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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTEHPlilSE, FIJI DAY, DEOKMHEU Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. BRODlE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post office as second-class matter. Subscription Rates'. One Year J1.S0 tilx Months , 7J Trial Subscription, Two Months .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention Advertising Kates on application. WHAT THE PUBLIC DEMANDS. The Congress just assembled will begin the consideration of President Taft's policies, already somewhat fa miliar to the public through the Pres ident's recent speeches and those of his Attorney General. It is a lahor ous programme which will keep not only this session busy, but probably several succeeding sessions. Although it will require tune and persuasion to secure the enactment of the measures which Mr. Taft desires, perhaps no President ever more favorable prospect of success In a legislative policy. Conditions have changed In recent years so as to increase the In fluence of the Executive in legisla tion. The public has begun to look upon the administration more than . upon Congress for the origination of j national policies and Congress has to a great extent acquiesced. The leg-1 islative machine In both houses is I weaker than it used to be. Insurgen cies have damaged its prestige. Its independence and self-confidence are largely gone and it is being driven more and more to regard public opln- Ion to show Hiilerenc. tn nsrama nn.i measures which appear to have popu-js;," on nnv question, will have little lar support and to seek agreements weight. Dixon for several years at which have nubile approval. Presi- i tempted to operate a newspaper in (lent Tafl will undouhtedlv recoimire ' this fact and insist unon 'the leeisla- i tion that the nubile demands. " I i-icalimy condition of BANKS. Oregon hanks show a remarkablv ! healthy condition, according to the j n-ijun in oia(e nans Examiner Steele. Assets and liabilities of the private and national banks of the state at the close of business on No-1? -u.wvi XV 1 IVUllillt-U Willi lilt?' same statistics on November 27. i 190S, much to the disadvantage of ; ratlthup It? a m ,, ..n ..-I.I. . I the earlier date. An increase of 21 per cent In loans and discounts and ! individual deposits is shown for the current year. Individual deposits in banks have Increased $16.103,6TS over last year, certainly a strong evidence of the prosperity of the state. A gain of more than J21.00O.0O0 In re sources of the banks in a single year Is a striking proof of the advance r-iron ho., -,,,) j..i . i -.v,u,a uuo luaur UU11M I lit? CL3 1. I - twelve month. This Is partlv due to ' shows what can be done along the the marketing of a large lumber cut, j line ,ne general good of the whole but the high prices at which the ag- community, by energetic, persistent ricultural staples were marketed had!and earnest effort. Oregon City has an even stronger effect on the figures. I not taken a single step backwards There has also been a great amount sinep tne organization of the Conv of money brought into Oregon during mercial Club and the consequent cam- the past year by new settlers. This , has gone Into farms, timber and city property. Railroad activity now go ing forward in the state will undoubt edly have a strong effect In bring ing the coming year's showing up to an even higher level than that disclos ed in the latest report. C.nto ,l,li-on on,t 0 irrnu-nrg held their annual conventions in Portland during the nast week and i both were well attended and very successful. Both these great Indus tries will receive a decided Impetus from the gatherings of the past week. Better acquaintance of the men ac- tively engaged in dairying and honi-! culture 'has resulted and the inter-j the way of a Christmas gift. Shav change of Ideas is always valuable, i ing sets, tobacco Jars, pocket k,nives. Thursday night a reception to the i etc., have all been discarded as well two bodies was given by the Commer- as many other things commonly dls clal Club. A valuable suggestion tributed at this time of the year. was made by President H. T. Atwell . of the fruit growers, who advises an annual fruit show In Portland, at which all sections of the state shall be represented. This idea is being taken up actively by all Interested In the development of the state along these lines and the advantages that may be expected to result are very great. ' The city of Salem may proceed to 1 establish a municipal water system j home paper. It Is a lasting gift for that win total a