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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1911)
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 19". 0 MORNING ENTERPRISE, i UOSriluG EriTERPQlSE CXSOCJ CUT. OttEOOaT ' C fc wftOOtC, teltse sod Pubflaher-. t. tin.' ii i. Ona idrr I ha Ac mt Marc Tun tr IcnairmK. Om Taar, ky ataS ix HimlM. ar Btret Paea. aar MCA fli 1 Wa)artfea.. rtrmt Fwt, Bar SacS aSeat ImnluM Puran.S aoeuioa an !. par flrat BiMhia Pwfi4 aoattlaa aa- . par ..M M .. I M .. I.M .. .! .ISe .1M there to Uttl he voat ao la aa effort to save hla 111. . .. Tk Council of Mflwaukla U Social litlc oa a Joint ballot. Nov ws ox 'told thai tale Council win spend mllltoa dollar for park purpoeaa. la this way the 8oclallsta latesd to take from the predatory rick a part of tbe mllltona tkat they bare hoarded (a the past. Tka atory to being told tkat Presi dent Tail waa JakUaat whea tka Sa- prrme Court apbeld tka corporation tat. While there U no doubt that the tax la perfectly proper, and tke court could aca nee aay otherwise, etlll tka Praaldenl la murk of a boy and kla epirtta go " end sows ,n proportion aa be la receiving tkat which ke waata. and wbea he waata It There la mock more activity la ike government a force la Meilco sow tkat tbo America a aoldier la witkta Uy. for l4ftll. art repacatJIr , w.mnr-'aiaiaBce on the border. It for tha imiv wwore tba Mtetwim i - la trwsfame- rroaa IM eau la ina nr. wtthaat cSeasa. the rate wfll a Bo aa bmw for r af rke aaaar. aad laa aa tack for aaartel aaa IMew. Cwek aboaM areoaapaa? eroVr waare party te eakawa la kualixaa afrv-e of the Eatarprte. . Lrcml afrtrttetnc- at Irca aSvartiatas aire. Orrae edrrrttaiBC an4 aarrial traaalrat at rve la He aa atcn. eceore- lo apeclaJ caa41tMea cwerniiic tb aa aapar ataar tkaa flrat ease. Bar barb ftra laairtlaa lie Baa aaarr othar thaa flrat aae-a. per fescfc eeaaa taaarttone te Larals le par Mae; to raawlar aver nL ate . aaa For Sala. To 1 aval a word flrat ineestsea each aedttlaaaj. Rataa far edverttatna I will ka tba tka Warkly aa ta the -Tlra Sa aad BaakruD Sale" ta ate lack flrat Wmrttas: aaoi- Kewa ttraa aad waj wrttew artleiae mt bmtM. wltb will ke rWhr acratM RrJrctaJ autpta aarar rHuraad aalraa acrooipejl- a ky mil I might aot do klm aay' good to call, for there ia little doubt ikat our aoldiera know entHtgb to atay at borne, bat eUll there la a friendly feeliag ia tka thought tkat aomebody a near who glrea one bta aympatby. BlMMfffl UP FOR Folk Dancing Is the Ideal Exercise For Girls. EPi'fl.milMILIS All BUOYME SCCLU . : n 1 : - ; . r . . ll p, Mr. JAM IS WTIa mt Hewr Ya c RltlDCNCC OF Md AND kR. L. wArroo oivin ur to i-, MAY tVtNT. Tka embera of tbe Kportb iafoe were entertained Tueaday ealng at tka boma of Mr. and Mra. X U 8waord. TH Jdadlaoa atreet. Tbore waa a abort bualneaa aeaaiow pr lag tba aoclal featurea of tb evening, i. ik. nmaram eark member preaent repreeented a well kaow book, and the a a a a a. a IjI atka klal coateat arrange tea -- fun and enjoyment. Mra. J. R. Dick- and Mlaa kiaiva taiiow wn. i. HE menial ai phjkic! puperioritj of th American aronun, wbJcai acema to U conceded rtrj gtaenllj, u (Me m g"" mttww to Ut TRIIKDf 0 IN ATIUJTICS. AUildtid trainiaf t JUST As JruiUA. OIULS AS -TO BOYS., But eipericncw ka pro red that tk wo aort of game- art not beneficial to tka two aexra. Folk daocinir baa dono inocJi for tho bealtlt aa well the jraco and carri. of public school firU of New York. - ; . - Outdoor training in tbe country ia, of eonne, beet of all. iui beautiful picture. .... " . .. i- ., . . . i . u I n. k..i a,ara aerved during thouMnJ of poor children in the cxt wrtt fei w we counvr,, ' k"nrV Mr oi-ar Woodfl. g.r. hare to BRIMi OUTIXXJICS 1U lUt.!, ,eral plaao aelecttona ana rocK oancino it totAL" txci ro ' OIRtw. IT .0IVI9 .,a a. a aata, aw aa aT at A lal fa THCM TMt RIOMT CARBIAOR. D(l.vr inun. vn.i. I PMC VENTS TUtCUl.OSI. IT MAS BCCN MOVEO THAT IM- PROVED PHYSICAL MaACTM MEANS INCHaAltD 'r.