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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1911)
i . ,. : .; ... . i " 1 1 " i . MORNIKO ENTEKFIUSE, , FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1311. A Box That Moved of Itself Br CROVXR J. CWrTTN Ctoprrtgtel fcr inrtwi hin A- eUltao. VtU. There's m telling what young peo- ' pie between childhood and man or wo ' man bood rtll da There la esse an mini mt Irl of iklrtMB .boo nine wuu b-r -xHbar w di-pp-rad .. IBroBg. I Bt pouce anaiau iut oar tor a long while without getting any trace af ber. Tbe raaa waa given up aa one of tbeee mysterious disappear aocee that art never solved. Bui Iba girl tamed ap finally, and wbat do yoa eoppoae waa lb cause ft bar die appearance? 8be bad goo off volua tartly through a whim, or. ralbar. n auntie daalro to try tha world oa bar owi across L But a a( ran err raaa ibaa ibta canie fender my observation. I am a freight agent oa a railroad, and It bappaood Id tbo freurbt bouao la wbicb I am emoloved. Una afternoon 1 received boi a boot alt fact long by two fact broad and deep. It welt-bed. I ebould about a boodred pounds. II marked: "Olaee. Handle Wltb Car. Tale 8 Ida Cp" Near one ood waa also written. "If Stood oa Bad Tbia Cad Cp." 1 received tbo box oa tbo platform, and. since I didat car to bo aaddled wltb brokea property. I laid It care fully oa a iroct. wheeled II Info tbe freight bouao and. being crowded for room, at ood It oa eodi batag particular to put tbo ood up as directed. I no ticed that tbo top waa neither aalled or crowed oa. and I woodered bow It bad boon Ixad as nrmly aa It waa Bat this was merely a paaalng thought for I didn't tab tbo Interest aad bad not the time to investigate tbo way Ms were fastened, pro Tided tbey were I rocejTod tbo box about S In tbe evening aad after dlapoaiag of It aad (bar freight locked up aad went home to rapper. Baring some statements to make up ta tbo evening. I returned to tbe freight bouao. lighted up and west to work k tbo little apace fenced off for aa office. I waa figarlag when I beard a cough outside. The Idea occurred to m that aome 4 waa ta the freight boose. The door being right beside aay office, no ooo cowid bare entered wit boot my knowing It; eooaeqeeotly aome one bad eeene In esuTeptttloosly No ooe woaid bO-Ukaly-to-do that except for tbe purpose of robbery. All Ibis through my brain In one-tenth tt has token to tell 1L The first thing did waa to open a drawer la my desk and take out a rerolrer. Thus armed. I went out In among the freight and looked about I admit I . dreaded being shot from n dark cor ner, but for that matter I could bare been abet while sitting at my 4eak. 1 aaw "fci-g beard nothing, and after walking a boot for awhile 1 made up my mind I had been mistaken. I start ed to go back to the office aad had reached the door whea I beard a gig gle. AO Idea of fear left me et once. Toaalog my rerolrer on to my desk. I tamed and went back for another boat Passing the box that bed been - marked to be carefully bandied I no ticed that Instead of the top one of the aides faced me. I knew rery well ' r that the bos could .not bare moved ' itself and suspected that here was the eolutloa of the matter. Going op to It. I began to poll It about, when the top came off and eat stepped n girl sboal fifteen years old. The most aatoaUb tng thing about her was that ber face was on a broad grin. Y -Well. TO be baagedr I exclaimed. Ber response was a giggle tbe same aa I bad heard shortly before. ,( "Who are you?" 1 asked. "A runaway." "From where?" "From borne." "What did yoo run away for?" "Oh. It'e an elopement." "Bats! Tou're nothing but a child. Where's the young feller In the esse T "Hiding behind tbe boxes. 1 let him In at tbe window while you were gone." I hastily examined tbe Dd of tbe box , and found It bad been held la place by clamps oo tbe Inside that could be easily turned. Then I called to the young fallow to come oat of biding. 1 beard blm climbing over tbe boxes from tbe back part of tbe bouse and presently be came down Into the dim , light lie wasn't much older than tbe I girt "Now, you children toll me ail about tula escapade at once," I said. Tbe girl made tbe explanation. 8be told me that she lored "Willie," as she called blm, and that she knew ber par ents would not consent to a marriage since they were so young, ao tbey thought that tbey would elope. Willie bad proposed tbe plan they bud adopt ad. Be bad made tbe box. pat ber In It and shipped ber as freight to my station, where be proposed to join ber "And now." she added, "won't you -Just go Uke a dear, good man f or a tier rj man? We lore each other and would Uke to be married at once. Coo . aider my reputation." " "Tou little chltr I replied, astounded t her Impudence. ' "Do you suppose Tm going to aid In tbe marriage of two children Just out of tbo nursery Tou come Into my office and stay there till I telegraph your parents." The gtrU who had taken the lead from the first, begged bard to Induce me to let them go their way. but 1 waa ! obdurate. , ....... . t I locked tbem In tbe office and went oat to neua a teiegram. waea l re- COod stated parse for tbe contest. Al torned they bad got oat. Mt bow i though no date has been set for the gont anow. I never neiro er tJbem afterward.' 'i it AazYou a Subscribe 9 tbe; - j . - ; ..' ' a I If The Morning Enterprise Is to be as ".CMv demand it must needs have the a big work before it In boost! a g Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour - support means more strength rot taaworg. . ,- .I - : ,r lt. f.l ) . . " . VUI You Help Boqst For a limited time the Morning Enter pries will b sold to paid In advance aubserlbwra as follow; i -- , I . . .. By Carrier, 1 year fJOO By Mall, 1 year y 2.00 tend In your name and remittance. MAT GjANTS QUIET OF LATE Hack and Ztysco Are Not Dcln Any Challenging. - k BOTCH TO MEET MAHMOUT. ' Chamaiee Will Give Turk Chanoa at Title Neat Month Ham held Man l tarry "Roaaiae LieAlk Going Heme. ftallar Says Gatah la Afraid af Hack Now that tbe wrest ling aeeaon is on the waae tbe foreign giauta who bare been on tbe trail of tJotih for tbe title bare evidently kail their voice or dla charged their press areola. At any rate, for tbe peat few weeka Havken- acbmldt and Zbyeco, great at permit ting many oppooenta to atay tbe limit. bare failed to challenge tbe champion for a million dollars a side. It waa the Mahmout Jolt that stopped tbeut. Whea Gotch came out of his retirement he announced that be would . not meet Hack or Zylwco unless either one met and threw tbe Turk. This they openly refused to do, giving as a reason that the Mshmout had a great habit of Biarepraeentlng things lu rae be came out second best. It was a very poor excuse, for they tackled every other met artist ta the country. la talking to the writer about Hack eoachmldt recently Gotch said: "Hackenschmldt has been over here since November, and It la Idle for him to aay that he la In condition for a championship match, for his explolta against the men who opposed blm oa tbe mat bare proved dlffereat. Hare not hla handicap matches with Zbysco convinced tbe majority of spectators that tbe role Is tbe better man of tbe two? Now, with tbe season half no bbed. 1 nave been back In the game a little . over a month, and Hack enschmldt hi talking of his early de parture for home, Hie manager talks of a match on Labor day one minute, end the next minute. Hackenschmldt aaya be cannot return to America so soon. If tbe 'Roaaian Lion' realty want ed a return match with ma be would TTSSUr MABMODT. WBO WILL TBI Hia BULL OK BUT WITH OOTCH. be willing to wait a few weeks longer, when tbe clubs would make blm an of fer which be could not refuse." In connection with tbe talk of a Gotcb-IIat-kenschmldt match Dr.- B. IT. Boiler, former partner of Gotch, de clared In Philadelphia that the cham pion Is afraid to wrestle Hacken schmldt with an unblaiied referee. "Gotch." said Dr. Boiler, Is the roughest wrestler on earth. He Is tricky and treacherous and resorts to all aorta of tricks to win his matches. He Is afraid to meet Hackensc-hmldt because tbe UusHlan would crutth him In anything Uke a squnro deal. In tbe last match they bad Oolch won tbe decision by unfair work, ami Hacken schmldt bad no chnnc with the tac tics Ootch waa employing. "When Gotch came out of retirement and announced his Intention of de fending hla title .. George Hacken schmklt was the first to challenge him, and I know that the reason Gotch does not accept Is not because Hacken Schmidt quit in their la at match; but for reasons that Gotch would not like to make public. i Aa Zbrsco ana liack are roln to ra- torn to their native lands. Gotch will Rive Mahmout a chance at the title. Kansas City promoters have offered a bout, it ta iw th.n Mk.iv it will ha held about the middle of April. , ..,... successful as the interest of Oregon support of all. Tha new dally ha y oar own Interests? A WIDOW'S WANTS - Br M. QUAD Car-rrhrM. UNt by Aaaael mrf t4 Ut- It aa grfceraliy jnihrraU 11 la re of CrvU l tut' Ivm oud la the village of Crvweil thjt' lcoa Ilea demo bad bia eye on the Widow la tier Why not? The deacon .. fifty fl re and a widower aad wanted a borne. Tbe widow waa fifty aad lone- 7. Oeacoo neodemoa dropted Into the widow a . cottage one day, and after comptlraeutlog ber on ber hollybucka and tomato vines be sakl: Wldder, do you know wbat the folk are saylugr . "La, nor "Tbey are saying that you 'a me eugbt to get married." liut I can't get my breath! It's all so sudden. Deacon, if we get mar Med we'll tlfe In your noose, won't wer "We will." "And you'll put down a new carpet en tbe parlor fiour? For why? Tbe oue tbere la a good It's a rag carpet, and It'e twenty years old. I helped Sarah cut and sew tbe rags. I shall want a bruaela with patterns of rones. "Cm! Too much extravagaacV, "Then I won't marry you. Tbe deacon went away In a huff and trying te make himself believe that be bad a lucky escape. However, aft er thinking tt over for a week be re turned to aay: "I guess I'd be willing to buy tbst carpet" "But I want something else. We must bare three lace curtains. They mnst be long nuff te sweep tbe Boor." "Store carpet and store curulusr shouted tbe deacon in dismay. "Why. wldder. you'd bankrupt oa In a month! No. no! Green paper ahades are good nuff for oa." Then I gneae we won't get mar ried. Folka have hinted that yoo waa stingy, aad now I aee you are." Away went the deacon for the sec ond time, and for two days be patted himself en tbe back. He could figure that be bad saved over $30 oa that deal. Tbe rag carpet and tbe paper aba dee looked good to him as he sat In tbe parlor, but after three or four days be fonnd the eld lonellneaa creep ing over btm. He would glveHn to ber. He waited one day more and then called on ber under pretense that be bad mislaid his family almanac- end wanted to know when tbe moon In ber third quarter. After finding that out be said: "Well, wldder. mebbe you are right about the carpet and curtains." Deacon. I've been thinking aloce you were here we . mnat bare ' four staff ad chairs to put In that parlor to go wltb tbe new carpets and cur tains!" "Saints and elnners! Stuffed chairs! Staffed chairs In ourpertor! Never, Wldder Glaxler. never! The carpet aad carta ina would tempt Satan 'naff. I don't propose to riak any more." "Four staffed chairs.- deacon, and mebbe a eofa te boot" "I'm going borne. Good day" Those staffed chairs, with an addi tional sofa loo nil nil up In tbe near fu tore, were a bock to tbe deacon. They meant extravagance: tbey meant vanity; they meant the breaking down of long erected barriers. No; It could not be. ne mast continue his lonely Ufe by bis loncHome. He did continue It for ten long daye and nights. Then be went over to ask tbe Widow Gla zier If tbe later bug had yet appeared In ber garden and to offer to lend ber aome parts green to dope him with if be had. No. tbe bug bad not appear ed. Bat tbe deacon bad other things to aay. Leaning oo tbe well curb and the widow ataadlng In ber kitchen door, be o beef-red: "I a'poae one can alt down on a stuff ed cbalrr "Oh. year "And they don't make a body vain? "Never beard of It" "And tbey are wath tbe money you have to pay for 'em?" "Tbey surely are!" "Well, we might get 'em. Shall we be married next month?" "I I duono. What about your bouse?" "Why. lt'a tbere la tbe aame old place, ain't It?" "Tea, but It needs repainting." "Tou mean It wants another coat of wbltewaeh. Well, me and yoo will do that together." "Bat we won't, deacon. Ifs got to be paint real paint, and two coats at that Ifs got to be pea green wltn darker green for trimmings." For tbe first time In bis life the dea con lost . consclousneas and things whirled around with him When be braced up tbe widow waa saying: ' And new front steps, and a new sidewalk, and a new picket fence, and a pump In the well, and then we must have brass bedsteads and china dish- i. Tbe deacon got home wltb shaking knees and fell opon tbe bed and sent for tbe doctor and the minister. Tbe doctor said he'd get well, and the tnln later aald be wouldn't lose bis eoal even by having a gold framed mirror In tbe parlor. It was a terrible strug gle, but after two weeka tbe day waa set and a marriage dnly followed Tbere were those who tbougbt tbe deacon would droop and die, but be didn't He Is bale and hearty and very prond of hla wife and bonse and staff ed ebslrs and things, and he may even have a bell at tbe front door before be goes bene. Read the Morning enterprise. OWEN G.THOMAS BLACK8MITHINQ AND' REPAIR WORK. Beat of work and satisfaction guar anteed. Have your horses shod by an expert; It pays. All kind of repair work and smithy work. Prompt service; greater por tion of your work can be done white you do your trading. Give me a trial Job and see If I can't pleaee you.' OWEN G.THOMAS Cor. Main and Fouith tta Oregon City WHAT WILL THE CillCAGOCUBSDO? Signs 63 to SDov M 6rea L'acto Is Breaking Up. DISSENSION IN THE RANKS. Maa of the Leading Fla jars Are Oit- satisfied With Placaa eh Team arts' W..l a Trade Klina len't . In Hifh Favee. Is tbe greet Chka 0" Im'" machine In tbe pr-ea of dUlnieera ttoo? II looka that ay to. many fol lowers of the game. W hen the leaiu waa going good, all Hi athletes work lag together like clockwork. Chance's club wss the grvatat In the lmlll world. Three atralaht peunanta ere woa a lid two world'a rhatu4-Hthla. Then John Kllng. known a the great est catcher In barlall. dn,ll'J ',ut for a year. Kline's a Iwemv apparently atarted the shattering of a great tiuU' Tbe Cube were hlit by lltta bur the rear Klin ws out. The Cub players and followers of baartwll ev ery where held tbe opinion that Chi cago would hate fronted tbe Urate In the pennant race had Kllng teen In the game. The next yeariaal season KUng returned to tbe Cutw. ami the Cuba again won the National league pennant. - That waa aufflrtent proof for the bug. Rung's sbeence let Chlraco peoaaat tbe year before. Sure,' Mike! a, i HPtH'MT-Krl ) hi- ICOONEYI VTV- V bomb or cuicAuo'a BM-acrrs thtiso 4BD to land ruara oa tbam. Didn't Kllng come back tbe next sea eon. and didn't tbe Cubs again fall Into their winning Mrtde? Can you doubt It? Everything went amootuly enough taut sesson while the Cube were walk ing away wltb tbe pennant. But when tblnjra went to the bad In tbe world's series with tbe Athletics trouble broke la tbe camp of tbe Cube. Chance called" Kllng, and tbere were word between tbe manager and the catcher. Kllng expected to be traded during the winter. He believed ho would piny much better bull with some other club. Now that he la dlaaatUfled will he work wltb the Cuba In the same old way? Tinker la not pleased with bis berth at short and was auxjoua to re place Btelnfleldt at third, but Tbniire aid no. Evera says his ankle, which be broke suortlf before the world's series last fnll, hi as strong as ever. But la It? We can tell better later. Hofmab has hnd a run In with Owner Murphy and wonld have quit only for Chance. If the team strikes falls by tbe wsyslde Artie Is apt to quit and put In bis time at the brokerage busi ness. Overall Is tired of pitching and Is anxious to try something else. But Chance aays he must stick to the slab. Brown talked of quitting tbe game early In tbe year. He Is dliMiitlsned also aud would like' to be truriod. With such lack of harmony among the club player Manager Chance will have hi hands full this year. ' The Culw may come bark anI show all other ball club the way tlilssen- son, but there'll be many nn eye on the lookout for open breaks, showing dissension In the Cab ranks. Manager Chance Is highly pleased with the twelve new men who now grace tbe Cub rank. The youngster who are trying to teak the team are aa follows: Fltober Clarke, Klrwan, rtmey and Griffin' Infleldera Saler. Cooney and Fleber: Catcher A n rem el r and Outfielder Ball ' Chance recently stated that the recruits ou hand were the best be had had In yeare. : Put Yourself in the ' t Ad-Readers Place... : - - 3 rm -I t m m as,, aBV When you write your classified ad or any kind of an ad try to Include In it Just the Information you'd like to find If you were an ad-reader and wer looking fot an ad of that klnq. If you do this to even a amall 8ULT8!rUr "1 bTln" Rr THE HALL OF FAME. j .HI - ABRAHAM LINCOLN - Hit teeuth prenluVM I'nlreil HiMtra Horn Hardin ihhiu ty. Ky . Feb. 12, la; Ued Wsahlogtou, April ta. I a. baring been shot In back of head the. bight . before s I at Ford the- ater by John Wilkes Booth, as saaaln. Ieataiidcl from guaker family of EuglUh origin. I'sN enla exceedluxly l"r Hettled with family la Indiana lu and In llllnola In IUK Was farm laborer, etoreheeper. sur veyor, captain la Black llswh war. Whig ntauiber of llUuola leglaUture 1834 X Whig mem ber of rongreas 1M7-4V. Admit ted to bar in 1S3V Ilia debates with Hteheo A. IkMiglaa In 1HM, In which Uocolu too ironfunc ed stsnd sgsluat slavery as an Institution, attracted uatloual at tention. Nominated for presi dent by Uepubllcsn part ,u LU. elected, inauguratetl March 4. V. Aa executive be han dled tbe eertoua iwoolem of tbe civil war. Kmanclpated all ae mrt aiavM aa a war measure Jan. 1, l"!!. Reelected pre I