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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1911)
MORNING ENTEIU'MSE, SATUifHAV, JtAliCH 18, 1911. - A CONVINCING ARGUMENT By ELIZABETH WEED Ooprrltit br Aurina Praee An eavuoa, uu. I H H I M M 1 1 1 1 1 1 I H 1 1 1 1 1 t NIWIIT MOF" It REALLY AND TRULY ONI GIANT. ' Walter Dixon wmii graduated with' the highest honors and. having itwwa , J', remarkable promise In a literary way, .wu seat abroad to study tb literature f different eountrle. then given tba chair of that department la bla alma mater. But Walter waa a delicate M - low. ami ala physicians told bla that IX be cared to remain on eertb be . would better- Hod aome occupation to take bim out of doors. Walter took the hint and aet himself up for aa ad vertising broker.' One morning be etepped Into tbe tore of John Uobeoii A Co, Importera of foreign fruits, etc, presented bla card to tbe aenlor member of tbe Arm and asked for patronage. . "Young- man." said Mr. Ilobson. woo waa uneducated, "I'm aglu advertie- Inf. Tbere'a so many adrertliiemeata that there Isat anybody reads "em." "If people didnt read them, Mr. Hobsoa, tbe periodicals and newspe pars would bare to close up." "I say people don't read 'em, and that's all there Is about It I'm busy; get out o" here." "I see, Mr. Ilobeotj, tbat I can't do ,' aa business with you wltbout first pro ring to you tbe ralue of what I bare to sell. I will give you aa ad ' Tertlae men t free for tbat purpose. Kladty mention the name of aome ar ticle you bare for sale." "Oh. take our preferred ginger and let ma alone, I've more important work on hand than staring off solkl tors." Several days later Mr. Hobeon notlc - ad that bla null was much larger than ,' usual Tbe flrt letter be opened con taioed aa advertisement cut from newspaper of Uobsoa's prepared gin ger. Mr. Bobsou first read tbe letter UckMlng It: , Dear 8tr I wouM call your attention to in net tnat (wcer kx stow on trass, aepcian m nottbiu cUmatee. It Is a root and Is mdla-aaous to tropical - esuntnas. lour raa-pectrullr MARIA U WILBCR. rrtedpal of the Iflch School Mr. Hobsos glanced at the ad. wltb ; aurprlaa and re ration. It read aa fol- I Six feet Bine lucbee of height a - - . . a imiir taan soy maa who erer fought giro Oscar Stockley, tbe latest maa to be boomed aa a beary weight I -hope.' some consideration. Tola f Florida person looks bigger than X tbe giant tbat Jack killed. Here I are bla measurements: x jNeca. im. inches: across J shoulders, C3 Inches; over about- T wra, i acnes; cnesi raorman, 424 Inches; chest (deflated). SO T laches; chest (inflated). 45 inches; waist 37 iuchea; abdo men, 41 Inches; wrist. 9 inches: forearm, 13i Inches; upper arm, T H incnea; bleeps, 14'i lucbes; J. cair. 134 Inches; thigh. 3d T Inches; weight, 23J pounds; I belgbt. 9 feet 9 Inches; reach. T 81 H Inches. f- IIIIIIMMIIHMIIMIH RACING SEASON NEARAT.HAND Turfmen Are looking FortH to Actira Campaign in East BIG TRACKS TO OPEN AGAIN. a a. aaata alsiaa r jiiAtrr tiic niiinrilCCl city counrn ? II1C UIUI.UILJ March. 1111. at It ' " Metropolitan Ceoreea Preparing Fee ammee Meeting Jeeksy Clubs 01 farin Liberal Purses Fee ttakta, Pimltts to Open Seaaen. DU6AN TO 6ET $8,000 AS JOCKEY FOR BEUtt.YT SUNDAY CALKNOAR. aotlst-Cov. Main and Ninth street. Hay. 8. A. llaywotih paeuir, rve, nil Ninth; 8. It noon. Mrs. A r. father up ; morning earvtce It tik evenln t H T. f. a. O. K t ie p. m. ana Jun- fcira Mm. hour. Weekly prayer - tag Thursday at T io m. m. Canamah Saptlat MlMlenN. meela al I p. Mm TLewle Conalia supt Cahail Cnr tlt-p muA Tanlh atreeta K. A. IllllebranJ Hlor, rea. li Water; Low Maaa a m . IHsb Maaa IS IS a. m . aimtHin rrU-e 4 . Naas every morning at Canaraaatlonat