Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. CAN BY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CONVENTION AT CANBY CABINET PHOTOS DELEGATES OF 8UNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION TO MEET NOVEMBER 27-28. The nnnnal Clackamas County Sun flay School convention will be hold at Canhy, Friday and Saturday, Novem ber 2" and 2S In the Methodist Church. Each Sunday School In the countv Is entitled to send two dolomites, pro vided that schools having more than fifty moniliers send one additional neioRaip. ror every fifteen members above that number. The otllcers of the association are: Mrs. C. A. Nash president; J. V. Orasle. vleeprosi dent; Mrs. YV. A. White, secretary trea surer. The folowlng programme has been arranged : November 27 Afternoon Session. 2:0(1 Opening exercises. Kev. Paul L. Weber; 2:15 -How to Make Tem perance Pay Effective and Attrac tive, .Mrs. ram U Weber. Canbv; dis cussion: music; 2:45 address, "Our Greatest Need and How to Moot It." Rev. C. A. Fhipps; music; 3::!0 Round table, conducted bv Mr fhipps "The Roy Problem." Evening Sestion. 7:30 Sons service. Mrs C A Nash; special music: address. "The urcaniwil Work and How it Works." and "The Louisville Convention," Rev. C. A. Phlpps; music. November 28 Morning Session. 9:30 Song service; 9:-45 "What Is an Ideal Review and Its Object." Mrs. G. C. Brownell, Oregon Cltv; dis cussion; music; 10:15 "Teacher Training." Mrs. H. N. Smith. Jennings Lodge: Round Table, "Wavs and Means," Mrs. C. A. Nash; roll" call of schools and reports of district con ventions; appointment of committees; Question box. Afternoon Setsion. 2:00 Song service: 2: 15 business session: 2:45 "The Cradle Roll and primary Work," Mrs. W. F. Fowle toniamt: 3:00 "The Adult Move ment, Kev. Paul L. Weber, Canby s.ia ine Home Department," Mrs. u. . Latourette, Oregon City; music : oo address. "What Is Teaching How To Do It," Rev. C. A. Phlpps U1UM1C Evening Session. 7:30 Song service. Professor J. anus; report of state convention Mrs. T. E. Gault; special music: cd dress, "An Open Door and What Lies ueyond. Rev. C. A. Phlpps; music ALL H1ZFH Postals, Photo Buttons Copying and Enlarging Local Stereoscopic Views Developing and Finishing for Amateurs library Is a great Improvement to the schools. Miss Iiiura Kkorn returned to Ore gon City Sunday. Dr. Stevenson, of Canby, was railed lo see Mrs, Quint Saturday, who Is suffering with the r lieu nun Ihih. The ladles' Aid met at the homo of Mis. K. Uortlesou Wednesday. Hay Sceggln. of Hea eiton, was vis iting his aunt. Mrs. Ada Audrus. the first of the week t . u Welter, of Needy, was in town Tuesday looking for a house. Mr. Welfer Is thinking of moving to town for the winter, where his children can attend school. Frank Jesse and wife, of Portland, were visiting Frank's parents Sunday. tlw temperature Is kept ait lew as pos sible without fiwuliiK. I Caacaaweet I for liable mid chil dren, and Is especially muni for the Try Kodol today on our guarantee. 1 "lB " common In cold weather, look taKO it ror a little while, as that In ; ",r "mreuieiiimm the bottle. Con all you eat and need to take. Kodol ,,llh ' liannful drugs, Hold bv digests what you eat and makes the j 'loll,'H l"'"K Co. stomach sweet. It Is sold by Jonea Treasurers Notice, ' Drug Co. j I now Imvit money to pay Komi War- .runts endorsed prior to' August p.i, Resolutions of Condolence. 111 iMcrost ceiisea on date of this ll""t'"- J. C. PAIUHICK, County Tieusuror. SELLING OUT lllght.llld Hull. Oct. 14. 