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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1908)
CITY F0RTY-8ECOND YEAR NO. 19. OREGON CITY, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1908. E8TABLI8HED IMf. MARION TO MULTNOMAH ORCHARDS WILL BE CLEANED FROM SOUTHERN TO NORTH ERN BOUNDARY. REID IS DETERMINED 8iyi Homeaeakere Com Through Clackamaa and ara Disappointed at th Showing Mad Along the Railroad Truck. J. II. Hold, of Milwaukee, fruit com ttilitilonor for the first Oregon dlatrlct, baa announced tiltt Intention of clean lng up tho pi'Ht afflicted orchard of CliickamaM County along tho track of tho Oregon Water J'ower & Hall way Company and tho Southern Paci fic Company, and ho will hold a con foronco with County Krult Inapeclor A. J. Lewla and Dlatrlct Attorney Gil bort 1 Hedge and bin deputy, O. D. Eby, for tho purpoae of carefully lay ing plana to force the ownera of din eaed orchards to either upray their trooa or cut them down. "Marlon and Yamhill Counties are cleaned up," ald Mr. Hold "and It la up to Clackamaa to do the lamo. It la atronjr and forceful argument that hundred and perhapt thouand of homeHeokem come from tho Kant through California, and after traveling through tho louthorn portion of Ore gon and then on through Lano, Linn and Marlon Countlea, they come to Clackamaa and here they are confront ed by the apectaclo of scale-Infested trees, hundreds of acres of 'them, ab solutely of no value to the ownera or to anyone else. Now, I live In Clack amaa County and I want to see it cleaned up so that we can take prldo In our trees that grow In aa fine fruit land aa there Is In the whole 8tate. "We have had test casea, one of them In Clackamas County, and we know just how far we can go. Our first step s to serve notice on the proporty owners to spray and give them 15 days to comply with the law; If at the end of that time, they ne glect or refuse to spray properly, "we wilt give ihem tholr cholco between allowing us to upray their trees, at their expnnso, or cutting down the orcharda. "It la unfortunate that In this coun ty there are so many orchards In a deplorable condition, and I bopo that another year will see us on a par with some of the other counties lu the Wil lamette Valley. "I would advise owners of troes that aro no longer useful to cut them down to wltMn 18 Inches or two feet of the ground and then graft Much an opplo as tho Yellow Nowtown, and In a few years they will have a fine or chard. The climate of Clackamas will glvo tho apple tho color, where It will not do It for such an apple as tho SplUenherg, becaiiHu we do not have Hun enough." Mr. Hold saya that a dlHtance of 25 miles Ih to bo covered In Clackamas County and that the effort to compel tho owners of orchards to spray will bo vlgorotinly prosecuted. REBEKAHS AT MILWAUKEE. District Convention Attended By Many From This City. Tho dlHtrlct convention of the Re bekahs was held Monday In tho Grange ball at Milwaukee and tho attend ance was largo. The delegates and others present from Oregon City were Mrs. Howell, of Cnnemah; Mrs. J. E. Jnck, Mrs. AugUHta I lit 7., Mrs. Sol S. Wnlker, Mrs. John J. Cooko, Mrs. J. L. Wahlron, Mrs. G. W, Church, Mlna Anna Wllehart, Mrs. Dnano Ely, Mrs. Albright, of Molalla; Mrs. William II. Howell, Mrs. Flnnegan, Mrs, Eva lieigbton. Mrs. 12. W. Scott, Miss Gjir trudo Falrclough, MIhs Ilcrtha Fried rich, MIhs Myrtlo Toozo, Mrs. S. F. Scripture, Miss Grayce Mondial, Mrs, W. Mldlum. There were five lodges represented In the dlBtrlct convention, Oregon Milwaukee, Molalla, Eotacada, and Clackamas. Dinner and supper wore nerved to the delegates and visit ors and the convention wag pleasant an profitable throughout. In the ev ening the degreo team from Columbia ltelmkah IhIro come up from Port land and put on the floor work, Initi ating one candidate. In the afternoon thore was a programme and numbers were rendered by Oregon City talent, as follows: Solo, Miss Grayce Marshall; recita tion, Miss Myrtle Tooze; reading, Mrs. E. W. Scott; Instrumental solo, Miss Gertrude Falrclough; vocal solo, Miss ISertha Frludrlch. MeRdames J, J. Cooke, E. A. Lelghton, J. L. Waldron and E. W. Scott will represent the lodge here at the grand lodge to con vene at Salem next month. REV., LINDEN WILL 8TAY Declines Flattering Offer With Large Increase of Salary. Rev. John M. Linden has declined a flattering offer as general missionary of the Baptist denomination for the State of Oregon, at a salary that Is $600 per year more than he Is re ceiving as pastor of the First Baptist church of Oregon City, and his par lshoners are delighted over the fact that he has concluded to remain here. Since Mr. Linden came to this church In Oregon City at a less salary than he was receiving In Chicago and had the grace to do It, It was very easy for him to say ne to the new propo- sltlon that was offered. The oppor tinilty for work In this city la very great at present, In the fact that tho church building Is In flmt-clusi con dltloii, tho financial status was never better, tho benevolent offerings larg' er and tho church attendance good. Mr. Linden has written a letter to the co m hi I Ueo declining the offer. CLEAN CITY MAY DAY. Mayor Carll Asks Residents to Ob serve Rules or Heaun, May Day In Oregon City will also bo "City Cleaning Day," acordlng to a proclamation Issued by Mayor Carll, who, as a physician, believes that cleanliness Is next to Godliness and his proclamation follows; "Believing that the custom estab lished by my prcducessor In. office to bo worthy of perpetuation, I will des ignate Friday, May 1, a holiday, re questing the schools to close and have everybody devote one day toward cleaning all back yards and alleys. Tho city will furnish men and teams to curry away and dispose of all waste and rubbish which the people wlHh 'disposed of. Tho neceslty for this Is obvious; the public health de mands and civic prldo should promot tho people to keep our streets and al ley cleun and healthy. I hope all cltl r.ens will tuke sufTlclent Interest In this matter, remembering many hands mako light work and one day each year will help some. Tho near ap proach of Decoration Day, followed by the Roso Show and Festival, should prompt everybody to take an active interest In the annual City Cleaning my. (Signed) W. E. CARLL, Mayor. CAMPAIGNING FOR THE ARMORY BILL 8UCCE8S MEANS MUCH TO THE MEMBERS OF COMPANY STATIONED HERE. Campaigning for the success of the Armory bill which comes up for popu lar vote under the Initiative and Ref erendum at the June election baa been taken up by National Guardsmen all over the State. The members of Company Q stationed here at Oregon City are hard at work explaining to their voting friends the significance and Importance of the measure. Suc cess of the' Armory bill moan much to the members of the company sta tioned here as well as to the communi ty at large. It would mean a handsome and adequate Armory to be erected In the city by the State. For the building of armories the last Legislature set aside $100,000 to be expended at the rate of $25,000 a year on armories for military stations ouUlde of Portland. The need for armories Is a pressing one and the construction of the re quisite number would servo to great ly facilitate military training. As has been pointed out by many military authorities tho National Guard Iiqh come to be a part of the first line of defense. Its Importance In event of war would be Inestimable. Modern warfare Is a thing opart from the methods of warfare uxed even a few years ago. KTho day when volun teers can bo thrown Into the field In (Continued on page 8.) Official Returns of Primary Nominating Election, April 17, 1908 i I n . u 3 .MO a a J a W g , srf 2' 3 w iB So 0tn bE uu -at h U, Ui Cm FREC1NCTS Abernethy Harlow Deaver Crook .... Bull Run Ilorlng Canyon Creek .... Canby Clackamns Cherryvllle Canemah Cascade Damascus Eagle Creek