Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
OKKUON' CITY ENTEItl'KISK, KUIDAY, NOVKMHEIt 20, 1910. 7 Petition. Ill llm Couniy Court of thn Htuto of Oregon, fur dm Cwinly of Ctackit- IIIIIH, In llin manor of dm liirori(irullin of tho Clly of (lliiilHlniin. Wo, dm uiiiIoinIkiioiI itlllliiimrN do IliHoliy certify Unit wo uro qualified olneloiH of I Mil mild (Nullity of Cluckll- iiiim, Hlutn of Oiokoii, mill dint wo urn residuum v. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llin limit or dm ful lowing denei'lbed iiiirilon of mild Conn ly mill hiiiik, to wit : Hi'kIiiiiIiik hi I lio Noiiliounioily cor hit or n tract or In ml owned hy Hiuah a K, 1 1 li in tit ii itiiNrrllicil In record or dentin, Voliiiim M2, hik IH2; thoiico Hniilliorly iiIiiiik dm Kiinlerly boundary Hum of mild llloiitit triii't nml iiIoiik tint Knttlorly lioiunliiry llim of n triu't of lllllll OWIIKll iy ChlllllllOI'S HoWllll, tl lIl'lll'lilllMl III r COM II l (If lllMxlM, Vol tuno Id, ntK" tiH. tu tliu Hniillioiintorly riuiinr of hiiIiI llownll lini'l; tlionrn Wonlorly lilting dm Houlhnrly botiml- nry llim of nulil Unwell triii't nml iiIiiiik tlin Northerly liouiiilary lino of Appi'rnon'a AiMllliill to (iliiilHlotia, to n point wlmrn dm WYniorly projection of mild linn wonlil ItitiTHKct tlin Went oily liiiiiiiilnry llim or tlin County rouil, Known tut tlin Hlvor Itimil; I hence Hoiitlmrly nltm tlin WeMerly bound ary lion or milil County rout! to a point whom until linn Interned llin Noriherly liiitindiiiy linn of a trnet or Iniiil ownnil by A M lilt A. Illiyim, nn do- ki'I'IIhmI in record of doodn, VoIiiiiiii 1 put!" G2; tinmen Hoiidinrly nml nIoiik Dm ICimtorly tiiilliiiliiry linn or mild lluyns Irurt to a polnl wlmrn hhIiI Hun eiloiulod In n noiillirly direction wonlil liilni-HiM't tlm ceiilor or thread or tlm ('hickllliinn Itlvnr; tlioneo Kant inly unit up nml uIoiik llin conlor or lliri'Hil or llin Cliickiimiu Itlvnr to n pnltit wlmrn until t-nulnr or thrond of llin Cluckiimnn Itlvnr wnulil Intnriti'ct tlin KiiHtnlly projection of tho North oily tiiiiiiiiliuy Htm of lllnck or Hint In dm townnltn of tilmlntoiio ac cording to tlin plat of until lowiuillu now on flln In tlm Hm-order offlco of mi hi Cniiniy mill rllnln, nild North nrly boundary llim of mild Tract or Block 123 IIiik nlmi oh thn Norihvrly honudiiry Htm of dm 'niuliil ('. Ciihoii, I i 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 it IjiiiiI Cliilin; t li.licn Wl'nli-r-ly nml along mild Nortlinrly lioumliiry Hun of mi hi Kmuliil C, Ciihoii, Ik urn tloii IjiihI CIiiIiii to tlm angular cor 'nnr of ii Ul rliilm, Imlnit a point In tlin renter or dm ('utility mini InmlliiK from Ornitiiii Cliy lo Portland unit ktmun n llin Welmtcr loud; tln-m-n Houlhwi-nliirly following dm renter or wild County mini, nt mi iinglo or 110 decrees nml 33 tiilnutnii Willi tlin l.m! inuiii'il boundary Hun do feet to n nliike; llinlii'o following tlm center of aitlit roml lit nil mutln of 17 I"KI nml 27 iiilnnlm with llin limt mimed Him ITS fnnt tu n stake; limine Went nrly and iiIiiiik din Nnrllmrly lioiunl iiry llim of a 14 i.l tu-re tnu t of lnnil tiwimil hy llin lilmlntomi Iti-nl ICnlntn Akhim-IiiIIoii, nml under coiilr:n-t of mtln to W. I), l-'rul.-y, IHI.Ci fm t to llin rnutnr of tlm County roiul, known nn dm Cliunnii Ciimity rmnl; thnlirn HiMillK-iinti-rly mnl iiIiiiik Urn rnlilnr of k ii I I CI iiymui t'oiiuly ronil, (";! 2'i fnnl to tlm Norllinioitirly nirimr or n trnrt or Iniul nwimil hy W. C. nml .Miiritnrnt !"!!!',', uh iIi'iki IIkmI In rm-onl of ili-nilii Volilliin Ji7 pnim ;;S; thnlirn Wnmnrly nlnnn tlm Nortlinrly houml- mv llim or iiiilil I'hllllpH trnrt to n point wlmrn tlm 'ntnrly projni-tlon or nulil Hun would Intnrmx't dm ICnm nrly hixiiuliiiy llim of n Hurt of I nml ownml py J. . mill M, K. Ilnliino, nn ilim-rlliml In mcoril or di'mln. Vol Uinn llll pni!i .l.'.S: thnlirn Houthnrly mnl iiIoiik tlm Kiintnrly Imntidiiry linn or milil 1'i'liinu trnrt tu tho Houllmniit nrly inllnT of milil Hurt: thnlirn Winli-rly mnl nlonn tho Homlmrly liniiiiiliiry Him or ull 1'nliiun trnrt mnl nlouu tho Nortlinrly liouuiliiry Hun or n trnrt of lunil own ml hy I. I". I.nwlK, triiHtco. mt ilnHi-rlhnil In rm-onl of Ih'nilii, Volilliin ins, pnno M to tho liiliTnnrilon or tho Wnmnrly prolnrdon ir mill! llim wldi tlin Vnnt nrly lioiinil.iry llim or 1'ortlniul Ave nun; diniiro Koiidmrly nloiiK tho WnHtnrly liouuiliiry llim of rortlmul Avntiim to tlm Nortlinrly houiuliiry Hun or Illvlitloil Slrnnt III tlm lowioilto of Mnlilrum. nn pnr pint fnutid ro rorilnd In tlm County Hwordnr' of ft ci or nulil Coiiuly nml Slnto In a Norlhwi'Htnrly dlrirllou nloiiK tlin Nordmrly hoiiiiilury linn or mild Plvl nlou Siii-nt to a ixilnt wlmro mild lino lumrnnrlH tlm Nortlinrly houiuliiry 1 1 no of llmrliiy Avniiun In mtld .Mnl driiiii; llu'iirn SiiiilhwcHlnrly lilnliK tlin Nortlinrly hmiiiiliiry llim of mild lliiirlny Avniiun to n point whnro tho Houdiwnnlnily iro)nilnll at nnld lino would Intnmnrl dm WnHtnrly houml nrv llim or tlm rlKht or ny or tlm I'ordiind Itiillwiiy IJkIiI & l'owor Coiiipiiny'K rnllioiul lino; thniro Sotidmrly nml nloiiK dm Wnnmrly houiuliiry Hnn of thn I'ortlillld Hull wny MkIii. & l'owor Cniiiputiy'ti rnll roinl llim, to tlm plnrn of hnclnnlliK. 