Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1908. OUR FARMERS' PAGE. ENTERPRISE READERS ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIO CROP" ITEMS FOR THI8 DEPARTMENT. THE DEATH OF WINTER. Tlmni'M a whlMpor In Hut ulr J Wit 11 K"llll(l lilt l iM'CfUll, ThroiiKli lint tnn'M ho gray niul burn, IhirulilliiK old U'IiiIit'h ili-ulh. Wrap lilm In Ji 1m fioiit-wliltii Mliroml, Hcaltcr hiiiiwii'i)ih on IiIh lircimt; Hllmit nilur, oiu'it ho prowl, (it'lilly lily him ilnwii to rcMt. There will lio of iiiotiriKti'H three; Kiich n uuilileii, chimin niul fair. Who will rim tlm Htern docri'o, Ami proelulm Iht heart'H diuipalr. March, with Iiiiih'iiIiiIIomh IimuI, tilllidllltf, Htormy tenrH will Hllfd For hor iTHtwhllo lover proud, Nlimlioied now umolltf thy (lend, April, niodext, dowi-y-cyH Will her clioleeMt trlliuleit IiHiik, And In llly rtipH will hide Ti'iudrtipii for Iht Hli'CpliiK klni?. Kro Hhe tiiheH a laid farewell, Hcutter Hint throiiKli nil the litnd, Over hill niul vulii niul dell, Dmlii and hloom with lavlidi hand. May, roiitul. rony, dimpled May, Koftly trallM hor roho of urcen; H jii rU 1 1 ti k MiulleH chiiHe team away, Nature cniwiiH her relKhliiK queen, Switzerland'! Oee, According to tin mont recent rctuniH there are In Switzerland uhout u quar ter of a minimi I IiIvi-h, or olio u very Iwidve liihaldlnntH. The yield of a Hcleiillllcally roiiHtrui'ted frame hive often ri'iieheH 1 no poundH of bon ny per HeaHon. The yield from n "Hltep," or old fuiihloni'd Htrnw hive, Ih much Hiiuiller. The honey harvi-Ht may ht taken nt koiiiu 4 poundH per litnd of the p'Hldfiit population, WHAT ONE COUNTY D0E8. Tillamook Producei Cheese to the Value of 1150,000 Lait Year. Curl llaherlaeh. who handleH alioiit half the dairy prodnrtn of Tillamook County, helntc tho Hecreiary for a numhiT of tho liirne fuctorlea kIvoh tho amount of IiiihIiii-hh IiihI year, plarlnit $-ir.o.Ooo hh tho n mount tf tho rhiteHu product In thU county for 1M)7. Ilia roport follows: Kor tho piiat year tho figure are uh followa; Amount of milk received, 14,272,000 poundH ; amount of ehoene produced, 1.&3X..1Q2 poundH ; amount of hiittor fat, C.r,8,24t poumU; amount received for cheoiio, $216,057.72; aver- alto toHt .03911 per cent; avcrnK'i prlco received, 14.08 pluH, or 14 1-12 renin per pound of wharf; avoratco mlllc por pound chorHo, 1)27 poundH; aveniKO yield per 100 ikhiikIh milk, 10.770 potimli! cheeHe. KM limiting muklnK at 1 3 4 centii per pound, cheeno would in alio $20, 1120, 2K (ho in 0 fuotorlcH churKod 2 cent: hut 1 3-4 emit Ih iikoiI uh a IiiihIh), which would leave $189,737.44 to bn paid fiirmerH. AveruKO prlco on nuld nHtlnmto for year for butter fat, 34 ceutM per pound; average prlco on mild oHiliiialo for year for 100 pouridn milk. $l.;i:i, 'I'll Ih about, half of tho output of tho county for tho year, ho that tlm tnako of clu-eHo for tho county would ho nhoiit 3,2fifl,ono pouiidH, of a valuo ap proximately $4,r,(),000. While tho out look for the coming Hcanon Ih not hh K'hhI ii m liiHt year, yet If we can act in concert with other clieemi millers In thin country, tho markot will prob ulily bo fair tho coining Hcnwin, Tillamook t'hei:Ho Iiiih attained a Kood reputation In the WohI, hut thoio Ih ton much poor cheeno being nent out yet fur tho beHt intcrcHiH of the county. Tlio smaller factories nro not ahlo to pay the waxen which a good clu-eHo maker commandx. while too often tho lurner factories think money paid out Ih money thrown away. What wo mxd Ih rigid liiHpectlon of checno fiictorli-M and dairies and a ftrHtcluH clieeno Inspector. i Almrtlon In cowh may bo largely prevented by tho cxcrelho of tho proper precaution:!. Do not allow tlm cowh iihout to coino In to ho ex pimed to rain or MiowHtoniiH; do not feed tin; III frozen rootH or fronted veg etal, lo, nor foodH that nro caHlly fermented, moldy or IrrltntliiK; do not allow them to drink HtiiKnant water, and feed them Hiilllcleut nurrltloiiH foodn. USIC Tours out of the horn of tho COL UMBIA (JKAl'JIOI'JIONE cx uc'ly a h It went into tlio record. IIiiikJ, orcliiMtrn, violin, flute, pircolo, jiifino, banjo, belli:, cor net, clarionet., trombone, cello, Hpeech or Hiritfiinr voice, nolo or fiiHernblo every