1!0S. To the Otllcers and Members of Clack amas District Pomona Grunge: The great Master above having call ed to rest sister Mary Swales, who s a faithful matron and for a long time librarian of Harding Grange No. 122. and who will be L-reatlv mlsxeit Nov. 13, 1'JOS, C. W. DAMM Z, CANBY, OREGON OAHTOniA. BMntii J i.'i H,o Alunr! BiU CANBY. The farmers of Canby and vicinity are busily engaged during this fine weather In getlng their ground in condition so as to have it ready for me ran sowing before the rains set in. -Mrs. Bradtl and sister, Mrs. Mil lard Lee, the latter who is visiting witn her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Knight, went to Portland Mon day, returning Tuesday. W Ilson Evans is moving Into his , cottage this week. Mr. Pfister. representing the Wat Kins uniraent company, is moving into the house vacated by Grant White. Rev. Buche, of Clarkes. formerly of this place, but now of Clarkes, was in town the later part of the week. ine Artisans nad their regu:ar meeting last Thursday evening, and It was decided to have a social after the next regular meeting and refresh ments will be served. On Thanksgiv ing night a basket social will be giv en, and a programme is being arrang ed for the occasion. The public is ex tended a cordial invitation. O. R. Mack went to Portland on a' business trip Tuesday. Mrs. Harvey Bissell went to Oregon City Monday, remaining a short time with relatives. Ralph Knight went to Portland Tuesday evening, returning to Canby tne following day Mrs. T. L. Batten went to Oregon City on a brief busines trip Tuesday ailernoon. Mrs. Batten has sold her property consisting of two lots upon which there is a small house, to Wil- lara Knignt. ine property vas sold tor J50U, which is claimed to oe good bargain, as it lies in the city and close to the business part. Mr. and Mrs. George Penman, who left for Idaho this Summer, occupied the place during their residence here. Mr. and Mrs. Knight will tab" possession im mediately Dr. Stephenson and Arthur Knight were among the Portland visitors from Canby on Tuesday and Wednes day. Roy Knight has returned from Mar- quam, where he has been visiting with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bir- diet. George Meeks and wife went to Portland this week to purchase their furniture for their new home. Thev wfre accompanied by Rosco Mack the furniture dealer of this city, and uimugn mm me iurniture was pur- cnasen. .Mr. and Mrs. Meeks will have one of the most attractive homes lu Canby. It J. Bissell, who has been here for a short visit with his family, returned to his work on the North Bank rail road the first of the week. R. A. WKI.erson is on the sick list -Vr:- J. A. i. ox and sons, Dewey and victor, aie visiting Samuel fox and family at Oswego. Miss Ann:,.- Kniirht spent Thursday ati'Jl rrldiay in Port;ai. Mrs. birdie oilier and Mrs. Coia Walker were among the Portland vis itors Saturday. Mrs. Walker remain ing for a few days. Mrs. A. J. Knight spent Sunday with f.iends in Aurora. The e'rc'ion W made ty Ralph Knight and Mi'iaid Lee was carriifi out here on Sunday morning, in which the former was ridden through 'he streets by the latter in a wheelbar row, and created a great deal (,f amusement, for the large throng that gathered to witness the feat. Victor Caiothers was on hand and had charge of the affair to see that Mr. l-e car ried on his part of the contract. Mr. Knight had .several falls from the wheelbarrow dnrlngg.tbe parade, and was Klad when tin distance required in the bet was covered. It is prob able that Mr. Ue will be on a Re onWieaii at the next election, or make a bet in some other manner, as he found that 70 block was a long dis tance to push a man of Mr. Knight's weight. F. F. Hamia. who recently arrived from Arlington, Eastern Oregon, has purchased the stock and fixtures of the. store operated by Ralph Knight. sir. Hanna took possession on Mon-1 week, and they will make Canby their future home. Mr. Hanna. who has tonnerly been engaged in (arming, is wed pleased with the Canby country, j He w ill add a now stock to his store 1 immediately. ; Victor Carolhors went to Portland Monday morning, and from there be goes to Aberdeen, Wash., w hero lie j expects to remain for several weeks.: He is looking for a location, nut nas not ye; decided upon one. Mr. Car-i tliers made many