Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1808, coughs KING OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT AND DR. KING'S lungs IF A ulsliiiu FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and weU MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 60c ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY JONES DRUG COMPANY. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. BROSIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post office as second-class matter Subscription Rates: One Year $1-50 Six Months "5 Trial Subscription, Two Months .15 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Rates on application. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE. The United States postal regulations compel publishers to discontinue a newspaper after the subscription ex pires. Kor this reason The Enterprise will not be sent after expiration. Sub scribers will receive ample notice be fore the paper Is discontinued. the tack-hammer variety, he Is the j i anvil chorus himself. I Shannon's slay in Oregon City, cov-1 j ering a month, has been one of in-, j terest. He has preached and shriek ! ed to thousands of people and he has Humor and Philosophy Br Dl'NCAN M. SMITH made some converts. His contract Is PERT PARAGRAPHS. It takes two to make a iiiarrel and .carried out, when the repentant sin- ( f .. - -ill II.. I ! ners une up al me ..,. ivr M ft tumg ,0 uak) a a,. I abused members and organizations of j voroe the Episcopal . and Congregational j I Churches, and has heaped reproaches You don't have to havo anybody help ; upon the Saturdav Club, composed of ' rou get Into trouble, but you are lucky ! v.,m. -,f th Utter phnreh be- : If you don't have to have somebody party. help you get out. SCHOOLS AND THEIR RESULTS. Rapid strides are being made along educational lines in Clackamas Coun ty. The annual Institute of teachers that ended last Friday exceeded in point of interest any previous gath ering nf the kind,. The attendance w as larger and the Introduction of two new departments was succeeded uy keen appreciation. One of these was "Ine one-room school" which is tjc real bulyark of public education, aud the other was the "high school." Much attention has lately been bestow d upon high school work In rural d's tricts, and country residents are quick to see that their children have the ad vantages heretofore enjoyed only by students of the towns. There are, perhaps, many people who are slow In their appreciation of high school development, but less than a decade will demonstrate the wis dom of this feature of educational growth. Children between the ages of 14 and IS remain In school mainly for the pure love of study, and they are bound to absorb information that will be of uncalculable value to th?m later in life. They will become better citizens and, what is a matter of su preme importance, the boys and gir!s wlil receive mind training that will enable them to take part, with intelli gent understanding in affairs of gov ernment Thinking men are dally coming into contact with illiterate be ings upon whom a liberal (Country has conferred the power of the ballot, and the abuse and misuse of this power is manifest in many Instances. The benefits of so-called higher edu cation may be a matter for open dis cussion, but the results of the public schools can hardly be questioned. More effective enforcement of the compulsory educational law Is ear nestly desired, and the time is not far distant when every boy and girl shall louk forward to entrance into high schools after passing through the gran-mar grades. j cause they gave a skating I -gating men- way in.o rteo. . , ,f monfy of u9 nrtf I way Shannon Is said to have express-; of 0,,noll t!l:U lt olu:iit to consult a e d it. Mr. Shannon has not spared , ECKXi instructor ou voice culture. the politicians. Last Sunday he plac- j ed Slate Senator Hedges on the grill i for his utterances in the Nehren-Mat-! thies damage suit. Mr. Hedges, how ever, though he is human and conse quently prone to error, has lived la Oregon City for more years than Mr. Shannon has days and will probaly live down the castigations of the evan- I After .11. the visit of Dan Shannon 1 " ou STll k ,u J" 1,1 that It , , . will reciprocate your action and faith,- to Oreson City can do no harm and are dm (() a may dj some good. Some men can- not be reached with a feather. A, There probably Is a smartest man In club is required and this Is where the world, but It Is a safe bet that he Dan shines. He is a regular Theo- Is afraid to come out aud prove It dore Roosevelt of a man for that He : has no soft or gentle words for the ' Adam was Indeed blest. He didn't ..... o.. ,, n,n bave t0 l'y au-r du0 uut's n"r iualify clt U"ri. tit: bo.' a iwv Some men s w e n r because they thluk It funny, aud oth ers swear to in fluence the iiiliul of others. The laiter Is more effective. give him a pain In the left hind leg. which language is more forcible than elegant Dan Shannon and Carrie Nation trot In the same class, but Dan Is a four-time winner, compared with Carrie. His methods are unique and forceful, but he "gets there" and this is evidently what is required of him. DAN SHANNON HIS METHODS. Dan Shannon, the man who has i probably made more enemies and cre ated more discussion than any other evangelist who has ever struck Ore-1 gon City, departs n'-xt Monday for j Corning. Cal., wl ere he will tell the people of that sinbeotten community' just how bad they are. Shannon fears God, but not man. He is no respecter of persons. His knocks are not of for any ancient order of anything. The only reason for locking the barn I after the burse is stolen is to let the I thief know that you noticed lt. I Simple violations of the law are ens- Ily overlooked when It Is to our luter- est to be friendly with the violators. f n be talks much and long about I high Ideals he Is either one of two Five months ago The Enterprise in- things a greattlnanelnl success who augurated a special news service fur i wants to forget how he came that way the town of Canby. One day each ; or a great failure who ditto. week is spent In that place by a mem ber of The Enterprise staff and the people are given several columns of real live local news. In addition to the general news of the whole county. The Enterprise is now planning to give ter this service by giving to Canby a New Year's edition. The town and surrounding country will be compre hensively written up and illustrated. This edition will be a fine number for the people of Canby -to send to their i Eastern friends. The price will be j no more than for the regular issues five cents per copy. We have rea-1 son to hope that Canby residents will j meet us half way in our effort to give them a splendid newspaper and a spe cial number that is sure to meet their approbation. Two of the greatest displays of ap ples evtr made in the Pacific North-, west are attractions for early in De- j cember. One wlil commence at Port- j land December 1st and continue for three days, when Spokane will take the center of the stage in this same ; character of entertainment from De cember Tth to Utb. i A He Is generally more agile and ath letic than a truth, but that is becuuse It has to be. Leading the conversation yourself Is a safe way either to get people talking about you or to keep them from It. Anybody firlmful of facts and fig ures can make a good talk, but It re quires an exjiurt to make one without the mine. Just Existence. Eiftly la the moonlight slowing. B-vlfily la the water tlowtnu. Warmly are the breezea alKl-.lntf. Bwcelly are the "vavea replying. Bounds our boat along the billow. Who such night would k hla pillow? It'a the acme of the Bf-ash When love rramplua stupid reason. Far beyond the dim horizon Lie the Islands of our dreams. M'isic softly falls and dies on Love's own ears In liquid streams. Like dull silver In the distance (Jleam the happy Islands far. We are drawn without resistance Where It's bliss to say "We are." Perfectly Good. "Thought you said she had good teeth." "She has." - "I saw her laugh Just now, and she Goldendale, Washington, has given hasn,t tr)0tu ,n nr hea( all the communities of the Pacific "Dust have been on the closet shelf." Coast a record in raising money ior advertising purposes, by giving $2.00 for every man. woman and child with in the city limits, or a total of $3, 500, and this came In at the rate of f 125 a minute. You Can Guesa the Rest. &o yvtfi (tope .0 t MONEY TO BURN If yot have money to burn, keep it in the house where it may be burned, lost or stolen, but if you want to keep it safely where it will always be ready for you when you want it, bring it to us. A bank account will give you a better business standing ia the community and a prestige that you may never have enjoyed before. your name ia net o our books, we will be pleased to see it there Wore the close of the year r 1 903. The Bank of Oregon Gty "Is lie u ipwl liar?" "Weil, he Is murrled.' Bad Menantment. "Aren't there any hog cars?" "Yet." "You have a lot of car bogs." "Even no." "ou should arrange to make connection." Cool 8had. The north polo race. If thera la on, A happy crowd must ba. Protected from the aummar sua Ikncath tha lea cream traa. Obligatory. "I always pay my debta." "Dear me!" "What's the matterf "I thought your standing better tliaa that" SOCIETY The recital of Miss ICnsle Miriam Mock In (tin First Congregational Church Tuesday nigM was an umiunll lied success. Neiulv every seal lit (he auditorium was taken, mul the church was protllv decorated, Mrs. N'lola Harlow Lawrence, contralto, us slsled MIsk lllock and came lit for her snare of the generous applause. MUs I Mni'thit Frances Diaper was tin able I r.ecompanlsl. The ushers were MIhs ITrucltolt. Miss Dolly Fruit, Miss Merl j Keck. Mlsa Mabel Toomalh, Miss , Klbubeth Itoos, MIn Annie Shannon land Miss Ftliel tliaves Miss lllock's uxiH'utlon la finished ami her mini bora were all aklllfullv executed. Mrs. I,avrence'ii encores were "When Song Is Sweet," and "Old Ulack Joo." llolh Miss HIiH-k and Mrs. Uiwronce re ceived beautiful (lower. The audi eiu-o was cordlul nnd Miss lllock. who recently graduated from the I'hlcugo I'niverslly of Music, received warm congratulations on her success us a planisto. Miss Milk's Chopin number were ; exceptionally well rendered, showing , complete mastery of the dlltlcull twli nliue. The MucDowcll "Improvlsa Hon was given for nu encore In a ; dainty style, and brought out Iter torn i perment admirably. Mrs. I,awrence's "l.ascla Ch' lo Fl- ansa" UlaudcO showed her artistic 'ability In the extreme, and she do- lighted her hearers In Tostl'a "tiood ,'h)e," but the full depth of her voice was reached when she gave "Old lllsck Joe," as an encore. Oregon City people are glad to know Unit it possesses two such ar tists aa Miss lllock and Mrs. lw rence. The X. L. Club of llludstotie held Its regular meeting at the Gladstone school house Friday night, and was well attended. Husluesa of Import ance was transacted, and during the evening Dr. A. I. Heatie gave an ex cellent talk on "The Care of the Child ren's Teeth." Mrs, Allan flrowu, of Jennings Lodge, gave several read ings, one of her selection being from "The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Man," ' A report was made at the business session of the club of having made $4-."5 at the last social, also reported that five doKcn chairs hud been pur chased for the assembly hall, nnd II was also voted upon to purchase a piano for the school building. Cap tains were chosen, who are Mr. T. E. Cault and Mrs. A. Hlount. who chose allies, and a membership con test will be started at once. There are already about 4i members belong ing to the organization, and it Is prob able that a great deul of enthusiasm will be manifested during the contest. Resolutions and by laws were adopted in which 25 cents will be charged for membership and the dues to be five cents per month. served and n good time wiim had by all present. Tualatin Teat, Knight of (ho Mae calico has decided lo hold a nut mi elul In Woodmen hull Monday evening, November '.'It. Member of the Mne caliee nnd (heir friend will he in vited to the nffulr, Sola Circle, Women of Wivodctaft, spent a very cujoyuhlo evening l-'tl-day nnd were mitcrlulncil by . ..-.uu-tulttee of live, consisting of Mi, lie Iwcca WIIhoii, Mis, l.ucllu May, Mt'i, Maud Spencer, Mrs. S. S. Walk v and Mrs K'.mer Uiuklu. A nhlstiinit solo by Harold SwnlTord was npiinvuili'd. us was a song by Muster Woo.wu.d. I!i gl'reshuient were served. I'lie pro gramme us held after the mivtlng of the Circle. The ilccorutlnus were on the llullowe'cn order and were unique and bcuullfully nrriiug.d. , very plcasnnt surprise par y v,u tendered Miss Ccrtrude tliiullmu. In honor of her 17th birthday at her home at 221 Jefferson street Friday nlghi. The features of the evening were games, followed by refreshments. Many handsome presenl were lecel,. ed by Ml llawllstu, and a good time enjoyed by all. The Pythian Sister enlerlalned the Knight of Pylhlas Tuesday night In a royal manner at the Woodmen hull, hy giving an union and necktie o- clnl. The early purl of the evening was devoted to a well arranged pro gramme, and wit as follow: Trio, Mr. William tlreen, II. K. Wood ward, Hoy Woodward; vocal nolo, Frank Alldredge; recitation, Mis Hertha Wymun; vocal aolo. Kenneth Woodward; Instrumental aolo, Mis Hertha Frledrlck. At the close of the programme Judge ti. K. Have and E. T. Fields sold the necktie to the nun, whose partner for supper were secured by mulching these with (ho apron worn by the ladle. An oyster supper wa served, and the table were prettily decorated for till occa sion. How Is Your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Dowllng of No. 22 Sth Ave., San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble. She ay; "Ciratttude for the wonderful ffect W Electric Hitler lu a case of acute Indigestion, prompts this testi monial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Kleclrlc Hitter I the best remedy on the market today." This great tonic and alterative iih Urine InvlgnCiile the system, purities the bliwd. and la es pecially helpful 111 all form of fe male wcuktiess, fiOc. nt June Drug oinpnny. Plum for Rev. P. K. Hammond. Current report hu It that Itcv. The sixth birthday of Violet Dean Man was celebrated nt the honi" of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. l.'oati Man at Gladstone Thursday afternoon, and the time was pleasantly spon In games, music, and a general good time. Mrs. Heaulinu was assisted by Miss Veta Kelly and Miss .dun, I Brooks, who took the children fio.u this city. Many beautiful bin!idi.y gifts were presented to the Utthi hort-j ess. The house -was prettily .lec.ii ti ed with chrysanthemums ami the tables correspondingly and a sumplu ous birthday dinner served. The Derthlck Club was entertained 1 by Mrs. O. W. Enstham Friday after-; noon. "Klenzl," by Richard Wagner. ' was the study. Mrs. H. Straight read j an excellent article on "Wagner's j l.lfft anil WitrL-s " nnd Mr Klutr A Chapman read the story of the opera llieuzi. l lie nefti uieeiiilg win ne held at the home of Mrs. IeonartI Pickens, November 20, nnd "Tnun hauser" will be the subject for the afternoon. IT IS A PERFECT FIT THAT WE GIVE YOU Thal-Js tho reputation we malntuln. William McLarty Tailor ANDRESEN BUILDING Second Floor Suspension Bridge Cor, BAKING POWDER The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, the officially approved Ingredient for a wholesome, high-class powder There i f rrafcr dptloa la tha salt si ballnf powder than svar before, Cltaaty ebatrva lb label aoa b urtsla ol ulsi Kojal Philip Kemp lliimtiind. rector of the Episcopal Church of Eugene, la to re ceive a call from St. Duvld'a Church, of 1'ortlnud, probably the most do Hlrnblii parish In Oregon, with the sole exception .if Trinity. Mr. Ham mond wa rector of St. I'mil Church of Origoti City for tunny years and went to Eugene about one year ago. Arreatod for Raising Tlma-ehock. V. Ness wa arrested ut the Tort 'and House Friday altera, n on a charge nf raising a time rheck of the Crown t'olumbl I'ulp Paper Com pany, The alleged crime coin mltti'.l more than 'a week ago, nnd the amount Involved I only 2. Ness wclit to Portland but returned hem SHWEITS OPERA HOUSE -Tuesday, Nov. 17 The Holy City Friday and Thoodore Osmund, offlre 'iniiH-er of (he company. Infoiined the ofllcer that tho tnun waa In lh city. The arrest wa made by Hherllf Ileal In and Chnrle Ely, Brain's Ankl Bona Splintered, Wllllum Drain, all employe of lint Willamette Pulp Paper t'oinpniiy, slipped nnd fell on a pl.-ce of tin Inst Friday night while walking past the sulphite Hlorcroom, A bone lu til right ankle splintered and he lll lint be able to walk for about lx neck. Mr Hrnln I connned lo hi bed ut hi home lu Cauemuh. LI ELLA MOREY AS "SALOME" "Princess of Callilee" Tht Moit Sublime Play Ever Wrlllta Endorsed by the Clergy, Press ind Public FISHING TACKLE The place fo twv Larfje AsAortmcnt Prices Re'asouoble C. G. Miller oRf coN cmr The Home of Sportsmen PRICFfti 7Hc. fide, and 2HC 000C00O00OO0COO30000CG00O000CO0000000C0O o o Miss Margaret ('..Midfellow, whose wedding soon takes place, wns tender ed a rush by her many friends at ihe hnrac of her parents, Mr.' nnd Mrs. Robert J. (loodfellow. Saturday even ing. A book guessing contest In which Mr. J. W. Cole was awarded the first prl7.e, Mrs. T. P. Randall, the second prize, and Mrs. Harry Moody, tho consolation prize, recitation by Miss Florence McFarland. accompan ied by Miss Louise Walker on the piano, and a piano solo by Miss Flor ence Orare, were the principal fea tures of the evening. Miss Goodfel low was presented with an array of beautiful and useful gifts. Among the presents was a beautiful cut glass dish from a number of her friends. Those nsslsting Mrs. Goodfellow were Mrs. Thomas Warner, Mrs. J. W. Cole, Mrs. R. ;. Pierce. Mrs. J. K. Seeley. Refreshments were served. St. John's Young People' club gave an entertainment last Friday evening at Mclaughlin hall. The following programme was rendered: Piano solo, Emma Quinn; recitation, Florence Mc Farland: piano duet, Kate Matlhles and Veta Kelly. After the exercises games of whist were played. The ladv'a nrlzo was won hv Miss Alice Shannon, and the gentleman's prize by Otto petit. iteiresnmenis were Nieta Barlow Lawrence CONTRALTO VOCAL CULTURE, CONCERT WORK Phone Main 1794 1206 Washington Street. i o - at r o W, L, Block's Furniture Store i aft O o o o o o o o o o Q 0 o Main and 7th Street o o o o o o Q O O o o o 0 o Opposite Suspension Bridge J o o o This is a GENUINE SACRIFICE SALE 8 o evefythingm stock tedticed to make room S f ff4 i.f f- - A- lot our nonaay stock wnicn is arriving oai- Coffee Always uniform our best product sold in 1 lb., 2 lb., 2 lb. and 5 lb. cans. Your grocer will grind It better If ground at horn not too fine. Iy. To enumerate prices here would require too much space and that expense we prefer giving to our patrons. By calling at our o store before purchasing you will be convin- u . 2 ced. 8 O 8 O O o SPECIAL MENTION Thanks Giving Urge Torkcy Platters all decorated while thty lait 39c 42 piece dinner set decorated $3.47 42 " " " gold " $3.67 50 " " " inclading covered dish $4.97 50 " " " " " " $4.97 50 " " " extra fine " " $5.48 AS LONG AS THEY LAST o o o o o o D O O o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o occcoooc 4a