Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
0 UOBNIKO ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1911. tl02ni;;G EITEEFuISE - 02100 cut, ostzooa C K. HOWE, Edrtne and S. IIU at IN. CJtr, On n iri" matter Ja tum tt Kucitf mt On Year, tar ta Matha ay rear Mm I ha. itf mr Pint Paw er mm ..... .... I ..... I N J .1U .la .1M . lee ' atfcae dui Dim pmt earttaa le tare Is tea par Dm; ke wnhr eaVer Heave se aste. Want Far flat. Te ItML ee . ewe Ml ward flrat saoatlea. ene-baaf seat MCft l UIm for advertlsta la the Wlr Eaiarprtea anil a Um aa as Ik eallv. (or aavmmaiiata eat T.rUlhr far Uw weekly. Wltava taa a lieiia la traaafarrad frees tlw a&Jhr la la k . an seat faaaaa. the rata will aa aa ax for taa af the aaaar. ea4 la aa (or rasr class rnon mm iiiGii SCHOOL BOARD WILL OIVC DIPLO MAS TO SMALL CLASS TONIGHT. Caafc eseal iiaiai eaoae waara party fe aaknewa la ulnee arTlee of lae Batcrartee. Le-al aSuHlslag ( legal advertising rales. Orrme edvarttataa' aa4 epeeal traartint eovaiiajlaa at He ta He aa smb. aerors Imm ta atjirlal aensJtlens ay ermine; Um -nra Sale" ana Bankrap( hk" sd lae tar firat btaartioe New Mease and rH wrtt'ea artlciaa af It. with iatereet ta local reesera. will aa (laair aeeept. R)rte4 -sortpca aaver retaraed uaicaa acco pae iaa my ataaioa ta prrpejr aoaiaaa. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. May 5 In American History. 1S12 Tba P.riWh captured Oawrxo. N. T. IM4-A oar af bertlea The Army of the Potomac opei:rd tbe attack at ta Wllrierneas: errr- -ontr elsewhere tbcouehoui I iw oui bru tat ra. 1904 The canal fe fiTuially inlnl to Um) Cnlted Htale. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS (From oooo lodar dckio tomorrow. Ih mu CM. rW 4 IS: moon eets 2:07 a- m.: moon at greatest llbrstloa west; 1 p m.. pi net Mercury at In ferior cenjonrtion with tbe ana. pess tng from east to a-eat thereof. The elopment of a Los Angeles man bo is 12 yeara old abowt that hla beira moat have ben careless. e . The cam mon drinking cup is now one on a guinea pig the other day and the pig died of dlptheria. . la hi artless Japanese war the Mikado must be wondering whether Ilobaon does his alarming for fun or whether he gM a regular salary. PreaJfient Taffe new secretary Is attending strictly to boslneM, bpt h can't tell at what liiatant some Wall "sireet bank may need a president. -) . An American actress has become tha wife of an Egyptian Prince, and will hae. some Justification for It if she wishes to wear a harem skirt. a (n fjould shows that he has mrierlted more than hla father's money, as some of those twho have been busy retiring him have Just found out. Tha Clackamas high araooi holds Its first grftdaatioa larrlae today. Tberw Is a graduating claaa of two. Arthar G. Mather aad Hedwtg Clara Nota. Ta elaaa eoWs are aiak aad graao. Bower-pink caraatlna. sad their, anoa to Is - Nor bow snack, but boW welL" The acbool board la coenpoeed of Wm. T. Johnatoa. U D. Joaea, U Q Hertiagtoa aad K. P. Dedmaa. Tha facaliy are, Chartea L Hoi way. priBclpal and M. Mark Heacuck Mmd Mlsa Edna Armstrong; teachers. . Tha following program will be gian to mark tha going out Into tha aovM of the acbool 8nt graduatea: Ioatnimental maaie. 