatl idtt. Larry UM af tw tlrvetaad toam to aaaawr atampto baa aa ear la We repatatkta aa a aecuaxl baar eaaa. bot bat work at IW Ut We toeraWfeowed ft taa tW uthrr Wod. w tm4 a taa a. Ilka HaJ tWa af I W Taakeea. wWa work t tW la Ill's I aer k ba brr roaaBslbla for bto attrraM a tW dutaaaod -fcaa W a fair bitter. Wt bad it a4 Wea for bto pWooaaraal work to IW bld be woathl pmWMy M taw famooa. TWr are arurea af sax b raaa In th iaWld. Wwr a ma t rputafhi a a baO player la baad oa eilWr bla Aeld M or battug ability. Wltb Ibe oot TTo the Hev D AIL Y;? 1 1 Ea- 1. bla way to you would be to Wtrav royai Highness' confidence." "But the paper bear the prince'a signature." The prince's signature by telegraph! Tou go away from bare and don't try to Impose any apurlous telegrams on me or I'll have you put off the train." The princess waa much amused at the effort of tha count 'a iin.. ... Interrupt hla master tete-a-tete wltb ber and naturally flattered that the envoy should resist the Interrunttnna 8he wa now looking forward to the nexi interruption, anticipating enjoy ment In the mnetefa method of get ting rid of hi Inferior. The latter ... getting very angry, and It wa not long before he reappeared. A letter, count for von rmm hi. royal highness Prince Fredm-ick .ki. k he charged me to deliver to you when wa .noma ie well under way." i aeciine to receive nnv .nrh m. munlcatlon. know hla royal high neaa well. He baa perfect confidence In me: would not aenrf ma n ... - - - .ii rv rand of supreme I m nor t a nee ant at ik. aame time show hla rilatrn.i ... .... charging my secretary wltb Instruc lions to ire. If you come back here agnln with anr' mora nt hi. n..n I shall telegraph to the emperor of flermany. lu whose dominions we now are. that I dealna tha ui..u .... i . iim iib io remove an Impudent under I ng." The secretary, with hot cheeks and biasing eyes, withdrew for the last time, and that waa all he saw of bis eoiroioea on the Journfy. Count Krueat wss banlilhed from the crowa prince's presence till after n t "i i - I - i a 7 I ! fWrXGNCRl ' rjt ill n r !fl MtlBS TStM I II ill y t mm Will You Help Us ' Bost Your Own c Interests? By cat t Ut , I year $3.00 By mail, J year 2.00 LrJoVc maa waoaa aricg woag nanoaa. neiu. however. It la different. Out- Deioera, of course, must liable to field a hall, knt ( 111 at If k j.nallrl.. T give J Uoa uaLwaheltjbllltjoJiltAii kU . W, I.AM A.I.I. . . . . . . Send in Your Name and Remittance ooioeiuers who have achieved great reputations bare Inverlahlv leen sluggers. A glance over the roster of tne rug league teams todny will Mnr out tbla statement Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers Is un- aouuieoiy the best known outfielder In IK. A ... 1 , ... iinnu mi league. it a rem ce last season wss by no means the best, with fourteen errors In 137 games and a iiercentsge of .r,7. but he stood at me need or both league lu hu stick work, wltb an average of ..Do. Kienkr iioaton rell slightly below Colib both In fielding and Imttlnir hi. i.... average U'lng 10. which would make mm a desirable addition .... . ... . . ""r 'rnui wwnng or the Athletic Is nnollier aUr. He led the league In fHdlng with an average of .frrg, making only alx arrora In 134 gamea and a batting aver age oi .turn. It la such men aa Hum tii.t t.i.. their position, on a ten, not for their aoiuiy io cover ground and catch a fly ball, but for tlffelr work at bat They are the main factor In the offensive work of the team and occupy obscure poaiuona on the defenalve, and for thia reaaon the personnel pt the outfield Is way a srrong pennant factor, LtAt.g NOTICI. e Put Yoursjlf n Ad-Readers Pkcc... When vnn rli i . . ' . jyur ciaaamaa at aava uiiaimiiii tmr mtxm. A . - I faror. 4nt on rondlflon thu he wo.iM tnt your ad will brine- Ba. I oerer a.ludo to th. trick he had pHyell J 8ULTB' ' T Introduce Tha Morning Knterprl into a bug) mator Ity of tba home la Oregon City and Clackamaa eountv tha management hw deoldad to make a special prloe oa tka dally laaua, for a abort tint only, where tba aubacrlber paya a year la advance. By carrier, paid a rear to M.M. PeoDla wbo aav . ...... wr a trial aubaoiiptloii for one or mora months, at ten centa a weak, can have tka dally deliv ered for a year for fs.OO by paying a year In advanee. People who gave our oanvae r a trial anbecrlpUoa. by mall, for four montba at a dol lar, may have th paper for a year for JT00, It paid a year In advance- Subacrlbers to tha Weakly Bnterorlae aubaorlpUona to tha dally, re ceiving creoit for half time on the dail that tha aukl. la Paid - in advaaea. - WWa they OhOOM to add eaah tn Ik. mA. aaM peyaacl aajajaj to a fail yaar'a adranod payment thoy y take advaatage of tha It rata. ? . We make tbla anaeut twi ao that people wbo have paid In advance on aom nth and wish to take tha Morn trig n-nierpnae, may ao ao without too great axpenaa. a , Unolalmed Lettera. Oregon City poaiofflce f tht ending may 5. 1011: ' Woman'a IJsl-Csln. Mt Mark. Mrs. Amanda; Stlobura, Cllaon, Mr. Ilanna. ' J Men's Ut Csmpbell. C. : " ler. Roy; Frye, Wm.; Middoi. 1 Ituhl. Fred; Srhaarti, 0; """i liost, (Z). X. L. Club Masting FrWif- J The X. U nun oi U1-----7., hold Ita last meeting of IM P" i. .adimrhnuaa tar ma ulsulo",' if day afternoon at 1:30," " ... un, Sunset Msg""" r" J "Nile of the West." br OW drua. Beautifully ltr,,.V eolora. . "The flpell," , by the Williamson. Greater Chinatown," br CJ" Field. Automobile sectloa. " aale, IS cents. Saturday Sp:d: Prices Clart Table Win Pert Wine Musoat mi asf I ns .- '"r ."..ll ft, at ttf Charry ' ... ..i. and aw"" Whlsksy, rBuir . BUT ayw r day d. r.i. kleI: 421 M'" wt ""' Ut of unclaimed letters at the