Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1911)
M0UN1N0 ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MARCH J8, 1911. It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise A Poor Article- Nor a proposition f dooblful merit r honesty for ad-resdere. days, r DISCRIMINATING. Thty know vtluta thty knew "in'u'nI thlnBt, 8tnulnt pportunltltt. Any artlott which tan bo sold by advtrlltlns It, by that teat, t 0000 article. YOU ars ttfo In buying a thing which hat "stood I, flrt of publicity." ' - ' Tht faker of widely sdvtrtlted artlclo, or commodity, It al on trial for hit butlnota lift. Ht tannot thlrk, nor chtaptn hit rodnflt- and this It the bttt pottlblt protection for the consumer. You are sAFE In buying advertleed things 1ft the logic of widyc bualneae condition .' Mr. and Mrt. J. Gamin, of Portland.' rrlved. la Oregon City on Thurtdy evening for a brief visit with the for mer! mother, Mrt. E. 0. Gsnong, and other relatives. Mrt. g. Took .And daughter, Mrt. F. . Tyionpn. of Mack Diamond. Wash.. ho have been spending the past two eeka with the former't daughter. ra. William Ile.ll, of Gladstone, will return to their home today, Mrt. Thot. naldwtn, of i'ortland, at the gueat Thursday at the home of Mr. Frank Moore. Last fall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas made the journey to Oregon , from Marshall, Minn., In an auto, landing In Portland. LOCAL BRItrS Bohlamler. of Beaver Creek, wat l0r,rm City on Thuraday. - irot Herman, a larnier vi . . ..... r t M sin rrMii, nfflre 'rooms In Oambrlniie tllWivw jock: '"" u",t' J' 3- Tobln' lilts 1 yHt Hornshuh, of Shubel, i In Oregon City visiting with rinds and relsllvea on Thursday. m V Hornshtih, of Shubel. wat In rrfot City n buslnest on Tbure y. n A Rhiii't"!. of Rbubel. eccompat ml r l' ,n or,,,on (M" rhsraday afternoon. Don't fowl hear Henry George in eiiln. lie will apeak In Wil imrtte hall, on the subject of Single 'a, and hit addreet It free. W. rirln-nthwalte, one of the farm' in of Heaver Creek, waa among the Efon City buslnest visitor Tburt-J- rrd Stelner, one of the well known nldrnts of Heaver Creek, wtt among h business vlaltort In Oregon City m Friday. New prlres for film developing, to. l and 1 lirownloe 10c. All other itt of 6 exposure 15c, at Huntley (rot. Co. Tlie south part of the Seventh etrrel ark his been plowed preparatory to DiUlMnt a tennla court, at per the KTolMWm of Council at the auggee i( of Councilman llolman. Time telle me ttory. Seventeen rut ao Harris Grocery began, to umlah the best In our line and we irt (till a II. Gladstone Council will meet In epe tl session early next wk, and com nllteea are working hard to get re nrts ready for Council to act on work mler consideration by them. a PIsm. ho Is connected with the Southern Oregon Commission Com pany with headquarters at Portland, waa transacting business In Oregon City yesterday. Lewis pawl, of Gladstone, hae been reappointed deputy game wardon by Btate Game Warden Stevenson. He has made a good official and hit re appointment comet In recognition of that fact. It. 11. Ileal lo hae cloaed tht deal with Griffith Roberts fue the tale of 115 acres, which It part of the Donation Land Claim oC. F. Beatle. The price paid for the land It f 125 per acre. This It of timber land. Ther will be a apecla! meeting of Council Monday evening at which time the new Home Utile ordinance will be up for consideration. It It the pur pose of Council to devote the whole evening to this ordinance, and to not permit other things to creep In be tween. , K. H. Moore, of Clear Lake, Iowa, arrived In Oregon City ou Friday morning with a carload of household goods, and will make Oregon bis ru tore borne. Mrt. Moore and three children will arrive today, or tomor row, having left Iowa on Tuesday. The Moore family waa former realdenta of Corvallla, and decided there Is no nlace like Oregon. They eipect to make their home on a farm, and will purchase one at soon as they And one suitable. Mr. Moore's father arrivea In Oretfon aoino time ago. and It now located at Arleta. Mr. Moore and family will be at the home of Mr. and Mrt. J. 11. Mauley. PEOPLE POINTED OUT The Mlsaea Anna and Mamie Schroeder, of Sherwood, were In Ore gon City on buslnest yeaieraay. Mrt. C. A. Coburn, who It on the