Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTER PRISE, FRIDAY, MAHCIt 4, 1910. Buy Now-Unheard of Before Savlnga-Salo Only at NORRIS-DAKER Co. Store, 223 Morrison Street, Near First, PORTLAND, OREGON THE LAND- (( LORD SAYS HovePGo We fim FORCED OUT 0E BUSINESS Entire Stock of This Well- Known Firm TXT 1 W nis-Baker Go 223 Morrison Near First St. O Portland, Or. acrifice d 1 50 cent President Suspenders 37 cts Tin' famuli "('resident" Htmpenders. sold the. world iivit for inr the pair never for less muni be sacrificed at I 111 sale for only ,'t?c Our lease It told Landlord uyl wo mutt get out at once Wa'vf no place to move WITH THOUSANDS OF D0LLAR3' WORTH OF MEN'S CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, 8H0E8,te., on our handtl In terrible atriiti Indeed! iO8ELLJVEMU9T, and quickly, Jor we have but Thirty Days more to dispose ofOUR STOCK. Sacrifice it our only galvation to entire ttock hat been SLAUGHTERED without regard to cott or value of the merchandite. Beginning thit morning thia entire freth and up-to-date ttock of 130,000.00 worth of ttyllth Men't Wear will be pUced at your mercy The price knife hat tpared nothing Noth ing will be rtterved, for the entire ttore MUST BE CL06ED OUT. Every man thould take advantage of thig colottal reduc lion event Never before have you had tuch a tentational, amazing price slashing event at which auch attounding price cutt have been offered. Sale laett but a thort time, to BUY NOW. Every Mother, Wife and Sitter ahould buy and urge the men folk to buy tt thlt tremendout SACRIFICE SALE for never again will tuch an attonithing opportunity pretent ittelf to obtain freth, new goodt at LESS THAN HALF PRICE In many caut. Nothing but legitimate, guaranteed merchandite offered every article up to the regular high Norrn Baker Company tjtandard that hat been their pride In almott 15 years of butinett! Tf MPD lII A MXC Ttl,H "i","mn"1 vint presents an opportunity to stock up at prices away less than usual 1U IVlLlVVjIlAil lut wholesale cost, ho It will be to your advantage, too, to SAVE AT THIS SALE. ALL, FIX TI'HKH, etc.. for milo. BTOKH (lJHICD ALL DAY MONDAY TO I'ltKI'ARR FOR THIS SENSATIONAL UNHEARD-OK-BE-KOKH SACRIFICE HALE. Do not fall to lake advantage NOW-ANU HE St.' RE OF THE PLACE-DONT MISTAKE HALE ONLY AT THE STORE OF THE AMERICAN CLOTHIERS, NORRIS BAKER COMPANY, 223 MORRISON STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON. SALE NOW ON. Men's Suits Doomed A TORNADO OF GREAT VALUES Every Man' Suit iniiBt goThe well-known brands of garment that have made thia store so popular In the many years of business Ihth iiiiimI all Im sacrificed. The bitter truth must prevail Oo we must and soon so the mammoth stock of Suits, Overcoats, etc. MCST (it) regardless of great loss to us. Never before has any store offered such colossal such gigantic re duction tliat can only result In loss to us. Our only plea to you Is to buy NOW, for we have only a few short weeks In which to dispose of the entire magnificent stock of thit store. Remember the place The American Clothiers Norrlg-Baker Com pany. 223 Morrison Street, near First, Portland. NOTE THESE TREMENDOl'S Cl'TS a few of the many big savings offered; Men's Suit" that have always been our pride Stylish, nobby garments that never sold for less than $S.O0 and $10.00 before. All are sacrificed at this hlg event at this awful (J P FA reduction, beginning Tuesday at v") Men's Stilts that have always gold at prices ranging near J1J.50 Up-to-date garments of real style attainments, all sacrillced at this great Selling-Out Sale, at this Q7 JF low price v ' 4t) All M'ii's Suit worth up to $15.00 are sucrltlced at this great Selling Out Sale. while they last for only, I'lich S9.25 All Men's Suits worth up to $17.50 must be sacrillced during this colossal Selling- Out Sale at this big reduction $11.20 All Men's Suits worth up to $20.00 are sacrificed at this gigantic Selling-Out Sale, while they last for only $13.10 All Men 'a Suits worth $22.50 regularly must go regardless of loss at this big Selllng-Out Sale reduction price $14.95 All Men's Suits worth $5.00 regularly must go regardless of worth at this as tonishing sacrlllce reduc tion, only $16.80 All Men's Suits worth $27.50 regularly must be sacrificed to effect a speedy sel ling out at this extraordl- C I Q "7 A nary low price p I 0 I U & -. t T v, V?t-, ' 3 -V i-.Nk-- I I ' i - fir 1 ft r . f ; $3.50 Corduroy Pants, only $2.70 The famous Sweet-Orr Corduroy Pants sold all over the country at $3.50 and more the pair; light and dark colors; the 'pair, at sale Si 70 $1.00 Bells 39c Everything iiiuhI go So these fine $1110 li-nlher Belt, nil Ue mid colors, must li sacrificed at this big Si lling Out Sale for only ;t)c 75c BELTS 33c All Belt worth regularly 75c. k at this low