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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1911)
MOItNTNO ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAItCIt 24, 1911. IIOBHING ENTERPRISE O&EGO CUT, ORC09 E. E. BROOtE. EdWa m4 PukMw. -Hilwil as airi f fUw saertae Ju mary a. 111. at te erfBae a O i a' a Otr. dnM, iir UM Art of Man a. im TOM KBCHCTWC. Pw Year, ky bssJI ns M trr by ar uroreac tiro apart ta fair way of aa aayeer- ua4U(, aad oar ail part tea see I her th neighbor really tuiai there to rikety to be a disappear trow, hi aad tO rll k glad th street Is to bo coaapleted. NEW RAILWAY PROJECT. Th proa poet of too balldlag of a railway oat MoUIIa way through Bea ver Ore inai to hav takes oa th I m irb of certainty. If wo ar to better tbo statements of boat aea later- eeted. a ad coming from Baea woo ges- erally say what they aaeaa and know Machinery In Submarine Leaved But Little Space For Sailors at' at- rwt hn m tar e Mini.ii IK 'T Bay, asauer aof- pfrcia eoaattoa r aa. par tow n-j I. an far a fke arodlBK la roa- Piacw r aaMttsai aar p, ear nsca ceraed- .iac That sboaM bo good Mara to citK too of Orerci Ctty. Tko baUdta- of rock a rood means bastaaea salvation failure to Kara ar etkar taaa first . ser art rtrM tmmnum lsc Eua paper Mlw (has first sasa. par hack s44r4 amnlDM Sc LeraJa le ptr Baa; ta farslar s4rer J to th city sad Cora IB unity L rnr T- aat . boikl migtt pt th City into th - era! a word flrat aiat.-ttaa. WIf aaat ear addnkmal Ralre far lrf-?ta'Ti In the Weakly EaUrprlse will be tha aaro aa la tba far tba kr whra to. Kt.mvai Bearer Creek wttb tba mosey already la tranafrrrae from tha daJfr ta tha werfe- rubaCTlbed- But that la B all that hr. wtthoat rhajir. tba rata will e Sc . . . . aa- barb for tea af tha papar. aad lbc aa 1 Ore (TOO City abould accomplish ta this tech for special poaiuoa. matter. It will be nice to Tad a Caati boo)l axoeipaar ariVr wbera ..... party la ankiwiwa la boatneaa sCTVa of 1 roaatea DQ men inierew oaiaiov cajw barb class, away from which It has I bee trnHBf for aereral rears. The road is likely to bo traded to hral advartlstns tha Enterpnaa. Lnrml aavartlalns at ralea. Ctmta atvrttins and aerial traaalent advert ln at He lo ir aa Inch, acnort)--ins taJPrlal rondltkaia (orenitnc the tal to corae and complete and operate. But It will be a much wiser mora to bolld and" eou!p and operate by dtl- tens of Oregon City mea who haro Interesrs here and who will lose po op- Dortunltr to tors a trtck for their home town. But little more money Newa ttema well wrtt'ea. artldes will be made Decessary to acCOmpIUB ihls, and if Oregon City baalnen mea ' ire wise it will be ralaed and the road 'completed, equipped and operated by its citiiens with the manaremrat a j ways In the hands of her people. The section of country to be tapped "Fir Aa),- and Banaropt 8'." adrer Haemeat U hh first Inarrttoa. add! tkmai tesertlooa uat matter 3tc Incb. af aserlt. with " Intereat (i InraJ readera. will ba (IsdTy accepts R)ertd auu aerlpta sever returned unJeea acompaa lea by atamoa ta prepay tunun. I Vol . Q O fpTy ? ' CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. N AVAL mea ara just bow payluf a graat deal of attentluo to the Ja est op ment of submarines, soma matin- the predict km (bat this type of reasel la destined to make tha costly Dreaduousbti obsolete. Tbo recent ainkinf of a Genua s submarine with Ita cra. a!l tnit three of Km mmwm rearad aftae ramalntne niuldf waf.t mvamI k. ... h AirmmA MaXh 24 If) American HiStOry. bT tn)s proposed road la among the .attention to safety moaaarea. On ufreetlon la that rabmaHnea be batlt 1M4 The coniBKNiwralth of Bbode Is- i test In the connty. .The road proposed j with remorable keels, so that la rase of an accident tbo keel ran be dropped land founded. ; wTn up , ecodly aertlon of It !f ,'ao that tb body of the TaaseJ wll rise. Tba EnSll.h admiralty bs adopted ; er,ta)cr. lot U. block lOZobrlst Ad yOO IJDI CAKE AS niSETO HOSTESS EVENING GIVEN OP TO OAMEI AND MUelC TWO NEW MEM- ERE JOIN. Tba Phllathea Club of Ihe lUptlat church met Wednesday errnlna at the home of Miss Jennie piumaa on nmo street. The eny part 01 me e-' waa daroted to hulnea of the club. land a eurprlao was tendered Miss I tMllmaa at tbe close of the btialnese isesatoa. a baa aomoJifJtbe young men I 'arrived, which had been planned by -the ladles. The remainder of the ev 'jenlng as spent In mualc and games, ! and followed by a luncheon. The two 'new merfrbera' taken In were Mlaa j Kathertne Hpajtle and Mlas Lillian Troiel. rresent acre Mla Anna . Conklln. Miss llatal C.imher. MUs Atina 8mlth. uar Ott. Mlaa Maud Moran. '! Wise Kathertne Bparfo. Mla Ruih I rage. Miss Jennie Dlllman. Mlaa Effl.' IrMllmaa. Mlas UIH" Troiel; Meaara i rr Arkler. Rov IMllman. Minaru Glllett. Ray WeUh and Mr. Kepprl. Matrlet Canwntln St Estsesda. j The district contention of Rebehaha will be held at Katacada Malay, in j local delegates are supposed lo leave j on the I o'clock car and returning they -WViaareJUtacad at t oVJock. The ladlea of tbe Estacada lodge atttATro a banquet for the occasion. I REAL ESTATE. Gilbert and Km ma Jonarud, et af lo Anton B. Jabe, 10 acre of section l, township south, range 4 eaat; lt!00 Elna and Sewn Rorenson to Elln Stamper, lots 3. 4. I. , 7.- . 10. Mock 3. Darnell s Addition to Oregon City: II 11. O. and 8 R. ( hllda to Anna Ob- Are Yotf A Money Saver? Most a vary ana tapaetg U aa a marvey Mvr a . .si. aa.i. i. '. . tint. wwnw -r" w yw.r inVnmi ia laraar u. asva when their ara Mas. ' """f k peep la vha wait until they tan sava without afton . asvs: tbsy wsks up aay tilled with ragrai, stal, . tunil'VV invj flaw mitifwi vif Ths weral 1st gin regular saving at thls bank NAU the Inesma, maka tha utga a little leas and .., Ni It a a almBla matter ta atari a aavlnga account ha", " The Bank of Oregon Qty ZkZiaaaaalBBa n r . a Twi i ! h i m rraiiiiiii aw MET THE FIRST NATIONAL BiUlJ of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, MO000.00, Tranaaeto a O'aeral wswttlng aUialnaaa, 1SS2 Henry Wadswortb Longfellow. poet, died way In a lino that I hi. tit mit XTnlalla WT" ' .... -wwt eallmat Knlldlnr Rat 1883-Jacob Thompsen. a cabinet offl " " " , . cer nnder PreaMenr Buchanan and ' M "diag the line la wch afterward noted Confederate, d'ed: : a ahape that while It may not be Ideal - bora IS ia ' ! railway building It w be at least aa . lSeO-New eztraditioa treaty between , iaal lay-oat as to the tapping of the the United BUtea and Great Brit- j territory traversed and so constructed ala officially proclslmed. Geaeeal . thf wIU pk)lt moch good ter- KgniaxingiuTeai- v-u-uxaa possible and direct It Oreoc 190'eaesaHa refused arbitration to!"'T -J? Only a few dollar, add! aattW the United States claims dis tirmsl will be needed to make It a con nate. ' tributory line In a business sense, oar own city reaping the benefits and the ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. pjpi. of the county given a line lead (From boob today to noon tomorrow I I ,n? ,hf.m mt alreetlon for business a Bet t:U. rtoes 51; moon rl u, purposes. SStL-witl1 l Aad buainea. mea ow. and control the line aad Its operation It A CORRECTION. ' win be an easy matter to mske the The article (a yesterday Monioga ' rate aucb that trade will follow the Enterprise, beaded "The Man With low fare and freight trasportation hi aerie." should have had the signs- prl'R. th' interesting them in the tare of Mrs. Ernestine Singer at- city whether their natural bent Is tacked. The article referred to was this way or not. a protest againat tbe annexation of West Oregon City, and tbe Enterprise M;LOUGHLIN VS. BARCLAY. dltUm to Katacada: SIOO, Lorena M Child (Irlmm and O. Mai Grimm to Anna Oberataller, lot It a safety helmet with which all eubmarlnee will ba equipped Tbe helmet flts the shoulders snd is attached to a short waterproof jacket Inside tbe hrl- ; aaet Is a combined portlier and oxygen generator that will nermlt tbe wearer to breathe tba same air repeatedly wnila quitting a disabled craft and rising i Mock 10. Zobrlat Addition to Eataca In tha anrfar. It la said that tha auttarstaa Iran ka nnt in thirtw en1 : ds ,' 1200. wi.h, .ui.t... Th. rt.ti .h... .k.. , w. Rna Child Grlmia lo Anna OIer- waaaevua a.-a-r. M aw www nuw " W asaame a- as mm HUUPUfll ' " W V Bai- . a . a Jk aw,- aawsai saaaw. a a sa aa vv vt as-r .wvwwmbw nvuiTH, m Bq V DSP ft . I Uf rOlun . . . . A A Ait lsa Asa tasl a.Bt4 at ftlaA and ahaftln for the twin screws sre plainly .bow.. It win i otU-ed that ! fc4 r V r.r, deairea to disclaim any responsibility The Former Wins the Second Gams of tor the aaiBorsnip oi mis aaa won ; the aeries, articiea of a lik character that have; The McLoughlin and Barclay base appaarad as mterriews aad com muni- j ban teams met. on the diamond at csrtoe. la the coJuma. of this news-; : C--.kf-rt rdy afternoon ; USJ I'I IDT a?jviJM tlUIC .nvwayuftunai paaer during the last two weeks. ; defeated Barclay, the score being 10 i j to 2. There were nine innings played. dove or at ace IN SIOHT ,Bd ,h umDir WM T4 Sheahin. DOVE OF PEACE IN SIOHT. j foIlowiDf the nDup: Prospects for the completion of cer- j Barclay McLoughlin tain streets over which there has been Jeremiah c G. Story some contest loo seem better now than I N100 P - Frank Bruce Myers ss cjicu Mttle space Is left In this eod of the boat for tbe crew, submarines will be constructed on this modeL neat' and nobby white barneas in which he drives them, making a very handsome spectacle. He will drive up from Portland la his Tally-Ho. and make a display of his Tally Ho and his team, and this should prove a drawing card. Ikllle M rernr and C. L Terry to ine new t.ermaa ; j.mea O. Unn. 10 acres of section SB, i townahlp S south, range 4 east; IISOO, . ' Prances and luke Thornton to ' Frank and Annie Nuacb. lot 1 of block , . 10. Oregon Cltr: $10, .-.y oa none, i oe rt-eties at tne Au,Pl n Nti. Vt1,w to M,ry top of tha head piece have a running e. Cutbrle. lot I of tract 7. First Bub- horse la them aad at the bits there ; division of portion of Osk Grove, ara alb (iiiiinii .III Jl.tnu l ik ; 11600 - . Chsrlee Redmond and Msry L R ur.u.e ror tne young man j m(nd , C,mrorU Norr. M !:. First MAKES HANDSOME BRIDLE. W W. H. Samson Will Disoose of It Within a Few Days. viarenca rarmer, or SlolalU. bow at Heme Front Trip to Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Bard McDowell, of Portland, and the former's brother. Chat McDowell, motored to thla city Thursday and spent tbe day guests at the - home - of - Mr and Mrs W K Deer Lodge. Montana, has Just sent a Johns. Mr. Chal McDowell hss Just fine hair riding bridle, to W. W. II. returned from a nleaaure. trln to Ja. Samson that was received Wed nee-! pan. where he spent some time seeing day. It ia made from hair, la all plat-, tbe alghts snd enjoying himself among tlooa & and I. townahlp 1 south, rsnga ,n nanuaome manner and la one the pleasures of that far eastern coun- I 3 eaat; MOO of. ia nnest pieces of work that can ! try that la so different from our own. I. 8. Hurst and Delia II. Hurst to Subdivision of Jennings lodge: II. 8. P. Huddle to Matilda Huddle. 20 acres of section 5. township aouth range 3 east: I JO. Matilda Huddle to 8 P. Huddle. 11 acres of sections t and . townahlp X aouth. rang S eaat: ISO. V. W. Cook and Roaa II. Cook io L, W. Warner, S 2S acre of see- ever. Citizens are gradually awaking lo the fact that it doesn't pay to quar rel with oae's neighbor: that life Is too short for quarreling; that the-y aad OvHr neighbor are not nearly so far apart ia what was wasted as they had sappoaad: that the neighbor Is not averse to an amicable settlement of th dispute if approached In the right way; that It la a hard matter to Green Cross Baty Hammond Cobllen ... Allen .... .lb. ....2b.. ....3b.. rf. . if.. . Moore Champion Story . ... Kroll . . Stanich Fin uta ne FINE 4-IN-HAND TEAM. S- E. Kramer, of Portland, Will Be Her Booster Day With Tally-Ho. New things are being listed for crowd anyone when be gets awake to Booster Day ss fast as tbe secretary the fact that he Is being crowded. Hn1 'hm and Interest them In the t. i. . w fk. ji.,,. aiTth t',n to me here. 8. E. Kramer, of It looks ss If th dispute on Sixth popuJir uMe ,n portUn, street wss about to cease and the ,n4 wbo nas tbe flneat 4.n harid team street be finished la a way that will be in the North weat, promises to be here fairly satisfactory to all liTlcg on the 00 that occasion. street. The misunderstanding be,-een J the two or three who were pulling hM then, welI traDe) ,nd h(, h, , Present Day One of, Classics 5ill ::f Greatest Art Period Of Time By UPTON SINCLAIR. Author snd Socialist. HT ry period b tbe worjd'g history when great art has been produced it hag been produced as part of new and rerolu . tionary impulse, ancl lt Dag een neglected and belittled by " tbe academic critic of. that time. No great art period ever knew that it was GREAT ART PERIOD. I AM OP THE OPINION THAT WE ARE LlVINQ TODAY IN THE GREATEST ART PERIOD THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. WE ARE PRODUCING MASTERPIECES OF THE FIRST RANK WITH GREATER FREQUENCY THAN WAS EVER DONE BEFORE. v. . a - - - - . ia true tnst we nave a raat fUf ULAR LITERATURE which lis cheap snd common, what I call the literature of the "mati- nee girl and the Pullman car book trade," but there baa been that kind of popular lite rata re in erery age, snd it baa always been more popular ' than the great work., Probably nine-tenthg of the old people have read "St Elmo" and "Thaddeug of JVarmaw." I doubt if one of ten ) of the young people bare. And s generation from now it will be EXACTLY THE SAME WITH II ATX OXlNE AND MARIE OORELLI AHT ROBERT W. CHAMBERS. I WILL VENTURE THE ASSERTION THAT THERE HAD NEVER VEEN A .TIME IN THE HISTORY OP ENGLISH LITERATURE WHEN O MANY GREAT NOVEL HAVE BEEN PRODUCED. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Marhine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE LET US DRILL YOUR WELL Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave rdtre at OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP E. Schoenhelai McOREOORY A DRIVERS CO. Ra W. & R. S.VVAfd MACHINISTS Ws o gtiMral rspalrlno. Brhn machinery mad work at new. Eapcrta with gasslln anginas. Phenssi Main HH Hm US. 10S FOURTH STREET OREGON CITY, t IN In" the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSErLEAK SYSTEMS Thotnaa P. Ryan, part of John 8. How land IX jk c township south ran, 1 east; ft. V. C Lan lo Chester Ifeerlng. SO arres of sections 7 ana I, townahlp 4 aouth, rani 1 eaat; 1. J. It and. Amelia & Manley to Sol N. Btrubbar, lot l and part of lot 11, block 13. Can by; 43S. V. p. and Prance J. Wetaand to I. lula Htln. Tract "J," CUckamas Rlveralde, roatalnlng 10 acrea; 1. a P. and K. R. Hart to Ilurotby E. Walton, land In seel Ion S. township I aouth. raits I east; l. Itavld Panrbsr lo AV. O. Hayne. 