editorial ttaff of the Oregonlan, spent Thuraday at the borne of Mrt. b. u UfcliollK. Geese With Melodious Honks Share Honors With Prima Donna r c ft ' 0 -3L JEW BASEBALL PIIEtiOMENONS. Training Camp Echoes Tell of Great Work by Youngsters. M'6RAW HAS SOME GOOD ONES list He wat unable to attend council meeting Monday evening. ' Charles lirewer waa also absent on account or tlcknest. Mrt. A. J. Durdette made a visit to Oregon City Thursday. Bbe Intends to remain In the city for two daya. ' The Ladles' Aid society, which held lit weekly meeting at the borne of Mrt. John R. Newton, waa largely at tended, and a good time wat enjoyed by everyone present. Elizabeth Romlg, tile little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrt. C r. Romlg, bat been quite 111 tblt week. Mrt. Chris Craft, who waa lor tome time at the St. IVneent Hospital at Portland, la home again and we are glad'to report that she It now feeling to well Woman'sWorld Wivst of Persian . and Braiil Isn Ministers Interesting Women. Manager of New York Nationals (ays Five ef Hie Recruits Leek Like Com- -Brooklyn Has Two Corkers. .... 9 UU, by American Preae Amoclatlon. ' a tlLVa. Mme. AU Kuan, wife of the Peru In u charge d'affaires lu Washington. Is picturesque woman and, though a Doa tonese, has adopted the customs of her husband's country even'lu raiment. Her robes 'a re the ceremonial flowing garmenta of Iran and are symbolic ef Chanoe tweet en Vie Seier. y TOMMY CLARK. , The annual season for talk of won derful baseball "finds" Is on, and on etrougv Reports emanating froui the training cami tell of the nunibcr of pocket ' editions of Wsgner, Cobb, Lajole and Matbewtou that have Leeu found wonderfurbatters, fielders and base runners. They will surely set the diamond sflre the coming eeeson, sty the correspondents. The ttrtnge part of It Is that tbe teams which hsve not stood bleb In tbe pennant race last year or tbe year before are tbe onie. which bave tbe greatest number of "finds" on paper. Of course the leading clubs bave eotne recruits, too, who are aald to be tbe equal of tbe start. - Manager McUraw of the Giants bat become very ' "sweet" on Outfielder Jack Johnston, Pitchers Harry Rusten haven and "Big BID" Teereau and la fielders Kullerton and 81 Porsythe. It It believed tbat tbe "Little Napoleon" will hang on to this entire quintet Their work at Marlln Springs, Tel.. hat been exceedingly good, far above tbe average recruit's brand, and Mc Graw la confident tbat with a year! experience every one of them will be ripe for a regular berth. And It la not Unlikely that all of them will bave per manent positions this season.. Bill Dahlen of Brooklyn saya be haa two wonders In Mack Owen, a pitcher. and Lejenne, .an outfielder. Dahlen thinks tbe latter la a future etar par excellence. Bill also saya bis young pitcher bat everything a twtrler abonld possess. Including tbat great eeaentlal. control. Manager Chance nays be haa a great bunch of youngsters to help ont bit veterans this season. The peeriens leader aeems to bave gone daft over Yle 8aler, hit yonng first 1 semen. Oorrespondenta aay Chance thinks to well of tbe youngster tbst he may be come a- be tub manager this season and let tbe youngster hold down the Initial sack. Chance haa several crack young pitchers. Among tbem are Kirwan. Cooke. Toney and Weaver. All are fire at Mount Pleasant. Great excitement prevailed for some time at Mount Pleasant yesterday morning at 10 o'clock when the tent house on the Partlow place, and which Mr. John Zeek It constructing an was occupied by George Reynolds, was extensive arbor on his place In the totally destroyed ty nre. me origin south nan of C'anbv. We learn that of tbe fire waa a defective fine. Many he la preparing to raise ginseng and of the neighbors In that vicinity that tbe cultivation of It requlrea turned out to aasltt In extinguishing thade. . the blaze, and prevented the large c w. rtomlc made-aDUttnese trip 1 home owned by Jamee partlow ana to the county teat and also 'to Port- other buildings from burning. Key land Thursday. March noldt loot all of hla belongings and on ns-lHa Min io fhrn tu to Dm a I had no Insurance. ' um . . j m meetlnc of the Sabbath scnooi eiaaa wminm nannls nt thai Vf R rhtirch at the home of C. T. Romlg, their teach- f 