Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTER HUSK, FRIDAY PEC KM HER 11, 1903. ;; i I Legal Notices. Ore- Hi II 111 IHlllH. In th circuit court of th it of gon, tor Id coiinl.v of C!a 'kaiimv. Frederick Winn. rUinliir.i v. J Caroline Winn, Defendant 1 To Caroline Witts, llie defendant aNv named : In Hi name of Hi state of Ore gon, you r hereby required lo ap pear " mul answer Hi complaint flied stains! Villi 111 III hoVC entitled nit in in tov named cou ft on or belore 8aiurdav, Prcriuner 1:1, l:vl. Hi tain be inn six weeks Irom til ItrM publication ul this summon, mul ymi will lak nunc, that il you lail to so appear and answer ihe sam complaint, tli plaintill will apply to Hi conn lor the rebel demanded m ai1 complaint, l-w it: Kor decree dissolving the onds of matrimony heretofore ami now existing between you ami plainutt. TliU summons id published In onler of th Hon. T. A. McHrii'.e. judge ot the above entitled court, mad ami enterel therein November t, l'.A. Said ordrr directs pub lication of ibis summons lor six successive tnt). l'lie dme ot the first puolicatioti hreof being Novmhr Is l:Vt, ami tii (tale of Hi last publication herol being lVct-tiiber IS. I'.i3. J. J. FITZCERAl.U ami JOHN K. I .OH A.N. Attorneys lor I'lainllll. In tli Circuit Court for the Slate of Ore gon, for 111 County ol Clackamas. Eva C.arrick, I'lainlilf. 1 va. J Webster F. C.arrick, Defendant. I To Webster F. tiarrick, Hi abov named defemlaut : In Hie nan ot Ihe Stat of Oregon. You are hereby required lo a invar ami answer to Ibe complaint IneJ against you, in said I Court, in the above entitled suit, on or be tor the 12;n day of lc. A. l. and it you fail to apKar, and answer said com plaint, on or belore said date, the plaintitl will apply to the Court tor Ihe relief dr. insuded in her said complaint, lo wit: Kor a decree against you, dissolu g ihe bonds of matrimony, now existing between you and said plaintiff, and giving to her tne care and custody ol your two minor chil dren, Karl i,., and Vernon Kay. Tins summons is published by order ol th County Judge of Clat-kamas County, Stale ol Oregon, mad on the -Tin day ill Oct. A. D. l'.A directing that said Mi Mi llions be published in he manner provided by law, in a newspater of general circula tion published in said County and Stale, lb date ol the tir-t publication of this notice being Oct. 3um A. 1). lisO, and th date ef the last publication thereof being the 11th day ot Dec. l'.-XS. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Rlaintitl. iii:itiri-' mim:. In Hi Circuit Con t of lb Stale of Ore gon, lor Clackamas County. I aura M. Welch, William M.I How tell, Arthur K lloaleit, John V Howielt, IVarl W. Howielt. Olne E. Hewlett, I l(olett and Louis Howlrtl. bv Iheir guardian, V. J. Ibiwietl, I'llls., I vs I John X llowlett, ami I.vdi I I. Howielt, Dell. J Ryvrtueol an execution, judgment or. dr and decree, issued out of and u.ider Hi seaiot ,.ea.xr,t .me.. r,.ur ...... . i I ( a,.l ,. MI4, of aec- ntitld cause, an.I lo ine directed am' dated . 4 4 th Tin divot December, A. I. lVl, upon No- ',"''' '. ""'. a judgment rendered and entered in said , No 3 . an.I w ill oiler proof to allow that court ot. Hi 'ih lv ot, A. D. tli land nought i more valuable for It timber or atone than for agricultural piirtMwe. and to eatahliah hi claim M Notice lor Mlciitloia Timber I ami Act, Juno 3, 1S7S. I'liilcl Slate l.ati.1 IMIice, ttregon City, Or., Oct. '.".t, liHW Noti.v ia heioby given tliat in coinpli ante w itli the ptovixioi.K ol I ho act of emigre of Juno :l, IS7S, eiititlo.l "An act lor tlio fill of timber lamia in the ctatca of California, t'regon, Nevada ami Wiingt m Territory," a exlclidnl loallttie r.ihlic I ami Mules by act of AugnM 4, IS!":', Michael Kroll, of V.'y, count v ot Clackam", lai of Oregon, has tin iluv hied ill this olln e Ina aoi n aliiteineiil No. m'.'1, for the pi!tchacs of HI 11 ItOV. tr.- in Isvor ol plaiuiitts, and acaiust sal. I lh,v. .la.tie.l delendanlM. lor lite Slllll lit one Ihoiisaiid sii hundred ninety two , ,all Ht' More the re !ller ami receiver i i 1iM1 .I., lam t.iHther s II n i-t.Mta anil at- I ... which there i now a deli. I V , . , . . . lliirstiny, ine inn iiki m jininry, iw.. lie name aa witnees: 11. M. Hrownell, Oregon City, Oregon ; W H. II Siinson. O.egnli Ci'V, Ore gon; J . M. Uiaxr. (iregon i ny, tire- if (tit') dollar, torneV lees, on ciencv due annVinting to one thousand two hundred and nil v nine dollan. ami (illy cetiia if liO.