1 lafocatloa. chorna "The 8ammr ' Birds Sing Gaily"; saJutory. Mlsa Hedwlg NoU. rerluttoa. Vena and Bertrtc Pltmaa; chorus, "There's a Quiet Uttle Stream In the Dell": oration, "The Victor mi Marengo." Arthur G. Mather: nolo. Areola Lande; song and drill. The Oaadelioos." -primary tmpils prasenU tioa of cup to Ellis Joe ca Champion pe'.ler (th grade contest, presentation of diplomas. Benediction. Mlsa Margaret Jons, organist Mexican Insurgents Uick the Smart Appearance of Regulars paicEs IMS J. Pierpont Morran is said to have bei fleeced in the purchase of a bosrna work of art. All of which aw-s to show that all the flnanciera do not bold forth In Wall street. A New York lunatic ha bn parol- ea irom rlloomingdale to make atrip to Enrope, after giving bond that he would come back. Hut why not have the bond to insure that he would not? Tiunlneas Is so dull on the stock exchange and board of trade (hat "line of be broker are beginning to wonder what they will be able to do fnr is-" A it rir tuA . I . It poMMlble the Kcttlng vine? 'suckers'' are at last The manager of the Philadelphia Athletics explains that bis team ha been lonlng game because there are too many brluVgrwrn In the organiza tion. It tt to be shown that matri mony Interfere with baseball It will be fatal to matrimony. aa . ' The coffee boycott 'Is on. More tea and cocoa Is being imported this year than ever, and code" Is falling off. Perhaps that coffee tniat will discover that lot of people have found hot water Just H good and a whole lot cheaper, it's all In getting used to -- wemwonns Entertain Saturday Club. '.. The Saturday Club of the Congre gatlonal cnurcn met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Went worth at Canemah on Monday evening, and a most Interesting as well aa enthusi astic meeting was tbw result One of the features or the evening waa the luncheon served; by Mrs. Went worth. Among the onsinesg brought np for diccussion wag the entertainment to be given this evening at the Congre Rational church, when "A Good Times College" la the entertainment of the evening, and four year' course will be given in one evening. Vocal and In strumental mnsto were also amoog the evening's entertainment - Those present at the Went worth home were: - Mrs, Charles D. Let ourette, Mrs. Bert Roake, Mrs, Rich ard Frertag, Mrs. Van Williams, Mrs. U Adams, Mrs. Ralph Mctietchle, Mrs W. L. Midlam, Mrs. W. B. Mar ehall, of Montavllla, Miss Ivy Roake. miss rone cauneld, Miss Clara Can Held. Mlsa Maud Warner,. , BRILLlAfiT AFFAIR AT BUSCH'S HALL WILLAMETTE DANCING CLUB GIVES THE DANCE OF THE SEASON. The Willamette Dancing Club last night gave the most successful dance of the series In Buscbs Malta there was a full attendance of members and several new members were -taken In. Parsons' Ave piece orchestra furflisb ed the mualc. Those present were: Mr. sad Mrs. C D. Latourette. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. I atourette. Mr. and Mrs. J. F Clark. Mr and Mr. O. D. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. P. .T Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Price. Mr. and Mrs. O. H Melasner. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hanklna. R. L Holman. Miss Edna Holman, Mtka, June M. Channan. Miss Bess Dsdlton, Mlsa Win Hanny, Miss Elaine King.: Miss Mon a King. Miss Shannon. Mlas Anna Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. LA. Jdorri. Mr: and Mrs. H. S. Mount. Mrs. Anna Howard. Miss Erma Petxold. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buscb. John Snsch. Miss Alice Stone. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Gadke, Miss OUve Rlsley, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kleldi. Mies Clara Fields, T. J. Fox. A. T. Murdjr of Canby. C. T. Parker. R C. Parker, Mr and Mrs. U O. Ice, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jonee, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rands, Mrs. Nelta Barlow L.wrence. Mr. and Mrs E. T. Avison, Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'Malley. Mr. and Mr. D. C. Ely. Mr. and Mr. H. L Stevenson, Mr. and Mr Wm. H. Howeir. -Mary- Ellen Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer, Mlos Beryl Long, Mis Anna Aldredge, and Mis Brown. . The neat dance of the series will be given May 25. Pretty Bridge Party Wednesday. Mrs U A. Morris entertained at iiridre on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Ninth street. Her guext ere members of the Wednesday Af- ti' "A.V I . I Si , a, . til 7 AiX w . .: i W- v ' iat ClflLIlKtTS WESTERN WOOL CLIP MOVING. . MOHAIR MARKET STEADY AGAIN IS FIRM. A Cm4 DtMSf lit Oreee) City fee AM Kinds ef Farm Predwee-7 At Tee) Prkes Live . . Stack Wanted. I ' J ' - ' . IV, Sllahtly higher In all Unas and hold ing arm Is the situation In the local markets. Prodpce la bringing good price, bog are more than good aad all lines are at the height of (he spring stringency. In commenting on the wool market tha Oreconlaa says The new wool clip la beglnnlag to mote In th West; but In a very alow way. There baa been very little trad Ing yet In Oregon; bet tn other Weal em atatee a few million pounds have been taken by Eastern buyers, The mohair market Is of Interest to many la Clackamas County. The sit sat taa in the mohair market has earwa little change n the peat week, so far a demand is concerned. Prices are advancing as result of advance la sales of the new clip In Weat All depart meats of grain market are firm, -The condition of the mill feed market is one of extreme n mines. Northwestern stocks are light and the California demand would soon clean them, up. If holders were willing to let go. Quotations foe Orenon City. POTATOES Are quoted at $1 Ti to 100. with some leaking la from the country dally. Grades are not veiy high. Extra fancy will bring belter than 1100. FlXtl'R AND FEED Flour I steady: selling from IS to IS.W, very little of cheaper grade. Feed la higher and rising slowly. ; Bran brtnga from 125 W to $:.M, shorts :t, roll ed barley 31 to 132. I' roc ess barley 133. wbole.corn 111 to 3t. cracked com 3I to 33. Wheat S3S. t-l A V tlf.lfa aatan. as mm A isi.a Copyright .,rtcaa Pr Aaaxtalk. 1.1L , s ' I . "Z T""", tTI. we p,eaam ens - ws a earn, g,v.n.i sa i , eaae- HEBE is little of the soldierly appearance la the tea urges ta who are oihy Is worth III to 130. clover 111, eanslns- ad tha trouble In Mexico. Like Klnllnar'a Fnsav Wussv. tbe41 nr "arce at IU.50. mixed H to There's One Form of Investmn vrhlsli ! aaeeMely safe far e.. ,,Cni It never slumps In waive. .. Its Integrity la wnejueetiened. TM return Is certain. Principal Is always available, Jt baa ne element ef apsewlatlen. It ts a SnTfugs Accotmt tn ' The Batik of Oregon Citv rt.. nil... w..i. t. w.. . , sua vjum an a OS vwaoiy tv c. lJtTtl'RKTTB Prealdaoi f 1 CajtW THE " FIRST NATION ALT BANK ol OREGON OTY , OREGON CAPITAL, t eaeacte a Oanerel Bank In f Suelneae, p,en frcea K fc T I aa aft. am la W rniu-h Uok il " hut ha mmmnm ta mmrm tka auktnca 1 '"' WWIU 1B of -a fast rate.Bgbtin ma a "that la. he can do the sort ef fighting OATH Are higher, gray selling I m 11 ff Sin m ktl. SV RA In pitched Uttle. but be bldee la the bills .and boshes aad snnoys the regular , bCTTEr" Ordinary country bring Jjooos 'sent to subdue htm. The center picture above shows Oeaersl Blsnce j front 15 to 10c, fancy dairy from loo aad Bis staff. General Blanco la seen standing on the step of the shack shows to 23c, and creamery 23c to JSC. tn