Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1901 CLACKAfUS COUNTY COURT. Buslnea Transacted at Regular Jan uary Term. t a regular terra of county court of State of Oregon, for the county of Clack, a m it, held at the court house in Origin Vitj in said county, on the 6ih diiv of Jan. A D., 1904, and from day cday thereafter during the continu ance of said terra. Present: The Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county judge, presiding; Hon. T. B. Killin and illiara Krobst, commis sioners, among other the following pro ceedings were had, to-wit: In the nutter of pauper claims allow ed: John Adams WOO Chaa Anderson 9 00 Ellen Briojea 8 00 0. E. Burin 00 Kine Behall 8 00 Airs M Clark ...10 (XI Wni Deen 6 00 1'anl K rev tan W I Gardener 10 20. J V Heckart 8 CO J A Jones 6 50 Mr Kruger 7 00 (Seo Mooney 8 (X) I. Mathersnn 7 00 u u u.u a mi" r jonea J S Mo Comb .30 00 Miss Mary Volkera Mrs Hattie Woods. . Too J Rvan IN UK, EXT SOLDIKM, Mead Post No 2 G A R $13 00 In the matter of reports of supervisors exutuined and allowed. VIOL ROAD IMPROVEMENT S Forsythe $5 F A Mattoon 1 C Read L G Ritnour F Preston...... , C Liveeay District No. 1 H Battin , V H I ounsell ., . 1 3 . 3 12 00 $12 00 25 00 District No. 2 L O Jones $12 50 W Foster 1 00 ' District No. 3 Psger k Wing . . . Rutliim & Bros.. A H Ritin District No 4 Ed Noble , $171 9(1 ! . 2 39 I . 22 50 i o rwy1 Oue Wilcox 3 (Mi V Frait I 53 G B Linn 11 00 E Pretiton 3 00 District No. 5 Win Singleton $5 25 Win Prestou. .i 5 2 A Prectoa 3 75 air Hutchinson 1 50 0 W Boring.. V II Boring.. District No. W H tonney. 11- .$73 10 . 22 00 . 5 00 .. 5 00 .. 6 (X) .. 3 VI , . 3 50 . . 50 . . 8 75 ..$1 50 .. 1 50 .14 00 . 3 I'll J E Smith..."... W D Smith .... F Jones A Richardson.. C E Smith B Holcouib .... V Mumpower . W H 'mitU.... Di-t'ict No. C B Ward ... Ed Miller.... J D Deevin . FP Judd ... 13 J T I-nllam 17 00 D strict No. 14 J Evr art 4 Co . H Teffenbender. . CT Gibhs 0 C, Gibbi Jsrnes Shelly . . . , i. cbelly , Sam Batley J Parr-st D Shelly John Baker J B Jackson J Shortledge Di-trict No. 15- Fi Andrews F Wav F M Thompson.. H h. WilBon.... $13 75 1 15 44 00 33 IK) 2i "5 26 25 15 00 . 10 50 15 00 3 00 5 25 6 00 $11 25 18 25 5 75 14 00 21 35 7 B Lawton. 0 A Wilson 6 On V m Oorbit 8 75 Emery Thomas 7 60 1 Hendricks 1 75 Detiict No. 16 A otaebelej ; $ 75 Geo Rief 1 50 District No. 18 John Shannon $22 00 District No. 20 Joseph Pollock $7 60 E Kleinsmith 1 50 DiHtrictNo. 24 E A Montaidon $6 75 District No. 25 Phil Tucker $1 12 Ed M Morris 6 60 District No. 26 J A Hannagen $ 6 50 R J F Mill 36 67 W Skeen 8 50 Louii Wiles 7 50 W Simmons 3 75 G-oCaee 12 75 W Husband 4 50 Walter Wiles 6 50 Wm Parker 4 50 Frank Shaw 1 60 J D M Lay 1 60 V H Engle 15 25 District No. 27 P J Ridings & Son $ 2 10 J C Merqaam 1 95 J S Yoder 77 46 John Barth 1 20 District No. 28 H Wilson $1 50 Frank Sherman .... 1 50 B F Boylas 6 25 District No. 30-Th- Fck $28 95 OI&BCo .. 35 20 District No. 31 Geo haom $8 64 John Aden 4 00 District No. 33 J AReid $4 00 Wm Tocker 1 50 Geo Bowdisb 9 00 Henry Myers 1 2 00 District No. 35 Oregon City Lumber Oo . . . . , K Lomberg .$59 50 . 7 87 Jed Sbtw 13 60 1 District Mo. 35 J K Hall $ 8 00 R Manary 8 0i O Sheterly S 0J Fred Wagner 10 00 In the matter of claims examined and allowed X Blair J O Noe B F Smith .... Ueorce Aden . . . O T Thorp... . John Aden .... Livv Stipp H S Moody Livv Stipp H Moody .... L Stipp... li 8 Moody I. Stipp H 8 Moody L 8tipi ORXoblitt .... E T Fields ... C K liurns E I. Shaw O R Nobliit... L Stipp H 8 Moody... .$ 8 00 O IU1 f y. a .hi i oo 8.V , ... 3 OS l,i M 11 30 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 1 70 1 00 1 00 1 (X) 15 00'J'in '"tinon. cpangirr. rviciuiru io. Ed Howard .. O E Ramshy . . Eluier Dixoti... W Law eon Pat Harris 1 00 a go E Vy" Randolph 5 (yjjOregou City Enterprise. ! Courier Publishing Co . 1 00 578 90 .202 10 . 8 60 . 1 20 . $1 20 1 20 . 1 20 . 1 20 Ed Jonsrud ? H!s O Ludwegion... GGilberlson... J Strans. , 1 70 Geo Harris 1 I Clark 1 0 70 Ed Harris 1 70 75 J W Loder 9 70 00RF Holman 21 2.1 50 ! H 8 Moody 2 20 E A Summer 10 (X) L Heckleuian 14 00 A Howard 28 0' I Kusharg Co lit 2," G A Bollock 3 50 B Sullivan 36 IH) Reese Kelly 24 00 Echo 8m peon 'M 00 f.nlu Haimins.... 