Eutacada George Harding Harmony Highland Kllllrt Macksburg Molalla Mllwaukle Marquam . . . ...... Maple Lane ...... Milk Creok . . Needy . New Era Oak Grove Oregon City No. 1 . Oregon City No. 2 Oregon City No. 3 Oswego Pleasant Hill Soda Springs ..... Springwater Tualatin Union . Viola West Oregon City.. J DR. McLOUGHLIN'S CAMPBELL, DIMICK AND JONES FOR Light Vote Is Cast in Primary: Election Moody For Assessor. Mattoon For Commissioner and llolman For Coroner! are Nominated. General apathy waa manifested In the primary nominating election through Clackamaa County lat Fri day. Tbe Republican vote was fully 1000 abort of the total registration, showing that little interest was taken. Tbe Statement No. 1 people were out In force, as shown by the vote for H. M. Cake, who carried the County over United States Senator Fulton, who ran well in Oregon City, but who waa un mercifully slaughtered In some of the country precincts. The" unofficial re turns give C. N McArthur a majority of 18 over Dr. W. C. Belt, tbe State ment No. 1 candidate. Mr. McArthur' friends gave Mm loyal support Tbe most Interest waa taken, however. In the fight for representative and asses sor, and for the latter place Harry S. Moody secured tbe coveted nomina tion. He was a warm favorite in Ore gon City and managed to get an even break In the country, winning by a margin of 90 over his nearest competi tor, James F. NelBon. The third man in the race was George F. Horton. Tho nominees of the Republican party of Clackamas County for Repre sentatives are Walter A. Dlmlck, Linn E. Jones and James U. Campbell, who were the favorites In tho betting. They had plenty of votes to spare, though Charles 11. Dye and George W. Dixon put up a vigorous fight When the ear ly returns were received Dixon and Dye were running along with the lead ers but later Information placed them a m o S m 0i u A3 B U u e 2 a o is 3 s2 3 5 a o J a u S . a o R CO 5 i3 ? 6 rs 3 3g 9 effl ; a "o id o o l. rvj an ID 1 3? s3 2 - fa fa fa fa l 1? " 51 44 13 18 32 8 60 26 29 34 36 39 18 g ' 2 j? g J g g JJ 12 aJ g g g C177704217166661 2306 0 01676 752610147 22 7 28 24 10 12 11 11 4 25 13 13 16 13 19 20 4 11 2 7 1 11 9 27 27 25 28 19 10 27 11 2 10 7 22 14 6 20 20 13 7 12 9 0 20 14 6 , 7 16 18 6 10 2 4 3 6 7 19 20 20 18 10 10 18 4 1 8 7 19 S? ?I ?S 51 II on ?2 SS ? !? f i 35 35 68 f 17 62 6 6 78 6 2 87 86 81 81 49 41 82 4 11 17 61 85 c J? ?2 ?J ?2 I ll I 61 31 27 37 39 26 37 15 34 4 10 9 7 35 68 69 59 61 41 42 63 24 2 11 26 69 a JJ II II A ,1 ? ' 13 4 9 14 7 3 1 9 1 11 1 2 3 12 16 14 17 121 4 16 6 3 9 0 17 11 11 il ?o I3. I8, II ,2 60 25 31 23 40 19 24 4 7 19 6 3 24 63 50 51 33 21 48 1 26 18 9 49 nl 32 74 73 " 24 35 2 13 73 47 26 63 58 87 36 10 23 3 12 6 47 16 68 77 74 75 67 20 76 9 9 19 42 74 55 ,r 55 I 52 J2 fl n9 3 33 10 15 25 26 7 18 11 10 1 I5 2 10 7 30 34 33 34 24 11 33 2 2 5 27 31 lr JS il L IJ ?,3 .3 40 13 28 14 33 16 30 21 20 0 18 0 6 22 42 44 45 42 26 18 43 24 11 4 8 41 S2 3I !1 52 5? 2o Sl il 5 87 44 42 60 60 30 28 54 35 ' 14 12 10 10 66 85 92 86 84 48 50 89 64 7 25 6 81 I3 5 19 17 14 3 6 10 1 16 8 9 6 14 7 8 18 4 0 4.0 3 12 19 18 18 18 15 3 19 3 2 2 12 18 24 9 33 29 21 8 18 10 3 31 25 7 26 24 10 9 6 22 0 2 0 8 22 31 30 31 30 18 14 29 8 2 17 6 31 18 15 30 30 26 7 21 9 2 30 16 17 25 20 20 11 4 6 9 5 2 2 21 30 27 30 29 24 7 28 2 1 211 8 23 26 7 29 27 22 7 16 13 2 29 15 17 19 17 21 7 15 7 7 4 1 6 23 25 29 28 26 21.14 28 2 1 15 181 26 J4 24 21 19 5 13 8 4 23 8 16 19 20 13 8 0 15 1 0 2 16 8 22 24 24 23 21 4 23 2 15 2 7 25 30 4 3 80 26 8 U 15 7 33 22 .11 17 19 20 15 4 10 4 1 7 12 9 33 30 27 29 21 10 28 6 9 10 8 22 34 16 62 49 40 10 18 23 10 60 19 80 32 30 . 26 8 19 34 1 2 3 37 9 48 50 60 60 27 25 48 9 2 28 11 46 20 62 69 62 41 28 57 10 2 63 21 42 64 49 28 23 12 26 19 23 4 13 23 60 61 63 64 42 26 69 12 12 28 19 55 17 13 29 29 16 11 12 16 1 29 9 19 24 13 12 14 0 21 1 3 3 17 7 28 28 28 28 22 8 26 1 7 11 11 28 20 17 31 33 20 13 16 14 6 37 13 22 21 19 21 14 12 27 4 9 3 15 13 35 35 35 37 17 25 38 7 17 8 9 35 28 12 29 , 39 35 6 16 16 6 37 21 16 23 16 23 12 7 31 4 17 4 12 6 40 38 41 39 16 26 39 1 6 11 24 38 22 20 43 39 34 7 15 23 4 42 18 . 22 24 26 21 20 6 25 4 5 8 27 3 42 43 43 43 28 15 43 3 17 19 4 43 - 24 19 42 37 25 1G 24 15 ,2 35 10 .25 29 24 24 22 3 36 6 31 12 1 2 38 42 38 39 31 16 37 2 17 10 19 34 40 29 G5 66 60 15 44 14 3 64 23 38 34 26 20 88 10 30 21 12 9 20 30 6 61 62 64 41 25 63 7 16 16 29 68 83 86 145 146 108 34 68 67 17 140 60 80 90 119 34 50 8 135 27 67 7 25 75 145 153 150 148 96 77 147 8 51 78 33 137 88 98 103 163 107 58 84 64 18 161 80 73 119 142 40 68 20 147 20 69 12 19 85 158 174 169 161 125 61 159 14 45 77 64 159 73 38 101 97 79 22 29 48 21 96 62 46 48 85 33 35 12 84 10 41 . 5 13 SO 102 100 105 100 66 48 97 7 46 33 29 96 45 29 69 71 51 17 41 23 6 71 32 32 69 43 32 24 9 37 15 28 12 10 19 74 70 68 68 63 24 69 6 19 27 25 65- 26( C, 81 29 15 14 16 13 1 29 . 10 17 9 23 ,12 10 5 15 4 11 3 12 4 28 31 30 30 17 14 3Q 2 17 10 2.27 ! .9 8 15 16 12 2 10 3 1 16 10 5 9 15 9 3 4 12 0 2 0 15 1 16 18 17 16 11 7 18 1 5 : 6 6 16 25 1 26 20 20 7 14 9 3 26 12 16 13 6 19 8 10 16 0 1 2 13 11 24 v 21 24 25 18 9 26 ' 4 6 10 7 25 12 t 10 27 25 17 10 , 13 12 . 1 26 8 15 18 . 19 14 7 2 22 . 6 8 4 8 9 24 27 27 26 16 14 26 3 1 20 6 22 ', 14 2 17 1G 12 4 9 6 2 15 4 10 . 6 10 11 6 3 9 1 2 6 8 1 15 16 15 16 8 8 ;15 2 3 9 3 ' 15 29 10 88 38 23 14 16 16 3 35 18 19 18 24 12 13 7 23 2 0 0 7 32 33 35 37 36 27 10 35 7 5 13 13 34 49 41 79 . 79 65 16 33 . 20 18 81 36 39 35 61 24 31 13 80 8 36 7 14 32 ,77 78 76 79 62 26 78 6 S9 31 14 70 1292 818 1955 1887 1377 661 910 833 211 1892 887 894 1188 1325 860 778 393 1291 225 636 262 481 -7841870 192S1921 1908 1265 837 1849 294 475 716 64ll810 Y OLD HOME. LEGISLATURE out of the running. F. M. GUI, of Esta cada, and E. D. Olds, of Oak Grove, were given sixth and seventh places, respectively, on the ticket William H. Mattoon of Viola led a close fight for the nomination for com missioner, polling a heavy v-ote in Ore gan City and also North of tfce Clacka maa River where his home Is. E. E. Judd and Enoa Cahlll were not far apart In the race and R. S. Coe of Can by .waa fourth. Mr. Mattoon haa aspir ed to tbe position of commissioner for several years and be haa always been a consistent Republican and la now to have bis reward. : v v' ' . The' administration of'Roswell L. Hoi man, aa coroner, was endorsed, and be received the nomination over Dr. C. A. Stuart by about 400 votes. County Clerk Greenman, Recorder of Conveyances Ramsby, Treasurer J. C. Paddock, School Suporlntendant Gary and Surveyor S. A D. Hungate will go on tbe June election ballot without opposition, and the same Is true of Richard L. GreaveB, Republican can didate for sheriff. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN. Only Six Places Left Vacant By the Republican. Republican committeemen were chosen Friday In 33 precincts, and the few vacancies will be filled by the com mittee. In some precincts as many as four men are tied and the choice will o a o 03 h I" I?. o 9 t3 S3 50 at H 13 S 3 -2 S i3 m- a 0 B l Q 3 fa So o OT 5 S5 OO a fa fa be adjusted through the medium of the committee. Tbe committeemen chosen are: Abernethy C. W. Parrlah Barlow H. T. Melvln Beaver Creek ........ Q. A. Schuebel Bull Run ............ Adolph Aschoff Boring Canyon Creek William Bonney Canby :.v. A. H. Knight Clackamas ' Cberryvllle Caneman. -. Sam L Steven Cascade W. A. Proctor Damascus Max Schneider Eagle Creek Ed. Burnett Kstacada J. W. Reed George Henry Johnson Harding Fred Gerber Harmony Highland George Wallace W. H. Bottemlller Klllln Bud Thompson J. W. Scramlln J. Mitts Molalla J. R- Cole Mllwaukle C. k. Lakln Marquam D. R. Hubbard Maple Lane T. H. Davles Milk Creek C. T. Howard Needy J. E. Mitts New Era D. McArthur Oak Grove Thomas Howell Oregon City No. 1 J. C. Bradley W. H. Howell H. W. Trembath F. T. Griffith Oregon City No. 2 Llvy Stlpp Oregon City No. 3.... Joe Harrington Elmer Lanklns Oswego G. W. Proeser Pleasant Hill E. A. Baker Soda Springs A. Hardy Springwater Reed Wallens Tualatin J. L. Kruse Union W. M. Miley J. A. Miley Viola William Stone West Oregon City CRIMINAL DOCKET IS HEAVIEST IN YEARS JUDGE McBRlOE SENTENCES JOHN I FUNK HA USER. HOUSEBREAK ER TO SERVE FIFTEEN YEARS. . The criminal docket at this regular term of the Circuit Court Is the teavl. est In years and several of these cas es were disposed of by Judge Mo Biide. John Funkhauser, . charged with breaking in to tbe .Williams home at Clackamas and holding up the in mates at the point of a revolver, se curing all the money in their posses sion, entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to serve 15 years in the penitentiary. He was taken to Salem. FunkhauBer has had a bad criminal record In other sections of the State and was also, charged with horse stealing. After holding up Mr. and Mrs. Williams and their daughter, Funkhauser took their horse and rode to Milwaukee, where he turned the animal loose and boarded a car for Portland, where he was captured the following day. Harry Clark, a young Indian, and John Howell, his boon companion, were engaged in the nefarious pur suit of stealing chickens and broke into a hen house on the hill. They pleaded guilty, and were sentenced to (Continued on Page Eight) So "2 B a o o pO So OT 1 a; X So o X o . o Z. M 00 3 fa . k o -2H . 3" on OH So o fa fa McLOUGHUN HOME SAVED HISTORIC BUILDING PRESENTED TO OREGON CITY BY W. P. HAWLEY. GROUND BRINGS $6000. Mayor Carll Heads a Movement to Re tore the Structure and Provide a Reading Room and Resting Place for Visitor. The old home of Dr. John McLough lin, where the founder of Oregon City and the father of Oregon entertained scores of distinguished guests in the pioneer day of the Oregon territory is to escape destruction and a plan was placed on foot Saturday to pre serve the historic structure. The ground on which the house stands was sold last week by Mrs. J.,L. Barlow and Captain J. T. Apperson for $6000 to the Hawley Pulp & Paper Com pany, which intends to utilize the ground for an auxilary manufacturing plant Upon hearing of the transfer of the property Mayor Carll immedi ately communicated to W. P. Hawley; president and general manager of the company, his desire to save the house, which Is old and useless from a busi ness point of view and Mr. Hawley very graciously offered to give the building to the city. Mayor Carll will call a meeting of the city officials and interested people and endeavor to raise a fund of a few hundred dollars which will be used to move the building on city property ad Joining its present location and fit up the old house for a free reading room and a rest room for visitors, Thla plan will unquestionably be met with enthouslastlc approval, for their is no place of this kind in Oregon City. Two years ago thhe owners of the, property offered to sell the building and grounds to the city, and the pro ject waa fathered by E. G. Caufleld, who was mayor at that time, but on a referendum vote the proposition waa defeated, as the city was in debt and the majority of voters considered it unwise to 'add another "burden to Its finances. The new scheme, however, will cost Oregon City nothing, and there 1 no question of its success. 'The McLoughlln house has long been a familiar landmark here, and the building was so stoutly construct ed that the ravages of time have left it in fair condition. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. No Opposition In Any Instance and Vote I Very Light The Democrats of Clackamas Coun ty manifested very little . Interest in the primaries for in no case was there opposition. The name of Governor Chamberlain was written on the bal lots for United States Senator, and he received 215 votes, while J, J. Whit ney, of Linn County, was given 33 (Continued on Page 8.) a a' w o I53 So 9 J a o o a oo GQ fa o H I X 1 0 K m 01 fa a U a H 0 M m m o . 03- S3 god fa