Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1909. LAST WEEK LAST CALL MUST vacate my store on January 1st, J 9 10. I positively got to : sell that stock. Prices " Millinery tte Iast obect- Clothing Hats NoH said; Shoes Dry Goods Take advantage. Dry Goods ROSENSTEIN'S BRIDGE CORNER Last Call Aurora and Northern Marion VALUABLE INVENTION TO BE MARKETED AURORA MAN INVENTS MACHINE TO TOP, GRADE AND SORT ONION SETS. Aurora Locala. ilunly" lUmlt-k, brother of County Jiiillte IMnili-k, lii4H evolved n arlii'inr WlllTI'liy ll llllH nTfi'l(C H ItltM'llllll! fur RrmlliiK, tupping and rli'imliiK (iiiIiiii bi'Iii. (In liuit IxM'ti workliiK on thii iiihi'IiIim' fur morn than three year mill npuralliiK ll two hi'iihuiis li ax i-ualili'd tt 1 ill In put It past tint vi perluu'iiial aland. 'Ilm eaparlty of I hi' iiiurliliiK In till pound tt minute, mill lurnn out th si'tii nicely cli-annl, lirmli'il niul ready for tho market. It ucciipli'n liunlly I lu spare of an orill miry hand fannliiK mill ami requlrfH nlioiit two home power tu operate. Tim iniiclilnn now III oMrntlon by Mr. 1 Hiiilik win constructed liy n local mulili tinclrr nuirvlnlun of tli Inventor, niul itlvi-a entire satlsfac lion, nlllioiiKh hiiiiik nllKlit defect nrt apparent which will not appear In th ni'w oih tu hi) put on the mar. ki't. A ClilriiKo firm In now ni-Kotlnt-In K f"r tho purchase of the puti'iit, niul If this drill fulls Mr. IHinlck Nliiii'N ho will miirki't tliu machine through a Ht. Iul house, retaining n royalty on the kiiIi-h. 8pry to KIM Weeda. Ill conjunction will) hln othi'r ex periment. Mr. lHinlck hint heeti luoklliK Into I In' sulijcct of kllllliK weeds liy HprayliiK. ttniN doing nwny with all Iluil hoi'liiK now onsen tlul. In thn culture of onloiiH, Mr. Dlnilrk declares thla Ih nut only pos sible, hut cluiniN ho Ima ili'tiuiiiHt rut imI tlm fact In at least olio Instance, on lilN' plan'. It Ni'i'ina thu iprny used whlln powerful I'IiiiiikIi to kill tho wi'i'dH does not effect tho growth of tho onion, Ih applied to tho null hooii afh'r 81'i'illiiK niul oni uppllriitlon will lust until rulim dissolve thu lohitlun maklnir It Iihi weak to crrvn It h pur pose. Land Brlngi $200 An Acre. A nluo-aore tract lyliiK between Miirty'a aiul tho Mercer pluco near llotmld, was Hold recently to Mr. Dci'ti, of l'urt laiul. for $180(1. Tho deal wiih oitKlucorcd liy Mr. Dcrliy, a real estate duuli-r of Snloni. Tho properly will be 'planted to wnlnutH ami cherry trees In tho Spring. Wal nut culture Ih now recognized hh a paying ' business ami within a few years thousands of ucrcH of land in tli Ih valley will he wt to those troi Edgar Long Diet. After a Ioiik lllnesB of typhoid fever o ntracted when working In Portland, Kilgar Iong passed nwny nt tho lion pital where ho wan beliiR enred for, The lulermi'iit took plnco In Aurora Tuesday. Cinrge Miller anil family hnve again returned to Aurora nfter a Komewliiit prolonged nlun'iico In Cal ifornia and different Kastcrn ihiIiiIn. lienlili'H hln old home, llelhel, Mo. Mr. Miller ri'ir(H a line trip ami look all to the good after hi long vacation iMirlng the latter part of In-sl week he and Mr. Miller spent a day In l'urt hunt, and Tuesday wan In Albany vlMltlng old frli'iiilB. W, 8. Iliimt wan In Candy thin week. Iteggle llurnt wbn In ('anhy Tueit day aileuillng to tho loaning of a car of potatoes or shipment. Ml hb Ida Hall, of near Aurora, was In Canliy Hat unlay and attended (he I dance. J. H. Vaiideleur, of lltitlevllle, gave a parly to a few of hi a frleiiiln Suttir iluy evening and after a sociable ev ening refreshment wero aerved to all present. Mr. anileleiir nan on display an elegant line of Chrlntmuii goOila which are going fat. Mr. and Mr. Walker, of Donald, am npeinllng tho linllilayH In Hiileiu with the latter parent. Jack Boder wns u t'nnliy visitor again last week. The iialoon Imlldlng of Mr. Marty will aiHiu he ready for occiipuncy. New sidewalks nro now liclng con structed u Donulil. - Mr. Itoycnift. of tho WatkliiH Modi, cal Company. In now In Donulil. Surveyor llrown and IiIh corpH of assistant from Snlem, nro now lit work on tho 2tiu acre trnct near Don ald recently purchased of Mr. Miller. Klveaeru tract h will he laid out and put on tho market. Two earn of pot at lien are being; Hhlpped thla week from Aurora by W. S. llurnt. Mrs. Jnko MorrlH, of near Aurora, Ih Ht 1 1 1 very low with typhoid fever. Mr, llrown Ih hIho reported uh on Die Hick llHt. Dr. lleutiy (llosy Ih In attendance on both. W. W. Irvln, of Aurora, Ih now In tho hospital nt Portland, whero ho underwent u Hllghl oporntlon. He In now doing nicely and should ngaln bo around hooii. An entertainment wan given Ht the KchiHil house Tuesday evening: by a teacher of elocution, who glvea thlx uh an exhibition of hln ability. ' lie tuny endeavor to form n cIhbh In Au rora. Trenching services wore hold Sun day nt tho Tro.sbyterlnn church by Hev. Vlnconl. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Yoder nro house hunting now. Adam Mlshler, who ovViih tho Iioiiho they now occupy, wIhIiob to niovo lila family there, no ceK!i(tiitlng a niovo on Voder's part. F. Schrawder, Into of Hiibbnrtl, lias moved Into tho apartments In base ment of A. II. (Jleay'H Htoro. Alvln Thompson, of Needy, will niovo to Aurora hooii. Wo tinder stand lie will drive a mull route from hero, Hev. KnottH, of Albany, Is now In Donald, looking: after tho InteroHta of tho I'resbytorlnn church, which will probably hooii build nt that plnco. TELEPHONE LINEMAN BADLY STUCK UP SO 8AY BOYS AROUND TOWN ASHES AND 8YRUP MAKE GOOD FOOT EASE. What In perhaps one of tho best practical Jokea Jullcil off In Aurora for Home time, camo to light Monday, when William Cray, lineman In tho employ of tho I' lilted Telephone Com pany In slipping on his shoes found them o bo partially filled with ayi-up. tiray flrat thought Homo one had put water In hit) shiny, but after Honing them alongside the fire for awhile and finding It did not dry then concluded tho proper coiirae to pur sue wiih to put ashea In them, which no did. tiray la new looking fur the party who plnyed him the scurvy trick ami undoubtedly when the per potrnlor of tho deed la found, If he Is not too husky, there might bo some thing doing, tiray Is railed "Mulas hi'h" now by tho boys. Church Men Leave. I T),n Invnultti Ant. rn Kv tlm I'ttlt. oil forced of tho Church of Christ, headed by tho evangelists, Willie and Tona, has come to a close, its Monday saw tho departure to British Colum bia of the entire ministerial force. nlle their meetings wero very well nl tended iiml muny people here enjoyed hearltm their tenchlngs, the results. Judging from one remark from tlie pulpit; were unsatisfactory. One minister is quoted as saying: "Hell la close to Aurora." Some one remarked that If this la the case It must bo "frozo over." $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ $ $ $ A GENTLE HINT As you sell your hops, grain or other produce place your money in a reliable BANK. Pay each bill or account by CHECK and avoid the danger of carrying large sums of MONEY Put your spare cash to work night and day. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest on time deposits. When remitting do so by our bank DRAFTS For any accommodation call on the AURORA STATE BANK AURORA, OREGON $ $ ?ft $ $, $ $ $ $ $ $ Xmn Sorvlcea. rtiirora will not suffer any Uenrth of good times during Christmas week. Tho different business men have con tributed liberally towards furnishing tho lltuo people with that ttood cheer so osseiitlnl nt this Benson of tho year. Tho first services will be held in tho Lutheran church with Rev. Flnthman In charge. A splendid pro- gruuimo has been prepared Bultuble to entertain both young and old alike. while presents nnd sweets K'llore will lighten the little folks hoarts. On Sunday evening, following Christmas Eve., the Chrlstlnn Endea vor Society will unite with tho Pres byterian church In rendering suitable exorcises beside a beautiful treo load cd with good things. "Feed My Lnnibs," Is n command from the lllhlo firmly believed In and followed by Aurora people. The Rev. Vincent will conduct tho hitter services. New Year's Eve Ball. A grand ball will be tendered to tho lovers of tho light fiinttiHtlc, New Year's Eve., by the Aurora Hand. Hills are now out announcing the af- ; fair. The best of music nnd order Is giinranteed to nil those .wishing to intend. I A full new barrel of tho fnmous Old Joe Gideon whiskey and six cases of i Martinet Imported brandy have ar rived nt the New Aurora Hotel bar. The best of