'wi&W&&t-W er, the object being to organize a New Movement Bible Class. her rank. Bbe recently baa received tbe highest decoration the stub be-1 good onee and will make Brown. Reul stows on an alien. With that bit of I bach and Overall look to tbelr laurels. gold and tbe broad sash on which It Is I . Pittsburg baa several phenoms- at fitted was sent a complete wardrobe I not Springs. Clarke thinks that liunt THE CHICAGO STORE Pays the highest price for Sccood Hnd Goods We boy and tell Second Hand Clothes yVc alio do cleaning and pressing 405 MAIN ST., OREGtiN CITY PBOHS MAIN 3731 W. H. Balr It diligently trying to ralae through the business men of the city, enough money to oil the ttreete of Canby before the auaty season comes. v Gottfried Rodriguez, the Globe Trot- ter, tent out by tbe Portland Evening Telegram, passed through Canby at 3: IS p. m., exactly alx hours from tbe trme he left Portland. At that rate he thould be able to reach Medford In the required Ave daya at Jt anvertisea be will. Almost all Canby waa on the atreeta to see him pass. While here be enjoyed a lunch and a brief rest. John Henderlee, who baa been em- Dloved for tbe past three months at Tacoma, Wash., returned home Satur day last. The meetings at the ennsuan church are being well attended and much lntereet Is being manifested Mr. Webb and wife from Hillsborough. are here to beln with tbe singing ana tbelr excellent work along thla line Is proving a great help. They are botn splendid musical leaders. Rev. Gregg made an addreea to men only Sabbath afternoon at the men'a anion S o'clock nnvsr meettnz. Thla service was n loved and well attended. Rev. Oreee not only haa a pleasing delivery but he certainly glvea nit nearere clearly Illustrated and prorouna thoughts to think about, we are giaa to rennrt that the meetings will con tinue for the next two weeks ai least, on next Sunday evening the Metho dist church will Join with the Chris tian chnrcb people and they wMl bold no avenlnc aervlce except the Epworth League. Services are held In the Chris tian church regularly every evening at 7:30 and next Sunday there will be th rem la r Sunday school session at 10:00 a. m. and preaching at 11:00 by Rev. Gregg. ' Th following are the scheduled ser vices to be held In the Methodist durine- the week. A commit tee meetlne of Brotherhood Monday at 7:30; League Social at Miss Wang'a home in Tueeaay eveniug; uUm i tha narmnnaee Wednesday p. m.; prayer meeting Thursoay evening; iv. r THE HALL OF FAME. WILLIAM CCLLEN BRY ANT Illustrious poet and editor. Born O o tu rn 1 u g t o n; Mass., Nor. 8, 1794; died New York June 12. 1879. Educat ed t W 11 llama e college. Stud- Z u1 law. which c3 be practiced A for a time, but ? abandoned It to join tbe editorial ttaff of the New York Evening Poet In r820, later becoming part , owner and editor In chief, which be remained till hit death. Aa aucb waa tbe consistent advocate of abolition and one of tbe great edltt n of bit day." OU poetry waa written during a long stretch of years, hla first and noblest poem. TbanatopslaV having been composed, or at least be gun, when be waa eighteen. Oth era cf hla well known verses are "To a Waterfowl," "Tbe Death of tbe Flowers," "June," "The Battlefield," "The Melancholy Daya Are Come." Wants, For Sale, Etc Notloce under thas elaaaifl4 h4lnf0 will b Inserted el one cent a word. first Insert km. half a son! additional Inser tions. One Inch card. II per month; ball Inch eard, (4 Unas) It per month. Cash must apcompaay order wnleas one hsa an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for error.; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum eh arse lie WANTED. WANTED Small advertitementa for thla column. Price t very reason able See ratea at head of column. VACUUM CLEANING done for 60 j.cenu an hour. Call Pacific Statea 2491. FOR SALE. FOR SALE) One 1200 lb work horse at $75 and one number 33 refrig erator. P. D. Newell, . Jennings Lodge, Oregon. ,. - . . FOR 8 ALB By owner 2.71 acrea, four room house, barn, cow, horse, chickens, well, fruit trees, small fruits. Concord Rtath,. telephone, - Oak Grove, red in. - To acre tract good land, no rocka, S miles from Oregon City, 1H miles from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, 1100 to 1225 per acre. Enquire) of