w KUtn anit Klevrnth atraela. Key. WW M riK'le alMyl rr o Third; 8. a. 13 n.wn, John l ry aunt. motnln avrvU-e l . aen ln t.10. youns- ihhU :3 Weekly pngrar maetlng Tliurly al I I P. m. CnHet Cv. Lutharan-Cor. Klulith and J. Itv. I. ncnmitit g A Jama pastor, ras. IS a, m. and third atrevla. M J. Hi Atlanta; H- H. praaehlng arternmma or rrat 8undaa at J I" in r.nnn. i othrr Sunday aervicea m-nlna al It Jfl wtth preachtna; In Ceiiiian. Chrtatlan Sahtnce Willamette Imlldlns; Humtay aeolcvo II a in . n. S II mwin. Wednesday seo-lo-s I i Oi'M Ivanealkal-ror Klshth and Madiaon streala, Ke. K. Wlevealck paa lor. rv TU aiadwon; 8. 8 IS a. m morning aervtoe It. pl al I p. nt. and preach In al I p in. Prajrar mealing Wednesday al T1 p. Our gtegar Is growed aspedany for ua " at Norway, picked rrein tae trrea and ' eared en tbe apot. Tbere atnt no tnsre dlanOf airtt that woold Hurt a baby. It's ail earafully peeled and pot to aoalt la ; esaaaar. aftar which It a boiled In lemon joloe and put sate Jars. In this way we Sit a Oavor that titers ain't no discount " an. Mr. Hobaon colored and bis eye Bred. - Ha opened another letter: Dsar Btr-I hare read your ad. and beg Isaee to call your axtantioa to the fact that there bj no -peer on singer. Tours traty.- MARGARET A8HLET. Of Us BUkely Cooking ScbooL Other letters were as follow: - That ad. of years Is a corker. I don't . knew anything about gtecer. whether It ; bj fratn a Korway or a South American . tree: bat. baring n toorouaH koowUda '. at tbe Engllah language. I should Ilka to write your ad a. for you. u TQe mcloaed ad rertlap merit yoa hare used tbe ward "growed" incorrectly. It aneoM no -grown." Tble ad. la rldlcnlooa. Tan might as wen try te get walrua fat out of tba Car . 'a son aa to try for ginsar m Nor- way. . Mt Hobsoa bad opened and thrown Into the wastebaaket a hundred letters atwyers. doctors, boose wlTes. aaewfcaate Indeed, all aorta of persons ad was about to get at bis dally waea the poatman came in and Another bundle. And such waa the case when erer a Latch of mall waa wellTered. Mr. Hobsoa was ohlle ! to open the letters lest be should taiww Into the wastebasket something af Importsftce, The next day there ara but two or three comments ou tbe aL and tbe day following none. Ob the third day Dixon appeared. -Mr, Habst.n fn',-ci him aud aaid. What Co inn mean 1T dinirrailne Craok Rider Re-engaged ta Pilot Mil- lienaire'a Heeeae at Big Salary. Eddie Dugan. one of the cleverest Jockeys In tbe country, was re-en gaged recently by August Belmont to wear tbe famous maroon colors during tbe coming season. For bis service Dugaa will recede $3,000, which la equal to $1,000 per month. Consider ing tbe unstable situation of racing this salary la remarkable and proof Wltb tbe advent of spring tbe turf men are looking forward, to tbe open ing of the eastern thoroughbred horse racing season, which this years begins at Jamestown. Va in AprlL There will be raring al Sheepehesd Bay, Grareseud. Belmont park and at Saratoga, N. r 0 say nothing of the smaller metropoiltaa tracka oa tbe New York circuit, while many things may happen between now and tbe opeulug of tbe racing eeasoa, at pres ent we prosiiect for a a u aimer 'a racing ,w . t ...... . . . .1 i tut ewi aaa not looaeu urignter in MethodleWMaln several years. Kay Several of" the" bbj-aiake races are to be run on the metroMlltaa tracka this year, and Saratoga la looking forward to one of tbe best see. eons In her hla tory. It la tbe racing folk that keen tbe town going both In summer and winter that la to aay, tbe native of Saratoga charge such blgb prices for everything In summer tbat they have enough cash left over when tbe saasun clones to carry them over until the bell again