Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1908)
OTY FORTY SECOND YEAR NO. 24 OREGON CITY, OREGON. Fh'DAY, JUNE 12, 1908. ESTABLISHED 18IS. ENTERPRBSE THRONGS IN CELEBRATION OREGON CITY'S MARKET AND BOOSTER DAY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS. SHAW KISSES BRIDE Public Wadding, Races, Sporti, Free Automobile Rldei and Many Other Featuret Combine to Make Attractive Day. Ih possible that tlio Market Day may bo mailo a monthly feature. In tho evening Him non-com missioned olllcer of Com puny 0, Third Hotel moot, Ore gon National (Juard, kuvo a dance In tho Armory that wan well attended, and the IioIoIh and eating houses were well patronl.ud. . - CLACKAMAS STRIKES BLOW AT EDUCATION GIVES AN OVERWHELMING VOTE AGAINST HIGH 8CHOOL AND UNIVER8ITY. Oregon Clly'N flrHt Market and Booster I )ay was a hug" success and Neveral thommnd people from all purtH of Clackamas County wuro In town Saturday to accept the hospital ity of the local business men. Tho af fair was started with a parade, ana HiIm wuh followed by open air exorcla ih at the eiiMt end of the stiNpeiinlnn bridge, (leorgo C. Ilrownell deliver ei un oration that wan spontaneous and timely, and the crowning feature of the day wan a public wedding. Miss .ell ii Hazel and A. A. Armstrong were married by County Judge Dlmlck amid the clieern of the crowd, and Captain Janie I'. Bhaw, the chief llixmter, kissed the bride. Tho couple were proNented with scores of useful glfta by the business men and have a good Mtnrt toward hoiiHekneplng. I'eoplu commenced coming to the city early In tho morning on foot, horseback and In vehicle of all do McrlptloiiH and by the tlmo of the pa rade at 10 o'clock Main (struct wuh hanked with people along both sides. The Oregon City band headed tho pro cession, and there were a number of atructlvo MohIh, the prettiest being th ut of the Oregon City Homo and Car nation Hoclety, which wan covered with nowera. The Red Men hud a (lout that whk enthiiHlaHtlcally ap plauded, and thero were muny fine horse In the parade, Kreo automobile rides offered by L. AduuiH miiilo hundreds of Uttlu child ren happy during the day, and Auguttt Erlckson, of the Clackamas Tavern, donated the uno of his auto for the pleasure of tho Utile ones. Thero were other attractions for tho visitors, Including free tickets to tho moving picture shows, and evorylxxly wan hap py over tho day's festivities. Ijirgu quantities of produce were brought Into the city by the fanner mid they had no difficulty In dlHpos- With the strength of the Initiative and referendum Clackamas County has everliiHtlngly delivered a stagger Ing blow at education, by awaiting the University of Oregon appropriation bill and the county high school mean lire. Everything that turn money tuck ed to It Is a Hlgn for tho aluughter In tho country precincts, and tho major ity against the University Ih greater tliuii the votes cast In favor of It. In Oregon City and precincts adjacent to It tho University wub given a small favorable vote,- The olllclul count on the many amendments follows: I'ay of legislators Yes, 701: no, 3580. Scattering stato Institutions Yes, 1528; no, 2120. More Supremo Judges Yes, 1248; no, 2C79. November elections Yea, 3396; no P91. ! Sheriff to have prisoners Yes, 3054: no, 1332. Compulsory Pusses Yes, 1119: no, 3040. Armory appropriation Yes, 1248; no, iiunu. BEATIFUL ROSES TO BE EXHIBITED FOR TWO DAYS Second Annual Show of Clackamas County Rose m and Carnation Society Opens and Many Flowers Are Displayed. .,., Preparations