Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1908. NEWS OP THE COUNTY SHUBEL. The masquerade at Will Clark's last Saturday was a decided success, Flf- ty numbers were sold. Daniel Glnther Is going to move to his new home during the cimlug week. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. R. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Grossmiller. Br. and Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. R. day afternoon. , Henry Grossmiller is quite ill at preent. The German Congregational church confirmed a class of five children j Sunday. Mrs. Machen of Portland is visit Ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Peter Bohlender. i ract No 76 Knights of Pythias Herman Klinger died at his home at Oregon City, Wednesday evening. Saturday night of consumption. He . Mrs August Kiser and Miss Lucina had been sick for a number of years. Kser were visiting friends In Oregon Jim Beeson, Albert Moehnke and ( Qiv Thursday. Robert Ginther were among the Shu-' p. H jarisch and family have mov bel citizens In Oregon City Saturday. ed t0 their new home in South Oswego. Potato planting Is the chief occupa Hon of our fanners at present The Shubel baseball team defeated the Ellwood team Sunday afternoon, ! the score being 18 to 13. The boys will give a social soon In the Shubel school house to raise funds for sulU, i etc. KELSO. The farmers here are busy with plowing and gardening. Mrs. John Revenue, who has been quite ill, is now improving. Mrs. Gilbert Jonsmd has taken charge of the cook-house at Jonsmd Bros.' mill. School re-opened again Tuesday of last week. Gilbert Hauglum is having some clearing done. Mr. Spooner, who recently bought the Pagh plaoe, is repairing his barn and making improvements. GARFIELD. Think and affirm only what you wish to become reality. Practice and maintain serenity of mind. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson and family, after a week's visit with G. T. Hunt and family, returned to their home in Mt Tabor last week. Mrs. Richard Davis was quite ill a part of last week. Mr. John Surface was looking over the country around here last week. He visited his old home and some old friends. Everybody around here Is busy plowing and preparing the ground for garden. Several of the young men around here attended the pie social at Estaca da last week and reported a delightful time. Delia Fan ton is confined to her home with the measles. Sunday, 19th, is Easter, remember the Easter services at Mt. Zion church. , Garfield Grange will meet April 25. All members are requested to be pres ent, as there will be several initiated and important business transacted. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. This is beautiful weather and the farmers are Improving their time. J. Stoll and sons have been loading a car of potatoes at Clackamas. Mrs. Bondurant's horse ran away with her last week, throwing her out and bruising her quite badly. The buggy was also broken considerably. Mr. Griffith came along In time to bring the lady and horse home. We hope 6he will soon recover. We hear that Mrs. W. Smith Is get ting along nicely under Dr. Sommer's care. The neighborhood was quite excit ed over a man, supposed to be crazy, who passed through this place Thurs day. He sang and talked to himself all the time, taking off his hat to the sheep along the road and doing other od tricks. He passed through, go ing towards Damascus, and was last heard of at Boring. He had no coat on and some said when near Damas cus he had no hat. Mrs. S. E. Reed who was called to Arleta to attend her sick grandson, returned home Sunday. The baby Is better. Mrs. Lillian Hunter, who was sick, la better again and able to resume her duties. Mrs. Adolph Stoll has been suffer ing with a terrible cold. Report says Adolph was trying their new washing machine on Monday. We hope he liked It so he will try it again. Mrs. George Johnson has had com pany, her cousin, Miss Leona Phil lips spending several days with her. The assessor has made his call In this berg. Mr. Thorps has his store stocked up much better than It was. We are glad to hear Miss Janette Newell Is a little improved, and hope she will soon be all right. It seems that the bridge near Dick Hunter's place will be removed and a large pipe with the hollow filled in We have a buyer for timber lands and for two ten acre tracts. We have for sale some fine river front properties. Have made some nice additions to our list