nolo and tone w clear mid Hinoolh. (lood reaHon why-tho machine is perfect. U't uh play tho "UN" Columbia Grapltophone for you to prove it. If you buy you pay jiwt $28.00 for the com plete outlit with 200 needles and nix records. Kimy terms at tho nwh price. Other outfits from ?12 to ?liOO. Feeding the Hog. It Ih IiIl-Ii time that tint value of Kklmmllk und buttermilk bh pl fiKidH wan fully appreciated. Ah an aKcncy for rearing all youiiK anlmalH, they have no eiiuul. Ah tho amount of train fed to brood howh muMt he mniill or they will get tin) fat. moHt farmer try to fill them up by making a thin Hlop. Water Ih a Door lllllnir materlul. Hotter iiho clover or alfalfa hay. TIiIh glvi'H tho animal tho Herniation of fullnoKH ami comfort, and at the Hume time. furniHhcH moat valuable nutriment. If there Ih any tendency to cohhII- Huntley Bros. Co. The Rexall Druggists AGENTS FOR COLUMBIAS EDISONS VICTORS patlon, feed a Uttlo oil meal or ground flaxseed. i ! Whenever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving la Power A Reduction in Expense An Increase in Output An Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers r Latinderes Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING Portland Railway Light & Power Company CO. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON rEA80N8 WHY FULTON 8HOULD BE 8ENATOR. (Continued from I'ao One.) (nine poHfjoHwil of vhhT tracts of valuable land in Oregon. By tlic terniH of Hie jrnint the company wan to nell the land to actual wtllcr for an acre. Thin it lia fail ed to do, iniicli to tlio detriment of tlio htate, and tlm hih.wh of tlio Ful ton amendment means that, ft lar'o area of the hIhIo can he forced open to Hottlomcnt. Senator Fulton's work lias i ven him a portion in the Senate which no new Senator could porwiMy ain. Iurui the pant live vears the com plexion of the Senate linn been alter ed. The body has been composed of men old in years, and the last few seHsioiiH have seen many changes by death ami retirement. Iecause of thew! and because, of the prominent part Senator Fulton lias taken in the work of the upper house of Con ress, he has arisen to a position of strength and influence. He has committee places which it would'' take years for a new Senator to read;. His vigorous debate, his seniority of rank, his charm of manner ami wide acquaintance arnon the leading men and the rep resentatives from other states all have united to put him in a position to render greater service to his con stituents in Oregon should he ho re turned to tlio Senate, for another term. Senator Fulton has hosts of loyal friends throughout the state who an; working hard to win his re-election. He is being urged for re-election because of his record both as a man and as a Senator. He. is sup ported because of what he has done and because of his pre-eminent po sition and power to do more good for the State of Oregon in the United States Senate than any new man, for no newly elected Senator, no matter what his qualifications, could gain tho prestige and place occupied! bv Senator rulton short of a term1 of service and hard struggle. He is receiving support because he ha? i kept the pledge made on that mem- i orahle night in February, l'JOtf, when ' Hushed with the gratification of his, victory, lie jiroinised he would be a: Senator for all Oregon, without re-! gard to district, people or political preference. Fulton, the man, hab' faithful friends because Tulton, the, Senator and the Citizen, has been; true and faithful to his trust. The I spectator. c Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his pcr-'fflf-J-, BQnal gaperrlslon since Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of, Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. STATE CONVENTION MAY 14. '(Continued from Page One.) major fraction thereof, cast in June, 1900, for Supreme Judge in the coun ty. The State Central Committee rec ommends that the delegates to the state conventions be chosen by Coun ty Central Committees but leaves the method of their selection to each coun ty committee to decide for its county. Some of the counties will desire to select by convention or mass meeting, Instead of by county committee. Clackamas County