Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
OREGON CUT ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMUER 25, 1910. S Milwaukie and Northern Clackamas MILWAUKIE. Tho citizens of Milwaukie held a convention Tuesday evening, Nov. 22. In City Hall and nominated the fol lowing tlrkot: Present Mayor, Strolh. was unanimously nominated. W, F. ljphmnn and Warren Knight for cnunrllmen. C. B. Hanson, recorder. W. H. Grasle, treasurer. Honry Phil llp, marshal!. A. H. Itnwllng was elected chair man and fan Mathews, .secretary. The best of spirit prevailed, t. S. Mnllln refused to became a candidate for eounrllman and nominated War ren Knight. .1. A. Keek was running against Mr. Hanson hut lost out for recorder. .T. K. Wetr.lor was Mr. Grnslc's opponent for treasurer. There were four candidates for marshal! hut Mr. Phillips received the nomination. Everyone Is well pleased with the citizens' ticket and hope It will carry In the December election. The taxpayers will hold a conven tion Wednesday evening. Nov. 23 and nominate their ticket. It is presumed ex-Mayor Slimier will head the ticket. J. A. Dowllng of Oak Oroe. former ly of Milwaukie. received a letter from his brother In Pennsylvania, (.latins their father, who Is 93 years old. Is well and onjoytng the best of health. Mrs. Ennls, daughter of Captain Shaw, Is training and has full charge of a three act drama which will lie given Dec. 2 by the Milwaukie band. The Milwaukie Commercial Club will hold a meeting Friday evening, Nov. 25, in City Hail and select dole-, gates to the Oregon Developenient j League which will be held in Salem, ' Oregon, Nov. 2S-29-30. T. R. A. Scllwood has been quite 1 poorly since his return from the east and is confined to his home with a : severe case of La Grippe. Milwaukie Grange held a fine meet-; lng Saturday. Nineteen visitors from : Oregon City, Oswego and Portland j were present. i Grange Bazaar. Saturday, Dec. 3, open at 10 a. m. ; Fancy articles, aprons, rugs and com-' forters, home made candies, cakes, pies. Jellies, fresh fruits and veget ables. Cafeteria lunch all day and evening. Ice cream. Program 8 p. m. Mrs. Ike Mullin was taken home from the Sellwood hospital Tuesday where she underwent a serious op eration. She is slowly improving and we hope for a permanent cure. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cooper of Ore gon City, were visiting friends In Mil-1 wflukte Satiirdnr. CLAIMS MRS. NAEFi PROMINENT OAK GROVE WOMAN j DIED SUDDENLY MONDAY MORNING. Mrs. Susanna Naef. wife of Otto Naef. Sr., one of tho prominent resi dents of Oak Grove, died at the fam ily home Monday morning at 4:2.V Mrs. Naef was lii the best of health yesterday, hut Sunday night at ::;!0 o'clock she suffered from a paralytic stroke, and at 4:25 suffered from a second stroke, which was (he cause of her death. The funeral services were held at the Milwaukie Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Naef, whoso maiden name was Susanna Wyder, was horn at Zurich. Switzerland 53 years aso. She was united In marriage to Mr. Naef In 1SS1 and with her husband and two sons came to America 23 years ago. They have made their home at Oak Grove. ar.d,Naefs Station, on the O. W. P. line having been named after Mr. :ief Mrs Vilef loaves n hiwh.'intl ln-rt cnc Ct1n II un.l S.-r,i.,cr !l who reside at the family home. She will be deeply missed by her family as well as her large circle of friends. OAK GROVE. G. M. Rowley and wife of Salem. ! also Mrs. O. H. Means and son. Eddie, j were visiting Grandpa Rowley Wed- , nesday and Thursday of last week. j Mrs. D. T. Oiler of Castle Rock, ! Wash., spent several days last week ! with her mother, Mrs. Riley. I I Mrs. Spaulding. Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. R. I J. Moore and Miss Snovell were Port- j land visitors Saturday. i j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allsworth and I I Mrs. Swinney left on the steamer,' 1 Beaver. Friday afternoon for Califor- j ; nia. Mrs. Swinney will join her daughter in Los Angeles remaining i there permanently. i Mrs. Louis Brant returned home I I Saturday after several weeks visit j with her sister in Los Angeles, Cal.. i whom she had not seen for 12 years, j Mrs. Brant says everything Is very dry In Los Angeles and rain is needed badly. Fred Allinger met with a painful r a w a i j: i ,1 1.1. miiucm niiM) ucn uusaiiij uc nronertv in Minthorn. He due down 1 rJ "? .The .lleel sl pped ?n. the ! oa j j" . o , j v t ! ran ana tnrew ntm on me track nun .' u 1 . 1. l auu uiuio o icri aim 11 c u U . , struck water yet Mr. Woods says i he is bound to have water so will ; keep on digging. Mrs. Susan Naef was buried from the German Methodist church Wed nesday afternoon. Interment in Mil waukie cemetery. Births. Tommy Toats arid wife are receiv ing the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a nine pound boy, born Nov. 16. Mother and child doing fine. Dr. House attending. ing his back and head. Dr. McArthur was called and took him home and he is resting easy and will soon be able to be out again. John Looser of Woodburn. formerly of Oak Grove, was visiting old friends and neighbors Saturday. Misses Edna and Fredia Spldell left Friday morning for Forest Grove to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. 'Leipold. who died very suddenly at her home In Woodlawn Wednes day, November 23. Mrs. Chas. Risley of Naef station 8 Missa Mer 'took pTace Nov. 2 ' ?la?? sitin M at the home of the bride's father, Tntin ri1Tn a (ll-auL-U Ualohlo at 12 o'clock noon 'by the Rev. E. Rade-' buJ!"8S: baugh of the Evangelical church. Only a few friends and immediate on the east side. i Mrs. R. L. Herron was in Portland relatives were present Mr. and Mrs. Stickney left for their new home 10 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Deaths. , . Mrs. Mary Ann Emmil, mother of John Emmil, died Nov. 17 at 2 a. m., aged 80 years, 4 months and 15 days. Mrs. Emmil was born July 2, 1830 in Alleghany county, Penn. She came to Oregon In 1900 and has made her home in Milwaukie. She leaves two sons, one daughter, 29 grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. The re mains were shipped to Middleton, Or., for interment, the home of one of her sons. The funeral was held at the Evan gelical church Friday. The services were conducted by Rev. E. Radebaugh, pastor. Church Notes. Evangelical church Sunday School, 10:30 a. m.. John Grasle, superintend ent. Services 11:30 a. m. by the pas tor, Rev. E. Radebaugh. Evening services will be the Thanksgiving ser vices, which were postponed on ac count of Mrs. Emmil's death. Y. P. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Risley, will spend the winter at Celllo. Mr. Campbell has a large railroad con tract in the Deschutes. Mrs. Spaulding returned home Sun day after a business call to Silverton, j the end of the week. Frank Strauhal and wife left Tues day to spend Thanksgiving at Sea Side, Oregon, with friends. Dr. J. H. McArthur, Mrs. McArthur and Mrs. Hilton were Portland visit ors Tuesday. Julius Broteze was In Portland Tuesday on business. T. R. Worthington was In Portland on business Tuesday and Wednesday) Mr. and Mrs. John Risley were City visitors Tuesday. Arthur Graham has been confined to his home for several days with a severe attack of La Grippe. Geo. Bigham's children are quit;? sick. The relatives of Mrs. Emma Con way of Gladstone, gave her a complete surprise Sunday, Nov. 20. " Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. at 7 p. m. Teachers' training Tuefr 1 CTamphIl of Oregon City, Mr and. day evening. Prayer meeting