Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
CITY MS 4 1 t44MHMS44" Hai your lubicrlptlon ix- , plred7 Look at the label. You ehould not mill any of our nawa number. Attend to It now. Tht Enterprise only Clackamas Newapapir lht ill of tin mwi growing County. Count? fl n U prlnti 4 It 11 "Jr - I I I im-i-ih-h-i. M t-H M M- i t l-M ! ENTER FORTY FOURTH YEAR No. SO, SINGLE TAX BILL TOC0ME1N 1912 EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN WILL BE WAGED BY ADVOCATES OF GROUND-VALUE TAXATION. PELS COMMISSION WILL CO OPERATE OREGON CITY, OUKGON, FIJI DAY, DI-X'HMMKIMC, 1010. ar ESTABLISHED 1868 HEDGES PRESIDENT OF ININE-MILL LEVY IAT FOR CITY SCHOOL IS CHOSEN TO SUCCEED JUDGE RYAN, WHOSE RESIGNATION WAS TENDERED. W. 6. U'Rin, Just Returnid From Meeting of Commliilon, Saye That Body le Highly Pleaied With Re ulti of Our Election. Tim mlvoruti'K of the. sluglo-lax iiiiiIIhhI of nKHi'HHliiK value huvo con i'IiiiIim) to go Hlrultiht to the pcoplo of Oikkoii III 1 It 1 2. a lilll In pro vlilo for Dm t'olliH'tloii of Htnln and lot'iil rmotiiiii from Kroiiml rnt viil un, according to V". K. IJ'Hkii, who riiliirni'd thi wi'i'k from u trip of tlin'o wiM'Iti In Ilia ennt, whnrn tin at tiinili'd a iimi'iliiK of tho I'uU Com' mlitHitiii In Ni'w York,' "Tim ini'itihiiiH of din t-omiiilmiloii," mill .Mr. IJ'lti'ii, "(iiprnniiiMl Uimnst'lvc nx lilKlily nitllnflml with the ri'iult nlliilnril. tlioiiKh nt thai time It wit eiiiHMii t tint tho comity home rul aini'iiilmrtit hnil lout In ()rKnn. I niaile a report to I lie cottiinliilfui on wlmt liiut Iiim'ii done In thla ilnla to ward tho H(lotlon of ilngln-liu. "Tlin rnininUiiliiii iIki IcIixI to attaint In nu fitiirntlonnl rntupalitn In Ori'Kon to void on n Mil tn provtiln fur Win rolliH'tlon of itiiln mill local rcvnnuo from ground mm vnltii' of lurid, com monly known its liiKltn. The ef fort w ill he lo show nil clnssi'i of pixv pin In (Irt'coil Hint It will I'll to (tin advantage of the peopln to rttmove nil Inti'i from usnful ImisIiimm nml InlHir of rvrry klml, 8lngliMiixr do not ri'turil Inml iiitrulniora na um-fill liimliii'. "Tim yiem htii nlrmuty horn niloplcil hy tho city of Vancouver, II. I'., for tho lornl tine ntul him remit eil In tho city growing; In rniiltnl mid proH.rty, nml la Improving mure rap idly limn ever ht'fore. "The Fell roininlioilon rtpncti the people of Oregon will pay the greater part of tlm eipiumn of the campaign of education for the tirnt two year, lull the comnilailon will Rimini In inodcruto way, o fnr a the etpoiieea are concerned. Tho romnilislnn may pay olio-quarter, or even a little more of the expense, hut do not expect to (Continued, on page 4) J. IC. Hodge hint been elm-ted presl iIimii of tlm Oregon City Library A- aorlutloii, to sucreed Jllilgn Thorns K. Ityiiu, who resigned, a lie will Icavn tho city HiIh motitli for Bnloiii. K. Kenneth Kliiiiton win chosen ai a member of tho enorutlvo committee In phicn of Mr. Hodge, nnd the ex iiriitlvo committee voted an appro prlnllou of $loo for new llhriiry hiHika, which will li milm:loi! nml purrhnNiid and plnccd on the helve ua soon aa I piixnlhlo. I'nilnr tlm puagn of the I llhriiry tux iimIIiiiiiick, Hi" iismicliiiloti ' will have nn mlillilojinl Iticomo of ! nlioitl f 1 out) next yi'ur, Thin inoiiny . will lie illNlmrHcd by Hi" city offlclnla ' iiiMUi llin rtx-otiinii'iiitiitlon of the ex- ociitlvn coiniiilttoe of the naiocliitlon. TAXPAYERS OF THE DISTRICT HOLD MEETING FRIDAY AT THE COURTHOUSE. TEACHERS TO ATTEND Tl FIVE COUNTIES COMBINE WITH STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION IN BIG INSTITUTE. MAY HAVE LIVED HERE ARTICLES IN CLOTHING OF BODY FOUND NEAR AURORA WERE BOUGHT IN THI8 CITY. SLICHTLY EXCEEDS LAST YEAR'S LEYY Comlderlng Thi Growth of The School!, Increaaid Number of Teach. en, etc., Thla