Mt. Hood beer always on ! tap. Feed for Sale. Ilrnn, shorts, 'rolled feed, onts nnd hurley, flour, etc, nt Oregon City Com mission Company. Last Call POTATO CALLED "HOWELL. Canemah Man Has Vegetable of His Own Origin. Joslah Howell, who has been a tobI dent of Canemah for the past 46 years. Is priding himself on raising Home of the nuest potatoes m me county, these being of his own orj gin. Mr. Hiwell, by a series of ex periments covering over four years devolved a distinct variety of pota toes, named from the originator, the Howell." This potato attains large size and matures very early, and la of excellent quality. Several of these potatoes were exhibited at tho U-wls & Clark Exposition at Portland, which were among the Clackamas County products, and at tracted no little attention. Besides having enough for hlB own use this venr. he aunnlied his children and kept enough for seeding In the spring. The last crop yielded an average of ten potatoes to each bill. Coal for Sale. Post medium, Mendota sacked coal at $$ per ton, Ocrgon City Commis sion Company. THE HEALING STRENGTH OF MINERAL WATERS In Cases Gout, of Dyapepaia, Rheumatiam and Nervous Breakdown, is Marvelous. EASTERN CLACKAMAS Iryln(r preparation simply dovol. op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhoro to tho niemhrtuie and doeoin. poso, musing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form uf catarrh. Avoid all drying inhalants, fuiuns, Binokes and anuff s and uso that which clonuses, soot lies and beuls. Ely's Cream Balm will uiustur catarrh or eold in the bond easily nud pleasantly. All druggists sell the 50 ceut aiie. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Stroot, Now York. The llalin is used without pain, does not irritate or cause aueeziug. It spreads Itsolf over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the puiuful intliuumntion. Ely's Croiua Balm contain! no cocaine, meroury nor other harmful drugs. I'pon recent Investigation by emi nent physicians, chemists and scien tists it has been demonstrated that nntural, earth (lowing mineral waters are the most beneficial means for the euro of organic maladies. Paso Robles Hot Springs are at this time the point of Interest to most Investigators, as recent occurrences hnve attracted tho attention of the thinking world tu these springs. One of their chief polnta of interest to medical men Is said to be that whkch proves that a pre-eminent chemical action rests In the waters which flow from the earth at Paso Robles, California. Paso Robles Hot Springs Is making cures daily of rheumatism, gout, stom ach trouble, neurotic diseases, kidney trouble and general breakdown, which proves almost beyond question to medical men that there Is some qual ity In these waters superior to any In this country nnd probably In the world. It Is also claimed for Paso Robles that the air conditions are perfect. It lies In a small valley protected by mountain ranges; Is 720 feet above sea level and is not assailed by too much sea moisture or an abnormal temperature from the hot land winds. This nlr condition is thought by some to hnve almost as much to do with Its cures as the waters them selves. The town, like all health resorts. Is tilled with boarding houses of all kinds, so that every purse will be pleased. There are hotels for the rich, where any luxury mny bo had. Private baths for exclusive patrons who wish to be to themselves. Theso springs have been known for centuries, for they were used by the Indian to cure his sick and later the Frnnclscnn fathers performed wonder ful cures here, but it Is only recently tbut the really marvelous powers of these wnters were made known to the wrld nt large. Nenrly every form of organic troub le is treated lit these hot springs, for the authorities welcome nil except those who have tuberculosis or un clean diseases. For the man who suf fers from over-eating or from alcohol ic excesses there is nothing in the world to equal a week spent nt Paso Robles. It straightens him out with n rapidity that Is wonderful, and the best recommendation Is that they do away with the nerve-craving for stim ulnnts because of their peculiar sooth ing effects upon the nervous system. Truly speaking, the study of Paso Robles Hot Springs is one which is giving the medical fraternity nbrond and nt homo much Interest, nnd is probably directing more attention to Callfomla than any other of her nat ural gifts to ninn. A small book, nently Illustrated, has been recently published by the man agement telling the story of the Hot Springs In a most Interesting manner and giving complete Information. Send for it, either to Wm. McMurray, General Tassenger Agent of the O. R. & N., Portland, Ore., or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso Robles, Cal. SANDY. Charles illch, -while going Into the danett hall Haturday evening, slipped on the frozen walk and broke his arm. Dr. Davis attended the Injured man, Frank Ingsend, had thn misfor tune to fall and seriously bruise his leg, which has laid hi in up for sever al weeks. Max Davis slipped on the frosty ground and broke two rib on hla left side. Joe Lau n dree, while sawing wood, bad the misfortune to cut a very palnnil gash In hi hand. Enill Uartsch, who wa seriously Injured and whose arm was broken, Is still In the hospital at Portland. Jim Allison, who fell from a roof ; two weeks ago Is ablo to be about on stilts again. Illll Rubins, who bad his leg bad ly mashed In a runaway. Is on bis feet again. Charles Cocks had a runaway. His team became frightened at the Kir- wood mill and ran to Sandy. Neither horse or man was Injured. B, Heighten' two horses and an old sled, took a runaway, but did not run very far until one horse fell, knocking the other down, with the old sled on top of the horse, holding It securely until the owner came and caught them. Sandy Grange had a rousing good time at their last meeting, which was attended by a large crowd of members and visitors. The following officers were elected: A. C. Thomas, master; E. McUugln, overseer; E. F. Bruns, lecturer; O. O. Bell, secretary; Vic Kosbcrg, treasurer; James DeShazer, steward; Mrs. V. Fosberg, chaplain; Joe Albel, gate keeper. After elec tion, a bountiful spread In the dining room satisfied every one. The after noon was taken up in a public discus sion of the preservation of our natur al resources. The Odd Fellows will have a grand time January 6th. at 7:30 P. M. when a public installation will take place. A good programme Is being prepared. All are welcome. Sandy M. E. church will have a grand Xmas tree. Every body come and enjoy Christmas In the good, old- fashioned way, Saturday evening, December 25th. Lutheran Church will have Xmas exercises Christmas Eve., also a big Christmas tree. A big dance Saturday evening at Yunker's hall was attended by a large crowd of merry-makers. AI Edwards raffled off his organ and George Keugg was the lucky man to win It. Mr. Barber, who lately purchased the Joe Wllllg place. Is busy setting out 10 acres to orchard. He will also plant that many strawberry plants. Mt. Hood Railway Company Is get ting things ready to push work with all possible haste next Spring. A large crew Is now working on the power site on Bull Run. The Sandy Commercial Club is pushing things about Sandy In a live ly manner. Already many inquiries have come to the Club about homes and business chances in and about Sandy. Lewis Hauglum has several carpen ters busy building his handsome res idence on Hood View Road. Frank Langensend has sold his 80 acres to four families who will Im mediately build and move to their new home. Frank Langensend bought 40 acres from C. Junker for $3000. All mills are running on full Ume since the weather Is fair; 8 mills now engaged In the manufacturing of lumber, turn out a daily capacity of 240,000 feet of lumber. Jarl & Rath will start their mill about the first of January. Mr. Guildensoph, who lately pur chased 10 acres from J. H. Wewer, is building a barn and making other im provements. M. C. Donahue held an auction to sell his personal effects and will here after live In Portland. Sandy Commercial club is starting a move to induce capitalists to start a bank at Sandy. Also an effort to start a creamery. Any Cold Can be Cured without "cold curei," couch mixtures" and the like opiate filled medicine. All you have to da u to open four bowel wide with trr, u X tvir omen M That will carry the cold ecrmi and lyitemic poiiona way and . !! . .11 I. ,C.m II hiu n.M or mrm ran. JW H -, 111 MV .,,- "-" - " wpited or nave rheumatism, aver or aiancy irouom, take an NK tablet to-night ana you u icci better in the morning. Get a 25c Box FOR SALE bi jUrrn-B DRUG COMPANY. Fresh Meat For the Table BROWN & KLOOSTRA'S 7TH STREET MARKET THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE Careful of Your Property One of ihe secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co.. Phones, Office U21,.ResIdence 1833 525 Main Street DOVER. Mrs. Miller, who lives on Dr. Wat- ters place, Is quite III with typhoid fever. Joseph DeShazer went to Sandy with an assistant last Saturday to select the Christmas nuts and candy. We are experiencing some of that cold, East wind at this writing. C. A. Keith has purchased a wagon from Mr. Joseph DeShazer almost as good as new. Mrs. George Wolfe has gone to Portland to spend the holidays. Surveyors are seen in our midst this week. What does it all mean? Our streets have been somewhat Improved In the last week by the ef forts of our road boss. Dr. Davis, of Sandy was again call ed lu our midst last week. EAGLE CREEK. E. L. Palfrey butchered 14 head of hogs last week and shipped them to Portland. Mrs. Wolfe, of Dover, passed through this neighborhood one even ing last week on her way to Portland. Wesley Douglass butchered four head of hogs last week. R. B. Gibson and his father, James Gibson, were Estacada visitor last Saturday. Eagle Creek Grange held its regular session aSturday, December 18th. There was a fairly good attendance. The new officers for 1910 were elect ed. Two new members were received into the Grange. Mr. Clark went to LaGrande lust week to attend the funeral of his brother. Miss Crouch made a trip to Port land the lntter pnrt of last week to see her folks, and do some Christmas shopping. Edwin 'Bates, of Estacada. was a Grange- visitor Saturday. Mr. Bates and his wife intend to withdraw from the Sprlngwnter Grange and join the Engle Creek Grange. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Douglas made a business trip to Estacada the first of the week. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm 2ATARRH It quickly absorbed Gue Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals aud protects tha diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Ke-IJAV CCMCD atores the Senses of IllH I I LV Ull Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., atDrug gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents. Ely Brothers, 5t Warren Street, New York. I FIVE-MINUTE TALK CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS far W"ol Ytmt ar AppUescloa f AVENARIUS CARBOLINECM (Otfniu Wood PfMirrw.) NoB-petaoDooa, Saaltarr Odor. Put BP la lltbograpbed emu only Doa't 1M Tour delr 1v you a worthloa imlta tloe FOB SA1JC BT AIX DKALER3. CrboUsiB Wood Final ilaa Co. Fartlaad. ur. Milwaukee. Wll Nw York. N. T. Su Frapclaoa. Cmt Fisher, Tho'sen S Co. WtoiMal Menu. DpL la. Portltuid Wrtu for Ttl- ONLY ONE GENUINE THERE 18 ONLY ONE GENUINE CARBOLINEUM,; THAT IS THE AVENARIUS ' CARBOLINEUM. THERE IS A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT IS BE ING OFFERED AT FROM 11.00 TO $1.25 PER GALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIUS CAR BOLINEUM IN QUART CANS SO CENTS, AND ONE GALLONS AT ti.50 WILL DO ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CANS AND SOLD IN OREGON CITY. M HDrDp Him " I,. and see 0s aboot that land . GLADSTONE a specialty. j SCHOOLEY & CADELL 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. Office Both Phone 22 Residence Phone Main 2624 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 1865 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Dements FLOUR Best $1.80 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. OX TRIAL, FOIS ONE YEAR Save Small Dealers Profits and Commissions Buy from Headquarters FREE In SIC LESSONS b.wJ:'LL ?EARLY EVERY WORTHY MAKE TERMS CASH, OR $.-.0 DOWN AND ift.l.OO PER MONTH .11 i w PT freight and All Kmkium of lh-llvrrr e take all mlc and refund money if Piano is not absolutely satisfactory EILERS PIANO HOUSE L J? Ur?est. Host Liberal and Most P(.nihi n1r In M Chickering, Kimball, tester, Hazelton and other Pianos jj PIANOS HON $128 TO $1800 A Splendid Overall for every ue. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. Ik !a-4 Mm. MURPHY, GRANT SCO. Muuiactuferi Snrranct OH