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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1908)
0RE&6N C.TV ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1608, SECOND TERM FOR JONES. resident of Clackamas, deeply inter ested In Its welfare and a man of strict integrity. In hi many years ! of residence near New Kru. Mr. ('a- Well Known and Popular Represen tative Will Be Sent to Legislature. Linn B Jones the well known mem- hill has helped l.m'd ovoiy enmity 1 . 1 1 A .... A .. I road leading through that Boctlon, and there Is very little about county highways that he does not know. He is economical in his tastes and hab its and his nomination and election would mean a safe administration of the county's affairs. STANDS ON HIS RECORD. ber of the drug firm of Howell & Jones, and a member of the legisla ture of 1907, is a candidate for re Bomlnatlon and reelection. He is deservedly popular, and has gained many friends since two years ago, when he ran at the head of his party ticket at the primary nominating elec tion. He quickly demonstrated that the faith of his friends was not mis taken, for in the legislature he made County' AiieiBOr, Nell0n Kat Raised Corporation Assessment While In Office. County Assessor James F. Nelson, who is a candidate for re-election, is being commended on every hand for his splendid record while an incum bent of the office. Every year he has made a boost In the assessed valua tion of the corporations and timber barons, who have property In Clacka mas, until now for the first time, these people pay a very large share of the taxes of the county. The total as sessed valuation of the property of this county last year was $12,854,000, anw of this amount corporations were -, . -VK. m V . ' Vv,;.,v ?..-. XXXZ1 t . nominate for Justice of tho Peace In District No. 4. 1 this district are the precincts of West Oregon City, Cane 1nah, Maple Lane. Abeniethy and Ore gon City. Mr. Clark has been a law yer of high repute in Oregon City for many years, ills legal ability Is un questioned, and thero Is no doubt that he would make an excellent official. In casting their votes for Justice of the Peace, the Republicans BhouUI bear In mind that this Is an import ant office whore many cases of note aro brought for preliminary examin ation, and U Is essential, whore knot ty legal problems are to bo tried, to have a man on the beach that Is qual ified to pass upon questions that will arise. Mr. Clark Is the only candi date who fills this requirement. If nominated and elected he will conduct the otllco wisely nnd In tho interests of the whole people ami the taxpayers. His number on tho official ballot Is 47. Mark X between No. 47 and his name. a fine record, introducing a bill to repeal the fire slashing permit law which was enacted, with some amend meats. Mr. Jones also introduced a bill applying the, initiative and refer endum to cities and towns, and he pushed this bill through both houses, His whole record at Salem was very creditable and be will no doubt be returned for a second term with greatly increased vote, for tho Re publicans of Clackamas are not slow to exhibit their appreciation for faith' fil legislative service. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Republicans of Clackamas County: The undersigned announces himself as a candidate for County . Commis sloner of Clackamas County subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Election on April 17th; as a business man and one much In terested in the development of Clack- am as County, if I receive said nom ination and am elected to said office, I pledge mvself to use my abilities and best efforts In the promotion of the interests of said county and to wards a progressive administration of county affairs along economical and business lines. ROBERT S. COE, of Canby Precinct. AN HONEST OFFICIAL. Enos Cahill, Farmer and Veteran, Is a Candidate for Commissioner. Honesty Is a primary requisite in the office of County Commissioner, and there is no man in Clackamas County better fitted for that position than Enos Cahill, of New Era Pre cinct. Mr. Cahill is a veteran of the Civil War, where he fought to save the Union, and he takes a deep inter est in all public affairs. He was four years treasurer of Clackamas Coun ty and In that capacity be discharg ed the duties of the office so well that the people of Clackamas have no doubt of his ability and familiarity with county affairs. Mr. Cahill is commander of Meade Post. No. 2, Grand Army of the Republic, and that organization has prospered wonder lunjf uuuer nis iirecuon. tie is a plain, blunt, honest farmer, long a i -. V assessed to the extent of $4,227,180, aa follows: Southern Pacific $1,408,710 Weyerhauser Company .... 230,000 Portland Gen. Electric Co.. 683,000 JAMES U. CAMPBELL ''v'x.X--' X?.X?:$ i A CANDIDATE FOR THE NOM NATION FOR A SECOND TERM IN THE LEGISLATURE. A MEMBER OF THE LAST LEG ISLATURE WHO MADE GOOD. THE AUTHOR OF THE FIRST EIGHT HOUR LAW EVER PASSED Willamette Pulp & Paper Co ,360,050 I BT UHtl"UN lluislaiuhl, Crown-Columbia P. & P. Co 130,000 the man who leu the uregon waier rower & ny. om-u Oregon City Mfg. Co 105,000 Portland Flouring Mills Co 52,000 O. I. & S. Co 175,000 Collins Timber Co 204,000 Other Timber 130,000 Taxes paid this year by the big cor porations of Clackamas reach the enormous total of $91,206, and fol low: Southern Pacific $25,000 Portland R ' Ught & Power Co 32,000 To Tho Editor of tho Enterprise: In your Issue of April 3 nnd 10 yoii published an article under the bend ing, "Million a Fine Record", you made some statements regarding the of tlce of the Coroner that are erroneous mid altogether misleading to thho vo ters and taxpayers of the County. Firs, you say,' being an undertaker, be rim conduct the office at less ex pense to the tax payers, and you give as an Illustration thv cases that are paid for by the County. Now tho County pays Just so much for tho bur ial of a County case nnd no more and allows by law a certain stipulated foe for tho Coroners services so there can not bo any saving to tho County along that line, regardless, of who the coroner Is. Hut there can bo a saving of from 5 to 20 per cent to (ho ltult vldunl who tuny bo so unfortunate as to call a coroner, If the office of cor oner Is belli by one not an uuudertak or, this leaving them free to call the undertaker who has tho exclusive and prior right to handle their dead, as Is usually done. You say Multnomah and Marlon counties have undertaker .coroners, but you neglect to say that since the recent troubles In Portland over the Kx Radium Institute and Its Illegal practices, that that same undertaker Is not a candidate for re-election, and It will be ninny a long day before an other undertaker will bold the olllco of coroner In Multnomah county. The people have become allvo to tho fact that n doctor should hold this very responsible olllco, for tho boat Interests of the city, county and all concerned. The coroner Is called to all cases In question, If he Is not a physician how can he Intelligently tell tho cause of deaths. He can gtiesH at It and that Is all; if you Insist on knowing, ho will call In a physician and the conn ty pays the extra expenso of $10 on each esse. Why not have a physician at first and save all this neodless expenso to tho taxpayers. It seems to mo that a physician should bo elected In every Instance whether It Is mysejf or some other physician Taxpayers, it Is up to you to decide the matter and you havo tho chance at this primary. Yours rospectfullly, DU. C. A. STUART. D. EI. JED YE .;'V' H'.-.' V:.'v -r'- ' r4r;'- ' "X, ' ,..V.;; ;v; w ;' ;..::J:, : .' rrfri , v "sMjJ: '' ' ' X ' ' j f Candidate for Rc-elccfion on Hie Republican Ticket Mr. Dye made a good record and should receive the endorsement of the people for a second trm. IF ELECTED HE WILL FAVOR DR. C. A. STUART Weyerhause Timber Co Collins Timber Co Oregon Iron & Steel Co Other timber companies Willamette Pulp & Paper Co. . Crown-Columbia P. & P. Co... Oregon City Mfg. Co Portland Flouring Mills Co ... 4.9S6 6,720 4,800 2,000 8,500 2,600 3,100 1,500 Dixon Fights Single Tax. The following letter explains itself: Portland, Ore., March 10, 90S. Mr. George W. Dixon, Editor Tribun Canby, Oregon. Dear Sir: You ask me to put you In touch with persons who are opposed to the Single Tax. I do not find that any body is taking any great interest in it outside of yourself and The Ore- gonian. Very truly yours. THE OREGONIAN. Edgar B. Piper, Managing Editor. Mr. Dixon Is the Republican candi date for Representative and It is pret ty certain that he will have the solid i vote of the farmers of Clackamas County, on account of the fight lie has been making against the Single Tax" in Oregon. , FIGHT FOR ECONOMY IN APPRO PRIATIONS. A VOTE FOR HIM MEANS LEG ISLATION IN THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE. LESS TAXES. A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL. BETTER SHIPPING FACILITIES. W, A. Carter Is Leading Candidate For Railroad Commissioner. William A. Carter, candidate for the Republican nomination of Railroad Commissioner from the First Congres sional District, was Interviewing friends and acquaintances and meet ing the voters of Oregon City, Frl- ATTORNEY IN THE PLACE. John F. Clark Is the Leading Candi date for Justice of the Peace. : t ?-Xi' - I Republican Candidate at Primary Elec tion for Coroner. I am a candidate because, I believe a physician Is better qualified to per form the duties of Coroner, besides reducing for the county tho expenses of the office. Also because the present Coroner, R. L. Holman, asked me to become 1. Better Banking Laws. 2. Equal Taxation, Not Single Taxation. 3, Preiervlny water rlgMe for the People. 14. Reasonable hourt, and safe and unitary condition! for labor. 5. Statement No. 1, and the Peoples' Choice for U. 8. Senator. day. His candidacy 1h well received in rifipkamHt pountv nn anpmint nf hl Attorney John F. Clark, whose home contention for better shipping faclll- in West Oregon City, is the man CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm , Sure to Give Satisfaction. 0IVE8 RELIEF AT ONCC. , It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseawd membrane resulting from Catarrh aiid drirea away a Cold in the Head quicklv. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL Easy to use,. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into the nostrils and absorbed; Irge Size, 60 cents at Druggist or by mail. Liqnid Cream Balm for use in atomizers, 75 cents. " . . li " D.Y BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New Ydrk. is ties and more reasonable rates for all the Interior towns and cities. Mr. Carter was a member of the Legis lature from Jackson County in 1901 and it was largely due to his efforts that the railroad passenger fare was reduced to three cents per mile. He pledges himself for "Honest, fair and impartial regulation and service," and against unjust discrimination between shippers or localities. . x-li V- '-' . a candidate, giving me his word of honor that he would not be a candi date again (for the 3d or 4th term). I most respectfully ask your sup port, voter and tax payer, promising efficiency and economy in all things. DR. C. A. STUART. "OLD DICK" FOR CONSTABLE. whom the Republicans are going to LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK I,. No Opposition at the Primaries to R. T. Barbur for Precinct Office, R. T. Barbur, who Is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Con stable in Justice District No. 4, em braced by the precincts of Oregon City, West Oregon City, Maple Lane, Canemah, Willamette and Abernethy, will have no opposition among the members of his own party, and will be given a heavy complimentary vote Program for Institute, County School Superintendent T. J. Gary has announced the programme for the Clackamas County Teachers' Local Institute, which will be held at Macksburg, Saturday, April 18, In the school building. The teachers who attend will drive from their respective homes, and the people of Macksburg will entertain them. The programme follows: Forenoon Primary Numbers, Mrs. Beatrice Harrison, Eastham School, Oregon City; "What IoGsod h rdlu Oregon City; "What 13 Good Disci pline," discussion. Afternoon Exercises by the School; "Reading It's Foundation and Ex pression," Mrs. Beatrice Harrison; "French and Indian War Its Bear ing Upon American History," Howard Eccles, Canby. GEORGE W. DIXON (Editor Can by Tribune.) ' i'.X ' i X ' j i J r "'; ' . T'V A -:... '.7.';!:V ; 1 yaw ti".Miaiauffljaj!.". A vote for Dixon Is a vote against the Single Tax. 1 ifji:r I I JN ONE OR MANY COLORS I ii' an j 1 : I IATIJ S IIW AS AJTElIt HOUSES t at the. primaries next Friday. Mr. Barbur has been a resident of Oregon City for many years, and worked In the paper mills where he was known as "old Dick" among his hundreds of friends. In the June election he will be the Republican nominee for Con stable and should receive the Vote of every man in the above named pre efnets. He will make a faithful and ! conscientious officer and will pay strict attention to duty. "Dick Barbur for Constable" is the thing to remera beSr'on election day. ' 1 California II M Sweet PeaSeedsL I trcrr Uir nir obiiln u iKii wort rk- Wc of ClllorU wt fci Utit rass RIEGrER - -THE CJUFBfWA PEWFUMEII ' bu KM u 19, 000 kc( to 4it.rlbmc Irae w 1L Come at once before they tie gono foo o not bare 10 bur Mftliinf Utt treat mc free, to come twttr. ltee frizet re ofered fortke proeuct of the Ke4. rum che ri oov tot our wUaowi Ur yriset li ettc of conteM. bfrf CURT Mi U fbc bttm trf Ceew ! U It HOWELL AND JONES RELIABLE DKUGGISTt REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Champion of Statement A VOTE FOR DIXON IS A VOTE AGAINST SINGLE TAX. (1). Will vote for people's chice for U, 8. Senator. (2). Will Intro duce a law preventing the Josa of the peoples money deposited In State and National Banks. (3). Mr. Dixon is tho leader of tho fight In Oregon against the Slnglo-Taxers; who are trying to exompt from tnxatlon all man ufacturing plants, thus putting the taxes wholly on tho land, and If nominat ed will devote his time until June writing and speaking against the meas ure, Mr. Dixon has supplied tho State Grange with arguments against this measure, through the Oregon State Library Commission, and those argu ments are being used all over the State of Oregon.' (4). If elected, will Introduce a law allowing each road dlotrlct to elect Its own supervisor, believing that u niter this system tho bust results can be obtained from public money used to maintain public reads and bridges. (5). Will favor better schools, better government and a square deal for all. ' - 0 Careful of Your Properly One of ihe secrets of ' our success . in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safe, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co, Phones, Office. 1121, Residence 1833 . 525 Main Street I I n