Year'! Levy li a Comparatively Small Oni. The tnxpnyera of tho city achool dlHlrlrt im-t Krldny nlKhl und vot"d a apwlnl tux of iiIiih tiillln, uflcr ht-ar-liiK Hi" report nml rocoiiiiiiondiitlon , of the liourd of dlroctora. Thla 2 i iiiIIIk In excena of the apccliil tax ; Icvli'd li t your, but tho i'Xpiidllurei n r Inrrt'iiHliiK In compnrlHon to the (truwili of tho city and of the achoola, 1 wlillii (ho aHMOHncd viiliinllon' of the j property I no greater, Tho reimrt of tlm hoiird of dlreiKors to the tax pnynr followa: "We Iii-k lo iiiluiiit herewith an pi-. limine of the receipt! and oxpendl- j turei ni'i'i-HHiiry for the conduct of (he achoola durliiK the comltiK calendar i year: j Ricelptl. ' 8inle achool fund $ ZfiOO.OO ; rouiity achool fund 800().00 Tuition 400.00 Iimteiid of the Annual County Teiieliera' Inatltute thla year, tho teiiclo-ri of Clai kamaH county will at tend the' meet Ihk of the Wentern dl vlhlou of Ihu Ori'iton Htute Teacher' AhhocIiiiIoii, which, In conjunction with the nniiiiiil liiMtitiite of Clucka iniiH, Coliimliln, Miiltiioinah, WuhIi Iiir ton und Yamhill countleH, will he held In the JeffiTBon hlxh achool hulldlnK. I'ortliitul, Ix-coniher 21, '11 and 23. Klnliorntn preparation are IxiIiik made for the IiIk liiHtltute, which will he In chili kc of atate cl;ool auperin tendi'iit Ackermnn, aHilmed hy the county achool aiipcrlntenlin and ab leHl educatori of the five countle. The vnrlou kind of educational work hnve been divided Into department, mid under the lemlerahlp of able In atructorM, will form t large part of the work of the ItiHtltute. County Hehool mperlntendent T. 1. Gary of thla county, I leader of the Depart ment of Kurul Kchool. Tho Department of Music will have It h headiiiartera In room 5! of tho achool, and I In chiirco o'. 8. K. Hunt er and Mr. K. U Coovort. A plen dld nniHlcnl pronram. Including num ber by tho pupil of the Portland Kchoola, will be a feature of the InHtl-tuto. POD El ON FULLY ORGANIZED AT MEETING TUESDAY BY-LAWS WERE ADOPTED, AND DIREC TORS WERE ELECTED FOR WALDRON IS CHOSEN FOR PRESIDENT Now That the Union la Formed, The Remainder of the Capital Stock Will Find a Ready 8a le. What may be the body of nn Ore gon City man wua found Wediic atlny i i inornliiK one mile louth of Aurora on , tlm Hnulhern I'aclflc track, with one1 h ie cut off, mid the bend and one j ! arm almoat aevered. Tho innti wn j ; apparently betwwn 25 nnd :i0 year) of iik" lie wore two Bull of clothea, I a itood one, and over It a pair of cor duroy tmutiera, a gray awenter trim-! med with red, nnd an old coat. He wore a derby hut. with the lintno of : the U Admin Deimrtiuelit Store of thin city, Htamped In the band. The; I only article found In tho imoketa were a tiMithhrunh, purrhnacd at lluiilley proa.' drug atore, and a pocket hook from the Klmt National llnnk of Oregon City. The remnlna were taken charge of by Cndertaker Miller of Aurora, ami are held for Ideutlflratlon at III un dertaking Fitnblttthnivnl. Total Oliburtementa. Tenchern' anlnrlei Clerk' aiilnry Janitor' lalarlea SupplleH Itepnlri nnd liniroveineiit to grnundn Kuel Water rent and electric power Apparatu nnd furnlturo ... I'rliuliig and advertiHlng .... Inlerem on bond Inmirnnro Kinking fund Mlacellaneoui expenditure . Intercut on loan $11000.00 $17200.00 240.00 lfioo.on 1000.00 1 .100.00 800.00 300.00 1500.00 300.00 2873.00 225.00 1950.00 300.00 190.00 $29890.00 "Thli cut I mate leave a deficit of IIS.T'.ki, which tiuiHt be raised by a apeclul tax. The aaieaw-d valuation of the property In till achool dUtrlct laat year wa $2,097,620, and as the (Continued on Page S.) MRS. ZIVNEY GRANTED After two dnya of trial, the Zlvney divorce cano wa decided In favor of the plaintiff, Mary Zlvney by Circuit JiiiIko J- A. Knkln, who heard the cuae. Hy terini