Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
7 OREGON. CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1904 ninlliiril. Winter ninm nml li-lt Hluiiit nil hu ll of tlm I m i I tt I Know MnnilHy mot iiintf hihI mi '1'iii'Ml.iy n Unlit IIKIII'. 'l'lm 0.lll )iiii'cliiii win ly ltd hIwiicm. Mt. t (( I tn ni'iir wioiitfli l HilmirH wll limit ItH (linilUriM-HllIll HlllppllHUH. Jim 'riiini f li mlil lii Iiifin I" Vf'lt I'm mI In Iiih tiii.ilnT AP"Ml nml BprincwkUir. - ( I'oiNnim (liiiniiii, nf Clm kuuiMK county, nxt Willi llm Ohwi'KO ftHK" nn Hi" Wi mill lii'I'l lm M""rl,,ry ,'"liv"",i,,n '"' ! Mall thwir nllii iTii mid ilo older Iiiihiiichi". Tim (olli)WiiiK nllli'iT wurii ImnIhIIwI iy 1 Mm. K. A Nilillii, of KvhiiIiik Hiar '(ir.iniiii. Miilliioiniili cmintv: Miii"r, Williiiui iriwli liWMt. ; hvitmimt, J. n ...k illliir I'lillllltll III llDI'l'H i till!.... l.iu III I Ul ImV Willi in lllllirll'll Willi (.-pt .. HtlllllH. " t III) II III HIBl H' II n p" " Tim i; li'itiin.r, ii-n. Work "' I"'",'"Ibi., Williiiui Ili-Hnll aHiH.u knun fllftt nl Hiuwiiril, ii i :i. ....... ,.h.i, Km. ( A. KhIoii 1 IriMK- iii'it, T. I-' Turner J mwury, V. K. Il..nrv Al.-n and Mark lUknr look a Hi- ; umi kwiH-r, h. - ! fliilnlii'ii nml I'orvnllm. Mr. Wi-iMln linn it very ulrk linrne. Kuiiim kiml d( kiilni'y complaint. CnliU nl a norluii ty have Ix't'ii very plttvulllllt. CliMrlm I'ullvka'a little liny in Iwttur. Henry rVliatta i riuiiixllliiir thn limine Ultily iH'i iiill liy Mm. C. Ilrland. IIh Iniiml Hi" "ill were rnitliiK mill limi torn away llm 'Imp Mini tlm kitchen part. Mm. I'liwuil'ii mother in ntniipiiiK with her tlilx Winter. Mr. Ilarbara Mum" lm n-liiriiLxl (nun all t-iteiiileil vmitin WaahuiKlnn. John KflntiU pli'iit (ate ii attain aeeti In our iiiIiIhI. Tlm pi'iiplii live nl IhnI iit moved un tu llm OH- Have phicti. They have been ipliln iiiilnrliinmu 111 imvinif mm Mm w liii Innl lo Im .i-r-l mi Inr IH'iiiliflltii mnl who l not mrniiK vet mi. I minllii r mmilxil met imil typholil lever mnl alno liwt liy ill-nth I"" l't upmi n( hornet. M inn Kitle W I ml urn lo Imr lnunr III Ji lli imui UeUy nil o r a plenul VihiI with Iri In in Sinllnril mnl Fmu 'tnu Niin ii ClirinliiniR. AncuNt Pclknr IIihIn tlm rnmlii very bail ilown Ihn.iiKli Iht- woml ramp. We h.'r thai tlm mill lieinii ah'iiduwn at M. Helen. I. O. mnl hi hrolhi-r C. M. I in Hi' Iivi tiliniil Ihl'ir Hlli'lilH'll I" nirpi'iiliT wink rni.l fi Iniililiiitf iint pri'li-iiliuilH IIiiiicii Inr Hi'", iwimn -i nn" plHIl". Mhlllirl. Ham. ruin, rain, niud, mini, mini. Mr lllnlini' I'holilil't id tllllllllllt full blt now. Ktmik (irniwtiiillfr lian "old hi plm- to Mr. Kliniii r, who lian jul imimim (roin th l' t. Mr. ml Mm. W. D. Hill, E. K. Oin tlmr mnl iUiikIiIit Unr llcnilfd Cii trl (,rni( t IWnviir Cruek ymlwrilay. Tlmy rport Hint linm. All-rrl nd Olio Hornw hiicli, ol Klm, m vimlliiK with llmir parent, Mr and Mr. C lliirnw liui'li Inr lew week. V am -ry Kind to bps them back in their old place. Kolwrt Hcliul!' minllnn fr wai aeen In our nflKhborhuod I ant Hundkr. K. F. (iintlmr I buay priiniiu hit orchard. It 1 fxpeclMt that l'rof. Schmidt will tait imw ainiiin cla in Urn nar (ii tnre and we will kindly invite thn aanm niinn nmn who attenilnd the lHt term l ...... ii... anil itiaturlmd the cla. to u. . " - coiiie aitmn. Will lltlman vUitwl at the tmme of In old friend, K. F. tiintlmr, Kniiday