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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1901 Oregon City Enterprise 01 1 Y AMI (01 STY OlTU'I.tL PATER. A ----- - Published Every .Friday. Subscription Rates. One year M Six months 1 W Trial subscription, two months J A discount of 50 cents on all subscriptions for one year, 'J' cents for six months, if paid in advance. ADVFKTISIXG KATKS ON APPLICATION. Subscribers will find the date of expiration stamped, on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the matter w ill receive our attention. Entered at the postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. 8 CAN INITIATIVE BE INVOKED? A question has been raised as to the power of the people of the state to propose a law or other constitu tional amendment through the initiative amendment to the state constitution. A telegraphic dispatch from Salem, says: "The constitution provides that while one amendment is awaiting the action of the legisla tive assembly or of the people, no additional amend ment shall be proposed. This is the limitation con tained in article 17 of the constitution, prescribing the manner in which amendments may be proposed by the legislature. The initiative and referendum clause, prescribing the manner in which the people may propose amendments, does not state whether this limitation shall apply to amendments proposed by initiative. The supreme court held, in construing the constitution in the referendum case, that the pro visions of the constitution are mandatory and must be strictly observed. It was decided that where an amendment is pending no other can be proposed, but it was not said whether this applies to amendments proposed by initiative. "The legislature of 1903 proposed an amendment repealing the anti-negro clause to the constitution. That amendment is now awaiting the action of the legiefature of I "05, and until that legislature has re jected it or adopted it and the people have voted upon it, no other amendments can be proposed by the legis lative body. Whether the people can propose an amendment in the meantime is not certain, but there are many who believe that they cannot. In deciding the referendum case, the supreme court held that the reason for the limitation is that the people should not be called upon to vote upon constitutional amend ments except at long intervals. Upon the same rea son it is argued that the limitation applies to all amendments, however proposed." The question will likely be submitted by the sec retary of Btate to the attorney general for an opinion. Friends of the initiative and referendum contend that since this amendment is the last expression of the will of the people, that any previous provision of the con stitution which coflicts therewith must yield, and that since the people have reserved the power to propose constitutional amendments, they may do so at any time, regardless of whether other amendments pro posed by the legislature may be pending. They also declare that any other construction of the situation is ridiculous for each successive legislative assembly by proposing some trivial amendment to the state's con stitution, would be able to forever deny to the people the right to propose constitutional amend ments, under the initiative amendment which was regularly adopted by both branches of the legislature and ratified by popular vote. RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION DURING 1903. The past year with its 5723 miles of new rail joad, and the paBt few years which have given about the same results, seem to show conclusively that the era of trunk line railway construction in this country is passed. Two reasons may be assigned for this fact, viz: the railway construction of earlier years was far in advance of the commercial necessities of the coun try the railroads were purposed to serve and a check wa8 placed upon reckless railway building w hen Wall street began taking a hand in the management of railway properties. For many years those who placed their money in railway lines built west of the Missouri river through deBerts to the Pacific coast, were compelled not only to forego returns but to also see their properties go through bankruptcy before the development of the country was sufficient to produce a tonnage which j promised the payment of dividends. Even now, wiih i several years of phenomenal prosperity, some of the' main western trunk lines have not been able to reach a dividend paying