Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
OKixiON cm llU'Wa, lllAV, AlAUOU,,X"iiia" if ffoc Agents for Famous "Schloss Bros." and "Society Brand" Clothes for Men Sole Oregon City Agents for the pop ular NEVIDE Paper Patterns, priced only at Ten Cents. None higher n n pfinrir DE)'T Jo LIL V H U U store Suspension Bridge, Cor. Main & Seventh Sts. Solo Oregon City Agents for the pojv ular Ni: W IDEA Paper Patterns priced only at Ten Cents. None higher eeiD) Price (Ms To Repay for Buying Hero During Alterations GREATER CUTS WON EN'S SUITS The somen's and misses' Suits must go this week, ami we've marie still greater reductions as an in ducement for speedy clearance. Every garment strictly man-tailored, all wool, best fabrics, all colors and styles, some like cut. Values that VHOL.KSALE regular ly at double the prices we're asking. Regular $15 values In those sty lish Suits go during the next few days at only i Regular $30 Suits go regardless of worth at this bigtfli t;Q IfllUCUOU IU out?. Regular $20 values in the hand-! some garments go dur-1 Ing alteration sale. A few stylish Tapes left must go. Values to $15 i and $1S.OO "$7.00 $9.50 left th!i s$4.75 The Carpenteri Come Monday then for the next few days every thing will be torn up. Hammering, ripping, sawing on every hand, the whole store when finished will be modern and up-to-tate in every respect. To repay you for pur chasing during the slightly Incon venient condition which will pro vail these days, everything in the whole store has been reduced lower than ever before. Note these prices. NcwPicceGoods The beautiful new Dress Goods, the fresh, new Ginghams, Domestics, etc., fill the shelves of this modern-to-be store. We invite your Inspec tion of these lovely fabrics, for the assortments are most complete a stock any store might well bo proud of. See them here. Store Cut Up so are the prices but the prices are suffering the worst, as you will see by careful Inspection of the wonderful, amiu lug price-slashing on all goods throughout the store. Not much room hen to tell about all the good things and tremendous values of fered, but come see "em all; you'll be surprised at the big cuts. You'll forget all about the noise, so groat are the bargains. Boys' Suits Cut All child's suits are sacriticed to make room for new arrivals. The prices have been reduce,! to the very lowest point, of which we give a few: $7. .10 Children's Suits, $."..71: Jii.50 Children's Suits, $l :S: $5.00 Children's Suits, $;i t'.!; $:! 50 Children's Suits, $2.C5: $2 50 ones. $1.88. MEN'S SUITS MUCH REDUCED Amajlug reductions on the best garments for men ami young men in the whole country. The lots In clude the famous "Scliloss llros." and "Society llraiul" clothes at proportionate reductions, Spring Suits are on the w.o hence these enormous reduction m manv cases AT LESS THAN KKiIl'l.AK COST. Kegnlar values in worth $10 and $1.' ularly. now Regular values In the; Suits worth $18 and $20, at this sale for Regular values these worth $15 and $16.50 reg ularly, sale price only. . Regular values In these Suits worth $22.50. this sale for only men's Sulla at pu. .. $6.95 o men's $12. so Suits ?!I.M e men's ' only way to build up a place, (live the people a elntuee to cmno among tlx Instead of keeping them out. C. II. II. ThomiiH got out to Walts, burg In time to see their tlnlsh tvf win ter, lie reports (he horses as show lug the effect of ranging over (ho long snow-covered hills In soured of their only winter rations. Miss .lulla Oswalt died ill her sis ter's home last Sunday of rancor. The remains were hurled In the Adam's cemetery Tuesday, Evangelist Wood of Park Place, preaching the funeral sermon. C. W. Herman, who has been under this weather for a spell, Is Improving and a little sunshine would bring hi in about all right. A dollar circulated fast out (his way last week, turning over many tlitrvs, paying debts of necessity, grat itude, love and sympathy, Dually In coming congested in Its circulation, stuck In the mud without a claimant. Mrs. Ilatlon of Stone. Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Ii. K. Part, of southwest Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. lien Watts and Mrs. Win. Wads, of Stone, were visiting a few days lat week with relatives about Molulla. Kred Watts moved his daughter Kva eight miles to the new home. I She stood the (rip fairly well and her many friends hope the change w ill be good for her. Should a third of our county be severed from Clackamas, we would have to quit the (mas) and call the remainder "Claeka": a term lllly ex pressing the conditions .lohn Cross has been on the sick list for two weeks. Sidney Cardlll has been grubbing with powder between showers. Loggers Miller ,ki llowman are slashing a lot of brush for Cross. Frank Adams Is nun Ing regardless or the weather II N Everhart marie a business trip to Oregon City .Monday. J, W. Thomas had business before the County Court Wednesday. SANDY. Rain, rain every day: worst winter ever experienced by the oldest "set tler here; Spring work of all kinds Is away behind; roads In awful bad con dition: creek and rivers are flowing over their banks. Rev. Smith, of Portland, held Re vival meetings the last week In the M. E. church. All meetings were well j attended. The Firwood-Dover Telephone Com pany is doing some good work for this county, spreading telephone lines through all country east of Sandy, and a Telephone Company organized in Sandy with a line to Sandy Ridge and Bullrun. They will put a network of wires over this county and most every progressive farmer will have a telephone in his home. Farmer's Institute will be held , Hundreds of acres of land are being i cleared, notable among these being ! the Mt, Hood Land Company, which Is clearing a total of about 500 acres; , Crist Mensinger, 80 acres; Wm. ; Beachel 50 acres; W. A. Proctor, 40 acres; J. Straus 20 acres: M. Le i narU, 10 acres, and many other far- I mers are clearing from five to ten acres. J. . A. Wewer's daughter. Francis, who has been sick In a Portland hos- i pital for the pasy three months, has : improved and returned home. KANSAS CITY AND BEUNA VISTA. Sandy Thursday, March 3, by Profes sors of the staff of the O. A. C. Mr. Collins, who is supposed to have been drowned In Bullrun River has not been found. Yne river has been thoroughly dragged. Some be lieve he has deserted, using that means to cover up his track. The six-year-old son of J. Haveston met with a serious accident while playing. Hammering a piece of steel a splinter flew into his eye. The boy was taken to Dr. Davis who pro nounced it very serious and he was taken to Portland to an eye specialist where It was found necessary to re move the eye. The Sandy country, regardless of bad weather. Is progressing rapidly. M. Brown, a recent arrival from the East was a visitor here Monday, look ing over vacant land with the Inten tion of purchasing. i Mr. Melltn was visiting his property In recently purchased by Mr. IUlngs. on chine agent, of Barlow, was calling here last week in the Interest of busi ness. Peter Burgess has sold his place to a Mr. Taylor, of Portland. Considera tion $750. The Independent Order of Owls will have another rousing time in the Willamette Hall Friday night. The lodge will be assisted by the Port land Order of Owls. Mr. Weismandle has a very fine place here and is thinking of moving closer Into the city. He would like to trade or sell his place here. Miss Ethel Purslfull visited with Mrs. Langsford last week. She has; Just returned from visiting her sis ter-in-law at Elyvllle. place. If the deal carries they will make their future home In Clackamas, Mrs, J. B. Chandler made quite visit among friends in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wleklund. of East Clackamas, are occupying their cot tage in town, leaving the farm to their son, Victor, and his bride. Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain. A sudden attack of Cholera Morbus ; Is dangerous. Keep Dr. Bell's Ant! Pain at hand, a dose relieves almost Instantly. It also cures Diarrhoea, Cramps, Flux and all Bowel Com plaints. Thursdav last, The neighbors around here are very anxious to commence ploughing in order to begin putting in garden, but the season has been so unfavorable and wet that nothing can be done un til better and warmer weather sets In. Mr. Payne, wife and family, have a farm at Maple Lane. He has rented a part of the Richardson place close In to the city for the benefit of his wife's health. She has recently re covered from typhoid fever. Lon Aldrich has been on the sick list for quite a long time caused by the long, damp, and cold weather. We hope the warm weather comes he will feel better. O. M. Keebaugh, Singer sewing ma- "All w