rings In the padJock, Tbat the outlook for tbe season of 1911 All the Vv Vnrtr l .1. I, I .J .I.. I P-Srtwli ,K . . . I - vtMMrm paaior. rea i lAvMamee; n. w Omllnanaa No. An ordinance providing; and compell ing ownera of lola ntse suriuce above the slreel. uimn aa Improved street within the corputate lluilia of Oregon City. Oregon, to build a ra taming wall lo prevent the aoll and earth from such lot or Ms from railing or alldlutMinon the aldewalk or Into the street; also giving the City of Oregon Ciiy. me power to build such ll In raati or the ra fuaal and ue(tct, of I be owner of any such property to do so aftar being -hot lAvd lo do the same, and making the coal of such wall a lien uikiii such projierty, and providing the manner of enforcing such lieu; also denuln'g bat notice Is neces sary lo property owners havlm properly requiring such wall, and by whom given: providing that proper ly owners shall remove any and all dirt from any such lot or lots falling' or sliding upon the walka or Into ibe stroet.-and making It a nilaJe nieatior rof the owner or bis agent to refuse or neglect lo remove any y . - I . . , ' ' Axe Yu n such dirt iir lr either or both -to when so ordered fall to build such relalnlug w St Oladatene ChHatlan- Ilev A II Mulkey paator. rea. Oladalniie: 8. 8 It a- m . K. C. Ilendeteka supt.; morning ervli-a ecrova, evening wrvUf I. IV waea ry prayer mUna Thurolay -1.10 p m. atrrel cor fleventh'. ajmntormmn naator rva. etw nuns and Waablnaion; 8, 8. It a. m., C. A. Wllllama, UUxlatone. aupl ; mom Ins service IS: 41, ht worth Leasua. IS. evealna aervkw T It ITayr meeltug Thuraday XM p. ai. MeunUIn View Union i Con V-n. 8 I P- m.. aira. J. II guinn supt ; Hlble Study every Thilraday aftemoon; preaching T:I p. m. aecond and fourth nunoaye u January. eVeabytaelan ajeventh street e.r Jeffer. auo. Key. J. R. Iindbomu(h paatiir. rea. TIS Jefferann: H 8 1 a. in . Urn W. "C. Rreea auptT morning sen he 11 m. in., i f. m. t K. it p. m.. even Ing aervkw T:a. lYmyrr meeting Thura day I p. sa. Congregational Key. J I shown by the fact tbat tbe West- f a. m.. Xmn v.n,-h mm : nmrkm. cneater ttacing association and the I ""ea acn Buniay. alternating be i wren ii a a and nil. a inrie I.. .Kl . I, , . 1 ...m.,., k ' tiveiy rampauru I. m ixiuiyu n mil n;n iietrt Bpleeeeal Ninth at near Main. Key. Chaa W. Koblnann paatnr, r. at nectory. ,-sintn and watrr atn " 8: II noon. Wm Mhewman aunt Prayer meelln Wedneaday 1.1 . m mominn rvRa li a m.. evnina vice . p. m. United weetheen Tor Elahlh and Taylor, nwr. r. ciarae tator. rea. Portland 8. a. It a. m.. Krank Pvker. Mania wm DC : nuirnietf Mrvtr 1 1 T 8. C. K. D. m . evenlne aervlca -No regular preaching I p. m . Mr. Jleama for this year Include such classics aa the Juvenile, with S2.0OO added: tbe ladlea. for filllea, thnyeafhlarurtth $5,000 added; tbe Belmont, with $3.0H0 added, and several other ataka event. Then at Saratoga tbe association will run tbe Saratoga special, tbe various hotel stakes which in years past were for flafllO each- I ha rinna,rtil .tw ! '-- for two-year-olda. and many other IIOZE!? if- f classic events which bare made the "- " ... i iiij ruiw . a nwnw throughout tbe world. In Maryland tbe outlook la brilliant for a season of blgh class sport. No attacks have been made upon tbe turf game In this state. While tbe first meeting of tbe year will begin-Jn Jamestown. Va, tbe sea-. eon of 1911 In tbe east will In reality begin at PlmlK-o In' AprlL Such prom inent stable as vnose of Herman Duryea. R- T. Wilson. James ft. Keene 8am Hlldreth and possibly narry j r- Armstrong, of Redland. waa In Payne Whitney and A. Belmont are i Pres;on Cr t'rlday having brought expected to race at the meeting. i n ,u Tr or B"P t "en Iav- With tbe stables of such world re-1 t'I'T''. Ar.n of nowned American tnrfman . apple growers Of tne gleet Lutheran Cor Jefferson and Klahlh airr-ria. tier. w. K. Kravoerser paa loe. rea. Tie Jetferaon; 8. 