Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1911)
.. f , ' ' MOItNINQ ENTEltntlsE, WEDNESDAY. MARCH IS. 1911. i ' p.- I The Three er and . tkit another - glrr would T f a irtn O lb storming lb la third fiady v errtva, pacing . Swlntoa eaw Jenkins tber iiir&jeoKinses LI !t TWkr Haa Lie I Tie tot I Wart FaTM ' ' By P. 'A. MITOIEL IS BUseiO Station M Island la tb Pacific ocoaa where ; eWrgymea work among tb aborigine. Mot lone ago Dr. Snlvely, jib bead of uf mission, a DimN ma a vna family, suddenly s wakened to (bo fact that tboro woro four bachelor oa tbo lalaad wbo could no longer bo kept ther ou account of lb looeUooaa of their situation. True, tnev bad another for compaay, bat ther wr a woaoen scoot native, a ad i cannot expect t Urt without women's ' society. Tber was a mission consisting -ttrety of worn oa a neighboring m " land, and Mrs. 8ntvly advised ber husband to War If wire could Dot b tmportsd from that atadoa. Mr. Jen kins, tb principal on of the assist a ts, bad precipitated matter by resigning. . "fraasuia rotra anwa inn" Mr. Jenkln waa a nua of forty. whQ the other tare asatataats wr young atara. ' It wa determined to make ao , Ctpertlmtat of getting wire for the bachelott of th aalsslo and to begin with Mr. Jeaktns. Mr. ,8nlvely to formed alas a dettcataiy a possible that ah would writ to th lady super latmdaat f th neighboring mission, asking If any of th young ladie at work tber could be Induced to com r aad merry biaa. Mr. Jenkins thought well of tb proposition aad said that If th pUa coald be carried at to hi MtJafactton b would wltb draw bis raalfaaOoa. Mrs. Snlvely oral a letter by a Teasel that raa Irregularly between th hv lands. 1 propounding th plats and re commending Mr. Jenkins very highly. It ao happened that th young women missionaries bad tired of oo another's exciuslv society aad no difficulty was aaat an earartag a wife Cor Mr. Jenkins . hOss Amelia Ed moods, twenty-two and comety, volunteered t go and look; lato th matter. ,' - It a happened that Mr. Arnold, one of th younger of th assistant, was at th dock when tb lady antred. ' He had not seen a wblt girl for a year. 1 Indeed, ao lonely waa b for woman's society that h wa meditating putting la bis reslxnaUoo. B approached Mia Ed moods, lifted bis hat and asked If h coald b of assistant- to bar. . Th girl stammered. Mashed and Anally ta bin that sb bad come to marry Mr. Jenkins. '"I nam Mr. Jenkins." aald Arnold. Th neewlng angel who (lew up to heaeea'a chancery with th II brushed aa be far It la. aad tb recording aagel wh wrot It down dropped a tear oa It and blotted It out for ever. Th next day Jenkins told Bnlvely that a ahlp hM arrived from tb wo-1 maa's mission and a girl had come, who had been married to Arnold, lit didn't think this waa treating him fairly. 8nlvely told him that tber must b aom mistake, but be would aoak ! squirt, and If It were so be would send for another girl This satis Bod Jenkins, and be agreed to wait Snlvely sent at once for a second girt. Another of tb youngsters, Chlppen dale, wa very tblck with Arnold, and Arnold told blm how h had fallen heir to a wife. Tb same day Chip pendale beard Mrs. 8olvely tell ber husband that sbe "had written for another girl for Jenkins. Chippendale thought b could do wbat Arnold bad done, and tb day tb ship bearing htla Wlnterton arrived wa on the dock. Introduced himself to ber aa Mr. Jenkins, and ah disappeared la tb - am manner as Mis Edmonds. As soon as Jenkins heard of tb second lady arrival and marriage he went In high dndgeoa to Mr. Snlvely , aad protested against such treatment -Already." he said, -two of my wives have been kidnaped." "Neither tb law nor th church aU Jendettt1 fpU1 tb nPrla- "Aceopt my realgnaUen at we." - "Buppoe w try It again, Thia time you'd bettor be oa the dock whea th '' lady arrive." . "I'll do It.- snorted Jenkins. u7 wn waa sent for to the dork. tber waltlug for th ahlp to come la. 8 win ton hlrod boat and nulled far out Into tb har bor, rwasatly th ship boa ring kit Jenkins third wife hov In sight Whea th waatl ram ap abreast ef Bwtnton h bailed bsr. "Who are you and what do yod wantr aaked tb captain. "My nam Is Jenkins, nnd I'm ipct tsg a lady." A young wo ma a loaning over tb. ship's aid b! ux bed and told th cap tain sb thought sb wis tb lady i pacted. "Do you wish to Jola hlmr asked the skipper. "I suppos so." 