Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
I OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. art Tlio Kind Vou Jlitvo Alwujn Tloiiflit and which Iiim boon In ii ho for over UO joarn, liun born tlio rnuturo of iiikI Iiim boon iiwmIo iimlcr IiU ir (jzLfJl&!?t MJrvllm Hlnco i( IiiIiuh y. VVi; W(W Allow no one todoci'lvo yon In tlila. All Counterfoil, Imitation ftnd JiiHt-iin-jfool"nro but lCiriiniiiU Hint trifle with nml uulmiirr tli boullli of In lun U mid Children ICxnurlunoo UKiilnst ICxpoilniont. What is CASTORIA OuMtorlu In a bunnies mibslltutn for Cantor Oil, Pnr irorlo, lrop and Hoollilnir rtyrum. It In I'lrnsiiiit. It contains luiltlmr Opium, Morphine) nor otluT Nurcotlo ubNtuiM'tt. Km nirfl U lt icotininUo. It dcntroy AVonii mid allitya Fovorlslmos. It ourcN Dlurrliuiii and Wind Colic. It rnlWivoe) Tootulnir Trouble,, euro Constipation nd 1'lntiih'iicy, It luotlinllnto tlio J-'ooil. rfguliitoa tlio htoiniM h mid JlowolH, f 1 v 1 1 1 if liculthy mid linturtil aliwp. The Chlldron'N rmuuHut-Tho Mother' I rh nd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boart thr The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. o ' I ' LOCAL liRIEPS I Ait' nry for I ho ri'li'tirnlvil Ml ll"ir 1 l n r Transfur Co. Itisitl Ittilh (iliniii i. Ml lMnu I'nrk, sti-niiKrniiht'r for lliiiHVy l:iulhrK, It-ri Hun.tiiy for 'Ifculge. wIii'ik kliii vlnll relative for h wii-k. JiiIk lilmlck 'nil Krlduy rutiimlllrd Hurry Sulmmm to llio lumitte asylum, Kolomnu U n yoiiiiu 11 1 tt tt Itiul I'limus (rum Milwaukee Mm i;,i'(;v Ely nml baby, t n t tlniiKlili'r, Ciurtil, rvl ti rnt1 Iioiiim Krl il.iy nfiiT it fw itny at' vlnll wlllt Mr. mi l Mm. t;orK Mitrr. of 1'uitlaiid. Mm. Mclvlii Mrt'nrd nml tton, nf WiHiiltinro. I r( luiul, t'ottiriu-il In their Iiiimii' Friday, n(lir a few day' vlnll Willi Mrt. Mrfnril' imriiilH. Mr. and Mm. W W. II Fainmiii. lieWUt Kidney nml lllml lor I'llls are uih inmii'il In cases uf weak back, Iinrk nrtte, lulliimiiinllon- uf lliv bind ili'r. rheumatic pulnt. Antiseptic nml Mrt iroini(ly. Huld liy June Drug Co. Miss Molllo I'lnkhatn. who linn been vlslllng wllli tier sister, Mr. Hurry M HIihw, fur several initttlh. linn guiie lo Kni("iiM. whT site will (imli. ulily spend llio winter with Iter tirntliir, II, (' Plnliliiiiu. Mm. V. V. Ilrnylon I-fl Monday for Clitiitr Wash., where lit goes j for the heiieM of lir health. 81m will vlill for n fi'W wik wlih tu-r win,! Myo, of Cnilimnri', heforn lio li'iivi' for (hi' iiioiiiiIiiIiik ni'nr Hint j I m-. Pnttern llaH nt a mnrkeil njivltiK In pilco y i (Vila tlntihmllll M V. Miicklinler. of Aurora, wan In i Iirecmi City tin a lniNlne trip Krhlny Mr. .Viii'kltntti'r, who linn renliletl ut Aurorn for iiiiiny yenrn. where lie hut been tlicnttfil In furmlliK. expectn In It live Hint plnee III a few Wt-ekn, lint but not yet iIitIiIhiI upon n location. II T. Mcllulti hfl Sutiirility for ( en, I'tnli. where he will vlalt with r. Inl i i'h Mm. Mclhilti nml ilniiKhter, who Imve beiii vltltlnii at Hint plan' wllh her nml her. will tiecoinpitny liltn bouif. an, I tliey will return by way of CttMlnrnlB, where they will vlalt for n few ilnyn before reliirnlnn lo Ore Kon City. (let your hut for ThniikaKlvlna; now. Minn (iolilniiillh. Ilev. mill Mm. KrnntiiH Sinllli, of Aih'ta. ' r In Oreitmi City hint week vInIIIiik frlemlM, Itev. Smith In well known In Oietion City, where lie tnnile Ms liomo for many yearn. He linn lii'i'ii pitHtor of the llnptlHt church al Arleln for nevernl yenrn, anil he In nieetliiK with nuerena. lie wan mar rlftl t'o weeka BKO to Minn Unbelt nun, ii popular yoiniK w-nmiin of Arletn, mul the wtvhllni; wan (1'ilte it ti elnhiir nt'i nffalr. After a abort tfli Hev. nml Mn. Smith rcturnerl Iji Arletn. Cnrrect Hiyle, itiallty