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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1911)
M0RN1K0 ENTEHPR1HK, WEIESUAY, MAIiCH 15, 1911 t Tools! ...I.. nniltianaa III All nUIV aw - - - - . m -w ww vwi WJW-J STILLETTO O. V. B. AND KEENE KUTTER TOOLS and our special offer on aeonabl Tool and Hardware. Cm " a ,h0w QM'i up to dat and ef the boat man and highest if .nvthlnfl la not tlret el, to save you a few conta in tha will tall you ao and now Lri''diptndabls poode and than aall tham eloee; wc can do It for wi aur own building fi when tha rant-man oomaa Stur Una of PRUNtftt. LAWN Tali and aaaaonablo novoitiao. iw , Ma wfcleh Ia auora 'r--" " plmnth and Mala Stf. LOCAL BRICrS u.m of Portland, waa In mi on 'bualnaaa yaatorday. Ooica -oBlra roome In 'Uambrtaaa od; ateam licai. ow i. . ' . '. u..,iinn attornay of Eataca 4a, ,wu In !' r" on 0U,lnM ejutaf. jl you ar particular about buttor, tletit f" raiia v uy ii i v u.rrla' (Jrocery. C 0. Deugherty, of Portland, waa tba Orricon City uuainoaa vibii mi Tuesday. jobi olbson. a real oaiaia man 01 uioaukle. waa m inia city uu ran- lata 00 Tueaday. rraok r"lb. one of lb prominent hrnart of rlarkamaa county, waa In tau) city on bualnaaa Tueaday. a unilnarv dlsolar at Mis nnmmlte Heventu Street Park. H Thursday and following daya. Now la t'- tlmo for pancake ana tupia tyrup Mapia ayrup caa or in rent. Olympic ' f aarako IVxir rr"'"' 1lrr'' arory. Job Kolley, who waa acniencoa to in uil. la bln workod on tbo MrMU In cleaning up wbon Offlcor lata baa the Unto to put him to work. i 11 a.nlomlar. Jr.. of Wood bum. tta la Orraon City on Tueaday afur mob. birlDg made in trip in nia auro aoblla. ' - - - Lao Laraon, of Wlllametto. who haa ton connixtrd with tbo V. Harrla .r arrt ntad a noaltlon with mil SrhonlMra,a a tore on Boraatb traaC tv. v.rrv Hancln Club will glva a 4tac In Huarh'a Mall on rriday avon btg St. Patrlrb'a night. Coffea and eakt IH be red. (11 d. Thura. m pun for the danca b tbo Marry rwin. riuh on rvtdav aanlna. Ia alrato that the club will bava a good crowd and a pletuiant time, rnenaa I tha club are Invited to attend. Officer Orecn arreatod O. Quick, in.u. ai.t.1 and ha waa arralnod batora Raeordpr 8tlpp Tueaday on tba thart ot trankenoaa. Ho waa rrooa 1 PorUaad aod waa aeatonced to 10 tfayo f daf a irwtuant to pay a ww iit.u tit pomr. Joaa JVarobo, tbo Auatrlaa knlfa art- W aka araa aantened to naV a Bna ttt haa nnl haan able to ralee tba aoaty and ao la atlll confined la tba dtr prlKon. Ho la working on the ran but doea not aeem particularly Wtreatvd In tbo work eeemn to tklak that It la beneath tba dignity of 1 pod man to do euch manlal work. FtOPLC POINTED OUT air. and Mra. II. Hettman. of BbubH vara In Oregon City on Tueaday. Mr. 8 W. Cblldora, of 8t. Jobna. waa a thla city on bualnaaa Tueaday. ; Mr. and Mra. Lao a, of Marquam. tra In thla city on Tueaday, baring eoaa bare to pay their taiea. Mlaa Ruby Howard, of Portland, for- early of thla city, la rial ting wltbj MtDdt and relatlvea In thla city. Mm. Ed Moore, of Clear Creak, lowt, win arrive In Oregon City today, ad will vlalt with Mra. J. II. Mattley. Mra. E. II. Cooper waa In Portland Tueaday vlnltlng br daughter, Mra. Bttk Brown, who la a cltlaon or ibo Rom City. Mra. Mae Bimma, of Nam pa, Idaho, trrlred In Oregon City on Tueaday tad will vlalt with her alatar, Mra. Carl Orecn, for aovoral wocka. Mr. H. F. Moody, who haa been atodlng the paat week with hta wife ud ton, Kent Moody, In thla city, haa returned to Tba Dal lea. where bo la la bttlneai. Mra. Albert Durat left on Tueaday tor Portland, where aha will vlalt with r Bother for a few daya. Bba waa accompanied by her al alter, Mlaa Joae Ine Pullv. who has heen vlaltlna In .thla etty. I Ura. C. D. Latouretto and Mra. M. '0. Latourette will leave for Eugene on lrday morning, whore the former )m a a patroneaa at the dancing wty tven by tba Kappa Sigma Sora Ptf on Saturday evening. I Mr. Thomaa p. Murfey. a atudant of a Unlvaralty of Waahlngton, at Be ,ttla, Waah., la In thla city, being a . ' . ... It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise v A Poor Article , Ne a proposition of doubtful merit or honeety for ad-readere. "wdiya, are DISCRIMINATINGt. They know valuaa thay knew BCNUINE thlnga, genuine epportunltlea. Any artlcIV which oan be old by advertlalng la, by that teat, a 000 article." YOU ra aafa In buying a thing which haa "atood 4h fire of publicity." ' ; j ' ' ' .t .'