'Slops were lowered, sad th girl went down lato tb boat with 8wtntoa. When th ship reached the dock and Jenkins Inquired for lb third wife that bad been sent for blm and b wa Informed tbat a lady bad; got Into a boat with a man In the oiling, although a clergyman, be broke lb third com mandment and, going to Mr. Snlvely. s bused blm so roundly that the super intendent waa obliged to call la Mrs. 8niviy to mollify hint Mrs, Snlvely told Jenkins that si ace all th junior now bad wires tber would be no further trouble and prom ised to send for another wife for him. Sb did so and wa Informed by tb superintendent of tb woman's mission that no more wires could be spared for Mr. Jenkins. Three had already been sent him, and It looked aa If aom Blue beard business waa at tb bottom of th matter. Sb added, however, tbat th was greatly In need of a . man on th Island and If they bad on to spar on past mlddl age h. a widow, would be glad to marry him. Mrs. Snlvely at ooce communicated thia Information to Mr. Jenkins. lie waa i vary r much disgruntled, but thought b bad better go and explain th "Bluebeard business" sod at th asm time tak a look at tola fourth wlf. II took th neit ship to tb woman's Island and w rot back that b PROTECTIONS i BiQ Under Consideration In New York Legislature. , WHAT MEASURE PROVIDES. Make Orderly sWyeott Lawful a Penalise Attempts t Ceore Work, er t Refrain Prom Joining a Labor Organisation. Trad unkmhim ha tb public ear open and attentive to Ita pleudings for relief by law from unncsary bur dens and groea Injuattc bound oa It back by tb employing rlas and tb courts. This la proved by numerou facta. Among Ibe , momi slgnlncant and hopeful of then la th auk-kened consciences of legtnlators la amity parts of th country with reference to taw for lb protection and assistance of labor In Ita struggle for lb better ment of Ita own legions and th wool peopl of th country. A striking ess In point Is this: Tb legislature of New York baa before It and la seriously considering a bill providing for the addition of Br new action to the state labor law, all re lating to th rights of laborers. Th bill make It a misdemeanor for any person, company or th officer or agent of such company ' lo compel person to refrain from joining any labor organisation aa a condition of such persona securing employment with the company or person. Viola Hon of this provision la puntahabl by a One of not lea than Kt not mor than or Imprisonment for not lees than ninety day a nor mor than twelve months, or both. It permit boycotting. It provide that agreement or contracts between person to do or not to do any act la contemplation or furtherance of any trade dlsput between employers and employe In th state aha II not b deemed criminal and aball not be pun Milady's Mirror FIRST BASEMEN IN BIG DEMAND llajor Leap Teta liaoiprs, Scour Country For Materia!. KEY ONES BEING TRIED OUT. Sufc i 1 Trv Ssauty. " ' Beauty ride oa a lion. Heauty rests a aoA-easltle. . Tb lin of beauty la th result of perfect rcoaoaiy. Tb cell f th be la built at tbat angle which give th most strength with tb leaal wax. Tb boo or uulll of th bird gtre th snoat alar strength with the least weight "It la tb purgation of superfluities," aid Michelangelo. Tber la not a particle to a;ar la natural structures. Tber g compelling reason In the uses of th plant for every novelty of color or form, and our art saves ma terial by suor skillful srrangemul and reaches beauty by taking every superfluous ounc that ran be spared from a wall aad keeplug all It strength In tb poetry of columns. In rhetoric this art of omlnloti la a chief secret of power, and In general It b proof of high culture lo sat the great est matfera la th simple! way.