in last few days. j W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAW STREET OREGON CITY. i will be put In Its place. . J. j. Reed lias gone to Arlota to help his son Harry, In clearing land, j We hope lie may do well. ; Romle Donley was rather on the sick list last Sunday, i ' OSWEGO, i Mat Duuum was visiting old friends ' at Wllsoiwtlle last week. , Mr aml Mrs Zimmerman, of Lents, 'were visiting relatives in Oswego Sat- ' urday and Sunday. Miss Zimmerman 1 ,9 a ;,rlmarv teacher In the Lents s(hool Th women's Club met at Mrs. Blazler's home Wednesday afternoon. C. N. Haines, E. McMaugn, Jesse nil prnist Riser visited Cata- Mrs. J. V. Campbell, of Oregon City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. vr Pnniin? MrS- c Anderson, of Portland, was the guest ot Mr3 q. e. Thomas las, Thursday. Mr Cllnefelter will start to build a new house on Fourth street this week. Johnny McGuire arrived home from the St Vincent Hospital Friday. B. Julian of San Francisco is visit ing friends in Oswego. Joe Wlckman is visiting friends in Eugene. Mrs. J. T. Conway and Mrs. G. C. Schneller were visiting friends at Newberg last week. Miss Sylver Prosser will leave for the East Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and child ren of Portland, were visiting rela tives in Oswego Sunday. Roy Thomas has reurned from Mc Mlnnvllll where he was visiting for some time. Jacob B. George of McMInnville, Is as Oswego visitor this week. Mr. W. F. Hummell and his daugh ter. Miss Norma Hummell, were the guests of Mrs. George Thomas Friday. Mrs. "W. Espey left last week for her home in Oysterville, Wash. Miss Mary Blchner and her broth er, Henry Bichner, left Thursday for a trip to the Eastern States. Mrs. Stevens of Portland, was the guest of Mrs. W. M. Gray Wednesday. Mrs. T. J. Jones of Portland, spent the day with Oswego friends Thurs day. Deacon Oscar Eaton visited the Po mona Grange at Milwaukie Wednes day. Andrew Alexander, of Portland was the guest of Oswego friends last week. CLARKES. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey of Portland are In Clarkes, visiting Mrs. Tracey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schlewe. Ed Hetman sawed wood for Mr. Hoag last week with his steam saw, and also for Mrs. Lizzie RIngo. Mr. and Mrs. Hoag went to town Monday on business. W. H. Wettlaufer Is busily engag ed sowing oats at present Fred Force bought an incubator from Mr. Wettlaujer, and he will raise chickens. Mr. and Mrs. Scherruble spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Hoag. Misses Olga Elmer and Lydla Kleinsmith visited Ida and Mary Bot temiller last Sunday afternoon. Henry Kleinsmith went off again to shear goats the other day. Miss Effie Grace is back home again, having finished her term of school. Mr. Scribner, our supervisor, Is working on the Colton and Elwood road. The railroad surveyors are at work east of Clarkes. This part of the county Is going to have a railroad soon. Let her come. The Clarkes school has 25 days more school yet. There were some land buyers in Clarkes the other day looking for farms. Rural Route No. 4 has a new mall cairrler now. JENNINGS LODGE. Mrs. John Jennings' mother was visiting her this week. . Allen Brown has been at home here for the past few days. There are several tents stretched along the river near the Brown prop erty. We hope that the occupants will decide to make Jennings Lodge their permanent home. Miss Llla Lewis, who has been mak ing her home with her brother and sis ter, returned to Montavilla to live with her parents. Mr. Clark has completed two of his boats and is working on the third one. Miss Ethel Harte is doing a good work by delivering us the Morning Oregonian every morning. She has all the orders that she can conven- lently fill. Oscar Ayers Is now employed In Portland. Jennings avenue Is beginning to look like a millionaire's lane. We are glad to hoar that MIbb Lucia Caffall won the first prise In the Oregon City Enterprise contest. This vicinity subscribed very liberal ly from hor, when she was canvas sing. Mr. Roetho should bo In a good hu mor, for tomorrow the flshlug season opens. My Vision. She is sweet as the morning dow, And as bright as the mid day sun, Girls like her are very very few And as a rule not easily won. She Is llko a Mower bo lovely and pure, So strong with her will, so kind with her smile, That It seems all hatred she would endure Yet be so gentle and kind all tho while. She Is my choice, I must confess, She's beautiful too, if you will be lieve It And when I ask her will It be "yes?" Or "Your heart sir, I can not relieve It" She Is an angel In my eyes, And a spirit with a soul of light; Permeating beyond the skies Into the land where there is no night Orine Wright Lewis. So many subscriptions have been turned in to the Enter- $ prise during the contest that there is every possibility of some mistake occurring in the j mailing list We would deem S it a favor if our subscribers s would notify u Immediately of $ any error In name or address. $ SPRINGWATER. Died, In Oregon City, April 7, Mrs. Mazelle Mulkey Shlbley, of that dread disease, consumption. Mrs. Shlbley was a constant christian, a dutiful daughter, a kind friend and a loving companion. She leaves a husband, father, mother, two brothers and one sister; Frank, Oren and Adel Mul key, to mourn her demise. The re mains were taken to Myrtle Creek for interment. Sister Shlbley was an honored member of the Sprlngwater Grange. Calm on the bosom of thy God, Dear Mazelle rests there now. E'en while with ours, thy footsteps trod, His seal was on thy brow. Where no farewell tears are shed Soul to Its place on high. They that knew thee before death No more may fear to die. SPRINGWATER. The Grange on April 11th had a very Interesting session. Three ap plicants sent In their names as pros pective members. Several Import ant measures were freely dlcussed. Statement No. 1 being Indorsed, and the single tax and the $125,000 appro priation for the University opposed. A. M. Shlbley was appointed to draft a plan for co-operation to be presented to the State 5range. The Sprlngwater school Is getting along nicely under the instruction of Misses Grace and Erma Shlbley. The write attended the exercises last Fri day, which was very interesting. The programme consisted of music, sing ing, recitations and a mock trial. The attorneys, witnesses. Judge and Jury men all showed a remarkable apt ness. WILSONVILLE. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steph ens, a daughter. Mrs. Say, mother of Norman and Harry Say, formerly of California, has come to make her sons and their families a summer's visit. Mrs. Joe Thornton made Portland a visit this week. Miss Mattie Hers spent the greater part of this week here among rela tives, returning to her home, Sunday. Mr. Chas. Chenery, of Portland, made a flying visit at the Graham's and Youngs' Sunday. The mumps are quite prevalent In our midst, but no serious cases. All are' doing fine. The Oregon Electric Co., had a diver investigating the piers of the bridge this week. He found them in fine condition. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strop are spending a few weeks at the home of Judd Seely, prior to leaving (our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Peppin have moved on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Phrol, which Mrs. Prohl Just purchased from Mr. E. Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. Phrol have a splendid home In Portland and expect to make a nice country home of the Stroup ranch here. The M. B. A. Lodge, of this place entertained about 40 guests from Sel wood, Milwaukie and Lilly of the Val ley, Portland, lodges of their order, Saturday evening. A Bplendid ban quet was served by the ladles of Wll sonvllle M. B. A., and all enjoyed the cards, dancing and games, with music by Graham and others until an early hour. EAGLE CREEK. And we are again enjoying fine weather. , Walter and Ed. Douglas returned from Eastern Oregon last week, bringing four bunch grass horses with them. They shipped three tons of hay to Eagle Creek. Last Wednesday evening some of Mr. James Gibson's friends and neigh bors called on, and Bpent the evening with him, It being his 82d birthday. Roy Cooper of Barton, was on the hill, visiting friends, Sunday. We will soon lose some of our neighbors, A. J. Douglas and family, as A. J. sold hla farm to Elliott and Jones last week. They Intend to move to Eastern Oregon In the near fu ture. Charles RIchey was seen In our burg the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howlott wero visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass Sunday. On Friday last, several of tho la dles of tho neighborhood did a very kind and charitable deed by calling on and doing some sewing for Mrs. Cahlll, who has been somowhnt of an Invalid all winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Murphey. Kdlth. Meda nnd Perry Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Rowley and daughter Blanche, made n pleasant trip down on Eagle Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle wero vis iting with tho former's parents, Mr. and MrB. J, P. Woodle, Sunday. On Sunday. Wm. Freeman, of Port Cora Robertson, and Mrs. Ileulah Row ley. Mrs. KlUmlllcr. of Dover, was soon in this burg on Monday. Sho brought a Jersey calf from J. P. Woodlo. Nearly all the farmers of this lo cality have their crops In. Several of tho peoplo on tho hill attended tho baseball game at Eagle Creek Sunday afternoon. Tho Eagle Creek nine played with tho BralnardB of Portland. Tho score was 9 to 5 In Eagle Creek's favor. MOLALLA. Tteautlful SnrliiK time has como at last This Is tho week when tho voters select their running men for tho varl- oils county offices. Many thoro bo that enter the race, but few that reach tho reward, so run brother, run. One week ago, where wo had plenty of mud In tho roads, today, tho dust la flying. Tho Joint debate between tho Mo- lalla and Macksburg schools on the Japanese question came off hero last Saturday night. Miss Mabel Seward, of Macksburg, opened tho debate af- i iirmnig uiai wio japs aimum uo e- iciuuea irom me unueu siaies. unos- tor Dickey of Molalla lead off on tho , negative Bldue, of the question, fol- j lowed by Fred Wallace, of Macks- burg. Ben Colo of Molalla camo noxt !in order for the negative, Miss Myrtlo Craig of Macksburg making tho clos ing speech for tho affirmative. Harry Frazler, of Molalla, closed tho negative argument, when Frod Wallace came back with a rebuttal j which Harry Frazler cleverly met, I The Molalla band furnished music I "betwixt and between." The duet by I the Misses Adams and Vlck was woll I received, as was also tho quartet by Ml8s Ridings, Mrs. Edgar Shaver, Carry Herman and Geo. H. Gregory. 'The Judges decided two for tho neg ative and one for the affirmative. A splendid good time prevailed and rousing school cheers were tndulgod In by. the schools for their represen tatives In the debate Good order pro vailed, with the exception of a few giddy youngsters that kept up Inces santly a twaddle ot their own to the annoyance of those that could of heard more distinctly with much added pleasure had It not been for the pres ence of the unconcerned that were careless and Ignorant ot what they were doing or missing. NEEDY. The political pot Is beginning to bubble over. Abe Thompson returned from Port land Saturday, bringing his automobile along. It Is a fine machine. Mrs. Marcus Smith visited her par ents Sunday. Miss Flora Spagla and MIsb May Price are very happy these days. Rudy Rltter Is spending a few days on Marks Prairie, helping his uncle, R. W. Zimmerman. Martin Robblns held a sale Satur day. He Is an old time settler hero, but has now gone to Arizona with his family to reside. WUda Elliott bought a bran new rig Monday. Mr McGonegal is buying hops, but at a very low price. Misses Grace and Katie Rlttef spent Sunday at C. F. Wolfer's. Dan Cropf Is putting up a fine large barn. The Republican candidates were In our burg Monday and Monday even ing. A dance will be given In Thomp son's hall Saturday night, April 18, everybody Invited. MILWAUKEE. . Mr. McCann and family have moved to La Grande. The long promised freight depot Is Anally being erected, as result of an appeal to the railroad commission. Mr. Llchler, who has been very 111 for the past few weeks, Is not ex pected to recover. Mrs. Getchell, of Scappoose, la vis ltlng friends In Milwaukee this week. Miss McNamara has returned from an extended visit to California, and will resume her position as matron of the Open Air Sanltorlum. TEAZEL CREEK. Wm. Miller, who was very low, has again rallied and Is reported some better. Mrs. J. H. Qulnn Is on the sick list this week. The Qulnns came to Ore gon last Summer on acount of her health. Miss Clara Qulnn and Edward Qulnn of Marquam, spent last Sunday with the family of their uncle, Rev. J. H. Qulnn of Teazel Creek. Frank Melton and wife have re turned home after spending several days with friends and relations. Most everybody has finished seed ing In this section, and are waiting to see the crop grow while they are planting spuds and rutabagas. Fishing is a pastime in which sev eral are engaged lately. The shining beauties are so friendly that the temp tation Is too great to withstand. Mrs. Scott Carter is reported real sick again. She will be taken to