8. ( ! a. a . Rev K rax bar far eupt-r memlna aervlca i . evening T li. iJiiber La-agua p. m. Choice office rooms In Gamhrlnus block; steam heat. Bee J. J. Tobln feCN DAVIS APPLES' Sell Well Because They F rem aismiah. Ar Free J J- rm BDDI8 DCOAJf. WBO WILL ITD BBLMOBTa osssa a EXT KkAsoa. my boatnea by putting In that ad about my preserved ginger? Only an Ignoramus would bare aaid what Too dkL" "The question is not u to ibe writ ing of the ad. I don t pretend to know anything about ginger. I wished to prove to you tbat ads. are read." "Young man. I'm convinced that peo ple do read ads. But I d like to know where you got your learning." "I'm a college graduate." "Well, all I've got to say Is that they'd better burn down tbe college where you graduated. A college grad uate as don't know any more than yen about ginger and how to write com mon language bad better put his head to soak." "If you are convinced that advertlee mepta are generally read and will give me an order you can write tbe next ad. yourself." "You bet I'll write It myself. I don't want no more such wrong Informaticn and bad wrltln' about my goods. Set down there a few minutes and 1 11 talk to you." Wxon "act" awhile, but It paid bim. Ha left tbe store with a thousand dol lar order for advertisement. ' And . Hobaon was convinced from the sud1 aen dropping off of the letters be bad received about the test ad. that adver tisements must be repeated to be of value. Th order was continuous. "." The business thus gained proved the foundation for a large clientele tbat waa very profitable to Dixon. Con atantty out In the air be grew rugged V and well to do at the earns time. Tbe ; Ingenuity ha displayed In getting Hob aon A Co.'s business waa developed In positive tbat the chairman of the Jockey club considers Dugan tbe name "old champion." Dugan has rlddeu the Belmont runners for several years and baa given satisfaction to their owner and to tbe turf world. Dugan la now at Garnet, 8. C. where Belmont winters bis string. There are thirty-five thoroughbred down at tbe farm tinder the care of John Whalen. The rider will break In. lii ian-irlt. t .hT rtdi!le and also teach them the tricks of the bar rier. At the same time be will have plenty of opportunity to get down to riding weight, 107 pounds. mora the eastern season of 1911 will have a most brilliant beginning. GOLD CUP FOR YACHTS. Will Give Incentive to Rseing During th Coming Season. One of the chief Incentives to blr yacht racing the coming season will be the Commodore Clark gold cup for an ocean race for schooner from New London. Conn., to MsrMebead, Mass. as announced at tbe annual meeting of the Eattern Yacht clnb recently In Boaton. The cup la ten Inches In belgbt and tbe top Is In tbe form of a Spanish galleon. It Is to become the property of tbe yachtsman winning It three times. CONING SPORT EVENTS V.' The horse meeting at Tampa, FT., bleb was originally scheduled to close March 11 has been extended to March 25. Wealthy New York turfmen are ral. ing; a fund of $230,000 to continue tbe port next summer. Admission at tbe gate will be $3, but tbere will be free admission for tbe public. Harvard added another big game to ber football schedule for next fall when the Carlisle Indians were given the data for Nov. 11. This game will take tbe place of that at Cornell. Alfred W. Dunlop. the Australian International tennis player, captain of than A wtai.lUt A ... . iL.l . other direction., mo that It waa nt rUr" !" LJb long before ha had all aa eouid attend lanA