Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
OREGON CUT ENTEHPKISK, FRIDAY, DKCKMl.KU 10, .11)10. 2 a nt 1 Tho Kind You Have Alvraj-s Bought, nnd w hich lias boon ia uso for over 30 years, has homo tho Pignut uro of - nnd has Ihhmi nuulo under his jwr fir , supervision Bine Its infancy. W4rft. Allow no ono todooelvc you in fills. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-Jis-pMHl" are but Experiments that trillo with nnd endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Esperieitoo ngixiust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorta Is ft harmless substituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its nge is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the . He Kind You Have Always Boujlit In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCHT.UN OOMMHV. TT .UHIUT .TMCKT, IW ,U CITY hiHi;iiuiiiihj iniiifi i urn hi i ,i mi NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mrs. Frank Kinny of Portland, who spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. P. Rboll, went out to Mulino Saturday to spend the Xmas holidays with ner father. Will Jones. Mr.fSnd Mrs. J. W. Hill, who moved to Gladstone last week, have agreed to dissolve partnership, and Mrs. Hill has moved to the house of Walt Bruce on Division street. She will sell one horse and keep one horse and buggy. Mr. Selby and family who lived on Beaver Creek, have moved into town again to send their children to the city school. Miss Olga McCIure of Portland, was the guest of the Misses Francis Sat urday. Vane Jefferson has gone to Cali fornia and his mother and family all feel quite lonely. ' Mr. Martin is seriously ill again with heart trouble. S. V. Francis wss at home last week with a severe cold but is able to work again this week. Mrs. J. Hofsted has a real sick baby this week. Mr. Hofsted has gone to British Columbia to take a homestead and Mrs. Maggie Harrington is staying with Mrs. Hofsted. Mrs. Jack Knotts of Mulino was the guest of F. M. Darling and family Sunday and Monday. Mrs. O. A. Vanhoy was quite poorly Sunday evening. Mrs. Jennie Mack is talking of go ing to California with Mr. Skinner and family. Miss Alma Mack has gone to Port land again to work in an embroidery establishment. R. M. C. Brown has his new side walk and iron fence finished. Rev. C. B. Hyson is cutting down the trees on the knoll which has long j been a beautiful land mark for Moun-1 tain View. I There will be a pie social at Cur-! ran's hall tonight. The labor ques-: tlon will be discussed, and Claude S. Howard of Mulino, will be one of the speakers. Granulated Eye Lids are easily cured Caustic Is not nec essary. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Is Painless and harmless and guaran teed to cure. Has never failed on a case, costs 25c. Sold by Jones Drug Co. DAMASCUS AND ROCK CREEK. The weather In this part, of late has been beautiful. Every one, of course, is well pleased to see the glorious sunshine again after so long and hard a rain. There will be a Christmas tree at Sycamore on Monday evening, Dec. 2C. All wishing to take part should call on any of the following commit tees: Mrs. W. U. Moore, Mrs. C. R. Hunter, Mrs. Frost, George Butler, Jr., and George Butler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Crease, from McMinn ville, are visiting Mrs. Seth Young. Mrs. Young has been sick of late, her illness causing her to lose her eye sight. Damascus Grange gave a basket so cial Saturday. About G baskets were sold, bringing $C25. A prize was given to Miss Dura Wedler for the most beautiful basket. The highest price paid for a basket was $3. The Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much ticknesi (torts with weak itomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lack good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating lor, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures whole multi tude of diseases. Gef rid of your Stomach Weakneat mad Liver Laziness by laklnj a court ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery the treat Stomach Restorative, Liver InviHorator and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unhnown composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery," which is a medicine op enown composition, having complete list of ingredients in plain Lnglish on its bottle-wrapper, same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Plenx't Pliant Pcllrtn regulat and lovlgurtlt Stomach, Signature of 335 program was as follows: Instrumental music. E. Pilster, Willie Osborn; "Merrily King," by quartette. Mrs. Hugel Leigh. Mrs. Dora Schmidt. Frank Maline and Hugll Leigh; reci tation. Hazel Chitwood; "Rowing Against the Tide." quartette; drama, "Jumbo