Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1904 Ayers Tutting li air means weak lialr. Then strengthen your liair; feed it with the only liair food, Aycr's Hair Vicor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair Hair Vigor Brow, completely cures dan druff. And it always restores color to cray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. Mr hair fallhif, out htl an4 I waa ti.ij I ,ni.l luMllall Than llrlail lin'i lUlr Vlur. tl niilraljr t1iil Ilia railing aud luailalny lialr nil I nvulit wlilt tl Mi ! " Iiaasuv iuu, flltalxUi. N. i. ft ! bottle. A II ilrutrvl.).. J O 1TB CO, tnirall, M-t.i for Falling Hair Oregon City lintcrprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Til Kihht Snow. Tim first mo lull of t lt Winter occurred beta Monday conlinninif on Tuesday. Thin ii a Him recimiiiirndatinn of tint Oregon climate tlit IIih iMimiiiK nl allow lo the valley Ii a a lice n delayed until Hit) middle of January. Kl.AII Will. UK PHKVKNTKII ('utility Hiiiciinlrii'lf ill Zinser mI vnf llin Kn terprlse that he is in rscelpt of a letter from the Youth's Companion aiatitiK that seta of li t ii r i' will lie sent lo each of lb districts making- certain Im itnvv II n T M as published in llila paper two Weeks no. The ll-tit will In sent u iieriiitcmleiit Ziiiaer ml will be awarded Jul r-r on. VllTOUY roH 1-OfAl TlCAM. W'HIII from Company K , (. N. li.,l Portland, wa defeated hI imloor haschsll. In llua rilv 11 Hal unlay nig-lit by the ''"'al Y. M. C. A. If am, the score being 1'H to H In favor of the lomlM Arrangementa re Ii- intf iniiiln by liirh tliu lia-al asso clitlion Inm will play a Kim with """ vialtiiiK ortftiilialion every Htiircly evmnint. I.rtCTI Kl ON I'XHslA. lr. K'lShaba, ristlvs Persian, lectured last Friday nilil at tlx Contireustiotial church on "Persia and Persian Life." Cunitf riiitf Hi liail weather, the audience was sat isfactory. 1 Im lectnrer m born in Persia, but educated In thin country, lie being uncinate of McAllister College, Minn. Ilia description ol tint Persians mi lotiml to Ik very Interesting, and wan carefully listened to. KnTKHTAIM PBKSIIYTKKIAN Hot IKTV. Tha Y. 1'. S. C. K. of the Prcsbvterian church (rave social last Friday evening t the home of Mr, and Mr a. John Adams, on the corner of Filih and Cen ter sttecis. A In nit 3.r members of the society were present, and progressive flinrli waa played until late lioiir. Th first pme was won by Miss llcaaio Mr Millau, wliilu Myrllo llmnilton ki-i'ihhiI Ilia roiifolation trophy. HelrenlimnntH wurii mrvt-d. niter wliirh IIih eveninil wit leunlly cone Im ltd with nmaio. Woi;i.D I.ikk to (Jkt Jkrhv The liiaiiKi'ini'ot of tlin WillamellH Valley l'liat'laiiiift Ananciatiun will make an effort to wine tha aurvirei of the I I'm. Jerry Stiiipaon, of Kanaaa, aa an addi tional attraction tor tlm C'hatiliiiiu ftaaemhly thii Sntninnr. Tha late (ien eral Jolin 11. (iordon, had beon ennHK'ed for tlm eonnriK aaaemtily and hia death liaa denied the CliatltaKiift management one lecturer uKin whom dependence had been nlacrd. It ia the confident be lief ol the ('liautailiii people that Mr. bimpiHin woul J prove one of the beat at tractions that waa ever aecured by the Chautauqua ftaaemhly. Ol.D Col'I'I.K TO SlI'ARAT. Suit for divore waa tiled Monday In the circuit court by (). It. I. Chamnena v. Viola ClumneaH, and plaintitT namea ft co reapondent, John It. Ilinkle. The plaintiff alleifca that bimaelf and defend ant were married near Salem, Oregon, in Di'c-Hinlier, 1875, and have ever ainco lived aa man and wife. There are five children living, only two of whom have Dot reached the aite of 21 veara. The uit Ia brouuht on the ground of adultery it being that the offe nee waa committed while the partici were living on Elliott Prairie in the north end of the county. The co-reBpondeiit ia k wealthy reaident of Hubbard, l'laintiir alto alleges that the defendant called him vile namea and wrongfully alleged that lie waa ft thief. U. B. Diniii-k ia counsol 'or the plaintiff. Din Not Liki Thkib Job. Because the schedule of their wagea waa reduced 20 per rent, four men employed in the winding department of the Crovn Taper 51 ilia walked out laet Saturday. Their place, were immediately