-nl), together with interest thereon at the rale ol s per cent per an i. mil miic Sepiember Is, Ki;, together with the costs ol and upon this writ, runi nianding me to make sale ot th (oilowtiig de-riled real propertt, lo wit: beginning at Ihe aouthwesl comer of the north half ol Ihe southwest quarter of see lion ot. in township '.' south, ol ranged east, of the Willamette Meridian, in Clack amas county, state ol Oregon, running loence soutii 6 rods; thenre tas( parallel w ith Ihe south line of said section M l' nxis ; thence north ti rods: thence west ItV rods to the place of beginning. Xow therefore, by virtue ol said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands ot said w rit, I will, on Saturday, the th day of January. IK04, at the hour of 10 o'clock a in., at Ihe trout door of the court house in Oregon Cry, Clackamas ctuintv, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to rdenu- tion, lo the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, til e and inter, est w hich Ihe within name! defendants or either or any of them, have in or to aaid above described real premises, or any part thereof, to h a 1 1 t y the said execution, judgment order and decree, interest, costs and accruing cast. J. K. SHAVER. Sherilt ot Clackamas County. Oregon. Hy K. C. HACKKri, leputv. I Doted, this Uth day ol December. I'.sai. i In the Circuit Court ot ih Still of pin, lor Ihe I on lily of Clackamas, II. K. Croos, riiuntiir, va. Lena llugl.ea ami lu.hett Mur- dmk, Deh'ii.lanla, To the aliove nuiiicl .lefeinlanla, l ent! Hughe ami Kobeit Mui.l.N'k. In tli nam ol Ih Htale- of Oregon, von ami eui h of you aie lierehy reqinro.l toappe.u Mint anawer ll.e coiiiplainl llloi' agi.nist you in Ihe ahove entille.l action Hi Ihe ai.ove iihuhkI couit on or lielore the It'tli day of IVeoiiibor. l!HU, ami II you l.ul to appear ami answer said coin plaint on or belnie sui.l .late, the plain till will apply to the court for a ju.lg incut against you for (tie aiini of f'-'O. and for the sale of all your right ami interest in the Koltert Alien D. 1.. C. No 4-', in sections 4 ami II, in t II a, r 1 of Willamette Meridian, lo sat isfy the said judgment, which real prop etty haa been allacheil In tins cause, the .leacrinliou of which ia more, partic ularly given in the iertillct of attach ment tiled herein, and lor Ida coala ami ton ; Thorn. Puffy, of Sh..!l. Oregon. , , m't,, action. Any and all i'raoiia claiming adversely the ahove-descrilM-d lands are requeeted to 111 their claim in thla otllce on or More said lllh dav of January, I '.KM. Al.tiKKNON S. PKKsSh K, Kegialer, .ollcei lo "n-dllr, Notica is hrrrliy given thai I hav been appointed aduiiuisiralrix of the estate ol John Keller, deceasad, by Ih County Court of Clackiinae County, Oregon, All persona having claims against said estate are hereby nnlilied to prv-enl Ih same lo in for pay iiinl at Ihe olllc of tieorg. C. Hrowmll, my attorney, al Oregon City, Ore, on, will, proper yo.ichers therefoie wlihin six tiiuiilhs alter the date of tins notice. Paled al Oregon City, Oregon, this 1st. day ol lciiiter, p'.i. ANNA M. KKI.I.KK. Administratrix ol the rMale ot John Keller deceased. Police ofl'laial Melllrnirat. of Frtilinn. In the county court of Ihe slate of Ore gon, for the county ol Clackamas. In the matter of the application of Louis Danovsky to Louis Dans. Notice is hereby given that Louis Danov iky has applied to the above entitled court for a change of name lo Louts Dans, and tbe said court has tiled the 7U day of Dec., In C?, a. at Oregon City, as the time and place for hearing Ihe same, and all persons are requested to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the same should not be granted. And tbe court has further ordered tbat the above notice appear once a week for four successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circula tion, published in Clackamas county. Ore gon, tbe first notice to appear on the3otli dav ol October, l'X!, and tbe last on tbe 2uth day of November, l'.sCJ. By order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge ol tbe above entitled court. Dated tbisiith day of October, lfafl ISAAC 8WKTT, Attorney lor Petitioner. ."otlce Tor l'ubliratlou Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oron City, Oregon, Uciober L'4. 11M1. Notice u hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of bis iriten tiou to make tin si proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made tie fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on DECEMBER 15. 