rites Wis. " doctors It Saved Hit Leg. thought I'd lose my leg." J. A. Swensen, of Watertown, 'Ten years of eczema, that 15 could not cure, had at last MOLALLA. I Altnough tne storm Is raging, the l frogs have discovered their hearing i arid nave begun their spring "lullaby ; Our Teasel grower has purchased Ills brother Snm's. rmr, itf ti.u,t.ilti laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica ! Same are being hauled to Molalla for saive cureo n. souna nnu wen. in- trimming. raniDie tor Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum i Mo a a Crancn hud nolle mu Bolls, Fever Sores, Burns meetlmr last Saturday The lv,.niie oiaiui., uia, aim men. .lie Hi nil . were In evlrlenm lr llhn.l,. ln,.t. druggists. MOUNTAIN ROAD. EASTMORELAND TWO man can afford for his own pocket's sake to disregard the Importance of an East moreland homesite investment. When a to be world educational influence is injected into the life of any community, that community is absolutely bound to benefit, and benefit greatly. In one year from this time Eastmoreland will be better known than any other home dis trict of the city of Portland. It will be a familiar name on the tongues of the educated classes of the United States. This will be so because Reed Institute will become a part of Eastmoreland's social exist tence, and Reed Institute is to be an institu tion built on broad educational lines. ... Eastmoreland will unquestionable become Portland's most highly approved residence sec tion. This result is not speculative--it is sure. At present prices Eastmoreland present an unparalleled investment opportunity. Eastmoreland improvements will be in en tire keeping with an addition of highest charac ter. Hard surfaced pavements, streets from 28 to 48 feet wide, 9 foot parkings, 6 foot concrete walks, sewers and water, and remember that all of these improvements with the exception of paving and sewers, are included in the purchase price of the lots. Absolutely there is profit in Eastmoreland for you for me. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON Eddie Chrlstensen made a trip to Wllsonvllle Wednesday. J. Kaiser and M. Perlot took veal to Portland last week. We have some enw neighbors, as Mr. Hersh and family, of Portland, have moved on the Pete Warner place.- Miss Polly Koellermeler hps been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. L. Koel lermeier, for a few days. Mr. Eisele made a trip to Wilson ville Wednesday. Adanclng party was given at the 1 home of A. J. Hodge. It was largely ' attended fn spite of the Inclement weather. A most enjoyable evening was spent in dancing and playing of ; games. At midnight dainty refresh- j ments of cake, coffee and sandwiches , were served. : Mrs. Zimmerman and daughter, j Iouisa. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Shrader. A crowd of friends and relatives i from Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. i and Mrs. Eisele. j Mrs. Belle KoHlermeler went to l Willamette Tuesday to visit her moth- er, who is very 111 at her home In that place. Ernest Boekman was a Wllsonvllle visitor Monday. The Lash of a Fiend. would have been about as welcome to A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y as a mer ciless lung-racking cough that defied all remedies for years. "It was most I troublesome at night," he writes, j "nothing helped me till 1 used fir. j King's New Discovery which cured , me completely. I never rough at night now." Millions know its match les merit for stubborn colds, obsti nate coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe, as- , thtna, hemorrhage, croup, whooping j cough, or bayfever. It relieves quick ly and never fails to satisfy. A trial .convinces. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle fre. It's positively guaranteed by all ' druggists. were rell has been engngwl to fill the duties of matron for the year. Delegates were elected to the county conven tion for the 8th of March. Resolu lions of condolence were passed on j the death of llrw ,1. J, Ulgeluw and T. M. Cross, iroialla Orange 310 I went on record as strongly opposing the annexation of the northern part of Clackamas to Multnomah county, but would favor declaring Multnomah 'county the City of Portland ! The Molalla Crange Fair general committee was named by the worthy j master to arrange for tho annual fair this year. Orange decided