D. K. Bill A Co., Room t, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City.' Wanted At Once! AT Oak Grove Milwaukee CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE umi tA the ffnlrf etiilirttldered alinoers I er file new Are Imaeman. will fill that n . v A. meetlnc on Friday evening; w m.t him ln . In erne ahnrta. there will be me resuiar ouuua, Manacer Huah Duffv of the Chicago acbool seaaion at p"- -a Americana says he has one of tbe find , of the year In Tex Jones. Tbe latter I It talked of now at a possible first which are esteemed as necessary to this ceremonial roniuuie as tbe atlppcrs and glovea of a Roman Catholic or Greek arvbblshop. . Mme. Aii.unan has learned Persian sluce her marriage ten years ago and frequently gives lw baseman, of tbe Sox next season, tnres In the snclent tougue of tbe Ofe Players at Mineral Springs, Tex., pre- worshlrxTt. diet be will be the aenaatlon of the Tbe wife of Benor K. de Lima e Miva. American league thla eeowm. - the Braalllan minister, baa been a I Cleveland. St. Louie, Boston. New nopulac figure In Waahlugton for wort aD(j Detroit alo have a number tome time, her husband having been 0f recruits who may develop Into stars tbe counselor and charge d'affaires wj(jj more seasoning, before be waa elevated to hla present While all tbe dope aent out from tbe position. Naturally she Is a good deal training camps of the clubs proves of a diplomat herself, and her tact and TPrT interesting to the fane, tbe truth graclousuesa have done much to aid I 0 tD matter la that the majority of MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal terms to hustlers. See Mr, Millar Circulation Department, Eit her hUMband't advancement. Concerning Women. Leather portieres are among tbe beautiful things which Mrs. John Hay has added to her historic home In Lnfayette square, in Washington. Tbeee curtijus resemble those In many cathedrals lu Europe, but they are Il luminated and give an air of privacy these so called pbenoma explode early in tbe season and before midyear have tlipped back to where they came from. Of course there are exceptions, and several good onea are found every tea- ton, but the major , portion of them drift back. at ii -on hv Rev. Creesy. Men'a union prayer meeting, lead by L. M. Wrlxht tor-prise, Oregon City Oregon. at 3:00 D. m.. Junior ueague ni m oarsonaee at 3:00 p. m., Epworth lAini. at 7:30 n. m. At the Scandinavian Evangelical church there wUI be the regular Sun rfav arhool service at 10 a. m.. preach in at 11 a. m.. March 18. and also the Thursday evening prayer meeting l 7:0. , On last Friday evening C. F. Ro-mir-a Sundav school clasa met with their leather at his nome to orim under the new movement plan, accord ing to which tyttem the class elects it a own teacher, claao officers and the chairmen of vtrloui committees. Ther" waa a good attendance ana tne organ- BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all claaeee of building work, concrete walka and reinforced concrete. Res. Pbone Mala 11L ATTORNEY. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abetracte furnished, land titles examined, eatatea settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. UTtEN a 8CHTJEBEX Attorneys-at- Law, Deutacher Advokai, will prac tice In all courts, make collectiotta and settlement. Office in Enter , prise Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land title Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public , ; Critics cc;m OOTITUS COPY : Room 7. Barclay Bltlg, Oregon City. AFTER M0T0RB0AT TROPHY. to the home. They hang between the Fer Cup Won second drawing room and the alttluB room wnere wrmir im i hit tutlmatea. Mrs. Flora Ames of London, wife of a former attache of tbe British embassy at Waahlugton, la In America on a Ult aud will deliver several lec tures on the subject of divorce. She aays America la too lax and England too aevcre In Ita divorce lawa. hbe suggests aa remedies a public registra tion of names at least three weeks be fore niarrlnge. communication with parenta if either party seems too youug, that a man ahould have auf flclent means to support a wife prop erly and a more strict desertion law. Tbe wife of tbe French ambassador, M. Juaserand, It one of tbe most af fable and aucceaH(fil hostesses In the