- - . . ... . . uiAuiy CIENCV. THE GIRL WHO WANTS TO Ba sraLliam SHOULD nittT BECOME HEALTHY WOMAN. v Portland Marketa. Receipt a tor tn week have been 2JS4 cattle; lit calvea; IZTO koga; UZi ah rep: il boraea. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. IS. P. ENGINEERS MEET ' COUNCIL COMMITTEE CITY ENGINEER NOBEL WITH AND Uarth 15 In American History. Mflo-Jaba CnAcott. colonial gorernor f Maaaaitu tta died: bora t38ft J744 Tke American rolonlea begaa Klag Gaorga' war. a name glrea ta tba koetlilUea between BrltUh aad rrwacb coloniata !a ABaerlca. ,, R u .pan. Twelfth atreet. , eOrred Bp by tketr aympatklaa witk 1 At tk preaeat time there U an old tke Soma gwvaramewt la tka war ' wooden treatle, but tka Improvement ad tba Aaatrlaa ancreaaina. By tbe . of Twelfth atreet mean that tkis ' treaty af AU-ta-Ckapafle tbe war ! must be taken out and a new one put t J -ewdrd to I74S. In tkat wUl vacate tke atreet and atlll - ii.. Wkx aa. loot Interier WIUI toe iranic vu One of tke Important question tkat ia Interesting Council at thla time la tbe question aa to what is to be done in tbe matter of tka new overhead trestle or bridge of tke Southern Pa- eatk president of tbe United States. bora; died TS43. rm Battle of GufJford Court Bowse, Jt C: Ctaaral Greewe's coloalala , r eVfaataw tke BrlUsk awder Com- JS07 KlTara at Ptttsbwrg reacked a mt Kl fact, tke highest la a Sf death front flood and ajaoeity ksaa at SSjOOOXIOOl ... ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Trees boos) today to aeon toowrrowj Ban) seta w6. riaaa COS. swoon rtoaa Jd PL BE. . With both sides to the controversy writing concerning the annexation of the Went Side H ought to be possible Id get the troth to tbe surface. . rolling that la going the news dispatches are . very from that source at thla time. light The 8. P improvement on Twelfth atreet should be made ao tkat it will be aightly and not aa eyesore for the Beit forty years. It Is in the hands of Council now, and that body should see to It that it doesn't get out of there. As there aaa been some ppposltion developed along tke line of giving to the proposed ML Hood Electric Com pany, ft to reasonable to expect to aee every Interest of tbe city, and tkls people, safeguarded. ed) Under Secretary Wood says tkat British Interests are safe In Mexico. Doe be know for a certainty that the American amy is there to protect his countrymen along with our own inter ! 8. P. I With a view to aa understanding be tween the City Council and the offi ciala of tke S. P. an Invitation was ex tended to the offlffclali to come to thla city and view tke situation. As answer L R. Fields, superintendent of tkis division and C. C. Blond, assist ant superintendent, were In tke city and met Council and the City Engi neer Tuesday afternoon. The City ashed for a Wrfoot spaa across Twelfth street, with a height of 1 feet In the clear. Thla will make a heavy structure necessary and a built-up footing that will bold the dirt In the fill from falling down Into tke atreet. The expression of the engineers waa to tbe effect tkat a structure like tn city wishes would cost approximating $25,000. and It was doubtful If the com pany would care to spend so much ; .in I I V I. Mfinjirtlnll with the CoMldering the large amount of lorf Vt, comejpj.Uted . 