Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. Oregon Gty Enterprise next January- Is the programme to be hold-up or otherwise? PubJIahed Every Friday The Constitution of Oregon will bo shot full of holes by the time, tho vari E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publlahe ous amendments are ftnnlly tackod on. turn iiim.ii Tho women will have to wain an other two years before trying It again. Bntered at Oregon City. Or, Post face j second-class matter. Subscription Rata: Ou Year Stx Months Trial Subscription, Two Months. $1.50 .76 ,.25 Svbacrlbfira will find the data of tx ftraQon atampM on thalr paasrs fol kswtns their name. If laat paymeat la ot credited, kindly notify as, as tt matter will receive or attention AFTER THE BATTLE. The Republicans of Clackamas Coun ty, with a normal majority of some thing like 1500, went to the polls Mon day and elected a Democratic sheriff, a Democratic assessor, and gave Gwrpe Chamberlain a plurality of something like 500 for United States Senator. Incidentally they elected 10 Republicans to county offices. Every voter may take unto himself the lesson from Monday s election. It la apparent that when we elect a Democratic official, he Is good for two terms, and in the case of assessor, this means eight years.. We may also took forward to a beautiful factional scrap for the office of sheriff two years fcence. The Republicans themselves are responsible for these conditions, and the Democrats are only to be com mended for their shrewd, adroit po litical manipulation that enables them to show the Republicans of Clackamas County and Oregon a trick or two worth while. We have given our Commissioner a plurality of about 450 and coroner 300. These figures may be regarded by some as great Republican victor lea, but the Enterprise does not look upon them as such. The legislative ticket has been elected by something like the normal party vote, and with Statement No. 1 in their bonnets they may now march proudly up to Salem and there vote for a Democrat to go to Washington to uphold the policies of Theodore Roosevelt. The criticism that was directed at The Enterprise for its stand against the tSatement fcas quieted to a degree, since the election of Mr. Chamberlain. This newspaper plainly showed Chamber lain's strength and was censured for admitting the possibility of the de feat of the Republican nominee. We have shown wtiat'a Republican Oregon will do under the direct primary sys tem as exemplified by Statement No, 1. Clackamas County has swatted pop ular education by killing the county high school measure and voting heavi ly against the appropriation for the support and maintenance of our State University. The endorsement of School Superintendent Gary, against whom a hard fight was made, is ex tremely gratifying to those who have the interests of the public schools at heart. The friends of the Secretary of the Treasury, George Bruce Cortelyou, are making an active canvass to ascertain the sentiment toward him as a candi date for the Vice-Presidential nom ination on the Republican ticket. Sec retary Cortelyou stands high with la bor leaders, having risen by his own eCfors and merits from a comparative ly humble place in the government service to one of exceptional honor and he enjoys an unsullied record as a public man. He represents, also, both elements in the party, having been the friend of Hanna and McKin ley and an appointee of Roosevelt. Secretary Cortelyou has not aligned himself with any faction in his State, New York, but is popular with all. Representative Sherman is, also, men 1 tioned as a New Yorker of Vice Presi dential proportions, and while his friends have not made much advance thus far with their campaign in his behalf, they point to the highly cred itable record of Mr. Sherman in the House, his geniality and personal pop ularity. Mr. Sherman's work on the Congressional Campaign Committee has won for hira the high regard and loyal support of all Republican mem bers of Congress. . ' l 1 In a current magazine Speaker Can non has an article on, "How a bill becomes a law." The general publio would be much more Interested in an article on Why Bills do pot become laws. Speaker Cannon could furnish more information on this subject per haps, than ajiy other one man. This session of Congress has broken all records In the number of bills in troduced, the total being 29,125. Thirty-eight treaties have been rati fied and made public, more than had been ratified during the twenty years preceding. Accurate figures are not yet obtain able, but a careful estimate put the total appropriations of this session of Congress at $1,020,000,000. This Is $100,000,000 more than has been ex pended by any other Congress. If you want sunshine In your lives, come to Oregon City next Saturday and enjoy the festivities of Booster and Market Day. The business men have something fine in the way of en joyment in store for all of you. This month four years ago the United States took hold of the Pana ma Canal Zone, and began the solu tion of a problem mainly to be solved by hard and honest work. LOCAL BRIEFS C. Kirchem was in the city Friday fioru Logan. For up-to-date mlllnery call on Miss C. Goldsmith. Will Stokes, of Arlota. spent Dec oration Day at Oregon City. DeWltfs Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills, are sold by Howell & Jones. Tho largest assortment of hats ever brought to Oregon City at Miss u Goldsmith's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Curry and son York, have returned from a visit with Mrs. Curry's sister at Seattle. Mis Mlna Fandrock. of Portland, was the guest of Miss Ethel Thomp son Sunday. Mrs. John P. Keating and children are here from New berg, and are guests at the home of Mrs. Fannie Cochran. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It Is especially good for piles. Be sure to get DeWitt's. Sold by Howeii Jones. The latest novelties In hats, flow ers and trimmings at Miss C. Gold smith's. Miss Camllle Williams, of Portland, who has been visiting Miss Lennle Seeley for a few days, returned home Monday. Mr. F. S. Baker has gone to Pen dleton for a short visit. He has a brother there who is very sick with pneumonia. Rev. E. Clarence Oakley, who had been attending the Congregational Association at Ashland, returned Sun day morning. Miss Amanda Clear, returned to her home In Sherwood Friday, after a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. John Carothers at Canemah. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will In a very short time strengthen the weakened kidneys. Sold by Howell & Jones. Mr. anu Mrs. James W. Chase have returned from Grants Pass, where they have been visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Arthur Howland. For Sale, good disc plow or will ex change for sound work horse. S. T. Britten, Meldrura Place. SOCIETY The Catholic Knights of America held a social meeting at Knapp's hall Sunday afternoon and songs, music and speeches were the order. J. H Finucane and Frank Busch, Jr., ren dered good piano music. Messrs Michaels, Raber, Busch, Muench and Weber favored the company with Ger man songs, and Edward Johnson sang songs of the civil war. After the ex ercises refreshments were served. The marriage of Miss Helen M. Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Carter, of Gladstone, to Mr. Theo dore M. Strohmeyer, of this city, was solemnized at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pas tor of the First Presbyterian church. officiating. Only the immediate rela tives of the bride and groom were present at the ceremony. Mr. Stroh meyer is in the office of the Southern. Pacific Company, and the happy pair will make their home ir Portland. The Epworth league of the M. E. church gave a social Monday evening. Ice cream, lemonade, etc., were serv ed. Returns from the election were awaited and the time wa3 spent In games and special talk. The follow- ng program wa3 rendered: Vocal solo Mrs. M. F. Des Larzes; reading. Mrs R. Hickman; piano duet, Helen Blackwell and Evadne Harrison, histling solo, Harold Swafford; read ing, Mrs. Frank Oswald; piano duet, Moreita Hickman and Nellie Swaf ford; reading R. H. Harrison; vocal uet, Myrtle and Everett Cross; piano solo, Kathleen Harrison. MMM(BM'aHMHHMRllaBalMalaMiMaiaHBHaaBOTaBaaaaaaaaaBai !ILLcjy out-of-town visitor on next Saturday Market Day the freedom of our store. Use our LPlle?.LiLlP.y0Jlir:!v5s to chairs, wc will have plenty of them for tired people in our Talking Machine Room where youjjge welcome to sit and enjoy the music and fun as often andas long as you like, in fact just make yourself at home. In addition to an unusual stock ofhigh grade goods sold at the popular prices for vhich the RcxalljStorc is famous, we offer the following special prices for Saturday, Market Day, only: Ladies' Hand Bags 75c Leather Bag fitted with purse a q Market Day prlco frOC 95c full sized leather bag with purse f" r" Market Day Prlco OOC $1.25 Bag extra largo, with purse rj Q Market Day Price OC $1.50 Bag with purse Q q Market Day Prlco "OC Ladies' Leather Belts These are tho latest styles direct from the East and are regular 75c values. Every style aud slzo on Bale Market Day only 48 Stationery Bargains for Market Day only 35c Box of Paper and Envelopes, hit- Q est style, wonderful value, at.... C 15c Tablet good paper 10c 10c package of Envelopes OC $1.00 Fountain Pen fully guaranteed. 65c 10c Roll of Crepe Tlssuo 05c 25c Pack of Playing Cards I 5c $1.00 Ingersoll Watch 7Sc Rexall Day as well as Market Day This Is tho first time In tho lilntory of our Ruxnll agency that wo hnvo iiwulo Special Prices ou Itexnll goods but Market Day we break thu rule. $1.00 Bottle Mucu-Tone 89c and a 25c tube of Itexnll Cntnrrh Jelly Free 25c Bottle Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Remedy 25c and a 2,rc Box of Rexall Soup Free 50c Bottle Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Remedy 50c and a 50c box of Candy Free 25c Package Rexall Tooth Powder 25c and a good Tooth Brush Free $1.00 Bottle Rexall Blood Remedy 75c nml a box of Rexall Uver l'llls Free $1.00 Bottle Rexall 4'93" Hair Tonic 1.00 and a 2.1c bottlo of "93" Shampoo Paste Free 25c Box Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets 25c and a 2fc box of Hoxall Uver l'llls.. Free $1.00 Bottle Rexall Syrup Hypophosphites 74c and a 35c lwittle Rexall Creum of Almonds Free 35c Bottle of Rexall Cream of Almonds 35c and a 25c box Rexall Cold Cream Free All through our list of over a hundred Hox all Remedies Market Duy offers are to bo lveii Absolutely Free. Ask about them. Life Without Muilo la bread without butter. When you go without a Victor In your homo you nro "HklmpliiK." Vou don't huvti to. Wit will Nell you u Victor it 10 to $100) on euity pay ineiitH that you will never mind. Cotiio In mid Kfo iih about It. ESBDHHfl&BHLMHMXBMHHHHR Market Day Drug Department Bargains 25( Bottlo Talcum Powder 12c 1,'c Can Talcum Powder 5c 40c Box Dr. Minm'M ilnilth Soup 25c :5c Tooth Unmh 20c too Combs 25c 7."e. Hair Brush '10c Huntley Brothers Company The Rexall Druggists Nellie Muller, Anna MacDonald, Jen nie Macdonald, Mrs. Anne Macilonald, Guy Phillips, Oscar Smith, Wesley Green, E. LI. Eastman, George Ran dall. Jr., W. M. Errend, Frank Dutch- er, Will MacDonald and Luther Bates. Miss MacDonald, accompanied by her mother, will leave Sunday for Alaska where she will become the bride of Elmer McArthur. Willamette Falls Camp, No. US, Woodmen of the World, has elected the following officers for the aemi-aii- ual term, commencing July 1: C. B. Wilson, consul commander; C. A. Frost, Advisor lieutenant; E. J. Laak- ns, escort; J. K. Morris, watchman; S. Walker, sentry; H. M. Shaw, musician; I. D. Taylor, manager, 'ihe latter was re-elected. The Sunday nearest June C is the Memorial day the Order and a committee has been appointed to decorate the graves of the deceased, and all members who can do so are requested to bring flow ers to the Woodmen of the World Hall by 9 o'clock on the morning of Sun day, June 7. In the evening of that date the members in a body will at tend services at the First Congrega- onal church. Special music' by the choir and an address by Rev. E. Clar ence Oakley will be features of Uie rvice. Now that the election is over, let us forget our troubles and all get to gether and help celebrate the coming Chautauqua Assembly in Gladstone Park. Now. that we have the Recall, let ns try it on George Chamberlain. Roosevelt Republican and United States Senator-elect from Oregon. jaju.i v. Question: What will the Oregon legislature do to George Chamberlain CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature Seeley's Best Flour. Miss Jennie MacDonald was pleas- anly surprised at her home on Falls View Saturday evening, by a farewell party and linen shower given by her friends and former schoolmates. Games were played and dancing in dulged in until a late hour. Delicious! refreshments were served at midnight. The guests reported a very pleasant evening and departed at a late hour, with the best wishes for the future i bride and groom. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nanman, Mrs. Marion Green, Mrs. Lottie Penman, Bertha Rider, Ella Chinn, Edna Crit eser, Esther Criteser, Pearl Chinn, Vada Rider, Hazel Graves, Cora Smith Mary Philips, Margaret MacDonald, Anna Marley, Elizabeth MacDonald, A 30 Days Sale AT W. L. BLOCK'S Furniture Store Mattings, Lace Curtains, Re rigators, and Freezers. Tie Star Brillii fllacis Co. is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A moderate amount of money will start you in a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to bo The Best In 'ihe World. For full particulars regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON, or AKRON, OHIO. Notice to Creditors. in tne county court oi uie htaie oi Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. , In tho Matter of the Estate of Ethel , Knight, deceasod. i Notice Is hereby given that the j undersigned has been by tho above en- j titled court appointed administrator ' of tho estate of Ethel Knight, deceas ed. All persons having claims against 1 the said estate are hereby required to I nresent the same, nronerlv verified, to the undersigned at the office of Hedg-, I is positively the best flour within six months from thu date of the first publication of this notice. GEORGE D. ELV, Administrator of the Estate of Ethel Knight, deceasod. HEDGES & GRIFFITH, Attorneys for Administrator. FirBt Publication May 29, 1908. i NO CAS NO COCAINE SEELEY'S BEST FLOUR FOR SALE CHEAP One American Evaporating Dryer. Will dry any kind of fruit or berries to perfec tion. Also one hand-press Hay-baler will be sold at great sacrifice. Owner retired from farming. Call or write Geo. Randall, 801 5th and Jefferson Sts., Oregon City. FOR SALE No. 7 U. S. Cream Separ ator, or will exchange for sound work horse. S. T. Britten, Meldrum Place. Seeley's Best Flour. You can make pretty and durable table mats of the bottoms of used grape baskets. Tear off the aides and cover the bottom part with white llnent or table oilcloth. " The sweetest, purest ornament that a woman can wear, and of which she should feel proudest, is tho clinging necklace of her baby's arms. OASTOniA. Btui th V Ha Always BOTjtt Bigutor f June. O golden month of June! Wo love the music of thy babbling brooks, We long to rest within thy shaded nooks, O Nature's fairest boon! Thou art a gift Indeed. Each wilding llower, each bird In leafy tree, In melody and fragrance speak of thee To bless us In our need. O days beyond compare! Whose meadows breathe the scent of new-mown hay, Where we may Idly roam the livelong day And drink the beauty there! . Fair June, when thou are lied We'll miss thee from tho woodland and the dell; When rose and violet wo loved ho well Lie withered all and dead. on the market. Its here to stay and is backed by hundreds of high class re commendations in Oregon City. We are more than pleased at the way it has been received by users of it, and if you have not tried it, call and get a SAMPLE SACK FREE of charge. Don't buy un. til satisfied by a test with others. Every sack is pos itively guaranteed or mon ey refunded. It is positive ly the finest flour on the market to day and is not controlled by any mill re stricting selling price. $1.35 per sack and you will be satisfied too. J. E. SEELEY tth and Main 8te., Oregon City i We Set the Pace in HIGH-GRADE DENTISTRY We belong to no dental combination but Htuml on our reputation and are busy nil tho time. Our prices tiro reasonable. BRIDGE WORK $5 PEK TOOTH GOLD CROWN8 $5. ! Don't pay those high prlcna for den- tal work, hut before you contract to , some dentist your dental work coma and boo us. Examination freo. OUR MOTTO: "Honest Work at Honest Prices." at honest prices. Lady assistant. Oregon Dental Parlors Harding and Over f tofflo. FOR SALE OR TRADE two Confectionery and Novelty StoroH. One Invoices $1100, the other $350, both in Oregon City. Addresa Owner, I3ox 201, Oregon City. Don't discourage tho boy when ho conies to you with bis cares or troub les. Syhnatlilze with him, and thank Cod ho confides In you. L. E. BELFILS NOTARY PUBLIC All Kinds of legal papers drawn up. Reason able rates. OFFICE ESTACADA STATE BANK J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, ...... Oregon Will practice ?i all courts of the state Office In Cauflold Building. Seeley's Dost Flour. To freo a house of mice sprlnklo red pepper where they are likely to rim In It. They will Boon leave.