Wed-! - Y " u. nesday evening. Choir practice, 01d,0rva' J?1" 0ak. Grove. Mr. Thursday evening I nd Mrs- B1,lv Rlver f Gladstone, The new building to be built of ! M"' C. D Moody of Portland. J. C. cement blocks by J. E. Wetzler, on i 01ds Dof11,GIads,one' Ve"ert Conway his property on Main street, formerly , and mn, Conway. The guests fin owned by J. W. Grasle. is to be 50x ! orou-'ht refreshments so a fine dinner CO feet, and to be for his own offices, : fas, n OD. the table, prepared by and the pool room which now adjoins : the ladies. A good time was had and the postoffice. It was rumored that ? OIle. Ieft f',T the,lr respective the postoffice was to move there but home ho"lnS t0 llve and feet anoth the original frontage which the plans er year. showed, only allowed about 11 feel, JNov- 18 the Volunteer met and front for the postoffice and this would adopted the constitution and by-laws cause the postoffice boxes to be Prepared by the committee. A fi nlaced lengthwise of the room, and nance committee was appointed by this was not favored. Several other Ed- 0,ds' chlof- ,B- Paet al locations have been offered for the 1 man- u E- Hentley, Geo. Bigham, J. postoffice but Mr. Ganiard has de- - staa,B and J- H. Graham, commlt cided to stay where he is providing : tee on apparatus. W. M. Holt, fore he can have a little more room added ' man- A- L " and Mr Ford' Next to his present quarters. The quarters meeting Nov. 2o. were originally Intended for the post-1 Ladies Aid. office clear through the entire build-' The Ladles Aid will give a bazaar lng but were cut down to accommo- j Dec. 9 in Green's Hall, afternoon and date the bank. Now that the bank evening and will sell articles of all and pool room are to be permanently ; kinds to raise money for the church, housed In other quarters Mr. Gani-. A dinner will be given from 5 p. m. ard will try to arrange for more space to 8 p m., price 25 cents. Everyone where he is, as the department does , cordially Invited to attend. Anyone not approve moving a postoffice un- i desiring to contribute to the dinner I less objectionable features cannot be ! or bazaar can do so. remedied. This, in a measure, has been accomplished. The new depot is almost completed and is a neat structure. It is cen trally located and an ornament to Milwaukie. ' A meeting was held Tuesday night to nominate a city ticket for the com ing election. Strleb was the choice for Mayor and W. H. Grasle for treas urer. There is to be another meeting Wednesday evening and the taxpay ers will nominate Wm. Shindler for Mayor and John Wetzler for treasur er. The former favor bonding the city Church Notes, M. E. Church Sunday School at 10 a. m., Mrs. J. H. McArthur, super intendent. Services at 11 a. m. by the pastor, Rev. Henry Spcia. The Ladies Aid spent a pleasant hour at the home of Mrs. J. H. Mc Arthur Friday, discussing and plan ning for the bazaar. School Notes. - Mrs. Green, teacher of the third and fourth grades, has been absent one and one-third days on account of Hickness. Arthur Scheufler has been out of You Can Do Wonders With Your Christmas Money Hero 1 The.. (C7 (q! Store WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW Om Clwistmas Goods arc all here and ready lor your inspection. Early buyers will have a decided advantage and you will find here just the article suitable for the present you desire to make, whether it be for a woman, man or child and all at most reasonable, saving prices. White Scarfs and Squares, brakled, each Scarfs and Squares 15c 25c 60c 1.13 White Scarfs j Squares.braid ed and net insertion, rach Linen Scarfs, and Squares with drawn work, 33 and Linen Squares, drawn hand work 1 .25 an Dl-Uoe mac finc Christmas IbllwS presents, and wc have a beautiful collection of them. Fancy Cups and Saucers 10c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 35c Fancy Plates 10c, 15c, 25c, 48c, 50c, $1.00 Decorated Salad Bowls 25c, 50c, 6O0, 75c, $1.00 Fancy Mugs 5c, 10c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c Fancy Vases 5c, 10c, LV, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c Cream Pitchers, Seven Piece Dinner Sets. Union Suits Ladies' cream union suits, small medium sizes Extra larjje size cream union suits At. Ladies' Oneita union suits in gray, extra sizes Ladies' "Trim Fit" union suits cream color 1,13 '"! 