'I'hnt no portion of milt! propnrty nhovn ilrHi-rlhrd Iiiib over Imt'lt or In now Incorpoinlnd iih n iimnlrlpnl In rorponitlon. And dint mild portion of tutlil Cniilily t'f CliirkuniiiH. Stiitn of Or.'Koii ronlnliiH nuiro thnn olio huiidinl mid nrty dSU) InlmhlliuitH, towlt: four hundifd (inn) liiliuhl tuntM. Tlmt nil f Kiild propnrty nhovo do ncrlhril H In nml I" ' Pidon of Cliinkiiiinix Coiitttv, Sluli) or OroKOli. WHKIlKKOIlK " your iintldonors pmy dint wild portion of mild County nn heroin di-Hrrllmd nml whimo hound iirleH urn pnrtlruliirly net out, h In ei.rtiiinileil iindnr tho tliinm r (1UAD KTONK mid under tho I'rovlslonn or tho net or tho l-4'nlslntiiro of WK1, heliiK HnrlloiiH 2CH7 to 2t'.!2 Inrlunlvo of llellltiKi'r'H nml Colton'n Anmitnli'd Coilim mid SMitiiH'S of dm Stulo ir OrcKott nml lh Ijiwn nml CoiihIKu tlon t-r dm Stnto or Orr-Kim. And your pedllonoiH will over priiy J. K. I'nrdoo Clnronco SlnimoiiB John McQotchla n. A. Guy II. II. ltoohwoll n, H. Kreytng II. U Hull (1. V. NhdiiiRon J. II. Ilnltom J. K. HiirKens J. It. Vox A. II. Mulkny C. A. WUllnitiB .1. K. Allen A. V. Tinker V,. V. Curler TIioh. 15. (Innlt Win. .1- Kniory , llrenlon Veddor fl. K, l-owo 1'. (I. Weim If. Front T.' .1. Chiimliorlaln 0. a. Wllllnms D. ditto C. V. I'lUTlHh V. A. lUiiunt C. A. Itiixlnr ltnrton Iliirlow II. T. Meimln H, Hlendiniiti (1. Oldn Kd Kent Wm. Woilllto John (Inilin M. Johns ,T. O. MrMnhnn V. V. Srhooloy Wm. 1 Inmmond V. H. linker W. II. Miller Louis Hull 0. A. Front. II, o. Pnddock K. Iluheo W. II. Cullilns II. II. Tuckor ,T. 0. rnddock ,1. V. mount C. Dull ' V, H. Stovers' A. H. IIiirIips Tl. KroytuR V: fliilloKly J. C. Schmidt J. N. Slovorn T. Slevers C. V. Soonhe C. II. Punchy o. n. rhiiiipa W. P. Lewis V.. A. IlimhPB J. II. Kmliieo C. A. HllKeniimn A. fii'lcHHlilihor P, HnrrlH (). W. Church li. McCiOtehle CliiiinherH Howoll 0. C. knSnllo IIiikIi Hull K. W. I'riiillioinino o. J. Dunn v. M. Iiullny .1. A. lliiKlmt Krnd llullny l, IIInlHniiK k. i). Hlovum .1. A. Turin o, . UinhniHoti W, K. Nllnx .luninii M. Trncy C. 10. KorHhimr t. , Wolmlor (I. DwlKKliii .luiiinn Duniiilro Chnrlnn T. Toozn .Ioni'f llniinr JuiniiH WllldiiHoii n, W, I'orlnr John I'oiern n. (', Wnmmr W, V. (loodwln C, If. Wlllliim Hydnoy H, JohnitoiiW. H, Thoinun fl. A. W'hllu li. M. Thoniim II. V, Hiillnluiry (mrnr Thomn H, tiniy ' Nollrn In hnrnhy ftlvon dint tho f'U'i'KolliK pot It Ion will l)ii pri'nrnl"(l lo Dm Couuly Court of CliinlimiiiiM Ciiiinty, tllnln of flinKou, nt dm Do rninhnr lorm tlmrnor, on W'oiltieniluy, tlin 7I duy of Dni'oullmr, A. ! 11)10, nl Inn o'rlork A. M., or UN Noon llmrn nfior iih tlm County Court cnn Imur tlm nulil pi'Mllou. I mini dilN 2nd itny or Novomhor, HUH.' Clt()H8 ft HAMMOND, Attiiriinyn ror rntlllonnrn Notice to Creditors. Nollrn In hnrnhy ulvnn (hut tho tin dnl'Hlmind lillH linen duly liipolllted hy tho County Court or tlm Hlnto of Oro- Koii for dm County of Clin knniim, ml uiliilntrnirlx of tho onIuIo of John Hliltnr, llncnnHnd. All pemoiiH linvliiK rluliiiN iiKiiliiNt nulil ohIuio nro hnrnhy ro'iulrnd to prnNent I linn In mo nt tho officii or ll'lton b Hrhunhnl, OroKon City, OreKon, properly verified nn hy In w rmpilrnd, within nix niiint Im from tho iliilo hnrnof. liiiln or rirnt pulillrullon Novtiiuhor IN. mil). JUUA 8A(l-:it, AdiiillilHlrntrl or tho imlulo of John Huunr, dnrnimnd. U HICN li SCIICKIIICI,, Atiornnyn for Ailniliilnlruirli. Summon!. In dm Cimilt Court of tho Ktulo of Oregon for thn Couuly or Clunk Hlllllll. M nml K. Joiien, plulnlirr, VN. John Jnni'H, llefniidunt. To John Jonen, the nhovo nntned dnfcndunt: In thn iiiitun of tho ntitio of On-Kiin, you nro hnrnhy rniiilred lo uiipeur nml miiiwer the roinplulut filed nmilnnt you In the nhovo on titli'd milt nml court, on or In-fore tho oMilrJiihin of nIx wnnk from tho flrnt puhllcntloll or thin niitniiiouii, low It: tin or lirtorn tho 2d ilny of Herein her, I'JIU; dm flint puhllrutloii or thlH