dent In 144. tee Junior League Entertainment. The Junior League of the llapllat church will give a mualcal and literary entertainment la the church parlors on Friday evening. March SI. Con siderable time la being spent In mak ing preparstlona for a good program. All friends of the young people are nvlted to be present and the program ia certain to have numbers on It that will greatly Interest you. . Ordinance No. An ordinance to change the grade of Ninth Street. Oregon City. Oregon, from the west aide of Monroe Street to the west side of Jackson Street Oregon City doe ordain a fol io wa: Section 1. The grade of Ninth Street. Oreaon City: Oregon, la here by changed from tbe weat aide of Monro Street to the west side of JackeuaJltreet from tfe preaent ex isting grade to .the followlngde scribed grade: Commencing on the west side of Monro Street at the established grade of HJOO feet on the south side of Ninth Street and. 116 feet on the north lde of Ninth Street, thence on an ascending grade to the eaat aid of Monroe Street and the north side of Ninth Street at an ele vation of 147 00 feet and S no feel on the south side of Ninth Street, thence on an ascending grade to the weat aide of J. Q. Adams Street at an elevation of 3S feet on the aouth aide of Ninth Street and !J feet on the north aide of Ninth Street, thence on an ascending grade to the eaat side of J. Q Adama Street at an elevation of Jfig feet, thenee on an ascending grade to the weat side of Jackson 8treet to the present ee tabllahed grade of 276 feet. Read first time at a specUl meet. Ing of Ihe City Conncll held March ISth. 1911. I U 8T1PP. Recorder. I . Ordinance No. An ordinance to amend section II of Ordinance No. 229 approved Dec. I 19. 1897. And providing for the pav- j tnent of 1100 In quarterly inatau ments to esch of the flrf conipsnle. from the general fund, for eipenaea. j Oregon City doea oraain aa lows: Sec. 1. That section 11 of ordi nance No. 229. "entitled" an ordi nance regulating the Oregon Cltv Fire Department, approved Pec. . 1898, be and the same Is amended to read a follows: 1 Sec. 21. That each company of the Oregon City Fire Department shall hereafter be allowed for or dinary expenses, such aa Itghts, fuel. Janitors' fees, etc., the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) per annnm, to be paid to f'arh r 'd fm 'panles, in four equal paymenta. quar terly, aa follows: January let.. Ap ril 1st., July 1st., and October 1st. of each year, the same to be paid out of the general fund. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council, held March 22nd. 1911. U STIPP. Recorder. Ordinance Ne. An ordinance providing for the erec tion of a fountain with lights, In the Seventh street Park under and by ' the direction of the Council, and ap propriating one hundred fifty 1 dol lars (flfiO) out of the general fund to pay for the same, ' Oregon City doea ordain aa fol lows: Sec. 1. There shall be erected In the Seventh street Park, Oregon City, Oregon, a public Fountain, with electric light or light attached thereto, the same to be don -under the direction and supervision 'of the City Council, and there I hereby ap propriated out of the general fund of said City, tbe aufh of One Hund red Fifty Dollars, ($150) to pay for the same. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council, held March 22nd, 1911. ' L STIPP, Recorder. - Ordinance No. An ordinance declaring the assessment for the Improvement of Center Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from - the north side of Seventh Street to the north side of Ninth Street.' Oregon City does ordain aa fol lows: Section 1. The assessment for the improvement of Center Street from tbe north side of Seventh Street to the north aide of Ninth 8treet, Is hereby declared and levied according to assesament roll. No. 3, new aeries, and the whole cost of the - aald assessment la $7013.61 Dollars. Section 2 Whereas the condition : of said part of aald Center Street la and wa dangerous to the health and safaty to the people of Oregon City and It Is necessary for the Im mediate preservation of their health and safety that this aasesament should be made at once, an emer gency I hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after It approval by the Mayor, Read first time at a apeclal meet ing of the City Council held March 22nd, 1911. 1 STIPP, Recorder. III '.-Aff-s'.-YW T the BJev D A I L Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? By carrier, -''yea $3.00 By mail year B 200 y. The mmnn- 1 'i a- Send in Your Name and Remittance