price, while they lust. .''Jo All Men's Belts worth $125 regular ly sacrillced at this sale for. . . . Fine Belts at 18c All Men's Belts, worth 25n to 50c, best leather, all sites nnd colors; sacrillced at this great Selllng-Out Sale for only, while they last ,Sc 25c RUBBER COLLARS 10c A great lot of regular 25c "Rub ber" Collars, best water-proof, all slashed to this low price (c DON'T MAKE A J1SJAKME"RFDRE Norris-BakerCo. American Clothiers, 223 Morrison St. BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND, PORTLAND, OREGON Shoes Sacrificed We quote but a few of the startling reduction prices at which the entlro Shoe stock Is siicrlllred. All Men's $2.50 Shoes sacrlllceil at, ihe pair $ ;H) All $:i.00 Shoes go nt $ 'J All $:i.60 Men's Shoes $, ,S) All Men's $1.00 Shoes sacrillced al, the pair g; ) All $5.00 Men's Shoes ? All High Tops reduced. .ONE-THIRD rAll Shirts Are Slashed y Every Man'B Shirt In this great establishment must be sacrificed 1 to closo out this stock. Note the awful price-slashings! V A great,lot of the odds and ends of this great stock, all styles I and colorB, values to $1.00, sacrificed while they last, for 4(c I I Fine Dress Shirts, the kind that always sells for $1.25. At less i 1 than cost, while they last, at this low sacrifice price, each H."SC The famous "Cluetf Shirts for Men. all styles and colors, best F I $1.50 grade sacrificed at this unheard of before tfl IK reduction at only 3 I , I J f I REMEMBER THE PI.AflF. NORRIS-RAKF.R CO.. f t 15c Hose go at 6c Men's Fine Black and Tan Hose, the kind sold for 15c all over town; a great lot to go while they last at this awful sacrifice reduction . .Qe 50c HOSE GO AT 37c PR. Men's best 50c Lisle Hose, fancy and plain, every color and color combination, at the pair, only 37c Collars go at 10c Arrow Brand Collars 15c, 2 for 25c the world over E. & W. extra heavy Linen Collars, regularly 25c each, all sacrificed for only, each - -10 35c TIES 19c Best 35c Silk Ties, Including Four-in-Kands, sacrificed at sale for jyc All regular 50c to 75c Ties, go at this Selling-Out Sale event -for 3fle DON'T 'MAKE A MISTAKE BE SURE OF ADDRESS Norris-BakerCo. American Clothiers, 223 Morrison St. BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND, PORTLAND, OREGON Work Shirts OVERALLS, Etc. At Gigantic Cuts. Work Shirts, Overalls, Flannel Shirts, etc., must o as well, as nothing Is re served. See these: Tan, Blue and Striped Work Shirts, some sateen 4'c All t0c Overalls go at 75c All 65c Overalls go at JJ."5e Best Blue Flannel Shirts, regular $1.50 values, go at 9.1 $2.50 Blue Flannel Shirts ...-St 3.) $3.00 Blue Flannel Shirts 73 KKM'IC.MBHIl THE 1'IJU'IC 223 Morrison Street. Portland, Ore. Stock In hands of the "Busy llurko" Sales Company Hale Specialists of the better kind iimler the personal supervision of Mr. Burke, Underwear at 39c Itlbbed and Fleece Lined Under wear, best grade men's 60c gar ments, sale price ;c Cooper's Derby Hlbbeil All-Wool Underwear, regular $1.50 grade, nt, the giinnent JJc Reincmberthe Place 223 Morrison Street PORTLAND, ORE. Men's Hats Given Away Don't bo deceived by the so-called hnt sales In the city; como here nnd get BRANDS YOU KNOW at prices lower than those quoted by others on unknown, Inferior grades. The well-known high Baker-Norris quality Is evident In evtfry headpiece of fered. All styles, shapes and colors sacrillced so low we are almost GIVING 'EM AWAY. Sale only at American Clothier's NOKUIS BAKKlt CO. STOKE, 223 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. All $2.50 Hats Vl Koft Huts nit colors, similes unit shuncs values to $2.50, sacrificed nt this colossal iseiimg-uut sine ni tins trenien dour reduction ., $1.35 $5.00 STETSON at $2.85 The famous John B. Stetson Hats, the genuine article, sold the world over for $5.00. Your unrestricted choice of the lot at this great sacrifice price, only. . . . $2.85 All $3.00 Hats $2.3i All regular $.50 and $3.00 Hats, Including the demanded "Norba" Hat, never sold for less than $3.00 before, all sacrificed at $2.39 Sale at 223 Morrison St., Norris-Baker Co., Portland, Ore. REMEMBER THE PLACE 223 Morrison Street. Portland, Ore. Stock In hands of the "Busy Burke" Sales Company Sale Specialists of the better kind under the personal supervision of Mr. Burke. Woolen Underwear Best $1.00 Wool Underwear, sacri ficed at this low price during sale, the garment 8.")0 Best $1.50 Wool Underwear, sacri ficed at this low price at, the gar ment, only $1 15 Remember the Place 223 Morrison Street PORTLAND, ORE. Your Transpor tation FREEH Buy at this Great Sale. Besides tire Big Bargains obtainable We will PAY YOUR PARE to Portland and back. The only condition" is that you do your trading here. Pare refunded to all purchasers of Ten Dollars or more worth of goods PREE PARE to Portland 7