cost of three-quarters j a whole year. Each week the paper of a million dollars. It will prove a : comes to them as a reminder of your good Investment. Salem would have j thoughtfulness. Do it now. You been a larger and more prosperous i have Just about time to forward their town now if an adequate supply of! name and address to us w-ith $1.50 water from the mountains had been and we will do the rest. The Enter secured ten years ago. The Moss-1 prise has been for years and is now backs association has a large local the chief coynty paper, and by your lodge in Salem, but it members are 1 a-sistance we will make the coming being depleted by death and they j year a banner one, not only for the have no organizer In the field to re- Enterprise, but for you, for unless emit applications, so In spite of them-i Clackamas County grows and expands, selves they are being made rich In j how can we? May 1S10 be Indeed a their old ase by the enterprise, pro-j happy and prosperous New Year to gres.siveness and industry of the com- j miinity, every advance of which in creases the value of their vacant and sometimes shack-encumbered jots. "Sneaks and thieves don't adver tise," was the text of an immigration sermon recently delivered by a Mc-l Minnville minister. He followed this up by showing the value of intelligent j publicity work In attracting sc'.tMTs to the Pacific Northwest and the ben efits alike to the newcomer and the country settled. Each settler means added wealth to the state and in re turn the Pacific states offer- greater opportunity to the man from the old- THE BANK OF OREGON CITY THE OLDEST BANK OP THE COUNTY Having jremodeled and refitted its banking rooms in modern style, is now better prepared than ever to attend to thewants of jts cas tomers and friends. If yoo are not already a ccstomef we woald be glad to enroll yoti as one; Call and see as even if you have no business totransact, you will be welcome and we will be pleased to show yog oar new equipment er sections of the country. The North west has a duty to perform, believes this pastor, In bringing people from the overcrowden districts of the East to this land of opportunity and live cities in the Northwest are making the most of their advantages In at tracting settlers. Since his return to this country Colonel Henry Watterson h!s been counselling his fellow Democrats to talk less and ruminate more. His Idea Is that the Democrats In Con gross should hide themselves and watvh the Republicans tight out any differences they may have on tho tar Iff. the House rules Or any other question which arrays the "organisa tion"' against the "Insurgents." Mr. Watterson holds that the Democratic party is In no condition to help itself and can profit only from Republican blunders and dlssentlons. The Wat terson programme may attract niany Pomocrats because It promises a surcease from ratner profitless activity. We are to be treated an all around test of strength In Clackamas Coun ty in a for the shoos of County Judge Dlmick, who is a strong candi date for the gubernatorial nomina tion. John Ijowellen, now county com missioner: Frank Jaggar, former county commissioner: Captain John T. Apporson, who, held several public otVices, and George U Story, are ex pected to seek the Republican nomi nation. The Democratic candidate will probably be John J. Cooke, for two terms sheriff of Clackamas. Now then, gentlemen, who is for the As sembly, and who is not? Speak up! George W. Dixon, once, but no more (thank Heaven!, of Clackamas County, has gone into print again, and again in opposition to the Single Tax theory. Referring charitably to Dixon's "views," whatever he may Canby. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination of Represen tle In the Legislature, and wns one of the "original" Statement No.. I : boys, but 'the voters of Clackamas County evidently did not believe In him. A member of Congress from a Western state recently received a let ter from a constituent who desired o a..?l1'vornon,. Publication n.,v"u as "The Diesases of the Horse." He said: "I am a short, coarse student and want horse dee zes." It Is apparent that the Con- Sressman s correspondent is a Roose- velt Man. Phonetic spelling is one of the Roosevelt policies that will en dure to the end of time even though it may never have the sanction of learning. The establishment of a public rest I room and a free reading room in Orenon Cltv all within a few weeks. paign ior tunas tor pumicuy worn. Dr. John McLoughlin and his work in aiding the early settlers at Oregon City will not be forgotten and by a decisive vote, this pioneer city ha3 