the plctorswUe la wearing the la rgei straw sombrero ttpUal of Mexico, i EUCS Are ranging from Itc to His staff la composed of a nondescript lotjof men. rnclutnnrrn-t)crtortier4Jov-accordlDg to grade. vniteo BUtes soldiers ana Meucans. Tbir nnlrorm r the clothing they were wearing before they took op arms or of srb varment m tbey have been able to pick np during the oamjwllo. A a r iitrri to these troo the pictures of raited States regulars are liitrretliig t)t of t tie pl t urea shows members ef the .Twenty -eighth Infnlitrr p e'sr'ns i'i-I- beds for s sUghrs rest after a hard day at drilling. TI,er ii n.ti-' a the Twe'ity second regiment on Its wsy te camp and a-llevmi h'v.i of m mrt se:ir- UKW V tWM BUBI Ul IB Bill. ternpon Bridge Club and friends. The first prize was won by Mrs. W. A. Sbewman and the second by Mrs. L. E. Jones. Both prizes were pretty sliver spoons. The house decorations were of lilac and dogwood blossoms. The hostess wss assisted by Mrs. W. R. bogus in serving a luncheon. Present were: Mrs. W. A. Shew- man. Mrs. L. E. Jones. Mrs. C. G. Huntley, Mrs. C. W. Eastham. Mrs. J. N. Wlsner, Mrs. Lena Charman, Mrs. E. A. Chapman. Mrs. W. R. Logiis, Mrs. M. D. Latourette, Mrs. C. D. Latourette. Mrs. H. 8. Mount, Mrs. Theodore Osmond Mrs. Nelta Bar low Lawrence, Mrs. J. R. Humphry s, Mrs. Edwsrd Schwsb. Mrs. Henry OMslley, Mrs. E. O-Baker. Mrs. A. A. Price. Mrs. C. H. Meissner. Mrs. E. P. (lands. Mlsa Marjorte Caufleld, Mrs. C. W. Evan. Mil M. L. Holme and Miss Nell Caufleld. 4- Fiah Warden Arretted and Dmiad. Deputy Flh Warden Rathbone was srrested here yesterday evening, ehsrged with larceny of a boat Ac count of the lack of evidence, the prosecuting attorney threw the caae out of court. POt'LTRY Firm with lliilegoM stork offered. Hens will bring ltc If In eitra good condition more. Old roosters are poor at lc to loc, broil ers bring" from X2c to 24c, with good demand. . . Wool Wool prices are ranging from lie to He. MOHAIR Prices on mohair have been way up aome having brought as high a 39c locally. Quotations are 35c to 37c with demand strong. - DRIED FRIIT8 Locsl prices are firm at from se to 10c on apples snd prunes, peaches are 10c. SALT Selling 50c to 90c for One, 60 lb. sack, half ground, 4)c; 75 for 100 lb. sack. Portland Vegetable Market. SACK VEGETABLES Carrot. $1350 $1.50 per sack; parsnips. 1.25 11.50; turnips, 1.25j 1.50; beets, 11.5.0. VEGETABLES Asparagus, ftOctf 11.73 per crate; cabbage, new, 13 per hundredweight; cauliflower, tl.60r 11.75 per dozen; celery, California, 75c aaasm I MAGAZINE BINDING! Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in them that will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. R. W. & R. SWard MACHINISTS We de general repairing, week en machinery ed work aa new. Experts with naaellne engines. ' Phones: Main fStd, Heme Itf. . 1M FOURTH STREET OREGON CITY. le s Oregon City, Woodand Foci CompAay F. EL BLUHM . Your wants Supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or it Inch weat llveeed te any part ef C'ty. Prices, reasonable. - k" Satlafactlen guaranteed. ' . Phore yeur enter, Heme B-110 Cor. &th and 0tr, Paslfle Main S602 ' Oregon CHy. 'THE AMERICA HAHlsl- tJ0c er dxen; cucumlers, .&0tf I JT f V iwr Aittftf Hinlinl ISo bee Ih I r- . ' . garlic. lcCM2c per pound; lettuce. I " ' 1 TmBaB flfaes Saaea imII KsU BntfSftSLaS last I It an I Ufa t . . " " Visjnj. III La. . . 