Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
1 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Fli I DAY, DECEMBER 21,' 1009. I LAR5EN 4 COMPANY S T Cop 10th A Main 81. OREGON CITY, OREQON. Wholimulu niul Rolnll Groceries, Produce, Feed mid Commission W Pay the HlgltMt Cash Price For nil Kind of Country Produce Wo rnrry llio lurKi'sl Htork of guild In our Hun In Clnrkiinum Omnly, unit ill" In position In offer ni:lnl Iniliii'iiiiii'iilH lo CASH buyers, J LOCAL BRIEFS lr. L 0. loo, llnullHt. Itoouiii 17 ami IN. MuhoiiIc III. Ik. Mr. mm Mm. l'lill Knlghl, tif Can by, were In Oregon ('II y Kaliinliiy. 'rlllllllllH VVlllll. of I'lll'llllllll. who Iiiin been visiting nl the Iioiihi of ('. (. ('inilli'lil, linn ri'luriii'il luioio. MlH Anil ItllnH, Willi HUH MIlIN lll'K- tli' fupeii, In critically III with ( phold fever ill her homo III W 1 1 In in Uiv I'ltlll January lt price no object. Minn Goldsmith, Slii rllT III nil. ' mill lir. Kility will to IVte'n MimiiiIiiIii mi Sal ill iluy where they I'litnliirli-il n Kill" on I In' (iron I'la. iv 'ul v III limber, of Cmiliy, wim In Oregon City Wciliiewlny on hinduex. making a trip In I'ortluAil before his return In Cniiliy, li t your cliiliin.ii fruit rake itml pimtty Ht Hi'lirmli'r'H, Miiln Ktrcct I'rufi'Hiiiir Joseph Kihnfer, of Hi" I'nlvcrnlty of Oregon, Ih In Oregon I lly im I In' Kucxt of liln olil frli'iiilu, Mr mill Mm C. II liytv Going, going, not tpilli' gone! I'lMll tryini'ii rutin' for free ropy t'onln'y'ii .'iiii- rmillrv Hook. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llro. W. A llolnii"!. wliii own n More ut ti.Tviilit, li'ft TiH'iiliiy for Hint -lt y. tilt V IMK I I llMlkllllt nftlT tllH tiller- i'hih ut I'lirlipliii'i' niul vlnlthiK w ith hi i fiiiully. Minn ICitiin SliiiriimiH. who Ih In Hi" inlllliH'ry luinliii'itK at K"l. Wash , Inn returned to Oregon I'liv to Hpiunl c'lirlnt iiihh wlih In'r purein, .Mr niul Mm A. HIiiiiiioiih MIhh ('. tiohlHiiili h moves January Int. Price tin object. Howard Kill''", of I'uiiliv, wiih nn Ori'Kott City vlnlior over Suiulii Mr. Krrlt'H Iiiih liuight 111 Ih" Summer Nor mill here for several .n anon anil In well known in thin rliy Mr. mill Mm. V. I Block, who hare been on nn extended trip lo tin' Kimt'Ttt nluti'H, will nrrivi' holm' nhmil .liinimry Int. Th"y ri'porl hav ing n inoHt I'lijovitlilc Him'. 'Whnt doc Wliolo ItiinHt Mean? itnlil Mm. Gate Why. coffee roast i'i niul in if ground until ri'iuly for U"!'," said her himhiitld "Kor exam ple, Fulger's Golden tiiiln." Mr. niul Mm. WIIIiiiii Hughe, rl Tliiiriitoii, WiihIi . Ihivi' urrlvml In thin city, mill arc the giiesis of Mr. niul Mm l( ll. Wilson. Thity will ri'liinlii here until after Ni'w Vi'iitn. Fruit cake. :ifi ci'tilM pi-r poiuul. Imly llligci. cookies, pli-H. cuke iiml bread nt Srhriiilor h, Main street II IaIkMhii Ki'lly. tlh cultiirlHl, of tln t'lilti'il Hlnic lluri'iiii of Fisheries III charge of tin- KoKU'' Itlvi'r Sllillon Ih In thn I'lty to upend llio holiday with hi parents, Mr. niul Mm. II. I.. Ki'lly. l(oy Sleight, w ho Ih iiii imltiinl rn glliecr on tin' llarrliiiiin lino con- Hi run Ion lit Ih" Di'Hi hiiti'H, urrlvi'il Siinilay lo spend a purl of ih" Christ iiiiih wi'i k wlih IiIk inolln'r, Mm. llclle A. Sleight. Attorney AiliiniM, of llu firm of Sliiiinlt AiIuiiih. wiih In Orcgun City on legal IiiihIih'hh Saturday. Mr. AitaniH was n resident of thin rlly several year ngo. ami was visiting among iIh olil fili'inlH. MIhh Mary lli'llo Mi'lilruin. a uhl