period. In the East the condition was not quite so bad, but even there railway building was so in excess of the demands of traffic that many railroads suffered bankruptcy. As a result railway : building cast of Chicago has in rf cent years amounted to very little. In the West, according to the report for the year, the construction has been confined to the development of new territory tributary to the main trunk lines. In Oklahoma, which led the; states and territories in mw building. the1 construction consisted ertirely of feeders to the Santa Fe, 'Frisco and Rock Island mainlines. For years to come this will undoubtedly be the character of new railway building the filling in and rounding CosfiHATri.ATiONs are due the people of Oregon City for the complete victory the municipality gained over the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in the litiga tion with reference to the right of way to that part of the city over which the company's road bed passes. In the opinion rendered by the state supreme court, the city is vested with absolute title to the premises that have been in dispute, save so much thereof as has been conceded to the railroad corporation by or dinance. There was not much of a question as to the final outcome of the controversy, but the attitude of the railroad people was such that the rights of the disputants had to be determined in the courts. Tho decision of the courts is an important one, and re moves all opposition . and further controversy from this source, at least in the making of public improve ments over and about the lands to which the railroad company has claimed exclusive title. With this dis position of the case, the people of the city and partic ularly its representatives in the city council, should be impressed with the worth of the strip of land to which the title of the municipality has been indisput ably established by the courts. In the granting of any additional franchises, involving these or any other lands owned by the city, the council should esti mate the value of the lands and exact for the city some remuneration for the franchises and privileges that may in the future be extended. There should be granted no franchise from the municipality except the city receives some consideration therefor. Always at the beginning of a new year the people are interested in studying the eclipses as laid down in the yellow-backed almanac. This year there are two eclipses on the program, both of the sun. The first will be an annular eclipse, March 17, visible to the southern part of Asia, Japan and the Philippine islands. A total eclipse of the sun is down for Sep tember 9, visible to the western portions of South America, the Sandwich Islands, Polynesia and the Pacific ocean. Besides these, a biennial eclipse of quite a number of suns will occur in Oregon about June 6th. This is not recorded in the almanac, but it is an inevitable decree of fate every two years that many are called as standard braves for the dear pub lic, but few ever attain to the salaried sinecure. o o o o C) o o o o 0 o EDrgglst arf ally out of existing trunk systems to enable them to best ' COOOCCCOCCOOCCCOCOOOCOCCGCCOCOCOCOCOCOCO serve the country naturally tributary to them. j Q The building reports of the past five years have Q also strongly reflected the new mot hod of railway 'Q management. In times past when a railroad desired to extend its lines and roach new productive centers of new distributing centers other lines reaching those centers, fought the move bitterly and a parallel and competing line was usually the inevitable result. With the notable exception of tho Pennsylvania' Q tight against the (uuild invasion of Pittsburg existing Q linos are now offering comparatively little opposition ;Q to the extension of competing lines Illustrative of ; Q this was the contract whereby the St. Paul uses the ; Q Harriman lines, thereby obviating the necessity of j Q construction from Omaha or Evarts to tho coast; a J similar contract between the Rook Island and South- Q em Pacific, whereby the former secures an El Pano Q coast line and the more recent contract which will en able tho Frisco to reach New Orleans without bin d ing a line from Memphis. Tho future development of the western country may be such as to invite the con struction of one or more additional trunk lines, but trunk line construction east of the Mississippi river will probably never bo revived. DRUGGIST can do more harm or good than