. i ' .' ' - r ; ' Th maker of a widely advartlaad article, or commodity, la at on trial for hi bualnaaa life. H aannot ahlrknor cheapen hla Product and thla la the beet peeelble protection for the conaumer. You ar tAFE In buying advartlaad thlnga It 'a th loglo nwdiyt bualnaaa oondltlena. . .Tools! tha hrmrsd W Tl mi UiMa.iM wo earn to havo tha steak. Wo MOWIRt, RAKES, GARDEN Wo rry a full Una of Shear, full Una ihMM a u outfit. ' Oregon City, Oregon gueat at lha home of B. rrancea. Ho will remain In tbla city until Sunday, wnen no win leave for Ma home. Mr. A. A. llaker, a refrigerating an glii-er of Portland, waa In the city on bualneaa Tueaday, conferring with K. D. Cox or the Ice plant. UNION LABEL GOODS. Will Demlnate All Markete Wkta Werkere Demand Them. - We have many llmre referred In, tbeae coluuina to tba iwwer tbat wage earner can exw-Ue with tbelr local mere bauta iu the direction of lunuenc lug them to handle gootla bearing tba uulou laltrl. Wa regard the poaalblll. Ilea of tbla Influence aa bring ao great aa to practically amount to an owner ship of the bualneaa of tbo mercbaut, aays Iba Bboe Workrre' Jourual. " If haa iHiinctlniea bceu aald tbat tha wage earner la the alare of the em ployer becRUM be la deudut upon hint for au ojiiHU-tuulty to earn a liv ing. Tba author of tbla atatement may aay the want thing of u merchant who a be alave vt the couaumer be- cauae he in ileeiideiil 0ou the ron aunwr for au opport unity to make a living In bla bualneaa. Moreover, a ttercbant la not aa free to change from one alt nation to another and cannot do ao aa readily aa the average me chanic. If one la a kept lea I about tbe degree of ownerablp tbat the conaumer can axervlae over tba bualneaa of the av erage retail merchant. Jtiat let bits lleteu to tbe retail mere ban ta pleadlog for the reeiaVata of tbelr city t trade In tbelr home at ore. If one will tie tea to tbo rural merrbanta eipreealag their feara of the re alt to them through tbe competition of the mall order honaea abould a parcela poat be aetabllabed) be-, cannot fall to draw tbe Inference that the retail merchanta naderaUnd full well tbat their boal aeaa la gone when the aurroonding people fall to trade with them. Taking all theae tblaga for granted. then who patron tare tbe merchanta. and to wboae patronage do tbe mer- ehaau appeal?' Why, the maaa of tbe people, of course, the wage earn era, the aloat aaea . and women wboae largo number and tbelr needa make tbe wot ibm of retail trade. Theae, then, are tbe merchanta wo own. and wo own Ibern nevertbeleaa whether we permit tbe in to do aa they pleaae or not. Tbe child la none tbo leaa the child of tbe parenta oven al though permitted to be wayward and to be ont of door nlgb'.a. The only queatton la. When will tbe parenta con clude to uao their ' parental authority ad to caoae tbo child to walk la the might and narrow path ander fear of aa apptk-atlon of tbe llrt bT And ao In our raae tbe only quea tton la whe tbe rank and file of tbe nembere of our movetneot will under take to etact a' proier degree of con alderatlon yea, and of obedleuce from the merchanta we own and who wltb- ont ue tiaaat mage could not live. If at they deal re ur to trade In our home toree they taunt giro ua what wo want, and we moot be manly enough to demand It and to refuae to accept anything etae. We want union label gomta to dominate lu all marketa. Let ua bava tbeni. It la up to ua. Tha Right af Centre et. Tbe National Aaaoclatlon of Mann fact urera doalrea to olttaln leglalatlon to eatabllNh tbe ohmi abop by law. When It awceeta In preventing a la bor union frotii taking a contract to furnlah au employer with all the help , he require It will be prevented from