diplomatic corps In Washington. Iler maiden name wat Elite Richards, and tbe Is the dnughter of a Boston banker. She. believes, she taya, in x wearing harmonies rather than contraata, and her tolleta match lu hue from the tip Of her toque to her boot. Thla win ter the wore a costume In golden Tbe next bolder of the British Inter national motorbont trophy, now held In thla country, will be decided by racea In Huntington harbor. New York, Aug. 24, 25 and 20. This announce ment waa made recently by Secretary Morley of the Motorboat Club of America shortly after be had received through the malla the formal chal lenge of the Royal Motor Tacht Club of England and tbe British Motorboat club for the trophy. Acceptancea of the challenge haTe been forwarded to England. - It It expected that not less than three boats will be built here to de fend tbe trophy won last summer by tbe Dixie III. At least two fast craft, one of tbem possibly a new boat built by the Duke of Westminster, are ex pected to be aent her to compete for the International honor. l TTMPERDINCarS roetlo opera "Koenlgsklnder," which had Ita first 3 production on any stage at tht Metropolitan Opera Houee In New York. Introduce an entirely novel feature In opera. The public la not unfamiliar with- aeelng horse, donkeye tnd dogs tmong the , It persona of a atage .prqductlon, but It remained for Mr. numner to present a sample 0f the poultry yard in hla lyric drama. The heroine, beautifully personated by the well known American prima donna Miss Jwildlne Farm, It limply ft "goos girl." When she makes her appearance Mh Brat act sh come on followed by her flock of geeee-not imitation no mechanical devices wouud op with ft key and run by clockwork, r""' 'rjOay geete, raited on a Lon Ialand farm. At first their eppear ( the created little titter among the audience, but it wat not F Wore the public took the blrde ta terlously aa they did the other men. ? the cast, for they conducted themeelvet with an ntnordlnaly con Bsnea, of tn, ,mpoPUno, of their services to the drama. They had been "fully trained by the technical director of th opera bout. Edward Bled e WB wlw h" "traordinary tact In handling blrde-wlld blrflt, domestic J nd operatlo ton bird Before, etch performance these geete htve to t limited fast A judicious ate of corn, both behind the tcenet tnd 7 Mis, (... bWM,f tntblM tnt prtmt donna and etag attendant to guide " fon of tbe nock. Juat how much the geete appreciate Mr. B , music la something no ont can Bad out, but had the eompoaer written P Parate part for the hlrdi he could not have wlehed them to Yocallae at ? PProprtnte momenta or mor rythmlcally than they har done at eacn "mance. n . ctlrlouB .li0 t0 not, that the roteee of the geeae at no time y? '-cordant with th human Tolce or the InatrumtnU n matter what uestra la playing or Mlsa Farrar la tinging. London's Big Marathon on May 27. London's big Marathon race will atart within the grounds of Windsor brown which waa one of the richest cattle at the exact spot where the last seen In Waalilngton. It wat a walking Olympic Marathon waa started In dreea of velvet, trimmed with a lighter waich Johnny Hayee won to glorloui abnde of silk embroidery. Her hat waa a victory. The race will be run May of the same material as the gown, 27, The present bolder of the Sporting with a bird of paradise on the right rjfe trophy la II. F. Barrett of the tide. Her furs of table were the Men- polytechnic Harrlert of England. The tlcal ebado at the velvet, and her boota met waa declared off last year Decause nf Kin Edward'a death, several United Statea and a Canadian runner are to take part this year. Boston Schools Abolish Bsskstbell. Boston high achoola have abolished basketball. Th referee calla ao many fnnia niutw the new rules that it make the yame uninteresting. of anede had velvet, uppers. TMnka Our Solrlts Go to Mere. Lillian Whiting, 6ne cJf th foremoet women wrltert tnd thinker In Boaton, beUovet that after death w go to an-, other planet, wher w enjoy life al most the aame aa on tnia ns-u", walking and aeelng. She taya the eplrit leaves the body and travela through ether, but there la aometning material r.ANBY. after all. "Great thlnkert," the. arguea, j a Hoanetler, from Woodburn, "hav pointed out. that th phytlcal paMe(j through Canby en rout to body la merely the outer covering of Oregon City on Thuraday morning, th eplrltual body. If tbat b tru our Frank Dodge made bualneea trip form will be the same In heaven. Wt to Oregon City Thuraday, apendlng th hi , h.nAa and feet da ther. win n" - 1 - ' v.. ... r town laat week. At present w ar onabl to give th name of th pur chaser. Conrad Sannet haa also told part of hit farm to th earn party. ' L. H. Tuft, our Jeweler, la still quit 111. His condition haa not Improved aa rapidly aa we had hoped. Hla ton, who la looking after th bualnett In th store, It kept very busy during th absence of hit father. 