to have a committee of three Instead of five members as formerly. Worthy Lecturer. O. H. Daugherty had his corner well supplied with the current literature and had something doing from his stand W. H. Engle gave talk on road building, and J. W. Thomas gave a report of Orange fire and life Insurance. The Molalla tribe Is nearly extinct, it is hoped that the last one will live to ride an electric line we hope to have some bright day. There are a few people living that never enter a church, even on funeral occasions, guess they ought to know their fitness best. S. A. D. Hungate finished surveying the Bobbins and Hiirless' Addition last Saturday morning. Now peonlo can buy "dirt" at Molalla. Tho "stumps" have hi-en loosened. Others should go anil do likewise, this Is the PYRAMID CLACKAMAS. It is a question among the citizens of "our town" why the present con dition of the roads In outlying dis tricts, norih, souih, east and west is permitted. Ijisl year a special road tax of 5 mills was cheerfully paid, under the supposition that this dis trict would receive the benefit. If the resulting amount of money has been use, wi'h so little Improvement as ap pears, those in authority might well take heed and do some "fixing up." One strong argument In favor of the "annexation scheme" Is the probabil ity of securing better roads. The Clackamas school and homo club holds Its deferred annual meeting next Friday afternoon at P. M. at the sehoolhoiiHe. Mr. Ed Ranch and family have left Clackamas and gone to reside near ("anby. Mr. Ranch has obtained work at the lirodie ranch for the ensuing season. Henry Roadarmel has rented the Amusement. Hall and furnishings, which, until recently has been under the management of Mr. Ranch. We are Informed that W. T. Ifaber lat.h Intends to enlarge his store building as soon as favorable weather will allow. Mr. Haberlach Is working up a good trade, and custom. Ills many friends will be glad to witness his prosperity. Mr. Newton has sold his place known as the Knickerbocker ranch and Is looking for a place in town to rent for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of St. Johns, are negotiating for the old Well's coppee TEA EXTRACTS SPICES . BAKING POWDER ETC, ETC. -GIVE- Better Results at Lower Cost Sold only by II. Y. MILLER With Wdli-Firgt Express Hut the Depot Main 1771 AG'. The Colds That Hano On. Are readily cured by Dr. Hell's I'lue Tar llouey, It relieves the cold and Slops the cough. There Is only one genuine. WILSONVILLE. - Elull Tauchinaii is the proud posses, for of u brand new piano. Miss (ieorgle Fuller went to Port land on Friday. Mrs. Summer has been visiting her daughter In Damnscus for some time. 1 he dance postponed some time ngo by the basketball boys, will bo given on Saturday evening, March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kplcr have moved to the old Kplcr homestead, The M. II. A. lodge held Its regular meeting on last Saturday evening and elected Past President, Henry Aden, as President for the remainder of this year: Owrge Aden Chaplain, and Mr. Chnlupsky trustee. These changes were made on account of the death of the late President of the lodge, H I. Hasselbrluk. Cnpt. Ilranson mid Rev. Kson. who are holding meetings 111 Wllsonvllle, are meeting with great success, nnd have made ninny warm friends. The RothenburK family Is making preparations to move to their new home In the Mulalla country, and Wll sonvllle nnd vicinity will lose one of Its greatest rustlers, when Mr. Roth- enburg leaves, as he has nlways taken a big Interest In school and social affairs. A petition has been In circulation to have the voting place at Pleasant Hill changed to Wllsonvllle, this peti tion being followed by a reiuonstrnncu which has been signed by all those residing near Pleasant Hill. A goodly number of the voters think that a better way would be to divide the voting precinct, and by so doing ac commodate all the voters. The ladles' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Marlon Young, on Its reg ular meeting day, Thursday, March 10. All persons Interested are cor dially Invited to attend. Mr. Smith recently made a trip to other parts of the county with a view of renting land, but returned to Wll sonvllle bett"r pleased than ever with our little village, its surroundings anil Its people. It Is reported that a logging rond Is to make Its way through Corral Creek district In the near future, for the purpose of taking out rordwood. March certainly came In like a lion and we hope the lamb-like propensl ties will show up early in the kciisoii, so that the farmers can get their fall plowing out of the way before spring is over. The "Old Maid's Association" to be given by home talent In Corral Creek school district Is scheduled for Frl- lay evening, March 11 In their school- house. The play Is given earlier than was first planned on account of some of the old maids hnvlng derided to leave for brighter fields where mar riageable men are more numerous. liachclors are especially Invited to at tend. Don't forget the date, Friday veiling, March 11. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I 8TAFFORD. PYRAMID Everywhere we hear the plaint, "I wish II would stop raining." Hut In stead of fretting, suppose we be a lit tle thankful w are In the places we tire, Instead of even our sister stntes of Washington or Idaho, with (heir washouts and snows and snow slides, delaying I raffle and transportation, killing anil burying over a hundred under '.',() feel of snow, and remember, so far, we nave been or tne ravoreii ew, with no very hard storms of wind or rain and tho atmosphere so mild that once a month we have seen the face of the sun. In spite of the storm Saturday near ly all the Staffordltea, who belong to the Frog Pond Orange, ami some vln IMng members, attended Orango and In the evening a goodly number went ack to the dance, and had n lino time till midnight. Heine deserves great credit for he faced the storm and brought two of the pretty girls of Stafford to the dance. School resumed business again on Monday the 2Klh, with rather a ujlm t tendance as so many are troubled wlih soro throat or an affection of the stomach. Martha Aernl was very sick Satur- ay. Mr. Kellar's children are doing lis well as could be expected. Miss Kllle Orace, and the teachers, had n sore throat. Saturday. MIhs Orace Fledeman has a bad ough. 1 Miss Itee Oagn Is very hoarse slum facing the wind and rain Saturday to attend Orange. Miss Julia Weddlo went over Sun day to stop a while with Mrs. Joe Byrum, of Tualatin. Bho will be greatly missed. J. M. Meiklejokiv Tho Homchuycrs Friend If you elllier want to buy, sell, rent or ckchuugo property sen me, have some of the best bargains in properly In Portland and vicinity. I'm tunes are made In Multnomah uud ClacluimaH County property every year, I I'm better than n bank. Write, phone, or ntlll heller, tall and see un 330 East WashiriRton St., PORTLAND, OREGON Plionei Et 1115, D 1-1.17, Mr. Oage seems to be somewhat belter, The l Mllgseu brut hers mended the bill it 'little, by the church. There were no muvlces at (lie Hchoobloitse Sunday owing to the a mount of sickness In tile neighbor hood. We bear a whisper of n little scrap between a couple of men over Home diphtheria Hags set out by the Dr , hut nlll mii y nothing aboui it as the leant hiiIiI, the soonest mended, Houietlines. All autoiuiilille passed Mr, C. Tledl man when coming from (own Friday, scaring his horses and they bolted. One gut a bg over the lug, and In their flight broke several straps, al most succeeding lii tearing loose from Hie wagon. Inn with the asslitauce of his sou, who was with him he sue ceeded In running them Into a stone fence and slopping them. A neighbor coming along Just thru nssltei t,, tight things ill', mid get the team ipileled down so they could drive home. We, who don't own auto's would We, who ilo not own auto's, would like to have a law passed that drivers of such mnchlticH should stop In the woods half a mile away until we get pHHt. Mlxs Relink (lage routined at St Mlicetit's with scarlet fever, writes that she Is getting along line now, and there are a bit nf matlet fever patliuits there, whom she enn visit If she wl'-hes, If she doesn't mix III with ether contagious diseases, but as she has now bad measles, smallpox, the; mumps, and scarlet fever, site feels she ought to be ulinoKt Immune, tiud ready to qualify as n nurse In a pest I house. We have a great many sayings ' bunded down from past general ions, I such as if March conies In like n Hon It Hill go out like a lamb, and another that threo first days of March deter-1 mine the weather for the spring months Well, March surely riuno In i fierce enough, and according to the next nsylng we Khali have an abund., mice of moisture and wind this month: anyway. ; Tho family at Mr. Niissbams are under the weather with colds, sore; throat, uud symptoms of Ingrlppe. ; DKl'TSCHF.It VKKKIN OK ORE gou city meets second Saturday after noon In rnrh month at Knapp's hall In Winter and In Schnoerr's Park. Willamette, In Hummer, (ins Schnoerr. president ; Rudolph Heller, secretary. N'asiil Catarrh quickly riidd to trmt. Bont by tin ngrroabln, srminttii- hly'l Own Halm. It is rn-aivrd through the nnttrils ami rlmnM slid b'li Ihewlndu iirface ovrr win. U it dittuM-a Itwlf. Drug. gnu -U the fn'. mo. Toil It n.l you u litre to coiilluua tbn trmiliuKiil till ro. lured. Announcement. To iweommoUtn tlexx, wln are partial loth im of alutniwr In applying liquldi Into th iimaI Hwajfi for AidtrrAtW freu kin, th proprietor proiutr Crrnm Halm in liquid form, wlib h will 1 known a Klv'i liquid Cretin Halm. Prir lurluding tin praying tub ia 75 rinti. Iiniggiula or by nail. Th liquid fona embodir (h med icinal proprtio of th aobd priuaUoii. I IKK It Y l,(H't;iO NO U,l, l.tlVAl, OltANtlK INSTITI'TION Meets evenings of last Hut it til iky In tnonlli at Shannon's Hall, Hth and J. g. Adams St., J, K. Morris, secretary, Win. Shannon, W. M. AM. I'KIISliNS KNOWINU 'I'll KM KF.I.YK.H TO HK Indebted to me will please call and settle, as I have sold my hililicsa huiiluexs, Hooks llllil nieoiinls have been left at my former place of buslnen'i, on Main si reel. A. II Mliey Bumoioni, In Hie Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Clvikamns Cotiulv. W. ,, Stewart, Plaintiff, vs Kudorik A Stewart, Defendant. To Kudolik A. Stewart, above named defendant ; In the mime of the State of Oretlon, you are hereby required to appear ami aiiHwer the i-otnplaltit filed iigalnm you In the above named suit, on or the H'.tli day of April. l!Mu, said date being niter the etplt.itlon of six weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and If you full to appear ami answer mild complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded In the ii I it I it t . lo-wlt: I'or n decree dissolving the bonds of mat. riiuoiiy now cxlxtlllg between the plnltiiln nnd defendant Thin sum. limns Is published bv order nf Ibui (limit It, lllmlck, Judge of the Coun ty Court, which order was made and entered oil the 1st dnv of March, III lit, and the time prescribed for pnbllcn Hon thereof Is nix weeks beginning with the Issue of Frldav, March (th, 1 1t I ii. and continuing each week there after In nnd Including the Issue of Friday. April liitli. 101". tli:o C llltOWNKl.1.. Attorney for Plaintiff Summons. Ill Hie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackiimiia County Annie K Chamberlain, plaintiff, vs (ieoige I chamberlain, Defendant To (ieurge ! Chamberlain, the above tunned defendant : 111 the tl ii tne of the state of Oregon oii are hereby required In appear anil inmwer the romplalut filed against you III the above entitle,! suit on or before (he Kith day of April, l'.Mtl, said date being the enplratlon of six weeks from the date of the firm pub Mention of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said com. plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will aply In (he coitrl for (he rWlef demanded In the complaint, (owlt: For Ik decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff nnd defendant. This siiiniiiuns Is published bv or der of Hon. J. ', Campbell. Judge, of (he above named court, which or der was made and entered on the 3rd day of March, l'.Htl, and the (line prescribed for publication I alt weeks, beginning with the Issue of Friday, March i, IIHii, and continuing each week (hereafter In and Includ ing Friday, April IS, 1910 JOHN F. UK'.AN. Attorney for Plaintiff. WE PAY CASH For anything yoti have to sell, at the highest market price, and in any quantity. See us before disposing of your Pork, Veal, Chickens, Eggs, Potatoes, Oats, Hay, Straw or any thing; else in the Produce line WE ALSO HAVE FOR SALE: Hay. Grain, Feed. Coal, Lime, Cement, House Plaster, Land Plaster, Orchard Spray, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, White and Black Vetch Seeds also Field Peas. Agents for Stodebafcer Vehicles; R. M. Wade & Co. Farm Implements and Garden Tools. j We also handle Howard's Flour and Feed Good as the best and made at home. Oregon City Commission COMPANY Hth and Main Streets OREGON CITY