the doctor's In a few days if she Is able! to ride. ' Company G, Third Regiment, Ore gon National Guard, is arranging for a grand military ball In the Armory, Saturday evening, April 25. A Port land orchestra will furnish music for the occasion, and a late car will carry Portland visitors home after the af fair. The members of the company will be present In full uniform. . A Reminder Lent is here, and we are prepared to furnish you with the finest fresh and salt water fish in the market. Fruit in season. All Orders Deliv ered. G. GATES 522 MAIN STREET PHONE 2744 LEADERS IN SENATE INDORSE MR. FULTON PROMINENT 8TATESMEN SPEAK IN HIGH TERMS OF HIS DE VOTION TO STATE'S INTEREST8. Members of tho United States Son- nto aro much Interested In Suiiator's Fulton'B contest for reelection. To a correspondent of tho Oregonian, sever- nl Senators gave the following expres- bIoiih as to tho Senator from Oregon: Vice-President Fairbanks Senator Fulton Is a most efficient Senator. Ho g blo. IndefatlKuable and fearleHB In the performance of IiIh senatorial du- ties. Ho not only Ih a good worker In committees where much of the Import - am work IB rasnioneu, mil is strong and forcerul In dohato upon tno noor ()f tho Senate. I havo watched IiIh senatorial work with very great In- torest and It gives mo pleasure to tos- tlfy to his excellent standing among his colleagues nnd to his splendid Her vices. Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, for mer Attorney General nnd recognized ns tho ablest lawyer In the Sennto, Bald Personally I should bo well pleased If tho pooplo of Oregon, nt the npproachlng primary election should vote to return Senator Fulton to tho Senate. Ho Is a very valuable member of that body for tho country at large, as well as for his own state, Tho Sen ator la a deep student and a conscien tious, tireless worker. Not only does ho dovote himself to matters of pnr tlcllnr Interest to his own constitu ents, but ho makes careful inquiry Into question of national Importance, and takes an ablo part In tho leading debates of tho Senate Ills dlBCUHslou of national questions always shows that ho has given them study and thought. As ono of his colleagues on the Judiciary Committee, as well as his associate on the floor, I havo had adequate opportunity to Judge of his legal attainments, and It Is my unre served opinion that Senator Fulton ranks among tho able lawyers In the upper branch of Congress. Senator Cullom of Illinois Senator Fulton Is one of the host men wo have In the Senate and ought to be return ed. It would be a shamo to defeat him. Ho Is without doubt ono of tho ablest lawyers In the Senate, and his term of service, combined with his natural attainments, make him a man of great Influence, As chairman of the Committee on Claims ho Is per forming a most Important duty, yet one that is anything but pleasant. Nevertheless ho Is faithfully perform ing the service Imposed upon him by the Senate. I certainly trust that tho people od Oregon will, In their wis dom, return Senator Fulton for he has worked conscientiously throughout Ills first term and lias most ccrtanly earn ed re-election. SonatorNelson of Minnesota, recent ly promoted to tho chairmanship of the Committee on Public Lands, and a man of recognized Integrity I deslro to say that 1 have been Intimately ac quainted with Senator Fulton ever since he became a member of the Sen ate, having served on two Important committees, the Judiciary Committee and the Committee on Public LandH, with him. I have found him to be one of the ablest most energetic and ef ficient members of this tody. He al ways attends committee meetings and Is always present In tho Senate Cham ber. Senator Fulton Is not only a good lawyer, but he la a first-class debater and I have found his Judgment sound and reliable on all the Important pub lic questions that have come before tho committees, of which we havo been mcmberB, and the Senate. Ho Is one of the most Industrious members of this body and gives careful consid eration to every Important bill that comes up foracton In the Senate. In connection with the passage of tho railway rate bill, I found him to bo one of the most energetic supportem of that great measure. On great pub lic questions ho seems to me to always be on the sldo of reform and In favor of legislation to promote the best In terest of the public. I think the Btate of Oregon Is fortunate In having such an able, energetic and efficient Sena tor. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts Senator Fulton is an able, vigorous and ard-worklng Sonator. He Is a good legislator, taking an active part In the regular and routine business of the Senate, the Importance of which Is not appreciated by the public, but which Is essential to the conduct of the gov- Consumption is leu deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, and Scoff j Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS I eminent, and of great Importance, He In also a sound and able lawyer, nnd It gave in" great pleasure personally to urge his selection for the Coiiiiiilttoii on Judiciary, which comprises tho beHt lawyer In the Sennto nnd of which he Is now a member. My per sonal relations with Senator Fulton have been of the most iiKreentilo na ture and In my association with him on tho Committee on Mllltury Affair and In (he Senate I have not only learned to have a strong regard for him perNonnlly but have acquired a great respect for his ability and hla power of work. NEW ERA. MIsb Nettle lluiKoyne Is out of school this week on account of nick- IICHH. A "I-enp Year" surprlso parly waa given the Misses Itesslo and May (.llrl( ()f j.-rw,Mid Ht Saturday night 0lH, f,,m,lr t (hi event was Hint 1 ,n jmg furnished tho lunch and tho fajr H,,x n,tt,, their oscorts. Dane- Ing was the main Imhuo anil It goes) without saying that all had nn on Joynlile tlinn, until nearly daylight, when the party dispersed. TIioh. I'eiiiiinan has a new potato planter this year. Harry Armstrong, of Portland, vis ited grandpa Veteto Thursday after noon and Frldny Inst week. James Slaughter of Fargo, North Dakota, arlveil unexpected Sunday morning, and I visiting his brother Jnck Slaughter of this place, They hail not seen each other for over 13 years. Mr. Slaughter Is a cook by profession and will locate In tho West If ho enn secure a situation In a log ging camp or elsewhere. August llremer, Jr., of Twilight Hall was visiting friends hero Monday ev ening. Sny, hoys; How many eggs did you say you had hid out for F.astor? If you think you havo a swift horse Just bring him down to our freo raco track, which for the present Is tho new county bridge. If he can't clip off a miles In loss than two in I mites, you aro going to fall short on the out como with somo .steeds now In train ing. This thing of fast driving over bridges ought to be stopped. Tho farmers aro busy plowing and planting their spring crops this fine weather. Clydo Dick and Horrace Pntch of Canby, were fishing here Saturday and Sunday respectively. Each went home with a flno string of black bass. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Tho Mountain View Union Sunday School will have Easter exercises Sunday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Come and hear tho little ones reclto. Frank Selby has gono t Estarada to work for Rev. Bxon and wife. Mm. Kxon was formerly Miss Olive May. Miss Lnura Williams of Mnplo I,nne wns tho guest of Mrs. Gorbutt Bun dny. Wiley Mny Is building a new house on his property on Duano street. Mrs. Means of Portland, was tho guest of Mrs. Nlcholls last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. F. Nelson Is having a new sidewalk built and his fence painted this week. . Mr. J. M. Gorbett Is doing tho work. The mumps have taken a start In this burg again. Eddie Hornsliuh and tho Brandt boyB havo them. Mrs. Grimn's little ones have tho whooping cough. Little May Davis also has tho whooping cough. Mr. Selby, who Is employud In a Rainier logging camp, spont Saturday evening nt home with his family. Mr. Sinclair and family moved out to their ranch on Molalla road near Cams this week. Alvln Mack took a load of household goods out there Tuesday. George Albright of Midway, Portland, was In this burg Monday. He was on his way to Mullno. where he will work In a shingle mill. Frank Albright Is hauling shingle from Ulgclow'H sawmill for Evorhart & Co. Mr. Bishop and wlfo have sold tholr houso on Roosevelt street and are moving to Sollwood to live noar their son, Georgo. Mrs. Nellie Ball and baby, of Os wego, visited Mrs. Ball's mother, Mrs. Gottberg, Tuesday. Tho Brown brothors, of Hawthorne avonuo, Portland, wore doing busi ness In his vicinity Tuesday. Graldma Molloy Is beginning to feel quite, strong again, she la out walk ing these fine days. Mrs. Delia Gottberg has gone to her homo in Elwood to take care of her little boy, who has the whooping cough. BOO. AND $1.00. "HI 4