We are Dlannlni: to atart ilebatinK nciiily t tin place helnre very lonn. I". ManHliiiter ha pnrchaaed llnck of her p. HpiMii'K railed aiti'iitiiin In the inrrri piininry law nml llm inan-r appointed a coiiiiniili e of one (run each ol the 1 Itrmine to circulate a pmilion in Clacka iiiiin coiinly lo thai ellnct Mr. ManKiM .lol.n.ini iirenlHil a rHNiiltll loll IIIVoriiiK preparation of an nrlcullural exhlhil In ... ,li.i.Uvd while Urn national itrwuit" 1 in aeaNion In Portland. Nov. IWH. A ri'Holutiiin wa preaenled liy A. M. mun- ey and the ame pamnl dirertmu llm wcretarv to write and ak henalnia Mitchell and Fulton to ll their infln encn to aicurn the W of the parcel imwI lull ml alNO the mil promim mi llm inane ol podtal i liinuicy. (,o-oiern- linn wan alan hroUKhl la-fnre tlie (iiii!e and expliiined III lln t' liaveHiiiinia appointed lo buy mid ell for llm patroim hut wa Hot ai-tud upon hut will be ii"jt I'omiiiiB urMiiuti. Mr. Iiowar.i niani- tlm aiinoiinii-i t thai there are i...m ,.f 1I1.1 iraiiinin Oreiriiii, The 0wi'KO KtalilH treated It vmltnr frril kikI roval. Mini Uireil ikmiiii 11111 n-i'""'--There were lt pernoli who took llm llltll li'Kiee. tin ii. it Itl HTM id entertainment thai I lo Im' k-iven at I he itranne hall on the L'.iPl Hint. Thermometer 'M decree ; enow three illi hea deep, llnr Irii-niU who are abrnnil fir their heulHi, Mm. Stella Hani and Mi (rii Lewellen, are i 111 iirov iiitf nicely. Frank Shannon, ol Heaver Cieek wh Kiiet Silllday in Sprinnwater lVlml'w In H inne? KverythiiiK In in the name when it come to Witch I laud Salve. K. V. le Wltt A Co., nl Chicago, diecoverwl eoiue yeara ano how to make naive from Witch 1 1 axl thai i upeciflc fur I'ilea. For blind, bleedinu, iU'ldiiK and protrud IlilT I'ilea, F.ciema, cill. Imrtia, lirtliee and ll kin illaeaw iHiWilf Salve ha no eipial. Tin baa uiven rme lo nunier oil worthleaa counliirfcitH. Ak for l)e- Witt' the irenuine. hold ty ueo. n. Harding. (IhiliiHry. Died, December III. I !).'!, at her home 011 Atcm-v I'laln. Mr. Caroline fmrd, wifu of M. O. Uard. remiltnK f""" cliininc atiiiiiai h tiiiiilile T' e dtic. nHeil wa born in September, lnri, mi whin in known tlm old Welch hum in lliirhlaiel, ( bull mini" eo'iii'v. .. .1.,. t until Oi l'. In r, I H 4 , when aim iiinri ti'il 10 i ). liar I, nl Heaver Creek, Oregon, whoc'ill auiviv.-a .There waa Imrn to Ihi couple einl.l ..I. ilil t .. Villi I ,f uhnm are fill living, v.r.j Mr. Ad Keve-i'., nl llii'hlainl, ()re.; Mra. Kvn Kirk, ol A ney l'lain; Mera. ('beater, Human! Hud Ioid, and llm .Mirwe Mvrtle and Untie, who are Hill liviliK wllii their father nl IhlM place. . , , . . Mr. ami Mra. (iard lived Willi their family in CUikainaa county until June.. r.K):i, when they moveil to their nonm aiead of tbi place. j The deceHed waa a firm believer ol lbH(opd d ever triH.I to live up lo : thedunea of a ClirialUn. She leave one ialer and two brn'I.era lo mourn her ; Ina. viz: Mr Murv Kirk, of MonW'itn- I erv.Cal.. Mr. Frank Welch, of Oiem , Cilv, ml Mr. Charm Welch, of lliiih-j llllin, ve)'Mi I The remain were lain minui ; home nlace, there ladtiu no He clmaen 1 lor a ceini'lery aa yet. T'e bereeil lamily baa the entire aympiilliy in me people of Aiiem y I'lain. Dainv. "rlitloii for l.lceiiNe, In the couiily court of llm Mate of Ore- , I... i.,.iiiil V lit 1 'hickalllil. " ' 3 - " I I I Wi. tlie iinileraiuiied