1. this mag that la going oa at Washington I -.,,n In view of tke faet tkat Twelfth street Is being made a good atreet. aad tbe city Is trying to make a pre sentable outlet at that point, it seems as If the demands of the city are none too extravagant, aad tha they should be met by the railway. Tbe Conncllmen present at tbe con ference were Messrs. Andresen, Hol atan. Roake. Burke and Hall and City Engineer Nobel Making Hr Own Living. 4 Mrs. Helen Davis baa filed a suit in the circuit court of Clackamas county against her husband. Price Davis, to whoa she waa married at Baker City on May 9. I. On May I. 1910, Mr. Davis deserted bis wife. Since March j 8, 1910, she bss been forced to make : her own living. Friendly Bible Claaa Social. Th-r will be an informal social of the Friendly Bible class this evening ! st the home of R. J. Eddy, 414 Center i street Mr. Eddy is the president of i tbe class and all members and friends ' will be made welcome. It is to be a purely social affair aa no business will Eves tbe question of the confisca- interfere with having a good time. tlon of a few eggs was carried to the United States courts. But (ben eggs have been going op amongst the high flyers the past few months, and It is nothing atrange that a few should wlsb to break into the highest court. eo There Is another Indication that Russia may Invade China. This Is perhaps Russia's opportunity, when poor China is rent with a famine. Per kapa a few Chinese might be Induced to go over to tke enemy for a full stomach, for wken a man Is starving . Teacher' Institute st Gladstone. ! Plans for the teachers' Institute at I Gladstone 8atorday are progressing nicely. As effort will be made to have , a One time and a program with more ' than ordinary Interest to tbe teachers ! who shall be so fortunate as to attend. W. E. Steven, who recently arrived in tbls city from Oklahoma, and rent ed tbe Skinner farm at Molalla for a year, was In Oregon City on Saturday. Mr. Stevens statea be will try Clacka mas county for one year, and if satis factory at tbe end of the year be wll! ; become a permanent settler. The steer market broke a full half J 1J cow M hogs . Si cows lid cow T7 cows , bulla ... wether mi 1 11 379 41 1 team draft horses . . 1 team delivery horses 1 chunk 1 delivery bora '...... ... t ...1IM ... 9J1 ...1103 -91J. ...IS3 ...ISM ... 99 ... 1M reita Hickman ana iiarum sang a duet. Ik musical nunnrr.. ins- received with great applaaeei Tboae present were Mr. and Mr. Rwaffordv Mr. aad Mra. R, Cos. Mr and Mr. Joha Woodtln. Rev. Zlmmer man, Mr. Adah Hrndrickeon. Mr J R. Hickman. Mr. L. IV Horton. Nellie Rwalford. Alice Bailey. ICvadae and Katkleea lUrrteon. Irll Gray. Ftor ace Whit.. Ultle Mill-r Anna Lust CVso aad Malva Dlllow. Carrie aad l-arv nalcoaa. Elva Blsncfcard. Mary , xi k.n anna Larson. Lydla and El- rM rruol, Morula Hickman. Olive Xlm- 47 4 75 Hi .1600 . JI . 300 . IS &. V2S Koy . . . . i Wort hem. Ray Worthem. Wm. Stone. Cwcar Woodnn. Psul IMllow, Clyde Hugbea. John Hollo, Will Snldow. Bur nett iJint. Harold 8afford. Willie Reeve, Irl Horton. PRESIDENT CAMPBELL Send Ward He Will Speak In Htgh Bcnoel Forum Friday. Word aa received by Superintend ent Toi. of the linn scaoui. nw would be apeak In the, dollar oa the egk aad barer were reluctant to take bold. The large packer, counting on condition a that formerly applied have bought rather liberally aad their feed lots are more or lee heavy with cattle. The cow market did aot suffer aa mock of a decline as the steer market but may be counted aa having lost a ewarter. Good calves sold up to tbe