filled and the work of the plant will not be interfered Willi. The men were formerly being paid 11 ..'5 per ton fur the paper they handled and at that figure they were able to make more wagea than any of the "killed help at the mill, reporU the nianagcmert. Their compenaution wua reduced to $1 per ton and at these wages the mill superintendent saya it ia poa Bible for the men to average $3 iter day. The services of four other employes at the Crown mill were also dispensed aith at the same time. CuitioHiTY is PuNiHiiKn. A youth of the cily a few days ago learned a lesson that he will probably remember for some time to come, and w hich will go far to wards curing him of the curiosity which he manifested on a recent orcaaion. The loral Wella Fargo express office is dally shipping runs of cream from thie city to Portland creameries, it being brought to this place from the farina in the country. A young man wandered into the local office, and seeing a number of these cans in the place, asked wlmt was in them. As the employes of the express com pany are tired of answering this'particu- htr kind of question, they returned an linlilliTciii iincwiir il iiuy hi nil. Tur in- ilaltlvn youth was not to be thus easily I iliacoiiraged however, and tried to open I inm of the curia and see lor liimeelf. The ciiim am large and contain "0 gallons of i cream, and Im foiinil Unit thu covers were Jimmied i,i lighllv. To gel a betler i pull nl Ihn tightly lining cover, be put ins fool on the top ol the can ami brought all bis strenutli to the laxk. As the pull ' h um a hnrd one, h benl over I lit mi lo the belter exert bis atteiitftli, mul this poalllun brought h s fin e over the cover. All at once the cover came oil' with aiu h suddeniieas iiiid force that it btouvht ! vi ith it a large UHiilily of Ihn creuin, ' a lib Ii liheially diainlmliil over I lie ! lealuri a of Ihn liiipnsilive one, and ran 'down on lo bis collar arid clothes, I In , departed aaearirig, and It la hoped that i lie will prolll by the exuerieru'e. The I siMM'lalors could riot rm-iet the ti'inpla- tlon to ask the chagrined young until ! wIimI the can contained, bill he " t o mail to return any lutdllgihle answer, Inncmtinu I't iiur Hi ii.iiim.h. Clilel I.. Hucomch of the city Urn department la acilve in an investigation of all public buildings in tint city, where ctowdsof people corgregala Ilia ptiipoae is to see that sulllcleiit precaution la taken againat fire, and that tin-re are ample exits lor the escape of the oei upanta of the building, should lire break out. i,t Saturday lie made a thorough examina tion of hhlvely'a opera house, lie loiind that conditions them are not tliw most fitvorahle lor the escaM of a laige audi ence ill case of fire, and ordered certain changes In the management of tlm boiias in nitiire. Itoth the mar and side en Iranrea to the theater must hereafter lie In use, and four tlrvmen lieloiiging to the city department itiul be siationeil in the house at every theatrical performance. Two of these w ill he on the stage and one at each exit, ready to act in case of an alarm of lire, tl is proKM-d that these until shall he raid by tlm inanagem ntof tlm house. Next Hummer Mr. Shively intends to remodel the place, pulling thft stiuH in the north end of the hall thiili affording a stage entrance, and more exits on Seventh at reel. L'ntil these changes am made special care will Im taken as above mentioned lo guard against acci dents. Last Saturday night at the per lormsnce, "Are Yon Maaon?" t'hiel Kumnich, attended by several of the llremen, attended the theater currying a IWbcock (Ire exliiiguiaher which they were ready lo ue at ft moment's notice, Chief liin ooicli will iuapect thechurchiR ol the cay so n. Sola Ciiu'I.k, W. (). W , Intai.i.s. Last Friday evening, Sola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, inalnlled their newly elected officers ill Woodmen hall. There was good a1 tendance nl the memta-raof the order, and after the installation cere monies were rwmpletxd, asocial evening waa spent. Itoth the inemlmra and their invited guesta participated in the event, which waa of an enjoyable character. The officer Installed by the ladies were as follows: I'aet guardian, Ilora