4S&0 acrea of sections 11. IS. 1, 14. township 3 south, rant 1 eaat: l60. Kdaard Huhe to Mary tirlsentb wait. SO acrea of section SS, town ship S aouth. rang S east; 12000. Edward llughea to II. II. Hushes, SO acres of section 32. township 3, rans s ast; fiooo. Edward Hughe lo Anna Rpene, SO acres of arc t Ion S3, township I south. rang eaat; IZ0O0. Prank and Margaret Col lo Mount Hood Land Company, weat half of northeast quarter and southeast quar ter of north wast quarter and north east quarter of th southwest quarter of section 14, townahlp 3 south, rang eaat; 1. . .. Vincent and Tlney A. Tapp to Geo. P. Honey, IIS acre of section '34. townahlp 3 south, rang 5 eaat; I4S7S. Hhaw-Pear Company to, William M. rmbdenatock. lots I and t, Shaw's HubdlYlsioa of lots "A." -B." "C." Jennings Lodge; other Isnd In Jen nings Lodge; S10. Ie snd Ellen Stamper to flweaand Elna Ro ran sen, 13 acre of J. N. Lamb D.LC; 110. Henry Wlnkel et at to Ptr aad Dora Wlnkel. lot 1 of block S. Sunset ty; ii. Itartna Desrdorff et al to Ruaelta E. Reed. 4 30 acre of section 3. town ship 3 south, rang 3 vast; 11. Bertha Deardorff t al to Elra U Hunter, 7.63 acres of sectloa 3, town- snip 3 south, range 3 eaat; fl. llertba DeardorE et al to Lilian M Hunter. 4.7S acres of section 3. Iowb- snip 3 souta, rang 3 ast; tl. LATESTJ1MKETS Oregon City Markets. Th general tendency of th mar kets Is upwsrds, and this Is especially so In th prarfoc II n. In seaaonsbl Eooda. aacmyaa hay, with a new crop coming on and th ua a I moat flnlshed for th preaeni; winter . season, th de mand Is downward. But th market aa a wool Is a trlfl mor stiff but with but few commodities showing actual advance. . , APPLE8 Good apptes ar la de mand yet and th prlc la towards better prices for good slock; thr la enough good stock, however, so that thr la lit 1 1 or oa seauaj t- atock al any ,.! Prtasj JZ .bout 75c lo i tbstoS chote commanding aa lirj an? Hlock In hanJa of rowart toul Tw has been sold; it a ti cWj'a left and Ihry romuaad abost b IsjSI W,'r "Pplr POTATOES Thers it t fek stronger freling la th surtsl m mor Inquiry; eaprtai) swaais poae. - Kanry stork af BorsuHBi bringing SI Si seed potato) U Tksj la oonslderaU.'o loraj stock talk moving soma so that is tst kmm gain much headway. VKGETAHLK8-UUU tiunaw last report ; onions ara a Utik aa ila price but other vsfsUala) Ma aoout tne same. Onions latins and carrots 7&c to II wcXavauail lo II.SS aa k, cabbat So snal rLot n anu rcer-rvb lower snd demand saal Mb down to IS alth best artarat at I) CO; soma selling u lot aU Peed prices ar taUossry tin ka aetllng IJ to :i ton, saorti C9i ' 134, shelled cora Utt satsa cracked 11.75. rollsd barlry IS. HAT Lota of hay la ssswral , being offered freely sow; aaat weak. With Inter aaat nvaavtai to ll aad th atatsf ass smart consequence. All pssat if a. from It to ll MawarttUll,! 113 to IS. tlmotks U la flS, Ufci III to S0. OATS Dealer bajlai lof tklsBBl to meat th demand la tha dlka fa In ara t:S. whlu ISLM w t that th market Is wak u4 las : factory. WHEAT-Paying ISc - i EGGS Ara vry piestlfsl ial St ' pric ranges about lie. BUTTER Very wu asl ml only commanding froat l w K creamery always stiff ad Ing SOo to S&e ao. TVs rW market Is only paying fra lac. Choir dairy will arltf P SOe lo SSc. POULTRT-Prtces v? higher and lh demand l bring; 14c rooatsrs ISc r aad mlsed chickens o Ua, ) las doing In larger fovla. MEATS-Veal, drsassd, Ii at. ilUt to tie. hoes to aad ISa, big demand for mutton that w; fluctuat according U what HV Si IflDES-Oreen a poond. s" dry hide 13o to 14, ihettr"" to 760 aca. WOOL wrragi IK w l F mohair SSo to SOo. ' DRIED rRt!ITtr-vaporW to and 7o, iun dried Ki s SALT Belling 60C to W 10 lb. asck. half froM " 100 lb. aacka. It Wouldn't Pay to Adverfc A Poor Article - Nr a proposlUon f dubtful miit r,honty-ey nowadays, ar DISCRIMINATING. Thy hw valua's-W GENUINE things, gnuln ppertunltl. Any artlcl which ean be aeld by advertising la, by that GOOD artlcl. YOU ar f In buying thing which h 'f', th fir ef publicity." " . " j Th maker of a w4dly advrtlsd article, er ecmmedKy. I 'way en trial for his busln llf. He ennt ahlrk, ner product nd thla I tha bt pcealbl protectlcn for the You are SAFE In buying "advertleed thing Ife nowadsya bualnesa ccndltlans. c DO YOU VANT ANYTHING . . . Try the Quiilfed Coloons of t- orningenterprc 3000 Retufitg DHy