ami nuperb vnluen lire the features of our Hntn. Minn (iolibmilth. Mra. tieoiK" I'lxon. fonnerly of fun by, hut now cf I'ortliitiil. was nil Ore gon City vlnltur Tuesilny. MIbh Anna Ilauer, after HpemlhiK four iiionllin In thin city, with Miss K-ule Itlncli, left for her homo In Chi raito Weilnesilay, Oar Success In line to I lie uniform IiIkIi Rrnrio dentistry Hint In nlwnyg Oono at this ofllce, Plate Work Wo lire, lining moro pinto work than any tlireo ilentnl of flct'H In OreRoti City. We do It fur lens money and guurnntuo a nt. bridge: WORK At crown and bridge work and tine gold fillings wa set the pace. Datura ynu havo your dental work done enmo and talk It over with un. Frco examination. No Rfi. No cocaine. Extracting Free and Palnleet when teeth are ordered. OREGON DENTAL PARLORS Over Harding's drug store. A written guarantee with all work. ,t Signature of Mm. C. O. T. Wlllluiim will I''vh Hu'tinluy for IIuhi'IiuiK. wIhto Ii will i"i:i llio winter with li"r ilnuttlitiT, I Mrt. J. M. lwrnrn. Mr. nml Mm. William Culilwll, of Cuiitiy. wiTi- In (In-Koli City JUimluy i on tl.i'lr oy in I'ortluiiil, wIutk they , wnt mi a ilny'n vlnll. "Why In It. Mrs. Jotii'H, my roffi'a la ultwiya l,lttiT7" Huy liHIer co(tiM; Kill KnlKrr'ii lioliluii (iali wholir ronnt, lou'l nrlml Iimi flm" or boll Ion Inn. , K. I-: llro ll aiul l llanlliiK m ' to Cnrvallla Wi-ilnomltiy whi-m tin y nlti'inli-il llin foothill! khiiik lii'lwfi-ti ' Ai!i Iciiltiiral Colli'Ki- Iiniiii mnl Whit ' u. mi I'oIU'Km li'Uin. I Mm. T. U Halli-ii, of Canity. wn In (iirijon I'lLy on a trip Turn i .i y , tin.l tliirliit! hor ntny hi thin city ,ik wun tho kuikI of Iht iliiiiKlilor, Mrt. J. U Wnhlinll. Mil M. Mi-hit mill two rhlMrrii. !"i:iil mid .olio, who hnv hri'ii vlHlt liiK with Mm. I.lrho'ii Hltitiir, Mrs, S. I'.. M'tininln (or Di'ViTtil liny rot in rn'-l in tlnlr Iioiiik In I'orllnml Hiiinluy. ! Ila.l huy will not Jiimp over your fr IT luirlii'il w Ire In ntrctctieil over Hi" lop. Krnnk llnaii'li lit m'IIIiik a tie klinl of wire of IM'.nil fi"'t cover- i Inn rapacity lit me humlretl pniitnlH. ! .M :i I n mill l(owlmii) Kliy. who huve hi" :i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k their urntiilpurunlH, Mr. I itinl .Mr. i. it. J. MiKire ut Molul!n itlni'e iio't Ttn itilny, rnturtiril home Sumluy, y.r .Mnoru utconipanyliiK them lit thin city. Uodi-nn Front, of I'liiiillfton, arrlvvtl In (In Moil City Saturday, uml Is visit Ii K .tin :imtlier. Mia. Julln Kront, of Cm iniiiili. Mr, Front wita formerly n ri.tltleul of thin city, ami wiih cnmieci. I wii:i I lie Jiiinon nnniwurn more. .'.lm. A. Ilteiiier ami duuitliler. Mm. '.' ii u.'i llolieru, ol New Kra, were til ii .'K"li lily .Mnti.l.'iy en bunliienH, Mrs. ili'ln iK lius recently returned from an KiiHli in trip, buvlliK iiccoiiipiitileil her li.lher. Tin y vlnlleil relatlven for four inntithn nt Mr. Ilreiner'n old hnme. Horn, Oi'loher 1.1. In 1'ortlntul, to Mr. und Mrs. J. Curios lilinrmley. a tlailKhler. Mm. llhorliiley wan foi meily Miss Mm Hlranne, of this city, nud Mr. lihorniley was cniinectct! otr siiiiik lime with the Junes prtiK Coal Miss ICilltli Tndil, after vl:iltliiK with Mis. Jnhn II. Walker for a few tlnyn. returned to Iter home In lluhhurd Tuesday. Miss Tnd-.l linn Just return ed from a visit to Kuiicno, where she visited with her sisters. Mm. K. 1.. Si'lui and iIuiikIiU'I, Ml is Hannah, of Mayvlllo, North Dakota, arrived In the city Sunday, ami nre Hie ku'sis cf Mr. and Mm. 11. M. Shaw. They Intend to upend the Wtn ;ir In On nun, ami If sntlslleil with climate mi.l cniulltlonn, will move nut here next Full. , Mlis ICssle lllnck left this week for Seattle, where nhe will visit with .iei aunt uml uncle, Mr. an. I Mrs. A. M. Summer. Mr. Summer Is a brother of Mrs. W. L Work, und he nml his wilt hit o been .visiting with Mrs. lllnck and family for ncveru! tlnys. Miss lllnck iiccompnnleil them linuio. ICstnn Cheney, son of O. A. Cheney, of this city, arrived In Oregon City on Siindny morning from OnLluud, Cul., Intending to spend a few days here, but wan culled hnme by telegraph, uml lilt Tuesday morning on the (Iyer. Mr. Cheney was fonnerly In the pho tograph business In this city, and left aliilit nine years ago for California., where he lias since made his homo. I'rof. und Mm. James anil two chl'tlrcn, of Kstucudu. who have been vl.iltlng with thu former's puienta, Mr. und Mrs. JumeH. of Twelfth nml Moti n ii street, returned home Sunday ev ening. I'rof. James has been attend ing the teuchers' Instltuto ,1 it this city, lie Is meeting wits success In the Kstncnda schools. This Is his first term In this plnce, and he cnnio high ly recommended from the Knst. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and two children, who formerly resided In this city, have returned to Oregon from Eust Millinocket, Maine, whore they Particular Men ARE PLEA8ED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAUSE it is done Right, because WE GET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMISE IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phone Main (3. Third and Main Streets, liuvii been roaldltiK for tint punt two yenrn, During their slity In thin city lust week they wero tlio guentH of Mr. Weed's grand parents, Mr. mnl Mm. It. Mniiltnti. Mr. and Mrs. Wm! left. Hiitiinliiy evening for McMliinvllle for a visit wllh iclutlvca, November. (iuibt'il like a Komhrn nun she tjlnuds; WHhln her unnn and In tier hands Tim withered hunks of glories fled When hurtled October' siitinetn red. Though slid of inl' ii November yields A wealth of Joy, for through her fields Are scared mid barren, In her wake Thanksgiving cmin-s, and we purtukti Of Joys no other month bestows. And while wllh cheer tint liniiin fire glows We can forgive her sober dress; It ciin tint miilie her bounty less To know farlh'n brightness la a'er pant , hark iluyn will tint forever Inst. When round flie jTenllvu bnurd we meet, Friends purled long with Joy to greet, What matter skies uf blue or gray? I,nve can trmiafnrtii the darkest day. Then greet thin nlrnnger with a smile, Hhe'll only slay n little wlillu. lie Jocund, give her henrly cheer, Tlinnksalvliig mines but once a year Oryanlze Presbyterian Brotherhood II. M. Crookn, president of i,any College, Friday night talked id tin men nf Hut First i'resliylerian Church at llin Iioiiik of Fnul J. Mityer. Ills subject was "Mi'tho ln of W'ttk." The rg:iiil.iitloii of a I'resby tiirlan Droll, tliisiil Is In piogrers und Hie i ale nit tubers of tint churrti arc quite n HiiihIiisiIc over the matter. TIZA The way to buy tc.i is in packages ; somebody is responsible for it. Vouf gen rr rnmii your m nry If ion doo'fl Ilia Siiiiiliui't itait- " lur I u. The in w thine In the stores are advertised- If they are of any conse (juencu lo you. or to anyone. ONE WEAK SPOT, Most Oregon City People Have Weak Part and Too Often It's The Back. Kverynne has a weak sVit. T' often It's a bail back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day nml night. Tells ynu the kidneys need help Fnr backache Is really kidney-ache. A kidney cure In what ynu need. Iii'iiu's Kidney Fills cure sick kid- ntvs, Curt1 backache and urlnnry Ills. K. Warner, living In Klyvllle, near Oregon City, Ore., snys: "I hud kid ney trouble" and diabetes. suffered from huckitchn day nml night, mid had to ret up nearly every hour of the nlg'it In pass kidney secretions. I finally proruird a box of Dunn's Kid ney I'llls at Huntley Urns,' drug store and In about a week after commenc ing tu take them 1 could sleep through the entire night without the usual disturbance. All pain and other an 'toying symptoms soon reused and 1 stopped taking the remedy. I had a slight recurrence nf the trouble a few weeks Inter, but nn using Dean's Kid-n- v I'llls ugiln obtained Immediate relief." For snlo by all dealers. Price 50 c-nts. Foster-Mllburn Co., Dunalo. New York, sole ugenta for the United Ktntes. Itt'iiiember the name Doan'n and tat.c nu other. x Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian File Ointment will ure llllnd. DKedlng and Itching Piles. :t nhmrhs the tumors, allays Itching t mice, net ns n poultice, gives In stunt relief. Wll'lnms' Indian Pile Ointment 1 prepared for Piles nnd idling of the private pnrts. Sold by liugglstn. mall 50c and $1.00. Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Clavalmul, O. Foi -title by .Inues Drug Co. We Lay Out Eggs BEFORE YOU FRESH FROM THE FARM. FROM HEN TO YOUR TABLE THEY COME AS QUICKLY AS IT IS POS SIBLE TO GET THEM. TRY SOME AND SEE HOW DIF FERENT THEY ARE FROM JUST ORDIMARY EGGS. BUT GOOD. AS THEY ARE, THEY ARE NOT A BIT BETTER THAN AH Groceries Handled Here IF YOU LIKE ONR EGGS, AS YOU SURELY WILL, YOU WILL LIKE OUR OTHER GROCERIES EQUALLY AS WELL! YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRICES, TOO. THEY ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST THAT WILL PAY FOR FINE QUALITY. SEELEY'S THE PEOPLE'S GROCER Ninth and Main Street Oregon City,- Oregon. I HE Howard is America's watch ic. It was the first watch made in America brouijlit out in 1842. It proved itself t lie finest practical pocket watch. It is today the only truly fint American watch. The new Howard extra-thin it the first thin-model American watch uarantttd to keep time the Howard kind of time. The Hownt It Iht only witch M it in tlltUttlf frntd fritt from lo 1 1 50.00 printed pric ticket alttrbtrf si Ike factory. " Whan yon buy huwao you gil tottw Ihinf." YVt ara diitribalori for ihia Jiititxtira wauh, . Burmeister & Andresen Letter List. Msl of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City post office for week end ing November 13. Women'a hist Miller, Miss Ila-ssle; Miller, Miss Mary; Short. Miss Ksther Ware, Mrs. Ilebecca Men's Mat Campbell, Frank; Elli ot, (i. W.; Reliert, W. I).; McQueen, Win.; Smith, Kll. Womanly Wiadom. The old-time company has moved away, The old-time house In falling to decay. The old-time compiiny has moved away. The thankful heart In still our herit age, Though all the old-time faces pass away. Turn, eager, restless hands, another page, And write whatever word of change ye may; This Joy la oura to know, In every ng". The t'liinkful heart Is still our herit age. Orchard and Carden. Don't mulch the strawberry bed too early; wait until the ground freezes .tiifllclently hard to ho'd up a wagon. Autumns Is not the best time to prune fruit trees. Walt until March or June. Kver tried wrapping choice winter appe In piper and putting them away to aeo how they will keep? Try IL We hope that you won't permit the strawberry ben to go Into winter quar tern ftllt.I with weeds or grass. l.ook after the pits In which pota toes and the like are stored. Put on more earth and close up the openings left for ventilation. In very cold weather It s a gnod plan to cover the pits with corn fodder. Ijist call! All sorts of raspberries. blackberrlej or grapevines that are not entirely hardy In one's locality should be laid down anj covered with earth. Pedhaps this treatment would sometimes pay with a few of the so- called hardy varieties. In mild climates November Is the time to prune grapevines; but In very cold climates It is safer to delay the pruning until severe cold Is practically nver. say the latter part of Febru ary. Cut back new wood bo as to leave only two or three buds on ea?h cane. In late autumn make surface ditches or cuts to catch winter's surface wa ters and an save the plants. A little itttdy will show wherp to run them so as most surely to lead away over 'lows. If not needed longer In spring they enn be closed up. They need generally be no bigger than furrows. Tile utnlerdrains nre often needed in the berry patch, also, and the two sup plement each other nicely. DON'T HITCH YOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN Oct acquainted with E. W. Melllen Co.. Complete House furnishers. I'se their free stable room. There are very few stores that are lot advertised at all but there are f. wer sfi 1 1 that are advertised enough. DEST CATARRH DOCTOR This Is the little Hyo niel Inhaler, a doctor that has cured many thousands of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, colds, coughs, grip and croup. It's easy to euro your self with Hyomel. Pour a few drops In the little Inhaler, and breathe It In. The healing, sooth ing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice ef the mu cous membrane of the nose and throat; will stop the Irritation almost Immediately: vajil allay the Intlaminutloii; drive out the foul odor; kill the germs and cure tne disease. "My wife has been us- l..n tT...,n...l ... ilihlliTTOilTiTiiiii months fnr catarrh. She aV.lUAL Slit has received more reiier mil benellt than from any other treat ment." (j, s, parrett, Jeffersonvllle, Ohio. Huntley, the druggist, sella Hyo mel (pronounced HIh-o-me) and guar antees It. A complete outfit, Includ ing Inhaler, only costs $1.00. LUMBER -at the OLD STAND -at Harris' W. T. Mill Fir and Cedar Lumber of all Klnda at reasonable Prices. Quotations solicited. Both Phones. e A Forbidden Inquiry, j Ortsliml ) Tim lint bell rang for the passengers win) wore ou b mrd to bid frleuds good by tu go unbare. "Adieu, sweetlit-urt. I shall count the hours till you return." "Are you sum" "( "ertalu." "Anil suppose I never return." "I will go uml weep over Jour grave." "You won't have to go. I have no mind to be biii'li'd over there. I Hindu my will yesterday iintJ- give dliwtlons thai I, I die abroad my body shall le sent ImiiiM to lie In the family lot ut Avoiiilalo." "Then I w III weep there." "How long'" "l or my lifetime." He Hurried ashore and aA looking from Hie end of thu dock up at Iter, tbrrwlng her kisses which she Ibrew buck ut bl -ii, t Bionlb Int. r word w, cabled from abroad Unit she had died ni-ldenly of heart disease while climbing a moun tain In Switzerland. lie reiniiliied for three Jnys 111 a stupor, then waa about to (,0 abroad, where her iiiortul part was, when be remeinlaereu -rr farewell words. As soon an Hi.' cool weather net In an oblong boi wan received from HwitM-rland and buried 111 Avondale cemetery. He wns not notified of the burial by her spinster cousin, her only relative, who gave as a reason that It would be better be should not be pres ent. Dut as soon as be learned of the fact he went to tlie cemetery and stood uncovered by her grave. tura rolling down his cheeks, lie bad brought some plants to set oat where their flowers the next spring would hang over ber grave. Home one bad laeen there be fore him on a similar errand. Flowers were strewn over the mound so fresh that they must have been cut but a few bourn. lie spoke of these flowers to her cousin and asked If she had placed theui. (She hsd not mid seemed surprised. lie was troubled. It Is singular that we should he Jealous In case of the dead. Erery Sunday afternoon be went W the cemetery, nnd every time be found fresh flowers on the grave. They must have been placed there In the morning. The next 8 tinday he weut at dawn atid waited and waited till 10 o'clock for this rival for the dead. At that hour a young girl came fr.ud strewed flowers on the grave. A greijt relief came to hltn. He advanced and addressed bis fellow mourner. She bnd leep a friend of his former fiancee. Every Sunday morning these two met at the grave of one for whom they had a common love. He grew to look forward to the meeting not so much as a melancholy event as a reunion with one who wns filling the void In his heart, a void which. If filled at all. can le done only by a living person. But this girl of tlesh nnd blood wns from the first constrained, nnd her constraint bad grown on her. When they met her eyes would brighten; but. looking down on her friend's grave, she seemed moveJ by some Inward emotion. When winter came their visits were omitted by mutual consent till the spring should come. Their meetings were not, as Itefore. on Sunday morn ings, but on Sunday afternoons, and were often prolonged until late In the evening. It was pleasnter to sit by a warm fireplace than stand out In the cold cemetery, where the winds shriek ed through tlio lenfless branches. lie besought her to marry him. She refused. From the expression on her face Ills words seemed to have had the erect rather of cloUs falling on a coffin than of a great comfort. When the crocuses were springing up she proposed that they go ngnln to the cemetery. lie sighed and consented, but nt the appointed time he made ex cures. She said, though with evident reluctance, that she would go alone. So be went with her. On the way she wns silent ami melancholy. To see ber one would have thought she was going to her own funeral. lie carried the flowers to the grave, w hile she stood nt the gate of the In closure. He had strewn them when, looking up. he saw a figure coming down the roadway. Shading his eye? with his hand to see more distinctly, he staggered back against the iron rail The woman over whose grave he had strewn flowers his lost love was coming. She advanced with a slow step, a se rious expression on her face. There was nothing ghostly nlwut ber. On the contrary, she was plainly mortal. What astonished her betrothed most wns that her friend appeared In no way surprised at this return from the dead to the quick. "This Is a wrong I have done you," said the returned ore. "and I regret it, but I lr.ld the plan I.111? ng) and re solved that I would carry It out. When we parted I began n brooding over your words that you would "weep over my grave." Then I became pos sessed with a desire to learn how long you would weep for me or If you would be faithful to my memory. 1 gave out that I was dead nnd caused an empty box to be burled here. More than that. I arranged for her," pointing to his fellow mourner, "to come here to meet you. I have learned whnt It Is lietter I should not know that the Oead have 110 place In the hearts of the living that ennnot be easily occupied by another." These were the only words spoken. Whnt else was there to sny? The three left tb cemetery by different routes and never met again. How far the mortal heart reaches Into Immortality la one of the hidden secrets of Frovldenee which It Is dan gerous to attempt to solve. HELEN V. WEED. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, Almighty God In His In finite wisdom has removed from our midst Julia Eva Noe, the beloved wife ef our fellow teacher, Gilbert Noe, be it Resolved, That we. the teachers of Clackamas County assembled together at Annual Institute, tender our sin cere sympathy and regret to Mr. Noe In this, his hour of bereavement Resolved, That a copy of these res olution be sent to Mr. Noe and a copy to the Oregon City Enterprise and to the Courier for publication. A. C. THOMPSON, HOWARD ECCLE3, WILMA E. BLAIR. Committee. v ; ' -- . r .............. .,, ........ tt FLASH a 0 SCAT i5c can oOiir ,5Ccan GOODNESS We have a full line of choice soaps for the bath and toilet. Some cost but little and some are expensive but whether you spend a nickle or a dollar you are sure of the purity, 'freshness and wholesomeness of your pur chase. There isn't a cake of soap in our store that would injure the skin of a baby. At present we are offering: a big eake of elegantly perfumed soap for 10c, 3 for 25c, and a nice box. We have a window full of 5c a cake soap bargains. You'll never see what bar gains they are if you don't come quick. JONES DRUG CO, The Store Lava Soap ioc cake BAD as a rule will not jump over over your fence if, a strain of barbed wire is stretched over the top. Take your pencil and figure how much you need. 1 00 lbs. of our barbed wire will cover 2600 feet. FRANK BUSCH i Hardware and Furniture FIVE-MINUTE TALK Row to Keep Atj CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS for ft Whole Ymr bjr m B Ingle Application of AVENARIUS GARBOLINEUM (Germ&n Wood Preserver.) Noa-poltonou. Sanitary Odor. Pui ud in uinoKrapnea cans cana onlj g-lve you a DE ALE KS. etjrrvins C i Don't let your dealer wort me imitauon. FOK SALE BY ALL Cftrbollneam Wood VreMTvifiK I'ortUntl, Or. Milwaukee, Wis. New York. tt. Y. San Francisco. Cal. ' Fisher, Tiio sen S Co. litMal fn., rwc ur iTW.v u I . .VST - ttttl M !1 Wholesale Asrnti. M ' If . v B J Dev.err"d ifl)M I i.ffllllllllfcUaj."iaTrffr Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianas and Furnitue Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office II2I, Residence 1833 525 Main Street D. C. LATOURETTE President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, $50,000.00. T-ansactsa General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M To Make Stockings Durable. When knitting stockings or socks It ; will be found that they will last twice ( as long Im a strand of silk tnreaa De knitted Ino th toes and heels together with the wool. Will Whiten the Skin. Buttermilk Is one of the simplest and most effective remedies for whit ening the skin. Bathe with It both before and after exposures to the sun and let It dry on the skin. This will also help to keep freckles away. To Remove Mildew. Should the clothes be mildewed, the stains may be removed by a mixture containing equal parts of soft soap and starch, half as much common salt and the Juice of one lemon. This may be spread over the spots, and the arti of Values Pumice Stone Soap 10c cake BOYS ONE GENUINE THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE 1CARBOL1NEUM, THT IS THE jjTHERE IS A CHEAP IMITATION auBMlDlllfi raBDftl IfcJEriiu hON IMl NSKUtT THAI 13 Bf frillNU urrtn&Lr si mium jji.w ; - T-r mi 9k aco i" A I i niu tub GENUINE AVENARIUS CAR- BOLINEUM IN QUART CANS 50 CENTS, AND ONE GALLONS AT $1.50 WILL DO ALL THAT IS t K-t Kj 4 CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO jOTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO S GRAPH CANS AND SOLD IN 9 9 F. J. MEYER. Cashier cle should be laid on the grass all day and all night, until the stain entirely disappears. ' Simple Dirt Test for Milk. Milk contractors In the City of Bos ton are to a large extent co-operating with the health authorities In their efforts to Improve the milk supply. One firm employs a rough but effective test for determining the quantity of dirt. A filter of absorbent cotton Is used. This Is held In position by a wire support. Good Housekeeping. When a merchant really wants your trade he will advertise for It. "Finding a buyer" for a piece of real estate, an automobile, a remnant of ribbon, or a factory, are tasks that Involve little else than appropriate advertising. j OREGON CITY. B