Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, I'RIDAY, MARCH I, lfllO. asliion Offers for kid i the store. Resume of the season's choicest modes and fabrics reflected in our display Windows and within Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Wholesale buying price. Oregon City Commission Co. 'drain Wheat, $t 00 bu; out $;l:t.0i per ton; barley $2; 00 per ton; votoh seed 5 c Hi; clover seed, pi'luui roil, 12c: nlslko, fancy, I.V. Hay host clover Jl.v.bjis per ton; cheat $15; llniotliv $17; grain liny $lt; airairn, soiling 111 $22 per ton, Straw fancy bright, Jil.OO. Selling. I Opening Week from Friday, March 4th to 12th A NOTHER season is at hand, with the warm days of Spring a ushering in the sultry days of Summer. fJWe have been I planning for months past to make this i f i f j 9 rUs nnnrf IwmimCT 3H Opening! Sacks burlap, now 7lo; Hooonds, OP. Twine best, irp skein. Saner Kraut :tio gallon. Mill food llnm J.'lLOO r ton; short, country, $:':'.'0; oily, $30. 00; middlings. $34.00; rolloil barley $3500. chop $2RdT$"0: alfalfa meal, K't: cracked oorn J.'S.'.O. Crass seed Timothy t! if To in, Ken tucky hluogrnsa 20o; orolinril I7f ISe; roil olovor l,"io; iil-IKo, Ko; KiikIImIi live grass, 10c. Flour best valley. $ 25 lil'l; hard wheat $7.00 Mil; t,si graham, $7,00; Seolcy's Best Hard Whoal. $0 .50 tll. Vegetable! ami Fruit. Fresh Fruits Buying Apples fancy pack 'd $1.75 por box. Ton i s Win I or. $1 "'i'. Prunes Italian; B-'st ilrlo,l 50 to 00 count, at ;io por pi'iiml; Petite, ; fancy. 1 Ue. ! Pumpkins 10c r.n'h. Sack vegetables, carrots, turnips. ' odv, 5iV ami S.'io. Cabbage- $1.00. j Potatoes host fanoy 00 to 70o por ;et: ordinary S0p; seed l.V tm; Kurly i Knso 05 to 70o. tiartiets ;l0o. Proviilona Retail. sack, l st borry, $0 :!5. i one worthy of our reputation for con- I stant progress and betterment, having recently remodeled our entire store I adopting the latest fixtures, which 0 make this the most modern appointed 9 Clothes Shop in the Willamette Valley. We have planned for the greatest season in the history of our business and to meet the demand which has arisen for finer grades of the t i Clothing we have secured exclusive agency for the L. SYSTEM eeniMNt Tut iiu MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MICHACLS, STCHN 4 CO, CHiTia, n. a. th'e greatest line of stylish Clothes in J America, which are now in display as well as the newest creations in I Michaels, Stem Clothes, W. L. Douglas Shoes, Hawes Hats, f J Monarch, Cluett Yorke Shirts, Cowens Neckwear, and Dr. f Deimels Underwear. We are in a position to satisfy your clothes wants m every requirement. Let us show you. ! Exclusive Clothiers for Men and Young Men SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON Aurora and Northern Marion AURORA. Fred Rents was in town Monday. D. A. Keil made a business trip to the capital city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson were Aurora visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sadler were Port land visitors Monday. Ed Yoder has moved in Frank Mil ler's house, recently occupied by Mr. Etner. Geo. V. Fry made a business trip to Portland one day last week. Mrs. Black returned to Portland Wednesday evening, after a two-weeks visit with hor sister, Mrs. W. W. Giesy. Blane and Jimmie White came up from Canby Wednesday. Leonard Barret was proud father of a bouncing boy February 25. All doing well. Dr. H. F. Giesy in attendance. Mrs. Louis Webert and Miss Tillie Fry went to Portland Wednesday. Aurora was well represented at the Canby dance. About 24 of the younrr