Jim," Riley Searle, Miss Ja nette Newell. Roy White. Lion Chit wood, Lester Newell. Willie Osborn, Miss Emma Chitwood and Miss Young; tableau and song, "Pomona, Ceres and Flora." All enjoyed a splen did evening, returning home at a late hour. Miss Violet Chilcote, Miss Leona Kesterson, Miss Olson, Mr. Roak and Mr. Moore, from Sycamore, attended the basket social. Miss Mae Newell from Portland visited at A. Newell's over Sunday. Mr. Hazelwood, our merchant. Is very sick with pneumonia and at the last report he was not expected to live. Mr. Stevenson, a newcomer, who bought M. W. Gardner's place, drank poisonous washing fluid by mistake, and is seriously ill. We hope all the sick folks will soon recover and be among us again. Most of the men in the Sycamore district are fixing the r.oad so our mail carrier will be able to get through. Some heavy loads of wood are being hauled over the thorough fare, cutting the road up fearfully. Mrs. Walter Smith. Miss Winifred Romam and Miss Olive Mortimore were in Portland Saturday. A. W. Cook was auctioneer at a sale at Sunnyslde Saturday. Lots of wood is being cut in this neighborhood again this winter. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck len's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils, Sores, Skin Eruptions. Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. 25c at Jones Drug Co. CLARKS. Vnrh oYcltPTTipnt was created Sun- day over a bear passing through town, j Everybody able to walk, from gray ' haired men to ten year old children, I were out hunting for him, but the last i report we had, Mr. Bruin was still ! among the living and in no eminent 1 danger of being devoured at that time. I There will be a shooting match at ' the store Dec. 2 and a dance in the hall that night. ; Mr. Canternjon is holding revival meetings at the English M. E. church i with wonderful success. 1 Alex Sherruble is disposing of his personal property and moving to Port land to try city life for awhile. A farewell feast was tendered Mr. Sher ruble at Euol Bros. Friday night. Ev eryone enjoyed themselveB. I Mrs. Sherruble from Portland, is out visiting her son, Alex, for a few days. 1 Mr. Wettlaufc-r has rented Mr. Sher ruble's farm. G. Marquardt was In town last Sat urday. Mr. Bottemiller sowed vetch last Saturday. Plans are being made to have a Christmas tree in the English M. E. church. Mr. Grace and his son, Ed, have -i Liver and Bowciu been laying planks on tho Timber drove road. Eczema Id considered hard to cure. Try Or. Hell's Antiseptic Salve nnd you will change your mind. Yon will nee nn Improvement twin the first Applica tion. Sold by Jones Drug Co. MULINO. Mrs. Seward, of Muckslmrg, Is nt Ihls place taking care of her daughter, Mrs. Hert Wallace, who has been quite sick with typhoid fever. Mr. Wallace had a light attack of the same, but Is able, to bo up. His wife is belter at Ihls time. It Is reported that Tom Ktsh broke, two of his ribs last week by falling from a scaffold while working on his house.- Mrs. Klsh stepped on a nail which penetrated her foot so that she Is hnrdlv able to get around. Mr. and Mrs. Hakor, father and mother of Mrs. Claude Ashby, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ashby at this place. Mr. Wallatt has a crew of men ,,-.,rL.1t, r,ti thrt l-iuiit hetvveen hero Ulld Canby. which has become almost tm- passable. The mall carrier onioreti a complaint so that It had to bo re paired. Tk.ira urn several cases of whoop ing cough In this vicinity, and several children are compelled to no nosoui from school. The Weaver brothers, who leased the Snodgrass Shingle Mill, gave It np of!..r. inn u ,!,-, run. and now the mill Is shut down Indefinitely. Walt Waldorf spent a few days last week in tha city, and hewls Churchill was the village blaeksmitn minus ms absence. Miss Chrlstenson has been spend ing a few days with her parents at sin nlHf for tho nast week. .Mr. Maiiatt reiunteu mim comou Oregon last Saturday. Ho reports a pleasant visit. I'ncle Nick Pnrnall has bought Walt Waldorf's property at Mullno. ' The greatest danger from Influen ts Is of Its resulting In pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, as It not on i.. r.w iiiriiinra. hut counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. MEADOW BROOK. i The Meadowbrook school will close 1 next Friday for a two weeks' vacation : beginning again the second of Jan i uary. O. T. Kay Is visiting In Washington the guest of his son. Tray. The Schafer Lumber Company's mill and planing plants are taking a thorough cotires ot repairs since the close down. There Is a rumor to the effect that J. W. Staudlnger has sold his place of business. Dr. Guy, of Seattle, Wash., was In town Tuesday. The Doctor has