full value 1 MACKSBURO. of tbe week previous. Moat of the farmer have all of their The bog market remained about ! early plowing soae. Tbe prospect steady: the larger part of tb auppliea i ar that tbe farmers will get theirj waa made up of ablpmenta from tke crops la early tkle spring. rv" Campbell of the University Missouri River. i Tkere waa a large croad out U tke , B, c"?r,.?.1 ,, . M - J - . -. dhf ItreKOD. Sit all I US. Ms e There was not m-cn or a aay in tne j sa.e t. r. t Mirtm ' imnoaalble for him to that were rough sold at SI.S5. ' j . There waa an attractive demand for good horse. Drapers having weight and quality sold for $$00. Delivery horse sold at i;5 for team. J Tbe Students' Judging Contest aad ; tbe likelihood of an amateur Judging ; contest, to be made np of boys under - IS. not having attended an Agricul tural College, are attracting attention In connection with the Ft Stock Show i March SO. SI and S3, rosu4resent indicationa there will be a liberal num ber of exhibits In all classes. " Tbe following price are represen tative of tbe market for the week: Ellaha Rlgg la batching these day a. Mra. Rlgga la at Pomeroy. Waak., aursing their grandson. Claude Rigga. wko kaa pneumonia. From tke latest report he la os the road to recovery. Mr. Luebbea had th mlafortune to har hi horse run away Wednesday and tear things np pretty badly. F. M. Matthews and wife were visit or at tb home of J. E. Welle Sun day. Joe Glbaoa to just putting the fln will be a good chance to near "' worthy educator. The Board of Edu cation la planning to attend la a body, and school patrone cannot do better than to be present. Thought He Wae a Oriaily. "V. U Has 11ns wss found on the streets In this city Monday noon by Officer Shaw. . He . waa considerably Intoxicated and wanted to fight at 139 131 157 143 SI eteers steer steers steers calves 51 calve Sos lambs 37S Ism be loo bogs . 94 hogs . 95 nogs . ..1331 .107 ,.1350 ..1130 .. 190 . 354 . 71 . 70 .. 193 .. 314 .. 30 labinc touches to six acre of grabbing once. In fact it waa necessary 10 f for Herman Harms Joe aay he did ! him on tb head several umew wa.a $50 not get rich by a long ways hut that (.30 ; he got a Vat of experience la the line '.00 of grubbing thin winter. ' 5 50 1 Deid Hanna kaa received a full t.00 ! blooded Poland China hog. He had! It Imported here. Deid says It doe sot cost aay store to raise full blooded stock tkan scrub stork ao be la going Into tbe bualneaa. 5.54 , &.K0 4.7$ 140 1.35 1.34 i Read tbe Morning Enterprise. him np to the fact that Be waa a human and not a wild gristly bear. Recorder Btlpp. after bearing bis story, fined him 10 days In jail, which be ia now lying out. Musical and Literary Entertainment. The Friendly Bible class will give a musical and literary entertainment next week. In tke parlor of tke Free byterlaa ckurch. The claaa has been X What the United States Must Do to Protect Panama Canal ; By Rear Admiral CEOKCB W. MELVILLE. Retwrd. 'T would be an excellent thing if the government could establish a protectorate over Honduras of tbe sort that has worked so well in Bsnto Domingo. I am nnablo to apeak ex-cathedra on the matter, for I have no inside knowledge of it, but I . DeMere that it could not but PROMOTE HARMONY AND PRO TECT AMERICAN INTERESTS IN CENTRAL AMERICA. I do not think that any port in the country would be of any great value , to oar nary now that we hold Panama. But its advantages 'for this ' country in securinir something like stability in Central America would certainly be very great , ( . 