Jmi. , tl, m Z m Kn ta finally hnvtar a-taV v,. l?1 Wt this country th coming uea.,h ha gar. p bla .lta7. TSSXJSLS. ' wu alVWiniif UlVJJ will be Hayed In August at tha eaalno. ), . a a mad hla chair at tha university. Afe You "a Subscribe to tbe If Tha Morning EntsrpHse la to be) 88 aueeeeaful aa tha Intereata of Oregon City demand It must needs have tha eupport of alL The new dally haa a bl( work before It In boosting Oregon city and Clackamas County. Tour eupport means mora strength for tha work, ... T7 ill Yon Help Boost yotif own Interests? a limited time tha Mora lag Enter priae wfU be sold to paid la advance terlbera as followa: t , , , For aubaeribers n S ' - 1 vwrnr, a XWMn'itfMii.tttfiitt,,,,,!!,,, y uau, i year........... nana in your name ana remittanee. . ' ' . .. ' ; I--- fl.00 2J& POLO DATES FOR 1911. International Match Will Probably Be Played In June. At tbe annual meeting of tbe Pole association In New York recently lt waa announced that a date Id Jane would probably be agreed upon for ibe match with Hurllngham for tbe Inter national cnp. Tbe old officer were re elected and tbe following date allotted for club tournaments: May 15 to 24. Washington Tolo club; May 22 to 27. Squadron A.' X. G. X. T.; May 29 to June 3, GresPNeck Tolo club; June S to 10. Philadelphia Country club; June 12 to 17. Bryu Mawr Tolo club; J tine 10 to 30. MeadowLrrmfc polo dlnh: June 20 to July 1. Ievon Polo club; July 1 to 15. Kockaway Hunting clnb; July 1, to 23, Uamson Polo club; July 17 to 24, Myopia nunt club; July 24 to 20., Southampton none Show as sociation; July 24 to Aug. 19. Point Judith Polo club. Including national and open championships; Aug. 21 te 28. Westchester Polo club: Aug. 23 to nepr. z, iraffalo Country club; Sept 4 to w. ueanam rolo clnb; Oct. 2 to 4 Kanaaa City. county, ana although he baa not a large place, raises enough apples to . vi . . . am mm an aeason ana enougn to ale pone of. He received a good price for me appiea yesterday aa tney were wimout nieramn. Mr. Armtsmug stales (be apples nave not Kept as well ibis yesr aa In former years, aa the summer of last yesr was unimtially dry. He disposed of the load of appiea In a ahort time after arriving h-re. Oregon City does ordain aa fol lowa: . Section 1 Kvery owner of. a lot or lots within the corporate limits of Oregon City. Oregon, abut t lug , upon an Improved at reel, where the surface of such lot or lots or tract r mna la atxtve me auriace ot a urn Improved at reel and where the aoll or earth from such lot, lota or tract of laud Is llaule lo, or doea allde of ran into me street or upon the aide. walk, or both. 'shall build a retaining i all. the outer side of which shall be on Ihe line separating .such kit, lots or tract of land from such Inv i proved street, and such wall shall I be so constructed aa to prevent the soil or earth from such lot, lota or tract of land from falling or eliding , Into.aurh atrevt or upon Ihe aide walk, or both, and the owner of any j auch property ahall keep such wall in good repair. I Section J. It ahall be the duty of the owner of any auch property a mentioned In Sectlwa 1. herein. And In raae such owner Is a non resident, then the agent or other person In , charge of the same, to remove from the alreet or aldewalk or both aa the caa may be, any and all earth or dirt falling on or eliding Into or upon the same from tbe said prop- -erty aa aforesaid, and lo build and maintain In order at all tltnea. the retaining wall aa aforesaid; and up-j on the failure, neglect or refusal of auch land owner, the agent or per eon In charge of the same to clean as ay auch earth or dirt falling or sliding from auch property Into Ihe alreet or upon tbe aldewalk or both. or to build auch