declared it will maintain the historic home of Dr. McLoughlin as a public monument to his work. This tribute ItO VT. .MCLOUgniin Will mwl Wlin Hie !neart7 approval of all right thinking Pe0Dle everywnere. A SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT. You have all worried and fretted over what your friend or relative would most desire and appreciate In Good books are always an acceptable present for one of a studious turn of mind, but the average book Is wnen once perused relegated to the book case or is loaned and never returned. One of the most useful and acceptable gifts, not costly either, Is' overlooked by many. It Is only a year's subscrip tion to some good paper or perodlcal. The old folks a? a rule do not care for story books, but devour eagerly the list of events chronicled In the all. WANTED Helllnger, Cotton Code, 2 vol. Iaws Wt?,; Laws 1M5; Gen eral Laws Special Sessions or any ypeelal session law prior to 1 80C. Address Enterprise. WANTED Man wants room and board in private family, with bath and modern conveniences. Address X, care Enterprise. Vetch and Oat Seed For Sale. L,y the Oregon City Commission Co. inlyd ready for s-.-edlng, also clean Harl Vetch. t Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas MILWAUKEE. Charles Ballard has returned from California, where he has been visit ing. Rev. N. Shupp attended the Minis terial Association lu Portland on Monday. Mrs. Mary Grant, of Oregon City, was in Mllw ankle on business Mon day. Mrs. N. Shupp, while coming down the stairway lu her home on Monday, slipped and fell, Injuring her side, which necessitates her being confined to her Home, and Is suffering from the effects. Although no bones are broken, Mrs. Shupp received a severe shaking up. Her many friends lu this city hope for a speedy recovery. To say that' the people lire not pleased over the five-cent faro doe not express it. Watch Milwaukie Grow. Miss Robin Shaw, who Is working at her profession as nurse. In Port land, arrived home Monday and will remain at her home until after the holidays. A. C. Peterson has gone to Genoso. ill., to visit his father, who Is Very 111. W. J. Zimmerman will look after the store during his absence. Mrs. Held has gone to California, acompanled by her little daughter, and will remain for several mouths. Howard Cooper is very ill at his home, Mrs A. R. Innes. who has beun In the Deschutes country for the past several months, has returned and Is visiting with her parents. Captain and Mrs. J. P. Shaw. Mr. Innes arrived on Wednesday and will spend the holidays with Captain and Mrs. Shaw. Many from this city are planning to attend the grand ball at Strati man's hall In Sollwood on Christmas night. A large, black dog, owner unknown, is wandering around Mllwaukle In a half starved condition. The dog ap pears to be an Intelligent animal and It seems a pity that It Is left here to starve. Many of the residents of this city have taken pity on It and have fed It. and on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, through a hu mane act, took the dog to her home, and anyone wanting a dog that will be a good protector, call on her and she will gladly give It to you, or If the owner should read this and won der where his losj animal Is, he can find It at the Johnson home. Jim Matthews has returned from his trip to California, and, reports naving nau a goon nine. ' Grange Elect Officers. Milwaukie Grange met in regular (,m)(1 Sillimr't!ln Hospital. Mr. Colt In Oregon, should be especially Inter session Saturday. The meeting was ' umlr,,ssmK ,lt the time the ne- estlng to people lu this state, an all day session, and at noon a dell- ci i(,nt happened, and a revolver,! Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Emmons spent clous dinner was enjoyed by the mem-' whrn wa!1 his pocket, nccldently the week end' at their home on the bers. There was a good attendance, j ,HsrharK,,,j tm, bullet going Into the , Willamette- at this place. They et as this was the election of officers, . f right leg. A few days ago poet to return again on Friday to who are to serve the coming year, and : (1 m, became swollen, and It was spend (he holidays, and will give a are as follows: Master. Otto Naef; L",',(.(,)tsllry tl1 perform the operation. 