are complete for then,. Adams. Fair Ktrp v t Tirtn second unnual Hose Bhow of tho Clack- First National Bank, John Walker amuH County Hose and Carnation Bo-iDr. Aifm.i n D...,.,,i ' clety which will be held Friday and Hank of Oregon City, T. J. Gary, Ceo. Saturday In Willamette Hall. Thai Ely, A. Price, Hawley Pulp & Paper Ileal meeting of tho society was held Co., Wm. Gardiner. Drs. Sommer & I uovday and tho rules were amended Mount, D. C. Ely, J. E. Seeley. Creek. Justice of the Peace Williams, Dem 200 Constable Jones, Hep 109 Stewart, Dem ; 116 District No. 10 Canyon Creek and Highland. Justice of the Peace- Wallace, Rep 68 Kandle ........ 44 Constable Bottemlller, Rep , 99 District No. 11 Viola, Harding and Sprlngwater. Justice of the Peace COMMERCIAL CLUB COMES ORGANIZATION IS FORMED LEADING BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. BY ho that exhibitors must have the names and classes of roses written on a small card and fastened securely to each rose. The committee will bo at the hall to receive exhibits at 9 o'clock Friday morning. Women who do not care to compete for prizes are requested to send roses for decoration. All vases will bo furnished to the so ciety and a copy of tho rules will bo furnished to anyone either at tho hall or at Harlow's grocery or Hardlng'a drug store. Prof. Stauffer, of Portland High School, will give a talk on wild flow ers Saturday afternoon and school1 children of the sixth grade and over are invited to attend without charge. Strawberry growers aro requested to bring berries early. The society will give a aet of solid sliver tea spoons for the best crate of berries onl iliA a.inHtlU. I- University, 1216; j bers of"the ty must wr badges' for recognition, else they will not be PRECINCT OFFICERS. District no, Suffrago Yes, 1CC1; -Yes, 2105; np, -Yes, 1821, no, 281 Woman 2929. Wheelmen's dull bill 20C9. Open town amendment on, 2507. Single Tax Yes, 1153; no, 3394. Recall Yea, 2781; no, 1310. People's Instruction for senators Yes, 3-122; no, 902. Proportional representation Yes 2404; no. 1C28. Corrupt practice Yes. 2591; no, 1UUS. nn'" U 'r flMh b"l Ye8' 2353 ' D0, Grand Jury amendment Yes. 2330' no, H95. Hood River County Yes, 1920; no, 1460. 853m"lty h'Kl1 BchoolYc8' 1C3: n: In county Yes, 2437; lug of ull tho marketable stuff. Near 1.. ll ,1... ....... - M ' . , ... ' ij an 1,1 ,1117 uiimuixn iin-n ii:hhii-ii u i WHUKIU, ClackailllR Oak CiTOVO record breaking day's business and It 1 Harmony Yes, 217; no, 316. Prohibition no. 2fi0d. Prohibition In four precincts of Mil. and admitted to tho hall without ebareo These badges are very elaborate and may bo obtained from the treasurer for 25 cents each, and the money will be refunded after the show If the badge Is returned. On the opening day of the Show the doors will be closed from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. so that the committee may arrange the exhibits and tho Judges may pass upon entries. There are 11 rules for tho governing of exhibits. The prices are numerous and beau tiful and are displayed. Many of the local business and professional men have contributed handsome gifts. The donors are: O. B. Dlmlck. W. A. Shewman, Jr., John Adams. Frank Busch, C C Store, J. Ivltt. A. Robertson, J. E. Hedges, Rurmelster & Andresen, Edith Cheney Fred Greenman. H. P. Brlghtblll, R. Potzold, H. E. Cross, Mrs. W. L. Block, J. E. Jack, Huntley Bros. Co.. -Geo. A. Harding, Wilson & Cooke, Howell & Jones, Dr. Carll. F. T. Grlfflth. Rev. A. Hlllebrand, Pope & Co., N. R. Lang.) Jubb, Rep 197 j nonstable Brown, Rep 191 District No. 13 Cascade, Cherryvllle and Bull Run. Justice of the Peace T. G. Jonsrud, Rep 230 Constable Bert Jonsrud, Rep 245 District No. 14 George and Ettacada. Justice of the Peace Boswell, Rep 62 Gill, Ind 185 Womer, Dem ug Constable Jones, Rep 282 District No. 15 Killin and Needv. Justice of the Peace Smith, Rep 192 Constable Spagle, Dem 192 No. 1 Pleasant Hill, Tuala tin and Union. Justice of the Peace DodBon, Rep 130 Thompson, Dem 146 Constable- Peters, Dem 151 Todd, Rep . . 127 District No. 2 Oswego. Justice of the Peace Davidson, Rep 1C2 Constable- Spencer, Rep 163 District No. 3 Mllwaukle, Clackamas, Oak Grove and Harmony. Justice of the Peace Kelso, Rep 455 Constable Elklns, Rep 455 District No. 4 Abernethv. Oregon City No. 1. Oreaon Clt No. Upon the testimony of Roy Stewart 2, Oregon City No. 3, Maple Lane,!and his barkeeper, Ed Anderson, the PROSPECT IS BRIGHT Upper Floor of Masonic Temple May Be Secured a Permanent Home for Club, Which Is Need ed in Oregon City. COUNCIL REVOKES SALOON LISENSE ROY 8TEWART MUST GO OUT OF BUSINESS IN OREGON CITY JUNE 20. West Oregon City, Justlco of the Peace Parker, Dem 692 Samson, Rep gc8 Constable Barbur, Rep 594 Miles, Dem 925 District No. 6 Canby and New Era. juhiice or tne peace Knight, Rep 305 Lon stable oranam, Kep 293 tHBirict No. 7 Barlow and Macksburg Justice of the Peace Sanduness, Rep 146 Yohann, Dem !!!!!!! 72 Constable Coleman, Dem ' 65 King, Rep !!!! 149 District No. 8 Marquam, Molalla and Soda SDrinaa. Justice of the Peace Dungan, Dem 227 Hobart, Rep 'mi Constable Adams, Dem 970 District No. 9 Beaver Creek and Milk city council Monday nleht revoked Stewart's liquor license to take effect June 20. Stewart came here from Pendleton and has been arrested sev eral times upon criminal charges and his resort has borne an unsavory repu tation. On the night of May 22 Sam Bray was arrested for robbing John Walleck, and In the trial of the case Saturday Stewart and Anderson ad mitted selling liquor to Intoxicated persons, which is a direct violation of the city ordinance and also of the bond that the saloonkeepers are re quired to file. Stewart's license is paid to June 30. New Restaurant to Open. Walter Hornback and Roy Cllne nave rented the premises formerly oc cupied by J. E. Wassom on Seventh street near the Southern Pacific depot and will establish the wigwam Coffee House and Lunch Counter, opening next Saturday. They will be open day and night and expect to have a. liter al patronage. Following the Booster and Market Day, while the enthusiasm of the bust ness men is at its height, the organ ization of a Commercial Club Is being attempted by John Adams, Dr. E. a Sommer nd other well known ' busi ness and professional men. Papers were circulated this week and were signed freely, as the progressive citi zens of Oregon City are not slow to realize the benefits to accrue from or ganization, to say nothing of the so cial features of a club that will bring the people of Oregon City closer to gether. , It Is planned to secure the entire upper floor of the new Masonic Tem ple and fit it up for club rooms. The initiatory charge Is $25, and the dues will probably be nominal and only high enough to defray the running ex penses of the organization. More than 50 names were obtained Toes day to the proposition and there is little doubt that a sufficient number will be secured in a few days to make the formation of the club a certain ty. Oregon City has lone felt the need of a good commercial organization, and u is apparent that the hope of the "pushing" class of people are about to be realized. OFFICIAL VOTE OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Hedges Elected Alternate. State Senator J. E. Hedges was' Tuesday elected an alternate to the' National Democratic Convention at Denver. He attended the meeting of the state convention In Portland and other Democrats who , went from Clackamas County were ' O. D. Eby, secretary of the county central com mittee; Al Gribble, of Macksburg; W O. Vaughan, of Molalla; H. G. Stark weather, of Mllwaukle, and E. Mass. of Wlllamttte. Want Baseball Game. The Woodburn Junior baseball team challauges any baseball team in Ore gon City for a game. Ages ranging up to 17 years. Write H. Mickel, Wood burn, Ore. CANDIDATES ! H 1 1 I I II II I I n i ! 1 1 1 1 if 5 1 1 ?????? ? s.,,; I ? in -1 M i I ? 1 f r M IH ; 5 1 f I ! ! ! H up : : I ! : i : " J : i i j f ff 0 g : "long. ? J : ! $ r : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : - : S s - : : S : . -. . .CO U. 8. Senator 11. M. Cake George E. Chamberlain Representative In Congrei Willis C. Hawley J. J. Whitney Dairy and Food Commlialoner J. W. BaJIcy K. N. Emery Railroad Commissioner Thomas K. Campbell R. Robertson Prosecuting Attorney E. II, Tongue Representative, 17th District C. N. McArthur A. King Wilson i Representative J. U. Campbell .- Walter A. Dlmlck Linn E. Jones W. A. Hcylmon L. W. Robblns W. K. Young E. Coalman John P. 8tark M. V. Thomas County Commissioner W. H. Mattoon J. II. Smith Alfred A. Spanglor Sheriff It. B. Beatle R. U Greavos C. E. Hilton Clerk P. W. Greenman Robort Glnther Recorder of Conveyances William Heerdt Bayno Howard Chauncey E. Ramsby Treasurer J. C. Paddock August Splinter Coroner R. L. Holman J. S. Imel Tom J. Myers 1 School Superintendent T. J. Gary Joseph W. Gray Assessor" J. E. Jack ; Harry S. Moody John W. Park h Surveyor S. A. D. Hungate Prohibition yes .4 NO 13G 99 181 4G 183 55 185 61 209 159 57 179 187 194 24 69 2G 16 26 10 187 65 21 120 124 22 198 56 45 30 189 222 341 120 221 31 47 5 on 671 101 104 40 55 9 20 53 C6 28 62 4 31 49 CO 47 16 27 14 13 16 14 32 47 13 32 44 14 C4 25 10 10 59 70 19 35 16 115 38 101 1G0I 111 134 .27, 211 125 12S 11 47 12 81 69 106 94 117 31 72 29 6 11 55 90 19 145 14 65 19 23 54 13 751 36 K'l 94 59 41 17 106 '136 16 31 9 103 46 128 3J 133 98 19 12 271 50 26 5! 17 28 30 30 11 11 10 25 101 6 31 8 7! 25 9 35 24 IK 68 19 CO 23 66 45 20 55 63 51 19 "i 16 16 11 11 60 28 8 20 16 36 36 3 35 6 39 33 6 34 39 37 1 14 HI IO 105 86 125 CO 67 95 3 124 99 57 35 7... 41 133 74 153 107 67 119 131 126 38 79 46 25 26 20 75 122 23 110 85 22 40 41 3 21 14 35 6 28 26 102 102 37 106 63 51 93 95 90 30 43 25 15 16 16 73 59 14 44 161 117 46 28 49 31 133 160 44 116 28 7: 159 62 17 1 42 20! 911 92 27 170 32 17 93 124 21 i 84 15 45 103 35 63 fl 9 127 17 21 2 10 22 19 25 16 23 17 19 25 19 12 17 12 9 8 281 1 26 14 63 471 76 22 84 80 118 36 74 12i 29 36 35 17 7 22 31 23 6 171 29 11 19 20 71 34 1151 66 18 1M Trl HI 70 40 84 59 31 72 75 87 10 35 19 10 12 10 65 43 10 70 45 4 91 25 24 9 83 92 19 60 71 50 81 28 63 57 6 97 61 114 66 139 101 44 113 121 93 30 29 28 35 28 41 116 43 23 93 79 17 145 33 44 -25 112 138 37 105 28 '62 138 34 0 109 271 155 83 1 Al i 43 86 85 32 90 32 99 38 112 60 51 83 90 82 35 39 38 49 491 87 124 58 145 30 51 59 32 57 38 72 47 361 118 18 35 11 91 113 21 70 11 54 95 39 80 43 10 111 6G 61 68 30 43 22 6 7 63 33 67 42 77 17 271 9 61 74 16 63 5 141 69 36 42 52 5 139 58 138 68 159 112 77 65 119 125 104 128 63 31 8 10 20 136 74 10 118 95 9 163 37 39 15 161 174 23 83 13 122 13o 78 119 93 71 19 43 18 57 27 101 27 101 26 12 31 21 12 178 121 30 26 14 11 26 13 371 1 15 33 7 15 24 1 37 70 25 69 27 66 34 81 56 33 241 64 3 .60 60 13 65 18 70 "5 26 51 43 19 52 24 49! 17 33 76 68 22 37 19 31 4 3 64 37 1 62 48 2 75 20 24 6 70 84 9 49 1 62 40 58 44 52 71 89 16 43j 69 i 42 271 57 61 61 17 23 21 53 32 50 32 70 14 17 8 63 10 58 8 22 69 19 54 7 80 53 38 37; 49 44 23 25 18 21 28 24 56 27 13 60 22 16 61 33 16 19 57 67! 32 47 17 29 401 29 20 26 67 57' 29 50j 28 60 36 60 60 31 62 6 50 151 41 26 3 4 3 4G 45 2 57 34 79 27 2 57 77 7 5G 1 33 I 55 28 62 3 3 82 44 86 70 51 72 54 73 601 87 57I 62 65 79 6 48 75 45 7 , 8 7 18 121 2 4 12 301 54 10 73 . I 91 30 56 11 64 97' 25 78 52 8 107 53 125, 83 81 79 94 76 102 101 60: 102 62 76 68 141 73 22 26 22 34 142 19 139 40 19 I 116 51 56 24 114 110I 46 55 23 116 I 106 63 131 50 16 144 80 51 94 25 ' 95 27 44 49 52' 36 48 4 110 60 23 44 109 86 24 96 101 88 24 26 23 6 81 7 96 36 61 67 68 114! 1 25 7 104 10 96 5 32 113 14 39 97 4 112 32 65 39 28 116 46 50 75 72 59 60! 66 42 45 49 51 53 29 64 32 4 4 4 41 66 21 62 35 1 65 21 29 2 61 GG 12 '47! 2! 40 39 54 46 1 75 50 50 54 36 66 35 67 48 79 49 44 67 64 71 17 40 23 21 26 21 62 44 26 70' 38 16 I 72 48 35 20 67 75! 45 43 15 67 88 21 80 30 16 92 25 50 471 21 4G 27 48 35 50 30 32 48 38 49 21 51 21 38 41 65 22 2 49 35 19 37 32 ' 26 32 6 48 67 49 35 78! 87 69 171 44 92 18 91 24 89 781 28j 68 84 71 li 49 10 16 15 16 15 98 10 35 14 95 22 14 11 93 95! 18 80 12 26 60 87 34 25 67 20 3 661 63 47 11 105 64 45 63 53 81 37 68 55 61 73 33 60 38 11 14 27 94 8 , 30 91 33 65 11 60 91 31 64! ! 52 81 36 96 27 7 99 66 83 106 37 108 42 126 45 135 85 46 iog' 112 104 37 51 40 12 18 13 ..,! 63 161 78 84 12 135! 23 39 16 112 132 29 97 10 61 134 31 75 82 15 142 133 144 100 179 163 110 202 212 139 96 74 63 198 200 127 85 84 65 187 202 141 116 99 75j 236 230 164 164 160 108 117 10G 77 199 219 130 234 232 146 246 252 164 45 47 42 106 93 81 47 45 43 16 8 15 16 10 19 17 8 14 195 202 129 112 100 76 15 10 19 202 200 141 119 116 85 10 6 11 255 247 161 55 52 56 74 67 50 20 15 21 227 232 160 249 247 164 42 34 46 169 170 101 9 4 8 156 141 123 189 196 138 109 100 76 180 177 158 146 144 66 11 7 11 244 252 177 1fn 19QI 199 84 58 23 13 37 20 32 80 2132 88 74 29 50 66 17 20 121 2666 118 92 31 30 59 26 39 115 3163 45 33 20 25 45 11 12 68 1339 115 89 31 30 60 24 33 110 3127 50 35 22 32 44 12 15 71 1458 108 97 32 37 55 28 42 116 3225 CI 38' 21 36 49 13 15 721700 130 121 41 41 77 34 49 146 3750 94 72 26 23 44 22 31 98 2532 62 49 22 33 56 15 12 87 1769 110 81 28 28 52 25 37 118 3000 112 89 33 13 47 30 39 1213208 106 79 29 28 47 28 32 150 3184 30 22 17 39 45 11 13 41 113S 64 32 29 27 54 17 14 71 1803 34 52 18 18 46 12 8 3G 1077 16 5 .... 18 4 .... 4 5 414 18 7 21 3 .... 7 9 469 13 - 4 20 3 . . . . 5 6 423 109 75 30 24 48 15 49 106 2661 53 54 24 40 62 24 9 83 2163 16 7 .... 16 1 .... 2 3 381 84 84 38 52 73 20 34 115 3018 84 50 15 10 35 21 21 81 1906 9 ' 3 1 15 4 2 312 141 120 46 49 85 32 47 151 3900 30 10 3 25 8 8 10 281010 45 29 17 27 45 13 10 63 1260 14 6 1 18 3 2 6 7 496 116 95 36 32 55 24 41 118 3349 137 118 43 42 80 32 45 154 3933 28 16 4 22 8 6 8 21 823 105 88 26 14 44 22 36 110 2583 I4 4 .... 16 3 1 4 3 368 59 43 28 47 54 16 18 88 2207 134 105 35 31 65 31 37 137 3340 39 22 14 41 . 31 10 19 68 1537 75 54 . 42 47 61 18 25 1112694 88 76 12 19 44 22 29 85 2223 14 6 .... 14 1 .... 6 4 352 139 114 42 56 81 32 60 159 4157 1 ' tlft it m an . - . -