retaining wall, ahall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor' and' upon conviction thereof, be j fined In any sum, not exceeding 10 or be Imprisoned In Ihe city jail not exceeding IS daya or by both such DAI L ?; mm wise Notice of Application for a Vacation of a part of the Alley in Block 113, or Oregon city, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned have filed a petition wltb the Recorder of Oregon City. Ore gon, asking for a vacation of a nor- tlon of the Alley running through Block 112. and extending from the property line on tbe easterly side of Jefferson Street lo the property line on toe wesTcrly side-oradtsoiH snrh owner or sgenl, wsea-auch-adJ 9 atat Ir4 a" It a Tk a I . a T 1 A. A. U. Aquatie Championship Meets, The championship committee of the Amateur Athletic union announcea the following date for the national swim ming championship: March 15-Breaat stroke and fancy diving championship. Chicago Athletic association. March 24-Flfty yard champlonahlp. Argo Athletic association, Philadel phia. March 25 Hundred yard champlon ahlp, New York Athletic club. March 28-Two hundred and twenty yard championship, PIttsbnrg Aquatic club, w March 80-Back stroke end 15d yard championship. Illinois Athletic club. Chicago. March 81 and April 1-Flve hundred yards, plunge for distance and water polo championships, Missouri Athletic clnb, St Louis. Msy Start Intsroellegiate Boxins i If tbe plana of tbe Polydencean club, the boxing organization of the Univer slty of California, bold good, this sea eon will witness tbe Inauguration of Intercollegiate boxing between Call foraia. Stanford and St Marya. The Ilng spirit in tbe movement haa beenA. M, Johnson, vice president of th Polydencean club and ten of the Sovarnor elect ot California. Johnson la a clever flgbtwetght Read the Morning Enterprise. . OWEN G. THOMAS BLACKSMITHINO AND -REPAIR ' WORK. Beat of work and eatiafactlon guar anteed. Have your horses shod by an expert; It pay. All kind of repair work and smithy Jmpt Mrv,c: grtr per. tlon of your won, can he done while you do your trading. 0lve me a trial Job and see If I can't please you. 6t street of said City. The part of said Alley asked to be vacated being a amp or laoa six feet wide off and from both aldee of said alley and extending Ihe length of the aame through aald block. Said applies non is now pending before said Council of Oregon City, and will come up for hearing before said t onncii, at a meeting of ihe name to be held In the Council Chamber at uregon City, Oregon on the lth day of April, at the hour of 8 o'clock i-. i or said day. C. SCHUBEU W. A. WHITE, WILFREO A. WHITE, A. W. CHENEY, Petitioners. Ordinance No. An ordinance declaring the assess ment for the Improvement of Wash . Ington 8treet. Oreaon fit v. rirr.. from the south side of Second oirewi to the Houth side of Seventh oireei. ' Oregon Cliy does ordain as fol . Iowa: Section 1 The aasessment for the Improvement of Washington Street from the south aide of Heo ouu street to tbe south side of Sev. nth Street, Is hereby declared and levied according to assessment roll No. 2, new series, and the whole ost of the aaid assessment la $8949.65. Section 2. Whereas the condition of aald part of aald Washington Street la and was dangerous to the health and safety of the people of Oregon City and It la necessary for the Immediate preservation of their health and safety that this assess ment should be made at once, an emergency la hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take ' effect and be In force from and after Ita approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Put Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... nX7PM fl Ttrnew a o - , I Cor. Main and Fourth