HiiniliiniiN heliiK on tho lull duy of Noveinlmr, 1910. nml 11 you full to lip pi-nr nnd minwer, for witnl th'Toof plitlntlff will upply to this court lor tlm relief prnyi'd for In llm roitipliilnt rilnd herein, lo-wlt: For li derreo iIIhhiiIvIuk thn hniulN of iiiutrlinoiiy Imreloforti nml now oxIniIiik hntwemi plitlutlff nml di-rniiduut, upon tho Krouiuln or UoHortlon, Thin nuiiiuioiin In piihHHhrd In tho Orison Clly Kntnrprliio hy ordnr of Hon. ('.runt II, I U in Irk. JudKn or the County Court, nulil order heliiK niinle on tlm I nth duy or Novnniher, HI 10, unil the ilny of thn flrnt pilhllentlon of thin HiiiniuoiiN In dm 11th dny of No- vnmhnr, 1010. J. MKNDKNHAU.. Attorney for PlulntllT. Bummoni, In tlm Circuit Court of tho Etnto of OreKoii for ClnrkmniiK County: (inoiKlu Conten, PlulntllT, v. Wm. K. Conten, Ilefemlniit. To Win. K. Coto, nhovo nmiiod defnndiint: In the iininn of the Stnto of Oro Kon, you nro hnrnhy required to ap pear mid minwer tho coiiiplnlnt filed uituliiKt you In the nhovo iinmed milt, on or heforo the 25 dny of Novnniher, ltlo. mild diiln hrlng nfmr (ho explr- nt Ion or nix week from tho flrnt puhllcntloll of thlH numuionn, and If yoit full to nppenr or nnnwer mild roinplulut, ror waul I hereof plaintiff will npply to the court for tlio relief priiy rcl for In hnr roinplulut, tow It: Kor a derreo itlmuilvliiK tho licindn ol niHlrlmony now oxIntliiK hetween the plullitlff mid defemlunt. Thin HUiniiionn In puhllnhnd hy order of Hon. tirmit II. Hliulrk, JudKO of the Couniy Court, which order wun tnntlo nnd entered on the 7lh duy of Sept., HMO. nnd tho time. prescrled for puhllrntlon thereof la nix wuekn, he Kliiiilii!; with tho Iiinuo of Krldiiy, (H I. lh mid colitlliuliiR enrli week thnrnnfler to mid lUL'ludltiK thn Innuo of Klhluy, Novmuher S.Mh, 1910. (ii:o. c. lutowNicm Atlomny Tor i'liilmlff. Summoni, In tho Circuit Court or tho Stnto or On-Kiui. for tho County of Clack IIIIIH, (irure'll, Mac Venn, PlitlntlfT, vs. Tom W. MucVeiin, Defi'iiilnnt. To Tom W. MiicVetin, Defendant: In the niuiiii or the Stulo or Ori'Kon: Vmi lire hereby required to nppeur mid minwer to thu ooiiiplulnt tiled UKiiliiKt you In thu nhovo entitled null on or before Decnnibur 9th, 1910, nnd lr ymi rull no to nnnwer, plain tiff will tnlio judKineiit tli lit tho bonds of niiilrlinony exlHllim between her Hi'lf mid defnmhint bo dlHHolved, nnd Hint philullff bo permitted to resume hnr inulilen nnnin, Service of thin numtnonR la made upon you hy pulillrullon In pursuance of nn order of tlm Honorable (Irnnt II. Dlnilrk, Couuly JuiIko of Clncka niiis Couniy. miulo October 22tl. 1910, tllrectliifr mich puhllcntloll In tlio Ore Kon City Kiiterpiine, onco a week, for nix Bticcesslvo weeks, tho first puhllrntlon heliiK October 2DHi, 1910, unil tho hint December 9th, 1910. llAItHY KHI-niCRIUlIM, Attorney for PlulntllT. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, bus, by the County Court of Clncliumns Couniy, Stnto of Ore gon, been appointed executor of tho will ot Isnnc Furr, (Incensed. All per sons having claims ngnlnst tho mild decedent or his estate nro hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchors, duly verified, within nix months from the dato of this notice to tho unoei-slgned executor nt the orrlco of Jus. E. Hedges, Esq., Weln liurd Hiilldlng, Oregon City, Oregon. Dated October 28, 1910. CLARENCE P. FA.RR, Executor of will of Isnno Furr, Do- censed, JOS. E. HEDOES, Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Court of dsn Stnto of Oregon, for tlin County of Clncka 111ns. Edytho llradhniy, Plaintiff, vs. Edward T. Tlrndhury, Defendant. To Edward T. Hindbury, above nnmoil tli'fenilunt: In the namo of tbo Stnto of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned nnd required to appear and answer the coiiiplnlnt Hied ngnlnst you In tho above entitled Court nnd ciuiho within alx weeks from the duto of tho llrst puhllcntloll nf thin miiniuonn, to-wit, on or before dm Kith dny of Iiecuui brr, A. I)., lino; mid If you full to iippi ur mid miKwor nn heroin rnqiflred, for wnut thnmof, dm plulntlff will upply to dm Court ror dm relief do- uiiimlnil In hnr couiplnliit, which In for u tlneren iIIkhiiIvIiik tho niurrhiKo ciiiitruct now eilidliiK between plain tiff nnd defemluiit. Thin miiiiiuoiin In puhllnhed unco a week for lit leunt nix nurroHNlvo wiiolin III the Oregon City ICulorprlHo, weekly iiewnpiiimr, publlnhid nt Oro- khii Clly, CliickiiuiiiN County, Orcunii hy order of lion, tl. II, Hliulrk, County Jiulitn or Cluekiiiiiun County, Ori'Kon, iniiilu tlm 2 HIl dny or October, 1910. 