In vested quite heavily In Meadowbrook property. Chas. Colvln is making some Im provements on the north half of lot 3 In block 1. M i s. Ruth Chlnderen was given a r nlenaant surnrlse Tuesday even ing. It being her 12th birthday anni versary. The evening was pieassnt w anont In consuming a large quan tity of refreshments and playing games M. J. Lee. of Canby, made a Dusiness trfn m Meadowbrook Tuesday to in spect the work being done on the Canal Company s flume, visa noasln Uchtwise was visiting with her cousin, Miss Edna Staudlng er. Sunday, tvank Crim th south side rancher, was in town Sunday shaking hands with friends and talking politics. Make Up Your Own Mind When In need of a cough medicine. If you buy Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Hnney we guarantee you get the best. Sold by Jones Drug Co. MARKS PRAIRIE. The past few davs has helped our farmers to finish fall plowing. Geo. Oelesby was out to Estacada on business last week. Tho mnrV trial nt the Meridian school house last Friday was a great hit Tt was conducted strictly along legal lines and some of we old hay seeds saw a trial at law lor tne nrsi time In our lives. Tko nnrtir at rhrls Ircn7.'s was a big success and our younger set had a barrel of fun. William Ieach fur nished music for the occasion. Chas. Oglesby and Miss Ma Ball at tended the big dance at Barlow Sat urday evening. Our road boss is finishing up his road work this week. Several of our adjoining road dis tricts have all kinds of men out for road supervisors. May the best one win. The County Court has our sym pathies In Its trouble of trying to please everyone. Avon Jesse is at home at present. He has been employed In Portland for some time. Our school Is progressing nicely with Miss Emily Spulock as teacher. Our school clerk reports 35 scholar drawing public money In the district. There Is a protracted meHing being conducted at Meridian school house all thlB week. Our farmers are still holding their potatoes for higher prices. They will not take 50 cents per bushel. Mr. Henry Deets lost a fine horse last week. Our veterinary is kept busy attending the many sick horses here. Several transfers of real estate are under way and new coiners are ap pearing dally. Mr. Sloller has taken out Ms hop yard and will quit the hop business. The railroad rumors have reached us. The last one Is a road from Wll sonvllle. via Aurora and Maeksburg, to Molalla. We hope this will go us It would pay from the start. Many persons find themselves af fected with a persistent cough after an attack of Influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the uso of Chamberlaln'B Cough Remedy, It should not be allowed to run on until It becomes troublesome. Sold by all dealers. LOGAN. It. Is reported that there Is great activity in railroad surveying In the region south of the new power plant on the Clackamas, there being two forces at work. We hope It will lead to actual construction. The new power plant on the Clacka mas below Estacada Is said to be showing signs of becoming a solid, substantial and extensive piece of work, the best In the northwest. It Is estimated that It will take about throe years to complete It though tho work Is being pushed rlfrlit along. A potato buyer was around Inst week and engaged enough for a carload to WveWbest iWlUlry n ih lVlltaVtUtH'UtiHt her V hnv but It n)ttMir tvMiUtuii tm it. Von vn 4tirt tin ytirti'fy ttiul ".nntit n Mlr (Minim Mtv ui-wkwr uu mitr how muck Yut imv. lihUh hint mmA rl.U. work for out. f-t,.H atix,na t w il.r if .Imiii. )'lut'a ftttra.'O,. ti4 wl,n ,ii r I'tiJl rk t. UI.I.T CmmIUI. Iraa, S.litCmM $5.00 .Ar.U,.tl,4.00 VS I ' u.Whiimri 1.00 (Ml f illini, 1.00 " '". ,A ' ;'"5s.lf FiH,n ?-sNk. V-'Y-jVi . r ' V. v' i"i.jitkw. rt .SO 5.00 7.50 ... ami. iat -mt VIm f itr'tla. .50 HWawiAHI.wnM HIT HflTHODI All wnrk rull, iuarntl f rtftava wa Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists rimnt SalUlna. TMis WaillMftsa fOUHANO. ML it ll.Uir.1l. lubmlHI be delhertnl at Clackamas at $1.25 per hundred. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Kubhoff havo a new eleven pound son. Something Just as Good Can only be tho case when It Is another bottle of Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Every bottlo tho same. !ook for the boll on tho bottle. Sold by Jones Drug Co. WILSONVILLE. Jake Peters was tu Oregou City Thursday. Miss Ruth Heed visited tho Misses Urobst last week. Elizabeth llrobst has been spending a few days at home again. Mr. nnd Mrs. Keed Graham went to rortlund Wednesday. The Stlneliaugh farm was sold this week, through tho agency of Mr. Ijow ry, consideration being tSOOO. Mrs. Joe Thornton, Mrs. Jake Pet ers, Klmer Hiutxclbriuk, Marlon Young. Wm. Stangle, Geo, Murray Miss Sllckhousor, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Say were among the residents of Wilsonvllle who went to Portland on Thursday. T. Mcltrlde and his agent. Mr. nut son, have been busy In real estate business during tho past week. Doris Young came homo and attend ed the apple show at Portland lust week. Rev. Moore held the Quarterly Con ference nt the residence of Ira Seeley Tuesday afternoon, and preached In the evening at the revival service. Tho met-tlngs are still being well at tended and the singing by the Mis sionary Evangelists Is belug very much appreciated by those attending the meetings. Mrs. Marion Young and Mrs. Norrls Young have gone to Corvallls to spend a few days. Aaron McConnoll has been offered good prices for his land near Wilson vllle many times during tho past year, aud has firmly refused to sell, but during the past week an offer of 13.10 an acre has come to him, and we think It will be pretty hard for Mr. McCon noll to give this splendid offer the marble heart, even If he knows there Is no better land, than a river front site near Wilsonvllle, to be had. A pleasant surprise party was given Geo. Stallncher by some of tho young people of his neighborhood Friday ev ening. Games were played, refresh ments were served and a very enjoy able time spent by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young cele brated the 25th anniversary of their marriage in a delightful manner on Friday. Dec. 9, by entertaining their immediate relatives at dinner, at one o'clock. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Ivy and chrysanthemums mingled with potted plants. The dinner was a feast of good things served in Mrs. Young's superior stylo. Mr. and Mrs. Young were the recipients of very many handsome silver gifts from rela tives and friends, who wish for them continued prosperity and happiness. The following relatives of the bride and groom of 25 years ago, were pres ent upon this happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs.. Uoed Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Young, Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Mr. and Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Howard, Robert Graham, Misses ltha and Myrtle Young, Mr. and Mrs. Norrls Young and Mr. 8. Galbreatli. $100 Reward, $100. TV miUn of tlilf porwr will V p(,-iMt to !m that thcrr h Inn! itn (JrrauU iivm! tlut M-U't.rr hai bn iliio to cure In all 111 ilaicii, am! u Catarrh. HaII'i (atarrh Cuff U tl- nly miiIv cur OuW known Ut IU tnwllral Irslrnilty. atarrti b'ln( a mnitKutliirijil tllai-n'v. miuirra a riKiRtitu- tl'mal trmimtit. Il'ill'a Caurrli I'tirr la laarn In ternally, artlng dlrrrtly up! tic UtKtfl ami muroilfl furlan-a of the lytm. thrrrtjy t-tnyria; tic Iwimlntlon of th dlaraar. ali'l rlvtnie llw pnttfnt nitth by bullillni up Ihi- con'tllulton and aiwit ln( n.ttnrr In doing Ha work. Th proprietor, Intvr o murh tnith In Ita ninllve pnarn Out thry ofw Ono lluii'treil Dollar, for any raae tlut It Inlil to eirrr. .Send for Iht of tratlrounlnl, Adilrra F. J CHKNKV CO., Toledo, O. Sold by ll !m?ta. IV. Talc liiil (alnlly I'Ult (or CODItlDatlua. STAFFORD. The weather has been foggy with Borne rain the pasl week. Potatoes still undug by reason of the continued rain are being rolled out by gangs of hands. Mr. Teldeman Is nearly if not quite through. Mr. Thomas is still digging nnd Mr Mllein has a crew engaged to com mence on Wednesday. Mr. Powell went to Portland on last Tuesday to be gone the remainder of Even Plumber has his specialty. Ours Is prompt and satisfactory work. Nowhere In town can you find such high grade goods, first class workmanship and prompt service combined with Biifh MODERATE PRICE as we are now offering. All plumb ers' supplies constantly on hand. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and Spraying Material. 914 Main, 6t. Phone 2654. OREGON CITY. i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 'i I r DISC roR COUGHS.COLDS.WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL DISEASES OF THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS Famous for Forty Years of Cures. Price 50c and $1.00 KBavaBBnatsaBaaanBaaaana solo and guarantied by the week. Although weak from his recent Ill ness, he thought ho better go and at tend to sumo matters of business, and as ho has several sisters and other relatives In town ho will havo a pleas, ant visit also. Mrs. Norva Dames Ilea nt her home In Frog l'ond very low Willi a rompll cation of diseases. She has boon In poor health for a number of years, but this seems s more serious attack than any other. Tho teachers are preparing a pro. gram for an entertainment on Tues day evening, tho 20th. Tho family