ts, Oregon City When TOM write vour elaaatrta ad or any kind of an ad try to Include In It Just the Information you'd like to find If you were an ad-reader and were looking foi an e ad ot that kino, If you do this to even a email extent your ad will bring Re- e BULTSt . J line and imprisonment. Section 1- If the owner of a lot ! - or part of a lot or tract ot land abut-J ting upon an Improved alreet,- where the aame require a retaining wall to keep the earth from the aame j from falling or eliding upon the aide-! walk or Into Ihe at reel, falls or re-! fuses to build such wsll upon his j own motion, or In case of a non- J resident, then the agent or person i In charge of auch property, falls or ' refuses to build such wsll, tbe street superintendent ahall post upon auch lot or part of lot or tract of land aa aforesaid, a notice to auch owner or j agent aa the raae may be to build Ihe aame, and be ahall file with the City Recorder hla affidavit tbat auch nolle waa poeted on auch property, giving the time and place. If the I owner live upon the premises, then I such notice aa posted shall be suf-, flclent, but In esse he does not live upon tbe premises sffected. or If he be a non-resident, then tbe Recorder noon receiving the affidavit of the Street superintendent, shall mall a copy of auch notice to the owner of auch property. If known,' or to the agent of the owner, it known, and directed to the prwtoffice address "of Is to be as successful as the inter ests of Oregon City demands it must needs have the the support of.all. The new daily hafa big work before it in boating Oregon City and Clacks County. Your support meis more strength for the work. dress Is known to the Recorder, and If such postofflce sddreas be un known to the Recorder, such notice shall be directed to auch owner or agent at Oregon City. Oregon. No notice for the owner or agent to re move dirt from the aldewalk or out of the street as required In Section 2 hereof, and any owner or agent of any auch property falling to keep auch dirt off the aldewalk or out of tbe atreet ahall be deemed guilty as set forth In said Section 2. Section 4. If after tbe expiration of ten daya from the Riving of such notice aa aforesaid If the owner or agent be a resident, and twenty days If he be a non-resident, such owner or sgent fall, refuse or neg lect to build such wall aa reoulred herein, the same msy be built or re paired under the direction of the street superintendent, snd the cost of the labor and materlala required 'to. build tbe same or to repair It "hall be reported by him to the Council together with a description of tbe lot or part of lot or tract of land which aald wall la built or re paired to retain the dirt or earth from falling on tbe sidewalk or Into the atreet, and auch coat ahall con stitute a lien upon such lot, part of lot or tract of land affected, and ahall be collected In like manner as saeaamenia ior street Improve ments. Read first time at a special meet .?,.0,th Counc" held In thu City "L1'.01 City, Oregon, on the 15th day or March, 1911, at the hour of o clock P. M. of said day, and ordered published to come un for aecond reading and final paaaago at meeting of the Coun- ell to be held at tha City if.n in Oregon City, Oregon, on tbe uny oi - 1911. at the honr of Will You Help Ui Boost Your Own i For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: S o'clock thereof. Dated 19 li. Recorder. CHy Treaaurer's Notice. N?U"?R,E? 1VEN that - - """ runae on kand L th Tr,MUPT of Oregon City to STm 0'w, pr,or t0 Alao all Road fund Warrant. M . "" oireet improvement Knd.U Bumb . . . '" ; M. D. lATOURETTB, Treasurer of Oregon City. By casciet, t year $3X3 By mall, I year 23 Send in Ycur Name and Remittance