1 Wilton Ehrana It alto on tbe tick CORRESPONDENCE MEADOWBROOK The farmers are very buay plowing this week, while the good weather holda out. Mr. Clvln taya hla atunp , puller worka fine. Mra. Carr, of Colton, la working for Mrt. Holman, while she la down with the grip. Mr. Orem and son Robert ar K. H. COOPER, For Fir Insurance and Real Estate. Let ut handl your properties we buy, tell and exchange. Office In En'erpria Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. working for Mr. Holman. .... y J ... r f wawa w 1 ut t A Ued plan of work waa thoroughly en- h "WeaT.' SundaV domed by all. Alter aaopung Mra. Trov Kay. of Catalamlh. Wash, After adopting the con- atltutlon. C F. Romlg- waa cnoaen teaoher for the class. Mra. Buchanan waa elected president; Mr. Vlnacke, Ylee-prealdent Roy-Roaaaecretary I Mildred Wang, treasurer, ana aims.-. Lillian Wang, Helen Graham, Mra. nnt nurdette and Mrs. Buchanan were hnaon chairmen of the varloua com mittees. Before proceeding with the adoption of the constitution and the election. It waa freely discussed h.ther nr not we have a mixeo. ciaoe or a clasa composed of ladlea only, and It waa unanimously voted 'that our claea continue a. mixeu cm. - Raturda. an1 Snnday J. Burdette. Mr. VlnacKe ana .. . gchafer aaw mill Mrs. Buchanan, assistea in a being accompanied by her mother, Is vlsitina O. T. Kay and family. J. W. Standlnger made a trip to Portland Trtdayr "While there he contracted for an E. W. F.-30 of the nernl-Tonneau type. Look out for horn after May first. C. N. Holman took hit father out hmrirv rldine Sunday afternoon. Carl Ramsby. who was hurt while working for the Lay Bros., Is recover- Insr ranldlv from bis Injuries. Wilbur Standlnser and hla slater, Reata were visiting friends- in town all that the body haa now. Why ahould we not walk and talk and wora ana pursue our aim there aa we do hereT I think wt ahall eat. The eplrltual fcody will need food Just aa the phyal cat body needs It, although, of course, It will be of a different kind." She thlnka that perhapt the tplrlt goea to Mara or to aome other planet after leaving here. For that reason the la eager to communicate with that planet i.i wav tn the organization of what we believe will prove an ideal or as near an Ideal 8unday achool clasa as Is possible. After thirteen had en rolled aa membert of the class, Mrs. Romlg served refreshmenta, which were heartily appreciated by all. Another meeting of the clasa Is ar ranged for Monday. March 20, at the home of their teacher. C. F. Romlg. It Is hoped that all the membert of the class may find It possible to attend thla meeting, when a clasa motto and other Important business will be brought before the class. Mrs. A. J. Burdette waa quite 111 last Sunday, but we are glad to report her much Improved at thla time. Sol N. Strubhar closed a deal Satur day through the Canby Realty Com pany, whereby he purchased one and one-half lots from Mr. and Mra. J. V. Manley In block twelve t Canby We understand that Mr. Strubhar Intends to establish a business enterprise on this corner. ' a P. Pflster hat told to Mr. Man gum, of Washington, the agency of the Watklna Medical Company. Mr. Man gum expecta to come to Canby toon and aettle with the people here. A R Jeffries, of Aurora, waa In Canby Monday of thla week transact ing buslneta. Mr. Jeflrlea ta busy fill ing a contract with ft Portland firm to supply them with a thousand cords of .,wiit hetween now and November. He la now cutting wood on the place aouth of town, ownea oy Anarew o tanH - The debate held In Prof. GllVt room last Friday on the queatlon, "Resolved, That the Dog la More Uaeful to Man