1.W5, viz: John Johannensen H. E. No. 12TW! foi the 6 ol tsK'4 of Sec. Is, T. 1 H., K. 5 E. tie names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said la-id. viz: Ferdinand Fctner, of Alms, Oregon; D. B. Thomas, of Aims, Oregon : W. D. Thomas, of Am s, Oregon; M. F. Hir-kmsn, of Aims, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. o.vrr.T i i i:. Department of the Interior, I'nited States Land OhVe, Oregon City, "regon, Decem ber 5. h"K. A suftVient contest affidavit having been tiled In Hits oltice, Oct. .', 1V)1. by Jacob H Schinill, contestant, against homestead enin No. la. tnada July 12, ls'.w, lor SE'4, Section "Ji., iownshiiS S., Range 1 E , oy Lester E. Sabine, Conteslee, in which it is aheged that contestant is well ac quainted with said tract of land and "knows the present condition of the same; also that said lister K. Sabine haa ahan doned said land for more than six months last past; that he has not resided upon, cultivated nor improved said land lor more than six months last past; that in lac'., said Lester E. Sabine has never since making said entry, resided upon, cultivated or Im proved any portion of said land in any manner whatsoever, nor has any on done si for him, and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due lo bis em ployment in the Army. Nary, or Marine Corps of the United Slates as a private soldier, otticer. seaman, or marine, during Ihe war with Spain, or during any otb r war in which the I'nited States may be en gaged," said parties are hereby notified to appesr, respond and otter evidence touch ing said allegations at 10 o'clock A M., on January I'i, I'M. lielore Ihe Register and Receiveri' the United States Land Office in iregon City. Oregon. Tbe said contestant having in a proper atttdayit, tiled December 4, set forth tacts which show that alter due diligence persot al service of ibis notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. GEO. W. BI BEE, Receiver. In the County Cotut of the State Oregon, (or the County of Clackama. In t lie mailer of the estate of Sarah Hughe, deceased. Notice ia hereby given that the Final Account of the Adtiuuistralrix of the es tate of Sarah K. Ilt'ghea, deceased, haa lieeti filed in snid court for eellleinelil, and that Monday, the 1st dav of Febru ary, l'.HM, at ten o'clock A. M., baa been apoiuiei by said court for the hearing of objections to said final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated IVcetulier 8, IW3. SARAH SKAKS, A.lniiniatrattii of the Estate of Sarati K. Hughe, deceased. bailee ai Tiual Melllrmrot. Notice ii hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the Katatn ol John Acker, deceai-ed, has tiled bla final account in said eetale in the County Court of th County of Clackama. Stale ol Oregon, and the County Judge of said County lias appointed Monday, the 1st day of February, l'.KH, aa the day on which aaid account shall lie nettled. . All peraon interested in said estate Jre hereby notified to tile any objottion to aid account on or ticfore said date in aaid Court. First publication Dec. 11, lOO.'f. (ill.BKUr L. IlKIMiKM, Administrator aforesaid. L. STIFF, Alt'v for Administrator. I'lna sumuiotis la published by order ol the comity judge ol Clackamas county, stale ol I Iregon, duly made on Ihe l'7th day ol Ociolier, A. P , llk'3, directing that said sninmoiia be published once a week (or six sdcecsaive and consecutive ween in a liewspaix'r ol general circu lation, published in aaid county and atate, the lliat publication of thia imllce being in the issue ol November ti, I'.kKI, and ll.e last III the laaiie ol Pceuihr IS, l.m;l. C. II. DYK. Attorney lor I'Uihlili Ml MM -!. In the Cirnull Court ol th Stal n( Ore gon tor th County, ol CUckauias Anna ('. Eddy, I'lnlnlilt vs. Daniel M. Kd iv, I'e'endat To Daniel M.E Idy, lelemlai.t. It. lb nam ol the Mat ol urrgon, You are hereby required tti apear and answer th con,p:a:nt bled BKainst ymi in Ibe at. eutllleil court and cat.M on or before !he Jiitl. day ol December, L't.!, thai brink' Ihe la. I day prescribed III Ihe nidi r ti-r piitctcatlon ol this sin.imoi.a lur answering aid I'.Mnplaii t, and II ton tail so lo appear and answer the plan. ttrt will apply lo Ihe court for the relief demanded In the coin plaint, l.wait: For a derrre di.sulving Ihe iMinds ol mntri mony ell. Hug netarei. Ibe plauitn! and delendatil and cliaiiiilng the name nl l ie luntlll o Anna C. t'rnbill. 