- Era eraou- breast of tb matter.' but no on of fhem waa able to screw up his coo rag to a coafrloo.The consequence was that , when Mrs. Sntreiy's tea party was assembled tber wer tore ladles present, each supposing herself to be Mrs. Jenkins. Th bastes waa much embarrassed and Introducing th brides got their names so mixed that It waa positively laughabl. Tb trouble cam when sb poured their tea. "Mrs. Arnold." sb aald. addreaaing the lady who bur that nam, "do you tak cream and sugar la your tea V t "Both, pleas, . But 1 must correct you aa to my nam. ' I'm Mrs. Jenkins." Mf. Arnold looked about hlitf for a crack to , drop- through, and Mrs. Snlvely saw that th storm wss about to burst "And you. Mrs. Chlppendaler "Jenkins, please; sugar; do cream." Chippendale was trying to look through the celling. Mrs. Snlvely. hav ing poured out tea for tb first and second of Mr. Jenkins intended wives. asked Mrs. Swlatoo bow an liked bar. "Neither sugar nor cream, pleas. It's really laughable how you call us by th wrong names." ' Meanwhile Mr. Snlvely began to get th true element of the situation through hi bead and glanced at tb thre grooms. , , "Mr. Arnold," h said sternly to tb mao b knew had- married Mia Ed monds. "1 abould ilk an explanation of how you cam to marry tb first wir or i mean tb lady wbo was In tended for Mr. Jenkins." Arnold stood op nobly. "I saw her on tb dock, sir. and sb waa so lovely snd I wanted her ao bad ly that I lied to her. 1 told ber I waa th man sbe bad com to marry." u looKM at bis wlf as tbougb b wondered If ah wer going to burl him over a proclpjce, .Sb gav him a look of reproach, which brok away before a smll. U tbrw his arms around ber neck. '"And you, Mr. Chippcndalr asked tb superintendent Ssm here." he piped la a high ke. "8 win touT turning" to th last of the groom. "111 oo penanc" Mr. 8 win ton's vole wss a basso profunda. "Ladles." said Mr. Snlvely Impres sively, "your husbands bav broken tb ninth' commandment, but It was bscsus of a dealr to possess you. Mrs. Jenkins I beg pardon. Mrs. Ae. b th wlf of Mr. Jenkins waa attaa BolJ and Mrs. Cblppctidal and Mr Larklna. ..By this tlmMjr. SwlntotC ""Inton-I trust yon will each snd sll now th only unmarried asao m the- 'orlT your husbands. and daring is land xcept Jenkins, bad beard that ,,Tt nldsyB serrlc they shall re wives war to b had for th trst flT tn tmatomary abolu3a from an." k W - 1 i . . h.t hnil k. o-lt-l-. - " cwni.irscy uuiens sucn SCTS .;av..B .nd h. wa. now P lf on yvtwva. ducb acis are sol IO D con sidered la restraint of trad and may not b nned. Violence la prohibited. It also prohibits employers from bringing la employee from other state or from other parts of tb atate by means of fain or deceptive induce ments or representation a to work to be done, the condition and tb com pensation to be psld. Pallur to stste la aa advertisement tbst there la a lockout at such place of employment la to be deemed a false advertisement Violation of this provision Is punish able by a fin of not let than 1300 nor mor than $2,000, or Imprisonment for not lea than on month nor mor than on year or both. Strike breaking la also prohibited. It provide that any person wbo shall hire or aid In biting persona to guard with, anna or deadly weapons other persons' property and persons coming from without the stste so armed for that purpose without the consent of th governor shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall be Impris oned for not less than one year nor mor than five years. But no person to bis horn reoivd to make a deaa P7h,W,H from frothing and vlded for. for th fourth aad last time Mr. Snlvely ordered a T Deum to b sung la (be chapel to celebrate Mr Jenkins' nuptials. Meanwhile tber wer thre Mrs. Jenkinses at Mr. 8nlvely's mission whoa husbands, having lied to them ! th beginning, were waiting a favor able opportunity to make confessions and tot their wive know their right After Mr. Jenkins left th Is land Mrs. Snlvely concluded to Invlt th thre bride and grooms to a tea parry. Sb wrote each brld a not of lavttatkta, addressing her by her proper married nam. But tber wer thre husbands, each guarding bis wlf that sb abould not receive In formation aa to tb deception that had been practiced on ber till h waa ready to Impart It himself. When Mrs 8nlvdys servant arrived with the In fixations he wss received by esch on of th young clergymen, who took th Invitations from blm st his door Th newly mad groom met for coo terenc. hoping to unite on a plan, ao to speak, of Information. Unfortunately tny could not agree. Each man went Real's Per Baauty. If you bav a hurry call lo be beau tlful without th tint to work up to th 'permanent affair bere'a your cbanc: First wash your fac wltb warm water aad almond meal. Make a sort of paste of those things snd wash off with warm water and dry lightly. Then apply your skin f'xxl leak tber be say reaction from tbe drastic treatment to follow. , Now tak a tMec of lemon and rub It over th fac till tb skin smarts. Rinse again, thia time with water tbat la gradually brought 'dwn from coot to cold. You are then ready for Ihe final cer emony. Hold a good staetl plec of lei in tow! and Iron your far wltb It The look In tbe glass. This baa been found an absolutely reliable rec Ip before saklag for tbe coveted new bonnet. guarding his property, ss Is now pro- vwea by law. Tb provision regarding strike break ing and false advertising 1 to apply only to worklnmneu brought Into the state or Induced to go from one place to another within the state. Working men so brought In are given certain rights to recover damages sustained. A similar measure has been Intro duced la tbe Oregon legislator also In which tb same course of leglslstlon Is proposed. There hss been do eon. ferenc or agreement between tbe east era and western states, but the new labor bills they sre considering are al most Identical In what tbey contain. This Is s strong Indication tbat tb sentiment of tbe peopl cast aa well as west la aroused and Insistent on tb subject ,, Profit Sharing Paya. Believing return In loyalty aad am' Mtlon on the part of their employee made It doubly worth while. Ulbbard. Spencer. Bartlett A Co. of Chicago bav extended their profit shsrlng plan to Include every on connected with tbe Institution. Several hundred employees, ranging from department manager to office loy, recently receiv ed checks of from 4 to 12 per cent of tbelr salaries, representing their shares In th firm's earnings during tb last year. "Tb profit shsrlng system hss proved an Immense success with us," said 1'rsnk Hlbbard, fourth vie pre, ident of tb firm, "and th time will com when every progressive business house will realize its advantage and put It into effect "W bav found that' tbe' plan root only encourages employees to stay with ns until they bav qualified for participation In tb benefits, but that It create a sentiment of loyalty to th bouse that la Invaluable." Vlunto Wr Hug Earrings. Viscountess d"Aiy.,wife of a distin guished French naval officer, wbo re cently was In Annapolis, wear ring tn ber ear which are round and large as a silver half dollar. Sbe bas a Jlngly endies variety of the bug ornaments, renalo one Tuscan gold set In ruble, others diamonds and aluminium, others nesrls snd em- era id a In fillgre old gold. One of tbe moat bliarr combinations I worn itb a costume of cerise sstln, and mecblln lac and shows three pigeon blood rubles depending one over the other In a hoop of thin Tuscan gold. Tber sr similar ornaments on ber bodice and a big belt buckle In tb back made In th same way. Six bat pins of exsct design as tbe earring adorn tb big black braver trimmed wltb cerise plume and a bird of paradise. Are You a Subscribe to the V Not Daily? .; If Th Morning Enterprise Is to b aa successful aa tb Interests of Oregon City demand It mast needs hav th support of alL Tb new dally hss a big work befor it la boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour support means mors strength for thawork. Y7iU Yoa Help Boost yout owa Interests ? for a llmKrt Urn th Mornlag Dntarprtoa will b sold to paid la advano aubaerlbora aa followa: - Ey CarrVsr, l yr. i ft AA By Mail, l yar , : n in your nam. and rmittana. - ' - ., " ' ' '. ' . - Miner Support Mitchell. . John Mitchell of the National Civic federation has been given assurance of support by thousands of mine work ers of tb Pennsylvania anthracite field. Big maas meetings wer held In Various regions on Feb. 19. snd st the leaders of tb tnln workers and others voiced tbelr Indignation over tb passing of th resolution at tb recent convention -declaring tbat Mitchell must either leave the union or give up hia membership in tb Civ le federation. At each of the oimK togs resolutions wer passed condetnn la tb delegates wbo voted against Mitchell and expressing th cottfldenc f tb anthracite men 1n tb former national president of tlw union. - Read th Morning Enterprise. - OWEN G. THOMAS BLACKSMITHINQ AND P. (PAIR . WORK. ' ' Bt f work and satisfaction guaranteed.