Winkle; guanlian rieigblior, Sadie iault ; adviaor, Mary Thomas; Magvie llatiiiltoii; at tendant, Ktbel Waldrou ; captaiu of the guard, I.aunia Walker; inner sen tinel, H. W. Itrown ; outer sentinel, I. 1). Taylor ; clera, Carrie Farker; treasurer, K. H Script ure ; musician, Mra. Oalmrne; manager, Kroat, The installing olli rer was I'aal tiuurdiau Mi. Mav Uolan. IUv. Kknnkhv Aiyrrrriti). After a sensational trial lasting three days in im circuit court at Hillslxiro, Kev. K. M. ,' its annual meeting last Saturday. Last Kennedy, the Congreg.uionul minialer VMr M the most succttasful in the hia who was charged with hnrglarixing the i0rv of the club, nearly 400 having lieen Warren re-ldeuce near that city on the. ol September I, mat, was acijoilteo by a jury at an early hour Sunday morn ing. The jury had been out nearly all night and reported a verdict at 4:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Judge McHride convened the court early on Sunday, when the verdict waa received and read. Itegister Dresser and Miss Kelly, a clerk in the Oregon City Land Office were sub penaed as witnesses for the defendant, who wa enabled by these witnesses to eatahlHi the fact tlint he visited the local land office early on the morning of the alleged burglary. Body Wab DtisTitiitu:i The body of the late Martin 1. Porter, the night watchman at the woolen mills, who sud denly dropMd dead last Thursday morn ing and wa buried in the city cemetery on Friday last, was diainterred Monday, embalmed, and shipped to Cambridge Springs, Penn., where it was buried by relatives. This action wa taken upon the receipt Monday of a telegram from relatives of the deceased in Pennsylvania, asking that the remains lie forwarded to them. The funeral here on Fridav last took place under the direction of Meade Post No. 2, (J. A. K. Mr. Martin was not a member of the local post, but was a member of the order in the Kant. Old Timkh BttHiKD IIkkr. George Phillip I-ark, a former resident of this city, and who is remembered by old timers, was buried from the Congre gational church Sunday afternoon at 1 ;:I0, Kev. K. 8. Bollinger olliciating. Inter ment was had in ihn Oddfellows' ceme tery, where the remain were laid to rest beside those of his wife, who died here several years ago. The funeral was at tended by a number of old residents who remembered Mr. Lark, The deceased was KH years old at the time of bis death and has of late years resided in Portland, where he died. Sr rr to Hkcovkb Wagks. John L. Strobel on Monday commenced suit against Otto l'enxenstadler to recover wages which he alleges still remain un paid, although the money was dun him the middle of last month. The com plaint states that be waa to have received 1 per day and his hoard for the woik he periormeii lor i enzensiHdittr, ami wun this understanding he labored for ,r2 days but was never paid. He also asks the court to give Inm judgment against his employer for the sum of f!70, the amount of a promissory note executed in bis favor by Pensenetadler, and which became due the last day of last month. He also asks the court for fnterest on both amounts, and for attorney's fees. A Sxakakino Story. Among the notable features of the Argonaut for Jan nary IS, 1(104, are "The Kulo of the Knad," a seafaring story, by John Flem ing Wilson; a New York letter from Ueraldine Bonner, who tells of new plays and players in Gotham; "California's First Vigilance Committee," by Kath- etine Chandler, which demonstrates that the first law and order league in Califor nia was not founded in San Francisco; a rominunlcation Irom II. !. Hosworth, who w riles of Ciililnrniuns now in New York j "A Corner of the Cz ir's Domain," being ex'rac'a from a most Interesting hook on travel in HilM-ria, by William It. Vanderllp ; and a review of 1'aitl's Inst appearance, Mra, f.anglrv III "Mrs. hnermg's liivorce," arid AHierla (iaila tin in Iboitri'a "(ilioets," by Jonephine Hurt I'helpa. Mauk an AaloNVliiNr. M. Michael, a I clnlliiiig ih-aler ol thia cily. imidit a vol ! nularv assignment lust l'liiirslsy. His liahilitiea. which consist pilncipully of indebtedness to IV'Hlcrn und I'acilic (mist wholeanle di-alers, will aggregate ,1111, iniO, while his asHets are