1 his .ummtuis is published by order of linn. Thomas A M hrnle. Jmig of lb Filth Judicial District ol the Slat of Ore gnu, In the Oregon fur Enterprise, and Hie lirst publication ibereid is had on Ih 1 I'.h day ol Noveinber, V. II. HYDE. Attorney lor I'laintitl. Notice lor I'ultllenllwn. Department of the Interior, Land Olllc at Hirgou I lly, Oregon, Ocluber '.'I, HH. Notliv Is hereby ulceu lln.l Ihe lollowlng iinmed sclller has llled nolle nl I. In tuleii I i ii . to make II in. I prool In suppoil nl his "laltn, and that snld prool will b made be lore Ihe llegl.t.r and liielvr, at Otegon Ctt v, l 'regon, on PECEUI'iKR I... :st. vis: Ferdinand F. F"i.l"er II. K. No, 1.' ol lor Hie N i, f.:'. A S't NL1; of Hm is, I . I H , 11. ,1 Iv. He nanus Hi hdlowlng wliti.saea lo prove bis conllnuoiis tr.idi'iice upon and cnlillioii ol said I m. I. vi : l. II. I luiuias, o Alms, On. m; .loh tl Ji.oaniiensei., ol Alms, iregun : W P I hoitias, ol Alms, Oregon; M K, Alms. Otegon ,-IO I M i: I OH l' ,,M.A - Timber I. ami, Art Jim. ;i ik-y l ulled Hinlea baud llltbv Oreg O, tobrr Imli, 1 1 at r otlce Is b.oidiy Or Al.l.MiM'N S. I U. bit. Register, police ol I'luiil HrtllriMesil III Ibe County Court ol lb Htale of Ore gnu (or Ibe County ol Clackau.aa, In Ih mailer ol lb F.slat of Frederick Lehman, Dr.ed, ; Null.- Is hereliy gln that Ih under signed, adinlnl-lis'rll ol the siate of Fr.d erick Lehman, tlecesard, has In lb County Court of said Clackamas County br Ileal account as a Imlulslralrix ol th aid estate, aad that Muu.lay, lb 4th da ol January, al lb liuur ol rlevrii o'clock A. M , baa Ih-.ii appolmed by aaid C'Uirl as ih llin ol bearing i.nj.ctioiis to said dual a.iiilinl. "I'd lor Ilia II al aelll u.rlit Iberrol. A PI'.!. II Kl II LEHMAN. Ad in I in i rat rl ( ol the Ksiaie l Ire lerb k la-I.Ui.l, deceaaeil. bolter ia red 1 1 or Nolle is hereby given that Ih under sigud baa lireu atipolnied by Ih County I our I of lb Stale nl Orrgon, for the County nl Clackamas, n.-cun.r ol in. last will ami testament ol Es, her R llhams. derra.ed Ad I rsona having claims against th aaid rslal are lierehy required Id present lb same, properly veilhed, to lb lll.deralglied al the nftlcr nl lle.tgea tinltilli, In orrgon I'lty, Otriton, allhlii all linintlia llolu th I date ol Ihe llrl publn allou nl Ibis nollce. I.i.i P K. WILLI AMS. Fiecutor of Ih last will ol Esther L. Williams, drcraisrd. IIKDol S A liltir H I II. Atiornays for F-ieeul- r. Fir. I iiiiln anon Nov. ;T, I'"i1 i' given Ih.i l .... nllh the i r ii l.lnn. i,f ... ... rlir ..,.i. .... ' 1 'itii,- ol lu of III. i I.', l.llt. nun. in win sin a, ,, I A,. .... . '."' tanf it ir II... Oregon, Nevada, and Washing,,. ,m. l"'v, a. eil ed In all In. p,,,, ,..U. I... ...I ..I A . . . ' ' 11 r-,1,1,.., Mil ,.iikii. i( .;,i l.ludqiilsl. of rorllaiul, eoiinty ",'. 1 koii. liai ltda ila. ,. , ""I'D rt-, Notice of Male of Iteal lroerty. In tbe Circuit Court ot the State of Ore gon lur Clackamas County. In tbe Matterof the Assignment 1 of E. M. Atkinson, an Insolvent Debtor, j Notice is hereby given hal umler and pursuant to the order ol the above entitle I court in the above eiditled matter, I will sell to tbe hiuhesd bidder for cash, at the front door ot the county Court House of Clackamas County in Oregon City on the (iiiihamt: :m- An ordinance fiximr the amount of the tax levy lor the year 1:).' and making a tax levy for the y ar lliu'i. ukeuox city poks ohuaix ai Follows: Thai 'here be and is hereby levied lor the I year IIKI a tax of tour in lis on each and! every dollar ol assessable properly, both real and i e sonal, within tbe limits of Ore gon City, Oregon. Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting ot the Council of Oregon City held December 2, l'.ju:;, and to Come up tor second reading and tinai passage at a Special meeting of the Corju'il ol t trefoil City to b held I'uesday the l.ith, day of De cember PrU'j at Ho clui-k K. M. Iiy order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon. BRUCE C. CURRY, Recorder. To Wliom It May Conrrrii, Notice is hereby given that the nnder Higtied ban now on ham money with u.l.lnl. In ,.lT U,.t.,.,.l ,.,....l l 1ltll.ll IW f.J ,J1 ,1', II ,Jir,,,,,v I.IIIIH, , No. 2. 3. 4 A 5 of seriea "B" issued by .ollce lo Oeillfora In tbe County Court nl the State of Ore- gun, for Clackamas County, Notice is hereby given that the under signed tiottfrieil Horse, Jr., has been duly apMiitited administrator ol the Estate . r i lioltfrieil lloe.e, r., derease.i, and also ad ministrator o! the estate of Eh.aln-th Roese, decea-eil. All trrsons having claims against said es tates or either of them are hereby requested lo present same with proper vouchers with in an months Iron, this date ti. said admin istrator at bis re-ideiu-e at Damascus, Ore gon, or at the otHce of his attorney at Ore gnu City. Oregon. Dated December 10. piffl LOT I FRIED 1IOESE, Jr. Administrator ol the e.tite of Outlined I'nese. hr.. deceased, and of the estate of Elizabeth ltnese, deceased. JNO, W. I.OPER, Att'y lor Adtn'r. police lor lisbll-ilasi. Tli.llier Land, Act June .1. 1.7S. l ulled Statea band Oltice, Oregon City Oregon, Sel. 1'J. I'.rnj, Nutlet is hereby given thai 111 compllatic with Hi provi.lonsif th art of ( nngre.a ol June 3. I.STH, entiile.l "An act lor Ih sale (if umbr lands in lb Hiis of California. Oreiton, Nevada and Washington Terrl lory. ' as extended to all Ibe 1'uMlo jnd States by act ol August 4. If r.', Henrietta llniwn, of Albany, coiintv ol I. Inn, Hta a nl Oregon, lias this day Hied In this iifhre bis sworn statement No. ir.'l . lor the purchase of Ibe K.S SE".; and HE". N K 1 , of Hn llon 0. J in loan. hip s,u. b a, Hang No. .1 E. arid will offer proof lo show that lb land sought ia more valuable for Its ilmtier or stone than lur agricultural plirisra. and If) establish his claim to said land Ix-hot the Register ami Receiver of tills nftlce al I Iregon City. Orego n Thursday, Ih loth day of December, pill. "he names as witnesses: Julius I'. Ilurke, ul i'orllaud, Oregon; E Iward llume, of 1'nrtlaiid. Oregon; Nar risaa E. Rail, ol For land, Oregnu; Thomas Devine, ol 1'iirtland, . 'reifon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested lo tile their claims lu this otllce on or Itrlore said Mill dav ol Dei emlier, I si;. Al.tiEliN.iN 8. DRES-ER, Regisler. .tlce lu 4'redilorsi. 12tb day of btceniber, !, at 10 a. ni., all ' School tliatrict No, 3, Clackama County, ol tbe following described real property locaied In said Coontv and state, lo wit; All of Uitsone(l), f wo (2), Three (3) Four (4), Five("j).Six (, Seven (Tl, Eight ( HJ, Nine (SI) and Ten (10) in Block One in Faiimount. Also all of Lot Two (2) and Lot Four (l)in Blor k Thirty Six (3; in Central Addition to 0 egon City, Clafkainas County, Stateof Oregon. Abo Ixjts lettered C, D, E. Y, I and J and the undivided half of lots lettered 0 and H in Buerm Vista, Clackamas county State of Oregon Also the following de scribed parcels of land in Park Addition to Oregon City, Clackamas Count;, State oj Oregon, to wit: Lots One fl, Two 2J, Three (3J, Four 4. and Five SJ in Block Sixteen thereof and Jits four i, F'ive S and Six Ui in Block Seven T thereof and tbe North ball of Lot Eight J in Block Ten thereof. E. G. CAU FIELD, Assignee of . M. Atkinson, Insolvent Debtor NEWTON' McCOY, Aitnrney for Assignee. Dec. II. In the circuit court ol the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Nancy E. Tibodo. Plaintiff,) vs. ( Norris N. Tibodo, Defendant.) To Norris N Tibodo, the above-named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 11th dav of December, l!Mi, and if you tail to so appear and answer said complaint with in said lime the plaintiff will apply lo the court for tbe relief prayed lor in plaintiffs complaint, towit: That tbe bonds of mat rimony existing between plaintiff and de fendant be dissolved and held for naught. Tbis summons is published pursuant to an order made by tbe Hon. 'Ibos. F. Ryan, judge of the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and entered this 2Htb day of Octoer, 13, Ibe first publica tion of tbis summons being October .'ju, 1!8, and tbe !' publi ation thereof to be Jiecember 11, LJ3. O B. DIMICK arid. GEO. L. STORY. Attorney! for Plaintiff, Oregon, on the 1st dav ol Nov. lM.'J undersigned will redeem and pay mid bond, within thirty day from tbe date of this notice. Dated Dec. 11. J!l03, A I). Dec. 18. F.N0S CAM ILL, Treasurer of Clackamaa County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has leeu appointed by the County (,' nirr of the t-ute of (regon, ,,r the C'liitiiy of Cla' kamas, administratrix ol the estate of Valentine Itohlander. All persons hav ing clmnis against said esiate are here! y notilieil anil directed to present the same properly vrilied as bv law required at Ibe fittipe fit I'qti-li I' Hz-hnriM-l In I Iru.n I'n. The i Oregon, within sx months after the date oi this notice. AITOI.ONIA BOH LA N DER, Administratrix of tbe Esiate of Valentine It inlander. Deceased. First publication December 11, I ; ar r.'i. U R'- N A SCIIUEIiEL, Attorneys for Adruinlstratrix. otIe In the County Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for the County of Clsckamaa. In the matter of the application of Louis Pa-riovsky for a change of name to J-ouls Dans. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given tbat a decree was on this 7th day of December granted by the above en titled Court changing the n.nie of Ixiuis Danovsky to lxuis Dans and that by said decree the legal name of the party hereto fore known as lonis Danovsky shall here after be Louis DariB. Dated this 7th dav of December, l'i3. THOS. F. RYAN, Judge. Liquor License. Notice ia hereby given that I will ap ply at the regular meeting of tbe city council at ita January meeting for re newal of my Falooti license at rny prenent place of businenp, Main and Fourth etreets. Dec IS V. E. Wilson. ."oile. Notice Is hereby g yen that the iimler signed has lieen duly appointed Adminis trator of the estate of Ole Hanson, deceased stir) any one having claims against said es tate must present them to tbe undermgried at bis otllce in Oregon City, Oregon, within ix months from tbe date of this nolice. Dated Nov. 27, 1'j3. (i. II. DIMICK, Administrator of the esiate of Ole Hanson, Deceased. GEO. L. STORY, Atty. for Adrn . N MM . In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for the County nl Clackamas. Martha CroUer. I'laintilt, Vs. , John Croiter, Defendant. ) To John Crot.i r. Petendant. In the nam of the Htale of tireguu : You are hereby required In appear and answer the complaint hied against yni lh i,e atMive etiii'.led suit within ten day a Irom the ser vice of this siimu.ona upon you if served within this county and state hut II served within any other county in Una slate then within twenty days Irom the date of Ibis sun. minis upon you, and il this summon, is served upon you by publication you are required lo appear and answer on or U-fore the last dav prescrmed in the order lor publication, towit: The Mb day ol Dei, A. P. 1'Si.l and if you lad to an swer, for want thereof the' plaimill will apply to the Court tor relief demanded in the com pi ami. to-wit; for a decree dissolving the bonds ol ina'rtmouy herelolnr existing between tbe plaintill and delemlant and for her costs and dstiursenooils herein This summons is published by other ul tbe Hon. Thus. F. Ryan, Judge of th County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County and Ihe first publication thereof ia had on the L'.'td dav ol OcioU-r A. P., 'f'- W.'l'. II I'M E. Attorney lor the I'lainliff .V tire ( I rdll rs In Ibe C .unity Court nl tfie Stal of Oregon for the ('.'(inly ol Clackamas. In Ibe matter of ibe eslalo ol t otirad sicbrordrr deceasod Notice ia hen-by given that the under signed baa lo-eii appointed by tbe County Court ol I'lsi kain.a County, Oregon, ad mltiistratr l ol tbe ratal of Conrad cbritd.'r, deceased. All persons having claim against said estate ar hereby botllled and directed Id prrnt Hi same to in prorly veri fied, a by law ri.iird al lb olm ol I' Rell an.I Scliiiebs-I In Oregon City, Orrgon, williin six uionth from the date ol thla indie. ANNA SCHROFPFK. Aduilliiatratrix ol the iwtalu of Conrad N-hrorder, dps-eased. Dated Nov. tl. 1 1 i.l L"KKN A SCIIUKIIEL. Attyslor Adinmistralrix. I'leriilor .o'lce. Notice a hereby given that the under signed baa'.tasen pHitnt.d executor.! th estate ol Hugh Miller, deceased, by lb Hon. County Court of lb State ol Orr gon, for Clackama County. All pers.Jin having claims against Ihe said elal ar bereby nelilied to prraeiit the same lo ine .,r paymenl at my atom si Damascus, Clackamas County, tire, gon, with proN.r vouchers, within six mouths from this date or they ill br forever barred. J. C. Fl I lorr. Kxeeiilor ol lb F.stitle ol I lliiw'b Miller, Deceased. j tt.mi.oN Iv 1 1 a y r.M, Atlorm-y for Fstute. I ' ibis 4tb day ol Nov., I'.kO. I SSI. aill.i! 'rrt. I.anii Aui . iiliifc llilanllhv blaawoiu nlru,eit ii'i 1,11 lb pur. base ol th Eu .,i u ..' ... br No, 17 P, Township V, H, u' and w III oiler priH.I in show u, ..' " ' . so.ighl la more laluahl.lnr p. tt.", st. die than lor1 aitrh ulliii.l p,.,m, " establish Ilia claim lo aaid Ui J ,"' Register and Rr. elver ol ihl.niti,, f" gnu CHy, Oreaon on ,M lav, t 4ITI DAY "FJAM AUY.i:. He naiuea aa wlliirasra. Joseph Ma.rl, of I'nrilan.l nugusi P.iiing, ul I'.otund J antra llrnw u, ol Fortlaiul, Orrgn'i, pilvre, of Salmon, Orrguu. Any ami all persntia nlaiiiib.K l() th bov-dr.rriH-. lands at. trnu.., J III their, l-dllia III Ihlaolll,, ,, ' . 