64 0 Ednetta Chase e- IK' U A Bollack 60 Oil Mrs Augusta Warner. w r. II IIIVM M "HI . i Eii Gros A Moody ... r., ., !,,, D R Uimick 2 00! C Bartch W A osrnev Mrs M Haley ... R U Holman 1 20 a s ) iu .n l ''U 1 Selling 20 50 st Vincent Hospital 20 00 las K Nelson 104 00 F J Nelson 1H0 0U H H Johnson Beaver Creek Bldg Asn Jj !. M (i Houston ti 0 J I A i Guvnups 8 00 Wm Broost 17 20 4 50 00 Frank Hnch ... S F Scripture... Ida Ostrander... W U Bnckner. . . W E Burns 1 90 1 90 of claims examined and In the matter not allowed : T B Htnkins.. Harry Rambj.. In the mittr $3 00. ' 2 60 of petition ol Geo. D. Ely and oih-r for a countv road. The Board ol County rmd viewers directed to met at place of uegiuning January j 13 h,19 4. In the matter of Wm. Barlow and 54 o'! ers, "or entity aid to G tlieli Sie. q'leit, re-ident ol Barlow. Ordered that tie lie granted $10 per month and matter 10 be invalidated before further ansist a, ce is grauted. In the matter of F. W. Gortler for a county roa I County Board of Roid Viewer directed to ireet at place of be ginning January 19, 1904. lathe matter of aid to Mrs. S. E. Valci tine Ordered that same be taken under advisement. f In the matter of the apportionment of road funds to tiilwaukie and other towns under charter. Ordered that matter be referred to District Attorney for his opinion. In the matter of the petition of Sager & Wing and others for improvement of road leading from Damascus to Port- laud. Residents having subscribed $225 and 46 days labor, it is ordered that Clackamas county contribute $200 same to be deducted from apportion Die in of road district No. 3. In matter of pe'ition of W, H. Bonney for telephone Irani hie between Viola and Oregon City. Ordered that same be granted. In the matter of aid to J.F.Whitcomb who is in need of medical assistance. Or dered that he be sent to the hospital. In the matter of estimates of expen diture! for year 1904 . Total valuation of Clackamas county is $9,01 4,971 ; amount due from county to state of Oregon, $41, C02 ; necessary to be raised for county purposes for coming year as follows: Construction and repairs on bridges $8600 00 Care of County Paupers 3x00 00 Expense of circuit court 2000 00 Justice of the peace 1100 00 Nxpenseof county tail 250 00 Repairs of court house 2000 00 County clerk'! office 2900 00 Sheriff'! office 3000 00 Recordei'g office 2600 00 School superintendent 1400 00 Treasurer 1150 00 Assessor 2500 00 County courtand commissioners 1800 00 Surveyor 250 00 Coroner 650 00 Insane expense 250 00 County physician and board of health 200 00 Indigent soldiers 400 00 Road surveys 500 00 Collection of taxes. 200 00 430") 00 Expenses of elections, 2.... Printing and advertising.. 300 00 $43150 00 Interest on outstanding war rants State tax to b collected School tax to be collected .... 8600 OO 41037 80 40062 00 Total to be raised for conn ty, school and state.... $'.39449 60 In the mailer of tax levy for state. , county, road and school. Ordered that there be levied on Uxable ptoperty as follows: i For state purposes R mills For school purpose! b " For county purposes 6 " For Road purposes 4 In the matter of fixing the boundaries of election precincts. lro,uam preciuct is changed as follows: beginning on Molalla river on line bet ecu section! 8 ami 9, t 4i. rle; ' l,,,wrH "mini u Hu.a v, m. , , I thence south to quarter sections "8 and ol xKtil township; thence east 1 1 township; miles to center of section 27, t 4 s, r 1 ej I. .... i ...... t K 3' ...,1... ,,.. ..a, ...yl t .' I , on,!..