4 t A FAR MORE IMPORTANT AND IMPERATIVE. PROJECT, SO FAR : AS -THE NAVY IS CONCERNED. AND, INDEED. THE PROTECTION OF AMERICAN INTERESTS IN THE PROXIMITY. OF THE CANAL 20NE,,IS THE ACQUISITION OF THE DUTCH ISLAND OF CURACAO AND M6RE ESPECIALLY THE DANI8H WEST INDIES. NOW THAT WE HOLD PANAMA AND . WILL CONTINUE TO HOLD IT IN SPITE OF THE PEACE PARTY AND MR. ANDREW CARNEGIE'S SPLENDID GIFTS. WE NEED TO PROTECT IT AND TO PROTECT THE TRADE rtOUTE "WHICH LEADS TO IT. ; ST. THOMAS IS A STRATEGIC POINT of prime importance, for such protection.. It lies right in the path of the northeast trade wind and along the course vessels take in passing from Panama to The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City EN r WPI E la tbe front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSkLE SYSTEMS Fathers. . n a Tsass , ytr hmf aad girls tka yal at ' Lat aaak hlla have Ha sVi Mvli.BI a.u.' ssltlvaia an IMsrast In aaslng H rw. 'MunL tni - Tlare Is na Sattar way ta lay th f.ui,.., Nras sf thrift. A sW start . , Mr,l'"M Mays a frsat InSiranas sn th CMIS'a Mur' ' " " This Sank has a Savlras Dsaartmsnt ',' The Banlt of Oregon Qty s-a 0 A ssw irm aVfiTal tTm a aal a " . . r.J. UETil.c, THE FIRST NATIONAL BAH of OREGON CITY . OREGON CAFITAi, leUeSLSs. Train ills a S nsral ssslag t 'llniiL Oasa rrom i y.. , , . S ; working os lb procram for lbs past moots aos It la aala Ibat tbe snlar talnmsat will bs of a vary plasalDg rbsractar. GRADUATION GOWN. A S.mals ana' OIHlsK Dssign Far K Evsn Ml v" '" " AVr "")"" T "-- . - Tea, It la rarssr asrly Is Ika spssss te lath of BTadasilos fowaa, pst tampsa baa s faablos of fstltlaf qskktr tbaa arbstlul tlma Is Isaae atraauoua tlajra. an liafora oos baa a cSasrs lo (sra artMiaJ lb awast (Irt "rad" will ! ttMsllaa; bar saw gown. Tba lllsstrailns sbws a dallbtfolly elDSpla aad glrllsb rtraifa fnr Iba sc rssles Tba rtislr- laHas Is saw sf tbe setk-aabis raur. as4 altogatbsr tbe fows la "swsvily rrriyl as osr Est Nab rosslas say. r ' rona of tba school ,r, Bot oir7 but r,s4 lo U Drsar aaslos. S A I Tbs following ara ths raai tranafsrs (bat bavs baaa ofnes of Iba county rvaiZ S. A. Mollns to PstarT.;. loia 1? and u. 0f blotk iSS Addition to Portland, fin lo Erik Janassa. all 0( tb vuariar of iaa I anion 4. town "tasat northawt i and Id. c. Hull son. 20 acrsa of ssctloa i soutb. ranf s 1 saaL Um aa' Joha R. aaa a a n a... .. ?." Nasf, Iran 10 Coseorai HL? $1.11100. flartbolomsaa and Lsry Taab. 1 to (laoria o. Illldasbraal bail Clachamaa County, IIMM. Laosard Jobnaoa to IDla IrsS a acrss of action , tossais ta? range 1 aaat. S0 00. , j D. and Clara Catts is i1M p, Uad la Clacksmas Csasty. - rmll Orinm and Martbi Ortas s ! JaiBsa and Ross Mr Nad, lot "I-Z trart II. Wtlltmstu Trrukl i -B-and -T of tract tl. 111? J. A. BAd Addis Sosabt ta a SBd Catbsrlus K. Ksslsr. tl term ' lYost Addition to WlllaaMtt ha. 1 also tract "V and "T", tat si portion of trsrt 8" aad r rni Addltlos to Wlllamstt rslla, Uj ' A. C and A lira C. BorUsid mi W. A. Alcorn to Ida V. Alcori,btl ' Is block I. and lots I. i, bad : Biigbtwood. ssction It, tovuia 1 sooth, rann I saat, II - Sawdslr Sts Far lywmw. Tbs sw iprisg Usra Is fasry bos dolr sats. Including sofa plllowa, scarfs, bars, plaraabiona aad e large sambsr of practical artlclaa. srs brosgbt out la pank-slarty attractive BMtrrtals and with prrtty Minor varl at loss In lb way of trimming, wbk-b stabts tban vary faarinatlng ta wa Bas Is gawral. aaya lbs Dry Goods aVoeomlat Ons of tbs dalatlsat of boodolr sats Is shows Is whits cottoa volts, with a pink ribbon design running throogh It and large plak rossa p la cad oa tbs rib bon at Intervals la bordar sffect. Thla daslgs adapts Itself admirably to ths