Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1911)
Morning enterprise, friday, march 24, 1911. 3 I ha wall known ! i.ii yealerday. iobM from Dwliht. Kan "rtl n of ih frora ,ha ,i "Sat r'noV'ed t th. Commercial "! W!lT',w'hr Ihit wi ksv Tha.nS". rartalnly epp.r.d t " IghM m" to m..t th com- lt I the tlm for houclnlng. I No " . ......i. un for cleaning advertising MM"f th n .rrial Club reports thst greet kny P"''1 ... ,b, colonists ratea L.J Mil""' - ,M .-ln effect. J"' V.tii'ih. lor: Seventeen t- o Harris' Orocery began to Sifc- Hi- best In our llnand wo !T k,,),,.! aoolal at Clalrmont will isTon Baturday vnlng of ihU ' V at which tlma there will be an r.m and the eel of th V)'0". .... i.v theladlea. Money m apply on purchaa prto 7, .MI rn. m 1.. a naronta meetlna at T" , , . 1 iv,i. aftarnnon at 1. aan pine ' -- la m whlrh th friends and patrons .1... .. hnol will ba briefly ' "...A .,.,! there will ba work by r: oils "... exhibition. nt r,e r Jjl L, Booth, bartender th Co lon. charged with lar .v by bailee. rt for ,n Hammma court thla morning vtU. ti,. run haa to do with '"..k ,..( hml been nawnad and ,1 wis redeemed by Month. PCOPLC WIN out Attorney Stone I -afflicted with of poison oak. much to hla an nrtace ' Inconvenience. Ult Mabel Tower, of Portland, haa rrtTfd In tbla city, and la the guest ( MlM Ruth Mrlghtblll. Mr. John Welch, of Portland, waa fttltloK Hh her slater, Mra. K. I lioton n Thiiraday. Mr. Henry Streblg. who haa been Milting Hh relatlvea and frlnnda In Um Ahk,I,. fallfornla. haa retamad 0 br boniK In tba city. MIm I-ulu 8panulr. of Corvallla, ho haa txn tending th naat wik ,lth br (later. Mra. U. L Portar, will mt fnr her honia tbla avaolng. , CounrllmMii Moyar mada a trip to totlaad Tliuraday to Intarylew tha ) W. P. oltlrlala In tha matter of err Itla nrroNi-hnu'iila with which tbflr wiplorf hn hwn chargfd. MIm Prarl Cummlnil. Of Newbrri. 1 to baa bn appndlng tha paat four aoitha In W Ann-laa. arr I red In thla ntf wvdnrtday. whera aha remained mill Thuniday evenlnr aa tha a;ueat Mr. and Mra. A. TI. Wllmot Mlaa rimmlnitt l.-ft for her homa laat aven- I Mra C K. llevena. of Wlllamettar V4 diiKhtcr. Mra. Adah Herd In, of .Willamette, will moy to the reaidenc tha Wat Hide recently vacated by C. A. Miller. Mra. nerena wui open up a board I n hotiae for young 'men, aol tipert lo move next week. Th boardlm bona will be ready for hual nM April lat. HHMTAIL MOW TONIGHT. 'Oatitp Nail te lvrwrata With Mu- fie and Choice oaga, Tb Cladatone mlnatrela will civ a blarltare entertainment In Oault'e bill tbla evening, to which the public It tartted. Conalderable time and en tnty baa been apent In preparing for thla writ, and tboae who know aay that It will b a moat creditable an lerulnment. There will be the uaual alaitrel number, and the aklta to be m m bbM a hat ftinnv and enter IiIsIdr. The proceeda will go toward k atw piano for tha hall, and thoae Wing forth the effort are amloua tut the nubile lend a neiping nana 10 tb extent of a ticket for aelf or ,11, . - Vrlandly Bible Claaa entertainment. Tha rHendlv Bible claaa haa ar hmrementa almoat complete for Ha Hwtartalnment, to be given in tne par hnra n lk traakarlan rhlireh. next Wadneaday evening. Aa thla claaa ha" tha reputation of doing thing wall it (on without aaylng that tne enter- tllnmant altl Viava man faaturM tbat will pleaae thoae In attendance. 15 Day Bar- (p) Days gain Event () .Move All the previous specials are on sale and one more added each day to day . . Friday otiting flannel, kimona cloth and v table linen, are put in the Specials Prices slashed to raise money Take advantage of this money saying event and buy now ' Men's Black Sox 3 pair for ..........23C A lot of overalls while they ' u . r -last from... 50c to 75c Men's Chambra shirts while they tf - , . . . last at ....... 24C Ladles shirt waists 79C while they last """"v""v "' " , Men'i OifB anl Bads ta tint Aotn of first quality to dote at Big Re action. $5.00 Patent Barton $3.65. . OIVKN fHAIANT tURPRIlE. Alae Praaant ef tat ef lrMy Cup and Saucer. A very pleaaant aurprlae party waa tendered Mra. Coaby Bmlth. of Clacka maa Ifelghta, by tha Udlea' Work Club of the Abernethy Orange, and Mra. Bmlth waa preaanted with a beau tiful aat of eupa and aaucera. A lunch, eon waa aerved at 11:30 o'clock. Tha day waa apent In needlework for tha Club. Freeent were Mra. C. Rivera, Mra. J. Dutta, Mrs. J. DeFord. Mra. rellowa. mra. j. iirown, Mra. W. UUtenhouae, Mra. A. Rlttenhouae, Mra. W. Bmlth Mra. J. Moore, Mrs. C. Bbaffer, Mra. C. Smith and Mlaa Agatha Keely. Negative Wlna Clalrmont Debate.' The debate at Clalrmont Wednes day night reaulted In a victory for the negative. The question debated waa, "Resolved, That a Clean Croe Woman Makea a Iletter Housewife Than a Dirty Eaay-Golng Woman." The young men--on the debate were all bachelora, and the married men Inalnuated that there waa not a debater who could talk from actual experience. April 6 there will he a debate of the queatlon, "Resolved, .Thst a Country tired Olrl Makes a Iletter Housewife Than a City Bred Qlrl." "lalng Up Tannla Court. A number of the young mn of the Friendly Iilble cluaa are ualng all their spare time preparing the claaa tennis court for uae thla acaaon! The court occupies the beat of two lots on Fall View the uae of which la donated to the rlaaa by, Mrs. K. II. Andrewa. Much of the preliminary work waa tlnlahed last fall but a little touching up la still needed to put the court In. ft rat claaa irltn. Many good llmea are anticipated by the claaa members thla summer and plana are being-mode to that end. Bible ttudy Friday Afternoon. The ri'Kular meeting of the Sunday School Graded Union and Tearhera' Training Claaa will be held at 3 o'clock of Friday afternoon at the Haptlat church. I loth primary and junior les sons will be taught. Thoae Intereated In the Sunday school work are Invited. There la no better time than now to eel geeae eggs. Set them under a hen, allowing her five egga, which are about all ahe can conveniently cover. Daughter Coma to Horn. Horn. March Zl. to the wife of Wil liam Rskel, of the West Side, an elxht pound daughter. Vi L AND BOXING HOT GIVEN UNDER AUSPICES OF CO LUMBUS ATHLETIC CLUB, AT MERRILL'S HALL. PORTLAND. Or.. March IS (8pl.) A boxing and wrestling carnival waa held here Thursday evening at Mer rill's ball, under the auaplcea of tha Colunibua yihlotlc club, and .there was a large crowd and much Intereat manlfeated. Sibley, the O. A. C. wreatler met McCarthy, of the Multnomah Club, at 158 pounds. McCarthy won by- hla ax greaalveneaa, although be waa out- elghed 10 pounda. Klbhey and- II. Doddey, unattached. went on for four round a at lis. Bod- dey getting the decision. Wetsel and R. Boddey followed for a mlxup at US, Wetiel winning In the first round. Nelson Moss, of the Multnomah, out classed Vtnaon of th Columbua, going on at 13S pounda. Porter Yett and Laurie Gay fought four fierce rounda but the referee waa unable to give a-declalon and each will be awarded medal a. The public thought Oay entitled to the declalon. They fought unattached at 125. Peteraon, of Columbua, and Monaer, of the T. M. . C. A., furnlahed four rounds of alugglng at 135 pounda. Peterson waa given decision. Sax and Maloney, both unattached, gave a pretty exhibition Of boxing for fonr rounda, Maloney winning th de cision. Th wind up waa a meat In th heavyweight cla Hanna, of Coburg, and Moebua. of Columbua. Moebua knocked Hanna out In a half mlnut of fighting. ENTERTAINS III n OF SISTER-GUEST WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. L, L. FORTIR, ON WEST SIDE. Th Wednesday Afternoon Brldue Club waa entertained Wednesday af ternoon from I to o'clock by Mra. L, I Porter, of the Weat Bide, In honor of her alater, Mlaa Lulu Spangler, of Corvallla. who Is visiting In this city. The prlzea In brldxe were won by Mrs. L. B. Jones and Mra. M. D. Latourette. Refreahmenta were aerved during the afternoon, and a moat enjoyable af fair waa the reault. Next Wednesday Is the regular meeting of the club and Mrs. Mdwsrd Ilaker. of Sel'wood, will be the hoatesa. Mrs. Porter's guests were Mrs. J. II. Walker, Mrs. M. D. Utourette, Mrs. C. D. Latourette, Mrs. Mai Hollark, Mra. K. P. Randa, Mrs. Lens Charman, Mrs. Edward