of tho Kov. I.iirns. and Mr. and Mrs. Frentnl, spent a very pleasant evening at Mr. Zack F.lltng sons recently, The evening was taken up with music, both vornl and Instru mental, and a regular old-fashioned visit was had. Kov. Mr. Lucas, assisted by talent from Portland, la conducting a series of meetings at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Seedling, wllh their son and young daughter, and Mrs. Gago and grandaughter spent an af ternoon at Mr. Wedles' recently. Tho Sunday school at tho school house Is progressing finely, and tho young Indies of tho "t hurch of God till faithfully labor with us on thoj 2nd nnd 4th of every month. Some young men and boy wore quite careless of good behavior or good manners during tho evening ses sion in persisting In whispering and : throwing candy about, even after the i speaker had kindly asked them to de sist on last Sunday evening, but we ?re sure It was mere thoughtlessness, j as they are usually attentive and ro-i speclful. I We hear that Gus Gobhurdt con templates buying out the agency for tho Watklns remedies, who has tho nifoncv for two counties, and travels through Stafford at stated periods. J An entertainment Is bolng1 prepared br the teachers and acholnr to come! off next week on Tuesday evening, Suggestions Electric Store Alder Street, at Seventh THE CURE THAT'S SURE JONES DRUG CO. tho 2ith, nnd tho tluptlnt church Is to hnvo tho usual trimmed Christmas tiei' mid n program of recitation ami songs nil In German for Christum time. Farewell Party at Eltele's. A farewell party win given at thn Klselo homo on Saturday evening, Ihu-omhcr 10, when their many friends and neighbors gathered to bid them farewell nnd surcoaa In their now homo. Tho riHiin wore beautifully decora ted with evergreens and mistletoe. Tho evening was most etijoynbly pent In darning and playing games nnd at midnight an oyster supper was served. Tho music for tho dancing whs furnished by Mr. and Mr, la, KtMillcrmotor, Karl and Mr. Toldotnun and Waldo Koellermolor. Tlmso pre, cut were Mlsso Mabel Kenlght, Hons Hoffman, France Keletihofir, Kilts llollberg. Kill lb Newton, Mabel aud Anno I lodge, Mildred Kddy, Uilli and Lona Zimmerman, Ully Wllkem, Addle Josser, lilla Hansen, Minnie, Klslo and Alice Klselo, Mary Koellvr meler, )orothy Ia Flomtue. Messrs Tom and Fred Kenlght, toulo Cohler, John llellberg, Hurt and llryan New ton, lH'wnrd Hodge, Fred, Cootilo, John and Kudolph Zimmerman, John Wll kon, "Veck" and Clarence Thomp son, Waldo Koellcriitoier, Karl nnd Merle Teldenian, Wm. leetlenmoler. Kudolph Shrnder, F.ddln and Christian Chrlstiuisen, Tom Shafer, Horace Al len Theodora liwramp, Pearson, Karl and (Ira Klselo, Ira Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. U Kovllormcltir, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner, Mr. and Mr. Teldeman, Mr. I lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Klselo. KELSO. Hurry fllckford'a new home Is near ly completed, Martin M Ik Meson I hauling lumber for n new house nnd Ned Nelson ha the lumber on the ground for a fine largo barn. Mrs. Joel Jarl's baby Helen ha ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS An acceptable Christmas Present for the LADIES mmmmm irS GOING TO BUY Uu KING'S NEW OVERY been very sick, but Is almost well now. Mr. I'. Hath, of George, visited In Kelso lust week. Joel Jurl I fencing his to acre nt I lover this week. Ha Intend to ua the land for pasture. Mr. Alhorg Is visiting tier sister Its Washington. W, I'. (iihort, of miver, vUltrd In Kelso after attending tho Apple Hhow In Cortland. He wm, on III ap ple In Portland and IIH.uO at tho Sandy Grange Fair, Septomber :l The stork United tha homes of Goo. Mnmney and Mr. I. Cluster recently. Olson nnd Jonvrud Ilro. ara saw ing tie for tho Mt. Hood Itnllroud. It. K. Jurl ha nil of hi houso filled with tenant again. GIVING OUT. Tht Struggle Discourage Many Clt lien of Ceaon City. Around all day with an aching bark; Can't rest nt night; Knoug h to mnku any ono "give out." Hoan's Kidney Pill will glva re newed llfo. They will euro tho hnchncho; Cure ovary kidney 111. Hero Is Oregon City proof that till I so: Joseph MflkTOiolt, Washington Ht , Oregon City, Oro., say: "I w In bad hnpa with kidney and bladder com plaint. My buck wn so lamo nnd stiff that I could hardly get about nnd It wn nil ! could do to dres myself on arising In the morning. The kid ney secretion were scant nnd tha passage were loo frvitctit. After taking tho content of n few botes of tioan Kidney Pill. I wn restored to good health. During thn past two year t have had no causa for com plaint." For sale by nil dealer. Prlro (0 Now York, solo ngety for the Culled Hlnles. Ilemembar tho name Ikian' and toko no other.