taking a contract to knpply a merchant wllh all be requlrea of any particular lino of good. Leglalatlon to take away from labor tbe right of contract and at the aame time to pro eerve - thla --rlirht to tbo employer Bound juat a littler hit Ilka claaa legla latlon and haa an nncnnatltnttonal fla vor. Juat bear thla In mind, gentle men. Bhoe Worker' Journal. WANTED You to know that tha En terprlae Job printing department ta tha - moat . complete In tha State, oatalde) Portland. - Try It for your next printing. of. Planting Walnut at Canby; " I. B. Boram, of Seattle, who reoeat ly purchased a tract ' adjoining ' tbo Clacsaroaa county fairground, at Can by, la having It planted to English walnuts, and sweet paragon chsstnuts. Mr. Iloram daclarea thai tbo aoll baro la admirably adapted for out culturo. Tbo tree being plantod ar from Iba Print orcbard, aald to bo tbo largest walnut orcbard In tbo world, near Dundao, Yamhill county, Oregon. -Huntley Hroe., Oregon City drug (lata, were bar a fow daya ago look ing ovar tb nld with Intant to ee Ubllah a braacb bouaa In Canby. flat oral daalrablo building altaa bava boon offered thera. AN AERIAL ENTHUSIAST By LUCY K. WYMCOOP Copyrlsjht by American Preea Aseo- clatlun, VM. Ilavlug been left a fortuue very much larger than I bad any ue for- I waa a youug girl tht-u or I would bava known tbat ao fortune la quite large enough I detertulued to' endow aonie Institution. A member of the board of dlrectore of an luaano aay lum, a bidy, eruadud ma to give ber pet project $100,000. I drove one afternoon to tbe ayluro with a check for tbe amount I waa to give. Tbe lady I have meutloued went with me and bad arranged fur her attorney to be there with tba net eaaary legal paper. When we arrived we found a tele gram from tbe attorney aaylug tbat be would be delayed Learning tbat tbo patleule were to have a dance tbe aame evening., w decided to remain and have a look at tbe dancer. No petlenta were received In tbe Inatltu tlon eicept tboae who were considered boineleao. Indeed, moat of them were unbalanced on but one aubJecL We were given tea In tbe apartmenta of the medical director, and bla wife made ua at home till tbo ball evened, which waa very early In tbe evening, for It niuat end at 10 o'clock. I and my gift were known, and noth ing would do but that I abould take part In tbe featlvltlea. I danced aev eral tlmea, when a young man of very prepoaaesalng appearance came up to me and aaked If I would be bla part ner. There are occaalona when a girl wtll meet a man to whom aba la cepa cia Uy drawn. I bad not been In com pany with thla young fallow long be fore I felt a pang tbat be abould be Insane, lie charmed me at once. Naturally 1 wtabed to dlecover hla weak point I tried him on several subjects, but aa w nothing abnormal until I a truck aviation. Then ha began to talk wild. lie aald that ha bad aome vlewa about flying machlnee ha hoped to work out which would bring aeroplane nearer to tbe construction of bird. A blrd'a wing were not rigid. Why ahonld thoee of aa aeroplane be rigid T Bo bad la mind a plan by which the wring of the machine abonld Sap UHe thoee of tbe bird. "Tree," be aald. "blnla fteo soar without uatng tbelr plulona. but alnce they flap them af all It Indicate tbat flapping la aeceaaary. "Why do yon wish, to gu ni In 1 lie alrr I aaked. "I am quite con lent on the earth." "I only know tbat I would love to aall up In the clouds, to ums over tbe tope of high monntalu. I would tove- I ahut blm off. I was quite satisfied with having discovered hla weakness. I bad ao mind to get him to ravine;. 