Baker, of Bellwood, Mrs. I L Pickens, Mrs. C. If. Mleaaner, Mra. J. W. Moffat, Mrs. John Lewth walte. Mrs. U B. Jones, Mrs. A. A. Price. Mrs. 11. B. Straight, Mrs. Oeorg Hnnklna, Mra. J. N. Wlaaner, Mra. R. T. Avlaon. Mrs. E. T. Fields. Mlaa Mar jorle Caufleld. Mlaa Nell Caufleld. WILL VISIT PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. Boys of the M. E. Brigade to Take a Trip on th O. W. P. The Oregon City Hustlers the boys organization of the M. E. church--wlll vlalt the Y. M. C. A. In Portland Sat urday of this week. The boys sre aaked to. meet In the pnrlors of the local church In time to net the 1:30 p. m. car on the O. W. P. Plans were perfected for this vlalt last Saturday but at the laat minute the trip had to be Riven tip as Rev. Mr. Zimmerman was called awsy to preach a funeral sermon. The boys will be ahown over the Y. M. C. A. and given a swim In the big pool In the basement" of the flue men'a borne. Want Huaband'a Estate Admlnlatsrad Mra. Carrie Neumann haa filed a pe tition aaklng that George L. Story, attorney, be appointed administrator of the eat ate of her huaband, the late Auguat W. Neumann, the value of the estate being $1500. The heirs are the widow, Carrie Neumann, Walter, aged 18: Elale, aged Iff; Helen, aged 14; Rhelnhalt, aged 11; Frank, aged i yeara. CORRESPONDENCE MOUNTAIN VIEW. Surprise part lea aeem to be the or der of the day In thla vicinity. A birthday aurprlae was given Mrs. J. II Qulnn this week on Tuesday. - Frank Stillwell, who visited hi mother in Bandon, four weeks, re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mr. Henry Wallace, of Bhubet. were vlaltlng relatlvea , and f rlenda her and In Portland laat week. . Mr. and Mra. E. W. Imbler apent a few days laat week at Corvallla, their old home. Frank Bullard and family spent Saturday and Sunday on their ranch near Redland. Mra. N. M. Aldredg la able to be out acaln after her aerloua Illness. Jklra. l H. Newman, who bad the meaalea two weeka ago, la not so well aa ahe had a relapse. Mr. and Mra. Bert Newman, who vlalted relatlvea and friends here laat week, have rone to California. Meaara. J. M. GlHett and E. D. Barto dug a well for Mike Clanale In Weat Oregon City this week. The Mountain View Improvement club met In regular session laat Fri day evening. The debate, "Resolved That There) la More Pleasure In Pur suit Than Possession, waa decided In favor of th negative. The quea tlon for. thla week. FYlday, la "Re aolved, That the Fowl that Lave th Ext- la th Mother of the Fowl." A larce audience la expected. Henry Brand. Sr., will alart for Germany thla week. Hla store will be In charge of Henry and Ernest Brand, and Mrs. Torrener la clerk. W. O. Hall la hauling merchandlae to Rockwood, Multnomah County, at which nlace they have purchased a atore, and J. Everhart la the pro prietor. SMYRNA. - " Th farming I well under way In this section, of tb county, much spring grata has been sown, and tha fall grain la looking fine, almost with out eiceptlon; verity Clackamas la a wonderful county. , , Sam Kauffman has lust purcbaaed a fine new auto, tb first In this Im mediate vicinity, and Is busy teaching It to "get np, gee, haw, and back." Who will be th neat to fall In HneT Mlaa Florence Yoder called on Miss Anna Qotfredson Sunday afternoon. J. 8. Yoder mad a business trio to Canby Monday. Mra. Fred Watson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Konschak. of East Needy. The roads are being graded and Im proved In many placea at present. Now Is the Urn for that kind of work, and all th efforts In that line sre appreciated. , Mrs. Will Sconce and daucbter. Mra. A. O. Yoder, were ahopplog In Portland last Tburaday. Rile Garret, of Canby. made a. fly ing trip out her on bla motor cycle. calling on R. Yoder. F. K. Morrison and wife vlalted W. H. Yoder and family last Sunday aft ernoon. Joe Gottwald has taken ud the atudy of the violin, and la progressing; nicely. It takea patience, and hard work to win out, and we believe Joe la of the right Quality to do eo. Mlaa Maud foder. our very effi cient and aucceasful teacher In the Evergreen school, la preparing to give a night cap social Saturday evening. April 1. The program preceding the social, will be of a good length and quality, and no doubt the school house will he filled to overflowing, as Miss Maude haa a reputation for pleasing all comers. L. . Yoder.- who has been vialtlna his parents-and other . relatlvea for the past week, haa returned to Sea side. Chaa. Taylor, accompanied by one of the fair ones, was enjoying a buggy ride last Sunday. That new rig Is ure a winner. Miss Anna Gotfredson, our popular young teacher of the Rural Dell school, waa quit 111 laat week, dis missing the school for three days. At present she la much Improved, and haa taken up her work again. BARLOW. Mra. Scrogglns. who haa been visit ing her daughter In Oregon City, haa gone to Eugen to visit with her eon. Dave Shepherd spent Sunday In Portland. Jim Ogle and wife, of Aurora, spent Sunday with Mr. Ogle'a parents. Mra. M. W. Shepard and daughter. Mlaa Deaaie, from Portland, accom panied by Mrs. Jennie Clark, and her daughter, have been vlaltlng with rel atlvea alnce Satarday. They Intend to atart for th Coaat tomorrow. Frank Jease and wife are visiting with their parents. ' L. J. Judy, who ha Just had a house built on his place on the Molalla River, haa now moved hi family Into It. Th road supervisor haa several teams at work hauling gravel on the road which Is to be graveled from the wagon bridge to th foot of Oakley MIL "Mrs. O. W. Quint la quite aick with th grip, and a alight attack of pleur isy. E. A. Wright haa torn down the fence around hla property and la re placing It with a new one. Mra. Ralph Clark and ' daughter, Dorothy, of Montreal, Canada, and Mlsa Bessie Sbeppard, of Portland, vlalted relatives and called on friends from Sunday Ull Wednesday. T. J- Gary vlalted our school one day laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin visited C. L. Duntoa's family Sunday at Molalla. Mrs. Dement' son. Mr.' Judy, and family arrived from Portland Sunday with household goods. Mr. Judy haa bought property and will locate her. Geo. Ogleaby, the road boss, has several team hauling gravel and will gravel th road from the Molalla River to the foot of Oakley hill. Mlaa Anderson attended the teach era' Inatltnt at Gladstone Saturday J. J. Wurfela la making good use of hla auto, taking In the country while the roads are good. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Snyder left on Tuesday for the motintalne near Esta cada, where Fred will work In a shin gle mill. - Mrs. Quint Is Buffering with the grip, and la eerlousry tn. Mr. Brndrlg'a family had friends among th new-comers who cam last week. E. A. Wright la putting a new fence around hla place which will make a great Improvement on that corner. Th counctlmen ar erecting a five hundred power electric light on the top of the water tank which will cast a beautiful light around the tank and over th city. The money waa raised by subscription for purchasing th light and everyone subscribed liber ally and will be amply repaid when the light la completed. COLTON. George Williams la hauling mer chandlae for Mr. Danlelson. Born, to Mr. and Mra. John Laferty a girl. All concerned reported well A. J. Anderson bought a cow from E. Llndstrom. V. Backmann haa contracted to slash forty acres for O. Holden. Ben Anderson has arrived her with hla family to make hla home and has already atart ed to build a nlc dwel ling on hla property on Wall atreet. We all bid them a ; hearty welcome, and wish them the best of luck. Alec Ericson and family, who have lately mad their home here, attended services at church Sunday forenoon The Luther Leagn rendered their regular bi-weekly program Sunday aft ernoon. A good attendance waa re ported. . Meaara. E. Jan son and A. J. Ander son hav each started to build a good sited number one dwelling house. WILSONVILLE. Mlaa 8. M. Graham arrived home on Wedneaday from her trip to Cali fornia. Mlaa Gertrude Bailey waa the guest of Mra. Elmer Jonea on Friday, and attended the Corral Creek school en tertatnment, assisting with some aongs in her uaual pleasing manner. Mrs. Jo Thornton ha been quite 111 for the past week, and her many friends will be pleased to learn that ahe Is Bomewhat better. Mae Baker spent Saturday and Sun day at home, near our village. Mr. Hawthorne, one of Wllaonvtlle'a busy real estate dealers, moved to hla new horn on Monday, which be purchased recently from Mr. Nendel. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Baker and Mr. and Mr. Alison Baker, apent Sunday In 8herwood. Wilsonvllle'a Main street ha been much Improved by the road super visor. Rev, Moore, District Superintendent of the Sunday schools of tb Metho dist church, preached In th A. O. TJ. W. hall on Sunday last at I o'clock. last, through th agency of Mr. But son. Mr. and Mr. Wra. Baker ar very cozlly settled at horn on part of th Baker ranch, and their friend are glad to learn that they wilt stay near our village. Judge Thompson, wife and family, wer visitors at th horn of Mrs. Au brey Wood, on Friday, and attended th Corral Creek school entertain ment, r Roy Nendel was host at a pleaaant evening party on Wednesday. A sumptuous repeat waa aerved, and a merry evening apent In dancing and games. About twenty-flv young peo ple were present and report a very happy evening. Maroia Bay won nrst place in a debate at the Newberg high school. on Monday evening laat, which sounds pretty good for our country fresh lea. A pleaaant aurprtse party waa ten dered Mr. and Mra. Frank Brobat on Tuesday evening, at their home. A Jolly evening was spent In games and musical numbers wer rendered by the hostess and many of the gnests, after which dainty refreshments were served. Mr. Boland's friends will be clad to learn tbat be haa been able to return home after hia aerloua surgical opera tion in a Portland hospital. The Corral Creek school entertain ment, given on Friday evening, March 17tb, was well attended, and a splen did program waa rendered by the teacher, Mra. Wood, aasisted by the pupil and othera. The fare entitled Too Much of a Good Thing." deserve special mention; the drill was stepped off In splendid style, to th accom paniment of Mr. Reed Graham's vio lin; Misa Esther Nendel'a perform ance with the Indian Club waa also much enjoyed; Little Elma Nendel delighted the audience with her elo cutionary ability In reciting "Esther's Beau, also a little poem composed for th occasion by Mr Norman Say, aa follower St. Patrlck'a Day. On St. Patrlck'a Day tn the morning. I wear a suit of green, Whlle'Tny heart to Ireland's warming. Where th shamrock grows aerene. Have you heard the story of Paddy? Well, he cbaaed the snake away; He did It with his achlllalv. At least .that's what people say. Potatoes are grown in fields so dense. In the land of the Emerald Iale, That boys and girls eat nothing else, But apuda of the Irish atyle. So now you see why I'm talking about The brilliant flag of green. But I'll raise my voice In a lusty shout Where the "Stars and Stripes" are seen.- STAFFORD. W have enjoyed ten days of such beautiful spring weather, auch aa la not always seen in some less favored localities. The homeaeekers from the East who are flocking into Oregon by the thouaanda wjiile th cheap rates last. cannet ask for more delightful wea ther or a more beautiful country aeen at it beat In the spring, although all the year round It 1 good enough. We hear with regret that th most of Appledale baa come back upon Toren Kruses hands. It will be re membered It waa bought and platted Into acreage lota by McBride, a real estate man, who also gave the place Its pretty name of Appledale, although there are aa yet no apples on the place. Perry Sharp helped to appraise the property of the late Meint Peters on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gage spent a day thla week at Mra. 8barp'a. -They sre all well over the ffrlp, but some of them still weak from Us after effects. Miss Mellnda Sharp la still confined to her bed the most of the time, as she has been for the past two years but still seems cheerful and hopeful and her many friends hope soon to aee her around again. Mlsa Ida Eiieg sen Is staying with them. The little boy of Ed Sharp, wno waa afflicted with Infantile paralysis last summer, doea not