most Tt Pcplc 've mm credit for. There arc different qualities in drugs just as there arc in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by the same name. The difference between pure, fresh, high-grade drugs and old, cheap, inferior drugs of the same name means the difference between keeping sick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription he means DEST quality. When some druggists fill a prescription they think only about DIG PROFITS. Don't take chances you know how dangerous errors are. Bring your prescriptions here and you will be sure of accuracy We do our own work, no boys behind our prescription counter. Only the best and purest drugs are used and our charges are based on what the drugs are worth not what we think you will pay without protest. If we have your prescription business and are saving you money, why can't we save you more money by selling you your patent medicines, toilet articles, druggist sundries and in fact every thing you need in our line. We are offering this week special prices on a big ship ment of hot water bulb syringes and Rubber Goods just received from A. M. Foster, Philadelphia, and thoroughly guaranteed. Get our prices. We Sbljt Agaifv. CKoose Yor IDrtxggist Carefully o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o ocoococooccocccooccocccoccoooococccoocco HOWELL St JONES RELIABLE DRUGGISTS CHAMBERS HOWELL LINN U. JON LIS lOREGONHHJOURNAL When T ftmr fhrm: When you buy rh-eae. hear In mind that all good rheee Hi mellow to the touch, yet firm. The rliirt will he of a wren tint, elastle and fre'from puff, an! a aaniple will reveal a firm, clow, buttery grain of a nntty flamr. Chcrse wkWi feels so hard that ynn raunnt dot tt wrth your firmer tips on the rind la either sour, salted too heavily, aklin med or rooked too mnch. On the other haod. if the. rind hreaka upon premnirr or does not aprln hark rendlly when the flnijer I withdrawn thl Indicates an orei-soft artMe. mused by the hIhcU coollns of the rnrd or a want of arid. At nest tt will hare an Insipid flavor and will "go off" a It sues. Confidence in the recent disclosures in the Ogle Creek mining district has found expression in the an" nonncement that the Molalla Central Mining Com pany, of this city, will at once install machinery and proceed with the development of its properties. As says thus far made of ore taken from the claims at Ogle Creek have been very satisfactory and with the prosecution of the plans already formulated, it is con fidently believed that in the future mining will consti tute one of the leading industries of Clackamas county. A record was made by Clackamas county this year in the sale of property for delinquent taxes for the year 1002. On a roll that originally represented $170,000, there remained unpaid taxes when the roll became delinquent, of only $300". The sale of this property by Sheriff Shaver required but two days and every parcel was sold and the interest bidding ranged as high as fifty per cent. The success of the sale may be attributed largely to the thorough advertising it received through the columns of the Enterprise. Many new comers are locating in Clackamas county each week. The movement of real estate is active and general conditions are improved. With its extensive resources that have been practically undisturbed, Clackamas county is bound to experience a wonderful growth within the next decade. This assured expan sion and development of the county can be best stimu lated and promoted through the agency of a Board of Trade located at Oregon City. The Enterprise is gratified with the splendid work of its able corps of correspondents throughout the county. Because of the thoroughness of the weekly! reports of these correspondents has trie enterprise been Aver's Pilk nrr onnd livpr enabled to furnish the people of Clackamas county ! ri"s arVg02i? "ver the b. -at county paper that was ever published at Ore- P,,,s; lu nW that. I he DCSt City. ' ?Lmilyt laxative you can buy. 1 1 uey fctep me dowcis regular, Here's success to the young beneficiaries who will Cure Constipation. tonight receive diplomas of graduation from the Ore gon CUy public schools. May they , as successfully mount and master every obstacle in the business and professional world as they have mastered their text t ooks. To Dc lleat'lir He Practical. Theoretically, every ndull person of any IntelllKenre wishes to bp strolm aud healthy. Prn.-th-ally, a majority of Ui.-in wish nothiiK of the a..rt. 1 U.