various methods of tii mooing. Cat Into strips tba malarial la na4 as an attractlva bordr all aroosd ths sonars pillow or In two v art leal bor ders across ths long pillow. Tbs long ptocuahlon and corset bag have this border running through tbs ranter. An effactlvs new trimming that Is a revival of sa old mode. .old enough, however, to be again called new. Is tbs fringe and passementerie border of marrams cord. By tba way, wide bands of lacs crocheted lo One ma rrams cord, copying renins patterns, are being uaed aa high sf rle dress trimmings, and thla Is probably rsspon alble for tbs reappearance of thla kind of work In tbe fancy goods department Gees to tt Vincent's Hospital. Berates Oottbara-. tha a vaae M daughter 0f Charles Oottberg. who baa been III with pneumonia, waa taken to St. Vincent's hospital. Portland, Teas- -r aiiernoon so tnat sns may bars ths benefit Of sinerlancad nuralne She was taken via tbs Southern Pact fle and stood the journey wall UNIVIWSITY PRESIDENT Will Soeak In Hlnh aehaol Wednesday Parents Invltsd. President P.U Csmpbsl, of ths University of Oregon, Is on ths pro gram for an address in tka uirk school forum and will make thla ad- oress ai ociock Wednesday fors noon. Tbs Oregon City Board of Edu cation will attend In a body, aa per rots of ths Board on Monday night, snd It is expected that Mr. Campbell will give s very Interesting snd la strnctlve addreas. The parenta of ths city and ths pat- LATEST IIOEII Oreeon CKy M trite. '. Ths general market tasnsa k ' downward. In certain raataaM an -marked and la others Bteusi tt I lack of sapplf leadlag irr. bt when tbe average la strsek Da k dency Is downward. APPLES Hood apsNS i'h( saand yet and tbe sra Jb lesi bstter prk-es for soiatantt: Om' esoagh good sitH-k. seanw, at U. tkere la Utile or ao Asasal hi f. stork at aay pries. Pries a boat lie to fl ths hot. wiU an choice commanding aa kith si I Stock Is banda of irowm aatll, m has bees sold; tt Is the abssST left and they conmaas astst Rl Hood River apples srs alllSf RSI IS. POTATOBS Slow mevsasst raaad light. Plenty of goad ssst lbs eoustry yet aad a toe sssr outside bsysrs wars tllnat b wall for them bst sew Sass aee ma satlaried or ths ssysn Sett Many ars holding for sW! higher thas tbe market sal kssia srs cannot tblp Is safstyi P range from soo is 11.11 VEOCTABLBS-Uttls tbassiS last report: onions srs s In. price but other vegetsalsi wsc about tha same. Onloni ssd carrots 7Se lo f I sscMsnskil to aack, cabbsgs te ssast rUOVR AND FEBD-rtosT l lowsr and demand rk dowa to S with best S.0; some aelllog ss tewi M K Brans snd other feed I1 ft a ton from Isst r.pambi Ing $1.10, bran barley nSji to 11.70, oats lit to IM. IW for local wheat , 1 HAT Lois of bay Is o- belag offered frsslf weak. With winter P to ssU aad tbs markst hat onssqusaes. All frsass from II to II t?Jrl 111 to 111, timothy llltollt fsltolT. EQ08 Are vary plwU m price ranges sbout 1H-. ' BUTTER Very weak V only commanding frots Its ereamery always stlB ss ing loe to aw tat m.'rk.t I. only psyln 16o. Choice os7 100 to 5c. POULTRT-Prlces srs higher and ths bring lfl. roosters llo. yow ssd mlsss chickens WW IK Ing doing In larger . hi EATS Veal, f"", lOo to llo, hogs dipr bis demand torlM fluctuate according " w HIDES Orean U P0"? dr?hldaVlletol4c,a'L to 7 esch. , f WOOL 1W w W ' mohslr lie to JOc ' dried rRCTT;, So and 7o, son drlsd KV ,S8JlLT-8sUlng Wj" ? BO In. sack, hslf frous" W ; 100 lb. sacks. 5 C DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . . , , - " ' ' . v' v. Try the Classifcd Colomns of t-: MORNEWG ENTERPI 3000 lWs Dtly Europe. . .;- - , -. . v ', . ' .- : :- ,j