people went down and all report a fine time. Mrs. Lee Eckersen, of Canby. Is vis iting at the home of her parents, Mrs. and Mr. Henry Beck. A big baseball meeting was held the other night, and the boys Intend to organize a fast team this year, hav ing some good material here. A new ground will be made in Miller's Park, and some good games will be seen here this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel K-il returned from Portland Friday evening. Miss Llta Bents and Miss Amelia Giesy went to Woodburn Tuesday evening. Arthur Krans and George Fry were up to Salem and saw the play. "The Lion and the .Mouse,'' and report It fine. Christ Zimmerman has moved to town again having sold his farm. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mlshler spent Thursday in the Rose City. Miss Carrie Middargh was a Port land visitor Thursday. Ralph Preston and Andrew Miller took In teh city Monday. Mrs. Nate E. Cole visited with her friends in Portland a few days hist week. Grove McGInegal has rented the old Yergen farm, and moved out Friday 'L. L. Gribble went to Canby Wed nesday afternoon. Elmer Will spent Thursday In Sa lem. Frank Middaugh left Thursday morning for his home in Michigan. Mr. Monte and family, who recently arrived from Oklahoma, has bought the Fred Will farm consisting of 80 acres for $fi000. Ralph Kocber was up to Albany Thursday. I O. H. Smith returned from Portland Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mishler and son. Kenneth, relumed from a visit to Portland Friday evening. Miss Nellie Johnson, who has been o Interest !' working at the Pioneer Hotel, left for her home In Barlow Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Yergen was an Aurora visitor Friday. Wm. Wuster has moved up lo Sny der's Addition in the house recently occupied by Mr. Monte. George Gray was in town one day last week. Frank Oglesby Is stepping high these days. A ten-pound boy arrived at bis home February 22nd, Dr. B. F. Giesy attending. George Sutherland was In town on Tuesday. J. G. Miller spent a few days In ortland last week. I Chase Kinnin was over from Butte- j I ville Tuesday Is the great incent ive oward sav ing money 'A new sidewalk is being built on Liberty street. Geo. Fry and Allle Will were over to Orenco and Stockdale to Inspect the water, system for the city of Aurora. We pay t 1 on savings accounts I We pay 4 per cent Interest on Certificates of of Deposit I ! A full new barrel of the famous Old j I Joe Gideon whiskey and six cases of I I Martinet Imported brandy have ar rived at the New Aurora Hotel bar. The best of Mt. Hood beer always on tap. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW. Safety Liberality Courtesy is our motto Airora State Hank Aarora, Oregon What a Heap of Happiness it Would Bring to Oregon City Homes. Hani to do house work with an ach ing back. Bring you hours of misery at leis ure or at work. If women only knew the cause that backache pains come from sick kid neys. 'Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure Hick kid neys. .Many residents of this vicinity en dorse them. Mrs. It. M. Coon, 223 N. Main St., Al bany, Ore., says: "I used Joan's Kid ney puis three years ago and they gave me great relief from backache and other symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble. The pain in my back ceased and my condition Improved In every respest. I am glad to recom mend Doan's Kidney puis." For Sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo N. Y., sole agents for the I.'nlted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Sugar por other, $iMrt. Onions-Jl ;r, to $1 T." per owl. Beans little wliHe So; brown Co. Salt bost tablo. Jl 00 If J1.50 cwt. Pickles sour. 10c nt : dills, 10c qt ; I sweets, ipc pint; green i liui poppers. Sc 11'. Kioo fancy. Sc lb; ordinary tic. Swoot potatoes lo lb. Irish potatoes Jl $1 .2S per o't. Choose 2."c"lh: oro.ini brick, 2.'o. Cured moats bost country bacon 2'-Y: Eastern Broakft. 