of the decree, Mra. Zlveny geta a divorce from W. H. Zlvney, the custody of tho youngest child. Kmll Zlvney, and one-third of the Zlvney property at Oswego. A number of witnesses were Introduced by both aides, and a grout deal of In terest was taken In the case. George C. Urownell appeared aa attorney for Mrs. Zlvney aud C. D. Lltourette for the defendant In her complaint asking for the di vorce, Mrs. Zlvney charged ber hua band with treating ber in a cruel and Inhuman manner. i Fifty two men, representative fruit- k rowers of Clackamas county and ) others Interested In the formation of I the association, met Tuesday after I noon in the parlor of the Oregon City Commercial Club, and in an euthus j lastlc manner, they completed the or i Kunlzatlon cf the Oregon City Fruit land Produce l.'nlon. Every man prea I ent look deep Interest in the forma tion of the association,! and all sub 1 bribed for a share of the capital stock. A set of by-laws was read and adopted after a few minor cbangeb ' had been made. One of the provls I ions of the by-luws is that no member of the union can own more than one share of the capital stock, thereby preventing any person from getting 'a controlling Interest, as business of the organization will he carried along co-operative linos. The following I board of directors was elacted by the I stockholders: Marshall J. Lazelle, ; O. D. E!iy, J .8. Yodor, George DeBok, Benjamin .Kuppenbender, C. W. Swal ' low, A. J. Lewis and George Waldron. ; In a meeting following the stockhold er's meeting, the directors chose the following officers: George Waldron, i president; lien Kuppenbender, vice president; M. J. Lazelle, secretary; O. D. Eby, treasurer. The Oregon City Fruit & Produce I'nlon, w hich was recently Incorporate ' cd, Is an organization that has long been needed by the fruitgrowers of the county. By this medium, the fruit raised by the members will be gath ered by the union, and the larger amounts of each kind, thus made possible, can be shipped and sold In carload lots at better prices. Hood River and the Rogue River Valley j have organizations of this kind, and j they are largely responsible for the publicity given the fruit lands of those sections. (Continued on page 5) COODEIrtoTS il) FOR A SITE TRIANGULAR ROW GOES HIGHER UP HI8 COMPANY IS FORMED AND IS READY TO BEGIN CON- 1 8UIT INVOLVING JUSTICE COURT 8TRUCTION WORK. KNOOP AND 8EELEY FILED BY I BANK OF OREGON CITY. W. E. Goodenough, who Is contem plating the Installation of a factory! for the manufacture of toilet paper, wa In this city this week, conferring! with O. D. Eby, who Is the Live Wire j committee appointed to obtain Infor-j matlon relative to the proposed fac-l tory. Mr Goodenough states be has bis company formed, with the funds available to proceed, and he wants a site lOOx.'iOO, with a building 50x100 feet. Under reasonable terms he would secure a lease with the option to purchase. It Is understood that Vancouver, Wash., Is also after the factory and Mr. Goodenough will un doubtedly go where he can secure the most advantageous terms. CASE AMONG MOST UNIQUE ON FILE Not knowing Which Owned 8um of Money on Deposit, Bank, To Set tle the Tangle Brings Suit In Circuit Court. IN THE COUNTY JAIL 8C0TCH "NOBLEMAN" AWAITS HEARING BEFORE GRAND JURY FOR HIS CLEVER ACTIONS. Harvie Currle, who claims to be a scion of a noble family In Scotland, but who was arrested and imprisoned i for thirty days in the city Jail at Van couver, Wash., for larceny, was brought to this city last Thursday night to answer a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, . and abides, not in the ancestral halls of his frimlly, but in the donjons of the county jail, awaiting bearing before the Grand Jury. Currle poses as a grandson of Sir James Currle of Scotland, and to show the