1 large house partv on Christmas Day treasurer. J. R. Kelso; overseer. Mrs. .. plltj,,nt getting along nlcelv, to a number of Portland friends. C. Parelius: lecturer, W. E. Thresh- wj ,)0 M(l , r,,,llrl, home, Mr and Mrs. Pierre, of Portland, er; financial secretary. Miss Kate J g(M)n , and a party of friends spent Saturday Casto; recording secretary. Mrs. Ella i ' . ; at the Uidge. Maple: steward. J. W. James; Ceres, j St. John and Milwaukie. , Mr ,,,., lln, Mt ,U1, xIr Welch. Mrs. Anderson; Flora. Mrs. James I Services will ho held next Sunday. !0r Portland, were Sunday visitors Mr Robbins; Pomona, Mrs. Jennie Davis; at jn:3o A. M. and 2::!0 P. Nf. At 'prut recently purcahaed the Fr'd Ter lady assistant steward, Mrs. W. E. ,). niornlng service tho Rev. W. K. ry home. Thresher ;asslstant steward, Charles . p0well. chaplain of the Good Samarl- j. , Soesbe Is 111 at this writing Roswell; member of the executive , Hospital, Portlnml, will preach, ' his friends are wishing he will committee, J. R. Kelso. and administer Holy Communion; at SOon bo able to be out again. It was voted by the members to pur-1 2:30 Rev. T. F. Ilowen, of Oregon Hessle Roberts lost a gold ring on chase a new piano for the hall, which1 City, will officiate. Appropriate Wednesday of last week betw.-en her will be Installed before the next meet- j Christmas sermons will be preached home and the school and chapel. Ally ing. A committee consisting of Miss Kate Casto. Mrs. Frances Atwooo anu Dr. J. T. fownley. was appointed to. look after the matter. More Land Sold Here. The house and lot belonging to G. ; M. Barker was sold through the John-! son Realty Company to G. U Weaver a few days ago. Mr. Weaver will , make his future home here. I Travelina Library Obtained. t The public library of this city has i uccnt of her mothers Ul M,S! Mu(. MiirHl, ,,llt,,r(llll., ..Thl. secured a traveling library which wi 11 h(a,th lowls" on Wednesday evening with a be in charge of Mrs. Shirley Buck i Mrs Shaw entertained the tenrhers lMU,h v T. KUines arranged for and Mrs. Louise Townley. There are i of tn(H nn(, ln)lt y,.ar-H corps of teach- j KIIa.HtH 'w..r all of a Dutch nature, now many good books on hand, and (.rs )f 1h0 M1lwaukle srhiKil at herul) w,n h(1 (tlvltrH ,, a )nt(.h un,., recently Mrs. Reid loaned many vol-, h()me ,n ..tjewood." Friday evening. , wai ,.rv,.,, A .)rl.y feature was the times of well selected literature, which, RpBlna, Wltto and Mary !fvlno. n, ,.,.,,,., tr,.,. ,,ititwfl for tin are being read by many of the peop e f(,rm,.r ppll of the Milwaukie sch.H. . ; .,,. on the balcony amid a snow of this city. Every evening people ; w, t)P nom f,,r the holidays. Regl-1 S(, MI,h flll waH ,, , ,,, ,(H. visit this place, here it Is always wel-na(, nttends O. A. C. and Mary at - .)uM,m ()f ,, humorous gifts for all come to those desiring to spend e en- ;Mf AllK,. College. 1 tlie 0wjH- prizes were nwarde.l lo Ings in reading. The place is warm; Scim cioses for the h'dldays l-n-MlsH m,,ioii ami M. Illgglns. and pleasant. ,ay afternoon, until Monday, January! AH t( n,.(lt.rH f y,.dnnii have Taxpayer1 Meeting I Held. :t. 1910. ! organized a club recently and a tine of The taxpayers of this city held a Thn f0iowini? pupils have not been , .() H f(). rHt w, ,. meeting In the schoolhouse December i abHPnt nnr tardy during the month , ,.. t,en-dlct and now the Spin 7 to decide whether the land adjoining ( en,nnB December 10. 1 iern si-nd In word they are organizing the school property would be purchas- ut (;ra,eEdwln Blrkemeler, '-5"I-; amI ofTer a prize of film for the first ed for a school park. There were ,nt CaiaKh!,nj Milton Hllmer, Albert )n(i () marrv only good hard work about 200 people present, many or KllI(1,.r AieD Uhman, lierlha Curr-; ,(? In,.n al,y. We an- wonder- them being taxpayers. The vote stood ; mU ,f)ne a(!mnn, Amy Johnson, ,.wmll wm ,, , xtr S8 against the purchase and 3a '"' K(IUI Karlen, Florence Keller, I itev. and Mrs. lllackwell. or Oregon favor. It is probable tnnt within at 2n(, (;raipArthur fioff, Henry !nt. pleasant callers during the rew years there will have to be a j stOPktoni (ien Kikins, Fred Fisher, ; w,,,,, school house erected at Minthorn and , Krf-(1 Karl(,n Amelia Baker. Ruth ,,v. shupp preached a very tine aer also at Milwaukie Heights, and It j Knrkerhocker, Charlotte Nash, Alice ), Sunday at the Chapel. He took was deemed advisable not to buy this. : (;iark 0pha f.()Cr b,.skIo Davidson. ; fr biH aubject: " Ijuiik Ii Out on the The levy for this year will be a., ; K,.rr, Winona Mullan, Knther-i ,.,.,, tv shupp Is not only a mills, voted at the meeting held in ; jm, s,.avRyi jura Spring, Maude ; ,,,.;, Hj ,i speaker, but Is a writer of the school house on December v.. ! Tat.s B'-rnlce Varney. Fay Webber. ; , (),. we are In receipt of one New Year' Ball. ;,r,' r;,.a,if Albert Beetchen, Ver- f ,l8 liooks entitled "Pay I nto The Linden Circle, Women of woo-i- AI1(,n E,Jwtlr(1 Keller, Mabel Allen, ! u,r(1 nis Tenth," which would be very crau, io n""J r-; j .iv ivill on New Years eve., uerein tier 31. There w.ll be good music and a special car for Portland at 1:30 A. M The floor committee is composed of' Miss Birdie Lakin. Miss Nellie Winzenreld, Miss Myrtle Mullan, Miss Delia Burns, Miss Ada Lakin and Miss Flossie Warren. The patronesses are Mrs. J. A. Dowllng, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. btbson. Mrs. Skoog. Ash Camp Will be Presented With Jewel. 'Ash Camp No. 339. Woodmen of the World met at the Woodmen hall on Wednesday evening, when seven new members were initiated. The lodge has taken in 25 new members during the contest, which entitles It to a set of Jewels from the head camp, which will probably arrive here soon, e. .;,. at Euanaelical Church. The services at the Evangelical . lne , I...... .in v.,. vw.i,i t the I cnurcu u o Morning """"i1 . o'clwk topic, '"Prince service, 10:. ,0 o clock, i pic. r of Peace"; evening service S o clock Two Revelations Two Classes of People." Rev. N. snupp, are Invited. Entertained at Card. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Dowllng enter tained a few of their friends at. cards on Monday evening, and a most en joyable time was had by those who attended. Refreshments were served during the evening. Present were: Dr and Mrs. J. T. Townley, Mr. and Mrs J W Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. A. U Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Hlcns. Chrirtma Exercle at Evangelical Church. The Christmas exercises and tree will be held at the Evangelical church on Tuesday evening. The church will THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. City Lot, Acrg and Farm a Specialty. be decorated for the occasion, and tho programme, w hich Is In charge of the teachers of the Sunday school, will consist of songs and recitations. Ow - Ing to the Christinas services at tho German Methodist church, tho Evan gellcal church was obliged to post pone Its exorcises, as many of the children attend the Sunday schools of both denominations. It In prob- able i, nit thost vxerclse will bo large - ly attended by young and old. , ,, , D. .' j Mr. ki Reception Given by Rev. and Mr. N. ,up,J' The reception given by Rev. Mrs. N. Shupp at the parsonage on Friday evening was attended by about tiO people, and proved to be a most enjoyable affair.. An Impromptu pro- gramme was given In the early part of the evening. The High School girls rendered "The Milking Song;" Mrs. Palnton. of Jennings Inlge, gave a recitation, n vocal duet iy .u ami N, shupp. mid the renmliiH were con Mrs. W. K. Thresher, a solo by Mrs. I Hie, , ,,i1i- ..... 1 1, i in., i.,. Thresher, and followed by an address by Rev. Shupp. were highly upprecl- ated. Games were Indulged In by the young folks. During the evening re- freshnienls woro served by the host and hostess. The affair was g,lven its welcome to all of the people of Mil- waukle. The parsonage has Just I. i renovated and enlarged, and the ocea- slon on this evening w s In the form of a house-warming. During Rev. and Mrs. Shnpp's resl- deuce In this city, they have made many warm friends, who enjoyed their hospitality, and w ho always find a welcome awaiting them. In their com-1 nicely, which was pleasing news to his fortable little home. Since Rev. Shupp lodge friends has taken chanre of his pastorate the j Mr mi Mr. Krank lloiirdiiinn and membership of his church has en-' (.lldren .of Hood Klver, rame dow n to larged to such an extent that the sp,Mid a fortnight with Mr and Mrs. church will be enlarged lit the near,!;, p. Hoardinan. While they have future. bi'en their guests they have attended Death of Mr. Eire Bryant. "I't of very pretty affairs In , . ' I Portland; aniong them the banquet Mrs. Elsie Bryant, sister of M'""1 ,m, ,iiiar given for the old Soldiers' Homer Mullan. Mrs. Kred Hryant. and . w yrUUiy Mrs. rreston. (lieu i i er ' Portland, Friday. Decern her 10. '' funeral services were held the fol ow. i Ing day. and the interment took place at Turner, where the little child was burled recent y. Mrs. tryant whose death was sudden, was beloved by all who knew her. and will be missed b her large circle of friends. Mr and Mrs. Mullan. Mrs Bryant Mrs J res- ton and Fred Roberts attended tho' funenjl service, which were liirK. t . attended. j nnhpt r.nft llnderooe Ooeratlon. , 1l,bert Goff. who received a gunshot .......j nhout two vears ago. recently 'underwent a surgical operation at the at each service, nn nre n nj vuea i" uneuu. School Note William Marioi ani u"n. v t..,.. , wpre aH,.nt from Mrs. Buck's room Tul,S(tty. 1(')r,,ne Smith was absent Monday am) Tll,.8,jaV- J(,ns 0snn has returned to school ,.. ,,.in absent for some time. ,h v.,nilers has withdrawn from Iils Fentzllng, pricuin risen, nnimi Hllmer. Wilbur Baker, Ernest Hscher, ,,m to read. Harry Hadden. Coral Hanson, Ernest Charlie lloaidinan and Utile ilaugb Keller, Francis Mclntyre, Chester ;,,.r Kloreiire, of Kent, Oregon, arrived Ray Reuben Spring, Lva Illrketnler, , for' a few days' vlHlt with .Mr. and Mrs. Mildred Glcdhlll, Florence flrasle, Ella (j, p. Boardman. Mobley, Doris N.iHh. Messrs. Ilyroti ami Jensen are do- 4th. Graile lien Alexander, Albert Verlng some very choice hot house Ilonfigt, Elden Cross, Herman Fischer, I violets. The demand Is so great that Edwin Hllmer, Royco Peterson, Glen tln-y received 50 cents a bunch whole. Webster, Sarah Baker, Opal Clark, Ha,., and can hardly (111 the Portland Bertha Karlen, Ethel Kelley, Ieona Hupply. Miller, Kstella Phillips, fjoldlo Hay, Charles Redmond has been on the llirdle Uut ter. Beulah Spring, Edith Hlck list at Mill City. Oregon, where Stockton, Evelyn Walker, Melba Web- w w(.it on a business trip, ster, i Mr. and Mrs. Woodwarde, of Van- nth. Grade Minnie Spring, Bernlon r0uver, Wash., and Mrs. Tozler, of Tlsch, Emma Harper, Alia Curnutt, Eugene, came to uttend the funeral Dorothy Wlsslnger, Anna Kerr, John or Mr. and Mrs. To.b-r's baby on Karlan, Charlotte Merrlot, lierlha Singer, Frank Curnutt Louis Behind - ler, Lulu Taylor, Ruben Peterson, Arthur Taylor. tirade-Raymond Minn, n llirady, U-onard Mullan, Fred Singer. i Stella Turkey, William Miller, Thomas F(!nt.llng, Clarissa Ooold, Cleo Clark, Frances Johnson, Emma Beetchen, Carl Carlson, Norma Reek, Wesley Hllmer, Dewey Brlstow, Claude Hadden, Albert Gambell, K ther Spring, ray Coffin ,. TVIV '"' " " ' . .. . .. - er, Beatrice Webster, Annie jeney, er, r,suiHr Miimer. na.m r,.ou. UH ,H(,(, , th holidays; one Harvey, Esther Jones, Jennlo Joties, ; M'rH w Ja(,ot) U)0 ,al(.r part of Heasle Keck Delia Mclntyre ' ,irtt ! December, and another by Mrs. Shav Phillips. Matilda Singer, Emclln Sing- .. ,,, ' , , ,,...,.. . .. .. .... -. Tin.. n-.ll.U Doris Martin. .'.I. Conlson Haro, visited their parents Mb. Orade Barnett Howard, Irediat Trout(mie Kr(tay and Haturday. Keller, William SprinR, Corwln Har-1 Tn(J foll()wlllB a,if!l, (,r Portland vey, Howard Cooper, Marcus Maple, U joined the Progressive Bdclal Alfred Gettmann, Clement Duffy, ' Hazel Mullan, Mary Keller, Rachel Berkemeler. Elsie Mclntyre. High School Maude Hadden, Grace Martin, Lloyd Rlppey. Olvla JohnBon, Otto Hchlndler, Ruby McConnell, Harry Rlppey. Clayton Coleman. Let Dowllnc sell your property. JENNINGS LODGE. A very sad Holdout occurred at the 'honio of Mr. and Mrs. II. C, Toiler on the WUamelte, on Monday morn lug at 9 o'clock, when In some minuter their baby daughter, Roberta, caught II iv from the lire place, while tho mother was out of the room. Dr mount was hastily siimmousd to re- 1 Move the suffering of tho little one, but at 2 o'clock the little one passed away, Mr. and Mis, Tor.ler have the I Nymmlv of ,,,,, ,. ,.lmmmy , this sudden and sad bereavement. j Kol-it:i Tolor was bom December ;,, nm lm w,i ,, ,, mll -jc, ,nvs f UKo. One more precious . jW(, ims , , , prowu nni . 0 f,.,tit's fair lloweis , )mH (,,, trniiHiilimUMl to the world bovo. Tn fm,m hold from ;,,.,, flmpod ,,t o'clock Tuesdav. : .i , . i,.,,- .,. ,.ii,.,.i,.,i in- u..v , tlllll vinv ,.,,,,,.,.,. Ilt niV(. n,v. M,.H M,.S1,' tl u WvhvW (lln. ',,,. Tu,,s,,lv lxKh w, Mr. KlHS1, ,, .i.ia,,,. ,v,,l0 U1.,. ,,,,, fn Oregon Cltv nm, x- Hampton and son. Jlll,Ki wl,n , ,.01,,1Ul, Tn,llv r lnM tt,,,,k lm, att.-mtttitr' the ,i.,.,.. T,.s,i,,.. v..i.lnL. ns I, .i, j ,y ,,, ' rnmi u ,,,vslelan It I ...,. r,m,i i, HS srr..iii,t. iii. i.n neudlcllls and was moved to the Good Samaritan hospital and underwent an .operation, which was Mincessful . and j on Tuesday of this week w as rusting Mr1. jumU Pease, of Rlsley and Mls. Kr,, r,.lr- ,, Ml. . u.,,erts. h) , .l)m,,ed a party who (j ,,,.,, Tmrs.,lv, M n Mr .,Vin. ri,mvi, ,,, un,av wht, ,hi,v M (.r,,,1ly ;,( h w( R th ,.,.,. , '( ( progressing verv rapidly ,.,, house under the ,,.,.,. f Walter Iteekner. Mr wuilttiai Uivell FlnleVs mew hook on "American Birds Studied and Photographed from Life, is receiving " groin ueni oi iavorni.ii- i i.iuiio iu and as most of the studies were made one im mum mm ni.nn , n.n rewarded. A number from here attended the rtret.t loll III l I tu'llllll In Frlditv evin- n(( u, (h(, ,llimi, ()f ,. ull NIrrt N Shupp. Mrs. Alice Piiliitiui. of the ljidgo gave one of her recitations at the Informal programme. Rev. and Mrs. Shupp were assisted by Miss Al berts in receiving their guests and dainty refreshments were served by !,,,.. .,r,i nut inn! IiiiuIdhU ; profitable rot' any sect or cienomiiia- Tuesday. , w w(.