-y p 1 ,.1 fnrl,nr VnTrC would like to be ell but nreR JU llltUNLl lltHO not wIIIIiir to pn the price, though It rrnllv rnst not ill 11..'. When II tlinn K''l" out of something he' ran continue '.he fiMilMi UiIiikh which have caused hi brnl condition hence the almost universal row druif treatment Instead of the im AL0 WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY IN TIIK COI IKIIllllltf. nurilll Minn I 1 T 1 health he ,:.lly want to r t j OrCffOIl DailV JOlHTial ilnit to "patiji blin up" ao t tint I J J IhliiKS I Htlon: y-yvrS; jH omitted which concern rt to I I ,H intereat o( bnveis and mllnra in ,,,,r"'14 the live atock, jjraln, proviaiotia, means of restorltik' and maintaining health and strength. If n mini Is realty dMirom of lielng iibi irally vmnd mid healthy he will try to atw'y out the means of becoming o. Thene menus are all Included In i.e seven founda tion principles of pructlcal hygiene namely. exerr, rest. nlr. light, food, drink and bathing.- Coiklng Club. Psrelf Coenll. "Afatha." aald hr mother. "I don't rftt to hear a daughter of mine tell even a conventional lie. You know you can't bear Aunt Becky, and yet when he came the other day you nald. 'Auntie, how glad 1 am to ace youT " "That wasn't a lie. tiuimnia," answer ed. Agatha. 'That win an exclama tion." Chicago Tribune. Mnrrrlna; For Moa7. "I married for lub d fuht time," aald Ebenezer Snow, "but dls time I mar ries for money, an' don't, yoti forget It" "Your bride elect has money, lias "her "Yes. KUb. I:it girl bus no lestt da $31.78 In di: savin's bank, for she ihowed too do book." iH'trolt Free Tress. Good Pills 3. O.Ar&r Co krerco.. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE nm - r nif)' ri'm n r nur.m -ft . n 11. produce and flnKm-is! uisrkels the no tations are rotnpreheriHive, anil are in everv way relis'il. The Journal in addition earriea every day a lull and truthful report of the world's news and presents tnny secial features of deep interest to the average reader. I'he Journal's womsn'a pay,", the illustrated epor'ing newa pane, jour nsl stories and comic pages and oilier good things make it a very popular fam ily newspsper. cleun and bright from A to and year's end to year's end. Daily, one year by mail, only $4; aix months, t.'r, three months, ll.'Jfj. Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one year, tl..r)0. Weekly, 1 The isuea of the Semi Weekly and Weekly Journal also contain the market Dews and all of the features of the Daily Journal. Address, The Journal, Portland, Oregon. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOUTIIKK.1 PACIFIC RAILWAY NOHTII BOUNI. " -.00 a. iii. fl:'2 a. ui. (Albany Local) 6:10 p. in. SOUTH HOUND. 0 :22 a. in. 4 :5 p. m, (Albany Local) 0:14 p. in. yilL COMMERCIAL BANK 09 OKKOON CITY. 2,1 X K) tnilcH of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now In operation by the; Pacifio Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towna. Quick, accurate, cheap All the aatisfaction of a personal communication. biHtance no effect to a clear understanding. Sk kane and Han FranciHco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store. the CANBY PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Watches, Clocks, Spectacles First Class Repairing All Goods and Work Warranted E. I. SIAS Central Home Telephone CANBY, ORKQON apltal, 1100,00b TSAKSACTII A O t SA L S A R 1 1 SO BIOIINISB. Isisnii mn'lfl. Hutu dlnrnunteO'. Mnkes eel ections. Buyn and al 1 a exchaDKO on all points n the (!nltc1 Htaten, Kurope am! Hong Kong. icji'mIip received iibjcct to check Bank ipeu from 9 a. M. to4 r. a. 0 C. LATOURETTE, Pronldent. F. J. MKYEK Cannier. YEARS' IT i ..: : .1. . Tsinr Marks fhk.: ,0 Designs ''rWI Copyrights 4c qiil'-ajlf lU'-'irluiri f .11 r irnn freo whflhcr an invent l"n I" rrnhfiM jr pftlfn 'ihln. i nninniiilr'fi iionadirictlr'-'.hti.ifitMnl. HAN0F1Q0K n I'nfwiU lit fr-. OI'l.Ht HisxiH-r for n' iiruiir phIcijipi. 1'iifunf tHKttit fh much Mu mi A Jo. rt'celv tj"-iit ffdice, without ciinrtfti. In ttit Scientific jlraericain A hin4wrnrlf flTnf mfpl wfphlf. I.nrrMt r riiJfti ion of mi? n iHiitill J'.iiriinl. i-rnm. ( a t'nr motif us, L Hold by all rtwrt1f1Tn. KUNN Co.38,B",1-3"'- New York Kronen orfl'u. 5 T Ft, VfaJhliiiitn, I). (J. i:. I. Gnu, PIONEER rrangfet1 and Epfe, Freight and parcela delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley 'h Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. OASTOniA. Beam the "' u HatB klm Eccjjlt I I