1 excused toy self ami Joined aome one alee.. But later, nhortly before the close of tbq eutertalnment. ha Joined no again and aaked for a taat dance. I declined. HI personality bad thrown a apell over me which 1 thought If yielded to would grow upon me. , la other word. felt that I had met my fata la ona of nnaound mind and It would he dangerona to" my comfort to yield to what might soon become a eerloue infatuation. ' Be gave ane a half traafuPwUne--Tlance aug- geatlna; to me that he bad been Im pressed by me aa I had been Impressed by him end left me, Whoa tbe evening1 amusement waa ended any friend the directreaa told ma that we would proceed to tha anpetin teadeafa room, ' where the attorney waa waiting- for oa to tr asset our bualneaa, and then go home. I went with her, and. oa opening the door of the office, there, sitting at a table look lng over aome paper, waa tbe young who bad gone daft oa aviation. I stopped abort, paralysed with aaton teamen t. Bo arose and gave ma one of thoee ploaaant amllea that bad helped to charm ma. . ' t Why," I aald. "1-1 didn't expect to find you here." it wa hla torn to look aurprlaed. 1 Buppoeed yon knew who I waa." be aald. MI did not I thought"- I atopped. Ba looked very much a mused. ."I aee,' be aald. "Ton mistook me for one of the petlenta. I'm not aura bat aome of them might change place with ma to my advantage.'' Then, turning to the work before him, be read me several legal document, now and then atopplng to explain some thing, I knowing not half a much of what be wa talking aa whan ba waa discoursing on aviation. When ba had flnlahed be gave me a lot of paper and took my check, which 1 had made payable to the trustee. The lawyer or lunatic I waa ao confuaed that I waa not yet certain In my mind which be waa rode In the aame carriage with ua to a rail road station, where wa dropped blm, he taking a paaalng train, while we drove on to my home. 1 I went to bed with my mind la a good deal of a whirl, but above It all wa a feeling of thankfulness tbat tha man I bad met wa not a lunatic, for It waa poaalble bla mental condition might make a great deal of difference to me. s It wa not long before be expreaaed through my friend the directress a de lire to continue our acquaintance, and I acnt blm an. Invitation to call on ma. At bla flrat vlalt I drew, him on to aviation, and I learned tbat ha made it hla bobby, having an Inventive taste, but had never been up In an aeroplane In hla Ufa. I married the auppoaed lunatic and. strange to say. though I can give him all tlio fund be needs to prosecute Ma aerial taste, he prefers hi mln tereatlng law cuaea. New Ceenblnetlea Faetwesr. - ' One of tbe latest hints from Parte la the flowered Blocking combined for effect with the gemmed allpper. Tbe deal goer tf tbla pretty combination aaade . richly embroidered Blockings, tbe figure being flower of any kind to ault the wearer fancy, and eat 1SP & r J rtownna oa arocaiRoa, nana on rosa. gem In the toe part of tbe velvet Up per. Only tbe rUb, of course, can afford highly gemmed allppera. but the lx;fiG"Vred hosiery. 1 cheaper and may be bad at a nominal cost, though aome of tbe dealgna are very elaborate nd are priced high. Creased Oarmente. Clothe packed awsy during tba summer are often very creased, fjo remove the creases bsng tbe article on a clothesline In tbe bathroom, shut door snd window, .turn on tbe hot water tap to Oil tbe room with steam and leave tbe clothe for nn hour or two. Afterward dry 1c the open air If possible. C03RE5P0NDENCE OAK GROVE. The concert given Saturday evening by the Oak Grove girls band waa a grand eucceaa. The large hall waa crowded and over 100 people enjoyed the program. Every number waa en cored, and Jeaale Spldell, one of Oak Grove' favorite, waa recalled four tlmea. prof. 8huff violin aolo waa grand, alao Prof, and Mra. DrlacoU'a pari a were enjoyed. The county haa purchased a new rock crasher and roller and Road Sup ervisor Harrla 1 using them In fixing up Center aireet, which will be a fine one when flnlahed. Mra. Julia Holt baa been appointed post master at our office. J. H. Graham la painting hla house and fixing It np aa a modern home; putting In water, bath and sinks.. Mr. White, Sr.. la sick with grip. ' W. A. Hanson waa here Monday from Mllwaukle looking after hta bual nes. The ' trustees of tbe church met Tuesday evening; and talked over the church bualneaa. - Hazel Wood, of Portland, apent Sat urday evening with Lexy Graham and attended the band concert. Three prominent young ladle of Or-goa City were atranded In Oawego