2.V. Hams country, 17c: packing house 21o; fancy bacon 22 to 2.'o. Cranberries 15c Th. Celery ficy 10c per bunch. Cauliflower per head 10c J 13c. Sauor kraut lbc quart. U'ttuoo 5c bunch. Honey comb 15c 1T. Oranges 25c to ;!3o dor.. lemons 30c doi. Italian. is "0c dot Cocamits 10c each. ! Crape fruit lOc or fi for 40c. ' persimmons 30c. doi. Figs iOc lb. ! Dates 12 tic Garlic 13c lb. Cabbage 3 to 4c lb. j Lard 5-lb tins, 95oi $1.00: 101b. ! $ 1.1'.) : bulk. ISc; lard compound, bulk. ! 13c: 3 lb. palls. 75c: M lb. palls $150. I Steak. Chops etc. Steaks best rounJ. 12tc lb; sboul ' dor lie: sirloin, 15c; porter house 15c. Shoulder. 15c; loins, ISc. Pork chops IS coins. Mutton chops t2Sc to 13c. Uinib chops 15c to ISc. Veal steaks 15c. Sausages wenlos 124c; pork 12'jc llverwtirst 10c; blood 10c; hamburger and hendcheese 10c per lb. Shoulder 10c; fresh side pork 15c lb. Liver SUc lb. ' Pickled pig's feet-12c lb. Ham sausage 20c lb. halibut, 12 "j. Beef. boll, "ft Indents. Mutton. ;Ki 15 cents. Pork, 1 4 ft 1 7 cents. Veal, 12Hfil7 cnts. Sausage, 12 U cents. Hatnberger steak, 10 cents. Poultry Old hens, 13c; springs, 12'i-c; roosters, young, ll'.c; old, Sc; ducks, 13c; Dried fish Salmon, fancy 20elb; Halibut 20c. Pickled Salm. -10c12!ic lb. Herring 10c Hi. Fresh steelhoad salmon, 12'-C. Smelt 12 Uc; cat fllsh, 15c. Eggs, Butter, and Country Produce. Kggs 25c per d'iz. Butter creamery S5c per roll; best country, li.'c Cascara bark, best dried 3c to 4c; slightly off color, 2c to 3c. Oregon Grape riiot, 203c lb. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hides green ruw 7.j to 8c; steer 10c; calf 10c; salt lc more; best dry 17 to 18 cents. Hops. 1908 rrup, prime, 11c, 19"9, 1C to lfic. Wool 20eto 21c. Mohair 2 left 2c. Stock, Ltve Weigbt. Best steers, $5 25 to $5.75: fair to good, $1.75 to $"..00; strictly good cows, $4.25 d J I ; fair to good, $3.25 S f on ; calves, lli-lit, $5.50 lo $i;.00; heavy, $3.73 to J", n0; spayed heifers, $l.5n to $1.75; bulls, $3.00 to $.1.50; i best weathers, $.",.50 to $3.75; fair to good, $1.50 to $.", mi; best lambs, $''..00 to $;.r,0; top hou-s, $9.00 to $9.10; fair to good, $S 75 to $3.00. Ewes, $1.23 to $l.5o. I Fuel, Oils, Lumber, Etc. Coal Best Meii lota sacked, $8.00 per ton. Richmond, $14. Wood 1st grnwih fir, $4 cord; 2d growth, $3.75 cord; hard, mixed, $5; stove-wood, $2 load. Oils Linseed, raw. In cases 95c per gal.; In bbls, SSc. Boiled, cases, 5c; bbls, 90c per im:. Castor, .machine, 50c gal. Best Separator, 75c per gal. Gasoline, 2Uc gal. Kerosene pun, 30c gal; common 2M; 3 gal. dje. Lumber Al grade, rough, $20 per M. Second, $15; common $11. Flooring, $28; Celling. $22, Rustic, $28; Dlmln sion stuff, $11 per M. CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANOY. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ilie Kind You Hcva Always Bought Signature of Afi E'r2 Tillage. ,y en i pi r,;:in!i on the farm v !l "ii ibc Investment as -'W'.v.f ic'jnlsl'e to secure Vim:", "bids repe' the tiny '' :i' :iri ic between carry r;tfl" iimluture nor fooii. f. --; -!- My In dry seasons. P'ii"c o yield between a clod .on! nt!(. open, mellow, with ii . ' e:i :v to reach and mols n1; itpvroaehPH 100 per cent Miss Alvlna Horn, who has been visiting with Mn. Roslna Fonts for a few days, left Sunday for her home In Portland. Don't Break Down, Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break-downs. You can't, over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger lo your self. If you are weak or run-flown, or under strain of any kind, lake Klec tric Bitters, the matchless tonic medi cine. Mrs. J, K. Van do Hando, of Kirkland, III., writes; "That I did. not break down, while enduring a most severe strain, for three months, Is due wholly to Klectrlc. Hitters." Fse them and enjoy health and strength. Sat isfaction positively guaranteed. 50c at all druggists. Harry MeChuv, of Oregon City, was In Canby on Saturday night, having ooiuo hero lo attend the ilanoliiK parly given by the Canby bund. Carl Omill'eld ami Fred Whoolor, of I'oitland, were In Canby on Saturday night and intended I no dunce, Mr. Hint Mrs. L Molivln, of Cnlbla mol, are visiting will) Miss l.oltlo Samson, of this city. Misses Klliol and Myrtle Sensol, of I 'oil land, oiiiiio up from I'oriland on Saturday night remaining until Sun day evening, as the kui'hIh of Miss Ota l.o. Mrs. Harry VanGuiiily, of Uuits. bus boon visiting ullb lior husband In this city. Tin' family will soon move here, having routed the William Ken dull house. Mis. W. 11. Ilalr bus I vlslllng with relatives III Portland for u few days this week. Miss tiraoo Patch lias accepted n position In thf now store of Cobb .li lillllnglmm. The opening of this store will bo bold on Vrlilay night. I. H. Sawyer was a 1'oiilaiid vis itor on Saturday. Mrs. i'iinsIi' lluokman visited .1. II Ulssoll and family Ibis week. Are you going to Oregon City on Saturdav. April !? Tills will be Itoosier laj. and the merchants o' that city are offering groat bargains on that day. Kead the advertisements III llils and next week's Kiilerprlso. Miss Halite Mails, and Mr. Al Mo Coy, of IVi'tlnnd, spent Sunday In nils city. I hi' guests o Mrs ti. V. Myers. Miss I vab Gordon relumed home on Tuesday morning, where she bad boon vlslllng with friends (or a few davs Mrs. Herman Hurgoyne, of Portland, U visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jan. os F.vtins. Mrs. Hurgoyne was called hero by serious Illness of hor (i.tlier. but who Is now slowly Im proving. C. W. liaiuni, who has been conduc ting a photo gallery In tills clly for some time, I. .is gone lo his sawmill bear Macksbuig. The building, which has boon occupied by Mr. Iiaiiiiu, has lu en nlitoil by John Kid. a newcomer who lia. gone Into the real estate bus! lioss. Mr and Mrs. Koll, who have been visiting with Mr and Mrs. C. I. Hales have returned lo their homo III Ne braska. Mrs. J. K. Peek, of Salem, who lias In en visiting with her brother. L II. Heln, has returned to her home. It Is probable (hut she will return In the le-ar future lo make Ibis her home. M. S Sflirook. food Inspector, was 111 Canby the first of the week on business. J. J. Saiidsuess, the hardware man. wont to Portland on a business trip on Wednesday. Mrs. Cassle I'vans was one of the Canby Portland visitors en Wednts luiy. j Carl Luck" lias gone to Portland, where he will remain for a few days visiting with Ills p:ireiits. .1. S. Voder, a prominent resident of Smyrna, was In Canby on business Tuesday. Henry Yergen, of Buttevllle, was In Canby on Tuesday. Victor Caiotbers. of Portland, was visiting trleiiils In this clly on Moil nay. Mlsi Blanche .lobe went lo Portland on Saturday, reluming on Sunday. Mrs. K'M-ber, who has been 111 for the past three Weeks, Is slowly Jm proving. Misses Anna Krueger, Marie Meyer, Kathleen Fosier and Fay VleThere. of Portland, visited friend ami rela tives here on Saturday and Sunday, i, ml attended the dance on Saturday night. Miss Mildred Wang, who Is attend ing the Mount Angel College, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wang on Saturday and Sunday. ImiIo Mayer and Walter Krueger visited with relatives on Sunday Arthur Knight has gone to Hose. burg, where he will remain for some time. Miss Verna Porter Is exported If) return within a few flays from lur trip to California. Mr. Ilosffird, an old resident of tlil i city. Is unite III, and has been taken to the home of Ills niece, Mrs. Hlclile. Mrs. O. It. Mack, who has been In the SI. Vincent's Hospital at Port land, where she underwent a surgical operation, has been brought home, anil Is Improving rapidly. ' Death of Mint Julia Oiwald. Miss Julia Oswald, u well-known profensloual nurse, filed at the family home at Molalla on Sunday, after n lingering Illness. MJ.-s Oswald has been receiving treatment In the hos pital In Portland, and everything was done In prolong her life, but without uvall. Sin: was well-known In this city, being a cousin to Prof. J. F. Mitts and Mrs. Warren l'e, and while she visited here she made many friends. She has resided with her sis. ter and brother. Miss Lizzie Oswald, and Jake Oswald, whom she leave to mourn her loss. She also leaves a half brother, Mat liussell, In Kastern Oregon. The funeral services, which were largely tit tended, were conducted fin Tuesday at Molalla, the Interment taking place In the Molalla cemetery. Canby Mining Company Organized. The Canby Mining Company has been organized In ibis city, and the following olllters have been elected: W. II. imir, president; W. II. Lucke, treasurer, and Charles F. Komlg, sec retary. The company has been formed by H. Hair, W. Lucke, Charles F. Itomlg, M. J. Lee, .1. It. Newton, C. N. Wait. ('. L. Hales and K. 0. Chaf fer, and the object Is to acipilre Ho new Jarlirldge Mining District In Southern Idaho, or elsewhere. Band Gives Another Dance, The Band gave another successful dancing party tit the clly hall on Sat urday night, which was intended by about 100 people. The music was ex cellent, anil was furnished by Hie band. Aurora, Hubbard, Barlow and New Kra were well represented. Several Attend Grange. J. J. SamlHtiess, of this city, with R. S. Coo, Mrs. Ofa Ourley, were ti nning those from this city who al lended the. meeting of the Orange at New Era on Saturday ufternoon. An unusual Interesting programme was given during the afternoon, which was In tlm form of a farmers' meeting. Talks, which were entertaining mid Instructive, were given Jiy M. S. Kchrock, (leorge Uizello, A. .1. Lewis. Mr. Sandsness rode, the goal, and says that It Is worth the ride to get Into tbo Orange. Five Hundred Club Meet. The Canby Five Hundred Club was entertained In a most delightful man ner by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Balr, at their home on Wednesday of last week. The evening was devoted to five hundred In which tho prizes were won by Mrs. Cassln Kvans, ladles' first urlze; Mrs. Charles Bates, second; J. Lee Kckcrson, gentlemen' first prize, and l(. Ililtl, second prlno. During the evening n luncheon was served. PiohoiiI weii' Mr, Hud Mrs. Adam Knight, Mr. mid Mr. Charles Hates, Mr. and Mrs. J. W'O Kckorson, Mr. CasMlo I'lvans, MIhs Orii Leo, Itoborl Ililtl. Hoy Lee. Reuben Fanton Die at Eilflcuda Home. After nil nines of about live day. Uellboll Flint on db d III III home Just oast of Kstacada at (1:15 A. M. Satur day, caused by nil ulcer of the In testine. Ho was born In Alleghany County, Now York, on October 2S, !S;2, going lo (be slate of lowu ill the ago of ii, anil after passing one Winter (hero lie caiuo lo Oregon and located near Oregon City, In tho Hprllig of IMi'.i, and (born was mar ried. II" resided (hoiii but a short time, when he moved lo Coo Bay. Might years Inter ho returned to Ore gon nnd came to Cauby where he lived until three years ago, dually making hi home ii few miles emit of Kutai'inlu. A wife, two sons, and sl iiiui'.hters mourn his death 'I'liev ni-e Henry, Andrew and Kiln Fiintou, re siding at liotne; Mrs Umlsii Hlce, of Waplnltii, Or ; Mrs Rose IIouiiiIh nnd Mrs. I.l.'y Snyder, of Onrlleld; Mr. Slellu llalillH, o( Cent ge, and Mr. Atom lilee. of Mill.. ink. S. II. The funeral was held at (ho Mount .Ion I'huicb. al Unrltclil. at II o'clock last Monday. Real EitJto Dealt Made, lulling tho past two weeks (ho real estalo lias moved considerably In ( all by and vicinity. Among the tiaimfers that have hern (lied are the follow ing: Thomas Koebb-r place, const-.!-lug of in acres has boon purchased by Thomas Mahluin (or $ who has al'io boucht tho Held rcnlilcucc and ground for $25,nnu. Follersoti place was recently purchased by hltn for $ ,1100, A A Baldwin, who Is one of the teacher Macksbuig has pun tinned In acres of the Uitourelle land for lli'.ni" The laud Is most desirable for fanning purposes, and lies east of Macksbuig. Joseph A. Ijiisotl, who recently ar rived hoio from Iowa, has bought 30 acre of farm land from the (leorge Mains' tract, near Ino Adkln mill, which Is four mile ear from I ho city. The price paid for this was $ilIO. Mr. Ulrsell expect to Illlike a model farm, nut of tlrts, and w ill soon erect n now houso nnd Improve tho dace C. N Walt and wife have Hold n large tract of land III Canby (iarden (o Mr Cobb, who recently came lo this clly from Portland The land brought a good llgure. Death of Marlon While. Marlon P. While, one of the promi nent resilient of Manpiain, dle, at his home on Saturday, February !'.. after a lingering Illness, nnd the fun oral services were conducted by lb v Butler, the Interment lielng In the Hubbard cemetery, Marlon While wan horn at .MfUitiam Dicember 23, L 7 4 . and graduated from the Slate .Virtual school al We Ion In June. S!'7. On Juno 3n. I I . bo was nulled In marring" to Ml Untile Taylor, of Miiriuam, who. with their eight-year -old son, Drexel, sur vives him Mr Whit" also leavs a mother, fai Iht. three brother and four shier to mourn hi loss Among those attending the funeral from lib cltv wen. Mrs William Knight. Mr and Mr H T. Fisher, Mr M . J l.e". Misses Josle mill Alma Knight, all of relative of the dec-used llultor fat - 40c, onions, 2c lb, Siilnidic, 10c. Cabbage, lie lb, Apples. t lo $2 pel' box. Hog - bent blocker, HI lo 0 -2o ordinary, lie lo na Veal, lii'd lo lie, million, 7 to No. Ijird. ISc. Wellies, fin, Pork iiuagi', l'."iic, lloof Poller house, 15c; round steak l'."lic; prime roanl, 10c; boll lug meal II to No; suet do lb; pork chop, 15c; Columbia River smelt lb, for 2fic. Oii'roii City Knlorpilse $1 f.o per year. All (he new of (ho County. TWILIGHT. Nothing day. The The crops a though doing but lt aroiiiiil all stormy weather coiilluues. are not planted It look wn will have to pull our coat when the suu shine Ml. Cnrlls M. Ihuld ban been oil Hie sick lint for Iho pant two week but I much Improved at the pre I wililnif Mom McDonald expecls lo go to I'otilaild noon lo nccep( a piedllon. MO Marie Harvey ban relumed from I'ottlaml and will remain ful