(, i,.mhoI to learn that I , A .hnson had received word of his 'brother's recovery. Mr. Johnson's t,roihe brother was shot some limn ago while MlI ' H ,,,. Hc)m,. afe rol J puty sheriff In capturing robbers In Mlnm-solii, and for many weeks was critically 111. EAST JENNINGS LODGE. j Mn) 8pall,,nK ()f !Wbh a visitor at East Jen Oak (irove linings Ilge Propurallons are being made for .,, . t.nicrtn nments to be e ven at , .. an(1 HHtr,r MrB W. E. THRESHER LAWYER niLWAUKIE, -OREOON Absolutely r Oaklna Powder j $r 11 Improves tho flavor ,' JA , J&Sr ?r!Tt-- andadd8tothoVy4Vy: -Si I . '-""vJj hoalthfulnoaa (Si- ijs.'A y m of tho food S(oR4ll it) Vll ft -'iff V 'iJX. Absolutely Puro Club, of East Jennings IxhU-.e: M, lames Welch, Mis. F. W. (liaves. Mm. .1. foulxcti Hare and Miss C,ru llo. :uth; also MI'.s Edna Wi-Hteiileld and Mrs. WostoiuVld. of Jennings Uulge. A Shakespeare class will bo added to the elnb soon. The pupils of Miss Bronte .! iuiIiikh will gho it recital Friday. iM'Oouihcr Jl. at the Uiilge, Will Kohh palil a visit to his old home at this place Friday lasl. The Shakespeare Club spent a do. IlKhtful afternoon Monday with Mrs. J l otlelsotl Mail'. 1 lu iMIHlllenH bi s- lon opened promptly, followed by a short program: I'liino solo, Mrs. W. Wade; soprano solo, MIhk Lillian (i, miner; i-oiitialtu nolo. MImh Nona Uiwler Mrs. Herbert tt. Reed gave a reading from Hotspurs arrangement of Kluk Henry the Bh. A dainty lulliiitHin uns served by the buttons, asMlsled by Mrs. F. W. Craves, Mrs, H. Rerd. Mrs Wade, Mim. J, II. Ev ans. About :i.ri were present. Among the IllMteil niU'StH Wil, tH J. Jri. Ultlgx. OAK GROVE. MI .K Marie Oleiin, who resides here and l a sludeut or Cortland Medical College, will xHlld the holidays lit Olvuipln. Mr. u tul Mrs. Mi-Cauley lime d. elded to make their homo here after seveial years' absence. Mrs Mi-Caul-ey was formi-rly Miss lleulah White. KrueHt Harris, who has been away several mouths with a surveying par ly, w return Friday to xpnd Christ inas at the pan utal home. Mr. Cameron has been Buffering from an attack of loliHllitls for two or three iln it. A Ileal cottage In bring built by I), t). WorthliiKton on his property which was until recently u part of the Smith place. The new building of Mr. Vosberg near Pine, Is Hearing completion, ami will he occupied by tho hardware fl nil of Turk & Sou, who have their location III tho Howell building. The new walk along Center street has been complete,) lo the river and Is an Improvement much appreciated by those living In the vicinity. The people or this little lown are very much elated over the reduction r rates granted after so much coiiten tlon and remarks or approval and b.i. Infliction are heard on all mdi'4 The Oak drove Bchisd dlsuilsoiH on Friday for tin- holiday. The musical program leiob-red laH Thursday evening at (irern's null was attended by a small but eppi eeln'.lve audience ami the affair It h-mii ns a sucreHK financially as well .n artis tically. It was given for the benefit of Si. Thresa's Sanatorium at Pine. A Thrilling Rescue. Bow Bert R. Iji-uii, or Cheny, Wash , was saved from a frightful death Is a story to thrill the world. "A hard cold," he writes, "brought on a des perate lung trouble that baffled an expert doctor here. Then I paid (10 to $l.i a visit lo a lung specialist In Spokane, who did not help me. Then I went to California, but without ben ellt. At Inst I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me ami now I am as well us ever." For Lung Trouble, Bronchitis, Colds. Coughs, Asthma. Croup and Whoop ing Cough H's supreme. fiOc and l. Trial bottle free, (iuaraiileed by Jones Drug Co. Summon. hi the Circuit Court or the Statu or Oregon, for Clnelininas County. DalHy Mamie Mulllns, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas G. MiiIIIiih, Defendant. To Thomas (1. Mulllns, the above named defendant: In the inline of the Stale of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint lllcd against you In Hie above enl It led cause on or before the 4th day of February. l!l0, and If you fall so lo appear and answer fur want thereof the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the court dissolving tho bonds or matrimony now existing between plaintiff mid defendant, and for I hi- care, custody mid control or their minor child, Thelma MiiIIIiih, and for such other and further relief ber 111011, In which order ll Is direct, as lo the court may seem equitable. This Summons Is published by or der of Hie Hon. J. II. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Slate or Oregon for the Firth Judicial DlHtrlet and entered on Iho :3il day of Decern Christmas Gifts at Wm. Gardner's ed that thin numinous he publlnheit once a week for nix consecutive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, tt weekly newnpaper pulilluhcd al tlrtv gnu t'lly, Clacl.aiiiiiH County, Oregon. The dale or the lltKI puhilciitloii of tblM numinous Is December ;iih, :io:i. and the bint publication Is I'ebiual'y Ith. I '.Mil GORDON i: HAYES. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, fur Clackamas County. Clara pelkey. Plaintiff, I v" II. A. I'elkev. iH-feiidant , To II. A I'elkey, (he above named do. fondant ; I III the uatiie or the Stale or Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear ami answer the complaint filed against you in the entitled cause on or before the 4th day of : February. l'Jtil. and If you fall to np. : pear and answer for want thereof, the j plaintiff will apply to the court for I the relief prayed for lu her mild com. plaint, to wit : For n decreo of the court dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now iMlug between plaintiff nud defend ant and for the care, custody mill eon. trol of Clarence Pelkey and Clair Pel key. minor children of plaintiff and defendant niu for couls ami disburse, ineiits or this suit and for such other and further relief as may seem cqult able. This summons Is published by eider r the Honorable j i Campbell. Judge or the Circuit Court of I ho Stale of Oregon, for i he Fifth Judicial District on the IHrd day of December. I'.ui'.i, In which order It Is ordered that this nillliliums be published once a week for nix ronneeiittve weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise it weekly newspaper published nl Oregon City. In the County of t'lackaimis and State of Oregon. The date of the flrnt publlrnlloii of this summons Is the '.'(Hi day of . comber, J -.;). and the last publication Is tho (Hi day of February. I'JIit GORDON E HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff, Citation. Ill tho County Court of the Stain of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. lu tho matter of the estate of Jonas J. Kiiuffmau, deceased. To Rachel Kauffmaii. Daniel Knuff it i it tt. I.yilln Sbrock, Ellabeth Mast. Gertrude Jess, Samuel Heller, Jem ima Boiler Must. Ilenjainln Heller.. Jarob lleller. John Heller. Kate Heller. Delilah Heller. Mary lleller. David K. lleller. Dellln Miller, Itach e Beer. Jonas V. Kanfrinan, Rebecca I loot, Samuel J. Huffman. Jacob N. Knuff man and Tenn Kramer, heirs and devlm-es of Jonas J. Knuff man, deceased, and all others un known: In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re quired ami cited to In- and appear In the above entitled Court at the Jan uary term thereof, to wli, on Tuesday, the .Mh day of January, A I), HMO, at the hour of 11 o'clock A M . of said day, and lo then and (hero show cause, ir any there be, why an order of naln should not be granted for the sale of the following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Douailon Ijiud Claim or Win. J. Brown In TowiiHlilp 4 South. Range 1 Hunt or lb" Willamette Meridian lu Clackamas County, Oregon, the nnmo also being the Northeast corner or Section 31 III said Township ami Range; thence West along the North line of Haiti Claim Nil rods; thence South 2M roils; thence East Nil rods lo the East lino of said Claim; thence North along the East line or said claim 200 rods to the place or be. ginning, conlaliilug 100 acres, more or less, us prayed for In the petition of Dunli-1 Kiiiiffmaii, Stun Kauffmiin, Jonas Y. Kiiiirfiniiu, and II. II. licet, executors of Iho estate of Jonas J. Kauffinnn. filed therefor In this Court on I ho TU day of December, A. D. l :(. Witness the Honorable GRANT It. DIMICK, County Judge, or the Stale or Oregon, ror Iho County or Clackamas,, this L'.'ld (lay or December, i:iil!l. (Seal of County Court.) AltoHt: F. W. (1REENMAN. Oiuinly Clerk. By W. Ij. Millvey, Depulv CIIOHH ft HAMMOND, Allorneys for Executors. ..Our 8plendid Display of JEWELRY AND CHINAWAREJ new and up-to-?!?,L!!iL?"r.!",pce wuld not pe.rJnlt. 5api7 complete a line fLJLJ1"' year but ,lnc we have moved to Jarger and better quar er bt jnable uJo thow the people of thl city what they want without floje I Jo Portland. Our stock consist of diamond, brooche, ring, watchei, bracelet, llverware and china. ..... William Gardner JEWELER Mln Street, between Seventh and Eighth. ' P. 0. Box 213 Milwaukee, Or.