eatiiualed atlXrl). H, L. Snbin, of i'ortlund, lias ! lakeri charge of the slock in Ihoiuteresia j of the creditors. Mr. Michael came to ibis city about a year ago from Ht. I'aul, j Minneaota. IIkatii F"M Tvi'iimo, Miaa Ella Hailey, daughter of Mr and Mri. F. M. Itailev, died at llm home of her parents near (iladalone I'ark. of typhoid lever, on Monday morning. The deceased wasO years ol age, and had la-en ill several week Ix-foie her death. The funeral waa held Tuesday at 10 o'clock Irom the family resilience. Interment wa in the Clackamas cemetery. Kev. Stuart, for merly ptor ol the Clackamas and I'ark place t 'ongregational chajielr, officiated at the service , Took Too Much (as. Kred Stevens, of Beaver Creek, baa had all tlm exneri ern e with gas that he cares to have for aome time to come. Last week he went to Portland lo spend a few days, and be cause of an undetected leakage in ihegas pipe at hit room, came very near being as phyxiated. The pioprieior ol the house discovered bis condition just in time ts save hi life. A physician wasitiinmoned and it was onlv by hard woik that the young man was resuaciialed. Has (ionk to Fahminu lice Wright, well and favorably Kuowr. in this city as a go-el billow and being probably the ill"! skilled in llm Chinook language, has de cided In go lo farming and stock raising iu earnest. I.usi week at a consideration of ll.OtVI be liecarne owner of the cattle and farm implements of the John DoUo eatate. The consideration also Includes Hie leaning for two vear of the Dolan ranch, lb-fore the expiration of the lense, Dee will probably have more chick ens, turkeys, et al, than he can conveni ently attend to himself and thete may be something doing in matrimonial aa well as agricultural circles. A Tiihivinu Scnooi"The public school at Canby is one of the most thriving in aiitutiona of learning in the county and on last Friday an interesting and helpful literary exercise was rendered by the pupil which was highly appreciated by all present. The program consisted of aeveral recitations and number of sunns and every pupil who took a part showed the result of bard work and carelul prep aration. Profpiaur A. T. Winches, Mrs. Wiuuhes and Miss Vesta Knight have charge of llm school and they are doing a splendid work among their pupils, which parents and pupils recognize and appreciate. Alter the exercises of last Friday alternoon, Howard M. Brownell, of thia city, delivered a short address to the pupils on the thought of preparation for work and its importance; Wn.i. Give Cantata. The Saturday , (m(, i tnB Congregational church held .im.,1h,I for various ourooses. The officers elected for the new year are president, Miss Myrtle Buchanan; vice president, Mrs. C. D. Latourette; secre tary, Miss Kdith Cheney; treasurer, Miss K.dna Caulield. A number of new members were also elected. The first undertaking of the club will he a musical concert. Thev have secured Prof. M, E. Kobinaon, a noted Chautauqua chorus director, to direct the rendition of the ever popular cantata, "Qneea Esther." After the professor's engagement at As toria, he will come to Oregon City. The cantata will lie given about the middle of February. , urr Alter Muin-rlng 10 Vrara B. F. Hare, Supt. Miama Cycle Mg Co , Middletown, Ohio, suffered for ten yeara witb dyspepsia. He spent hun dreds of dollars for medicine and with doctors without receiving any permanent benefit. He says "One night while feel ing exceptionally had I wa about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kodol DysHpsia Cure. I con cluded to try it and while I had no faitb in it I felt better after the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been in years and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia (lure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomsch trouble." Bold by Geo. A. Harding. Siioci.D Call hob tub Map. Persons subscribing for tbe Weekly Oregonian and the Enterprise and wishing the world's map as a premium, all for the advertised price of 12 25, will please either call at the Enterprise office for tbe map or remit an additional 10 cents to cover the cost of mailing the map. When the map is to be sent the sub scriber by mail, the price of the two pa pers including the map will be 2 85. We would prefer that each subscriber taking this combination would either call at the Enterprise office or send some body for his map, as it is liable to be damaged in the mails. The original arrangement by which this offer was made expired January 1, but tbe offer will he continued for a short time longer. Those desiring this combination of pa pers and tbe map ns a premium, will do well to send in their rubscriptinn at once, aa we cannot guarantee any defi nite time that the offer will be available. A I'rlttourr In ll-r Owu lloue. ' Mrs. W. II, Layha, of MM Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several years been troubled with severe hoarse ness and at times a bard cough, which she says, "Would keep me in doors for days. I was prescribed for by physicians with no noticeable results. A friend gave me part of a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy with instructions to closely follow the directions and I wish to stale that utter the first day I could notice a decided change for the belter. and at this time, after using it for two weeks, bare no hesitation in snying 1 realize that I am entirely cured." This remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding. YOU CAN GET IT Noliody Is llui-ml In Knltr- in Nit IVizft Contest. ! I VI' w the Money Jar at Ifowrll Hi J Jours' Drug Store and j Make Kstlmnte. j When you are down town slop a lloweil A Jones' drug store, view the Enterprise money contest jr and then come to the Enterprise office, pay your suliscripti'm and make an estimate on tbe amount of money llm J r contains. J Home one Is going to g? the money whea it is divided on the afternoon of, Washington's birthday, February 22, next. Why should not you share in tbe division? Payment of subscription money on the Enterprise Is the only condition that is required ol person desiring to partici pate in the contest. For every $1.00 that is paid on inscription to ttiis paper the subscriber is entitled to one guess as to the amount of money the jar contains. It matters not whether the payment covers back subscription or pays for the paper a year in advance, you get a guess I anyway, tins arrangement uiaae me contest lair foi all old subscriber aa well as those who may now become subscrib ers to the paper. Another condition that makes the con test absolutely lair is the tact that Ibe amount of money contained in the jar is unkiown to anybody. The Enterprise placed the bulk of the money in the re ceptacle and tbe balance in unknown leiiomiiiations and amount, was depos ited therein by Mr. C. Schuebel, the at torney of Oregon City, and neither know the amount in the jar, which has been securely sealed. On Monday afternoor, February 22, 1904, the seal will be broken and the money counted by Mr. Schuebel who will make the award of the money among tbe successful gut-ssers. the manner of distribution will he as follows : 60 tasr cent to the person guessing nearest as to the amount of money in the jr ; 25 per cent to the second best guesser and 5 per cent each to the next five persons guessing closest as to me amount in the jar. All guesses must be forwarded or de posited at t tie Enterprise office previous to 12 o'clock noon, Mondav, February 22, when the contest will close. More than one hundred guesses varying Irom $"; to 1700 have been received and each week we are enliating many new sub scriber. Persons desiring to guess should lose no time in making their es timate. Y'our chance is just as good as your neighbors and some one is going to win. t ny not you ; As we have announced, the Enterprise had the misfortune a few weeks ago to have stolen from the oflice another jar of ruunev that was to have been given away on the same conditions a will this one. The second jar is an exact coun terpart of the stolen vessel and contains aouroxiinatelv the same amount of money as did the original jar. Subscrib ers who ventured guesses on tbe first jar will have the privilege of changing their guesses if ihey will call at the' office or notify im ot the change aesireu. The Enterprise speaks for itself. It is the only Republican paper in the county. It contains every week a complete report of the news of interest of the entire county and lis country correspondence service is not dutdicated. It contains all of the news all of the time and gives the same accurately and reliably. With two campaigns next year the county election in June and the general election in November- tbe average citizen of Clackamas county should keep informed as to affairs in his county. He can re ceive the best service in this respect by taking the F:iilerprise. We pride our selves on our market report and see that it is corrected every week. Tbe farmer depends on a reliable market report and by making corrections every week we are prepared to supply his wants in thi particular. Eably Pionekb ot Clackamas County. Win. Stone, better known as ld Billie Stone, died at Colcon last week, aged 71 vears. He was a native of Kiilkiney countv. Ireland, and unmarried. He came to New York in the Spring of '52, thence to Oregon by way of tbe iBtbmus the same year. He has been ft resident of Clackamas county ever since. LIVER TROUBLE "I flad Th.dfoH'i Blsek-Drmonht ft (rood DiMtislna for livsr diaoie. It curat ny on after bs had ap-tit lioo with nortors. iinni'rrmm telns I Uk."-MH8. I AHOLINK MAHTIN, Parksriburf , W. V. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your drocrgiat and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Praurht and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and tames a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford' Black Draupht will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid nevs. A torpid liver invites cotds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contapion. Weak kid neys result in Bright 's disease which claims as many victims aa consumption. A 25-cent Fackage of Thedford's Black ranglit should always be kept in the bouse. "I iiferl Thedford's Blark DrsiiRht lor liver and Ic dney com- filsints anil found nothing- to rxfl I ."-WILLIAM CUFFMAN, Wr blchtu.i, 111. ie B at .u"i '' THSFOhD'S SpCSt- mm mm AVegclablc Preparationfor As similating tlie Food and Rcfi ula -ting tJieStoinachs andDowtls of Promotes Digeslion-Cheerful-ncssarvlRcst.Conlains neither Opium, Morpttine norMiitcraL Not jVajicotic. Xfx.lWvK Aperfecl Remedy forConsupa non.SourStOurch.Diarrlioea Woms,Corrvulsions,Feverish ness find Loss or Sleep. Fat Simile Signature of NEW YOT1K. EXACT COPY Or WRAPPCft. OREGON CITY t t T F S. BAKER PROP. Oregon City JVIaehine Shop BUCKLEIN & KLEINSHMIDT, Proprietors. General Machine Work of all kinds done. We carry in stock a line of Shafting and Pulleys new and second hand. First class Engine and Saw mill machinery. Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled. Al rear of Pope's Hardware Store. Oregon City, Oregon. IN OUR ELEGANT NEW STORE We are located in our large new store and with a larger and more complete stock of better goods, are better prepared than ever before to furnish you just what you want at prices lower than the lowest. Tlie JE"sxir- 6o different games all new one in each package of Lion Coffee at your Grocer's. Lean a. Real property mortgage loans. Ab stracts furnished. G. B. Dimick, Atty. at Law, Oregon City, Or. This is the time of Tear to give some attention to your subscription to the En terprise. Many of our readers are con siderably behind in their subscription and as a business proposition we shall expect at least a part payment on sub scription at this time. pins frfeeHoEdfy :ifiSIliSS For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years VMS mutsm sosmaOT. new veaa am. PLANING MILL a ii w 1 i f 1 All lands ol uunaing Material, Sash, Doors Moulding, Etc. - - ftAt t OREGON CITY, ORE. Philip BccKLKiy A. Klkinshmidt Main St., OREGON CITY n mm mm m mm: & vsmra InS and Itching Pllea. H abtoros the tumors, allays tbe Itching at onoe, (rives Instant relief. Every box Is warranted. Solg by drurotLits. Sent bv muil on receipt of price. 60 cents and 1 01 pr box. WILLIAMS JrLFQ. CO., Props., Cleveland, Okie. For Sale at HUNTLEY'S Owl mm Jz yiftivrr;' . Pure & Mellow Rich & Delicate FOR SALE BY . E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agency for Oregon City Sign for the Enterprise and the Wei k ly Oregonian before our prize offer of a world's map expires. Tbe Enterprise 11.50 per year. 4