some (lino with her parent of hl place, Mr L J llyllou In engaged at present III selling hi fninoiin berry plants I leorge ScllVelner nnnlo n bu d dip lo IVi'tlnnd on last .Mini- Hoops mid family have moved lb" (arm belonging lo Oliver lleceple,! a Canby Market Report. The following .notation nm given by C. T. Bute, Iho grocer, nnd Lucke & Allen, butcher. Chickens-Old hen Hi'ic, roosl er Hie. prlng.t 17c. Kggs, 23c: butter, li.'c. l-unl. bulk. 17c lliicnii, ninch, ISc lo 23c. Hum, IS to 2e. ' Flour, valley, $1.40, bard, $1 70, blue atom, $1 .50. Choose, 22c. Orange 30c do.; lemon 25c. Shorts, $3i'i per Ion, bran $3n. wheat, 95c lo $1 per bushel. Rolled barley. .ii per (on. ihils new $30. Hay. clover $11 per Ion, cheat $15. Hops, contract, 25 lo 20c. Crape root 3c a pound. CuHoani bark 4c a pound. Sugar $5.90 to 'i OS per sack. Rice, fancy, 5c lo uC. Mr lid nnv. Mr onto Bally Mis Ruby MeCord Im poMllon In Oregon t'llv. A large crowd attended the Lltetinv Society boil Saturday night In spile of (he bad wenihef. A good pn.ctani was arranged by Chairman l. I. llo- Inn, Including inutile by the orchestra, string baud ami ipimlelle Imping th" holues meeting, several of the member mad" short talks In which they cvpl'cMieil their gratitude (ow nr. I Iho president or Iho etunet work ho ha done In making the Twilight Literary Society th" succe-.ii that l( I The roMirl of the organ purelius. Ing cotuiulllee was road by the score lit y and accepted and a vote of hunks extended lo tlictu for llolr ethVlont work they had done for the society D I. tlovlau mid M J l.i relle were favorably luentlone.i fur bringing (Im organ from Oregon city lo th" hall. Ader mi . mcoi. Ilig every one Weill home t.'."lln In intend tho in it meeting Ad.dpb Joehtike w ho has been In the cate of the St. 'ii,-.-nt Hospital for soiiie iiui" Is much Improved in lieulih and expect lo bo homo .soon. Thime alleiidlng Cuing" ill New Kra lnl Saturday n-poited n good meet ing W A khl of thU place I muster of the lining" NEW ERA. Jo-eph Sevell,, Jr., has lumber or dered for a two story wood lions... Reuben Panlen, forinetly of this place, died nl hi home In Kstai "idu last Snturdiiv, after an HIih-hh of five ihivs, caused by all ulcer In the 1 nt . line A few doten phetiomlnal berry plants for sal" cheap, Kltner Veii-io Mr Dustlu and lumber In law , Mr. Illack, of Dillon. Montana, sp.-nt n few day at Heaihlo viewing the "big, pond." ICurttcHl Crllesor met wllh n pain ful uiclilellt n collide of week ago by getting hi thumb caught under a luMik. while unloading logs from a car at Pulp Station, with the aid of a donkey cnglm- Among (hose that are Irving ihelr luck raising chicken with Incubator are Wallace WikmIcox, Orii Slyter, Net Melon and Mr. Dusiln. with it capacity of 210 egg each and I'.luu r Ve'eio n 3oii egg nun blue (i. II Brown went to Corvulll lat mouth w here the 33rd degree of farm, lug was roiiferred upon him Herman Hurgoyne, of Poiilatnl, spent Sunday night with bis parents of this place Our venerable mull carrier, l-'rink llendrlekHoti. of It. F D. No. 0. Ore gon Clly. Inform u Hint putt of hi route will lie discontinued unless the roads between Twilight Hall mid the South Km! Road are made passable THE NAME TEiLS A TRUE STORY f !l ii. JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OP "Superiorand Kentucky Disc Drills" DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY Also a fall line of Plows, Harrows, Pota to Planters, Cultivators, Etc., Etc. CALL AND GET MY PRICES BE FORE BUYING AND SAVE MONEY " "Remember the Place" " ANDREW TOCHER CANBY. OREGON