have much use of his legs yet Grandma Elllgaen has gone to Portland to visit her daughter. She is enjoying pretty good health for her age, aa she Is nearly 90 years old. The "Church of God" held a pro tracted meeting at the school house every evening last week, with pretty good attendance. Arden Gage and wife mad a abort vlalt at hla old home on Saturday, re turning Sunday to their' home In Sher idan. Mr. and Mra. Hoi ton and family were also at Mr. Gage's on Sunday. Word cornea from the Powell'a,who started to drive to Granta Paas, that they were getting along fine, having made 75 miles the first two dsys and all feeling the benefit of the Journey already. Jake Schatti la sawing wood, and Jo Nemlc and his brother, assisted by Albert and Robert 8chatts. ar doing the splitting, ana jane, wun ni little engine, keepa tnem ousy. Mr aernl haa a new 200-eKK tncu bator. and la aettlng that and his old one of 125 eggs, this week, and la in hopes of supplying fryB to the market this spring. Mrs. Oebhardt Is having her usual good luck with her Incubator. Hens are bringing a gooa price, riymuum Rocks averaging about a dollar apiece. Mr. Holawarth haa rented a portion of Lu Francis' place, and I engaged In nlowlnv it. ' The Delkar brothers spent a pleas ant evening at Mr. Gage's taming business and the news of the day. They expect .to make quite a neat little aum hauling clay from a cut In the road near Davie" to the Brick and Tile Coat Tualatin. They recently sold a span of their colts, realising $350 for them. The Baker are putting In early po tatoes. Ground ra In excellent condition at this time for early gardening. Albert Turner' llttl daughter haa been very sick with pneumonia, fol lowing an attack of measles. Dr. Mount ha been In attendance since last Wednesday. CANBY. " There have been two well attended meetings on the two past Sunday of thos Interested In the Socialist move ment at the home of Joe Letser. "Socialism and th Farmer," waa th aubject discussed laat Sunday. A choir haa been organised, with Mra Hampton aa leader, and th meeting hav not only been well attended, but hav been very Intereatlng. - Laterals ar being conatructea- oy the Canby Canal Company through out the Walt tract of land. - Mr. DtRerneaa. who waa formerly owner of th blackamlth ahop now owned and operated by Maple and Maaterson, haa returned to Canby and will probably bring hi family and again settle down among us. Mr. Dtgernes ha resided In North Da kota sine h left her over a year Frank Doog I now at work upon hla new house In tb north part of town. By all appearance h Intend having a modern np-to-dat residence. Work la progressing rapidly upon W. II. Lack' new house. Th con crete foundation and cellar walla ar being put tn and a well haa been dug, the property having also been fenced with substantial woven wire. He haa one of the cboiceat locatlona In Canby and will also hav on of the beat of dwellings erected on ft. Everyone I rejoicing to sea th ad dition to th depot her naarlng com pletion. With th new arrangement of things. It will be poealbl to handle both freight and passenger traffic In a aatlafactory manner. L. C. Peanell, who Uvea near Bar low, waa In Canby on business Wed nesday. On last Bsturday air the local, aa well aa many of the county school teachers, boarded the train bound for Oladstone, where they enjoyed the all-day aeaalon of the County Insti tute. The north bound Limited, which paaaea through. Canby at about 1:30 P. M., was compelled to stop on Wed nesday on account of the pumps fall ing to work properly. In a short time the repairs were made and th train was sgaln on Its way. Mra. Roth haa made Improvementa to her property In block twelve, where Doc Bailor Uvea. Thla piece of prop erty ia certainly In fine ahape now. F. M. Roth, our editor of the Trib une, waa In Portland and Oregon City on buslneaa Tuesay of thla week. Tbe protracted services, which .are being - held - In - tb Christian -ehureh,- are attracting large crowds. Rev. George Gregg, the evangellat, is a preacher of much ability, and hla aer mon Sunday evening on the aubject of "The Devil and Hia Angels," waa