Sunday when a good Samaritaa rowed them serosa tbe river and they took the car home none the worse for their long walk from Oregon City. Mra. Dr. MacFarland bad a letter from her husband In lower California. Tbe Doctor atatea bo la gaining and la mach Improved In health. Mra. John Rlaley and eon were la Portland Saturday. aasaBBaaaSBBB MARQUAM. Ed Albright la aettlng out another large bop yard. Mr. Grim la alao enlarging hla hop yard. ' Joha Berth la to commence gravel ing tha roada soon. The Ladle' Aid will give a aupper Friday night, tbe 17th of March. Orvil Thomaa ba been sawing wood with hi machine for Mr. Stockwell, Mr. Maya and I. U Lark Ins tha last week. Glad Tldinga and Monte Crlato boya had a ball game here laat 8unday on tbe Marquam ball ground.' Rev. Mr. Mayea, of M. E. church of Marquam, ha sent In hla reaignatloa aa minlater of the Molalla and Mar quam charge on account of hia wlfe'a health. The member aa wall aa the community at large, are aorry to aee them leave. Hla laat eermoa here will be on tbe 2Cth of March. , ' CLACKAMAS. . ' Stanley Raynor paaaed over Into the aplrit world Wednesday evening. March 8, at 7 o'clock. Tbe funeral aervlcea were held at the residence Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Inter ment waa made In the' Clackamas cemetery. ' The Mlaalon Study claaa, which In- cludea -tbe young people - of' both cburchea, held a banquet after the regular meeting last Friday evening. The banquet wa laid In the annex to tha M. E. church. Cover were placed for thirty member of the clas and Invited gueat. A happy occasion waa the gathering of the Rebekaha at Odd Fellow ball Saturday evening. March 11. An -In' terestlng number on the program waa the burning of the mortgage on the hall. While, the paper waa alight aome very appropriate remark were made by Rev. Bpela. After - tbe program generoua refreehmenta were aerved, and a social time enjoyed. CLARKE. Sara Elmer waa on the alclt Hat last week. , , Mr. Llndau and family were on tbe alck Hat alao. Mr. Larklna 1 plowing:-he la fixing to aow oata. Mr. and Mra. Rchlewe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Haag.- 1 Willie Marshall haa a alck horae. Pharlla Tlarrlnrtnn finished nn hla Job at Mr. -Wettlaufer'; he left last Saturday. : r , Henrr and ICiirene Klalnamtth rent ed aome of Mr. Marquardt' farm. W. O. Klelnamitb la aawing wood for F. Mueller. . . . . Mr. Marshall la out exercialnc hia stallion every once In a while. SMYRNA. Walter Watson and wife visited with the former'a parenta one day last week. . , Mlxa Cora and Mabel Glger called i . . . .1 ft-: 1 1 tn he'r'couelB. Mra.'A.'L, Tudor,' laat Tueaday, . . .,.-;) -, ' HfviHck Broe. were aawing wood f-- J Wit-n laat Thuradiy. They will soon leave for tbe MacVsburg oo'inny. where they aav a large eon tract of wood cutting. Harry Garret waa In oar neighbor hood laat week and Intended to do aome alaahlng but waa laid np with a aevere attack of the grip and re turned to Canby again. Many of our young people were out driving Sunday afternoon and found tbe roada In fine condition, eapeclally the onea leading to Hubbard and Bar low. Elmer Roberta, of Portland, spent aeveral daya with L'D. Yoder and family laat week. Mra. T. H. Sconce returned Sunday from a 10 daya' vlalt with relatlvea and frlenda In Portland. Mlaa Anna Gotfredaon and Mlaa Ethel Morrison were calling on Mra. Albert Yoder Saturday afternoon. Solon Klnser and wife made a bual neaa ' trip to Canby Monday. Alao made R. I. Garret and family a vlalt while there. J. S. Yoder took a load of applee to Canby laat Wedneaday. Late winter apple are In demand now, and bring a good price. Lumber for tbe new church near Rural Dell la on tbe grounda, and the work of bolldlng will begin Boon. Mlaa Clara Olson, who is employed In Portland, la at home for a week or two. ' A. L. Yoder haa added a little to his ranch, having bought five acre from Mr. Jack. Bd Wormdal and family bava left tbia neighborhood and are living on the old Scott farm near Rockcreek. J. J. Yoder made a trip to Oregon City Saturday; alao called on J. Swart and family, of Logan, return ing Sunday evening. 1. a Hein la getting settled In hi new location, having recently bought tbe Albert Elliot farm. R. L. Garret and family are appar ently well altuated in Canby and aay they like the thriving little city very much. H. Yoder, who baa lived In Sea- aide for a number of yeara, la vlaliing with hla parenta, Mr. and Mra. L D. Yoder. , CANBY. Gottfried Rodriguec, the Globe Trot ter, aent out by tbe Portland Evening Telegram, paaaed through Canby at 3: IS p. m., exactly alx houra from the time he left Portland. At that rate he ahould be able to reach Medford In the required five daya aa la advertised he will. Almost all Canby waa on the atreeta to aee him paaa. While here be enjoyed a lunch and a brief rest John Henderlee, who haa keen em ployed for the paat three montha at Tacoma, Waah., returned home Satur day laat. The meetings at the; Cbriattan church are being well attended and much Interest la being manifested Mr. Webb and wife from Hillsborough, are here to help with the Bin gin g and their excellent work along thla Una la proving a great help. They are both aplendid mualcal leader.' Rev. Gregg made an addreaa to men only Sabbath afternoon at the men 'a union 3 o'clock prayer meeting. Tbla service waa enjoyed and well attended. Rev. Gregg not only baa a pleasing delivery but he certainly glvea hla hearers clearly Illustrated and profound thoughta to think about. We are glad to report that tbe meetinga will con tinue for the next two week at least. On next Sunday evening the Metho dist church will Join with tbe Chris tian church people and they will hold no evening service except the Epwortb League. Service are held In tbe Chris tian church regularly every evening at 7:30 and next Sunday there will be the regular Sunday school eeaaion at 10:00 a. m. and preaching at 11:00 by Rev. Gregg. The following are the scheduled aer vlcea to be held tn the Methodist church during tbe week. A commit tee meeting of Brotherhood Monday at 7:30; League Social. at Mlaa Wang'a home la Tueaday evening; Ladlea' Aid at the parson axe Wedneaday p. m; prayer meeting Thursday evening; K. O. K. A. meeting on Friday evening; there will be the, regular Sunday ecbool aesaioa at 9:45 a. m., preaching at 11:00 by Rer. Creeey, Men'a union prayer meeting, lead by L. M. Wright at 3:00 p. m., Junior League at the THE HALL OF FAME. HARRIET BBECHER STOW B Author ef "Uncle Tom'a Cab- In." Bora Litchfield. Conn, June 14, 1811: died 't I at Hartford. i V 1 rsonn . JnlV l 1S0A. Slater of Henry Ward Beech- 2 er. Married Calvin B. Z Stow, a not ed educator. Educated at Hart ford and taught achool there f and at Cincinnati She wrote manv book a. of which "Uncle f 1 Tom'a Cabin" wa by far the Z moat famous. Thla first appear- T Z ed In aerial form In a Washing- A inn newanaoer and attracted lit- T Z tie attention. When published j 11 1 book, however. It almost J a. lmmeaiateiy naa a ni '!"" j a half million conlee were Bold f Z In the United State In five T Tear. No alncl modern novel 2 Z haa been ao widely read or had 4 n.H InHnaiuu lianv of her X other novela concern New Eng- land life. She also wrote "Lady X Brron Vindicated." 1 Wanted At Once! - AT - Jennings Lodge Oak Grove Milwaukee CARRIER AGENTS '' V " FOR THS MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal term to huetlere. - See Mr: Miller Circulation bepartment, En- . ... , - - - . . , terprlae, Oregon City Oregon. 4 II " -J THE CHiCAGO STORE . Pays tfw faJghe.t price for Second HmoA Good Wc buy and sell Second Hand Optica , Wc also do cleaning and pressing 403 MAIN ST., OREGON CITY PHOlfE MAIN 3731 parsonage at 3:00 p. m., Epwortb League at 7:80 p. m. At the Scandinavian Evangelical church there will be tbe regular Sun day achool aervlce at 10 a. m., preach ing at 11 a. m., March IS, and also the Thursday evening prayer meeting at 7:30. On last Friday evening C. F. Ro mlg'a Sunday achool class met with their teacher at hi home to organize under the new movement plan, accord ing to which system the class electa Ita own teacher, claaa