le-al voter nl i F'aiile Creek p.ecilici, Clic k un:i c unity, Slale ol Oieuotl. reepei tblily a-k that aj licenae to Bell apitiniou, mall or vinoii 1 in bunl K.iL-le I'reek tiiecinc.l, he JinMi U illii-lm nn aell in (jilatititiea leaa than one gallon : SALE llrulnllr 'I'orlur'l. k .m. eaiiie in liiht that for neraUt ent and iinmrrcilul torture ha peihap never lieen equaled. Joe bolntiicK, 01 '..i..a. Calif uriiH "fur lli vears 1 ejiilnre'd iiiHiill'erahle pain from rimuma- Liam. and notbiiiK relieved me thniinh I iriml nvervthimr known. 1 came acroa F:ittrie !itterand It' the ieuteBt med icine on eaitli for that trouhlo. A lew bottle of it completely relieved and cured me." Jut.1 aa good for liver and kidnev trouble and tieimrally debility. Only 5tlc. Satia'aclion unrnteed by Cliarman A Co.. druKmrt. Kedland Winter ha come at last. The gruintl Is while with oow. It look aa if the stork Kedland. has nest at Born to the wife of II. A. Allen son, Jan. 10. Mother and bbe dolna well. Mr. ami Mrs. A. Hollimiworth have taken two month's old boy to raine. Mr V. M Shine has been on the sick list. t J f!. Armstrong is sick with 1 gnpie. K. N. Huck is Improvinir in health nd 1st skvnraTiniJ mt lila kitchen cabinet, which is very handy. F;very housekeeper ouuht to have one. hrothers have sold the balance of their saw mill to Mr. Leach, nl Nee dv. Mrs. K. Moriran nd family and Mrs. T. Morgan have left for the mines. John Richardson has the plans drawn for a wood shed. Molalla. Our vlllsife has (tone to seed on danc- inn; a "hoe down" from 1 hatikHf,ving fci St. I'atrick'i IJay. Molalla has failed to ornaniw a liter- -lr,tMr tin wnniter I lie wrji vn;trj iin .,... , Siecial seaaion of the Leuialatuie bad to go It blind. They sav. a "new democrat" in town, yoniiK llarles; wen, 01 couree, um tweet little fellow cannot help it, awhile, . I. A 1. but there la yel one nope lor mm i b alio a little granger. A Mr. Wakea and wife have moved into IheC. W. Dart re"ideuce. l?.ttuirt Mtr'rtVfir liaa been viaititiK here for two week. Mr. Slrayer Harts for the far Kant, where he baa a government iKJHltlOn Harvey Dart ha the name of drawing f Ilia iliia winter for the air.e ol hi team, and by the way, ifa ko !, in tukH a 1;, mil tem to out-iiull Har vey', wherever you Hnd them. Mr. M. K. Thomas and sistef, Miss '.... Kli.ui nn viaitiinf relatives in I'ortland. C. W. Herman, ol Abaipia, waa home Sunday lo visit with hia brother, Uarry, who is quite ill with appendicitis. V.. V.. Jndd is on the sick list, having tnken a severe cold. I ilit anneareil nn the farm a few ihivR uuo. where he exwets to put in some improvements. !...:.. vin...u ,11,1 nnr tmn Uat Sat 11 r- mni iuii ,,ivi; ... - - -- day, Hhuking hands with old time friends. Honrup Ol'Ih A Co. came out ot the mniinliiina Salurdav eve. They went to the mine last Monday. Thomas. Sawtell and MoshberRor at tended l'oiuona Uraniie at Oswego and came home well pleaaeil Wltn me iraier- nal Way the uaweo people uwu 111cm. There won't be much hnrrahinu for ftUvUnil in these Parts: he is out of date with the Western people. D W lb nlctiMine .1 M I. von W II llawleV J M Johii"i.n ii I'.erry Wilhern N F. Simyley i linrnett l-n,ie hnrblll Ii F Clerter Kilwanl Still .lulill (iitheii I, (ilMiena i W Dowty I (; Terw ay K Ii Kelpie S K Heiple W lymney A A It Hawkins N K Heiple K S Cxips W K StralKhl K I Noble TT