will have 11 del egates to the State Convention, based on Its vote of 2509 for the Republican candidate for Supreme Judge. The apportionment for the district conventions will be the same as that for the state convention. Choosing A Bank In looking about for a bink to receive your money you want to find A Safe Bank A Convenient Bank An Accomodating Bank We want you to consider THIS BANK alnog these lines. Satisfy yourself and then come In and open an account. We pay interest on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts. ; DO IT TODAY The Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON. D. C. LATOURETTE President F. J. MEYER, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. CATARRH IS CURABLE. Successful Experiments In Abating and Curing this Disease. Catarrh Is an entirely unnecersary disease and should not be tolerated for a single day now that Hyimel is so generally known and has made so many cures In Oregon City and other towns. Modern science has proved the old theory that catarrh was a blood dis ease. It is a germ trouble and the remedy is Hyomel, which medicates the air you breathe, killing the ca tarrhal germs. As there Is life and health In the air of the pine forests, filled with fragrant and healing balsams, - so there Is life and health in breathing Hyomel. So sure Is the prescription to cure even the worst cases of catarrh, that Huntley Bros. Co. sell it under an ab solute guarantee" to refund the money If it does not do all that Is claimed for it I League Base Ball; FIRM FOR GOOD ROADS. Former County Judge Meldrum Speak In Cihlll'a Behalf. OREGON CITY, Or., April 9. (Ed itor of the Enterprise.) Among the numerous candidates to be voted on for nomination to office at the com ing primaries, I notice the name of my long time friend and co-worker In the cause of good roads, and plenty of them, at a time In the evolution of that problem when men were loth to discard the old "picnic" system of working the county roads, and in its stead to adopt the cash system. It required earnestness, leal and energy, and wlthaut fearlessness and bravery In the missionaries of the new Idea, who preached the doctrine that good roads are worth to the people all that they might costs and more. Among these missionaries who preached that doctrine, and so far as he was finan cially able, practiced its precepts, was the friend to whom I refer, honest Enos Cahltl, our ex-County Treasurer, who has won the confidence of all who' thoroughly know him. He was one of those who from the very be ginning of the agitation for better roads in Clackamas County upheld the Saturday and Sunday APRIL 18 and i9 ! OREGON CITY vs. ALBINA! 3 p. m. CANEMAH PARK See Them Smash the Ball! efforts of the County Court of which the writer was a member, during the years 1893 and 1894 in establishing the cash system of handling the coun ty roads and by whose help enabled the court to demonstrate its superior ity to the old picnic or so-called labor system, by results actually accom plished, so that reactionists have never since been able to force its abandonment and for a long time past there has been no desire to do so. Mr. Cahlll during that time, at his own expense, laid down in good style, a stretch of several hundred feet of plank, on the county road running through Mount Pleasant probably the first plank road built in Clackamas County. He also put up watering troughs along the roadside in several places, also at his own expense. Mr. t Cahlll has always been willing that any part of his land, on which he has lived for many years may be taken for a roadway If only it Is necessary to improve county roads. He is an -enthusiast on better roada. He knows how they ought to be built He is honest capable, conscientious, and whether as a soldier on 'the side of the Union during the Civil War; as public officer, or In the humbler walks of private life, he has v-ell and faith fully performed every duty. No one need have any fear that he will en gage in. or permit if he can prevent it any graft of whatever kind. What better qualifications for the of fice to. which he aspires; that of coun ty commissioner, could the people ask? Then vote for him at the primaries. . JOHN W. MELDRUM.