not only Intereatlng and Instructive, but wss argumentlve and persuasive. Mor than three hundred were pres ent and every available aeat waa oc cupied. Thla service waa' a union ser vice, the Methodists having given up their ' regular evening service. Mr. Webb'and wife helped very much by the active part they took In the music. Mr. Webb leading the choir and also the congregation and they had be sides a duet, while Misses Alma Knight and Gertrude Wright also sang duet and Mr. Hocke sang a solo. These aervlcea will continue through tbe week and will be concluded next Monday evening, March 27, when tbe service will consist of illustrated aongs, a atereopticon being uaed, and more than two -hundred pictures win be thrown on the canvas. A email ad mission charge ia being made to help defray the expenses of these meet ings. There will be tbe regular Sunday school sessions - at - the - Christian church Sunday A. M4 at 10 o'clock; at the M. E- church at 9:45 A. M; and at the Scandinavian Evangelical at 10 A. M. At the Methodist Church last Sun day morning a treat awaited the wor shippers, for Prof. Hammond, of the Kimball school of theology, preached a most Instructive and logical sermon. Prof. Hammond waa also present at the union prayer meeting held In the evening and made a brief taia. - A car load of tiling material just arrived at Canby, and Is being taken away by the farmers near by. - Wanted At Once! AT Oak Grove Milwaukee CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal term a to hustlers, 8e Mr. Miller Circulation Department, En terprise, Oregon City Oregon. CITY NOTICES. Notice Closing Streams. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS, That. Whereaa. the Board of Flah Commissioners of the Stat of ' Oregon and the United State Bur eau of Fisheries have propagated and stocked, and are propagating and stocking the watera of tne WU lamette and Clackamaa rivers, and their tributaries. In the SUte of Oregon with salmon fish; and. Whereaa, said atreama are fre quented by salmon fish, and for the purpose of protecting the same, the said Board of Fish Commissioners haa decided to close the said Wil lamette River and Ita tributaries, below and north of Ue falls there of, at Oregon City, and all of the Clackamas River and Ita tributaries, to prevent fishing therein, In any manner whatever, for salmon fish, during the period of time herein specified. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given by said Board of FlBh Com mlssioners that said Willamette Riv er and Ita trlbutarlea, below and north of the falls thereof, at Oregon City, and all of aald Clackamas Riv er and Its tributaries, are, and each . of them Is hereby closed to fishing. In any manner whatever, for salmon fish between twelve o'clock noon, on the 15th day of April, 1911, and twelve o'clock noon, on the 1st day of May, 1911; and It Is and will be unlawful to flsk for, or takeM or catch any aalmon fish In any1 Of said waters during the said period of time above specified. Any and all persons whomsoever eo fishing tn violation of thla notice will be prosecuted, as by law pro vided. BOARD OF FI8H COMMISSIONERS. By OSWALD WEST, Governor. . By THOS. B. KAY. 8tate Treasurer. Attest : R. E. CLANTON. Clerk of the Board. . Notice ef Application for a Liquor License.' Notice la hereby given that I will. at the next regular meeting of th City Council, apply for a license tq ell liquor at my place of business, The Depot Saloon; 219 7th street. for a period of 3 month. CLAT78 KROHN. Notlo ef Application fee a Liquor License. Notice) la hereby grvea that I will, al the) next rwgular meeting of the City Oowaoll, apply for a license to ell liquor at my place of bualneea, Th Mt. Hood Cafe, Fifth and Main Btreeta, for a period of S month. M. JUSTIN. When a spell of bad weather coatee, look out for lice. They aoutlply fast when hen and chick hav to be con fined to their coop ssaeh of th time. These peats will ooa reduce th vitality of th liveliest chick vr hatched, so that It will be In good condition to take gap or sods otber aliment. - NOTICK. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Th partnership heretofore existing under tb firm nam of Story 4 Thoas aa, having been dissolved by mutual consent, all liabilities of th firm ar assumed by Owen Q- Thomas and all accounts dne th firm ar payable to the aforesaid Owen G. Thomas. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla 24th day of February, 1911. J5. F. STORY, OWEN a THOMAS. Wants, For Sale. Etc Notloas under tlteSa claaalflad haadtnss will b tnaaricd al on cent a wont, ftral Inaertlon. half a cent additional Inser tion a. One Inch card, ft par month; half Ini-h card. (4 lineal ti par month. Caah muat accompany ordar unlas ona has an oprn account with tha pa par. No financial raapooalblllty for errors; where errora occur free corrrcted notice will ba print.d for patron. Minimum eharae Its. WANTED. FOUND Bunch of keya; call and prove property and pay . for notice and receive them. WANTED Small advertisement for , thla ool'jmn. Prices very reason- able. Be rate at head of column.! VACUUM CLEANING done for 50 centa an hour. Call Pacific States 2491. FOR SALE. FOR SALE By owner 2.71 scree,' four room house, barn, cow, horse, chickens, well, fruit trees, . small fruits. Concord Static, telephone. ' Oak Grove, red 214. 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 3 miles from Oregon City, 1 miles from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, 1100 to $226 per acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill A Co., Room 9. Beaver BIdg., Oregon City. FOR SALE 10 Acre orchard land, 7 acre planted to apple trees, 7 room bouse, small barn, 1V miles from Oregon City on good road, $3,500, terms for quick' sale. Tele phone Farmers 213. 8. R. Cogan, R. F. D. No. 2, box 13, Oregon City, Oregon. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and rlaforcd concrete. Res, phone Main 11L ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstract a fnrnlahd, la ad title examined, estate Battled, gwav eral law bualneea. Over Bank af Oregon City. TJUXN ft 8CHUEBEL, Attorneya-et- Law, Deutecher Advokat, wtll prac tice la all court a, make collections and settlements. Offlc in Enter prise BIdg., Oregon CRy, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land title Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public lOKPtTITCXS copy Room 7, Barclay BIdg, Oregon City. K. H. COOPER,' For Fir laauraner and Real Estate. Lat a handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Offlc In Bnterprtse BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon. FREYTAO ft MONEY, Real Estate Dealers, have choice bargains In farm landa, city and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches. Sea us for good buys Near 8. P. depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. When moved Into my neve atore I put In a nlc line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at th pr4 cee usually quoted for aocond hand or hop-worn good. Com In and look around. Fin line ef curie and relic. GEORGE YOUNG. . PLEASE NOTICE, To Introduce Th Morning Enterprise into a large major ity . of th homes In Oregon . City and Clackamaa county th management haa decided to make a apeclal price for tha dally issue, for a abort time only, where th subscriber paya a year la advance. By carrier, paid a year ta advance), 18.00. By mall, paid a year Ja ad vance, $1.00. People wno gav our canvaav aer a trial subscription for on or mor month, at tea eaats a weak, can hav the dally deliv ered for a year for 18.00 by paying a year la advance. People who gav our canvas ser a trial subaerlption, . by xaalL tor tour mow tha at a dol lar, may hav tha paper for a year for 12.00, it paid a year in advaao. Buhoeribar to th Weakly atetarptiao may ebaag their eubocriptlona to th dairy, re eelving credit for half tlm on th daily that the weekly la paid la advance. When they choose to add cash to th ad vnae payment 18 fall year advaac payment they may take advaatag of th $1 rata. W aaak thla apoeial prioa ao that pooplo who hav paid ta advaao a aoav other dairy . and wtaa to tak ta htoralag aaatarpris. ma? do ao without too groat 4 Bubacrih for th DaHy ktarpri. The Lang plac was sold on Friday