012 per boi : - peaa. ae lo per . " . VJ ti: " peppers, lOcOJse per pound: B; V,;i . Z.Z?" . . ... .. '" wnno time -The ASMflcu Harem' will be ataged aad t (at will draw a big croaqV Ta pound; radishes, lie per doaen; rhubarb, 24c CfSc per pound; sprouts, r tomatoes, 120 1X25. V lOTATOE8 Oregon, jobbing price, also ttM W hundred; new potatoea, 7c J lactlona. There all) be a Mmm Lj Z,,!Za - hi wlfl U, (.mod is tea ONIONS-Jobblng prires: Or agon ' lh- . f thm " 7 2T" 12.50 per l0; Anstrallan. 3.50 per . ,K. , Z 100; Teaas, It 25 par crate; Callfor-; - ,,. BB1, ,r, ' Lr? j cored in tola manner, aa there til ; be one of the ladv and one fur tW . VBini IBimnn a SrakStaaa-ail I auloal... ,ti ri.. ... w.i ... r : ' u log good -prices 1!5 lbe. tqJSQ JImi lc; nu ins. to zoo ins., sc. nla. 2 per crate Oregon City Stock Quotation. HO IS Hogs brought to Oregon TCAL CALVES Veal calves bring from c to loc according to grade. BEEF 8TEER8 Beef sierra for the Im a I ma-keta are fetching I He to me live weight. . 8HEKI- Are firm al 4e to 5e live weight. . - BACON, LARD and HAM. are Arm. . as aassasaaaaaaBBsBBaasasa Weel at St. Lewis ST. LOI I8,' May .4. Wool I'n- changed. Territory and Western mediums, 15rl7r; flno medlunvd 13 015c; One, llJI!c. be given to all Jkmong'he enlrrtalnemg" is evening will be Mr. Kornlrvfi. a 1-urtiaol. who Is a sell koowa dor tnintst of thai city. m Challenge Single Jtx ; There will be a meeting sdanM by J. D. Steven aicainet the "Sim Tai" neat Saturday evenlag.. kirt, at o'clock, at i he eaat end ef th bridge. Mr. Steven rhallriut any Dipt taaer to meet him In drbate. Iirm wss one of the flrat workers for direct laglautilun In Clackamas Covaty,. Send tha Morning Cntarprtai. mm aiaJaMaaaap oaj m awM aa VAHTED EACH TO "Ih MO -A niDER flGHIT TV.!.0 furntotol br OS. UursaabierarrBaraafaawt asoaVi':7-'Y-:". IJ T. ( .w.witw pun r ": iiioarattnfviwmn thT a mliinaW I.?,,A'-nll,",w AVS'FMTBIAlifiaJ Tt tJL TP" Slav rldalha blrrela and put It In ear wat r (Lr?. T awftwdr au.ftd or do Uh to see a taS ri Pur eKao- and m. m,H m. t,m.. actaal rsctnry enst. to. umaio u t. . niubiw f'f !... ? "T BMT a blerrlaor a pair ot Urra fmoi m m mil row rrai va ear esuhirw snd kra our susaarl otsa lir'Lr" Vi sue fmm w. mn I. kikn eMjretaa mmtm fmrnt aa mmm pm mt M I lJ.S:IK::li2rircjK!g5S? &? U V fy rf 4ik. mm an iaw U II 1 a I atanaasrngi I - eauspv, J 1 mer I' I rhnr Pewfwwam. o if w rounrnooooMjoKir " vaira aota ianv year It DESORlPTlQMi !.' rldtne, vary dumbla . d "2A tZafllm -wruiaiquaiiir orrulir, whlrb never be eomaa rxir n n . mmA .ki..h .1 . . CT?.n!r"i.w1tt!2!? allowing the sir fi Vf , , h " , , : " r1 " " h-i 1 m irom asllsfled etisuj M oa. uTirfS.'"'"?!' ' '''a no more -f- . rt '""cfrarwdaUns QllUa I elven br seversnsjrers of IMnT.. JL.7. n . fMlaa Iha WojJrl la aeavaat nm aatti. tlr7w4ll sail! TLA sMke-aorr. SLAatiO eta SSI aaar nioino. 0 per pair. All ortVrathlP."" have eismintwl imWa m approval, lou no not pay s o " k w. wii; S'& 'rmnl hn atrtrtlr aa rapraaamti. . ais S2a-svnn x . x 11 III It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise A Poor Article rr . Nor a proposition ef doubtful merit er heneaty for ed-rad nowsdsys," art DISCRlMlNATlNO. tThsy know vali-h,y int GENUINI things, genuine) apportunltles. Any article Uileh an'ba aold by advertising ia,V OOdd artlcls. YOU "are safe In buying a thing which Ms " tha firs of publicity." ' ' .4 ' .,t.vv -.. - '. ' ' ". '!" " ". " ' j The maker ef widely advsrtlssd article, er commodity. I way en trial for hla business life. Ha sannet shirk, nor cheap" product and this Is the bsst possible protection or the as"'' Vou are SAP! In buying advsrtlasd 'things ll'c , lh , nowsdays bualnssa condltloM. "