friends during lus 1 residence in this city, who w ill regnt his leaving. Ho has been employed in the store formerly occupied by. Ralph Knight. About 15 members of the I. O. 0. F. lodge went to Woodburn Saturday ev ening to attend a meeting of the or ganization of that city and. report au enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. William Cantwell were in Portland Thursday. Mr. ' autwell, who has been sick for the past month. is improving, ana is ame io it i his real estate office for a few hours each day. Mrs. Samuel Rider returned from Spokane, Wash.. Saturday, where she has been visiting with her daughter, during the summer. Rev. Weber went to Woodburu Tuesday morning to attend a meeting of the ministers of the Salem District. On Tuesday evening Mr. Weber read a paper at the gathering. He left the following day for Salem. The V. C. T. U. held a business meeting in connection with the con test. The first gold medal contest will be given at the church on Decern- Der A.. Special music will oe given on this date, and the young people are taking an active interest. Those tak- ng part in the contest are r iorence Knight, Royce Brown, cnrissie tec., Mabel Chase. Frances Spencer, am: they are busily engaged in preparing heir essays. The W. C. T. I- meeting wm oe held this Friday afternoon at the home jf Mrs. Andrew Kocher. On Sunday morning tne services. of the M. E. Church will be In cnarge jf Rev. Davenport, of Barlow, and Rev. Weber will hold service at tne t. arus church. In the afternoon he win ue- iver a sermon in the lentrai rotni church, but wil! be in Canby bunuay evening and hold the regular evening service. The Aid Society Is preparing ror a ale during the holidays, and at the meeting at Mrs. Porter's home the af ternoon will be devoted to sewing. The first missionary sermon to be ven at the M. E. Church will be on December 7. when the subject win je "The Land of the Koran. ; Canby City Council Meeting. City Council met In special session Vednesdav evening. .Novemner u. Present, the Mayor. Recorder Chief of Police. Street Superintendent ana dotincilmen Bair, Walt. Sias, Hilton, Roth and Fisher. The minutes of the ist mtetlng were read and approved. The session was devoted to the con sideration of ordinances, l ne nrsi business taken up was the ordinance granting M. J. Lee a lighting fran chise. Amendments were introduced, giving the city the same number of 'iehts free of charge as are now sup- ilied bv the Aurora Electric Company n fie "city: that the poles and wires should be placed under supervision of the street committee; that the plant hru!d be sufficiently completed in thre? years so as to furnish current, mil that the life of the franchise should be 25 years. The ordinance was then ordered posted. An ordinance levying a two-mill tax in all taxable real and personal prop erty within Canby for municipal pur poses was ordered posted without a dissenting vote. An ordinance taxing peddlers, hawk ers pawn Drokers, auctioneers, pooi ind billiard rooms, bowling alleys and similar business was read and ordered posted. Thee taxes do not apply nowever o anything on the fair grounds dur- ne fair time. Council then adjourned to meet on he sec-end Wednesday In December. The wife Increases or reduces till buying power) her husband's wages i r salary accordingly a she has or bin not the "time" to read and stintv the ads. Notice. In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Cluck-aunts. " n.-i lauiiiy nun ny tne nieniners or; in tne matter of the oHtntu of F A Harding Grunge, No U'; and this I'o- Williamson, deceased. monu Grange, therefore, bo It Notice Is hereby mitiilshcl nn.l -,.. Resolved, That this Pomona Granite i claimed to all eredlini mi, I ,.'i, Pefore the advent of newspaper lid voriMng. st.ire growth was based on location. gHid fortune, and other Hung- not altogether under the con tnl of the merchant. oxieims its heartfelt sympathy to (lie bereaved family and that a ropy or these resolutions ho spread on the minutes of this meeting and a copv be sent lo the family of (ho deceased and to the county papers and the Grange Bulletin for puldloatloii. WM. GKISIIN'TIIWAITK. T. U. A. SKI.I.WOOD, Hl.ANCIIK MOl'TS. Committee. WHY NOT TRY Pepham'i ASTHMA REMEDY Gives Prompt and positive relief In every case. Sold by druggists. Trial package by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co.. Prop., Cleveland, 0 For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. i that the undersigned Ktlle II Robin son, wan on the lllst day of October. ' P'OS, duly appointed, uuailtled and act- ) lug executrix of the above named es i tale of F. A. Williamson, deceased, I by order nf (he County Judge or the Hlmvo entitled countv court of Clack- iiiuiis County, Oregon All persons having claims agalnn tie above named estate are heiobv required to prcsem the same will. j'uepT vouchors and properly vorllle l. ' ttlihln six mouths from the date nf 'the first publication ,,r the (oregoli ; notice, to the said executrix at the Hills, are DeWltfs Little Early Risers. Pleasant, sure, easy, safe little liver Sold by Jones Drug Co. 1 I oltlce of the Countv Clerk nf suld With good care due can reckon on U'.'nekanuw Cnumv, Oregon, nt Ore 15') lambs from 100 ewes Ihn one I golf City, Oregon, would rather have one g.Md big lamb! Dated (bis l.llli dav of November than two small ones, I pins, Feeding of roots (turnips, beets. KKKIK 11 KOIIINSON etc.) wlib a little grain, will bring the! Hxeciitr'lx Hook through the Winter in a most ; profitable condition. One of the chief I DON'T HITCH YOUR HORSE IN causes of the rotting of stored room THE RAIN Get ne.uiiliited with K Is loo much warmth and too little 1 W. Mellon Co. Complete House ventilation. Roots keep best where j furnishers. I'se their free stable room. KB The cnlirc stock of The Oregon City Shoe Store ' i must posi lively be sold Wo still havo a largo assortment to select from but thoy arogoing' fast. Coino early and got your cholco. I OHM C I SHOE STORE Oregon City Shoe Store Subscribe for The Enterprise AGEXTS FOR Buster Brown Shoes Tti Store Watch Our Business Grow AGENTS FOR Standard Patterns SPECIAL Saturcky- November 14, 1.25, special price we will offer Men's Black Fedora Hats, regular price SHOES j 111 to be mistaken. mark, or it would the people. Eight big lactones turn ing out nothing but 5 Star Shoes are unable to supply the de- mand for this brand of Foot wear. The hun dreds of thous ands oi men, women and children wear ing this make of shoes cannot all There is merit in this trade not be so popular with BOYS' SUITS I'll run I m V these i-lieuper How than ever U fore. (Imul v.-nieuMo seliool Suits at !?! .'J.'i. $1 $1 J)S, '. nm! ?,."( FIzmnQlcllc Gowm WW'liis' Flannelette (iowtl weather ill ."Oi (III,-, SI'- blretis I-lillineletl for eoil '. ami $1 'low II ill white ur eoliirs, sizes from I I vars. to Si CO $1 $1 IS (JO NEW ERA. Cert Montgomery is suffering with in attack of appemlieitis. Dr. Strick- ari'l is in attendance. Grandpa Vtteto is on the sick lint. this week. Joseph Sevcik spent Sunday with fi if nrts at Sellwood. (. H. Brown has purchased a rid ing plow, and will discard the out ty!e plows. Bert McArthur Is contemplating the tiiMlni; of a front porch and remod- elini; his bouse soon. Frank Wirfs is working for R. J. Brown. George, Delia and Rocksie Veteto, h'arluw spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Tansch'T of Doernbecker Mill. Sot lib leg caught in the "live rollers" behhil the saw Monday, and narrowly e:ip"d losing a leg, which was saved the breaking of a easting, lie was riven to Oregr.r, f.ity where tne vound was dressed. vis- BARLOW. Bernard Cer? was a Portland ;tnr Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. V. M. Sh'-ppard and daughter Bessie went to Portland Monday to rernai'i several days. Miss Corinne Burgoson, who has been home on a visit, returned to Po-t- nd Tuesday. A number of our young people at tended the dance at Aurora Saturday night. Miks Nellie Johnson, who went to C'urvallis to take a course in se'ing at the O. A. f'.. returned home sick. W. 13. Tull went to Portland Satur day to remain several days. Children.- School Shois in KM mid Calf Skin ' to 8 91 ()() Jin,i $1 -, Siz-s 1-'.' toll 1-5 91 .! ami 91 . t" 91 1 ntid 91 (50 liovs' Kiinpiron Calf School Shoe.-; Sizes .S l-'v to 11 l-'i Siz's 1;' to 2 ' S:z. 2 1-2 to 5 1-5 liovs' Satin Calf Shoes Sizes 12 to 2 Sizis 2 1-2 to o 1-2 Boys' hirh top Shoes, good for wet weather wear Sizes 12 to 2 )2 t() Ladies Kid Shoes with patent tip Special price 91 .() and 91 S. Ladies' box ralf a pood scrvieablo sin. jJl S.'J Ladies" heavy I'uritan calf Shoe the hest sirt. market at h) Ladies" Kid hluther Shoe patent leather cvelct stay mid patept tip H Several odd lots of men's satin calf, hox calf and kid Shoos worth to $2.2.") to close out at . . .$1 75 Splendid values In men's heavy Shoes, hlaek or tan "t ? !f (J.i and 9.- 30 -Men's hiyh top Shoes, two buckles and strap two full s"''s 93 00 DRESS SKIRTS If you are in need of a dress skirt, shirt waist dressing sacque or wrapper' it will pay you to see what we are offering. UNDERWEAR An odd lot of Children's fleeced under- wear 11. cream and gray, sizes from 24 to ii. Don t fail to sec these. VCV to sell them at each are going I8c In lad.. I ji tit s 111 cream color. eod Vests a ii 1 I price, each vy fleeced Ve.-ts ami 1'nnU ill p-ay nt ;d .)e. I So fine while wool mixed Vols anil rants, a heun- l;l'i:l jjaniieiit. L'aeh tf3e -M' li- h'-aiy cotton rilihed find lleeceel Shirts im,l llr-iu. pray. Each 30c anil wool mixeil Slurls and iJruwers. 9 , 91 ers I n w ii, creiiin and .Men's hrr'VV wool FURS There not have a is no reason why you should nice warm fur-neck-scarf when you can buy them at the prices we are now asking. PETTICOATS Queen Petticoats arc veil known on account of the excellent manner in which they arc made. When you buy them you are sure of satisfaction. UV have theiu in rrrat Minety of roleri im, priori. Mie, $1,110, $,( , s lin, llS .v,,, in I lack or red for I'eltieoaU - the ineh wrwiaMo of any material fi r IVttiroai - n-k to mv it--rr ) ' 1 ; a.".- KNIT SHAVLS Newport scaifs--the new long- shawls for cveiiin- wrar - :.. 9 , 91 '-'". 91 i". 91 S3 I :ne ire w ool shun Is fi.'tr lo $ ,";() i :i--: nutiir-i and Sipi.ire Shawls---nil colors ,,.V to $ I -.'3 UMBRELLAS II eilliielv "'W III!" of I IHi Ml. is i'ii - (Ji.'r. T3o, k:, up 10 9:1 30. nu n .- ldics', children's u, handle I i nut. 9' ". 9' " "'I' or fanrv 91 (10, 'i iloi'l I"-faced Smyrna Kill's, .'iOsCO inches, our jinei .J)Sc HOSIERY- Topsy Hosiery has become well known on account of their wearing qualities and their ex cellent colorings. Wc have them in men's, women's and child ren's, cotton or woolen. lose, Children's rihhcd Colion II . knee . hililren's heavy rihhed Collon Hose, two pair "os' extra heavy Collon Hose ' .Misses' Fine Llaslie Ifibhcd Hose " "l.rl.l ii- t 1 1 ... oiioren s yiooi llose, jiihhI wcieit I II lies' I lain Collon Hose, Topsy hlacl; I adies' Plain and PiUcd ' j f ()S(j .MrnVCniidM Socks, hlark or oray Men's li'lil weight W.,,,1 and'U'ool Mix Men's heavy Weil-lit Wool Socks. . ,'0,. M isses' Fine ('niton Hose. special price for ihese 2.1, 1.1, 1.1, !f."e. .'Sc, ..10.: and !"i'ks, 2.1c, Wc, .'Or. sizes !) and !) 1-2 ()IIVi hll'L-e sizes two imir 1 , louMc 10.: . :.- .!(),: .18,. S3.: Kir 30o l.ti .!Se '"'CHRISTMAS' O0OS ' ' '. V ... 'i t Doa't fail to see oar iine of Qristmas Goods. Our rif.iv aohiu, lil.cjrv lw.1,o V.n , day, and invites all of the old patrons arrived and the pupils show their ap preciation. We certainly think the to call. Ilr3. Hanna will arrive this Tic largest and cheapest line .we have kinds . of Fancy articles. VALUES FOR 5c, JOc, I5c and 25c. ever had. Dolls, Toys, Games, Boots, aod all