kind that the Gun," waa a tuecess and excellent arguroenta wer produced on both atdea of th queatlon, Tha nnrrion Bros, are enjoying a vlalt from their older brother, who haa been engaged aa manager 01 a irm near Wt Hood. Clarence Fnllowe haa gon to Pasoo, Wash., where he will prooamy locate, tta haa severed hla connections with the Tribune and now F. M. Roth Is the manager. New Bauer Kraut at only 60 a quart at II. J. Bigger a Bon a. The Schafer aaw mill la doing rushing business nbw under th auper- vlalon of tbe new aawer. The Meadowbrook Sunday school did Itself proudly Sunday in point of number and the ainging exercise witb Mlsa Edna Standlnger aa organ ist. ... The town Is full of land Duyers, as the fleas on a dogs back. FREYTAO a MONEY. Real Estate Dealers, have choice bargains tn farm landa, city and suburban homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranches. See ua for good buys. Near 8. P. depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. ' When I moved Into my new store put In a nice line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at the pre cee usually quoted for second hand er shop-worn goods. Come. In and look around. , . - Fine line of curios and relic. . J GEORGE YOUNG. - Notieeqf Appllcatlon-for- a tlquor Llcenee.' Notice la hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business. The Arcade, 42 Main street, for n period of 3 months. . - . A. KLEBE. MEETING NOTICES. Notiee. The undersigned will not be respon- alble for any debta contracted by Mra. Maud Bullard. C. BUULAiUA PLEASE NOTICE.' NOTICE. Notice la hereby given to all persons riding bicycles, In Oregon City, that it la unlawful for them to ride upon the sidewalks at any time, and that the epeed limit during the day, be tween the hours or 6 A. M. ana a r. m nnt tind x miles ner hour. and between the houra of 6 P. M. and 6 A. M- not to exceed 6 mllea per hour, and all blcycllsta must during the night time carry a light, and they must at all tlmea have ft bell and ring the an ma at averv crossins:. Parenta ahould warn their children not to do any-coasting1 upon th slde walka or to ride bicycle wagons there on aa the aame la contrary to th or- dtnancea, and any one doing tb aame will be eubject to arrest ana nn. ,. Persons running automobile ar also warned to keep within the speed limit and to carry llghta When out af ter night upon the atreeta of the city. 3t E. I SHAW, Cblef or ponce, NOTICE., DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, Th partnership heretofore eftlatlng under the firm nam of Story a Tnon aa, having been dissolved by mutual consent, all liabilities of the Arm are assumed by Owe O. Thomaa and all accounts due th firm ar payable to tb aforesaid Own O. Thomas. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla 14th day of February, 1811. E. F. STORY, ' OWEN a THOMAS. THERE will be ft regular meeting of Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R- A. M., In the Masonic Hall on Monday evening, March 20th, 1911, at 7:30 P. M. . Work Jn M- E- E. A. CHAPMAN, Secretary. To introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major- Ity of tbe borne tn Oregon City and Clackamaa county th management haa decided to make a apeclal price for th 4 daily issue, for ft abort time 4 only, wher th subscriber paya w a year In advance. ; y By carrier, paid a year In advance, 3.00. . 4 By mall, paid ft year In ad- 4 vane. $1.00. ' People who gftv our canvas- aer ft trial subscription tor on or more months, at ten coots a e . week, can have the daily dellv- ered for ft year for $3.00 by 4 paying a year la advance. 4 Peopl who gav our canvas- 4 aer ft trial transcription, by mail, for tour month at a dol- 4 lar, may bav th paper for a 4 year for $1.00. If paid a year m t advance- v. 4 Subscribers to tn wwy 4 Enterpris may chang their 4 subscription to th daily. V 4 celvlng credit for half tl, OB 4 tb dally tbat th vUy la 4 paid la advaneey, 'When they 4, choose to Js& caah to th ad- Yan aymnt equal to full rftftr'i advaac payment they 4 may take adrantag of U $1' 4 rat.. . y - 1 a We max tus aptcifti prio 4 so that peopl who bav paid 4 tn ad vane on some other dally and wtah to tak the afurwhie 4 Batarprta, aavy do so without P tao great sxpaaa. e AAA Bnbscrlbs for th Dally Entarpri. e