officer and the chairmen of varloua committee. Ther waa a good attendance and the organ ized plan of work waa thoroughly en dorsed by all. After adopting tbe con Btl'utlon, C. F. Romlg was choaen teacher for the class, Mr. Buchanan waa elected president; Mr. Vlnacke, vice-frealdent; Roy Rosa, secretary; Mildred Wang, treasurer, and Misses Lillian Wang. Helen Graham, Mra. Roy Burdette and Mrs. Buchanan were cbosen chairmen of tbe varloua com mittees. Before proceeding with the adoption of tbe constitution and tbo election. It. waa freely dlscuaaed whether or not we have a mixed claaa or a claaa composed of ladlea only, and it waa - unanlmoualy voted that our claaa continue a mixed claaa. A. J. Burdette, Mr. Vlnacke and Mr. and Mra. Buchanan aaaiated In a eubatan- tlal way In tbe organization of what we believe will prove an Ideal or aa near an Ideal Sunday achool claaa aa la possible. After thirteen had en rolled aa members of tbe class, Mrs. Romlg served refreshment, which were heartily appreciated by all. Another meeting of the claaa la ar ranged for Monday, March 20, at the home of their teacher, C F. Romlg. It la hoped that all the members of the claaa may find It possible to attend thla meeting, when a claaa motto and other Important bualneaa will be brought before the claaa. Mra. A. J. Burdette waa quite 111 laat,' Sunday, but we are glad to report her much improved at thia time. 80I N. Strubhar cloaed a deal Satur day through the Canby Realty Com pany, whereby be purchased one and one-half lota from Mr. and Mra. J. B. Manley In block twelve of Canby. We understand that Mr. Strubhar Intend to eatabllah a business enterprise on thla corner: B. P. Printer baa sold to Mr. Man gnm, of Waahlngton, the agency of the Watklna Medical Company. Mr. Man gum expect to come to Canby aoon and settle with the people here. A. D. Jeffrie, of Aurora, waa In Canby Monday of thia week transact ing bualneaa. Mr. Jen ilea la buay fill ing a contract with a Portland firm to supply tbem with a thousand cords of wood between now and November. He la now cutting wood on the place south of town, owned by Andrew Bol land. To-Day Afternoon and Evening THE BUCCANEERS A thrilling aea tale of the time ef piratea and the way they rav aged tha aeaa. THE GRAND Good pictures any time you come CITY NOTICES. Notice of Aeeessment For Twelfth Street Improvement. Notice la hereby given that aa aaaeaament for the Improvement of Twelfth atreet, Oregon City, Ore gon, from a point 105 feet westerly from the west line of Main atreet, easterly to the eaat line of Taylor street haa been levied and declared by Ordinance No. S01 of Oregon City. The whole cost of the aald Im provement is S25,961.0 and the aa aeaament are now due and payable and wtll bear Intereat at the legal rate from and after the 18th day of March, 19U. and will become delin quent on the 17th day of April. 1111, after which time the property agalnat which the aeeessment la levied may be sold for said aaaeaa ment, and a further penalty fifteen per centum. , The property assessed for aald Improvement Ilea on both aldea of the part of aald Twelfth atreet pro ' nosed to be Improved and between tbe line farthest from aald part of aald Twelfth atreet ot tba aecbnd tier of lota therefrom and aald part of aald Twelfth atreet; alao that part of tracta aot platted which are between the aald part of aald Twelfth atreet on both aldea there of and a line parallel therewith and 100 feet therefrom. -l. 8TIPP, Recorder. NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnerahlp heretofore existing under the firm name of Story A Thorn as. baring oeen hishuivoti dt uiumai eonaent,- all liabilities of the firm are aasumed by Owen O. Thomaa and all account due the firm are payable to the aforesaid Owen O. Thomaa. . Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla 24th day of February, 111 I. B. F. 8TORT, OWEN 0. THOMAS. -a. j 11 1 11 1 Wants, For Safe Etc ; - ( Notice undr theae claaatr1a4 haadtns will be Inserted at on ent worO, flrat Insertion, half a cent additional taaar tlona. One Inch card, tl per month; half -Inch card, (4 lines) It per month. Cash must accompany ordar unless ne has an open account with the aaoar. No flaanclal responsibility for error; where errore occur fraa corroded notice will ba printed for pa Iron. Minimum chare Ik. WANTED. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework In family of three. Apply at Huntley Broe. Co. VACUUM CLEANTNQ done for B0 cents an hour. Call Pacific 8tatee 2491. . i ,. FOR SALE. FOR SALE One-fourth acre, Rlaley mat Ion, fruit trees ' and grape. Muat be aold thla week. Phone Oak Grove, Red 152. FOR SALE Houae, two lota, tent on i" a me, and other Im prove men ta. Price 250. Rev. Harvey Back. Nob 4 Hill, Oregon City, FOR SALE One 1200 lb work horae at $75 and one number 33 refrig erator. P. D. Newell, Jennlnga, Lodge, Oregon. : FOR SALE Space In thla column Sell that old plow or harrow; you don't aae It alnce yon purchased your new one... - 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 3 miles note Oregon City, 1H miles from O. W.-P. car line. Good fruit land. Cat Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, 1100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill a Co Room f. Beaver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and Ctaeral Contractor. Estimate ca si fully glvea oa all classes of baUdlag work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Re, phone Mala 111. ATTORNEYS. O. D. . KBT, " Attoroey-at-Law, ' Money loaned, abstract furnished, Uad title examined, eatatea settled, gja eral law bualneaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. . . UTUEN a SCHUKBBL, Attoraeya-a ' Law, Dentacher Advokat. wtll prao Uca la all courts, make collectloaa ana exuesBen'ak umee ta Bauer 1 prtae Bldg-, Oregoa City. Oregon. " ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land title lareetlgated. coaTeyaa- cing, notary public : CcjUttcs copy a. Room 7. Barclay Me. Orwgoa CKy K. B. COOPBR, For Fire taeWaaor, and Real Eatate, Lai aa handle your pro pert lee we bay, sell and exchange. Office ba . 1 Bldg., Oregoa City, Orwgoa. FRKTTAO a SWAFFORTA Real B tat Dealer, have eaotee bargadaa la farm landa, city aad Bwbarbaa home, good fruit landa aad poultry raachee. See aa for good baye Near B. P. depot ..1 . . SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. - When I moved Into any new etore I put in a nice line of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at th prt cea usually quoted for second hand or ehop-worn goods. Come In and rook around. Fine line of curie and rellce. QEORQE YOUNG. Notice - of Application for a Liquor License. ...... . , Notice la hereby glvea that I will at the nest regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to aell liquor at my place of busi ness. The Beer Hall, 217 8th street, for a period of 3 montha. ' ' HENRT OPPERMANN. ,: PLEASE NOTICE. . "!: ... To Introdaoa Tba Morning e Enterprise Into a large major Ity of the homea la Oregoa , , City aad Clackamaa count v tba d. marMgemant haa decided . to , make a apaela price tor tba dally laaue, for a abort Una e on'.y, where tba rabacrlbar pay a year la advance. - By carrier, paid a year ta ., advance, 13.00. a By mall, paid a year la ad- ' People who gave oar iraaraa- - aar a trial anbeorlptioa tor aaa , or mora montha, at tan aent a 4 week, caa hav tba dally deltv- ared for a year for .oo by paying a year ba advance. People Waa gave our canvas- Mr a trial aubecrtptloa. by naaD, far four montha at a dot-' laf, mavy have tha paper for a year for $100, If paid a yr ra advance- Bubacrlhera to . the Weekly Kb terprlae . may ohaage their ' aubaertptlona to the dally, re-'- e oelrlng credit for half time on the dally that the weekly la paid la adTsnoe. When they . choose to add cash to tbe ad- . vaaoe payment equal to a full year' advance payment they may take advantage of tba $2 rata. .... ) Wa make thla apectal price ao that people who bawa paid ) la adraaoa aa aome other daily 1 e and wtah to tak tba Morning Kstarnrhte, aaay do ao without ) . too great aatpaaa. ' . e ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa