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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1911)
MOUNINO BNTERPB1SE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1911. r ! ' t 'J' 1 L , . , , . ' i MORNING ENTERPRISE Oregon cmr, oyco I. E. BROOIE, Kdltor and Publish,, " Application mad for soond clam prtvl lea at th Postofflc at Oron City, ' Onton. under th Art of Compass of HarcS I, 117. Ttimj tr suucurnon. ....ii . WHAT'S DUE RAILWAYS, The man who dealgned tb pretty lithograph ehowtng tha railroad aa Santa Claua had tha comic Instinct' Showing aacka depending- from tha branch labeled "Million for Labor," "Million from Toa-naUe," etc., may Please tba railway men but tha "Mir-j FEDERAL COURT REFUSES TO lion for Dlvldenda "aack haa not yet HOLD UP ACTION ORDERED RAILWAY NIMH vins its conmio;i been permitted to grow and proaper. Tha railroad are" good . institution Jut ab far aa they are servanta; BY COMMISSION. On Tear, by mall :l"KS.,,.i :.' lo7tera they ara very obnoxloua. Sr- For week, er carrier. ' V .s-1 . AlVtfTOlNw IATO Flrat Fa, oer inrn'firM tnrtlca....le Ftrt P-, per Inch added Ineertkuia. .IS Preferred poMttua any PS. per Inch ttrwf tneertloa .....Ita Preferred poeitloei any pas, par Inch added Inarrtlooa 10 Run nam other thaa flrat Pac. par tarn Mrat Ineertton,... 13c .. kuo paper otiter man nm pa, par men added aieertion , Local le per Una; to regular advr ' lieera e una. Want a. For Bala, To Rant. to.. on cent a word flrat utaertlon; one-half cent each additional. Rate for advertlatn m the Weekly ' Enterprla wltl be the earn aa la th daily, for advert tegmenta set eaprclally for th weekly. Where the advertisement . la transferred from tha daily to the week ty. wJthout change, th rat wilt be se an Inch for run of th paper, and toe an .tacit for apecial poeition A Demonstration Py DOROTHEA HA LB tVpyrlht by American proa At - chMion, UIU "" - PORTLAND. Jan. it (8pl.) lt- vant ara entitled to an equitable re-1 ting ejt banc thl morning Vderal m Deration; so. too, th railway Aud Judges Cllbcrt civet-ton, w -mm .v v .. .w v r. rendered a decision which will be an tha better tha service th-swrr ImporUB 4 throughout th muneratlv tha returns which la the wit, perhaps tha entlra country, usual sequence to good service. Dut in tha matter of Interference with or because rallwaya properly controlled dare of atat railway commissions In . 1 .., it An. nn fnllnar rste cases. 1 ney reiuu 10 gram mo ara a good, thing; it doea not follow n,f.' . .,,. ii, nrd..r that we ahould give up everything to n(llnr . hearlna on It merit of lb k.M lm . AfV.kPf St nainlfSp tbaUlt. Th I . xa.AA haMila fK.rtT' lil"CIU IU BKU WUVI jrwavaaj UISU IUUII l Sa alv, V M UV reasonable man wlshea to see tha rati-1 Oregon commission seeks to make an waya earnlna- a fair dividend on every Important cut In chargee for services wva earning a rair uiviae r 7 1 (n Htutbtfrn rBC,fio ,lnM w,,h,n aoiiar s wonn vi lumuirem, Ithla slate. wish to see good dhidenda on thou- jn (n ltt,st federal judgea nearly aanda and millions of water. J Invariably have granted auch Injuno tg ' I tionw. Uptm a ahowlng that It would I difficult to mllert the finally an. PRESENT PUBLIC SPASt, - J proved rat pending adjudication after There la a present public apasm over the case was over, tha courts have Caah ahould accontpany order where I lt. M k e evl. been restrainlns- atat cotnmUalons party M unknown In Uualneer offlc of ! " . . . . . frm .nf.lne the. r.t. Ih. nr.l..l the KnternHae. Leal adverttalng at k-fal ad vert lain ratea. Ctrcua advertlalna and special tranalent advertlslnjr at 26c to tdc an Inch, accord - hi to special eondltlona governing the Mm. "fire Bale" and Bankrupt Sale" adver ttaementa tSe Inch first Inaertton: addl tlonal Inaertlona aam matter ISO Inch. Newa ttema and well written article of merit with Intereat to local reader, will be gladly accepted. Rejected manu aeripts never returned unlet arcotnpan Ml by alamoa to prepay poata. Men with larga Investments In bank ing Institutions have been so busy ' watching thelr'tlerka and amaller of ficlala that the big guna have been able to get away with almost . any thing they wished without being de tected. -aa ' 'The man who is poor la generally more patriotic than the rich,' and the quality of hie patriotism is generally . of a higher class. rich he ta often led to go abroad (o - Uve; having money he la led into tha belief that hla home country la none too good. " If the Postal Banks make It im perative that stockholders give more attention to their officials, and to the deCaile of the business, this return win atone more than repay the pub- lie for the expense. The present well equipped and well managed banks cannot be greatly improved upon, bnt where there nave been lax methods the laxnesa haa often coat the com munity dearly. ' . Sea Ujfwt want the yonng people to learn rapidly, and to learn what they do acquire well, teach them to inquire into the things that come beneath their notice. This csn be done by - always answering their inquiries' as If yon were interested in giving them - the beat possible information; dont cut them off abort when they do in quire of you, or tell them that they are not yet. old enough to understand. Financiers tell ns that when trade ia against us as a nation we are not , prosperous, and when it la not against us we are prosperous. In qne breath we worry lest the world will not want our" apples, wheat and kindred pro ducts, and In the next we are told it la bad for ua when we must send abroad goods to psy our bills. All of which goes to show that It Is much the way you look at things whether you are prosperous or not. ' dence a. to vot-buying and vote-aol- ,r" iJ .1 . - . a a a V a I uuttl luu uutptivu HBU unwwvu I W vrif i ling la thla country. It la not that ,n COurU A, ,h on of the better people know more now con- Congress a law waa enacted that one cernlng the evil in their own balll Federal judge could not alt alone in a wick, for they do not; but it la that heart"" where a restraining order waa , . , . . - sought against enforcement of a atata tfcolr horlion haa been widened. So uu wMhB .u( Md long as It waa themselves or their ng thre judges to hear auch Uauea. own party that profited and it waa The flrat controversy of the kind In In such cases that men knew the e West since enactment of the law ,v. u , waa over tha Southern Pacific diatiio- moat concerning the evil-It waa not u(lT fM cm tne oi(lnon hll(J. such a glaring evil aa It ia after the own thla morning indlcatea that light has been turned on and It Is there will ba a marked change In ju- found that our friends, the enemy, diclaf policy.- j tircuit judge W. U. uuuert. presid ing officer of the court, rendered the were just aa active aa we; and we also have that further knowledge that deCBon. which waa very brief, but t6 we were both apending our money and the point In the following language: then comlna- out lust about where we "The court ia not convinced that would have arrived at had we not 'hl f.,tt whlfn hou1 . , , n rreiraiuiuK wruer. i no cane spent it that makea the crime ao doM itnd on h - . heinous. The present apaam la not between private parties, where a right so much one of better aentlment on la alleged to have been Invaded. The I . . , I m tl tn rt iKa Metswtawalsisilfksi lam riraan mA ien a man, gets our part, but ratner a reeling tn.i - ;----,"r "" V after all we have been duped. of Ucl, 4 ought not to be en- Joined by the court until It la very TAKE VOTE AWAY. - P''n trom the averments of the bill vi .v., i. ,.. . that some right haa been Infringed, or 7 v that a rate baa been 'fixed which spasm aa to the corruption of eetllng WOuId dprive the railroad company votea and buying votea why la It not of a fair return upon ita Investment, well to consider the proposition of Considering all the allegations of the how easy it la to do this thing and bill In thla application. It dor, not nec- I Besla 11 1 inrAJi f naPirrvtm ttt at ffnat yet not sjet csught in the meshes of nllrotl4 company will be deprived of the law? Why have there been ao ha property, or a fair remuneration few convictions for illegal buying and upon Ita Investment without due pro- selling If the vice hss been so preva- cess w isw sna we oeneve we snouiu . .. , .. , not be Justified In restraining theop- lent? Is It not posalble that the pnn- er.tlon Jof the new ratea pending flnkl Ishment for the-crime haa something adjudication of the case upon Ita mer. to do with the ease of escape from Ita. The application for the restrain prosecution and conviction? It ia no ,n order must be denied easy matter to convict a peraon of the crime of selling his vote when it ta Dill I Llfll I C DDIHPr known that conviction meana Imprla- Qy 1 1 LLL DtllUllL onment tor ine victim ana me pur chaser going free... Make It a caae of disfranchisement for five years for first offense, with added penalty for second offense and life dlsfrsnchlse- ment for third conviction and -it wilt be easy to convict Imprisonment seems unfair for the offense In the minds of many; disfranchisement aeema more to fit the error. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. . feeding value, the slop encourages the pigs to drink freely, which Is desirable in cold weather. Don't try to winter fall plea without rood provision for slop. Besides the forelsn Weld because of the poor Afternoon and Evening Sessions Will B Held in Presbyterian Church, On Wednesday, February 1, the Presbyterian missionary conference will be held at the Presbyterian church, afternoon and evening. Drs. Hall and Mllligan will be present as the principal speakers for the occasion. Dr. Hall has the work In charge on the Pacific Coast for the. missions of the Presbyterian denomination, and will likely have much to aay about this work. He is a returned missionary from corea, giving up the work In that - V X VaTawmajjaja of Mrs. Hall. Dr. Mllligan Is Iron Portland and is one of the Im portant Presbyterian pastors In the Rose city. Capitalization r JACOB H. iCHIfr,, of New York. PROJECT UP III AIR NEWBERQ WANTS IT LOCATED THERE AND THERE'S A MER RY FIGHT JUST AHEAD. I ' NOT IN FAVOR OF ISSUING STOCK FOR Lrna t THAN ITS PAR VALUE IN CASH. AND I WILL SAV. - AS I HAVE OFTEN SAID. THAT ANY DIFFERENT METHOD WILL NECESSARILY OPEN THE DOOR TO THE SAME PRACTICES WHICH. WHILE IN THE PAST WERE VELOPMENT LONGER BE .JUSTIFIED. .r,.., AT AVE BEEN AND NO' DOUBT I ITAIVi aa . . ., WOULD NOW IN THE ECONOMIC DE- wrnivn riA TAKEN PLACE Or LATE YEARS NO H at at . When I gay stock issues .hould not be permitted to be made for , ; leas than par in caah I do not mean to exclude by this property at ita ,,. eaah Talue, to be fixed either by expert, appointed by federal author- ' r,r?;glTO,?wUt further "titration, but NOT BY THE CORPORATION ALONE. . It should also be made permissible to issue atock for consolidation rrposoa of two or more railroad companies, based on THE FAIR AND REASONABLE MARKET VALUE OF TILE STOCK OF THE CONSOIIDATEP COMPANIES. , . '.j87: of 'tf two companies wish to consolidate the bona fide value of whose .hares is below par, it .hould be permUaible to fasue new consolidated rtock tn proportion to the market Talue of the rtock. of the regpoctire companiea. ! ;. V '.To fllustrate: If, for instance, the Misaouri Pacific IUAwst com- SALEM. Jsn. 27 One of the breex lest committee wranglea of the pres ent legislative session marked the ef fort of the many Interested persons to get together and reach an agree ment last night as to the trl-county bridge provided for In 8. B. No. tl, by Carson. The bill requires the bridge to be located at Buttevllle, but most of the Msrion constituency In Senate and House want the structure at Newberg. After a half or three-. quarters of n hour devoted to debate and Interchanges of opinion the com mittee, composed of the Senators from the three Interested counties Marlon, Yamhill and Clacksmas adjourned without mattera being materially changed. Senator Carson, of Marlon.- chair man of tne committee. Is said nerson- slly to oppose the Buttevllle bridge, though by Introducing the bill and promising to support It he now finds himself In a rather awkward predica ment. If the general belief that the 4-n.!Jib..VMe.proveB warranted, parson aouDtiess will feel greatly re lieved. A citizen of Buttevllle named Purdy caused the Introduction of the bill and has been one of Its strongest advo cates before the committee. It Is said the Trl-county Push Club waa formed to try to carry through the law dhv poaea- i ne opponents of the bill wsnt Ysmhlll County to dst Its share for building the bridge, though only 15 feet of It are said to He In Yamhill territory. It is expected that the majority re port will be against the bridge and the minority In favor of it. Without a united delegation from the three coun ties the prospects of the measure pass ing do not appear bright. Dick Aiusworth, a young American with-a rUb aud liidulgvut father, speut much of his tluio s broad. aria being hla favorite place vf realdeuce. He Vaa a Trvquoiit Ultor at lbs Pwra and th theaters. Indeed. the were hla world. Oue ufcht on tb slsge of the Opera Coiulqu be mw.dI fate. , Oue of the alugcra. Mile. CWbctt Vrrdler waa th Impersonation of luodoetr.. ot dx4rum, of all that ia gwnti and fern luttfe. . rAMi worth requested a theatrical friend to take hint behind the seme and Introduce him to the lady. Tu! waa duly granted, aud Atnaworth fouud Mile. Yerdler the sam shy uuassumtug creature she wss on the stsge. 8b wss rather petite and dressed off-and usually on-th etag' la rery simple attire, her hair wlul ly U'lng plainly done. When Alu worth looked at her admlriugly her eyes dropped 10 the door and she stood before , him a living slatu of luiio- ceuce. At the end of a few month, during-which Atnaworth gave Mite. Vr dler all of hla time that ahe was able to apart of her own to be with htm. be fouud hInuMlf (U-eratily In love wttti ber aud made her a proioal of marriage. It was accepted, and Alnsworth waa Inordinately bappy. lie tom ni oancee that It would not be necessary -for her "to remain ou tUo aUge that hla father was a very rich man. Atnaworth aenlor'was but twenty two years older than Aluswortb Junior. one ne naa always been very liberal with his sou and had told tb boy that wniued to marry be would provide for him. "I don't wlah you to ne in a nurry to get me out or the way. Dick." the pareut had said. "I'm good for twenty or thirty yeara yet, but I ahall not trouble you because I still Uv.M When Clochette asked Mck If nia rather would object to hla marry ing on on the stage Dick told ber tnat hi rather had com very near rt.v lag the sam thing himself before he married hla mother. Iih k wrote his father about hla en gagement, and hla father replied ayn pstbetlcslly that If the description he uaa receirea or tbe lady were correct he would have no objection whatever to tbe match and would provide for tne coupi liberally. Tbe elder A ins wort h.w a a widower, with no other child except Dirk, and be promised to settle half of hla estate on bis boy on tbe day of his marrisge. "nat," h aald lu closing hla letter. "I must make tb acquaintance of your fiance be fore giving my approval, and 1 am sorry to aay I shall not be able to croaa tbe ocean for several months yet." Thla Isst part of hla father's letter wss the only part of It that Interfered witn Pick's comfort. He wss very ujucu in iove and desired to be made hsppy at once. It troubled blm that hla dear, modest little Clochett should contlnu to be the target forrfh eye of the young bloods of Paris, n would gladly bsve bad ber leave It at once, but she declined to do so until they were msrrlcd. Bo Dirk wss forced to wslt till bis father could come over and alt should be settled. At last be received the welcome news that Mr. Alnsworth would sail on a certain dale and go direct to Parts on his arrival at Havre. Dick waited for the day of arrival feverlab ly. II hsd-no donbt of bis father s spprovsi of his ladylove. Such unsf reeled sweet nm would JOINED THE CYOTES AND NOW ROAMS WILD ONCE FAITHFUL GREYHOUND PREFERS LIFE IN THE WILDS. A once tame arvhmind. owned by a resident of Randy, Oregon, -haa be come wild and now Uvea with tha coy otea It formerly chased In tba sur rounding bills. It hss hern three years sine thl greyhound heard and responded to the call of the wild, and It haa never vea lured back 1o hla old home except to coma to the outskirts to steal chick' ens from henroosts. The companion of th greyhound la a coyote, and they have frequently been seen together running through th outskirts of Handy. Heveral per sona have tried to get photographa of the strage couple, but have failed The greyhound haa lost all dealre to return to hla former home and naa ne come even more wild than his com panlon. The animal haa quit a his tory, hsvtng been rwised from a puppy In the nelshhorhood. One day he die- appeared from his bom, and severs! week afterward waa Been with tn coyote, which haa been hla oonatant companion alnce, - ADDITIONAL LOCAtft. j .ail ISI1S ' The trial of the Keller boys, aet for hearing, waa postponed to todsy at 1 p. m. The lawyera were not ready ao the case waa poatponed. C. R .Humboldt, of Portland, ha purchased a five acre tract In Cler mont allotment No. 3. which he will proceed to put Into', high at ate of cultivation. At the Gladstone Christian church Sunday there will be a merger aer- vice In th tnornlns one a month th church and Sunday school being merged. There will be preaching at the evening hour. At the Christ Rv. Lutheran church Sunday the aubject at the morning hour will be. "Three Stare for Earthly Pllgrlma" 1. The Star of Nature; I. Th Star of Divine Word; 1 The Star of Bethlehem. Service will be at 10:30. In Rngllsh. II. C- Croaa haa bad a dllch opened up alongside the O. Y. P. Ry. In Glad stone to take off tbe water when It rslns. The O- W. P. haa no culverts under Ita tracka and when It haa rained In the past the water waa barked np and unable to get out Thla new ditch will Insure that the water ran run off and no more floods are to occur. The ditch la on th eaat aide of the track. The Bank of Oregon City Gives Its customers genuine Wa and its Increased business end grovv shows that such service Is appreciate THE OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY For fin shoe rpalrlit l THE OLD RELIABLE OREGfj CITY SHOE SHOP Work dne white yen wait Out Mottot Satisfaction Gaaraatrc d C. SCHOENHEINZ, Propria 711 Main .lath and iewenth. GEORGE A. HARDIKc r DRUGGIST PURE DRUG. PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES AND STATIONERY. PRESCRIPTION AND FAMILY CEIPTE CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PHONES . MAIN tMt. HOME, aV44. Sit MAIN STREET n i Next Door (o Pocid 4 1 a C. LATOURhTTTl PreaidenL r. i. aJITatf THE FIRST. NATIONAL Btf of OREGON CITY , OREGON j capital, SoAOoaoa . I Traneeet . Oeral Banklef welne, Oh free Kit' CORRESPONDENCE. MELDRUM. Dank up the old barae to shut out lh cold wind under the floora. The aunsbln ahould come Into every stable through large wlndowa. If a cow haa an apple or similar ob struction lodged In ber throat. It can be removed by pouring a pint oCjnelt mere was a piesssm aurpns on I ed Isrd down her throat. Thl ni Mr. and Mrs. Done In their pretty make th animal strangle and cough, bungalow. They apent a very pleas- land In tbe Simula th. ohatmrii.m .in ant evening with gamee and cards, be dislodged. rterresnments were served during tbe evening and all the guest a reported mat-they naa a very pleaaant time. Tbe guesta were, Mr a. Gwlne and her three daughtera, from Walla Walla REAL ESTATE. Warren D. and Ella R. Hathaway, J. II. Graham and Helen M. rallln el Mra. Rose Nehren, Mr. Elva Single- ' t0 Joh" R- Oatfleld. i:o.ll acre). lownaoip i aouin, range l eaat; quit i Mile to A. J. and Kate Lai. 17.13 acre, between aectlona 13, 10, so, and 31, township 4 sooth; fists 10. W. II. Seltser to Catherine Ooticber, terrv. Mr, n II Unwell Mr Dan.ll Mr. and Mra. W. M Gardner Me ant claim Mra. J. PL Reelev. Mr anit Me r.l.l. I Isaac A well, Mr. and Mra. Oua Wamblad, Mr. and Mra. Van Hoyton, Mr. and Mra, Charlea Moran. Miss Kthle Green. Miss Msrlorle Mvera Ml Jnal rsie. an. Miss Msud Moran. Frank llamp- acrea, aectlona It and IT, township ton, R. p. Caldwell and Carl Nehren. ou!h' ' xo(hl- There were eiactly thirty people In- M,rr R Mayflel. t al to U 'W. eluding Mr. and Mra. Done. Warner, 135 acrea and a SO foot atrip, Mr. Louis Helgbmen, of 8aeonore, D,w aectlona j and 14, township Wash., wss visiting his parents for a ' range 3 eaat; 14500. 'hort time. He returned to hla bom J"na and Ruby Adama to Carl Monday evening. Ronth, tract In section 23, township t Mr. Arthor Erlckson Is stopping on'h, rang esst; 1. home at bis psrents. Mr. and Mra. Carl "nd Hanna Rooth to Jamea and Victor irrrlrkann ir ) n vi. ... I Ruby Adama. tract In section 11. tn. man. rt.l.i. ilii i L.T. -" ' '""i iw nmiM " . ." k . jl i ""r" nnt nis rs and maybe longer, ther bad a keen lnslgbt Into character Mr .nrf Me. n especially or women. He would at few daya In Bellwood with their daugh- IMn r Lydla Urklna once recognize Clochette'. mors I worth ter. Mrs. Clyde Plckered. ' tlarn Engle. 40.(5 acres, township wuum see now different I There waa a aurnria n.rie nn n. s soutn. rsng I eaat: Quitclaim. irora many women on tbe stsge, car and Arthur Erlckson Mondsy ev- vn tne day of his fstbt-r's kru-ti anmg. Tbey spent the evenlns In srrlvsl Dick received a telegram from- me ,ncn Ave hundred and pedro. him Inviting his son to snp with blm Th xumt9 w"r ola achoolmatea at a cafe on the rhamna Ria. at. tlmt n,a moved to Portland. Thoae Alnsworth would not arrive in PJ.""1 wr"-. M1"" Tll,l Thomoua, GREAT WAR i: at mm On of the Bast platureits In Thla City Drautt Dont fall to attend Theatre thla afternoon or to aee lh treat war ( On Keniarky Boll,- aa aaw Civil War. ahowlng th tkc of the Union Spy of t camp. Thla great war fka plt with stirring artkas' by th Reliance All Star? Another picture Is "Tba On which Is considered oata! picture put on. and c i not arrive before 10 r,"T. " " Inon,ou' P. m. and hla ,, .u. Dr" nomous. miss cora jag TWIN 11 A K annl., W " llill.ll, m v.. Bi. t to fhe ear. T, ? ,bV" E""' Mr Ann, BvtM' Mr- Mra. UoJi!ecafandjlH(f09r Jamea. Russel. Mr. and Mr.Vlctor r. J he proprietor announced Erlckson, Mr, (J. R. Orshsm, Mr. Pew- csfe at II. Dick went Bis father, the, if II. ., . . " ... .V mi. u- ll. uranam, mr. liew- inst M. Alnsworth bad engaged a prl- ey Thomous, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Oscar r"" 'si ne nnd evidently Erickson and Mr. Arthur Erlckson. uTiaiiipii. aince be bsd not yet -...r-. OAK OROVE " "'"Pa U nlly walked bsck and The Oak C.rove Junior basket W ' u"ur' wnen vrslter step- team dnreated the Young Men'a Jew ped up to him and bade him foiinw Ish team of Portland Wdnat. him. He led the young mau to an np- nln' January J6, In Oreen'a hall, per atory and. stopping st a certain Bcore 28-14. door, fbrew it open. Mr"- Arthur Kuehl la quite alck ine sight young Alnsworth beheld ' 5rlDp' stsrtled him. Arotmd a table on which L WM rc,v(1 ,rPm Loe Von- were tbe remains of a sumer sat . ??Th fr?m Angeles, Cal., stating company of men ami .,., I. l"" weatner waa nn. wore? for wme Tl ! "?' V"- l.nd. P the beinnin,, -k! r.ll " " "u ' W""K na Oraham. " " "ua I'RS HflW, CINDERELTAS entiled -Columbus' RHtn'l crowds attended this shmK night to aee these plctort C. E. Society Social. The Christian Endeavor society Of the Congregational church rave av clal to membera Friday evening which proved a very pleasant event There waa a enort program and prominent among the young people to partlcl- imie waa A1JSS Ann e Miller nt r-.. land, who gave several recitatlona and readings. At I Arthur Oraham la once more able FOR GOOD OF SERVICE. ti5t?.UN2T0.N' ,an- 27-nr ilr Nav. u he PTfM. Secretary of the for M15 h" ,"ke1 Admiral Barry Sved snrS"KD"Hon' " bn re It thl WM wcepted "for the good SLn rTl9" according to an an nouncement made today by Secret." "PONTOON" PEACOCK DEAD. CHICAGO. Jan. cock, known among Teteran. of th civil war as "Pontoon Peawi, - ,?5 yesterday after a year'a Illness' at his residence here. Mr. Pescock wis a ?im- u?Sht "Btur"' r" rrti?J d.tb cor,Suror road and built brldgee acros the n.irt.i,-T.. awamps. which enabled tJZ"l Pranklin in em.. . Hilt ft. "r "'vern -m. of' "PontZ Peacock. Try Dunn irr r-i. . . oood.. Nit ; v:.:: BmoMr' one .ml ... i.i. .... . I """ ui-iiem i hot mMtl . eT,aen,r the to be up and around but not able to I - w it- in- I' ni W n 1 1 1 fr rsM rn tes, I roinmst tilaa i iHe.a lM . a the scene wss s worasn dancing around Ldlea' Sewing Circle will meet at ... ."u,. oonru. line nome Of Mra. V. Clark Thnratav She was Mile. Clochette Verdler. I Dasket ball game Saturday evening, rameri uiochetter rrieri niei, January zn in nreen'a hall between Shast. ' I the Osk Orove Senior club team snd Tbe dancer atonnewt a m cnnatian, Brother. Athletic Pinh . "' nvr i, d-i- u... io nis rather, got down from tbe " table and walked angrily out of th. M.Lw7u"k,E. 'My .on" ssld the elder Al. "!?l..B.?..Bd. "demonstrstlon i. k-m-: ll.r V" """siiKie, win go to slon. I h.e. i . . ' " rr.""u." " WBW" lo or an appro-1 paria in .. r. r i "" i emmoy counsel io argue a . tnrtylna; your Dance.- the appeal of the fare caae which the And that, wss the end of Dirk ai Portland Rallwa i.ih a, pim r- "'ine urrnm or ltv. m t t.... .1 1 nnnv ha teben m tha a.,n..M. r.. arenm h, h.a ,nth,r ntt!f bu( tj Mllwaukle won th caae for flva cent i.m nm rainer approved of his choice e MTon R"foad Commission, v,u uv mw ner. I oiaie nupreme uonri, nut tne railroad company appealed to tha 1 ii 1 r ears aw r r HiiMama ...a mi Tl. 1 ' 'ninu, lie u inunev avaiinn e to hand Mil. .110 Dannuer vmi k. . . 1 , 1 . . . ... - Congregational XVST' I""""! 2" -for the waa a very enkVv.M': E.". "n,D rT. l h wre nearly an hundred f""r" ;r.:Z" -wmmim runos for the joy tne occasion. Tn speaker, of the I . this city, and ReV." "r'.of . . " " tnaifl ,V a m ' VJnCKA I , I1UIEL IDDIuil at wihi inn rkftatrtw - sl. I . - .. " ' w a- V. R-v. P.ddock ..thl sat. TOL.'" who' h.v. -onary superintendent of Or , T V,, M: U a lntereated in v. " TO-DAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING AT . THE GRAND CurdTourRhr, AND OTHER ILLS OF TH" AT Till j HOT LAf (The Hous of IfBs V TUB onEGorMyAs: Rai:ro:d&IVavi; Bell, round-trip tlcheta. f month., allowing ; accommodation st tt 1 rium, at Portla - ow. r. j. For further Informstka ' trated booklet, addra i Phy, Madlcal gupt. Uke, Oregon, any 0--" Atent, or writ to . . .WM. MeMUR.-t General Ptsw; :: . roRTU.-- ) ( Interested i V- v'".e,on.' n1 church, w a i7. ' wunc the erforthe oc.." w" ,.M,r,?Le"fcl" one portant itm healthy. tor keepln, Hammal, flan Franclaco. i. a'tZ.Jc'I rt Mnl.ii. . . - ' . 'an- WsshTn B-lnEh.m, V. 1" wmsier, port and: l James. J v ni.... If u r! ... . n""r' Portland; " H. MacDonaM M..n.. n .. ' DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . . ( Try the Clatjlfcd Celsans cf iworningenterf: ... t . r , : 30CO JXztz Vzy : i i - . - " w. .1 V.W, field. MnuiT. . r.ii '. " r- war- Mr.. A. n x,A "r''"' rorg; . vviiiiama.