- c-oii.i t'A imn'i .uwtnw mm -4 i ...Hi., I ...,'!.. . ,l,.,., a.,-, .iitiv , lovu rwniii ,i,...a uiviiiv.hiii uine in secuou line oeiweeii gecuons S4 and 35 said township; thence north on section line 1-4 mile; thence east 3 1-2 miles to center of section 32, t 4 , r8e; thence north to Molalla river; thence down stream to place of begin ning. Thii change taking a small portion of Needy precinct as lollowi: Hie ne ol the se4 ol sec 34, t 4 s, r 1 e. Needy precinct is changed as follows : Iti'giniiing at the southeast corner id section 12, l 5 e, r, 1 e, thence north 2 1-2 miles ; thence west 2 mile ; thence south I.' mile: IhmitiM north Rl mile : thence west .l4 mile: t hi tire uuith to center ol -ectiou 27, I 4 s, r 1 e; thence west to Bar Creek; thence down Rear Creek to Rock Cieek; theuce up Rock Creek to the jeasteelv line ot sec tion 17. t 5 I, e; thence outh to '4 section corner between sections 20 ami 21 ; thence caul to 'i sec ion corner I ef ween eecuon 22 and 2d; thence north to the corner ol sections 10, 11, 14 and 15; thence east 2 miles to the place of beginning This change being made by takiug i tie n. xi ( the se 1 4 ol see 34. t 4 s, r 1 e from Needy aild adding it to Mariiiaiii lyagle prerinct is changed as follow: neginiing a! ttie junction of Deep Creek with the Clackamas river: thence up the Clackamas river to the line t tweeu si ciinna 19 aud 20, tie, i 4 e; thence south to the houndaiy line of the Fred crick Helms 1) 1.. C. in section 19 ol said township; : hence along said bound ary hue ol said Helms D. L. V. in a southeasterly direction to its interNectioa with the quarter section IIu-j running north and ejiith through section 29, in aid t and r ;tlienre son h to .ection line bet wt en sections 29 and 32 of said t; theuce easterly one half mile to section corner bttwren sections 28, 2V, 32 and 33 of ta d t ;theuce noiith 4 mile on section line ; thence 1-2 mile ; 'hence south i .. .1 . i. l: f .... ' , j - . i... ,i i n ...,l- ... lie, intrude mot . iiin ii . r Q'l o...l ill ,,f i D a . j u I -1 .....I I .,1 I i . . J . . , IUH KI.IIUUB U KIIU -i ut -a - , mriivv ..,,1. ... n ..ill . .,, I line ol f ection 3 . DUUUI UllCllllir, ,u HJUlll of said t 4 s, r 4 e; thence eas one mile to section corner; theuce north one an I Auiol( . i I .i t mturluli ff liuf Imf U'uull ' i,;li,n 34 a"J -Jo ol t 3 'a, r 4 e ; thence west 1 - u"1; theoce north 1-2 mile to - I...,J.. O? a UA .,1, qillliltl iuiiiui ircmrrii nn o-i , , iii-iii weit 1 2 mile to section corner ; thence noith 1 mi le to section corner U-taei n 21, 22, 27 and 28; thencn west 1-2 mile lions 21 aud 28;theure uorlh about three and oue quarter miles to Eagle Creek; thence uii Edgle Creek and North Fora ol same to the lin between sectioni 11 and 12 iu -aid t 3 s, r 4 e ; thence north to the iiurtti boundary hue o. t 3 i, r 4e; theuce went one mile : them e north to Deer Creek ; thence down Deep Creek to the place of hegiuuirg. Tliischange takes part of Viola, Spring water anil held precincts lying along Uih I'luekAinMH river mid ultm-hiutf same to Eagle Creek precinct. Gartteld precinct is changed as folio s: Ki-jinmnir on the norib bank of ,the (jackni:i river where the same crones (henoim liouinbrv line ni eectiou 10 in x 4 , 4 e; itmv up the ;lai kama river to the Minima ol the necade Mouniaina; thence northerly along the ..el I mountains to Salmon river; thence down Salmon river to the south boundary ol t 3 a, r 7 ej thencij wei-t along I boundary to the South horn : f Eagle Creek; thence down snid Eaule Creek to a point due north of qnaiter section corne between sect, ooh 9 ami tOin t 3 s, r4r; thence so'ith 3 and 1 4 miles to quarter hsction corner between sections 21 and 28 of t 3 s, r 4 e ; thence east 1-2 mile to section corner between sections 21, 22, 27 and 28 iu sid t ; thence n uth one mile to section cor net ; tbeuc- eait 12 mile; tlieiice south 1-2 mile ; thence east 1-2 mile to quarter section corner between sections 31 and 33 ; thence south one and one-hall miles to Clackamas river. Springwater ia changed as follows: Beginning on the left bank of the Clacka mas river where the same crone the section line between sections 10 and 11 in t 4 s, r 4 e: thence down stream to the section line between sections 3 and 10 in said t; thence along said section line west lo section corner between sec tions 3. 4. 9 and 10 in said t: thence north one mile to section corner between sections 3 and 4 of t 4 b, r 4 e and sec tions 33 and 34 of t 3 a, r 4 e; thence west 1 2 mile; thence north 3-4 mile; thence west 1-2 mile; thjnce nor h to section corner between sections 28, 29, 32 and 33, t 3 J, r 4 e; thence went to Clear Creek ; thence up Clear Creek to the south boundary of t 4 s,r 4 e; thence east to the Clackamas river; thence down said Clackamas river to the place of beginning. Voila precinct ii changed as follows Beginning at the I w corner of section 29 t i b, r 3 e : thence north z miles ;tiiance eas'l 2 mile;thence north 2 miles ;thenre eaHt 1 1-2 mile thence south 1 2 mile ; thence east to Clackamas river; thence op stream to the line between sections 19 and 20 in 1 3 s. r 4 e ; thence south to the boundary line of the rredenck Helms D. L. C. in section 19 of said t thence along said boundary line of said D. L. C in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with quarter lection line running north and south through sec tion 2 in said t and r; thence south to section line between 29 and 32 of said t; thence west to place of beginning. Beaver Creek precinct i! changed as follows Beginning at the s e corner of section 7, t 4 s. r 3 e; running thence north 5 miles; theoce west 5 miles; thence south 1 1-2 miles: thence west 1 mile; thence south 2 1-2 miles; thence east 4 miles; thence south 1 mile; thei ce eant 2 miles t the place of beginning. New Era precinct is changed ai fol lows: Beginning at the n w corner of Milton Brown D. L. C. in t 3 a, rle; thence running on claim boundary line easterly and soatberlv to the line be tween sections 12 and 13, t 3 s, r2 e; thence east to the n e corner of section 17. t 3 s. r 2 e : thence sooth 2 1-2 miles: thence west 1 mile: thence south 1 1-2 miles : thence west 2 miles : thence north 12 mile; thence I mile; thence north 1-8 mile; thence west 1-3 mile; thence north to the Willamette liver: thence up the Willamette river to the line be tween sections 2t) and 21, t 3 s, rle: thence north to the n w oornerofsection It) in said t; thence east to the Wil- I lamelte river; thence down the Wll- miueim riiir 10 me pince 01 neKiuiung. Milk Creek Is changed aa lollowi: Be ginning at the a e corner )( section 31, I 4 s, r 3 er thenco north 4 nillr ; Ihenoe west !3 miles ;thence north uorlh 1 mile; thence went 4 1-2 miles; thence ion lb to Molalla river J thence up stream to the souili boundary ol t 2 s, r 2 e, thence eant to place of beginning. Legal Notices. fti'nno.i-4. In the t'trvull Court of the t-'tats of Ore gon, (or the County ol Clackamas. I-ettie Povter, l'lltr.,1 vi. Frank Peyser, Deft.) To Frank Poyser, above named defeiid-ant.- I11 tne name ot Hie stale of ''ri'iion, you are liereliv reiiilrrtl to appstr anil answer the complaint uleil aint you in the alHive entitled anil In the ataivs named eonrt on or belore the Mill iIhv of Mareli, l!HH, (he same being seven werks Iroui the lirt imtillrnlinii ol Hits summon. You w ill lake nonce Hint if von lull to answer Mini complaint, the plalnlill will apply In the court lor (lie reliel demanded in said Complaint, lowil: that the hnnils of matrimony now exisiing bi teen you and planum be dissolved. This summons Is piililished lv the order of the lion. Thou. F. Ryan, county Judge of Clackamas county, state ol I'rvgnn, in th Oregon City Kntorprtiw, a kly news paper published and ol general circulation iu Clackamas coiiuiy, Ore., lor seven sue CesMve and consecinive werki, I'oinnn no lug Friday, January 22, and continuing lo and including Friday, March 11, I'M. (!Kt. C. HKOWNKl.l., ' Attorney lor I'lainilll. HI MMOt In the Circuit Court ol tli State of Ore gon lor the County ul CI i kaiuas. Kred C. Seiaenspiner, I'ltll.,) vs. Kliziilieth beiaeiispiurr, lrll.) To tilixaheth Heiaenpinr, deh-ndaiil: In Hie nam ol (he stale td (irenoii : Yun are hereby reipiiri-d lo appear and answer the cou piaii't tiled against yun iu the emitted court and suit on ur before th 27th day of February, lint, ami If you tail so (o appear mid auiwer the coiuplnint, the I'hiiniil! w ill apply lo the conn lor the re llct demanded in th complaint, lo-wtt: A decree of lb said conrl diisolving tli h nidi of matrimony hcreiulnre and no existing la-lween tin p.aintilt anil defend ant, and lor such other and lurther rebel an lo the court may em Just and tqmia ble. 1'his summons Is published by order of 111 linn. 1 honiai A. Mrllride, jmli.- ol (h said court, dated Janilaiy 7, I'M, which order directs the public. itluii in this sum mons not less than once a week (or six Iiiccesiive weeks. the (lute ot (he hr.l publication of this summons is January l.'i I'.slt, JOHN F. 1,1 Ml A S ami Ki ar. OA 1. 1.0 WAY, Atturiieys lor I'laiulill. SIM .MO A. Iu the Circuit Court id' th btnle of Ore go . lor th Couniy. of Clackamas l.ydia L. 8i:biHuiover, ) t'laintil!. vs. .Suiniiioiis. liert J. ScNionover, Detendanl To Bet t J St'hooiiover, ilefrn laid. 1 11 th name ol the Mate ol Oregon : Yoil are hereby rcpilred to appear and an. wer the complaint tiled atom. I you in the above ei, tilled soil, wi'lunsix w-ck from the date of the lirt puhhentino ol Mils siimrmir,s, which lime expires on the 'Jnth dsy of February, VH, aim it you wi tail lo so nppi'itr and anvw r, Hie I Ismtlll will ap ply to the Court (or the relief prayed for Iu lb coiuplai .t, lo wit: A deiT'-e dissolving the bon Is of matrimony eii.ling helwi-en pi ai 11 1 ' It and deh-iidant, for the care and custody of her child, l-wis Hi hoonover, and tor such other and further reliel as lo the Court may seem j lt anil Hpiitahle. This summons is piililished uy order id Thos. F. Kvao, Judge ol the County Court ot the Slate nMirygou lor Clackamas uounly, dated Uec. ZJ, lisle of lirst publication, Jan. 8, I'JM; and date of last publication, February 111, 1!S. W. H I'oWKI.I,. Aitorney for Plaintirl. olle lor l'illl'u'l 11. Department of the Interior, t.arVl Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 4, Idol. Notice is hereby given that tne billowing named settler lias tiled notice of Ins inten tion to Inake final proof in auuiiort of Ills claim, and that said proof will be mail he- lure Kegisierand Keceiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on FEBRUARY 12, 1901, Viz: Jonathan Kichinnnd; H. K. No. 1 2JT;l for the Wl.'nf NWW, N VI K! of HW'i, H'A of tiW'4 Heo. "4. f. 2 ri , K 7 K. tin names the pillow lug wilneases In prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation ol said laud, viz: John Belcher, ul Salmon, Oregon; Wil liam Hduie, of Salmon, Oregon; William 11 Hall, of fori 1 ami, Oregon ; James Udell, of Marmot, Oregon. ALGERNON B. DUKSSKR. Register. .Xollcc ot I'inal Account. Notice Is herer.y given that the under signed, administratoro! the eidate of J. R. Iteilly, deceased, has tiled his linal account in the county court of Clackamas county, Sta'e of Oregon, and by order of said court. Monday. Hie ltday of February, 1004, at 10 o'clock A. M., has ben appointed for the hearing of objections to said linal account and the settlement thereof. K. K. RILEY. Administrator of the estate ol J. it. Keilly, deceased. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed lias been duly appointed as Admin istrator of Diana Scott, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against th said esta'e must present them to the und r signed Administrator at Highland, Oregon, duly verified within six months of the date of tlais notice. Dated this ,'Vith dav of De cember, Pio.t. M ATHIAH KANDLK, Administrator of the estate of Diana Scott, deceased , 0. B. LIMICK, Attorney for Admr. Notice to Creditor. Votice ia hereby given tnat John Straus has been appointed hy the probate Judge of Clackamas county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Valentine Adams, deceased, and all claimants against said estate are hereby requested to resent claims duly verified with proper vouchers to said ad ministrator at Kelso, Oregon, or at the office of his attorney at Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from inn oaie. Dated January 14, VIA. JOHN 8TRATJ8, Administrator of the Estate of Valentine Adams, deceased. JOHN W. LODKR. Attorney for Administrator. Nlli:itll'l"N N 1.1:. In th Circuit Con. t of th Stnte of Ore gon, for Kit County of Clackamas. J. 11. Heller, Plelutiir, vs. John P. Farmer and H. l.on Farmer (Ida wife) I. M. Kckerson, W. T. Itlgdii" aud l.ida C Cranston, 1'elendants, Ntatr or Ohioon, Cot'NTV or Cl.AeKAMAS, a By vlrlusof a Judgment older, deer and an tieoullou, duly isued mil ol and under th real of Hi above ntllld iniirt, In the above entitled cause, In in duly di rect ml ai d ualed Hie l'.'lli dny ol January, 1!H'I, upon a Judgment rendered aud en Ivied In sahl court 011 the Uth day ol Jan uary, l!4, In favor ol J. II lleilrr, Plain lilt, and against John P. Farmer and H. I.011 Far er (Ids wile) I, M Kckeraon, W. T. Kigdoit and I. Ida C, Cranston, llaleiul- ants, lor tin-sum of IVUOO, with Interest Ihereon at Hi rate ol 0 wr cent her annum lioui the Dili dav ol January, I'.kM, and th Inrther sum id $7.1(10, as iloinpy'a fee and th Inrther sum of HM To funis and ilistiiirKciiients, anil lh rusts ol and upon this writ, cnnimandiuK in lo make sale of line lollowinit di'scriticd real iironerty, Mill 1 ate In lh county ol Clackamas, sia'e of TK:L"' J bids nun herml oimi 1 1) and lour (4) in tract numbered seventy three (7.1) u the 1' lat Niindivisloii nl a portion ol Oak (irov. Now, Therefore, by viriuvid said riecu lino, Judgment order and ilecri , and In coiiipiiauc , Hi (he roiiimanda ol aald writ, 1 will, on Tuesday, Hi mm DAY F KKIIKl'ARY.ltkM; at to hour of 11 o'clock A M at lh Iroru door ol the Ciiiimy Court House Iu the City ol I iri-goii I'liy, lo aald County ami Slitr, sell at public auction, subject lo redelUP inui, lo the highest bidder, lor I'. N gold coin cash in hand, all the righi, Kile and Inlerc-t which the with.n named defend aula ordthei of mem, had on Ihe dale ol the loorigngr herein or sun had In or lo lh alxive real proH-rly or any part thersnl, lo aatisfy Bald eiei'iillou, Judg luent order, decree, interest, costs ami all accruing costs, J. It.KHAVF.Il, Sberifl nf Clackamas County. Oregon. Hy F. . C IIACKKrr, Deputy. Dale I, Oregon Cliy, Or., Jan. I.'ith, l'.l. Miii:itiri"t nai.i: "MO. os t.xi:- In (h Circuit Conn ol lh Stale of Ore gon, (or (he County ol Clackamas. F. II. Mailnou, I - I'laiutiD, vs. Kluahelh II. Carson ami J. (I. Carson, Defendants. Stnle of Oregon, I County id Clackamas. 1 ss. l'.y virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly lasued out ol ami under Ihe seal ol 111 above entitled court, Iu tne above entitled cause, to me duly dlrei tml and daled Ihe 7th dav of January, I'M. niHiu a Judgment made and enter, d In kind court on the ,Vh day nf January, l!M, In la Vor ol F. II. A adlaon, plalnlill, and again. I, Carson, lie lemlnnts, lor the sum ol f T.'i.MI, Willi inter est the.enn ill the rate 01 li pr cent per an. Mini, ami (he Inrther -inn of f in 111, and and Ihe Inrther sum ol $11 VI coals and ills hursemenls, and the cosia of ml upon this writ, commanding me oul nl lh personal properly of said defendants, ami il inlli. ieiil could not be loiind, 1 hen nut of Ihe real properly ht lunging Iu said delniidauti, on and alter the da'e of aald .'ilh January, I'M, lo aatisly said sum of lllii.lo and also lh Cosia upon Ibis said writ. Now, pure-lore, try virtue of said execu tion, Judgmei t order and decrr, and in compliance Willi Ihecuiuiuanilsol said win, being unable lo llnd any pemoiuil properly of snld ileleuiliilits,l I had heretolor ami on Ihe 21si day ol November, psfl, duly levied upon and under attai hmenl in Ihe action upon the billow ing dcacrilM-d real property ol said drlriulanl, situate and being in the County of Clackamas and Msie ol Oregon, town. All ul Lola numbered Oue and Four in Tract Forty live; and lot oumliereil One in Trad Filly Figbi of the First sob division ol a portinn ol Oak lirove according lo Ihe limp 011 tile iu Ihe olllce of Recorder ul Con veyances of Clackamas County, Sin(e ol Oiigon, and I will on Saturday, TI1K mil DAY OF FFHItUARY, l:ml at (be hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at Ihe (rout door of the County Court House iu theCny of 1 iregon City 111 miu County and Slate, sell at public auction, subject lo redenii Hon, to the highest bidder, lor I . S. gold com, rash in hand, all the right, Idle and imerest Which the within imiunl ileleud ants, or either ol them, had on the date ol said L'lst .November, licit, or since had In or lo the Ihh described real property or any part therrnl, to saiislysaiil I'lamlHI's Judg ment order, decree, coats and all accruing costs. J. It KH, Hhenlf nl Chckamas Courtly, Oregon. By K. C. IIAI'KKI T, Deputy. Haled, Oregon Cliy, Oregon, Jan. l.'dh l:sil Nl ,MJI(IA. Circuit Court, Clackamas County, Slate id 1 iregiui. Wiiinilrrd Irene Itaker, I'lainilll, va Joseph Uaker, defendant. To Joseph Baker, toe above named de lendant: In the nameof the Slate of Ore gon, you are hereby required lo appear and answer Hie complaint, tiled against you in the above entitled court, 111 Ihe above entitled cause, on or before Ihe last day of the time pi escribed in the order for the publication of this Suinni ma which said order was duly made and entered in this suit, by t!.e Judge of lh above en titled Court, lo-wil: On or before the 27tl day ol February, A. I), l!s"4. and If you tail so to appear and answer for the want thereof, the plalnlill will apply to the Court lor the rebel demanded In aald complaint, which is, that the bonds of matrimony lieretolore and now existing between vou and the said plaintlM be dissolved, for the coals and disbursements or tills suit and for such other and further relief as to eipiity may seem iiisi. This Summons is published once a week in the Oregon City Knlerprlse, a weekly newspaper published regularly in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, hy order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge ol tne circuit t ourt of Clackamas County State of Oregon, mad and dated on the Uth day of January, 11104. That the date ol the first publication of this buuiriions is the i.'ith day ol January, I!H. F. 1). WIN TON, Attorney lor 1'lalntill. Uenring on I'inal Account. In the County Court ol the State of Ore gon, lor Clack-mas County. In the matter of the estate of Charles Mc Oovern, deceased. Notice li hereby given that John P. Mc Doriougli, executor of the above entitled estate, has lied his linal account in the above entitled court and that the same has been set by the court for hearing on the I.'ith day of February, V.M, at tli hour of .') I', M. All (leraons interested i) the said estate are hereby notified to apiear on the said day arid present any objections tbev have to the approval of the said accoun t aryl tbe discharge of the executor from Ida trust. Dated January 13th. I'M. JOHN V. M'DONOUGH, Executor of tbe estate of Charles McQov- ern, deceased. BNOW AND M'CAMANT, Attorneys for Executor. nolle for lubllrntlusi Timber Unit Act, June 3, 1H7H. United Stales Und Olllce, I Oregon City, Or., Oct. 211, lUXKI Notice Is heiehy glvim that In cotuplb anc with the provisions ol the aid of congreaa of June .1, 1H7H, entitled "An art lor the sale of timber lauds In the dates of ('allforuia, Oregon, Nevada aud Waahlittftiin Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land Slate by art of August 4, 1SII2, Mii'liad Kroll, of K'y, mniilv of t'lai kauiaa, slale of Oregon, has this dav hind in this olhcn his sworn statement Nu. (1:121, for the purchase of the sw'4 ol ae4 and ae'4' of sw'i, ol mo tion No, 20, Ml township No. li a, range No 3 e, and will ollnr pnsif to show that the land sought la inure valuable for its timber or stone than (or agricultural purposes, and to esialillsli hi claim to said land before the register and receiver of this olllre at Oregon 1'HV, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th day of January, 11)04. lie inline aa Unease : II. M. Browindl, Oregon City, ( begun; W II. II Samson, Oregon t'i'y, Ore gon; J. W. Draper, Oregon t Uy, Ore gon ; Thomas Dlltr.V, of Sluilud, Oregon. Any and all cr(int claiming adversely the above-described lauds are reipiewted tu 11 Iu their claim In this olllre on or before aald Hlb dav of January, IIHH. ALOKUNON H. DRKsSMt, Ucglsler. Sillier vl' I'inal Neltlritirrat. In tliM tiuulv ('unit of tliu Nlatn of (begun, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter ol tbu ealato ol Sarah h. Ililgllcs, ileceaaed. Notice I hereby given that the Filial Account ol the Administratrix ( the e Ute of Sarah K. I log Ins, diseased, baa IhihII filed ill said court for settlement, at,. I ll.ul tlolnl.l, lliM l.t ilttW III llHliril. ary, V.KH, at ten o'clock A. M., ha been apHiiiilnil hy said court for the baaring ol objoclion lo said final account and lor tbe aiittlemenl thereof. Dated m-ceinbi-r H, liHI.T. w 4 If t II HI-' A list Administratrix of I lie F.slate of Sarah K. Iluglie, ileceaaeil. olli'ri ol I'luul Mettle meiil. Nulii e ia lieridiy given that tli" under signed, administrator ol thn F.state, of John Acker, deceased, has llli-d Ida linal Hcroiint in said retain in tbu County (Vim of the County of Clackamas, Stain ul Oregon, and (he County Judge of said County ha apiHiinled Monday, the 1st day of Fntniiarv, HsM, a I be day on winch said account shall Im aetllml. All persona inlnresi,., I In suld ealule are hereby liolllied lit llln any objivtiiina tu aaid account on or before aald dale iu said Court. Firat publication Dec. M, !(Mi.'!. Ull.DKItr L. IIKDtil'.S, Ailuiltiistralor aforesaid. l. snrr, Atl'y for Administrator. 4'llulliiu. In th eotlh' roiirl of th slat of Ore gon, lor th round 01 1 la kamaa. In the mailer or lb eslaiaol J allies r.. Clirrie. deceased. Order to show rauae why order of sal of real est tie should not he mad. A. M. Crawhird, aduilnlsirator of th esiida id J aines 1.. t urrp-, deceased, haling Died his petition herein duly Verilled. prays lor an order lo sell Hie sinilhwesl I, of the suuiheast 1,', the east !t' n lh son lh west ami hit 4 ol sirlloii .10. lownshlp II borlli ol range il wesi, of tne Willamette Mn- ridia i, contaiiiing lnJ,:J acres in Clat sop nullity, Oregon, nurilon of th real estate ol said dcedent, fur the purposes therein set lorlh. 1 1 is iherelore ordered by lh sal I roiirl that all Ihe per.ons 11. 1 reined In Iha estate ol said deceased a)pear helori- Ihe aald eoiiiiiy courl on .Mondiiv, lh llrl dnv of Februart , l'i, at lo o'clock in lh fore noon i.l said date, at lh court room I aald coiiniv court 111 the couil house at Oregon Cliy, Clackamas count), Oregon, u show causa w hy an order should not he granted to the said ailmiinstruUir lo sell said real siale ol the said deceased at private sale ; and that a copy ol llm order In. pulili.hsil at least lour snccessiv eks In th Oregon City Knti r prise, newspaper prinied and puhdsheil 111 said city ami uiuuly. Dated DvctMiiher .Ml, I'.si. THUS. F. RYAN, Judge. ;utica for I'libllrailoia. (Timlier Land Act, June ,1, IH7H ) L'. S. Land Ollire, Oregon City, ) December 2(1, liKKI f Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with Ihe provisions of Ifie act of cuifgn-HM ol June II, IH7H, entitled "An act lor the t-ale of timber lands in the stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all Urn public land suites hy act of Au gust 4, KIL Alexander W. 1 ourtney.of Portland, minify o Multnomah, aiato ol Oregon, has thin day Hied In this olllca his sworn Hia'euicnt No. ll,'H2, for the purrbaHH of the nw'4' of section 2H, in township No. r n, range 3 e, and will oiler jirool to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timlmr or alone than for agricultural puriMjaes, and to establish Ins claim to said land before the register and receiver of this ollice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of March, l'.MI. He names as witnesses; J. D. Htie( C. II. Oelwirn, Kohl. OHborn, W. K. Thomas, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are rerpieHted to file their claims in this of fice on or before said 1 lib day of March. Vm. ALU Kit NO 8. DKKSSKK, KegiHler. Mollce ol l inal Nelllemrnt. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed administrator of Ihe Kslate of John W. Tire, deceased ! iHj.,1 1.1. 11... 1 - count iii said estate hi the county court ..s uimniy 01 i ianKsmas, male ot Ore gon, ami the county Judge ol said county has appointed Monday, February H, 1!H, as the ily on which sslJ account shall tie settled. All persons interested in said Ks tat are hereby untitled to III any objec tions to said account on or before said date In said court. First publication January 8, 1!HH. Ut puhlicaiion Feh-iiary ft, ALKXANDKR TICK, OKO.C. IIROWNF . "","r "'-" Ally, for administrator. Notice. Knlira Is ..1.. mai in under signed has been duly appointed as Admin istratorof theestaleof John L. Hcolt, de- CeaMfld. and .u m..A .1, - -, .,, imranns naving claim ,Kti ti,e B,id ,. preM)nt 11. , V . """"Ili'i Auniniisiraior, at Highland, Oregon, duly verified within six niniitha .iff It, Ha,. . .1 .,. ,,,w .,. ui kiiia nonce. 1 1 a I a.l , I. a aM. . . , . . .... ol iinnrmntr, IU13. . Mil III AH KANULK, Adrnlliiatralor f k , - i.. , '.. deceased. U.B. DIMICI, Awsesf tar Ximr.