Itn t of Ih" I'lilviTHiiy of liliiho, at Mohi'ow, ri'luriii'il to h"r lionu' Sat urday ami will Hpi'tnl two wi't'kM lii'r". TIiIh In .MIhh Mi'lilriiin'H lant your Hi the 1'nlvi'iHlly, KiailuatliiK ihi ooiulnu .lllll" Tli" OhwiiIiI Fiirnltiiii' Maniifartiir ItiK ( 'iiiiijm ny him llli'il a iu"rhmili''H Snic Agon to "Society Br an Wand "Schtooo Broo." Clothes Two Dooro South of Postoffico Only Six More Buying Days at MyStartlingSale Only Six More Buying Days at MyStartlingSale r MoooclM Prfi ce-Stasfiiimq Marks f Sic Last Week Before My Re moval Jan. 1st January first is but a few days off and before tben I must sell my entire stock if possible, for I want to move into my new location with a fresh, new stock. Of course you've heard that I have purchased the entire Rosenstein Store, corner 7th and Main (Suspension Bridge) of which 1 will take possession January First, where I will install the most perfect showing of Men's, Women's and Children's apparel of all kinds hereabouts. In consideration of these facts, My Entire Clothing Stock Must Go! ' I have reduced every garment and every shoe and furnishing article to cost and less, making it to your advantage to purchase your Suit, your Hat, your Shoes, vour Overcoat, etc., NOW. Never before have such tremendous reductions been quoted; never before have such mammoth values been offered. But price or cost has been no object in marking my present stock of merchandise the fact that I want to move as little as possible has put all other details in the background the loss 1 do not figure, for my onlv object is to Sell, Sell ! Here you will find the popular and stylish clothes for Men and Young Men "Schloss Bros." and "Society Brand" Clothes including suits, overcoats, etc., all AT WAY LESS THAN COST. 1 could talk all day long about the merits of my garments, shoes and furnishings, and still not tell you of all the good things offered at this startling sale event, which ends now in a few days. So I say, BUY NOW. The peerless, unprece dented reductions in force will more than amply repay you. Remember the place, J. Levitt's, Main St., 2 doors' South of I ost Office, directly opposite the First National Bank. Sale ends in a few days, on December 3 1 st. P,ll MONEY QUESTION In our Hloro hint Cash for nn miHWi'i'. CiihIi In u HlroiiK fac tor In hiivIiik money. Thn family thai payH Im lilllsi two or thrco Unit's a year payH InliTi'st on Mm croilltor'H niortKiiKo, and for thn hook ki'i'pltiR necuHHiiry for Ills uiv count. In muni HtoroH Hiicli n futility payH nioro fur tho ovt-ry ai'tlrlo. than Is pnlil hy tho woman who Ih a ciihIi buy er. Wo pay cnHh for our rooiIh. mill wii pay only for tho kooiIh. Noun of our monny hnlpH pay thn croillt (lupiirtmoiit In a wIioIoriiIo Iioiiho. Wo nnvo money liy illHroiintltiK our IiIIIh anil you can hnve sonio of that illHcount. We Hull to nil ut ono price nun custornor'B monny Ih nH Rood an Rnothiir'H. It Ih horntiHo of our cush ilia counts that nnnrly vnry Item of our kooiU Is a fnw cents Hftved for you. A penny Is the fullinr of a dollar. E. SEELEY Thr PEOPLES' 8T0RE v9tha Main 8t., OREVjNciTY, ORE00N. Hi'iui'inlier the place John Adutns,' MiiHinilc DulltlliiK to mnko your ('litlnliiinn purrliiiHi-H. tireeu nlmnpH wlih every piirrliix. Hen nKnliiHt the property of Mury I). KoiiIh, III Serllou 111. TiiWtiHhlp three South, of HmiKK 2 Kasl, to protect n cluliii of $i!2 "5 for hilllilliiK tiinterliil fiunlhliiil. Ivan lilnilrk, fortuerly n renliletit of DreKoii City, now llvlnn near fail- hy, piiHHed tliroiiKh town lam week en route for Uui" Kork, In lillllniii ('utility, where lie wlih liln wife, who Ih nlreudy there will npetid the hull diiyn, returtiliiK home alioul the llrnt of the year. Hae Col", who In ntteiulltiK school III Si'ilUle, will lirrlve thin week to Kpollil the liollilayH wlih hlH pmetitH. Mr. ami Mm. J. W. Cole. Mr. ami Mm. Julia Mulvey, the latter a ulster of Mr. Cnlo, iiceunipiinlfil .y their Hon, ChitrleH, will nlmr arrive here In a few days to upend the hollilnyn. W. S. llumt, of Hubbard, punned through Oreunn City thin week en route fur l'ortland to traliNiii't IiuhI Hi'hh nillllein. .Mr. recenlly puri'linneil the McKlnlye-Mlteheil wan Ilium" at lliibbiiril, which with IiIh other holdlllKH, Klve til ill a Ht r I ll n of wiirehounen from Canby to, nearly, Halein. Kor your ('IiiIhI iiiiih fresh home liiiule cuiiilli'H, iiiiih, Hlutloiiery and cariln, call at the Spa, Suventh Hlreet. lliiinphrey Treliibnlh, who was for levi'ial nioiitliH conlltu'd lit the Open Air Sanatorium at Mlhvaukle, niul who later wan taken to nuarteiH ttenr the Saiiatorliiin, has been very III for! (he piiHl week niul his cimiiltloii Is lilichuliKi'd. Mr. Trenihath, who for merly resided In this city, has tuber ciiIohIs, mill was to have been taken In Idaho for the bettelll of his health, but his condition will not penult his beliiK moved. Hurl Walker, Oorno Sullivan, Nor wood Charniun, Charles Hoblsoii, I'arl IjitoiiR'tto, Orel W.'lch. Miss Hilda Tonne anil M1rs Ijirsen arc unioni; Iho University of Oregon utiidents who are lionie from lCiiK"lie to Hpend thn ChrlHtmas holidays. Miss Anne line Williams, nn Instructor at the 1'nlversliy, has arrived In Oregon City to spend tho holidays with her family. Miss Juliette Cross, formerly of (iladstone, has koiio to The Dalles, en routo from Kiinone, and will re main there over Christmas niul New Years. M. H. Dunn nnd Hon, Hmmett, left Sal unlay for Dundee, where they will Hpend a week. Mr. Dunn, who Is In terested In n sawmill ut Dundee, Is havltiK tho mill moved to CotuiKO , drove, and his partner, William HunkliiH. formerly of this city, but; now of CoIIiiko drove, who also has ' another mill lit that place, will have rhnrKO of the ono now belni? moved to CottiiKO Grovo. The mill will bo mov-l ed to u laiKH timber belt. nutiUB Mr. Dunn's nhsenco from this city, hisi buslnesH Is in cbai'KO of J. A. Tufts. Conkey's Hntin Cure In tho drinking- water cures those Btiee.inR, swollen headed fowls. A 50c pacliimo makes 25 kiUIoiib medicine. Money hack If fulls to cure. Huntley tiros. 10-24 W. J. Camnbell. of Tlonnstn. Penn., was In OreKon City Friday, belnp; tho Kttest of Mr. nnd MrH. W. A. Show man. Mr.. Campbell Is a prominent lumberman of Tinoesla, nnd while on his trip to' the const purchased a 520 ncro tract of land nenr Soattlo, Wnsh. The lund Is covered with good Umber Including cednr and fir. bosldos a shingle and sawmill. Mr. Campbell also has an optlou on other large tracU close to the one he purohased. This wns his first trip to the coaBt. and he was delighted with the cli mate. He Ih contemplating locating In the Went nt Home future time. Mm. C. O. T. Williams arid daugh ter. Miss Veda, who have been visit ing with thn former's daughter. Mm. Jumna Uiwrenre, In HoHeburg, for several months, hnve returned to Ore gun city, where they are visiting with Mrs. Williams' daughter, Mrs. 0. li Miller. Miss Williams will leilve fur lleiid. Oregini, during the holidays, where she will remain for some time. Mr. mid Mrs. Ijiwrence nnd daughter, Marian, will arrive In Oregon City next week, where they will, spend ChrlHlmiin with Mr. .and Mrs. Miller, after which they will leave for llend, their future home, and where they have large property Interests. How One Doctor Succeisfully Treat! Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sunders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs Is Chamberlain's Cough Uetnedy. While, of course, I would treat other symp toms wlih different medicines, I have used this remedy many t Inn's In my medical practice nnd hnve yet failed to llnd n case where It has not con trolled the trouble. 1 hnve used It myself, as has nlso my wife for coughs ami colds repeatedly, and 1 most will ingly and cheerfully recommend It as superior to any other cough rem edy to my knowledge," Kor sale by Huntley Ilros. Co. Mrs. S. M. Harris, formerly n resi dent of this oily, hut now of Wilbur, about 111 miles from Koseburg, was In this city Monday on her way home, after having been at Murquum, where she was culled by III Illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Jackson. Mrs. Jackson Is one of the pioneer women of the state, having como here In 1X52, residing ut Murqiittm since that time. While walking on a slippery walk las! week she fell and broke her hip. She will be Si years old in January, making her Injuries very serious. Mrs. Harris has purchased an SU-acre fruit and stock ranch, which Is In charge of her son-in-law, ICIzn Van Wey, nlso formerly of this place, and by her son, (lllbert Harris. Since going to Southern Oregon Mrs. Harris' health has been benefitted. SOCIETY For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. Tho Intenso Itching characteristic of these ailments Is' almost Instnntly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by It. Kor sale by Hgnlley llros. Co. Coal for Sale. Host, medium, Monilotn coal, sack ed, at $8 per ton; by the Oregon City Commission Co. Ill Health la More Expensive Than Any Cure. This country Is now filled with peo ple who migrate across the continent in nil directions Heeklng that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of them nre suffering from a thront and lung trouble or chronic cntarrh resulting from neglected colds, nnd spending fortunes vnlnly trying to regnln lost health. Could every sufferer but undo tne past and cure that first neglected cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety nnd expense could have been avoided. Chnmberlaln's Cough Remedy Is fam ous for Its cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. Use It and the more sorlous diseases may . be avoided. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. Kluborate preparations are under way for tho first annual ball of the Oregon City Commercial Club which will be held In the Armory, Wednes day evening, December 29. Parsons' full orchestra from Portland, has been engaged for the occasion, and tickets hnve been placed nt $1.50. Members of the club will be given the privilege of submitting names to the Invitation committee. It Is planned' to make the uffulr the real social event of the Winter season. The fol lowing committees hnve been named: Kocept Ion Thomas F. Itynn, J. T. Apporson, J. K. Hedges. U K. Jones, W. A. Ditnlck, C. H. Dlmick, J. U. Campbell, C. D. Latnurette, W. R Carll. W. S. U Knu. Ceorge A. Hard ing. C. (i. Huntley, George C. Hrow nell, Cordon K. Hayes, lieorge Ln zelle, O. D. Eby. Invitation M. D. Latourette, H. S. Moody, W. It. Howell. Kntertalnment John Adams, n. ,T. Mcltalti. E. A. Summer, E. E. Drodie, E. T. Fields, T. J. Gary. W. A. Shew ninn, D. C. Ely. Floor T. P. Randall, Harry E. Draper. It. L. Holman. H. S. Mount, C. C. Miller, I. I-. Pickens, C. E. Hamsby, M. J, Cockrell, F. W. Green man, J. H. I,ewthwaite. U A. Morris, W. U Mulvey, A. C. Warner, F. C. Gadke. Decoration Henry O'.Malley, C. H. Meisstier, I.lvy Stipp. Clyde Mount, George J. Hall, C. Sclmebel, Marshall tjuelle. H. 1- Price. W. S. Wells. Earl I,utz, It. II. Trullinger, L. Adams Refreshments Frank llusch, J. Ievltt, Hoy Armstrong, W. A. Hunt ley, J. W. Moffett. The Derthlck Club held Its foit- nightly meeting Friday afternoon tit the home of Mrs. E. A. Summer. The study of Grelg was continued, with the following Interesting programme: Heading. Ule of Greig, Mrs. Gilbert 1 Hedges; piano, "Erotik," (Grelg), Mrs. Walter A. Dlmick; piano, "Dunce Caprice, (Grelg), Mrs. Curl Joehnke; piano, "Tone Pictures, opus 3 (Grelg) Miss Marlon Money. The next meet ing of tho club will be hold January 7, at the home of Mrs. E. T. Avlson. The annual club party will be held nt tho home of Mrs. Charles H. Cnutield on New Year's Eve. Those present at Friday's meeting were Mrs. C. O. T. Wlllams, Mrs. J. W. Moffett, Mrs. .1. E. Hodges, Mrs. John F. Clark, Mrs. Nleta Harlow Lawrence. Mrs. Clark Ganong. Mrs. E. T. Avlson, Mrs. 11. E. Straight, Mrs. Charles H. Can field, Mrs. S. O. Dlllman, Mrs. U L. Pickens, Mrs. Eber Chapman, Mrs. W. S. U'Ken, Mrs. Gilbert L. Hedges. Mrs. E. A. Snniiner. Mrs. W. A. Dlm ick, Mtb. Carl Joehnke, Mrs. Urn Adnms, Miss Marlon Money, Miss M rlel Stevens. The Canemnh Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Dowers Thursday, nnd the afternoon was spent In quilt ing, refreshments belqng served by the hostess. This society, since Its organization, has done a grcnt deal of good In the way of helping the needy, of this city. The organization has a treasurer, and there are always funds on hand to help a worthy cause. - It Is a society organized to help the poor. Th next meeting, which. will be held on December 30, will be at the home of Mrs. Jennie Bingham. COUNTY COURT. i In the matter of the petition of the Gladstone Real Estate Associatlou for remission certain costs and pen alties; ordered that said petition be and Is hereby granted. In the matter of the petition of D. Katiffman for remission of costs and penulty; ordered that snid petition be and Is hereby granted. In the matter of the Albert Leavltt road; ordered that the claims for damages be dismissed, that the as sessment of damages made by the board of viewers be approved, and that the clerk draw warrants in favor of persons damaged, and that snid road be declared a county road. In the matter of certain road war rants drawn on special fund of road district No. 10; ordered that all spe 1 clal fund warrants draw by road dls j trlct No. 10, be canceller, and war I rants Instead be drawn on the general ! road fund of said district No. 10. In the matter of the petition of (Frank Irish for rebate of taxes; or- dered that a warrant be drawn for j$1.9ti, in favor of petitioner .for said : rebate. In the matter of the petition of W. II. Lennon for a county road; order ed that said petition be and is dis missed. , In the matter of the petition of C. K. Quinn for a county road; ordered that said petition be and the same is dismissed. In the matter of the petition of Ira L. Boyer for a county road; ordered that viewers meet at place of begin ning of said road on December 29th, 1909. In the matter of quit claim deed to J. E. Black to certain lands in the Garrett D. L. C; ordered that the clerk execute a quit claim deed on be half of Clackamas County to said J. E. M. Black. In the matter of quit claim deed from Clackamas County to Caroline Pfonnlnger, foT a portion of third ave. nue in Oak Grove; ordered that the County Clerk execute said deed on behalf of Clackamas County. In the matter of franchise of the Damascus Telephone Company; or dered that citation issue directing said company to appear before this court on the 15th day of December, 1909, to show cause why It should not remove lta telephone poles and wires from the county road. In the matter of the petition of T. M. Haworth tor rebate of taxes; or dered that the clerk draw a warrant in favor of petitioner for $8.00 in payment thereof. Apples fancy, 75cQ$1.50 per box. crabs. 4c lb 22c 23c. Figs 10c lb. Dates 12 c. Onions green, 5c bunch: sickling. small 2c lb. Garlic 15c lb. Cabbage le lb. Squash Hubbard 2c lb. Lard 5-lb tins, 95c1.00; 10-lb, $1.90; bulk, ISc. Soap Savon laundry, 5 to 7 bars 25c. Steaks, Chops etc. Steaks best round, 12Hc lb; shoul der 10c; sirloin. 15c; porter house. Pork chops 15c lb. Mutton chops 12Hc. Lamb chops 15c. Veal steaks 15c. Sausage weinies 12Uc; pork, 10c; llverwurst 10c; blood 10c: hamburger and headcheese 10c per Tb. Shoulder 10c; fresh side pork 15c !h. Liver 5c lb. Pickled pig's feet 12c lb. Ham sausage 20c lb. halibut. 124- Chickens 16c lb. Dressed Meats, Poultry and Fish. Dressed meats best block hogs (125 to 175 lbs wt.) 9010, veal 10 11: mutton, fancy, 7c; lamb, 9c lb. Poultry Old hens. 12c; springs, 11c; roosters, young, llc; old, Sc; ducks, 13c; turkeys, 20c. " Dried fish Salmon, fancy 20clb; Halibut 20c. Pickled Salmon 10ctfl2c lb. Herring 10c lb. Fish fresh steelhead salmon, 12 Eggs, Butter, and Country Produce. Eggs 15c dozen. Butter creamery, 60c per roll, best country, 50c. Cascara bark,, best dried 3c to 4c; slightly off color, 2c to 3c. Oregon Grape root, 23c lb. HODS. Wool. Hida. .Frt Hides green cow 89c; steer 6 7c; calf 12c; salt, lc more; best dry 1516c lb. Hops 1908 crop, prime, 20c; 1909 Wool 20 2.1c. Mohair 24c26c. Fuel, Oils, Lumber, Etc. Coal Best Mendota sacked, $8.00 per ton. , Wood 1st growth fir. $4 cord; 2d growth, $3.75 cord; hard, mixed, $5; stove-wood, $2 load. Oils Linseed, raw, in cases 95c per gal.: In bbls. SSc. Polled, rases. SSc- bbls, 90c per gal. Castor, .machine, 50c gal. Best Separator, 75c per gal. Gasoline, ,20c gal. Kerosene pure, 30c gal; common 20c. Lumber A grade rough, $20 per M. Second, $15; common $11. Flooring, $2S; Celling. $22; Rustic, $28; Dimin sion stuff, $n per M. Livestock on Foot. Best Steers, $475; fair to good, 4.25(0 $4.50; good cows $3.75; fair to good. $3.25$3.50: Best Wethers, $5.00 J $5.25; good Ewes. $4.00. Best lambs, $5.50I$6.00. Top hogs, $8.60, goo'l $8.25$8.50. Light calves $5 $5.50, heavy calves, $4.25(g $4.50. AN IDEAL GIFT For Christmas A Pair of Shoes or Slippers is a practical gift. Yoti can purchase a shoe order and the recipient can come in and be fitted after Christmas. PRICES FROM 50c to $5.00 OREGON CITY MARKETS (Continued, from page 1.) Oranges 30c doi. Lemons 30c doz. Bananas 30c doz. Cocanuts 10c each. Grape fruit 10c or 6 for 40c. Persimmons 30c. doz. Oregon City Shoe Store JUSTIN S. LAGESON, Sole Proprietor . .. Main Street Opposite Postoff ice