1 " tabltiliday I January, pa. ,ur Al.I.ERMON S. Olt'l- K-iKlt, R'liii.r, ni nmns " " In th Clrciill Curl of tha Hiata of i. gon, lor lu Co. i i.iy ol Clai kan.a.. Ella I.. K.lly, I'lalmllti . bull. K.lly, Prlnmlaut. To hulls Krlly, drlrndant lu Ih nam. ol Ih. Hiai ol Orrnoi,. y ar. h.r.i.y r....lrts appear ami nJ Ib.roii.plaliit lll.l agaln.i yoiin, ib, " .Milled soil within l.n dai, f,,,,,, ol ll.r arrvlc of Inn at m,a ti .TJ wrved llliln Ibis en only ai., ltip (.J aerv.d Williin any olhar counly within la.nly ,,,', .late ol ibis s.imii.ona upon y.m and If u. aiiniiiinlia la wr.rd UKlli y.i.i by fiutilafc lion inn ar r.ii!rd lo annrar an. I ai.iu on nr brfur (br last day prrs ririr, n n, ordr h.r pnbiiraiion, i li 'abj,. day ol Isrcoilirr A P P. ', and II w to auswrr tor want there., i it,, piail,bf) ap ly to Ih. Coiul fur rebel driuaiMlH ls Ihe oiiplalul, loan: r..r a us. rt suiting Ih homls of inairliiiiiny lirriiubn rllsllng bjlwern In plalnulf and IUI.M. aid and I r a dr. re. rhanging II. a Lima Ibe plaintill to Ella L, Urt. hrt andkva .hi. and ili.nnrsrm.nia hrrrin, I nl. am na ia pni. Ilili. d l.y Ihoina.F. Ryan, Jtnlgr ol li.e Cmtr Court ol lb snai. of uret.i.n flarkimai I Hunt y and lb. llrat pi.l,,i, i,., , ha I ui. Ih. ,"r. day uf I t le r, l n . I. Ill ,IK. A Homey for th. I'Uii.iifJ. .battler to Creditor. Nolle la hereby given thai ,( nidil slgnrd has hern by lb. mtniiy court o in tlai of Orrgon, l,,r in (.unity of ( la. apisdnird s.liiilni.iranir 0 h stal. uf K ti ml lingrii, dr. .awl it creditors and raona bavlnn rlaimisirsjng sal. I est at. ar rpiirxi lu praatit lb sain. prorly varill.d, .i insm.dar. s.gnrd al lb i.ltl.r id ll..l,T. (inffiU. at Oregon Clly. Oregon, williin ill moaU from tb dal of Ih flr.l iiuhltraiius f this not lr. CAlll.KA.SXrX of Ih. ratal ul kntal, il.reaad, Kiral pubbrailoii Nov.!", I'ill. llano aa a liairrmi, Alioriirys lor Administrator Nov. 13, rsjatltrse f Applnli.eal.l 4fl- Ulralar. In lb. Counly Court of Clay kttDM Coiirily, Mate ot OreiMUi. lu Ih matter of the Fatal ef JolUI lender, dec-rased. Notice la hrrrby given that Ii. W. A'k foid was on ine Jnd .lay ..I N .vemtsir, l.'A, appolnlrd Admliilalran.r of Ilia Kstats ol J. din Lender. pn-se, an.I all rt baying flaims sgaiu.t said e.tat. ar brr by nolifie-l lo present ll.r same prilrthV Verlll.-I tt.n..ll mm. lbs from t' II ilSl al Ibe olbce ol Cak A Cake So '.'lu C' of Con, mere llldg., I'o'.lau l . I'.iT'n. Ii. W. AMIKi'Uli. Ad...ihi-1' Paled tin. I.'ib day ot N.nriiilsir, r'4 For Young; Men and Young Women. There is nothing tbat will arouse; the ire of a young man or woman soqniclc as to Lave inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever to well, but il their shirt front or shirt waiet is mutiny, tbeir neat appearance is spoiled. Tbe Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. OKIH.-1A.X : XO- An ordinance levying a lax of two mills lor the purpose of street Improvements. Oreiron City does ordain as lollows: Tbat a tax of two mills be and is harehy levied on each and every dollar of assessa ble prierty, botli real and personal, with in the limits of Oregon City, Oregon for Ihe improvement of streets. Read first time and ordered published at a scial tnee'itig of the council of Ore gon City held December , and to come up lor second reading and linal pass age at a special meeting of the council of Oreiron City to be held Tuesday, December '), I'.M. Uy order of the city council of Oregon Citv, Oregon. BRLCK C. CL'RRY, Recorder. Roller w I'lnul Mrltlrinriit. Notice is bereby given that the under signed executor ol Ihe CHtateol Catbrine Knight, Deceaaeil, lias tiled her final ac count In said estate in the County Court of the blabs of Oregon, for Clackamas County, ami that tbe Judge of said Court has appointed Monday, December 1 lib., llKi.'t, at 10 o'clock A. M., for hearing ole jections to said account and for settling said estate. LOUISE KNIGHT, a Exennlor of the estate of Catbrine Knight, Deceased. GEO. C. I1ROWNELL. HOWARD M. R ROW NELL, Attorneys for Executor. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1902. .Mice of her iff 's Ui TAX EXECUTION. Treasurer' Notice I now have money to pay county warrantaendorsed prior to April 1, 1'JOl. bIhq road warrants endorHed prior to July 1st, l'JU3. luterext will cease on such warrants on tbe date of tbis notice, Oregon Cily, Oregon, December 4, ltKKL E.nos Caiiii.i., Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Holler! Tor I'uMlcalloii. Department of the Interior, Ijind Office at Oregon City, Oregon, October 31, 1W3. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has Hied nolice of his intention to make linal proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made belore the Regisler and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on DECEMBER 12. 1!K)3, viz: Hert C. Palmer II. E. No lor tbe NEJ of Kec. 12. T. 5 H.f R 12010 3 E. Stats or Our. .ok, Cut Sir OF Cl.ACKAMAS.f To .1 R. Hhaver. Hherill of Clackamas County, I iregon, (ireeling : III tbe name ol Ibe Htale of Oregon, You are bereby commanded to advertise and sell in Ibe manner provided by law the several articles of personal property and parcels ol real properly upon w hich taxes have been respectively levied for the year V.r ami which are marked and extended as unpaid and deliniiuent iixin the accom panying tax mil n I Clackamas County for said year V.)' and that you pay over all money so collected to the county treasurer of said county as required hy law Witness my hand and Ibe aeal of Ihe county court of the Hta! of Oregon for Ihe County of Clackamas Ibis L'olh day of No vember A.I). l!i.'l. .-l K. A.KLEKillT, County Clerk of Clackamas County, Ore. State of Oregon, ) Clackamas County ) I hereby ce. tlfy that the foregoing Is a true and correct ropy uf the original warrant foe the collection of th. leiniint taxes lor th year l!Kr.' ami of Ih whole thereof of such original now In my hands and that f he -rime was receive,! ,y me ,,, ".u, ,, f November, luo.l. ' u. . , , J R. HHAVE'.t. Hherill and Tax Collector tor Clackamas Counly, Oregon. Now, therefore. In obedience to the com mands of the said above mentioned war rant I will on the lllh day ol .lunnury 1001. Amtrlti. t I. II If .1 at the hour r,f 9 o'clock A. M. at my .,111c liilheC a. kamaa County Court bona, in Oregon City. Clackamas County, Oregon sell the several tract or parcels of real prop. He names tie following witnesses to ci;kn... I"8"'. ""l "f I llin... lireinn i.v (t.s yesr nroVH bia continuous reaiilem e nr.n .n,l t'.'' ..,.i - .' 1 . . ir .. . . . . , , " .' :, '- -"" '"-scripunn ol which protiertv. cultivation of said land, viz: I'. E. amount of taxes inter... ... ,.r i. Hdnney, of Cotton, Oregon ; U. H. Dix, of , l"llies accrued against each tract tyOiton uregon; i. u. lux, or Colton, Oreon;F. M. Baker, of Elwotxl, Ore gon, ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register, and in. .... . ... .. : - e,.; . V owner wnen Known or person to whom taxed, is as follows, to-wit: AmL due. . ' F An undivided lnt In 5.20 acre na described n Record of Uee,i, Clackama Co.. I Iregon, Hook P, p ik' "s. Atkinson, section 12. acres 2 la; tux II HI, penalty I'I CI. Inter est il.a flin kb-v. Jobi.nnii Mi.rsl.l.iinks, lnt ;i;. blo k 7; lux lu I-'. I'""" IlltV ID.UI. Inlerrat I'l.t'l Itu.-klev. Wlllliim K. Mirli bunk, lot :i7. libM-k T: tux I" '-, pi'tnilty lu.ol. Interest I'll! lliicklev. I. J., Jr. .Miirchhiinks. lot 3. l.hK-k 7: Inx in 1-1. I" ally 10.01, Interest u 01 Clove, (', A. Miirclibiuika. lot 1. block !); lux 10.13, pelil.ll' I" ."I. Inlerrat 1001 Miirchbiirik. lot . block ; la 10.1'.'. pennlly f 0.01. Interest 1001 Hviiwcnd, Clrorglnnu, and Frusler, Jrnnli' le Murclibunka. lot 12. block tl; lux I'i 12. pen alty 10.01, Interest So 01 Mnrchbnnk. lot U. block . tax 10.1.1. pennlly 10.01. Interest 1001 Mnrchbnnk. lot H. block 9; tax loi'J, penalty 0.0I, Interest 10.01 Miirchhiinks, lot ir,. block 9: tax 10 1.1. penally 10.01. Inteieat mm (iove, r. A Mnrchbanka. lot 1. Ido. k ; tr.x 10.1.1, penalty 10.01, .f Interest to.OI Dwyer. Krnnrls W. nohertsnn. lot 12. Mock 3; tax II H. P"'- Hi t y 10.11. Interest SO. 1 0) Itobertson. lot 1, block 1S; tax II II. penally 10.11. Itit"'" 10.10 2. block 10.11, .11 !l .11 l! If II l.U in: tnx Interest ftoberlHon. lot 11.12. pennlly 10.10 , Robert eon, lot II II, petifilty 10.10 Robertson, lot tilt, penalty 10.10 It'ibi-waon, lot 11.12. pennlly 10.10 , Irrlgntlon Lumber Fuel Ca Itobertson, uth hnlf or l' block 20; tax I0.H0, penally tn na Inl.erMl tO. 07 Unhe'rtaon. lot tl. block 1112. penally toil Continued on TK Ni"'- 3, block 10.11. I, block 10. 11. J, block 10.11, IS; tax Interest H; tn Interest IS; tax Interest ?0: tax Intereat 15