I'ankey K T l'rtnn John Henkle James Henkle .lamea Anderson Charles Hoese A (iiliaon II F Gibson C Kees M Thomson II J Kifcault. A L Baker I J Jndd (i C Callow ( V Wineaett A D Wineett F Douulass 0 W CleHter Jl'l rreter B T Forrester HC Heiple W J C I! W V John Z i'iri I' hernll A Irwin ii F It.iyer i W Johnson N M Tracv A 1 h-rliardur Soul h W Arrnl.l A Wilcox JauicN Smith A Dowty Win (iliheua II H Halhon K H (iiliRon J A Huter K C Suler James Smith, Sr Harvey lilbion Cha O'Dell William Norris James Norris F Stulike Dave Hoffmeister A J Douglass 1 J W Douglass John Schmidt Kd Kowan (ieo Brown H Hoiger K J Devine William Uok J K Burnett O K Looney Cbas Vancuren J Wallace L Peterson A Johnson A Wunstotf S F.ricksen C F Schmidt A Wilde I) Connon Joe Suter v :. horat.i, oiviin that in nurstl anrn n( the above petition. I shall on the M day of March, 11)04, at 10 o'clock A M., apply at me cjuniy courv 01 vi. mm cmintv. Stale of Oreiion, for a It mnan tn aell suirituous. malt or vinous liquors in quantities leaa i.iau i Ion, Mr. Wii.iiki.mis a Batkjian. Isn and Htone. F.vetyone should lift their hat to Mr. Andrew Johnston of Lonan. It's a hoy and weighs 11 pounds. No wonder Andy steps high. Quite a number of Harding Granirers attended I'omona irange at Oswsgo last Wednesday ami repori a k0"" ' fr Frank Roach and family passed through hereenroute to their mountain farm, on a hunting trip. II. 8. Anderson will soon have his saw mill running. .1. Sevier, of Viola, Is helping to get the machinery in running order. The Woodmen of Logan are makingex tensive rraniiements lor an entertain ment in February. The young folks, of Harding Grantre are preparing 10 irive niaBquniaoo u.i Feb. 22nd at the Hall. The measles are prevalent in and around Logan. Where they originated no one anow. Tt,;. i thn first time the eronnd has been white with snow this winter, Jan- ConfrrntulaMona. T,n 11 P.. 11,1m mlitnr nf the Garland. Texas, News, has written a letter of con gratulations to me manufacturers ui Chamberlain's Cough Keroedy as fol lows : "Sixteen years ago wuen our nrsi child was a baby he was subject to cronpv spells and we would be very un easy BDOtll lilui. vte Degan UHinii viiaiu berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never been without It in the house since that time. We have five children and have uiven it to all of them with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreeable to takn and our babies really like it. Another Is that It is not dangerous, and there is no risk from giv ing n overdose. I congratulate yon upon the success of your remedy." For sale by U. A. Harding. Bearer creek. fitormy weather seems to be the order of the day. Mrs. D. W. Thomas is on the sick list Several of the B. C.'s attended the basket social at tbe Henrict school house Monday night and report a good time. v.aA Cronnna la ronnrted to be setting ri-i - -1 along preity goou ai firmcm,. iitui.t Rlonnt and family la visiting his parents this wee. Mrs. Withycome and Mrs. Loyd, of Portland, are visiting the Thomss am ily; sleo Mrs. Kanmussen, of Salem. Bean the yt Y0lHa4lm Bfllltf Orpgon I'itr Market Keport. (Corrected Weekly.) LM.,.tVMuv ti ikr bb . Hard 1" IUUI 1 r - - wheal 14.75. Portland, $1.10 per sack ; Howard's Best, f 1.1)6 per sacx. Oats in sacks. $1 per cental. Hv Timothy, baled, $M($15 per ton; clover, $11 to $12; oat, $12 J mixed hav,$12; cheat, $1-'. MillstuHs-Bran, $19 00 per ton shorts. $J0 50 per ton ; chop, $19.00 per ton, barley, rolled, $23 00 per ton, Potatoes W)c to 65c per sack. Kggs Oregon, 25c per doien. Butter Kanch, 50c; separator, 60c creamery, 70c. Oregon onions, SRK! to i.w percwi. ti!...i .iitilufl A,, tn 7e ner Hi. i'l ir vi . i. . r - - l....,..a Mrie.ll tinllte. 3C tierlDiltal X I uui V- . . .'. Ian. large. 5c per lb. medium, dc; Silver. 4.V . Cabbage, 40 tostc per uoxen. Apples, 40c to 60c. Cranberries 9ic to 12c a quart. Cauliflower, 40c lo 80c per doien. Stock ctrrots, sacked, 50 cents. ri -..,1 ..r.i,.bans tVUe rvAr lb. I l...i.L .n,l rlrnaaaii meats! DMl. AjI V ...... r -i Rrt A J OA .var hnnrlrAd. HOffS. live, .i,uv iu t.i .- - . live h 1 to o cts; nogs, umsnwi, v, sheep, $2 70 rO a uu per neau : urerr.r-.,. 6c; veal, aressea, iw, muio, uii per bead ; tamos, uresseu, ut. . . . HI ' . . 4. nA IVIIIIIll Sweet poiawjen, io t" r"""" J list One Itlinutc. r uinnia Pnnirh Cum orives relief In one minute becanit kills the microbe WHICH liuavico mo .V4v,v...w ... ' .1.- -. aanl a tVlA lamO tlfllA causing uie 1.-UUKU, im - clears tne pniegm, umwi vuv no "-- mation ana neais anu nuuuiw mo u" .. 1 in. vtitint. Pniiuh Cure strenttth- ena tbe lungs, wards off pneumonia and if a harmless ana never minnn wum u, ki....u nt r!rnFha. Cnhis and Crohn. 1, 1 1 1 B"ir v .. . " v . .r One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to lake, harmless and good alike for young and old. soiu oy ueo. n. imun.i. Card of Thanks. ie. . u ti.ta ma.n. nf ornrnaainff onr lie 1 a it o mio ... v .. - w. " sincere gratitude ami appreciation to our friends for their kind sympathy during our recent nereaveraeni m mo iu v.. -loved daughter and sister. 11- M .... IT f II11IVV JAK. ami l'i no. x- and Family. DreHsniuking. Mrs. Gladden offers ber services to the public in all lines of dressmaking. Work guaranteed. Call on or address Mrs. J.R. Gladden, Ely, Oregon. Jan 10. SoasMba for tbe Enterprise. Opportunities Offered During Our Clearance Sale Wrappers Flannelette, well made and trimmed', regular $1.00 value, at 78c each Flannel Waists of all wool ma . terial, colors red. blue and black, choice at the very low price of $1.10 Flannelette Waists, Good patr terns and materials, reduced to 39c Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, $1,00 (juality for 79c Dress Goods Regular value $1.25, on sale at 99c Regular value $l.o0, on sale at $1.20 Regular value 50c, on sale at 39c Regular value 2-jc, on sale at 21c Men's Suits values in all price of $7.S" -Our all wool $10.00 sizes at tlie very low Umbrellas A big reduction duxjng our Clearance Sale, regular $1.25 values, special 98c Boys' Suits ages C to 15 years, all wool material, reduced to $2.95 Boy's Norfolk Caps reduced from 50c to 39c each Women's Underwear Heavy weight vests, the haul 50c grade, for 39c Women's Combination Suits, seamless, glove fitting, values 65c, special 48c Boys' Bicycle Hose- 25c quality, at 18c -Our regular Saxony Yarn in colors, special at 3 skeins for 10s All Men's Clothing radically reduced Ladies' Jackets, Ladies' Walking Skirts at surprisingly reduced prices Take advantage of Price Reduction during this Sale I. SELLING Suspension Bridge Corner SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS SOMETHING for NOTHING Naturally induces trade. "We do not do busines on that basis but do give value re ceived for every cent you spend at our store. Hero are some bargains: 3-lb can Brandenstein s Mocha and Java coflefl . . 5 lbs Brandenstein's Ca'ro- head Rice Good brand bulk Coffee, per pound Green Java Coffee, per lb. . Fine bulk Syrup, per gallon 11.00 .50 .12 .15 .50 A full line of the very bestj in the grocery line at The ELECTRIC Grocery D, M. KLEMSEN, Prop. Mnin Street next lo Albritiht' Market Teacher' Examination. . : V V,- fllnan that thfl pnnntt superintendent of Clsckms county will hold tlie reiUir exmination of appli cant for state and county papers at Ore gon Uity, aa louowa: FOR BTATK PAPEBi. Pnmmni!inir W'edneaday, February A M.. and coDttnuinZ until Saturday, Feb, 13, at four o'clock, P. M. . . . . , Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling aluebra. readinn, ichool law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching jrrammar, book-ieeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geograpny, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. baturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 10, at nine o'clock A. M.. and continuing until Friday, February 12, at four o'clock P. M. FIRST, SKCOND AND THIRD GRADE CIRTIKICATBS. , Wednesday Penmanship, history, or thography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, school law, civil governmouv. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, orthog- I - .A!ln0 arithmetic. H U 1 1 T , n o'.t"H Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. Truly yours, J.O. ZlNSER, fcupt. of Schools. Bodily pain loses its terror if you've a bottle of Or. Thomas' Electric Oil in the house. Instant relief incase of burns, cuts, sprains, accide- ta of any sort. Clearance Sale Men's fine wool Underwear, $1.00 value for 75c Men's Wright's Health Underwear, cut to 72c Fleeced Underwear, cut to 37c Big lot sample overshirts at 25 to 33 per cent reduction Gloves reduced now 9c, 19c, 27c, 38c up Heavy leather Mittens cut to 55c 50c suspenders cut to 37c; 40c suspenders cut to 25c 25c suspenders cut to 14c and 18c Corduroy pants cut to $1.33 50 pairs Men's Pants, cut prices, at $1.14, $1.37, $1.88 Men's all wool suits cut to $5.65, $8.07, $9.73 Our Clearance Prices on Good New Clothing are quite as low as the old stuff is at so called cost sales. Neckwear at 5c,10c and 18c that sold at 15 to 25c Jewelry, both cheap and good, off Men's 40c wool socks 30c, 20c grade 14c Misses' wool hose, our bargain 20-center, now 15c Cotton hose for Children and Ladies, 9c up Corsets $1.25 Corsets at 89c; 75c grade 50c, and some at unusual price of 31c and 22c Millinery now at nominal prices French hats, 50c up; untrimmed 10c up. Trimmed hats, 50c up 10c Kibbons up to No. 12, for 5c; Fancy Ribbons, Nos. VA to 10 cut to 3c per yard Cut prices on Yarns, Dress Goods, Notions, etc 'Sample Shoes at to $ off price Rubbers odds and ends 10c 100 lbs Stock vSalt 50c 50 lbs Fine Salt 45c 6 lbs Arm & Hammer Soda ... 25c 3 lbs same, bulk 10c, b lbs uoc Fine hard wheat flour $1.05 Coffee 7c, 10c, l2ic to.... 20c Compare our 20c Coffee with 35c grades elsewhere IT 4 - 1 Uranges ana lemons ic eacu 17 lbs Rice $1.00 9 lbs fine Mush 25c E. C. HAMILTON THE RED FRONT OREGON CITY Groceries LET US Prices Reasonable Do Your Work Work 0uarantecd We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Telephones Office 1121 Residence looj nary 19.