'I ho flrnt pulillrullon of Hi In mini in' Mm In on October 2Mb, 11)10. Hulutl thin 2 Uh duy of October, 1910, TII.OH. F. JtYAN, Attorney for I'lalntlff. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of tho Hlnui of OreKon, ror the County of Clacka- IIIIIH, (1, K Joiiiih, plnliitirr, vn. MiirKiiret Jones, Itefendnnt. To .MiirKiiret Joiien, tlm ubuvp-nnuied defnmlmit: III llin iininn of tho Hlutn of Oregon Vint nro hnrohy required to appear nml minwer thn couipluint filed iiliiiliiHt you In tho nhovn entitled Court nnd cniine on or hi-foro thn loth duy of Itecember, 1910, which In alx weeks lifter tho ditto of the flrnt publication of thin muuinoiiH, mid lr you full no to appear mid minwer the plulutirr will npply to tho-Court fur thn relief prayed for In his biild complaint, to-wlt; Kor a decree of Court iIIrboIvIiir the bunds of matrimony now exiting between you nnd tho plulntlff, for tho cimtody mid control of MiirKiiret Jniii'H, tho minor child of plulnilll and di-fniidiitit, mid Tor mich other and rurllier reller nn to dm Court neoinn inert mid equllublo, Thin Ih puhllHln-d by order or tho Hon. J. tl. Campbell, Judtso of tlm ii Ik, vn entitled Court, duly Hindu and entered on tho 2fith day of October, 19 10, , Huti-d nnd flrnt puhHnhed October 2H, 1910. I nt of Hint publication December 9th, 1910. AIXKN & ML'UCEY. Altorueys for 1'lulnllfl. Administrator'! Notice. Nnlp'o In hereby Klven thnt the umleiH'.Kiieil hnn been appointed, at! tnlulHlrntor of dm entulo of C. K. Phil lips, ilnreaned. All perNoiin having clnlins iiitaliiHt mild eiate nro hereby notllli'd to prem-nt sumo with proper vouchers duly certified, nccnrdliiK to law, nt I ho offlco of J. II. Itynu, Oro Koiiinn lliilldlm;, Portlund, Oregon, wlihln nix inoiiibs oT the duto nf the pulillciitlon of thin mulce. Uiln of flrnt piibllcnllon, October 2S. 1910. VKHNE PHIUJP8. Adinlnlhtralor of the estate of C. E. Phillips, deceased. J. II. HYAN, Attorney for administrator. Notice of Sale. Notion Is hereby given that the umlerKlKlicd will sell HI private sale for nihil In bund tho following de scribed renl estnlo, to-wlt: A me- ninth (1-9) Interest in and to tho fol lowing described property: The H. W. 4 mid tho S. W. 14 of tho N. E. i ; tho N. W. 4 of tho 8. U; tho H. E. Vi of tho N. W nud lt fl (six) of Section 27, T. 3 ., K. 3 K. of ". M. containing 320 nrres more or less nnd tho E. 14 of tho N. W. Vi; tlio W. i of tho N. E. : the N. 4 or the 8. w. Vi: die S. E. U r the S. W. l; and tho N. W. 14 or tho S. E. '4 or Section 28, In T. ( S., It. i E, oT tho W. M., sub ject to tho dower Interest of Mary E. Mavflcld; snld sale will ho for cash In bund mid will ho on mid lifter the 2d dny of December, 1910, at tho of flco of C'Hon and Schubel lu Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. C. 1). HOIIKSON. (iunrdlnn of the Estate of Albert North, minor. Summoni. lu tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Clackamas County. lngu V. (illburtson, Plaintiff, vs. William II. Cllbertson, Defendant To William II. (ilJbertson, above nained defendant: In thu nmiiu of tho Slate of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear mid answer tho complaint filed agiiliiHt you In tho ubovo entitled Court and ciumo on or before tho 17th iluv of December. I'll II. which Is nix weeks nfter dm date of the first pub lication of this summons, November (Ih. 1910, being dato of said first pub- lirutli n; and If you full bo to appear and answer, the plaintiff will upply to die Court for tho relief pruyed for in her naid complaint, to-wlt: For n decree of Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you nnd tho plaintiff, for the custody and control of Mildred llbeitson nnd Harry (illhertson, the minor children of plulntlff and do f umlaut, and for such other mid fur ther relief us to the Court may seoin meet nnd equitable. 9 This summons Is published by or der of tho Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of tho nhovo ontitled Court, nmdo nnd entered on the 1st day of No vember, 1910. Dul rd and first published, Novem ber 4tti. 1910. Dato of lust piibllcnllon, December Kith, 1910. ALLEN & MTJI.KEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons, In tho Circuit Court of tbo Stato of Oregon, for Clnrkamns Comity. Edith Hnsslng, Plulntlff, vs. Wllllnm J. M. Hasslng, Defendant. To William J. M. Hasslng, ubovo nam ed defendant: In tho nnmo of tho Stnto of Oregon, you nro hereby required to nppenr nnd answer tho coiiiplnlnt filed against you In tho ubovo named suit, on or before tbo 23d day of Decem ber, 1910, said duto being the expira tion of six weeks