50c 65c 1.00 98c Egyptian Silk A soft corded silk for waists, in cream, garnet, brown, navy, black and blue, 27 inch, Cfln per yard ' uUU Scarf silk, in blue, black cream, pink and QT tan, per yard ... UUU Scarf silk in new and beautiful designs Cfln crepe effect, yd uUU We have a wonderful Tin, Iron Wooden and Toys ...1c, 5c. 10c. 13c. 15c, 18c, 25c, 50c Tool chests 35c, 60c $1.50, $1.65 Undressed dolls I c. 5c. 10. 15, 25,50c to 2.25 Dressed dolls 15c, 35c. 50c, 75c, 98c Toy dish sets 10c. 25c. 50c, 75c, 98c Books. 1,5, 10. 13. 15, 20, 25,38 and 50c Doll buggies and carts 15c, 35c, 60c, 75c, $1 Doll cradle, 23-inch 35c Doll chairs 15c to 35c collection of Mechanical Toys Doll furniture at small prices. Little trunks 30c, 35c, 65c. $1 Woolly dogs 15c, 35c, 50c Henty and Alger books for boys 23c Sad irons 20c and 1 3c Doll beds with canopy 35c Rubber dolls 5c, 7c, 10c, 13c, 15c Banks 5c, 7c, 1 3c Games 5c. 10. 15c. 25c. 35c. 50c Hosiery Specials One lot of ladies' 25 cent ribbed ho.e -jr opecial, pair ... Ju Children i black ribbed hose, extra iecial 3 pairs lor ... 25c Men's wool mixed half Use. special tr 2 pairs for... Zuu Handkerchiefs Children's colored border 1c Ladie'i plain white 10c, 5c and 2c Ladies' fancy embroidered 25c, 15c, 10c Men's plain white 10c and 5c Men's linen, fjne quality ... 25c and 18c Men's Japonette initial 10c Men's silk handkerchiefs plain and initial 50 and 25c Remnants Bleached muslin remnants, 10c quality, 1 to 10 yard lengths, while they last per yard Also remnants of Outing, Flennelette, Ging hams, at greatly reduced prices. T Several patterns in dark plaid UU ginghams, also medium shades in cotton challies for quilt linings, Special at. Crash toweling, 10c quality, for one week at . , 7c 5c 7c SHOES Child's kid button shoes, spring heel $1,15 Children's and Misses' high top kid button, heavy ' sole, sizes 8i to Hi $1.75 Sizes 12 to 2 2.00 Ladies' White House Capital shoes, patent leather, button 3.00 Ladies' kid blucher, heavy sole 2.50 Women's fine kid blucher, patent tip 2.00 Women's heavy napa blucher shoe for wet weather, A bargain at 2.00 Woman's kangaroo grain shoe, heavy, with plain toe, built for service ... ,1.50 Ladies' kid juliettes, rubber heel, pat or plain tip. .. 1 .50 WOMEN'S FELT JULIETS $1.1 3-All wool felt, high back and front, trimmed with black fur, colors red, black, brown and green 1.13 MEN'S SHOES Men's high top and tan shoes, $6.50 and $5.00 Men's tan napa blucher shoes, heavy 3.50 Men's heavy black, plain or cap toe 2.65 Men's heavy kangaroo grain blucher 2.25 Men's boy calf or kid shoes, best ever sold at the price 2.50 Rug Special Smyrna rugs 27x54 inches 98c Brussels rugs, Oriental and Floral ign 27x54 $1.48 Axminister Rugs, large assortment of patterns floral and oriental design 27x54, i $2.50 (Mother would like one of tliew) Kid Gloves Ladi.5 Kid Gloves .... $1.48 and $1.13 (All Cloves filled) Sweaters Ladies' white knitted sweater coats special price $1.50 and $2.25 Paralius were married. The bride vltatlons and a nix o'clock dinner will MIhb Morito on Tuesday were tho fol-1 I'alntow and MIhh Scripture nro to was dressed in a dainty hand em- follow at the Twenty-third Htreot I lowing: MemirH. HloverH, HIchardH, purchiiHO BonK hooka for (iraco broldered white dress and the brides- homo of Mr. and Mrs. Rmmons. I Cauflold and Haas and the Misses Clmpuf. maid. Miss Marie Oettman, sister of( Arthur Holmits and Glen Russell Kruno, Moulton, llulbert and Mrs. j the bride, wore a gown of pink silk. 1 arc conflnrd to their homes with ton-j Haas. Whoonlnn fourth Mr. Osear Skooe attended Mr. Para- sllltis. Gilbert Smith of Cams, was an . ....... .,".'., bus. During the evening Miss Kmrna! 0 Tlmr(i(.,y ()f ,UHt weck Mr8. j overnight visitor at the homo of his j n.n li. V.niio , but the I use of Dr. Heirs I'lno-Tar-IIoney lias demons! rated beyond doubt that such Geitman sang several songs suitable p; . Seeley cnter'ained with a very pret-! "lH,er, Mrs. Lillian Strain. for $200,000 for Btreets and Fewers; the I school several days with a badly latter believe In going at it on a smaller basis and gradually making Improvements where they most need It. The outcome is looked upon with Interest by both factions. A Regular Tom Boy was Susie climbing trees and fen ces, jumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, and bruises, bumps, burni or scalds. But laws! Her mother Just applied Buck len's Arnica Salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healable bolls, ulcers, eczema, old sores, corns or piles. Try it 25 cents at all druggists. sprained ankle. The programme at the next meet ing of tho Oak Grove Improvement Association will be given by the school children. School will be dismissed the 24th for the regular Thanksgiving holiday. A short programme will be given at the school Friday by the children. Prof. Butler was In Oregon City on business Monday. Wedding. One of the largest weddings of the season took place at the Gettman residence in Milwaukie Heights Wednesday evening, Nov. 16, when Miss Pauline Gettman and . Herman to the occasion. It was a beautiful ly illm..h,;,)n when , Tier guests were: evening wun n nnoer rum our. , MrH u A jlorrls', Mrs. McKarland, one of rice fo. the happy pair as they Miss Florence McKarland and Mrs. took the car for their new home at Holn.-rt Goodfeilow of Oregon City Sollwood. There were fifty Invited Hml Mri) M (;,.try of Walla Walla, guests present. Miss Porf of Port-1 Wash land, played the wedding march. The presents were numerous and costly. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Jennings re turned to their Seattle home Monday and will return ngaln In a fortnight as they have decided to make a num ber of Improvement! and remodel the house on the old homestead. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morse are cn Mr. Frank Uavoy Is offering his pretty little five room ?o, '" which , ,7eun be red by bo has recently completed, for snlo It contains bath room and Is heated by furnace and Is thoroughly modern In every respect and Is very pleasant ly locnted on County Hoad and within a short distance of Meldrum station. Miss Maud Mornn, who has been working In Portland, has accepted a position in Oregon City until January I first. Mr. Stephen Urltton of Meldrum, the uso of this remedy. Jones Drug Co. MOUNTAIN VIEW. JENNINGS LODGE. Will Kverhart, of Molalla, was In town last week as a Juror at tho Hol-vey-Hmllh trial. Grandma Hart Is with hor daugh ter, Mrs. Ida West and family this week. Rev. Hysom has put down a new lovlne a sliort visit from the latter' ; Is one of the enthusiasts in the Christ mother. Mrs T it 11 of Yamhill, who will mas Day swim In tho Willamette and return to her homo on Wednesday of thore Is much Interest displayed In.j six-foot sldewnlk on his proporty on this week. tho winning of the beautiful loving i Molalla nvetiue. On Saturday, last, Mrs. George Mrs. C. L. Smith of Portland, spent j cup which he will present to the Mrs. Delia Vallon, of Elwood, was Morse and Miss Morse entertained Monday at their cottage and called on i speediest Bwlmmcr. Mr. Britten 1 visiting relatives In this vicinity last a few of the latter's young lady friends. Mr. and Mrs. Smith expect thinks tho swim on Christmas Day week. Hor father, V. W. Henderson, friends at an exceptionally well ap-! to spend Thanksgiving at the Uidge. one of tho best advertisements Port-1 enmo In with her and Is visiting with pointed dinner. The decorations in Mr. and Mrs. Henderson are soon land as well as all Oregon can have i his son here. the spacious dining room were In red I to remove to Halsoy, Oregon, where as to climatic conditions. Mrs. Geo. Italy, on Duane street, Is and white, brass candlesticks with he has accepted a position In a store. , The daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Kan Un the slcj list, K. M. Darling was transacting busi ness In M ill I no Monday, Itev. j. . qui,,,, B h0(g a ior,0( of meetings at I ho Mountain Vlow church tills week. u 1,UH u ),. nudleiico each evening, Mr, Molton leads tho singing. Mr. I). ;M Torreiii'o Is giving his house n now coat of paint. Grandimi Warl called on Mrs Mar tin Tuesday. The Mountain View Improvement Club will moot again Saturday oven- lng In Ford Cumin's now hall. Hon Goo. C. IlrownoU will gVo n talk and' refreshm -nts will bo served. Kvory body In vltod. red shades and brilliant, red salvia being used with a decidedly pleasing effect. Between the courses charm ing contests were enjoyed and alto gether the time was delightfully spent by the following: ' Miss Hulbert of Gladstone and the Misses Hanlfln, Thompson, Moulton and Kruse of Ore gon City, and Miss Scripture. Mrs. H. H. Emmons Is to entertain on Thanksgiving day with a matinee party to which some of the younger set at the Lodge have received ln- Mr. and Mrs. Bond will occupy the c. Broiiough, who summer at this Mr. nnd Mrs. Harto, living In J. W. Henderson cottage. place, was married on 1 hursday to a i Berber's houso, had guests from Dai- Mr. iiml Tr Vrnnk Pratt of Canby. nromlnent Hood River hotel man. were calling on Lodge friends during , Mr. and Mrs. Dnvy will be Thanks the week and were accompanied giving guests of Mrs. Davy's parents home by Mr. anl Mrs. J. P. Strain and , at Logan. children, who will spend a few days! Miss Fern Hart attended the Beta with the Pratt family. .Club meeting at the home of Mrs. The many friends of little Helen Beeley were sorry to hear she wag III at her home with pneumonia. Corning In to spend the evening and enjoy a tilt at "500" at the home of t Huntley In Oregon City on Saturday afternoon. A committee consisting of Messrs. O. D. Boardman and A. F. Russell and tho Mesdames H. Roberts and H las last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, on Warren St., made a business trip to Woodburn last wock, Thoy are looking for a homo. Jnmes Hodges, of Dunne street, sold his cow Tuosday to a man In Port land. Mr, Hassol's family have moved In to their now house next door to J. W. Gerber's residence. Licenses to Marry. Llconses to marry wero granted to Ada Grogory and Robert Schoenborn, Cora U Waldron and Hnrry Tuckor. Ethel F. Ijihey and Arthur IS. Myors, Martha Randan and P. J. Sehser, Anna Grossmlller and William II. Dal-bow, An Ideal Husband Is patient, even with a nagging wlfo, for ho knows she needs help. She may he so nervous and run down In hnallh that trifles annoy hor. If alio Is melancholy, excltablo, troublod with loss of appetite, hondiicho, sleep lessness, constipation or fainting nnd dl.zy spells, sho needs Electric Hit lers tho most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suffer ers from fomnlo troublos, norvons troubles, baclmche nnd weak kidneys have used thorn nnd bocomo healthy and happy. Try them. Only G0o. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists.