Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1911)
' Th only dally niMINr h- twee Portland and la lam; lr latss In avory oootion of Clock- mil County, with a population of JO.OOO. Aro you ait advortloorf i. 1 No. 18 ' OREGON G IT Y,-OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1911. Per Weejc, 10 Cents rtptlons for the Morning 1m will bo received for Jlmlted time at a epselsl nd In your order today I oansflt of low price. no un EN E Hi f 4 0 IIP f IX tTtlNIH WILL NOT BK (AkUJ IHOnl IrtvlAL . COMMITTE i i -' r COMMITTIf. ;m OF BOTH HOUSES ,.0n Chanea-to Invoetlgate port Baforo Furthor . Stops Will Bo Taken. WEATHER FORECAST. Oreioo City and portlsnd -Occasional rain; aouth to woat wlnda. - ' Oregon Occasional ruin; cool er, Interior south portion; aouth to woat wluda diminishing In force during tho afternoon along tlio ooaat. - INFORMAL OANCINQ. C11Z1 Or.. Jan. J7.-(8pl.) il t"l aayluur controversy still t -Ml (' trirds here, and tho falluro if t if 3rmlnod to probo matters t C " " to eecuro a resolution t:" JUrinrr to appear before a I i ".too and etplaln tnattora j J .1 , . K " ; to put a atop to tbo row. t L Z wtlvo Reynolds thla after !"-"" -r. a rraolutlon aaklng In. r f j t j,ar ,lext Tuowi.y at io i '. - t t "r I bo members of tho tl ! "V Hut tho committee to M "Wlutlon waa referred do 1. r report It bark to tho tZz .Hlon tomorrow. If tho rinded It la aald tho com report adversoly. . js-tho roaoluilon argue v , committee, appointed to 'law ould Jo given a chanc to I x any further action la Hfiiator Wood today vi "war la reference to thai ,1 .t of the IfRUIutlvo com 1 11 I) tho limnngHiiiiMit. Htolu 1 to run across Wood, who 1 r - fOmrulttM that made an 1 Of tlir sityfiitn aomo tlmo t?t T 1 tL. ' ' 1 EARNEST ; .3 RECIPROCITY itxL ' -4 I... r: t 'rt m THAT HE WILL FIGHT "1 THROUGH THIB "Bf 8ION. T 'TON, Jan. 17 (Spl.) A la not. making mirh ila effort to a'Turo rir on thla rountry and Can ) lalng hld up by mombera rjrty to CoiiKreaa, and If may yet bo forced to V j Domorrata to aM In car a i.cjram throuah. aiaaumea to know aaya 1l to tho frurioo to a ty not only In thla aoa a next, and oven go ao : t Bpoclal aeaRlon If ho lary. c; t r jiVKRNINQ CANAL. XN. Jan. 27. A atar f of tho nearneaa of tho t Panama Canal to traffic (, f tho latent laauo of the uat received here, which o form of an appendli aent, the lawa governing the Panama Canal, pna follow tboae In force inal and preacrlba with tho llahta to be carried jlnnnU to be given by i otherwlae, and other ) held by approaching '.were prepared on the re approved by 8ecre on December SI laat. theiw-baa already- by t , owing to the growing I of the approachea to firm with tho colta and atrong haltora. in lime of feeding and jauao Indlgoatlon. ICE UP! 2 wJ4) lie that we are offering Values in jdds and ends Vcaring Apparell y ' 1 makes such as W, L. )hoes L System and m Suits and Overcoats, s. Yorke Shirts, Etc. I fully 40 per cent; can Come in and let us atement. ) Brothers BIVC CLOTHIERS t Like Othora ' and Main St a. 1 Indulged By the Minuet Club, .Thura-" day Evening. The Minuet Club gave an Informal dancing party at the Willamette Hall Thuraday night, which proved a moat eujoyablo event. Only incmbero of tbo club attended and dancing waa In dulged In from I to 11 o'clock. Tbo miuhIo waa furnlahed by Harry Karmor and Oacar Wood fin. Tbo following were preaent: Mr. and Mra. A. Showman,. Mr. and Mra. K. W. (Ireenman, Mr. and Mra. John Adania, Mr. and Mra. John J. Tobln, Mr. and Mra. rTauk Ituwrh, Mr. and Mra. C. H. Noble, Mr. and Mra. K. T. Harlow, Mr. and Mra. W. II. Howell, Mra. M. Aadrowa, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mra. Nleta ilarlow . Lawrence, Mlaa Anna Hhannon, Meaara. John K. Clark, William Mulvoy and Roy Armatrong, Tho ICaal Bide Mill Lumber Co. and the Oregon ')oor Co. have filed tnochantca' llena agaliiet properly at Oak Urove belonging to Jamce M. .HII and K IX Olda. Tbo amount claimed, la 302.91. LINCOLN DAY TOPIC AT BROTHERHOOD MEET SECOND BANQUET AT FRESBY TERIAN CHURCH 18 BET FOR - ' TUEBOAV, FEBRUARY 7. GRANGERS OBJECT TO STATE HIGHWAY OREGON FARMERS WANT GOOD ROAOS BUT NOT BUILT FOR ..AUTOS EXCLUSIVELY. CIU BILL' PROVIDES COUNTY ROADS County Court Takee tho Initiative But the Votora Have a Chance: to Approve or Re- Ject The rreabyterlan Brotherhood, re- orgnnlxed ten daya ago, will have another banquet on the evening of Tiii'Mlny, February 7, In the church parlora. A committee waa appointed Thuraday 'til it hi fo have the affair In charge. It baa Wen aarecd by iM committee that the ocraalon ahall commemorate the life of Abraham IJncoln. and to Ttiat end a Lincoln program will bo prepared. Mayor Ilrownell la a great admirer of IJncoln and he baa been Invited, and accepted the Invitation, and 'will apeak to the aubject, "Lincoln " Oth ers will talk to the aame aubject, while every one preattnt la-lnvlted to alvo a IJncoln toplo' or quotation. There wtll alao be several mualcal numlera aa part of the program . SECOND MONTHLY BANQUET. Two. Speakers From Abroad Will Adorn the Program. The second monthly banquet for the men of tho Methodist church will be given In the parlora of the church on Tueaday evening, January 31, at 7 P in. An Interesting and entertaining program la being arranged. A male quartett will olng. Mr. A. King Wil son, a prominent attorney, and Or. C. K. Cllne, a well known minister of Portland, will spoak. Mr. Wllaon and Dr. Cllne are both live men and will both make addreasea that will atlr the blood. The Ladlea' Aid aoclety will provide tho banquet. All men who are mem bora or friends of the church aro In vited. The first banquet given about a month ago waa a big success but It la expected that thla will bo oven bet ter than the other. HOLDING SUCCESSFUL MEETINGS. President Todd and Superintendent Qary Greeted By Crowds Tha educational rallr at Poring u'utnuitK nl.hi st which President Todd and Buperlntendeat Oary spoke, waa a decided aucceas. Despite the in clement weather a good audlenca waa out aud much-Interest- manifested. Borne teachera and othora driving many mllea to bo present The Boring school la aayng gooa work Under the management of Mine Lovelace and Miss Hansen. The ralllea for the last day of the week will be held at Drown s school house Saturday. CURIOS AND RELICS. Indian Blankets and Trlnksts That Awaken Much Curloeltyi George Young, the second hand dealer on Main street, who has a gen eral collection of Indian relics In one of hla display wlndowa, thla week se cured many Indian curios from the Indian Reservation of Dakota. Among the curios he bought were 11 pairs of Indian moccasins, with fancy beading, a cross made of beads, man's beaded belt, of beautiful design, besides aomo Indian baskets. Noticeably among hla collection that la aeon In the win dow la a fine collection of jade Images from China and Japan, rattlea from the rattlesnakes of Texas, California, Eastern Oregon, and one from Hood River, bash eta made by tha Molalla. Walla Waffa and Warm Spring tribes. beads of many descriptions brought here, by the Hudson Ray Company, a Navajo blanket, Indian bowls, una o which waa found while moving the Dr. John Mclxiuglln homo from Main atreot, and which la tha largest In the collection, a large piece of wood, tak en from the first telegraph pole In stalled by Ben Holladay, a ellver wat er pitcher found beneath tho Dr. John McLoughlln homo, an a, which was also found beneath thla house, a pet rified plug of tobacco, ahowlng where the user of thla had taken one bite therefrom. Thla waa found by Mr. Bowers, of thla city, In a mineral spring, who sold It recently to Mr. Young. In thla collection aro many fine specimens of agates, many of which wera found at Newport, ona at tracting no little attention In thla col lection la a likeness of George Wash ington. Mr. Young states that many of the tourists passing through thla city Visit hla store and are shown tha curios, nd many of these have been Bold. SALEM, Or , Jan. 7. (Staff Cor- raiwknifn-4i t Th flAfimtit I his sf. Upniifln Iimmajm! fh Kill rraafln tha State Highway Commission and, InJ orably on another measure providing I or i no worsing oi convicts on wi" roads. Both of these bills win meet with determined - opposition ln the House. " , n.i.kMuul Ia fham ' In fha Inwsr branch of the leglslatdre have ap nea red two bills oroooslng methods f hlghwsy construction which have the Indorsement of the Stste Orange and the Farmers' tin Ion of Eastern rirnri Ona nf ihesa bills was In troduced by Representative Mariner, Gilliam, it proviciea mai me oiaio Knglteoe. shall have advisory super- n all roaila In ha constructed la whole or in psrt ny msie aid or in-In OB " II 1 V " with money spproprlsted by the cou i Th I. Ill nmvliles further that return for his services, the State En gineer shall be compenssted $1200 per snntim In addition to his present sal sry. This official Is also lo have an anslstsnt at an annual aalary of I2t0. Tbla bill la preferred by the Orangera In the hlshway commission plan which provldos for the employment of a highway commissioner at Itooo per' annum. Another-blll . which will facilitate road construction In the aoveraXxoun tles was offered by Ilepreaentatlve fin nf it....! utvor It nrovldes that on petition of 25 per cent Of the legal voters of the county, me t ouniy i;oun shall calr a special election to deter miue whether or not shall be Issued for the construction of permsnent roada petitioned for. The petition must state tho amount of bonds to be Issued, the rate of Interest they are to bear and the length of tlmo they aro to run. It must also be apeclfled In the petition what the beginning and the termlnua shall be of every road or roads to be Improved. When 'the Improvement of euch .kail Ka authorised at the spe cial election, and theae electlona may be ordered by the rounty t ouri w mi out the formality of a petition, the members of the County Court ahsll Immediately communicate with the State Engineer who ahall assume ad- ..i . ...K.,.i.lnn n I ha work. Only TIW'I J puii ,.-. - . . one auch special election can be neia In esch county annually. - la marfa In the GUI bill by which a apeclfled amount of county warranta can be Issued to meet the expense of road construction. The method of determining the amount of their issue is to bo determined In the same manner aa In the case or a oona Ineue. ,A A Another bill calculated to facilitate i -r.i..n r iha initiative and ref erendum appeared in the Jlouae to day. It was Introduced y Repre sentative Abrama, of Marlon. The bill provides that all petltlona aubmlt ting bllla under the Initiative must be tiled with the Secretary of 8tato four mnnttii hefore the date of tho general election. All ench bllla are then rererrea io me ru bers of the 8upreme Court who are Inst met od to digest each measure and . .nnplM alatament on each. fl'ii v a v,w. - explaining Its legal and constitutional meaning ana errect. tr ensciea. mo statements together with the bills are to be returned to tne wecreisry oi State In time to enable him to turn vr tn tha Rtata Printer for printing In the official pamphlet ta aued by the atate for the Information of the voters. The atatementa pre pared by the supremo uoun concern Ing each measure shall be printed In the pamphlet at tho expense of the atate. If, In their Investigstion, ine members of the Snprome Court rina ..... nn.nn or snv nsrt of any measure la unconstitutional, that bill shall not be placed on the ornciai nsi In, nalihar shall the text of the bill or the atatement of tho court concern ing It be printed In the ornciai pampn- lot. aatn. nimlck has won the nrsi round In the fight for an eight-hour rift Ut for employeeB In all manufacturing planta running 22 hours out of every 24. The Senate committee on commerce and labor to day aubmltted a favoraoie repon ou hla bill which may come up on third reading tomorrow. Both houses today aaoptea resoiu tlona calling for an inveatlgatlon of the state Insane aayrum and Ita man agement. The Senate reaolutlon pro vided for a Joint committee consisting; of three membera from tbo House and two from the-Senate while the I louse resolution provides for a aeparate committee of five membera from Ita own bod. It la expected the two housee will get together and decide on a Joint committee to havo charge of the Inquiry. Under each resolu tion, tha committee to be appointed la Instructed to make a report of Ita find ings to th Legislature prior to final adjournment on February 17. ( COCHRAN, s ' A Talk Especially for Boya. A service of special Interest to boys and all friends of boya will bo bold at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mr. J. C. Clark, director of boya' work for the Portland Y. M. C. A., will Ilia talk will ha lllnatra t ait hv Btereoptlcon views. In these views ho win show aomo practical tnings mat ,.n V.a Anna tnv tha mAril anil nhval. cal welfare of the boya of Oregon City. A CERTAIN TYPE OF MEDICAL" VAMPIRE. PJ- frS r-r (PNDJOTls! ' ' " r's Ait'' ' ( - A WfKK'ft TIAT.1tSil . 1" I MM A MiTAKE IHWM MENT Will nc i lW-. SNV f- ' I DlAtMOSIS VCSTERDfty Mi- twSSt ' wa 1 u" ' MoCutchoon in Chiosgs Tribune. HEALTH COMMITTEE GETTING ACTIVE UNSANITARY CONDITIONS IN CER TAIN QUARTERS LEADS TO INVESTIGATION. Salary of Health Officer Commen oorato With Duties In Hanv ' . lot of 400 or 500 People. Tho health committee of Council haa Ita hands full in an effort to clean up the town before the apting weather aeta In In earnest. Councilman Burke waa running around all day looking up people who are maintaining nuisances with a view to giving notice that a cleaning up must begin at once. Chief among the placea wbere the people aro tempting fat and disease, which terms are synonymous Is the small house on John Adama street, between Seventh snd Eighth, that la occupied by Greeka and Italians. There are three tlmea aa many oc cupying the few rooms of which thla house is composed aa should do ao. but that la not the worst feature of the case. All about tho house and. the yard la much half decayed matter and filth that only awalta a few warm daya to set up sn active cholera con dition that will beggar description. These people were given notice to clean lip. which they agreed to do. Councilman Burke aaya he proposes to see to It that they do. On Fourth street, near th,e Southern Pacific tracka, Is even a worse con dition than that found on the bill. Hero over thirty people are living in a small house, and filth and garbage la tying about In every direction one may look. As an evidence of the ahiftless ness and laziness that prevails It Is only necessary to say that to avoid labor these men had bored a hole In the floor aqd Instead of carrying out wa.ter and alopa they were permitted to run down through thla bole. From the odor arising It waa evident tht nature calls were a feature of the con venience. These people also a treed to olean up, and -when the dangers lurking about present conditions were ex plained to them the promise was most profuse Certain It Is that unless I something Is done quick the people of HOLE THROUGH FLOOR FOR DRAINAGE ;mar c,,,e1 V f,ght r Wnrrli la tha haatih nffloar at a aalary ao amall that it la scarce worthy of mention. The Doctor insists his salary must be 'Increased If he la to continue In that position. Require ments on his time make it Imperative for a raise or some one else can serve the city aa Ita health officer. In view of the fact that unless the Greeks and Italians do clean up it will be necessary for the city to do the work. In which case the city can charge the expense up against the property, it behooves the owners of property occupied by Greeka and Ital Una to see to It that matters are cleaned un within the next few weeks. The health committee of Council seems to be awake to conditions, and to what must be done to remedy con ditions. There la no need for an epidemic thla iprlng If reasonable care la taken to aeo to It that the common laws of hygiene are obeyed. With the spring rise In the river certain properties are overflowed, but thla may be made a blessing if tbo citizens will see to it that there la proper drainage later: notao-1f-the water-Is-allowed "to stand In poola and become filthy. The Greeks and Itallana are a men ace to the community unless they are comprtlW o live with due regard to the lawaof nature. When they are given to understand wbat they must do. and when they must do it, there la little fear from them. But whoev er ia tho city health officer It wants to be Impressed on him that It la to be his duty to see to it that these peo ple do aa he Bays, he having first told them Just what he wishes them to do. FIFTY-THIRD BIRTHDAY. A Few Frlenda Gather to Celebrate tho Occasion. Mr. and Mra. A. H. Harvey enter tained a few of their flrends at their home at Twilight on Wednesday even ing, the occasion being tho 63rd birth day anniversary of the former. The evening waa pleasantly spent In pro gressive whist. In which the first prlxe waa awarded to Wallace Johnson, and the cotjsolatlon prlxe to Mrs. Frank Black. One Of the featurea of the ev ening waa the delicious luncneott served by Mra. Harvey, who waa as sisted by her daughter, Miss Marie The house decorations were of ever greena and ferns. Miss Marie Harvey rendered several piano aelectlona, which added to the evening's enter talnment. Present were Mr. and Mra. A. H. Harvey, Mr. and Mra. Wallace John son, Mr. .and Mrs. George Lanelle Mrs. William McCord, M raw Frank Black, Mra. Shlnall, Miss Ruby Mc Cord. Miss Marie Harvey. Thomaa Kal ian, M". J. Laxelle, Clinton Black. FREE! FREE! Bring thla ad and we will tell you how to get a sample of this tho LATEST AND BEST. DYOLA DYES On Dye For All Goods Sixteen Colors Ten Centa Per Package We Fill All Drog Wants A Full Lin of A, D. S. Remedies Proscriptions and! Family Receipts .Filled With Pur Drugs! Quality and Prlcoa Right - CHARMANClCo. City Drug Store. -Next Door to Eloctrto Hotel. Paclflo Phono IS v Horn Phon 43 Promoted By Wolla Fargo Co. Fred Mllea, son of F. A. Miles of Oite city, hsa Just boon transfered and promoted to the agency of the Wells Fargo Express Co. at Medford, Or., and left for that place Thursday night. Ho will be joined by bis wife In a few dsys. Mr. Mllea haa been In the ser vice of the company 11 years, starting In Oregon City, and haa been tho agent at Forest fjrovo for more than a year. Every window should hsv shutters to close tightly at night to keep the cold ouL . ENTERTAINS AT HOME IN HONOR OF SISTE1 MRS. EVA EMERY DYE TALKS ON RECENT TRIP TO HAWAII SISTER READS POEMS. Mrs. May Byerly Miller, of Portland, gave a reception Friday afternoon In honor of her sister, Mrs. Luclelle By erly Miller, of Omaha, Neb. It waa a gathering of literary people and wai composed of a choice company of kin dred spirits who had a most enjoyable afternoon. Mra. Eva Emery Dye, of thla city, waa present aa an Invited guest and gae an address on her recent visit to Hawaii that was well received- She told of the customs of the people In a very entertaining manner and her talk created more than usual Interest In the Hawallana and their mode of dress and manner of life. Mra. Luclelle Byerly .Miller, In whose honor the reception waa given, read several of her own poems, which called forth very enthusiastic compli ments. It proved a very enjoyable occasion to all present Directors .Will Be on Hand."1 The board of director of the Ore gon City Fruit and Produce Union haa been called to meet next Wednesday at 2 p. m.. in the parlors of the Com mercial Club. Next Tuesday la the day that the Union expects to open business-and -the-board -of -directors will be on hand to answer questions aad atand around In the way of the men doing the actual work ort of look wise, ao to apeak. Already the Union haa been offered more than 200 sacks of potatoes and It will on Tueaday' begin to accept and ship all kinds of fruit and produce for Ita membera. Annual Reports snd Election. The Friendly Bible class, of the praahyterian church. will hold Ita an nual election of offlcera on Tuesday evening. In the church parlors- Tnu meeting will mark the close or tne first year's work by thla clasa aa an organization, and the reports of the work will likely have mucn or interest to the membera of the clasa, who are all urged to be present. MORE THAN FIFTY MEMBERS PRESENT OREGON CITY FRUIT AND PRO DUCE UNION HOLD BUSINESS SESSION AT COURT HOUSE. - ANOTHER KEETKC Ci TWO WEEKS 1 Board of Director Will Moot Feb ruary L Whan Doors of Wars . . houo Are to Be Opened.' Tbo Oregon City Fruit and Produce Union held a meeting In tbo Court House . yesterday, beginning at -10 o'clock In the forenoon. There were upwards of fifty membera present a ub fiva-9u wiiuiitvuv wva-it uiw, i rrosj at length and any points ' that were not clear, to membera or prospective - member were explained. O. V. Frertar. who Is tbo minir" chosen, talked on packing and grad ing. He explained to members what constituted No. 1 and No. 2 pack, how grading secured to tho farmer bettor results, more money aaid quicker sales, and directed bis talk to Instructing along tho lines wherein much I to be accomplished If tbo Union la to b a success. , Potatoea and grain are being offered to the Union for handling at this tlmo. n Ke wise consiaersui nay sua ieea. The door of the warehouse are to be opened February 1 and an effort will be made to have membera understand bow to get the best result as soon aa possible. There are 175 members of the Union at thla time, and IS new one joined today. There will be another meet ing In about two weeka. at tho call of the president, at which Urn additional instruction will b given tho to whom the association work Is new. One fact of Importance In tbla new work ia to understand that the proper grading of products will mean a good standing In the markets, and more money for products, and less, scrutiny , when It comes to moving cropa. pne question to receive consider ation at tho next meetlnr will be th planting and training of tree. A. J. Lewis, county fruit Inspector, waa present and made a short talk. He la greatly interested In the new Union and Intend to keep rn Close touch with th work proposed. - ' The next meeting will be at the call . of the president, and In about two weeks. Certain member are of Opin ion that the meeting should i held in l Be anernoon so mai -in cih m work draga over the two .bourn planned for, there would be no neces sity to hold a second session. The board of director will meet on February 1 to b present when th doors of the warehouse are to b thrown open to tho members of th Union, i WANTS CLEAN CHILDREN. Doesnt Believe Children Can Scratch and Study at Bam Tim. SALEM. Or., Jan. 17. (SpL) Stat Senator Chase haa Introduced a bill that is nothing If not unusual. It pertalna to unclean children and fol lows: "Any board of director may pro hibit the attendance of any vermin Infected or unsanitary pupil upon th schools under their control, and aald board of directors may require th (a. VwaloV nfv1aw wm alrA an examination of any pupil who may" be suspected of having any vermin, or of being In an unsanitary condition of the body or clothing, and may requlr th parents or guardian of auch pupil to put auch pupil in a sanitary condi tion before returning to school." L Party Vrom Portland Soea Fall. . . George W. H. Bowman, Ralph Lltty, Floyater Roes, Arthur Archibald Kastner and W. C. McCulatop. of Portland, were In this city th flrat of th week, having come her to view the falls during th high water. While In thla city th young men . visited with J- R Braendle, and th party, which had brought their lunch es with them, apent part of -the time In the Canemah Park, where a lunch eon waa served, and . many . mualcal numbers were given, which attracted no little attention of those visiting tha park, where they had come to gain an excellent view of the fall. There were many people In thla city during the early part of the week to .view the high waters, which have now subsid ed. . . ., . . 0OfOtO040vOaO0000000000000000040 CLAIRMONT Plant yur dollars n CWrmont Acre- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa age 11 Will IXlUrU YUU JDaUB, IVOU3. With all of the convenience of the city and pleasures of the country, it is the most Ideal place for a home. f The present low price of the land will remunerate the f purchaser two or three times in a short time. , t The best soil that lays out doors. Small payment down $10.00 per month. j i W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. f Oregon City, Or. BOTH PHONES Main CO A 56 f , I II I I I I r Price's Chop House Meals at All Hours' . . . a a a . I - . a . ..iiL L If vou wonr ine ocsr, at iowcsi pi 11:3, cai winr Our specialty Is satisfaction. ,;'tfi M; rVIII TOM Il?Jlf - '. .-' , I IIL 1 VJn .re)...v-i- Botwoon Fourth and Fifth Stroata.