generosity abounding in his Cale donian heart, he has given worthless checks for princely sums to charitable Institutions and purposes. Making the acquaintance of Scotch people here, Currle told them of tho delay In the arrival of his remittance, and borrowed various sums from them to tide him over till the arrival of the checque. The remittance has not yet shown up. and Currle left town. The Circuit Court has issued an In junction restraining the Justice Court from proceeding further with the suit of J. E. Seeley vs. William Knoop until the further order of the higher court. The restraining order was ob tained Saturday by Attorney J. E. Hedges, representing the Bank of Oregon City and Mr. Knoop, and if the result of an unusual tangle In the court of Justice of the Peace Samson. The first step in the triangular suit was the filing of an action by Knoop against one Packard, who was em ployed by J. B. Cummlngs. Knoop filed a garnishment and obtained a judgment, but tried to get service on Packard, without success. Then J. E. Seeley, through G. B. Hockett and Justice Samson, arranged with Cum mlngs to deposit $50 due Packard, In the Bank of Oregon City. Simultane ously with the deposit, the money was attached on an execution in the suit of Seeley against Knoop, Seeley claiming he was a judgment creditor and Knoop the. debtor. Knoop and his attorney remained in complete ignorance of this new phase of the case and when they dis covered what was going on, Knoop' attorney demanded the money, de claring that the proceeding was with out warrant of law at the time of garnishment, as the suit of Knoop against Packard was dismissed with out any motion or the knowledge of Knoop or his attorney. Last Thursday Justice Samson sent an officer to the Bank to obtain the $50, but the bank, learning of the tangle, felt it could not, without haz ard to itself, pay the money to either Knoop or Seeley, and stated this to the officer, asking that the court de termine the ownership of the money. An order was then Issued out of the Justice Court requesting one of the (Continued on Page 4.) CUEK Let Us Help Yore Select Yotst Christmas Gifts i It is impossible in an advertisement to give much idea of the great variety of articles our stock includes. A visit to our store will convince you that a pleasing gift for anyone, large or small, may be selected from our immense stock for almost any amount you wish to spend. BELOW ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS Watches Tha flnt Impretilon of a watch Is gained from Ita style and beauty, Thi luting vilua li Its time-keeping qual ities. A Christmas Witch to pleai muit hivt both of theie qualities. Our atock of cam contain! itylea that appeal to everyone and our move ment! are guaranteed tlme-keeperi. Ladlea' and Gents' Witches $2 to $75. Diamonds A "Chrletmii Dlimond" miy be -lected from our stock by anyone whither they wlih to ipend I few dol lars or a hundred dollin, We handle only white diamond! of the best gride. No poor color, or badly flawed tonea can bo bought it our store. Tho same atandard of quality Is miln tilned In the cheaper ai In the higher priced goodi, the size of the stone only making tha difference In price. Diamond Rings $10 to $200, Clocks No Chrtatmae gift could be more ac ceptable than a fins clock, In our itock you will find clocki of all kind! it all prices. Mantel Clocka, 8holf Clocki, Gold Clocks, 8mill Bedroom Clocki and Alarm Clocki. Prices from $1 to $25. Chains In both Gold and Gold-Filled Chilm you will find hers a fine lelectlon of Ladlei' md Genu' Neck Chains, Watch Chalm and Watch Foba. . Lockets Tha Locket Is destined to always be a favorite article of adornment. Be sides thi Individual beauty It pones ei the charm of affording a dainty receptacle for the facea of our frlendi. Cuff Buttons There are three eaaentlala In a pair of cuff buttons style, taste and dura bility. Every pair of buttons In our stock ponenei theie qualities. As a gift for a man, woman, boy or mln they are alwaya the proper thing. Prtcea $1 to $20. Pins Brent Pirn, Hat Plna, Bar Plna and Handy Pini, in gold and gold-filled, plain and fancy engraved or let with any atons make very useful glfta for a young or old lady. We have them at all prlcea. Scarf Pins In ityle of deilgn, variety of atonea, delicacy of enamel, luiter of peirls and artlatio combinations of these qualities, our scarf plm' department offeri great attractiona to one in aearch of a useful article. Prices from 50 cents to $20. Cut Glass We want you to be aure and see our fine assortment of Llbbey and Unger Bros.' Cut Glasi and Cryital Ware. Every piece guaranteed to be genu- . Inely hand cut and polished. The fol lowing pleeea make very suitable gifts; Nappies, Bowli, Vases, Water Seti, Sugar and Creamers, Pitchers, etc. Silverware For a Xmaa gift nothing can equal allver. Many uieful gifts can be se lected from our stock of Sterling and 1847 Rogers' Bros. Here are a few: Tea Seti, Berry Spoons, Bowls, Cake Baskets, Trays, Fern Dishes, Butter Dishes, Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Gold Rings The ring la the emblem of senti ment. Set with the birth atone of the wearer It posfetsea a peculiarly per sonal Interest. Our stock of gold rings Includes all kinds of set rings, signet rings, plain ind fancy band rings and baby rings. Price from $1 upward. Silver and Ebony Toilet Articles Mirrors, Brushes, Combs, Puff Jars, Jewelry Boxes, Manicure Scissors, etc. are essentials of the toilet. Our stock of these goods contains some espe cially attractive patterns In sets and single pieces that will please you. Bracelets Bracelets keep a going on more and more wrlats as each day goes by. Those that are going are solid gold and fine gold-filled, plain and fancy engraved. All sizes and all prices for ladies and misses. We Engrave all Articles we Sell Free of Gharge Chinaware This Xmas we are showing the fin est and largest stock of Haviland, Austrian and Hand Painted China that has ever been shown in this city. A nice piece of China ma'kes a useful as well as an ornamental gift. Plates, Cups and Saucers, Berry Sets, Sugars and Creamers, Vases, Complete Din ner Sets, etc La Valiicres The prevailing fashion Is the La Valllere and Pendant Necklace. We are prepared to show you some very attractive things in this line at any price you want to pay. Kodaks Make somebody happy with an Eastman Kodak this Xmas. A life-' long present. We have them in all sizes and prices from the $1 Brownie up. Musical Instruments As a Xmas special, we are offering our entire stock of Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Banjoes and Accordeons at a reduction of 33 1-3 per cent. Reg ular $6 Instruments cut to $4. Reg ular $12 cut to $8, etc. Umbrellas There is no man or woman in Ore gon who would not be tickled to death If presented with an umbrella. Ours are (the Rainproof kind fitted with plain wood, Gold and Silver Mounted Detachable Handles. Prices from $1 to $15. Fountain Pens A Waterman fountain pen makes a suitable present for any member of the household. We have points to suit every hand at prices ranging from the plain black at $2.50 to the Gold and Silver Mounted Pens at $4 to $10, Phonographs Don't let this Christmas go by with out getting a Victor or Edison Phono graph. It will bring more Joy and entertainment than anything you can get. Make this Christmas a real Christmas with Song, Recitations, and all kinds of Band and Instrumen tal Music. We carry every machine and record made by these two com panies. Prices from $12.50 to $200. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner