Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1908. Summons. la Out Circuit Court of ttio State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Loruua Culver, I'lalnlM", vh. ICtiKonu M. Culvnr, Dofiindant. To KiiK'iim M, Culvnr, D(ifndiint. In llin nwnifl of tho Mate of Oregon, you aro hnrnby rmiulnul to uppeur and answer tho complaint filed UKulimt you In thu nlMve entitled Hult on or be fore tho 17th dny of April, 19011, that biilnic thu I lint da yprettcrlljod In tbo order of publication of thlH summons, and If you full to ho appear and an fiwnr mild complulnt tho pliilnlld will apply to tho court for tho relief there In prayod, to-wlt: A decree dlMiiolvIng tho niarrluKO contract existing between you and tho plulutlff. Thin summons la published in tho Orenn City ICnturprlsn, nowapupf for alx consecutive weeks by ordur of Hon. Grunt II. Dlmick, JudKO of tho County Court, made on tho 2nd day of March, 190R, tho first publication being on tho Clh dny of aMrch, 1908. CLYDE UICIIARDHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. FIItSTCLABH 8ICICI) I'OTATOBS (llurbank) for talc. Apply to Thoa. K, Hyan, OreKon City. FOR BAIJC IJght drivlnic team, bun icy and harness, together or separ atoly. 8. I). llurney, four miles cumI of Oreon City. Houto No. 3. WANTKD Young man, good salary, In or near Oregon City, to represent and to show property for largo Port land real estate Orm. Kxpoilonce not necessary. Small cash security roqulred. Address Managnr, 242, Fifth Bt Portland. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Annlo Terry, Plaintiff, vs. John W. Terry. Defendant. To John W. Terry, abovo named De fendant: In Ike name ef the State of Ore gon, you ara hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the abovo entitled ault on or before the expiration of alx weeks from the date of tho first pub Ucatlon of this irumnions, to-wlt: on or before Monday, the 4th day of May, 1908, and In default thereof, the plain tiff will apply to tho court for the re lief demauded In the comphilut hero in filed, to-wlt: for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other relief aa to the court may seem moot and equitable, Thla service pf summons by publi cation la mado upon you by order of the Hon. O. U. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county, made March 18, 1908, directing that tho said pub lication ho mado In tho Oregon City Entorprtso, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Ore gon City once each week for alx aue cesslve weeks, and the date of the first publication of tliHt summons Is tho 20th day f March, 1908. OU8. C. MOSKR, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Floy May Ilonderahott, Plaintiff, va. Grant O. Ilonderahott, Defendant. To Grant O. Hendershott, Defend ant: la tho name of the State of Ore gon, you aro horeby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint In tho above entitled cause on or before the Utb day or May, 1908, and if you fall to ao appear and auswer, tho plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayod for in the complaint, namely, for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. Thla summons Is published In the Oregon City Knterprlso, a weekly newspaper for six successive weeks, the first publication thereof to be mado on the 27th day of March, 1908, by order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mc Ilride, judge of the abovo entitled Court. Made and entered thla 25th day of March, 1908. E. E. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. 430 Worcostor lluildlng, Portland, Or. 8ummona. In the' Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas, Sophie Nlomes, Plaintiff, vs. Charlca Nlemos, Defendant, To tho above named defendant, Charles Nlomes. In the namo or tho State or Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnBt you In the above entitled antt and court on or bofore the last day of the period prescribed for the publication of this summons, by the order of said court, and If you fall bo to answer, for want thoroof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint on file herein, to wlt: for a docroe for the dissolution of the marriage now existing between the above-named plaintiff and defend ant, and for such other further relief aa to the court shall seem meet and equitable Thla summons la published by the order of the Honorable Grant B. Dlm lck, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Coun ty, entered In thla unit on the 6th day of March, 1908, which order prescrib es that thla summons shall be pub lished once a week for alx successive weeks, and March 13, 1908, la the date of the first publication of this sum mons and this said period of publica tion will terminate April 24, 1908. T. J. GEISLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. Summon a. In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. ' Llllle Sunderland, rialntlff, T8. Lewis L. Sunderland, Defendant To Lewis L. Sunderland, Defendant In tho mime of tho Bluto of OroKon, you uro hereby required to appear nnd answer tho complulnt In tho abovo ontltlnd cuiiHi) on or Imforo tho 29th day of May, 190K, and If you full to no appear und unswer, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief pray ed for In tho complaint, namely, for n decreo dissolving tho InindH of matri mony heretofore) anil now existing bo tween tho plaintiff and defendant. This summons In ptibllHbnd In tho OreKon City Knterprlsn, a weekly neWHpuier for Hlx successive weeks, tho llrMt publication tberoof to bo made on tho 17th duy of April, 1008, by order of the Hon. (Irunt II. Dlmlck JudKe of tho County Court, niado an entered this Mlb day or April, 1008. CLYDIfl JUCHAIIDHON, Attorney for I'lulntlff. Notice to Creditor!. Notlco In hereby glvon that tho un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of tho estate of Anna Ack ornon, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas county and State of Oregon, All persons having clalma against Uie 'said estate are hereby notified to I present the name to me for payment at toy residence, Oregon City, Ore gon, Houto C, with proper vouchers within alx months from the date of thla notlco. Dated March 18th, 1908. C. C. BORLAND, Administrator of the estate of Anna Ackeraon, deceased. Gordon B. Hayos, Attorney for Ad ministrator. Summons. In tho Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, ror Clackamas County. William W. Hulf, Plaintiff, vs. Alice Hulf, Defendant. To Alice Hulf, dofendant above named: In tbo name or tho State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed agulnHt you in the aove entitled ault on or before the 22d day of May, 1908, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from tho first publica tion of thla summons, and If you fall to appear and answer aald complaint, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded In tho complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now existing between plain tiff and defendant. This summons Is published by or der of Hon. Grant H. Dlmlck, Judge of tho County Court for Clackamas County, Oregon, which order was mado and entered on the 7th day of April, 1908, and tho time prescribed for publishing thereof Is six weeks, commencing Friday, April 10th, 1908 and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, May 22. 1908. GEO. C. BROWN ELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. Mlnnlo A. Thynno, Plaintiff, vs. William F. Thynne, Defendant. To William F. Tbynne, Defendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you aro required to appear In the above entitled Court and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 16th day of May, 1908, that being the last day prescribed In the order or publication or this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer aald complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In tho comylalnt, to-wlt: for a dissolu tion of the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant Thla summons la published by the order or tho Hon. G. B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of tho State of Oregon, ror the County or Clackamas, duly made out and entered on the 2d day or April, 1908. ELLA CRIM LYNCH, Attorney ror Plaintiff. Date of first publication April 3, 1908. Date or last publication, May 15, 1908. A LETTER FROM "BOBS." John 8hannon, la Pleased Over Gift From England's Field Marshal. John Shannon, of this city, Is the proud possessor or a girt from Field Marshal Lord Roberts, well known to all newspaper readers as "Bobs." Mr. Shannon Is a veteran of the East Indian Wars, and served In the cam paign of Delhi and Lucknow, In 1857 and 1858. He was awarded a medal, which he wears on state ocaslons, and some time ago wrote to Lord Roberta, briefly rehearsing his part In quelling the East Indian mutiny, and asking for a new ribbon on which to bang the medal. Mr. Shannon was surpris ed and gratified to receive a few daya ago a letter from the Field Marshal, accompanied by the ribbon and also a late photograph of the most distin guished officer In the British Army. The lotter follows: Englomere, Ascot, Berks, 25 Feb. 1908. Sir: I was very glad to re ceive your letter of the 6th Inst, and am much obliged for it. I wish you could have boen present with us on the occasion of the mutiny banquet at the Albert Hall on the 23d of De cember. It was a great collection of old soldiers, and I think they were all much gratified with the reception tbey met with, and of the care taken of them in coming and returning to their respective homes. I think you and I were born the same year, 1832, and we both belong ed to the East India Company's ser vice. I waa born In the First Bengal Fuslleers, whea my father command ed the regiment and I waa glad to serve alongside of It In 1857. I send you seme of the Indian Mu tiny medal ribbon you aaked for and also a photograph of myself, which you may like to keep. Believe me, your very truly, ROBERTS, F. M. Mr. John Shannon. O. Seats Ik ,MYNlUftUaintaK BlfiataM f MARKETS GROWERS ARE DISCOURAGED Not More Than 50 Per Cent, of the Hop Acreage la Cultivated. Tho general hop conditions on tho Paclllc Coast havo discouraged tho growers of Clackarnns County to the extent that probably GO per cent of tho ncreugo thnt was In cultivation lust your Is still untouched. It la es timated by W. 8. Hurst, of Aurora, that half of tho acreage Is being carod for, but 25 per cent, will not be culti vated at all, but will bo abandoned and plowed up. Mr. Hurst also esti mates that 25 per cent, of tho acreage remains uncultivated by growers who aro waiting to see what direction tho market will take and they may culti vate later. Many of tho growera have not purchased their twine and other supplies, and It would not bo surprls log to seo the hop crop of Clackamas County fall short fully 40 por cent, of lam year's figures. A majority of tho Clackumas growers did not take kind ly to the hop combine that was propos ed several months ago and declined to enter tho association. WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc ONIONS Oregon onions $4.25 sack; potatoes, 00(065 per hundred; cabbage $1.75 per crate; ruta begas lc pound, fresh onions, 40c dot. bunches; horseradish, 8 cents lb; cauli flower, $1.25 der doz. rhubarb7c lb, CELERY 85c per dor. hot bouse lettuce $1.25 box of 4 doz heads; as- ASPAHAGUB 10c pound. GREEN PEAS 10c pound. GREEN BEANS 12V4C pound. PARSNIP8 lc pound. RUTAHEGAS 75c per sack. TURNIPS 75c per sack. CARROTS 75c per sack. , KRAUT 20c gallon. -' POPCORN Shelled, 4tt5c. Butter and Egga. BUTTER Ranch, 50060c; cream ery, 0560c roll. EGGS 14c dozen. HONEY 15c framo. HONEY Strained, 709c lb. Fresh Fruits. APPLES $1.25$1.75. Dried Fruits. DRIED APPLES Quartered, sun dried 8 l-2c; evaporated 9 and 10c; prunes, 404'c; silver prunes, 60 6ic; pears, 11012KC. Grain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT 90 and 95c. OATS No. 1 White, $28; gray, $20. FLOUR HARD wheat, $4.65 valley, $4.60; graham flour, $3.75$4.25; whole wheat flour, $3.75014.25. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $26.00; mid dlings. $32; shorts, $30; dairy chop, $210122. HAY Valley timothy, No. 1, $15 per ton; clover, $12; cheat, $15; grain, $140110. Live Stock. STEERS $4,500 $5.00. HEIFERS $3.60014.00. COWS $3.00$3.6. MUTTON $4.50 and $5.00. LAMBS $5.00. HOGS $5.60 $6.00. Poultry. OLD HENS 1213c per lb. young roosters 12c; old roosters 9c; mixed chickens, 11c; spring chickens (trya), 110 12c per pound. Dreesed Meats. FRESH MB ATS Hogs 7 1-2 & 8c; veal 7 1-248 l-2c; mutton 1010 l-2c; lambs (spring) 10 & 12c. HAMS, BACON 18019c. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy. All the blood In the body passes through the kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. When healthy they remove about 500 grains of impure matter dally, when un healthy some of this impure matter Is left In the blood. This brings on many diseases and symptoms pain in the back, headache, nervousness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout grav el, disorders of the eyesight and bear ing, dizziness, Irregular heart, debil ity, drowsiness, dropsy, deposits in the urine, etc. But If you keep the filters right, you will have no trouble with your kidneys. E. W. Mldlam, living at 410 Main St., Oregon City, Or., says: "Kidney and bladder trouble became very se rious with me about six months ago, and the remedies I used did me no good as the trouble only became ag gravated. I consulted a physician end although I faithfully followed the treatment. Instead of getting any re sults I got worse, if anythiug. Tho Kidney secretions were accompanied by pain aud a burning sensation dur ing the passage and their too frequent action was annoying and embarass Ing. I got Doan'a Kidney Pills at Huntley Bros. Drug Store anV it was astonishing the effective way In which they acted on the kidneys. In a short time all symptoms of the trouble bad disappeared, and- the secretions were restored to a natural condition and the pain- did not bother me. I can do nothing else give all tho credit for this to Doan'- Kidney I'llla." For sale by all dealers. Pr'ce EQ cents. Fosle.-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents tor the Unite! States. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. Break Into Box Car. A case of shoes, containing 43 pairs, was stolen from a freight car on the Southern Pacific tracks last Satur day night, and if the thieves are caught it will go hard with them for they broke the seal of a box car to purloin the goods. The Bhoes were bolng shipped by S. Rosenstein to San Francisco, and were ready to go. The box was taken up the track and several odd shoes have since been found, two of them In the basin. Tho foot wear was all for ladles, and will be of no use to the thieves unless thoy succeed In selling the shoes. A vote for Dixon is a vote against the Single Tax. j REAL ESTATE Clackamas Co., to Oregon Iron & Stoel Co. 2 60 acres In James Athey D. L. C, T2S, R1E; $1, (i. ). Hoard man to W. A. Shaw lots No. 4 and 7 In Hoardmau's add to Jennlngn Iide; $700. W. A. Shaw to Elizabeth Board man It No, 4 In First ndd to JennlngH Lodge; $975. E. A. Hell to P. H. Sherk, Lot No. 23 In Oak Grove; $1000. L. E. Armstrong to C. D. Smith Lots No. 19 and 20 In block No. 98, Oak Grove; $225. H. W. Shaw to C. L. Shaw 25.25 acres of Sec. 22, T4S, R2E; $282.50. E. Kchulz et al to E. Baker 170 acres In Sec. 35, T4S, R1E; $8500. E. Haker to P. S. Esch 50 acres in T5H, R1W; $2800. M. Robhlns et ux to J. T. Wallace 175 acres In See 20, T5S, R1E; $1. Fred Madlnon to P .Madison E half of NE 1-4 of Sec. 24, T4S, R3E, W. M.; $2750. A. E. David to D. O. Busby certain Lots In Parkplace; $1. ' N. C. Bowers to W. E. Wilson cer tain Interest In Lots at Canemah; $200. G. D. Bowers to W.(E. Wilson cer tain lots In Canemah; $150. N. A. Bowers to W. E. Wilson certain lots In Canemah. L. E. Armstrong et ux to W. A. Snovell, certain lots In Oak Grove; $400. S. G. Elsmer to A. L. Martin four acres In Sec. 29; $100. Jacob Born to Mary Baker 30 acres in A. P. Smith D. L. C; $800. E. 8tuckey to Geo. T. Baker 25 acres In T2S; R2E; $3000. M. O'Connor to J. T. Tucker 5 acres In 8. 8. White D. L. C; $1500. j; O. Linn et al to G. B. Linn 66.66 acres in T3S, R4E; $1. Rosa B. Moehnke to G. B. Linn 66.66 acres In T3S, R4E; $25. C. McCown to J. O. McMahon lots 7 and 8 In Block 14, Gladstone; $1. H. Hornshuh to W. A. Long cer tain lot in Oregon City; $1850. State of Oregon to Geo. Baldwin 1293.69 acres sec 16, T7S, R3E; $1617.11. Emll Grimm to J. Schrelber 47 acres of Section 13, T4S, R2E; $2500. John Schrelber to Emll Grimm 30 acres of Sec. 24 T3S, R2E; $2200. R. J. Ginn to Geo. 8tlvers 50 acrea T2S, R2E; $15,000. Ore. W. P. & Town Site Co to N. M. Tracey Lot 10 or Block 20 or Esta cada; $50. B. F. Baker to L. S. Koellermeler, 64.33 acres, Sectlone 16 and 21, T3S, R1E; $2950. - T. L. Charman et al to C. E. Rit tenhouse an undivided half interest of lot 6 Block 7, Clackamas Heights; $31.15. M. M. Charman et al to Clarence Ritenhou8e, undivided hair or lot 6 block "F" Clackamas Heights; $1. S. Rue to J. E. Bryant 11 acres In D. L. C. No. 68, T2S. R2E; $1600. I. Rue et al to" J. E. Bryant 11 acres in Claim No. 68, T2S, R2E: $1600. J. M. Comer to J. H. Comer; 160 acres In Sec. 8, T. 5 S. R. 3 E. ; $1. Mrs. A. J. Washburn to Mra. A. Amos; the NE 1-4 or Sec. 9, T3S, R 3E; $1. Jacob Mlchels et al to C. MIchels Lot 1. Block 30, or Oregon City; $1400. Minnie L. Foster to A. J. Marrs 32 acres; $2000. C. M. Graham et ux to G. E. Dick et ux 46.80 acres or Sec. 26; also NW 1-4 or SW 1-4 or Sec. 26, T3S, R3E; $1. Geo. E. Miller to A. B. Holcorab 60 acres In Sec. 23 and 26, T2S, R2E; A. Musa to Richard Ellstrom (0 acres in Sec. 2. T3S. R5E: $600. Eastern Investment Co., to E. L. i-amoureux lots 1 to' 20 inclusive block 56. Mlnthorn $1. C. A. Bartlemay to Richard Thorpe, 8.99 acres or T. H. Forrester D. L. C. $1.00. R. A. Miller to W. J. McMillan, block 14 in West Gladstone; $52. M. Amerman to W. Pugh 10 acres or Aldrew Hood D. L. C; $350. A. W. Faukhauser et al to W. F. Jantz. 19.43 acres; $7500. O. F. Olson to E. Lamoureux lots No. 21 to 40 both inclusive in block No. 29. Mlnthorn add to" Portland; $1. A. E. Little to O. D. Eby certain tract In Oregon City; $5. L. O. Kena8ton et ux to J. W. Bry ant certain tract of land in Geo. Abernethw D. L. C; $1600. J. H. Reed to E. H. Carlton & Ros enkrans 160 acres in Sec. 25, T4S. R2E; $1. J. H. Sutherland to F. M. Lucke 160 acres In Sec. 19, T4S, R1E; $1. F. M. Lucke to O. Leopold & P. Pel atz 160 acres in Sec. 19, T4S; R1E; $10,000. C. R. Hunter to L. J. Hollenbeck 20 acres In Sec. 7 T2S, R3E; $1100. R. Scott to J. H. Snyder lot 7, blk. 1, Lewelllng Park; $300. O. A. Lyman et ux to Geo. Collins 1.42 acres In Sec. 2, T2S, R1E; $10. S. Roberts et al to J. E. Knight Easterly half of block E, of Park place; $400. O. I. & S. Co., to E. W. Cantonwine 30.62 acres In Sees. 33 and 34, T2S, R1E; $1148.25. R. A. Miller to C. A. Baxter Lots 9 and 10 in block 13 Gladstone; $1. E. M. Howell to L. L. Watson 2 acrea in Ezra Fisher Claim in T2S, R2E; $250. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abwtracta ef Title Made. 0 over Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. Arbor Day In Schools. The public schools of Oregon City are arranging to observe Arbor Day next Friday, but will not conform with the usual custom of planting trees, for the reason that in the past the trees that have been planted have not been properly cared for in Sum mer and have not thrived. In the Bar day building two palms will be pur chased and placed in the balls. Ar bor day exercises will be held by the t primary grades in both buildings. I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate, Loans, Innurencr GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office In Caufietd Bldg., Main and Eight!) Sti J. t HEDCES F. T. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court Hous . CD. & D.C. Latoarette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office In First Na tional Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Royal Restaurant and Lunch Counter Lunches from 5c up. Our 25c meals you cannot beat Our coffee you will never forget Open all night Come in, Ltt'a Get Acquainted. A. EJoyner, Proprietor 410 Main 8t Oregon City, Ore. The Moreland 110 7th Street Commercial Trade Solicited. Excellent Table Board, or Board and Room by the Day or Month. HOME COOKING. REASONABLE PRICES MRS. M.J. MORELAND Prop. FISH MARKET . L RICHARDS, Proprietor Fresh Oysters, Clams, Etc., Always Fresh and Reasonable. Fish Market on Seventh, Near Depot BRADLEYS NEW ART GALLERY Am making a specialty of the finest Photos at hard times prices. I guar antee you the best akili and satisfac tion. Come in and look at my work and let's get acquainted. 'PHONE 2862. fUlRCLOUGH BUILDING West Side Main Street, Near Tenth. STORY & THUMAS Horseshoeing General Blacksmithlng Carriage & Wagon work of all kinds. We also pot on Robber Tires. 328 Main St Cor. 4th J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, - Oregon. Will practice in all courts of the atata Office in Caufleld Building. ELECTRIC HOTEL & RESTAURANT Meals at all hoars. Rooms 25c up. Family Trade Solicited. JOHNJ. TOBLN Prop. We know of calves that are grow ing this way, really under glaaa, and they're healthy and hardy and making aplendid growth. Main Street, OREGON enr U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW DEOTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice ia all courts, make collect ions and settlements. Office id LYTEIPBISE Building, Orcgoa City, Oregon. O. D. EBY ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Money loaned, abstracts furnished, laad tiles examined, eatatea settled, general law builneaa transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & F0UMAL Proprietors. OREGON CITY. OREGON Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606-608 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of maps, plats, ab stract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. W. S. EDDY, V. M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College oi Toronto, Canada, and the McKHlip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at Tbe Fashion Stables, ' Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Fanners' 133 Mail 1311 STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. , Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse. LUMBER Rough and Dressed CORNICE - - - - - - RUSTIC CASING - SHIPLAP Flooring Etc. Delivered to order. 3 miles out on good road. Birley & Stafford R. F. D. 3 Pacific Phone 145 ImhO, tsi tw Han Aha? fcdl patut