- Hav your horse shod by an apart; It pays. , All kind f repair work and amKhy work. Prompt srvlcj greater oe Hon of your work aan b don while you da your trading, aiv m a trial Job and Hi If I sant pleas you. OWEN G. THOMAS V Cor. Main and Pourth tts, Oregon City HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Tb egg shampoo la one of tbe best to be obtained It I cleansing and at th same time provide food for tb scalp and bslr. 'making' It One and glossy. Us may be mad of tb almond meal Jars snd cream Jars of good sis by filling the with medicated cotton, which la employed for applying pow der and liquidator th tollst use. Excellent for sprains Is tb tsrch poultice. Tour boiling hot water ou starcb, spread on linen and apply hot Poultice may also b mad of bop,' hemlock or charcoal. Medicated poul tlce may contain any drug ordered. If Instead of drinking a strong cup or tea or coffee ben suffering from a bad headache a woman would drink a cup of hot milk sb would be mor apt to cure tbe pain, not because hot milk haa medicinal properties, but be cause it Is more easily digested than tea or coffee and soothe Instead of atlmulate the nerve. . A clear, healthy complexion la an iin poHHiblllty for a woman wbo atays much indoors In winter. Wouiea should understsod tbst the pores as much a the luDgs need fresh air, aad fallur to giv It' will simply mak them larger In tbelr effort to breathe. Th fact of living Id badly ventilated rooms la frequently tb re line of large pores In tbe face. In bathing tb hands tepid water and a bland soap should be used, and always dry them thoroughly. If tbey ar Inclined to cbap It Is a good plan to use s lotion composed of glycerin, on ounce: roaewster, on ounce, and tincture of benxoln, fiv drop. Rub a few drop Into th banda whenever tbey are bathed. Us also before re tiring and drsw on a pa If of large, soft glove. ' , People wbo ar told to us smoked or colored glaaaes lo th bouse some times find tbl impracticable because tbey Interfere so grsstly wltb vision. This objection doe not apply to or- ainary., wblt glass set . In cuDllk frames so shaped tbst tbey cut off all light save that which come from th front Th protecting part mar b of wir gaus. vulcanite or such like. Glasses to suit ths vision may b set in sucn frames, and th latter, even without th glasses, are of us when on reads by a light placed at the right or left- of lb bead. Another good protection for the old of lb eye is a pair of lensles spectacles with hinged aid pieces of black glass. Put Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... When you writ edor any kind of an ad try to tncltid i in It Just th Information you d Ilk to find If you war an w sd-rsder and innvin. ad of that kino. " " I If you do this 4a m . . T la Amrln Lgu Club Ar ' MHiMatiai With Yunsstr l Traintng Camp Ss(n and Pitts burg In National Weak, A glsnc at th makeup of lb six teen club In lb two major ieagu organisation will disclose tb fact tbat few team hav lb Initial bag covered as lb rqulrmnts of to po sition demand. ' Th conditions' sr wore lo ' tb American Ieagu than la th National. for. with tb exception- of th Athlet ic and Nw York, tb learn In tb Junior organisation ar weak at first and tb ntauager ar having consider abl trouble finding men lo fill tb po sitions, Tb National Ieagu I considerably stronger In first Iwaenien than tbe American Ieagu. Pittsburg and Bos ton being lb only tesms that ar real ly weak at Ihe Initial sack. Tb rb ti tle bar a veteran In "Kitty" Rrsne field, wbo la sialyl to play first again this year, although Maoager Itoolo baa two other men wbo ar candidate for Branaflekl'a place. ' , ' .- Chicago I pretty well supplied, with Frank Cbanc and Jimmy . Archer. McGraw U satisfied with bow Merkt played last year snd will play him ther this year. MctJraw haa a prom tslng recruit In dowdy, but says b will Iry to mak a cab her out of th youngster, ttnclnuatl baa probably tb best first base man In th National Ieagu la HobllUel when ablllryj and youth ar considered, and Konrtrby of St Louis and Iubrt of Brooklyn look to bar their Jobs safe. Pitts burg will bav to do some mor ex perimenting tbl year, and Fred Ten ney will try lo prove that b can "com back" with Boaton,. -Ask! from th Athletic and New Torks, lb Amerb-aa: Ieagu la very weak at first liase. and every manager except Coonl Mack and Hal Cbaae haa been scouring th country for new material. Itugbey Jennings hope to secure a euccnasor to Tom Jones In tbe bunch of recruit he ha signed. Ness and Caynor will b tried put., and If neither man prove satisfactory fleorge Morlarity may b found on th Initial bag. Hugbey Duffy U going to giv Jlggs Donohu another cbanc and baa Tex Jones, a youngster, as a promising candidate. Ilobnhorst la lb moat likely candidal for George StovaU's plac on tb Cleveland team, but bas yet to prove tbat be has tb makings of a major Ieagu first aacker. Patsy Donovan baa selected no succsosor to Jak Stabl and ts experimenting with A bunch of players. Tber ar Hire or four candidate for L'nglaub's place on tb Washington team. Th St Louis Browns ar wura off than any of th other club. Bobby Wallace, re cently appointed manager, baa been trying to mak trade lo build op his lesm, but hss not yet landed a man to cover first Th New Torks ar well fixed with Tlal Chase, although msny flgur tbat managerial dalles will affect bis play ing. 81111, b outclasses tbem all. Th veteran Harry Davis wilt again bold bag No. I for tb Athletics the coming season. Manager Mark ssys Harry la good for many mor years, and nnle som accident biippcns to blm b will hold tils position. FOREIGN ATHLETES COMING. Austrslls Tm May Cam pets In This Ceurttry Neat FH. Ther Is every poMlblllty that som Australian athlete may pay a flying visit here next fall. A team of stb let, swimmers sad other iwrfornMrs. Is going I England for tb raplre celebration, and tbe plaa la that tbey will return bom tbl way. Tbr will b men for all tb distance op to a mil a well a hurdlers and Jumpers. Among tb rolall members figured on Is Uuy Ilasklns. wbo attended th Lnlverslty of Pennsylvania and woa ins intercollegiate la record time. U la now living at ChrUtchurcb, Nw Zealand, and, though h wa ssld to hav forsaken tb path, b never gav ap a little practice now and ajrala and. it is claimed, can move aa fast aa ever. BASEBALL CHIRPS Is Jimmy Callahan being groomed to manag tb Chicago White Sox to suc ceed Hugh Duffy? Lajote, Ston and Cobb are tb only players who bav ever mad 200 hits In on season. Lajol' 22T In 1910 to high water mark. Wu OIL the newest of tbe Detroit re cruits, is a Swiss. Hard linos. Re marks about Swiss che will fairly dent tb skies any time tbe kid makes an error. A printer, a newspaper man and aa ompire run organised baseball. Oarry Herrmann, printer; Ban Johnaoo, porting editor, and Tom Lynch, um pire. Is tbe combination. Tb Cubs will wsr dark blue uni forms next summer. .Any significance In that colorf Magb thk Bd aad Giants will make Chance's colt feel bin befor tbeseason la balf over. WILL 00 TO SALIM. Has Been a Charg n the County for Som Months. Mrs. Isabella Woolsey, who Is 10 years of ags, was adjudged Insane Tuesday by Dr. J. W. Norrls, and she was taksn to the asvlnm ta.t ....i.. Mrs Woolsey has bn taken care of by the county for som Urn, and haa been maklna? her hnma th. dnc of Mrs. Rose Nehren of Seventh street. The woman's i. caused by her old age, alcoholism and to .alien tobacco, gh la erippto, and walks with tb aid of crutch. Choio offloa block steam bt See J. J..Tobln. To tike BJew PAIL Y) IF ; Is to be as successful as the inter- . ests of Oregon City demands it must neecls have the the support of all. . The new. daily has a big work before it in boosting Oregon City ; and Gaclurra ;; 7 A-ounty. lour support means ; more strength for the work. Will You Boost For a limited time the Morning : assBSk fl) Enterprise will ' be sold to paid . in advance subscribers as follows: ; i By cawlcf , t year $300 By mail, t yea? 2 00 : i Send in Your Name and Remittance