from the llrst pub lication of this summons, nnd if you full to nppear or answer snld com plaint, for want thereof tbo plulntlff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In her coiiiplnlnt, to-wlt: For n decree dissolving tbo bonds of matrimony now existing between tlio plaintiff nnd defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. if. Campbell, Juilgo of the Circuit Court, which order was made and onlered on tbo 7th day of Novem ber, 1910, and tho time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with tbo issuo of Frldnv. Nov. 11th, 1910, nnd continuing enrh week thereafter to and Including tbo Issuo of Friday, Dec. 23d, 1910. GEO C. HIIOWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Blalo of Oregon, Tor Clackamas County. Iydla Bhiiw, Plaintiff, vn. Crunk W. Hhaw, Defondiuit. To Kriink W. Hhaw, ahovii named do fetidnnt: In dm liamn of tho Hlato of Oro gon, you am hereby required to ap pear and nnnwer dm complaint filed against you In the about named suit, on or heforo tho lflth day of Decem ber, 1910, said dato being tho expira tion of six weeks from the first puh llcntloll of thin silMiuions, ami If you fall to nppenr or answer said corn- plaint, for want thoroof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief pruyed for In her complaint, to-wlt Kor a decree dissolving thu bonds of matrimony now existing between dm plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published ,y order of Hon. (irnnt II. Dlnilrk, Judgu of the County Court, which order was made and entered on tne znn day of Octo ber, 1910, and tho time prescribed for publication thereof In nix weeks, be ginning with thu Issue of Krlduy, Oc tober 28, 1910, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Issue of Friday, December fiih, 1910, GEO. C. UIIOWNKM Attorney for plaintiff. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon Tor Clackamas County. Nelllo M. Tlfft, plalntlfr, vs. James H. Tlfft. Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon, you ure hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or heforo the 20lh duy of Decern her, 1910, the said dale being after tho expiration Of six weeks from the first political Ion of this summons, nnd if you Tull to appear and answer tills complaint, Tor want thereof, the plain tiff will apply lo tbo Court for the relief prnyed for In her complaint to-wlt: Kor a decree that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plulntlff and defendunt be forever dissolved; that the said aeienaunt nny to the Clerk of this Court the sum of 1100 bb attorney's ices, and tho sum of $20 to. cover the costs of Ibis suit; nnd thai the said defendant pay to tho Clfcrk of this Court the sum of $50 per month for the purpose of supporting the snld plalniirr and their wild two children, Margaret Tlfft and Frances Tlfft; and for the corns and disbursements of this suit. Thin summons Is published hy or der of Hon. J. U. Camphel, Judge of tho above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on the 3rd day or November, 1910. and tho time pro scribed Tor publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the issue 01 Friday. November -(th, 1910, and con tinning each week thereafter to and Including tho ICth day of December, 1910. GILTNF.H & SEWAIJ, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Justices Court Tor district number three, county oT Clackamas, stnle of Oregon. E. T. Elmer, doing business as the MHwaukle Mercantile Co., Plaintiff. vs. Allen Drown nnd Drown, bis wife, Defendants. To Allen Brown and Drown, his wife, tho above named defen dants herein: In the ntme of the State of Ore gon: You are nerriiy requirea 10 ap pear and annwer tho complaint rneu ngnlnst you In the above entitled action within six weeks from the 21st day of Octolier. 1910, which Is the date of tho first puhllrntlon hereof, and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for a Judgment against you for tho sum of J1U3.S5 with Interest there on at the rate of C per cent per an num, and for the costs and disburse ments of this action. Service of this summons Is mitdo upon you hy publi cation by order of the Honorable John R. Kelso, Justice of the Peace for District Number Three, Clacka mas County, Stnte of Oregon, made on the 12th day of October, 1910. di recting that said publication be made In dm "Oregon City Erterprlse," a weekly newspaper of general circula tion published at Oregon City, Clack amas County. Stato of Oregon, and that said publication be made onco a week for six consecutive weeks. JOHN R. KELSO. Justice of tho Peace for District No. Three. Administrator's Notice. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for die County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Estnto of Hiram Coddnrd, deceased. Notice Is hereby given thnt the un dersigned has this 3rd day of Novem ber, 1910. been appointed administra tor of the above entitled estate by tho above entitled Court, and has duly qualified ns such. All persons hnvlng claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to mo at the office of the County Clerk of the above entitled Court in tho County Court House In Oregon City, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly veri fied within six months from the dato hereof. Dated and first published, Novem ber 4, 1910. RUSSELL E. SEW ALU Administrator. GILTNER & SEWALL, Attorneys for administrator. Summoni. In tho Circuit ('Hurt of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Amy E. Parker, Plaintiff, TS. R. S. PnrUer, Defendant. To B. S. Parker, the above named defendant: In tho namo of the Stato of Oregon, you nre hereby required to nppear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above en titled suit and court, on or before tho expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or before the 2nd dny of Decem ber, 1910; the llrst publication of this summons being on the 21st day of October, 1910. and If you fall to np pear nnd answer, for want thereof plnlntirf will apply to this court for tho relief prayed for In the complaint filed heroin, "to-wlt: That a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now oxlstlng betwoen plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds of desertion. This summons Is published In the Oregon City Enterprise by order of Hon. Grant B. Ditnlck, Judge of the County Court, snld older being made on the ISth day of Oftober, 1910, and tho day of the first publication of this summons Is tho 21st day of Octo ber, 1910. L. D. MAHONE, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, CIS Henry Building. Portland, Oregon. Summons. In dm Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, ror tho County of Clack amas. Maud Cash, Plaintiff, vn. Dan Iyie Cash, Defendant. To Dan ! Cash, Defendunt above named: In tho namo of the Stato of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer to tbo complaint filed against you In die above entitled Court, and cause on or before the 7th day of Jan uary, 1911, and If you full to no appear and answer, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In I hr complaint, to-wlt: Kor a decree hihsoiviiik 1110 oonas 01 matrimony now existing between the anove named plaintiff and defendant, and for mich other relief as to tho Court mny seem meet and equitable. Thin numinous is puhllnhed In pur suance of an order of the Hon. J. I!. Campbell, Judge of tho above en titled Court, made and entered on the I8H1 duy of November, 1910, specify ing that the name bo published for six consecutive weeks and ordering No vember 25, 1910, an the date of the first publication. FIIANK 8CHLEGEL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, the duly appointed and act ing Administrator of the Estnto of James Welch, deceased, has filed his final report as such Administrator In the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, and the Court has set Tuesday, the 27th day of December, A. D.. 1910, at 9:30 o'clock. A. M., as the date for the hearing of tho final report. Any and all persons, having objections to said final report, are hereby notified to appear on said date In the County Court Room of Clacka mas County, Oregon, to make the sume. Dated, this 2.r;th day of November, A. D., 1910. FRANCIS A. WELCH, Administrator as aforesaid. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Estate. Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, the duly appointed and act- tlnc Administrator of the estate 01 William W. Welch, deceased, nas iiieo his final report as such administrator In the County Court or Clackamas Countv. Orecon. nnd the Court has set Tuesday, the 27th day of December. A. D.. 1910, at 10 o'clock, A. M as tne date for the hearing of the final re port In tho .aforesaid estate. Any and all persons, having objections to said final report, are hereby notified to unnoar on said date In the County Court Room of Clackamas County, Oregon, to make the same. Dated this 25th day of NovcmDer, A. D., 1910. FRANCIS A. Wl-.U'H, Administrator ns aforesaid. C..H. DYE, Attorney for Estate. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned bus been appointed by th: County Court of Clackamas County OreKon. administrator of the estatt of Charles Stewart, deceased; all per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same to me or at the office of my attorney, O. D. Ehy, In Oregon City Oregon, duly verified as by law re quired within Bix months of date here of. CHARLES E. STEWART. Administrator. O. D. EHY, Attorney for Administrator. Dated November 25, 1910. Administratrix's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, OreKon. administratrix of the estate of Mary Meyer, deceased; all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me or at tho office of my attorney, O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, Oregon, dulv verified as by law required with in six months of date hereof. Duted Nov. 25, 1910. MARTHA M. MEYER. Administratrix. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Administratrix. Notice of Sale of Real Estate by Ad ministrator. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of B. T. Elon. pursuant to an order of sale made and entered In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, on the 21st day uf November. .1910. will sell at private sale for cash lu hand, the following described property, to-wlt: Lot No. (. Block C, and Lot No. 4, Block D. Clackamas Heights, Clacka mas County, Oregon. Sale will be had and bids wtu ce received, on nnd after December 24, 1910. at the office of L. Stipp. In Ma sonic Building, in Oregon City said Clackamas County. Dated November 21. 1910. OTTO MEINDL, Administrator of the Estate of B. T. Elon, deceased. Notice for Levy of Special Road Tax. Notlco is hereby given that we, the undersigned tax payers representing ten per cent of the tax payers in Road District No. 20, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereby give notice to the tax pavers of said Road District No. 20 that there will be a meeting of the tax pavers of said District In School House No. Ill, at Highland, on the Seventeenth day of December, 1910, at ono o'clock P. M., to vote an addi tional tax for road purposes, as pro vided by an act of the legislature in 1909. B. Sullivan T. J- Pnrrisn Wm. Rutherford, Jr Carl Stromgreen John Putz Fred Hettman .1. A. Stromcreen Theo J. Wlrtz D. A. Miller Codfried Wallace F. T. Shute J. C. Parrlsh Louis Rath V. B. Fairfowl F, Nicholas Sheriff's Sale on Execution. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. Honry Fleckensteln & Co., a cor poration. Plaintiff, vs. W. A. Cunningham, Dofendant. Stato of Oregon, County of Clack amas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and attachment execution, duly issued out of and under tho seal of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the? Itlth day of November, 1910, upon 11 judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 3rd day of November, 1910, lu favor of Henry Fleckensteln & Co., a corporation, Plaintiff, nnd against W. A. Cunning ham, Defendant, for the sum of $2:19. 12. and tho further sum of $19.10 costs and disbursements, and the PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Crosi. CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW We have now moved to our permanent quariere In the Beaver Building. Next to the Andreien Building. Real Ettate Abstracts Main Street. Loane, Insurance. Oregon City, Or. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN costs of und upon thin writ, command ing me out of the personal property of said defendant, and If sufficient could not be found, then out of the renl property belonging to said de fendant on and after the date of said November 3rd, 1910 to satisfy said sum of $25(1.22 and also the costs up on this said writ. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of snld writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's, I did on the ICth day of November, 1910 duly levy upon the following de scribed real property of said defen dant, situate and being In the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 6 block 35 In the First Addition to Estacada, the north half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and lot 3, section 10, township 4, range 4 east, Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and I will, on Sat urday, the 24th day of December, 1910 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within namea ne-1 fendant had on the date of said No-! vember 3rd, 1910, or since had in or; to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said I attachment, execution, judgment or- ' der, decree, Interest, costs and all ! accruing costs. R R TiFATlF ! Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber ICth. 1910. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, B. F. Bullard, duly ap pointed, qualified and" acting adminis trator of the estate of Frederick Bul-i lam, ucvcimru, uao incu uio iiuu. . v. port In said estate. And that the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, has set Monday, December 19tb, 1910, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. in the County Court room, at the court house In Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final report, and the objections thereto. If any there be, and for the settlement of the same. B. F. BULLARD, Administrator of the estate of Fred erick Bullard, deceased. CROSS AND HAMMOND, Attorneys for Administrator. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. J. D. Hatfield. Plaintiff, vs. Evelyn Viola Hatfield. Defendant, To Evelyn Viola Hatfield, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 5th day of December, 1910, and If you fall to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his said complaint, to wit: For a decree of the court dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain- and further relief as may be equlta-! J I. In 1 I This summons Is published by order ! of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck. Judge' of the County Court of the State of J Oregon for Clackamas county, maae and entered on the 19th day of Oc tober, 1910, in which order it Is di rected that this summons be pub lished In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published at Ore gon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, for six consecutive weeks. The dato of the first publication of this summons is the 21st day of Oc tober, 1910, and the last publication Is .the 2d day of December, 1910. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, Adminstrator with will annexed, of the Estate of Gott lieb Schaber, deceased, late of said County and State. Any and all per sons having claims against said Es tate are hereby notified to file the same, duly verified as by law requir ed, with said Administrator at the office of his Attorney, C. H. Dye, S. W. corner of 8th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, this 2Sth day of October, A. D. 1910. LEONARD SCHABER. Administrator of the aforesaid Es tate. C. H. Dye, Attorney for Estato. Alfalfa sweetened dairy food In creases milk one-third, sold by the Oregon City Commission Company. DR. W. C. SCHULTZE, A. M. The University and Bellevue Hos pltnl Medical College, New York City. ROOMS 3, 4, WEINHARD BLOCK, j Office practice mainly solicited. The doctor continues the Eastern custom of putting up his own pre scriptions. Pacific phone, Main 1581. WM. M. STONE, Lawyer. associated with George C. Brownell. Legal Business Promptly All tended to. .e-e-e- THOS R Y A N Attorney-at-Law Probate and Realty Law Prac ? tlce Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple William Hammond WEINHARO BUILDING O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish 4, land titles examined, estates settled, general law builness. Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN & 8CHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law Dautscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. ; I ! J ( I ' ) C. D. dL D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law . a Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of- flee In First National Bank Tit ,1 nMonn Pita PnnMi UIU1., Vlcguu Vllj, VBUUl I : a.,. a.a.s.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.s.s L W. S. EDDY, V, Sn M. D. V. t ?. , . ... ,i i Graduite of the Ontario veterl- T oary College yt loronto, Canada. t and the McKUlip School of a Surgery of Chicago, bas located at Oregoo City anil established an office a; The Fashion Stables, i a Seventh Slrrt-t near Main. t n . t. f 1 1 ixun irirpaoncs ,,, Man 1)11 t t Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, S10 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. ' t t 1 I t I Full equipment of maps, plats, t t abstract books and tax rolls. ( Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. m E. F. & F. B. RILEY, I a Attorneys & Counsellors at Law a STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills. 11c Rams ' uups snd Hvdras pecialty. Phone 288:. Oregon City, Oregon. ! TlJ'j it ClI,, J, :ifeirttviS.-" '.aaff'ii?-'v.,.--.- .-. ..stS- :r i "i -,a'i :: - ..? s1". ;J .". - -1 V -I 4 tl fi J .iflrftj". 1(S3C' 1 4 -() lit muff Scientifically Distilled. Naturally Aged. Absolutely Pure. Best and Safest for all uses. For sale by LEADING DEALERS." mm I .,. v ' ' I 1 t 1 - -- - 'J I 5 m tetfSSi? a IB KW-VB ftf J I lr .X t-H : 1 mmi At- L3 I