Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. I tor. Mii..lf 0m liorsos and pud the out Hldci portions of wliltflotn-ns und liar row ln!ii cultivating the orchard; Uiiih avoiding ell lirulscil and "hurk cd" Irons. Kiln tlio hoi.'H and kw.-p tliom sharp. Htlr Um hoII frc(iifiHly; and always mimmbfr that a hard criwt will form aftor a rain If you don't looson up the hoII frequently, How ciiRunihcri) now for pickling. Wlmn tho vlniiH Ix-Kln to boar, pick all tlio fruit every day or ho. Let notio o to Hi!('d (ripen) If you want tlin vines to contlnuo hciarltiK. Frequent and Hhallow cultivation Hhould ho tho rule In tho new straw-1, berry bed; and also In tho raHpherry, blackberry, currant and gooseberry patches, If tho last four are not mulch ed. No grain or :;rah crops In the youiiK orchard, please. Cultivation Is boat. Htlr the soil every two week until AiiKUHt. TIs a good plan to throw iwo or throe forkfuls of manure around each tree after a rain. To prevent a acabby crop of pota to", soak tho need for two hours In a solution of one-half pint of formalin (formaldehyde) In fifteen gallons of water. Then plant tho need In hoII which Iioh not recently grown a crop of Hciibby Inborn. Watch for tho little slugs darkish, Hllmy fellowH that aro likely to bo on poar or cherry leaven now. Fine, dry dust, If thrown In tho trees, will kill every slug It coverH. Or almoHt any of the reflation orchard sprays will enlernilnato this pent. l'uinpklriH planted among corn hills are no special hindrance to tho crop ir tho ground Ih rich. They are some times a great benefit In a dry season; the leaven and vines cover the ground and keep It from drying up after cul tivation Ceases. Cabbage and tomato plants can be safeguarded against cutworms, by In serting a circular paper fence In the hoII around eacn siem. Any buu. v" ncr will do. Have each fence about ono and one-half Inches above ground, and tho same distance away from the plant. A gentleman who made the experi ment the paht season, recommends moth balla as an effective means of keening tho striped bettlo off the cu cumber, melon and squash vines. Tho remedy Ih not only Inexpensive but eanlly applied, only one ball being required for each hill. The ljordcaux mixture Is the proper remedy to uso for all fungus troubles; viz., mildew and rust of beanB; pota to and tomato rot and leaf blight; melon and cucumber diseases; aspara- gtiH runt; celery leaf blight and rust, etc. The balf-strength mixture (two pounds cooper sulphate, two pounds quicklime, fifty gallons water) Is strong enough to use In the vegetable garden, except for potatoes. Kodol Ih the best known preparation that Is ofTcred to tho people today for dyspepsia or Indigestion or any stom ach trouble. Kodol digests all foods. It Is pleasant to take. It is sold here by Howell & Jones. OUR FARMERS' PAGE. ENTERPRISE READER8 ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIO CROP" ITEM8 FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. Now the country's spread nil over With the Hunnlilmi, and tho brec,o riays among Iho big red clover With tho clumsy bumblebees; HougHteiH hide In leafy covers From llin brightness of tho noon, Then, like serenading lovers, King their lovO'SongH unlo Juno. Those who pay as they go Hud the going pleasant. HuppoHo wo put a half hitch on our dispositions. Homo men haven't much push as a frog has In ono hind leg. When you havo duiio a really good thing do not atop to talk about It, but. do another. A country hoiiMOWlfo will do all sho can In tho winter amj can all alio does In I lie Hununor, To kill till the humble bees Hosts ruins th' clover crop, for tho boos ciomh fertilize Hie IiIohhoiiih. Hun boys, but don't kill them. Iliirbank h'lH succeinlud in produc ing a spineless rnctiis, but let us hope that this will be no encouragement to I ho cultivation of spineless men. Home fanners seem anxious to own all tho adjoining laud, but they should really Improve nnd mako tho best uho of tho acres they havo beforo purchas ing more. Many a man by tho flreulda slttctli and mnolseth, while his sons do all the chores In tho rain and cold, and ho eollaroth all the cash. Verily, this also is vexation of spirit, Tho garden has a hundred heads growing on the cabbages; It has a thousand pyes growing on tho pota toes; It has any number of ears hanging on tho sweet corn; and It linn all tho toes It wants, too on tho tomatoes. reno. Tlio wild rose yields her sulkiest scents, Where haycocks pitch their fragrant tents. Tho longest day's too brief for June." Weedy Thoughts. Kill tho small ,weds and you will never have the largo ones. A dead weed never goes to seed. Mustard Is bettor In tho kitchen than In the w heat Held, Pull it up by tho roots. Tho best time to cut sweet clover Is when It Ih in blossom. It Is hard upon you tools, but harder upon the clover, Iletter hoo a corn field four times when Iho weeds aro small than once when they aro big. It's cheaper. It don't pay to cut burdocks with a hoe. Uho a spado and cut deep. Dragging corn either when It Just comes up or at three or four Inches will save lots of trouble Inter. Use a splko-tooth harrow, Io unto your woods as you would havo you neighbor do unto tils. "Full leafed in prldo of deepest green Tho Kurth In tho sunshine basks bo- I'ralso your wife when alio gets you an extra good dinner, and you will get many more of them. Iletter cut herd's gniHS beforo It blossoms than to let it stand until It becomes hard. If It has begun to ripen seed It will mako poor fodder for any oronturo, Havo tho hay ropes, pulleys and ail such thlngH good and solid before you begin to take on a loud. SUind out of tho lino of all pulleys when a fork ful Is being tuken off. flight acres of good, heavy corn ought to fill u hundred-ton silo. This ought t bo grown and put Into the alio for a cost of not more than $200, or 12 per Ion for tho sllngo. Ono of tho most Important depart ments of tho farm Ih too often forgot ten in tho stresH of business, and this In tho woodlot. If you havo one, see to It that the young trees aro pro tected front tho vandal axo of man and tho depredations of stock. A well conserved wood lot grows Hteadlly Into money while wo sleep, When you are mopping your face In tho harvest sun, consider tho good wife In tho super heated kitchen bend ing over u hot stovo In tho prepara tion of food, and ask yourself If you have provided her with satisfactory help. Full barns will bring ono little Hutlsfactlon If tho wlfo Is broken down at tho end of tho harvest. Orchard and Garden. Ijito cabbage and main-crop celery plants may 1 set luto this month. Don't hoo beans whllo they are wet. It spots tho loaves. Walt till they aro dry. Mako threo successful plantings of sweet corn this month, at ten-day in tervals. (Jet ready for tho strawberry crop, provide carriers, boxes, crates, sten cils, packing shed, etc. Do not pick berries when they arc wet; when picked, hurry thorn to a riml tilurn out (if tho Mil II. For grape-rot and mildew, begin1 early and spray tho vines with Bor deaux mixture at Intervals of about two weeks. To destroy squash-bugs, lay a cloth or shlnglo by tho plants, Tho bugs go under It and can bo collected and killed in tho morning. Itemeniber tlio neighbor who has no berries on his farm. Send down a nice basket of them onco In a while. Makes your own taste so much bet- Whenever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power A Redaction in Expense An Increase in Output An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers V I ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING ortland Railway Light & Power Company CG. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON ! Ml OREGON CITY to hold its First Monthly Market Day Farmers are requested to bring to town on that day all the produce they wish or have in readiness to sell There will be produce men there who will buy in any quantites; bring your Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Garden Produce, etc. etc. Speech by Good Orator. Oregon City Augmented Band will play all day Everybody will be in Oregon City on Market Day. they will come in wagon loads, on horse back and afoot. Its ten times better and bigger than a circus. Several good races will be pulled off. Many other amusements. The farmer bringing to town the lar gest bonafide Family gets $5. in Gold. The lady purchasing the largest bill of goods from the different stores gets $5. in gold. Wanted! boys from all over the Count ry for the Ragamuffin Parade. Five Dollars for the most Unique Costume. Any couple, young or old, matrimonally inclined, who will volunteer to be MARRIED IN PUBLIC Market Day, every merchant in town will throw in a present to help feather their nest. Oregon City merchants have Booster Day in charge and will see that visitors are given a Gala Day. Remember The 1 c"" "7 'ate 4k OREGON CITY'S BIG MARKET DAY. EVERYBODY COME. 1 I i Us